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11 hours ago, Care Bear Stare said:

Anyway, I LOVED this season.  It's definitely my favorite of the 3.  

I think it might be mine as well.  I just did a rewatch of the first 2 seasons, and there is a LOT of Pablo.  Fortunately, Wagner Moura was incredible, and it wasn't noticeable until this season, but having 4 narco traffickers instead of just one and their relationships really created a more tense and dynamic storyline.  Not having Murphy's family drama but Jorge's with real and believable stakes (because Murphy was the "star," so he probably wasn't going to die) helped give that story real depth and gravitas.  Plus, by the end of season 2, Pablo's whining about his "rights" when he'd murdered thousands of innocent people, police officers, and an adorable cat wore very, very thin.  The Cali cartel was smarter and could read the room. 

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This show is my jam right now. I'm totally fascinated by how compartmentalized Gilberto Rodriguez's life is. The dude literally has everything planned down to the minute. Also, as someone who watched Big Love, I couldn't help but be amazed at the idea that Gilberto's three wives apparently all get along and that's part of the deal of them being allowed to enjoy his money. Lol, that Sundays are his day for football. Like football is another wife to him. 

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Damn, this episode was suspenseful.  The show really kicked it up a notch from Episode 4 on.

I call Miguel's son David "Columbian Joffrey" as he looks like him and is about as likeable...

Edited by benteen
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Yay, Narcos is back! As much as I enjoyed Steve and Javi's partnership, I think that Pedro Pascal is a stronger actor so I'm glad that if we only get to keep one of them, it's Javi. And from a story point of view, I'm glad that Steve gave up his dangerous job and is with his wife and kid.

Wagner Moura left pretty big shoes to fill, both as an actor and as a character, so it will be interesting to see if any of the Cali cartel people end up being as interesting to watch.

I was kind of cracking up over Gilberto's Michael Corleone wish fulfillment to make the business legitimate. The fact that he didn't discuss it with the others beforehand does not bode well.

That poor kid who they roped into wearing the body camera! I really felt for him, but when he was at the party Mr. EB immediately noticed that the camera looked nothing like the other buttons on his shirt so we were trying to figure out if the DEA wanted him to get caught or if they just figured that no one looks at the help.

So far Jorge is the one coming off as the most sympathetic because he wants to leave and they won't let him.

I kind of felt like I was watching the first episode of The Wire because there are so many characters and even though I don't know all their names, I can at least recognize their faces and remember who they work for. But if someone asked me to name ten of them, I wouldn't be able to do it (yet!). For that reason, it was a little exciting every time I recognized one of the actors. Detective Furey from Pretty Little Liars aka DJ from The OC! Jaime from Broad City!

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Poor Jorge! Why did he have to be the one to blackmail that guy in person? The Rodriguez family has plenty of employees they could have sent instead.

How long before Maria becomes the other guy's new girlfriend?

I know I shouldn't laugh because these guys were ruthless killers, but hearing Chepe step up the countdown from ten amused me (as did his annoyance when the gun got so hot that his smock caught on fire). I personally would have made one of those girls rinse out the relaxer before getting down to business. Those chemicals can really damage your hair! I know, I know, I'm being way too practical.

Man, no matter how sideways shit went with Steve and Javi, they never had their photos on the front page of the newspaper like that!

David doesn't seem very smart. He might end up being the Fredo of the Rodriguez family.

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If wanting a spinoff comprised only of Navegante and Jorge in a car, the former chattering on about something disturbing/bizarre while the latter looks on in barely concealed horror is wrong...well, then I don't want to be right.

Edited by eejm
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What will Narcos be like in a post-Escobar Columbia? Its certainly better dressed, if nothing else. The Cali Cartel guys have such a different vibe from Pablo and his lackeys, its interesting to see how they work, in comparison to Pablo. While Pablo was in many ways a very motivated business man, he had such a massive chip on his shoulder when it came to the rich and powerful, and he was just so petty and desiring of recognition, that his empire fell apart when he pissed off too many of the wrong people. The Cali guys are basically, as the narration said, a typical Fortune 500 company with smooth operators and diplomatics, who just happen to deal in cocaine. That being said, just because they are not as violent as Escobar, does not mean these guys are soft. Seeing just how in control they are of the city was chilling. I dont know if the show will top the Escobar arc, but I`m interested in seeing them try. 

The sequence where the one Cali Cartel guy was slow dancing with a guy in front of the rival guy was super intense and interesting. Its like he was yelling "you got a problem, say it to my face. Oh wait, you cant do that", but with musical accompaniment. 

It will be super weird not having Murphy around anymore (as well as much of the rest of the old cast) and I will miss him, especially his partnership with Javi, but from a character perspective, I am glad he went home to be with his wife and daughter. Its a good ending for him. Well, if we just had to keep one DEA guy, I will take Javi. I liked seeing his family and some more of his background, and EJO was great in his few scenes as Javis dad. 

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Fun fact I learned recently: Navegante briefly takes Gerda Salazar hostage while taking her grandson, then throws her out of the car.  The actors who play Gerda and Navegante are mother and son.

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On 9/11/2017 at 8:14 PM, itsadryheat said:

Pompous ass and his pompous ass wife. And to think they are probably living next to one of us. Hope they are getting their pompous asses checked living in the USA.

I feel the same way but for me he was the MVP in this episode in terms of humor. The moment when he takes back the wad of cash and give the guy a single bill now that he knows it's only a formality. Lol this guy was a piece of work. I agree too about the line where his family needed a certain amount of square footage was great. 

I really enjoyed this season and thought that the take down of the Cali cartel was just as fascinating as all of the Escobar stuff. I so desperately wanted these guys to get caught and was in agony when I thought that Jorge was a goner. In spite of the horrible things he did to keep his family alive, especially the thing with Enrique, I couldn't help but root for his survival. 

We've met some really tough pricks in these series and that Salazar granny was one of them. Jesus, she was scary and horrible. They all were.

Gilberto was interesting and I wish that we'd got to know him a little better in season 2 especially with his polygamy drama. I thought it was funny that Sunday was for football like football is another wife of his. As someone who watched Big Love the idea that the women were forced to get along if they wanted to enjoy his millions was fascinating to me because I wonder how well that played out in reality. 

David was such a sack of shit. Sometimes the sons in this series are even worse than their asshole parents. I'm thinking back to season 1 with that asshole son who killed the maid who didn't want to have sex with him. 

Chepe was another monstrous but entertaining character. I loved the scene in the salon where he speeds up the countdown on these guys and they're like WTF?--OH!! I also really enjoyed the line "Fucking Dominicans. Exactly!" His death felt very appropriate and a long time in coming. 

I will say that I wasn't quite as intrigued with the female characters in this series. The stuff with Judy last season had me on the edge of my seat, plus dissecting the hypocrisy of somebody like Pablo's mom and wife fascinated me. I liked the scenes with Salcedo's wife but didn't feel like I got to know her very well. Same thing with Miguel's wife. I wish we'd seen more of Gilberto's wives before and after his arrest. Were they living in reduced circumstances and were they still continuing to "get along"? 

Pallomari's wife was interesting but again, I wish we could have seen a bit more of her and what was going on there. 

I liked the reporter and thought that she was a nice addition. 

I'm definitely looking forward to the fourth season. It never takes me longer than a week to finish each season of this show. It's so good, it bums me out that it doesn't get more attention in terms of award recognition. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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David AKA Columbian Joffrey.

Did Franklin not realize he was being set up at the end?  At least anticipate that was going to happen.

Really been enjoying this season, it's the best one yet.

Edited by benteen
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I thought this season was absolutely phenomenal. However great Moyra was in his portrayal of Escobar, I found this seasons villains to be much more intriguing. The dynamic of the 4 godfathers playing off of each other was great. Each one of the 4 was very interesting, unique and had their own motivations. Intact I would have liked to have seen a bit more of Pacho and Chepe, I think they both could have had a bit more to do during the season. 

This season felt much more like a drama which made it more edge of your seat and intense. This may be because I did not know the full story of the Cali Cartel like I did about Escobar but the season was less of a documentary and more of an intense drama. No offense to Murphy but he was the weak link of seasons 1 and 2; his elimination actually helped the show quite a bit. 

I am also disappointed to see that there are few comments in the episode threads, because there are many layered things in each episode that would be very interesting to discuss. 

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I agree that the dance scene with Pacho was to show the power and influence of the Cali Cartel. I can't imagine that attitudes toward homosexuality in 90s Colombia were very progressive and yet nobody dared call him out, give a frown or even make any sound during the dance scene because they knew that power that Pacho had. 

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On 9/18/2017 at 4:04 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


I kind of felt like I was watching the first episode of The Wire because there are so many characters and even though I don't know all their names, I can at least recognize their faces and remember who they work for. But if someone asked me to name ten of them, I wouldn't be able to do it (yet!). For that reason, it was a little exciting every time I recognized one of the actors. Detective Furey from Pretty Little Liars aka DJ from The OC! Jaime from Broad City!

I have tried watching this first episode twice already and have failed to make it to the end each time.  I couldn't understand why.  I watched both previous seasons and enjoyed them.   But I think you put your finger on it:  they ask the viewer to process too many names, too many players.   Coming back to the third season, one might expect to have a handle on who's who in the show, but the only one I know is Javi.   All the getting up to speed exposition, introductions, etc. -- not to mention the darn subtitles (yes, I am unabashedly a holdover from the days when everyone on TV, whether French, Spanish, German or from Alpha Centauri, spoke English) -- makes this episode feel like work. 

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16 hours ago, millennium said:

I have tried watching this first episode twice already and have failed to make it to the end each time.  I couldn't understand why.  I watched both previous seasons and enjoyed them.   But I think you put your finger on it:  they ask the viewer to process too many names, too many players.   Coming back to the third season, one might expect to have a handle on who's who in the show, but the only one I know is Javi.   All the getting up to speed exposition, introductions, etc. -- not to mention the darn subtitles (yes, I am unabashedly a holdover from the days when everyone on TV, whether French, Spanish, German or from Alpha Centauri, spoke English) -- makes this episode feel like work. 

I encourage you to stick with it. I had to watch a second time, as well, just to get some of the characters straight, but it becomes very clear, very quickly, who everyone is. You won't have a problem. It is so worth it! The third season does not disappoint, and in some ways, it's the best so far.

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I finished Season 3 last night and I thought it was great.  Best season so far and very exciting.  I too that that the show would suffer from the loss of Moyra as Escobar but I think his absence actually helped the show, allowing other members of the (mostly new) cast more screen time and to develop.  The DEA storyline I've always found the least interesting but Pedro Pascal has more to do and makes the most of it.  The B team also added something to this show.  The actors playing the villains were very good and the guy playing Jorge was great.  It was interesting to see how the Calli cartel did business and the Calli KGB activities were chilling.  Also love seeing some of the guest stars who popped up...Edward James Olmos, Wayne Knight, Shea Whingham and Glenn Morshower. 

It was interesting too how the head of the family spent most of this series behind bars.

The humor was also very good on this show and I agree that the Pallomari character was a standout in that regard.  One bit I found funny was the idiot who decided he wanted to negotiate with David, aka Columbian Joffrey and then asked if they needed help upgrading to Windows 95.  David's henchman made me laugh with his response "I think we're going to wait until next year."  David was an asshole and it's fitting that it was being an asshole to Maria that got him killed in the end.

Great season for a show that just keeps getting better and better all the time.

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1.  I forgot how much I missed DEA chase scenes until this episode.

2.  Chepe really has a thing for shooting people in public places, doesn't he?

3.  Damn Jorge is a quick thinker!  Good job placing the blame for the shootout at the party on David.

4.  OJ trial reference! We must be in the early part of 1995.

5.  Clearly Nicolas finds David just as irritating as do the rest of us.

6.  It's never a good sign when Navegante pulls up beside you in traffic.

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On 9/20/2017 at 6:58 PM, millennium said:

I have tried watching this first episode twice already and have failed to make it to the end each time.  I couldn't understand why.  I watched both previous seasons and enjoyed them.   But I think you put your finger on it:  they ask the viewer to process too many names, too many players.   Coming back to the third season, one might expect to have a handle on who's who in the show, but the only one I know is Javi.   All the getting up to speed exposition, introductions, etc. -- not to mention the darn subtitles (yes, I am unabashedly a holdover from the days when everyone on TV, whether French, Spanish, German or from Alpha Centauri, spoke English) -- makes this episode feel like work. 

Maybe watch the last 2 episodes of Season 2?  There are many recurring characters that you did meet, but it's been a while, so you forgot? 

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2 minutes ago, larapu2000 said:

Maybe watch the last 2 episodes of Season 2?  There are many recurring characters that you did meet, but it's been a while, so you forgot? 

I finally got through episode 1.   it was a lot of work to see a guy get pulled apart at the end.  Now I'm facing episode 2 ... 

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If I had one gripe with this season, it was Pena's constant depressed moping.  Don't get me wrong, I thought Pedro Pascal was great and he was a better choice as the lead DEA agent to watch.  But I found looking at his constant depressed face and demeanor exhausting after the first episode.  10 episodes of it was not appreciated.

Edited by benteen
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Best use of "Going Back to Cali" ever?

On 9/13/2017 at 5:43 PM, Avaleigh said:

I'm totally fascinated by how compartmentalized Gilberto Rodriguez's life is. The dude literally has everything planned down to the minute. Also, as someone who watched Big Love, I couldn't help but be amazed at the idea that Gilberto's three wives apparently all get along and that's part of the deal of them being allowed to enjoy his money. Lol, that Sundays are his day for football. Like football is another wife to him. 

ITA - he is the kind of guy who would LOVE spreadsheets and iCal! But even more impressive than his tightly regimented schedule is that all three of his wives are fine with the arrangement and sit around together painting each other's nails. Bill Henrickson would be envious of how well the three wives get along and respect the schedule. I totally laughed that Sunday was football day.

I was sure that Gilberto wouldn't let them take him alive (partially because I'm currently reading The Zookeeper's Wife and the main characters have cyanide pills in case they're captured by the Germans) so I was surprised that he surrendered once they found his little hidey hole.

Loved that they knew not to trust Calderon and staged something else to distract him. As much as I want Javi to get a win, it was obvious that arresting Gilberto was just going to cause more problems, not solve anything.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Damn, Jorge is lucky that he wasn't tortured and killed like his coworker.

David (who I keep calling Jaime because that's his name on Broad City) is worse than Fredo.

I had to laugh when Franklin's wife resisted Javi's initial attempt to talk and then he just gave up and told her that he was DEA.

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On 10/3/2017 at 1:49 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Best use of "Going Back to Cali" ever?

ITA - he is the kind of guy who would LOVE spreadsheets and iCal! But even more impressive than his tightly regimented schedule is that all three of his wives are fine with the arrangement and sit around together painting each other's nails. Bill Henrickson would be envious of how well the three wives get along and respect the schedule. I totally laughed that Sunday was football day.

Lol, remember how Bill wanted to have the "seventh night off" and all the fights and arguments it caused? Oh Bill would totally have been wondering why Heavenly Father allows a guy like Gilberto to have a smooth run in terms of dealing with his wives while a supposedly devout guy like him continues to struggle. 

I was surprised that Gilberto surrendered so quickly but I guess he was thinking that he'd be able to buy his way out if necessary. I also think about the example that was set by Pablo in that he was able to negotiate (absurdly generous terms) with the government and I'm sure that Gilberto thinks that he's a more clever man than Pablo ever was. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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Great season.  The quality of this show really stands out when you watch it side by side with a series like Fear the Walking Dead.  The acting, dialogue, plot are all on a much higher level.  There were so many interesting characters this season and they did a good job of getting you invested in them and caring about what happens.  My wife could barely stand the stress of worrying about what was going to happen to Jorge.  I really hope they make season 4 but it wouldn't be a terrible thing if they went out on a high note.  


Side note to benteen:  Little Big Horn Benteen?

Edited by WayneK
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It took me a while to get into this Season, felt the first few episodes were kind of slow, but I realized they were setting up all the new players. 

I was about to have a heart attack worrying about Jorge. 

I'm pretty sure Pedro is coming back. After that location scout was murdered, he released a statement that if they can't be safe in Mexico, they'll go back to Columbia, or maybe shut down production. 

I also read where Escobar's brother is demanding ONE BILLION DOLLARS (Dr Evil) for the use of Escobar's image in the first two seasons. 

yeah good luck with that. 

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On 10/3/2017 at 4:54 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I had to laugh when Franklin's wife resisted Javi's initial attempt to talk and then he just gave up and told her that he was DEA.

I was doing a little MST3K during that scene.

"Why didn't I open with "Hey did you know I was on Buffy?  Women love Buffy and that was such a solid episode". 

That actress is in everything.  

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On 10/17/2017 at 0:35 AM, WayneK said:

It's a shame that this series apparently has lost its following.  I think it's fantastic.

It's gotten rave reviews, I wonder if it's because the first couple episodes drag a little, setting everything up? 

Because from Epi 3 on it's better than the first two seasons, IMO.  I  was a nervous wreck worrying about Jorge the security guy.   

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I hope Jorge and his family get out alive. 

I stopped watching this last year, because I was too distracted, and the show seemed a little slow at first. I was having trouble getting into it. They really picked up the pace over the last two or three episodes. 

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My viewing of this season was choppy, but Pallomari was hilarious! I haven't watched the end of the last episode yet, but I will in a minute. Glad that Salcedo got out safely. I knew that he would finally have to shoot someone, and it turned out to be one of the most evil guys in the show. 

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