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Rotting Y&R: The Spoiler Thread

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7/13 Chelsea’s world is turned upside down as she learns the truth about Adam.

7/14 Adam comes clean with Chelsea.

7/15 Sage’s new life with Nick is in jeopardy. 
7/16 Nikki demands the truth from Victor about Jack’s shooting. 
7/21 Phyllis tries to reach through to Jack; Avery says goodbye to Genoa City 

  • Love 5

I'm not interested in Chelsea's heaving, gasping "freak out." Others finding out should be good. But this particular episode, meh.

Show is not convincing me of some epic love between these two, no matter how hard they try.

Nice to see JH wants them to split up. Lol

Maybe he doesn't like making out with his wife's best friend. Or maybe he thinks the Chadam love story is boring. I'm thinking.......


  • Love 7

It's not worth the effort, miamama. I dare say that the fault does not lie with us, the viewers. Nay, I think the fault lies with the creators of this herbal Newman sychophant. Sage has gone from a disingenuous estate thief to a needy paternity liar who freaks out at the drop of a hat. She has anti-chemistry with her romantic partner, a dim, hairy lug nut too dense to question how a woman who repeatedly claimed to be infertile got knocked up as soon as she got a billionaire's semen injection.

Why should any of us give a damn what strain of Newman DNA resides in her sprout? I cared more about Christine losing Tightpockette than I ever could about thirsty Thyme having a miscarriage. Please, Pratt and JFP, tell me what's sympathetic about a woman who brazenly steals from an old lady, an old lady who, by the way, spent her last moments alive realizing the depths of Sage's and Adam's treachery? I suppose I should have been fanning myself as she mounted a monkey on a dirty dropcloth, but my hands were occupied holding a bucket to refund my lunch in. Adam can blow his own shit up by being an arrogant tool, so we don't need Sage for that. The Newman family tree needs pruning, not a new branch, so why the superfluous sprout?

That was a long journey just to get to the conclusion, which is...not giving a damn about Sage is perfectly normal and should be embraced.

  • Love 16

Is Sage a name that people in real life have?

I just looked Sage up, and it's listed on baby name sites.


Now then...The real reason I came in here is to share some information. According to one source, on Friday (Canada's Thursday show) "Neil comes between Nikki and Victor". I'm not quite sure of how to feel. I can't stand Victor, and I've been seeing signs between Nikki and Neil for a while now. I guess I'll just wait and see how this new development is written and acted.

  • Love 4

It's nice to see that Jack is awake, and he doesn't appear to have memory loss. But why does Victor still look smug? One would think he'd be crapping his Depends.

I've been gone for awhile so I don't know what Victor knows but if Victor doesn't know that Jack is really Jack and still thinks he's Marco then I could see him being smug. He probably thinks he still has his an out when everyone discovers that Jack has really been impersonated by a dangerous drug lord. So everyone will see that Victor did have reason to be in fear of his life. Even if Victor claims ignorance about the switch, everyone will think Victor is telling the truth about himself and his family being threatened by "Jack".

Of course, if he knows that really is Jack then he should be crapping his Depends.

Edited by Desperately Random
  • Love 6

I'm trying to think if there would be a way for Jack to prove he had a doppelgänger in town all these weeks. How could he? Marisa and Adam are not the most credible sources. Phyllis and Ashley and likely Billy would believe him but Victor will deny it and there is no proof. Victor will say Jack is nuts. That's why he was violent etc. etc. He's already said he "changed" after the building fell on him.


So I can see Jack faking being Marco briefly with Victor. (And I feel your pain Foghorn. But I don't imagine it could be long because this MUST wrap up before the end of July; if for no other reason than I can't take Victor being smug any more.)

  • Love 5


c76 quote

"Neil comes between Nikki and Victor".

I would love for this to happen but not in the usual soap way which is they declare undying love, jump into bed and get married within 24 hours.  (And you know the wardrobe sadist will cram her into a glittery sausage casing to stand next to the Hot Dog Stand of Eternal Bliss.  Oh, the irony.) Nah, I would like to see some friendship love in the afternoon.  People who like each other enough not to fuck them-you know,  really care about what said person thinks and likes and can talk to them about it.  Share some fun together, too.  Someone who leaves after dinner and still keeps in touch. Ya know, a friend.  Kevin and Mariah make nice friends, Sharon and Dullen could have been very good friends.  If Adam was friendly with Chelz, he may have worked out a better scenario than visiting day in prison. Why does everybody have to be having 'the love of their life' affair all the time?  Being single does not mean you have to live in a cave atop a very high uncharted mountain.

  • Love 11

You are so right Molly.  Just once I'd like to see men and women being friends on this stupid show.  Michael and Phylliss used to be friends and it was refreshing to see them bounce thoughts and feelings off each other without being ready to jump in the sack in the offing.

Edited by peacheslatour
  • Love 5

Kevin and Mariah make nice friends, Sharon and Dullen could have been very good friends.  If Adam was friendly with Chelz, he may have worked out a better scenario than visiting day in prison. Why does everybody have to be having 'the love of their life' affair all the time?  Being single does not mean you have to live in a cave atop a very high uncharted mountain.



This is so true. With so many actors these days (I'm looking at you, Stevie!) who don't like/won't "do" love scenes, maybe the showrunners who are determined to shoehorn in their favorite stars and BFFs should take that into consideration. It's pretty hard to establish chemistry between characters/actors who so palpably loathe shooting love scenes. It would have been better to reveal that Dylan was Sharon's brother or cousin, then they both would have had an angst-free kinship rather than a totally chemistry-free so-called sexual relationship and instant love match that's completely tortuous for the viewers to endure. When one of the acting partners simply refuses to open his mouth in a kissing scene, the jig is up IMO. Make the guy a priest or something, or have his man parts a casualty of war. But don't keep trying to endlessly capture *romantic* lightning in a bottle. It ain't gonna happen. Yougotthat?

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 7

What amuses me is that SBu apparently had no trouble playing a remorseless, robotic killer for hire and mob flunkie for years on another soap. Sex and intimacy however are EVIL SINS that make Baby Jesus cry, even when it's just play acting. I'd say I don't understand it, but I live in the USA, so I'm painfully aware.

  • Love 10

I wondered the same thing when I saw the preview you posted. I think that Jack is going to keep his cards to himself so he can size up Victor.

If this show allowed Jack to act like the clever person he is supposed to be, they would have him pretend to be Marco and get Victor on video admitting to what he has done. Accomplishing that  should take all of five minutes since Grampire loves to throw out the fact he found Marco in that Peruvian prison every chance he gets.

I really miss the days when this show was written so the character's actions made sense and were consistent with how smart (or dumb) the audience knew them to be based on the show's history

Edited by Desperately Random
  • Love 10

What amuses me is that SBu apparently had no trouble playing a remorseless, robotic killer for hire and mob flunkie for years on another soap. Sex and intimacy however are EVIL SINS that make Baby Jesus cry, even when it's just play acting. I'd say I don't understand it, but I live in the USA, so I'm painfully aware.

With some religious folk*, violence is ok to consume or portray. After all, there's all that war talk in the Bible. (Never mind that book of scripture that I once stopped reading because I thought it was too bloody. I don't recall a lot of gore, but the documented amount of killing turned me off.)


Yet meanwhile, when it comes to sex, they seem to forget all about Song of Solomon.


To clarify, let me say that I know it's more complicated than that...but if you're going to be reserved about one thing and not others, it just seems odd to me.




Regarding our show: I read that on Tuesday (Monday in Canada) "Avery says goodbye to Genoa City."


I'm sorry that she's leaving. A part of me knows that it's for the best. If you can't do something right, then don't do it at all. Still, I feel as though Jessica Collins has been misused.


Who knows, though. Perhaps one day Avery can come back--like after they find someone who can write her decently.


You see what I did there? I almost wrote "after they fire Pratt." I have mixed feelings about him. I think he does a great job with some characters and stories. Then, there are others that I don't want him to touch with a ten foot pole. Hence, I think if the folks at the network would hire someone to write for those than he can't or shouldn't mess with, things will only get better.




*I have the right to talk 'cause I'm sort of one of them.

Edited by C76
  • Love 7

Oh right, kate linder had her high tea in Vancouver.


didn't attend cause for one, the ticket is $175 but you also get to ask them questions and stuff but also I really didn't care about the actors who were attending..


do you live in BC?


anything else mentioned?


hmmm, so joe and lily will couple huh?

wonder what they will do with cane and the kids?

  • Love 1

Can a festering boil get a festering boil? Inquiring minds want to know.

I am genuinely surprised that the show would have Sharon miscarry Baby Biscotti. I just can't believe that Saint Dylan, may His iced coffee quench thy thirst, hasn't been more firmly rooted to the canvas with an offspring via an established and popular character.

  • Love 3

That's just it. They will tie him to every core character and put him with each leading lady until he is a hit.

Problem is the character is bland, preachy, propped, know it all punching machine and actor is wooden. To compound all of those faults he's not especially gorgeous no matter how many characters gush that weekly about him- I could tolerate some of the writing issues if the actor was sexy as hell and a bit charismatic.

  • Love 1

I'm not surprised about Sharon miscarrying either. I knew nothing good could come of this relationship with Dylan. The story will be about his pain and her treachery (much like his story with Chelsea).

I don't know when JFP will accept this is not GH. No one gives a fuck about Steve Burton here.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 8

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