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S17.E03: Episode 3

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Lord, I hate Jace more and more with each word out of his mouth.  Shut up. Broooooooooooo.



As others have mentioned, this seems to be one of the most self-aware group of houseguests that we've had in a while, and he sure seemed to be intentionally trying to come up with "kooky" banter between he and Austin that the fans watching would totally be into because everyone must love those two wild and crazy bros.


Jace deserves a penalty nom for his hairstyle at the nomination ceremony. Ugh, Jace don't you know you.re on tv?

Personally, I thought Jace was pretty transparent. All the loud mouth-running, Bro Code-ing, weird hair-ing, etc. are simply devices to attain Jace's primary goal - maximizing camera face time for Jace.

I don't think the boy is necessarily stupid; I think Jace was acutely aware from the start he had next-to-no real chance of making it to F2, so he's shooting for the closest thing to a consolation prize - getting and keeping the lenses on his mug as much as possible while he's in the House, so he can try parlaying it into some kind of acting/performance gig after he leaves the House. I do think Jace's single-minded focus on this goal will be ultimately counterproductive, however, as he has drastically underestimated the degree to which his "look at me" antics have alienated him from the rest of the House - which will get him booted from the House (and out from in front of the cameras) MUCH more quickly than if he had simply turned his volume down a few notches from 11.

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Personally, I thought Jace was pretty transparent. All the loud mouth-running, Bro Code-ing, weird hair-ing, etc. are simply devices to attain Jace's primary goal - maximizing camera face time for Jace.

I don't think the boy is necessarily stupid; I think Jace was acutely aware from the start he had next-to-no real chance of making it to F2, so he's shooting for the closest thing to a consolation prize - getting and keeping the lenses on his mug as much as possible while he's in the House, so he can try parlaying it into some kind of acting/performance gig after he leaves the House. I do think Jace's single-minded focus on this goal will be ultimately counterproductive, however, as ,he has drastically underestimated the degree to which his "look at me" antics have alienated him from the rest of the House - which will get him booted from the House (and out from in front of the cameras) MUCH more quickly than if he had simply turned his volume down a few notches from 11.

Yeah, I don't think Jace is this much of a tool IRL, he just wants to guarantee he gets enough network camera time every week. But he blew his wad waaaaay too early. He should have saved up some of his rehearsed antics for, like, July.

I could say the same for Audrey. I loves me some crazy, but I really appreciate a slow burn.

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Too much going on too early.

So much word... as if it's not enough to get to know everyone the game mechanizations are taking up most of the network time. I get they want their twists but ya know a sundae can be real tasty with just the regular hot chocolate over vanilla ice cream. Changing the ice cream to tootie frooty and adding 7 kinds of chopped up candybars on top just gives you a stomach ache...


And yeah I was surprised to see the time delay, I was having TAR flashbacks! I guess any Sunday show is now subject to delays *adds a 15 minute buffer for the rest of the season*

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I understand the doubts about John.  The guy does not have a professional bearing at all.


Yea, I get that, but the thing is - why lie and call yourself a dentist? How does that help you? Dentists generally make good money, so you'd be opening yourself up to to being a target based on not needing the money as much as the others. (I'm not saying that's a valid excuse, but some players DO think that way.) Do they think he's lying because "dentist" sounds cool or something? I just don't see it as being advantageous to the game. 

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I KNOW John is actually a dentist, yet I still find it hard to believe!  I don't fault anyone in the House for not believing his story.  I can't imagine letting myself be put under with my mouth wide open while that guy was staring down at me with sharp weapons in his hands,


I remember in one of the Pink Panther movies where Inspector Clousseau disguises himself as a dentist and gasses both himself and his boss, former Chief Inspector Dreyfuss -- before pulling out the wrong tooth! LOL

Edited by Gregg247
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I have never understood lying right out of the gate about something so personal as your career. You're already in a pressure cooker of alliances, sub-alliances, fake alliances, white lies, major lies, and 24/7 paranoia. Why pile on the added burden of coming up with a school teacher (or dentist) CV?

I remember season 11 Natalie couldn't even keep up with the lie of shaving 5 years off her age.

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Yea, I get that, but the thing is - why lie and call yourself a dentist? How does that help you? Dentists generally make good money, so you'd be opening yourself up to to being a target based on not needing the money as much as the others. (I'm not saying that's a valid excuse, but some players DO think that way.) Do they think he's lying because "dentist" sounds cool or something? I just don't see it as being advantageous to the game. 

Is a Second Grade Teacher much cooler? It's more selfless perhaps, but not cooler.


It was weird to think he was lying about being a Dentist, however it's not that weird that someone who actually had that strategy themselves is projecting it onto someone else.  


The thing is he seems shifty and untrustworthy in talking heads, but does he really OUTSIDE of them?  It's tough to tell.

I'll have to sit through 50 minutes of the show again on demand just so I can see the last 5-10 minutes we missed because the DVR cut-off.



That's what the program jump button is for. It's usually 10 mins/press these days so you can't get right to what you need to see, but it's better than starting it running and remembering to come back in around 3/4 of an hour.


I wish I could, but my "On Demand" service on Verizon Fios has fast-forward disabled, so I'm stuck with the whole thing, including commercials.  So yeah, have to start it, and remember to come back in 45 minutes.



I'm thinking maybe he's still in school studying to be a dentist or on a break from college where he was pursuing that but has no real desire to actually become one.

His bio says John is 27.


He could have finished dental school at 25-26 (4 years bachelors, 4 year dental school).  It's possible to finish high school, and undergrad faster than that too.



He is a practicing dentist: http://keystonedentalscr.com/about-us/our-dentists/john-r-mcguire-dmd.html

He got his degree in 2013. It looks like last year was his internship, and this year he is in full practice.

Edited by Skittl1321
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I wish I could, but my "On Demand" service on Verizon Fios has fast-forward disabled, so I'm stuck with the whole thing, including commercials.  So yeah, have to start it, and remember to come back in 45 minutes.

Maybe you need a different remote. According to the Fios support page, not all have the function to skip (which defaults at 10 secs but can be set much longer). It's the network that decides what buttons work and on my Comcast system, skip still works even though fast-forward doesn't. Of course, this could be an issue with your local branch of Verizon, in which case, never mind.

I'm much more of a fan of BBUK, and I'm trying to reconnect with BBUS and all of its competitiveness, non-stop talk of cliques and nominations, and Wipeout-style games. After the first three episodes, my opinions are forming on this group.


This summer's BBUS housemates are so much more palatable than last year's and the year before last's housemates. Unfortunately, yelling (and sounding like you're reading cue cards) in the Diary Room is still a "thing." 


James the country boy housemate is serious about the game! Liz seems chill, and chill people often tend to be good housemates.  think I am okay with the Amazing Race people, even though their relationship seems crappy. 


Da'Vonne and Meg are way too fake for my taste. Da'Vonne is working so hard to emulate the Braxton sister who is on The Talk. Meg--the animated retro-ish hipster act is so tired. 


I think it's funny that they're not trusting the dentist from Scranton because he's a bit odd and The Office was based in Scranton, PA.  I did my undergrad in Scranton...trust me, no one in their right mind would pretend to be from there.  


Did I miss a mention of Steve being on the mild side of the spectrum?  His speech patterns and his mannerisms piqued my curiosity (I'm certified in SpEd, and he pinged my radar). 


Clay is very cute, but Shelli and her mousy face and loud voice get on my nerves. Their semi-showmance seems a bit contrived, since they started it off just minutes after entering the house on Day 1. 

I don't know why they don't use the wheel 'o keys (or whatever it's called).  They could have everyone go through the wheel until 4 people are left.  Then, while the 4 stew, the HOHs can each go through their box 'o 2-keys just the way they do now.  So, you'd get the suspense of the wheel 'o keys, plus added stewing time from all the nominees.

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Hilarious that Jace did a BroCode about Bros warning Bros about getting questionable tattoos, and he's proudly displaying that HazMat/Illuminati nightmare on his chest.  Austin may have five times the ink, but his works; Jace's tat just looks awful.


Also majorly bummed that Jason's smoking undoes one of the few good things about last year's cast.  Not simply from a health standpoint (what do I care, really?), but because this means there's likely to be a "smoker's corner" advantage, with this year's Dick/Jeff/Amanda equivalents and their cronies commandeering the backyard couch and being free to plot, secure that the non-smokers won't want to horn in on the conversation if it means sucking down carcinogens.  Losing the smokers levels the playing field, besides literally clearing the air.  Hopefully, he's the only one, and it won't matter so much, but I wouldn't bet on it.


I too miss the hell out of the Wheel O' Keys, but I understand that for Battle of the Block purposes, it's important that the nominees know which HoH nominated them, and the Bluetooth makes it clearer.  Which is another reason to dump BotB, of course.  But unfortunately the trend seems to be running in the other direction:  BBCan3 used a display approach (with a slot machine theme) even though they (thankfully) had no BotB in their version.  Boo, bring back the keys.


The last pure pawn I remember going home was Andrew in Week 3 of BB12.  (No, HoH Mensa Matt never had any intention of backdooring Brendon or Rachel, despite the incredibly weak "if all the stars align and I absolutely have to" DRs they made him do about it;  Matt has written that he wanted Brenchel on the Jury because they had been deeply affected by the story about his wife's [fake] leg disease and were sure votes for him.  [brendon was going to cure Stacy's leg disease…with physics!]  Matt wanted Kathy gone before jury, since she didn't give two craps about Stacy's leg [what with her own battle with cancer] and had tried to evict Matt the previous week.)  But Steve is right to be concerned, since he's a very vulnerable pawn, IMO.  He's been incompetent in the comps, so people can feel he's "undeserving", yet at the same time the "Ian vibe" is enough of an excuse to be fearful and boot him, this early on.  And he doesn't seem to have forged the social connections he'd need to win a vote.  (Wouldn't it be funny if Steve was the twins?  And the awkwardness was just an act so people don't look closely enough to see the difference?  Not betting on that one, though.)


Had no idea about Becky and the train.  Wow.  (Was a stoned Spencer driving?)  If she wins, she can join BB9 Adam in the "facial-reconstruction surgery is the key" category.  Although I like her results much better than what "Baller" got.


And if they are really going to do a "Fast-Forward", then it should be more than guaranteed safety; Da'Vonne, Vanessa, Liz and Austin should be ineligible to play in the veto and disqualified from voting, since those activities are part of Week 1 and the four safe players are "already on Week 2" in theory.  That would make this more interesting, I believe.


Still loving John.  Still no clue why.

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this means there's likely to be a "smoker's corner" advantage, with this year's Dick/Jeff/Amanda equivalents and their cronies commandeering the backyard couch and being free to plot, secure that the non-smokers won't want to horn in on the conversation if it means sucking down carcinogens.

As a lifelong non-smoker, I've never been concerned with brief exposure to someone's smoke. I have sometimes been put off by the smell of someone smoking cheap garbage, but if it's important enough, you just try to dodge the brunt of it.


he's proudly displaying that HazMat/Illuminati nightmare on his chest.  Austin may have five times the ink, but his works; Jace's tat just looks awful.

Agreed. Watching assorted tattoo shows on teevee tells me that placement and how it 'flows with the body' is a key to a decent tattoo and Jace's def. fails in that area as it just looks wierd with the placement and the "glowing" elements.

Hilarious that Jace did a BroCode about Bros warning Bros about getting questionable tattoos, and he's proudly displaying that HazMat/Illuminati nightmare on his chest.  Austin may have five times the ink, but his works; Jace's tat just looks awful.

Holy crap, that's one of the funniest things I've seen on this whole site. And so true.


Steve reminds me of a friend who's very Christian, extremely awkward, goes in for too many hugs, gets the punchlines of jokes technically right but with the worst timed delivery, and very sexually inexperienced but wants to hear/talk about it. After working with him for a while I learned that i could tease him about stuff and he'd just spring back, but in the BB potential-vote-against-you situation I can imagine how cringe-worthy it's going to get.

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In his diary room sessions, John looks like he's hopped up on speed or something, and he's a bit crazy-eyed. Not what I'd want to see leaning over me with a drill and it would probably take me right out of a nitrous haze.

I don't know what they pipe into that Diary Room, but it makes them all loud and forces them to have an unnatural cadence. It always seems so fake to me.

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