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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Honestly, once Clay is out of the picture I don't see why Vanessa wouldn't want to go F2 with Shelli. If they can get out one of the other side this week, the majority of the jury would be full of Vanessa's people. Shelli has been tarnished to all these people. I think once Clay is gone, Shelli will be focused and she will win comps more than any of the others in the alliance. In fact I would not be surprised if it ended up as Vanessa/Shelli/Steve final 3 if they have luck and strategy on their side. I think the timing of when they win HOH will be a huge factor and Vanessa would need to win the final HOH as I think Shelli and Steve will know they can't beat Vanessa if it came to that.

Considering how bitter the jury might/will be, Vanessa has done a good job not pissing many people off besides the jason blindside. If she takes Steve, the jury might give to him without thinking twice she had the better game because hes slightly likeable game/social wise. If she takes Shelli she might win 6-3 or 5-4.

Edited by BlackMamba

I should have said what is left of Sixth Sense. Whatever they are, he is wiling to do their bidding.

Well, isn't that what an alliance does, essentially? Steve has been part of Freaks and Geeks since its inception. Vanessa has worked to keep Steve safe, and he in turn will try to do what's in the alliance's best interests. 

  • Love 2

I should have said what is left of Sixth Sense. Whatever they are, he is wiling to do their bidding.


It is way too soon to talk about F4 and F2.  It is hard to believe but this season is not even halfway done. There is a LOT of game left to be played. 


I think it's usually too early at this point to talk about endgame, but jury starts next week. This is the ideal time to start thinking more about final 2 for sure. It's being able to build bridges with the jury members now that counts. But technically, these houseguests should have been thinking about the endgame from the very beginning. Maybe not gunning hard and planning for it, but having it at the back of their minds and starting to build trust with people who could be in jury. That's what Vanessa has been doing; she's been making sure that the reasons to get people out are valid, so she has something to prove for the finale if she makes F2. She hasn't made too many people angry and has made sure her relationships with people aren't burned with lies and deceit and bullying, much like Shelli and Clay have done. That's why Vanessa winning, as of right now, is the best scenario. She's a strong player who has clearly thought about F2. Her plans to bring Steve (or possibly Shelli) are all game related and she may be paranoid and thinking about every single scenario, but it hasn't turned out to be the worst thing for her. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Well, isn't that what an alliance does, essentially? Steve has been part of Freaks and Geeks since its inception. Vanessa has worked to keep Steve safe, and he in turn will try to do what's in the alliance's best interests. 


I wouldn't consider Freaks and Geeks to be a real alliance.  They are a group of people with a name who share information but ultimately Steve has not been a party to any decision making.  He tells Vanessa things and Vanessa in turn tells him how to vote so he doesn't look like an idiot.  But at no point was Steve ever involved in the decision making process to evict Dayvonne, Jason or Jeff.  His opinion holds no weight with anyone when it comes to nominations.  I think 6th sense has been the only real group that had a true alliance and as we can see that was somewhat tenuous.  Regardless, they consulted with each other and made plans together with them all knowing all of the information.  In the "Freaks and Geeks" "alliance" Steve only knows what they tell him and thats not all that much.  With that said, Steve can now fill a void as people get eliminated and the alliance could truly form.

  • Love 8

I have never the word "jury" used more in a season of BB than this one. It's all they've been talking about. No one has really talked about winning. They use the word jury like its a resort name. LOL!!! I thinkmVanessa really has been playing the most strategic game and has "used" Steve the best. Their still alot of game left and it won't be easy but she has a great chance to make it to the Final 4. It should be interesting how it all plays out. Now, about "jury". How does one get there? Does it take reservations? LOL!!!

  • Love 2

Vanessa is the only one who bothered to talk to Steve, and it's paying off. It's very similar to the way Dan bonded with Ian. (I know, I hate the Steve/Ian comparisons too.) There's no doubt Vanessa is playing the best strategic game but I find her painfully obnoxious to watch. Overthinking every single decision, constant paranoia, moronic catchphrases ("I need a reason", "straight shooter", "I had no choice") is so tiresome. She's not very articulate either so conversations she's involved in tend to go in circles. 


I would hesitate to put her in the company of a Derrick or Dan who were never a target this early in the game. You have Jackie and Becky who are onto her ways, and Johnny Mac and Meg to a lesser extent. If Jackie wins the next HOH she is in big trouble. She's really fortunate she wasn't backdoored this week. I almost think if Clelli had started their pitch to James earlier Jackie might have been able to convince James to put her up. Jackie was pushing it pretty hard but it was too late. 

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 4

Honestly, once Clay is out of the picture I don't see why Vanessa wouldn't want to go F2 with Shelli. If they can get out one of the other side this week, the majority of the jury would be full of Vanessa's people. Shelli has been tarnished to all these people. I think once Clay is gone, Shelli will be focused and she will win comps more than any of the others in the alliance. In fact I would not be surprised if it ended up as Vanessa/Shelli/Steve final 3 if they have luck and strategy on their side. I think the timing of when they win HOH will be a huge factor and Vanessa would need to win the final HOH as I think Shelli and Steve will know they can't beat Vanessa if it came to that.


Vanessa will win if she gets to the end with basically anyone. The jury is going to be stacked with her minions. Austin, Twins, Steve - that's four votes right there. She would only need one more. 

  • Love 3

Vanessa is the only one who bothered to talk to Steve, and it's paying off. It's very similar to the way Dan bonded with Ian. (I know, I hate the Steve/Ian comparisons too.) There's no doubt Vanessa is playing the best strategic game but I find her painfully obnoxious to watch. Overthinking every single decision, constant paranoia, moronic catchphrases ("I need a reason", "straight shooter", "I had no choice") is so tiresome. She's not very articulate either so conversations she's involved in tend to go in circles. 


I would hesitate to put her in the company of a Derrick or Dan who were never a target this early in the game. You have Jackie and Becky who are onto her ways, and Johnny Mac and Meg to a lesser extent. If Jackie wins the next HOH she is in big trouble. She's really fortunate she wasn't backdoored this week. I almost think if Clelli had started their pitch to James earlier Jackie might have been able to convince James to put her up. Jackie was pushing it pretty hard but it was too late. 


Vanessa's relationship with Steve certainly paid off yesterday when he told James that Clelli are totally to blame for Jason being put on the block and that Vanessa was simply abiding by Clelli's wishes as HOH. James went on to tell Meg, Jackie and Becky what Steve told him. 

  • Love 1

Vanessa will win if she gets to the end with basically anyone. The jury is going to be stacked with her minions. Austin, Twins, Steve - that's four votes right there. She would only need one more. 


Hmm I'm 50/50 if she went against JMac though.  That's the worst matchup for anyone because the boy is so likeable even though he's a rat along with Becky.  That's why I'm glad F/Gs has finally figured Jmac out now.  He's been laying low for the first month of the season and now he's trying to run with Shelli and Clay.  Very strange and have you all recognized he's been staying up much later than usual, JMac tends to go to bed early around 10 or 11pm now since the numbers lessening he's staying up more. 

Hmm I'm 50/50 if she went against JMac though.  That's the worst matchup for anyone because the boy is so likeable even though he's a rat along with Becky.  That's why I'm glad F/Gs has finally figured Jmac out now.  He's been laying low for the first month of the season and now he's trying to run with Shelli and Clay.  Very strange and have you all recognized he's been staying up much later than usual, JMac tends to go to bed early around 10 or 11pm now since the numbers lessening he's staying up more.


It's really hard to predict jury votes - I'm usually way off with both BB and Survivor - but I don't think JMac can win. Just going off every evicted HG interview none of them think he's doing anything in the game. 


At any rate I don't think he has much of a shot to last that long. There would have to be a big power shift. The big group already wants him gone. And his only real ally at this point is Becky. As much as people made fun of him for crying over Clelli it was really bad for his game. It exposed his allegiances when he should've just stayed in the background. 

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Whether Vanessa will have the same success as Derrick remains to be seen, but the similarity I see in both their games is that they're persuasive.  

They don't tell people what to do (mostly), but they persuade people it's in their best interest to do what Vanessa or Derrick want them to do.

They say lots of stuff so in a later conversation they can say "Remember when I told you that yesterday.  You can see I was looking out for your even then."

It's like a backward alliance.


That's why I like to watch Vanessa play.  She has a lot of different strategies for talking with different people but in most cases it's a conversation rather than a directive.  Steve doesn't think he's a floater because Vanessa made sure to ask for his opinion, even when she already knew what she was doing.  When he balked at the idea that he was a 'floater', she switched the implied definition of floater to be someone who hasn't won HOH.  


My concern for Vanessa is that she isn't as friendly with the rest of the houseguests.  I expected a lot of conversation when she was Jackie's squire - that these two might get to know each other and find some common ground for going forward together.  

But whenever I saw them they weren't talking.

Her most animated conversations are game related. 

Also, when they're in a group, Vanessa is pretty quiet.  It's like her F&G persona is showing, where she's not naturally comfortable in a group the way Shelli or Meg are.

I worry some of the houseguests (future jury) will respond more favorably to Shelli's ease in personal interactions and social groups...once time has lessened the pain of Shelli's 'betrayal', of course.


Maybe I'm projecting my own discomfort with social interactions in a group!!! :)

Edited by Vicky
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So at some point before Thursday, Austin is telling James that he is voting Clay out? Ah man, I wanted it to be another blindside vote. Plus I'm afraid James will convince Austin to go the other way. I really want Clay gone.


They were going to tell him today. I don't think James will put up much of a fight, but Jackie and Meg aren't going to be happy about it. 


Clay screwed himself here. If he apologized to Austin and pitched how smart it would be for him to keep another strong male in, Austin would probably change his mind. But Clay isn't very smart at this game.

  • Love 2

I think F&G is more of a real alliance than 6S. Austin and the twins relationship with Shelli is beyond repair. Vanessa is only going to be able to protect her for so long. I also don't think Shelli is going to like being a pawn every week. She's far too egotistical to be that much of a team player.  


I agree that 6S is falling apart.  I guess for me, when I think of an alliance I think of a group of people collectively sharing information and strategizing together.  This happened for 6S.  For the most part they all knew what the plan was at all times.  It was an alliance of convenience and at the first hint of dissension it dissolved but they did make plans together.  On the other hand Freaks and Geeks had members who were simply not apart of any decision making process.  Essentially F&G were an alliance in name only.  They never collectively did anything.

  • Love 2


I don't really understand why JMac waited a month and a half just to hitch his wagon to a doomed showmance.

IKR? It's so weird. He is funny in the DR but I find his lack of inside voice aggravating, and it's not even like Clay hangs out with him really? Like what is happening!



They say lots of stuff so in a later conversation they can say "Remember when I told you


I love the look on whatever  HG face that she's saying this too, even Shelli who has mad game brain looked at her like WAIT what  thing?! You say A LOT of things!



Steve doesn't think he's a floater because Vanessa made sure to ask for his opinion, even when she already knew what she was doing.


Right when she first found him in the bathroom she was like I have strong opinions on what to do, and Steve was like cool I have a weak opinion! Heh. She definitely lets the other person THINK they are making their own choice, like Liz/Julia she kept saying I get it you are allowed to be mad, but don't let anger blind you to a good thing we have going.

Jury is so dependent on how a particular person was voted out and who they hold responsible (note important not who is ACTUALLY responsible, just who they hold accountable see Slay more than Vanessa even though V was HoH). Vanessa mental Kung Fu is amazing, and I heart her.

  • Love 4

Vanessa will win if she gets to the end with basically anyone. The jury is going to be stacked with her minions. Austin, Twins, Steve - that's four votes right there. She would only need one more. 


I agree. Unless she makes it there with one of the twins would have two votes. Two votes that would be Vanessa's if she is against anyone but them. 

Vanessa mental Kung Fu is amazing, and I heart her.


This. For all her craziness, she is fun to watch during her less paranoid strategy talks. I particularly loved a moment she had with Shelli in the Have Not room right after the POV ceremony. Shelli said that people were telling her that Vanessa was against her and Clay. Instead of freaking out or getting pissed off again, she simply said "Shelli, you just gotta go with your gut. Go with your gut. If you think I'm against you, then there's nothing I can do." Simple. To the point.



I don't really understand why JMac waited a month and a half just to hitch his wagon to a doomed showmance.


Johnny Mac's devotion to Clay is the single most confounding development of the season for me. 

Edited by Laika
  • Love 6
I really want Clay gone.



Boo hoo...I wanted him to wander around for a couple of weeks like a little puppy looking for his mom--his mom who's long gone!

I tend to think that if Austin and/or JohnnyMac (and possibly even James) ever found a girl who would marry them,



...but it may not be a "whipped" situation.  It might be finding someone more mature (not necessarily older) who would be a helpful companion in their social and professional lives.  

  • Love 4

Yeah I don't get being mad at Liz for becoming more comfortable with a guy who is reasonably good looking from the neck down, who is smart and educated, hasa  fun interesting job, and oh yeah is your chief ally and meatshield. I imagine it's hugely comforting to feel as if you aren't "alone" in the house and even though Julia is there with her now, she wasn't for five weeks, and she never disliked him, she always had fun flirting with him it's Julia that can't stand him, and only tolerates him for game reasons.

  • Love 6

Add me to the list of people who are totally confused by JMac's behavior.  The man was CRYING over Clay being on the block.  I can't ever recall a conversation between the two of them.  Clay is of course always at the end of Shelli's leash so he is not permitted much free time to talk to others.

  • Love 2

Vanessa will win if she gets to the end with basically anyone. The jury is going to be stacked with her minions. Austin, Twins, Steve - that's four votes right there. She would only need one more.

I totally agree. Unless one of the other HGs pulls a Harvey-sized magic rabbit of a strategic coup outta their ass between now and Finale, Vanessa next to just about anyone in the F2 chairs pretty much guarantees a half-mil in her pocket.

That being said™:


Vanessa's relationship with Steve certainly paid off yesterday when he told James that Clelli are totally to blame for Jason being put on the block and that Vanessa was simply abiding by Clelli's wishes as HOH. James went on to tell Meg, Jackie and Becky what Steve told him.

^^^THIS^^^ is precisely the reason why I think Shelli would be the last person Vanessa would want to take to F2. This argument saves Lady MacV's derrière in the immediate short term; if Shelli is sitting next to Vanessa at F2, however, Shellipop could make things quite sticky for V by the simple expedient of throwing V's own words right back at her - and the Jurors.

  • Love 3


Vanessa is like eh, not interested.


Hee, I wondered if Steve might make a move to pull JMac they've been playing a lot of chess so he might  think he has "felt" him out enough to convince Vanessa of that. HO HO HO Steve, no no no, Vanessa is still in charge kiddo! Hee.



Shellipop could make things quite sticky for V by the simple expedient of throwing V's own words right back at her


Eh, they've already shown though that if comes down to Shelli v. Van they trust and like Vanessa more and will dismiss anything Shelli has to say as utter bullshit. Van owned what she did to Jason,and what you quoted wasn't Vans' "own words" they were Steve's (even if they were planted by Vanessa).

Edited by blixie
  • Love 1

While there are many reasons to dislike Clay and Shelli, I don't see their age difference as being one of them. The pair are what? 22 and 30? Not exactly a huge age gap. If Shelli wants to date a man 8 years her junior- hell, ten years her junior, more power to her. Shell is gorgeous, and I don't care what goes on between two consenting adults.


I find Clay and Shelli less repulsive then Liz/Austin, that's for sure. Austin just disgusts me for whatever reason. Like he thinks he's so romantic. Gag me.


Still loving J-Mac for unknown reasons.

I agree with that entire post. The age thing doesn't bother me a bit. The entitlement, yes, but that's got nothing to do with age. If Clay wants to lie around like a lox, and finds it easier to have Shelli be a grownup for them both, that's on him, not her. I am not embarrassed for Shelli or critical of her because of that.

Shelli hopes for a 10 person jury so Clay can make it.


Oh, Shelli honey, that's just sad. You just need to lose that extra 200 lbs of unthinking muscle and you'll be able to see straight again.

This. For all her craziness, she is fun to watch during her less paranoid strategy talks. I particularly loved a moment she had with Shelli in the Have Not room right after the POV ceremony. Shelli said that people were telling her that Vanessa was against her and Clay. Instead of freaking out or getting pissed off again, she simply said "Shelli, you just gotta go with your gut. Go with gut. If you think I'm against you, then there's nothing I can do." Simple. To the point.


Yes, that's a very smart response. There have been countless scenes of some houseguest trying to prove her or his loyalty to some other houseguest (often involving the ridiculous swearing on a loved one's life), and the more a person tries to convince someone of that, the more shady and unbelievable that person looks. Vanessa cut all of that off at the knees with her response.

...but it may not be a "whipped" situation.  It might be finding someone more mature (not necessarily older) who would be a helpful companion in their social and professional lives.

Amen to that. That term "whipped" often seems to me to imply that the natural power balance in a man/woman relationship is for the man to be dominant. If that doesn't appear to be the case to outsiders, then the woman has somehow damaged her partner's masculinity. I am sure that's not what any of you meant by using that term, but it always bugs me. And again, if a person wants to appear or be more passive in a relationship, that's his or her choice (unless it's an abusive relationship). One thing I've leaned about relationships over the years is that each of them is negotiated individually, in ways that outsiders never fully see, and in ways that can be surprising.

Anyway, how did I get off on this ridiculous tangent over this ridiculous game that I've watched every ridiculous episode of?!

I totally agree. Unless one of the other HGs pulls a Harvey-sized magic rabbit of a strategic coup outta their ass between now and Finale, Vanessa next to just about anyone in the F2 chairs pretty much guarantees a half-mil in her pocket.

That being said™:


^^^THIS^^^ is precisely the reason why I think Shelli would be the last person Vanessa would want to take to F2. This argument saves Lady MacV's derrière in the immediate short term; if Shelli is sitting next to Vanessa at F2, however, Shellipop could make things quite sticky for V by the simple expedient of throwing V's own words right back at her - and the Jurors.

And assuming they both last that far, everyone on that jury will have been sent there by one of the Final 2. The more recent "betrayals," if engineered by Vanessa, may weigh more heavily in their minds than what Shelli did in weeks 1-6.

  • Love 10

Vanessa woke up paranoid. She thinks JMac is related to Clay.

She was discussing this with Austin, the twins and I think Steve, maybe a couple of others last night. They're just as confused as the viewers why John cried twice for Clay and Shelli - the fact that even they think there must be something deeper shows how baffling it is.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 5

I don't have a problem with the age difference between Shelli and Clay, but the way she mothers him and seems to enjoy calling attention to that fact/the fact that he looks like her brother is a little disturbing to me.


The way Rapunzel hates Shelli is the way I hate Vanessa. I can not stand her. She's Derrick to me. However, she's nuts, so she can be fun to which, which Derrick never was imo.

  • Love 8

Vanessa is playing well but I don't think she understands the game as well as Derrick. I don't know how much of the show she's seen but the fact that she was whining  in the DR about Shelli not including her in the deal before she jumped off the wall was really telling. The fact that she would even want that info out there is just amateur. I mean seriously. Why on earth would you want to announce to the house that you're a threesome with Clelli? She does a lot of stupid shit like this, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Edited by Cutty
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Austin saying BB told him to move the dental chairs back to original spots then fish.  Anyone know what they had done?  Did he move his chair to be closer to his beloved? (gag)


Yep. He moved the chairs closer together for that exact purpose. BB yelled at him but he managed to get them together some. I guess they are telling him to move it back.

  • Love 1

Austin saying BB told him to move the dental chairs back to original spots then fish.  Anyone know what they had done?  Did he move his chair to be closer to his beloved? (gag)


Yes. He was tugging and pulling at his chair the other day to get it closer to Liz's. Big Brother gave him an "Austin, stop that!" but it was kept close to her chair for the past two days or so. It was close enough that he could lay on her pillow and paw her under the blankets. 


Jackie's bathing suit version of the armour (basically a short sleeved, short legged version of the silver unitard under the armour) looks fantastic on her. I'm surprised she hasn't been in it more often.

Edited by Callaphera
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Vanessa is playing well but I don't think she understands the game as well as Derrick.


Derrick was the ring-iest ringer who ever ringer-ed, as he played Big Brother professionally with his personal safety on the line if he ever "lost", so I find Vanessa's gameplay more impressive. Sure, she has to bluff in poker, but I doubt her safety is ever in jeopardy if she fails to convince someone of her game-based lies.


It's like when Kristi Yamaguchi was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, and everyone went "Wow, she's in a profession that awards medals based on artistry and grace! How is she so artistic and graceful?"


I'd like to see Vanessa (or any woman) win, although a part of me is curious to see what would happen if Vanessa or Shelli made it to the end with someone like Steve. I suppose the sample size of guys who've defeated women in final 2 is small (5 out of 16?), but it's still 100%, and I'd like to see that change.

  • Love 8

This is a weird time for Jeff highlights. If there's a twist that suddenly saves Shelli and Clay...


ETA: Halfway party is supposed to be tomorrow, and I think that usually happens at night. I don't think it was a case of wrong button, either. It's been a few minutes and normally they realize and switch back to fish.

Edited by Callaphera

The great thing about Vanessa saving Austin and Shelli, if these two dont get to the finals with her, count on jury votes! Shelli, particularly, cant say Vanessa didn't fight for her to stay in the game. Austin was also dead in the water with his rogue antics that almost cost the twins from coming into the game. Can anyone tell me besides Derrick (Zach) and now Vanessa has done this? Then you have the twins have definitely bought the trust in Vanessa in early to keep them secret. Vanessa also aligned herself with a likeable, sweet boy in Steve similar to how Danielle did with Jason bb3. Unless Vanessa does something very idiotic to jeopardize these votes she can have these votes - It's all about jury management.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Derrick was the ring-iest ringer who ever ringer-ed, as he played Big Brother professionally with his personal safety on the line if he ever "lost", so I find Vanessa's gameplay more impressive. Sure, she has to bluff in poker, but I doubt her safety is ever in jeopardy if she fails to convince someone of her game-based lies.


Derrick also was also on Team America (blech), which was a big advantage.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2

Princess Jackie doesn't understand what the big deal is about cleaning up the house, she only cleans up after herself. Nice. Ugh I'm starting to really HATE Jackie.

Shes confident Shelli is going. Nothing can knock her off her high horse.

This is a weird time for Jeff highlights. If there's a twist that suddenly saves Shelli and Clay...

ETA: Halfway party is supposed to be tomorrow, and I think that usually happens at night. I don't think it was a case of wrong button, either. It's been a few minutes and normally they realize and switch back to fish.

It's probably the halfway party.

Derrick also was also on Team America (blech), which was a big advantage.

25% of why he won was because of this boring twist. Eric being america's Player was a great advantage to The Donatos that pushed them F2 but it was a great season.

Ha!  Tell me another one!  You've gotta go a long way to convince me that BB8 was a "great" season!  The Donatos made it anything but that!


I'd argue that it was a great season too just based on how memorable it was.  Whether you hate the Donatos or not, the season cannot be forgotten. 


But back to this season, I just read that Shelli is suspicious that Clay is trying to stay because he asked her to contact his family.  This woman is throwing her showmance under the bus and then tries to claim its the other way around.  Say what you will about Clay but he's practically begging people to evict him and they are all telling him they won't.  But for some reason Shelli thinks he shouldn't believe that he's staying?

Edited by MV007
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I liked S8 but yes that dumbass jury voting for Evil Dick ruined it. Jesserica were cute though and I loved poor Dani that she toughed it out working with the slime that was her father was compelling tv, I wanted her to win in spite of him, but she was stuck with some serious bitter Aholes on that jury.

  • Love 1

1:44 PM Shelli tells Vanessa that Clay has mentioned "when you're out of the house will you contact my family?', she's surprisedhe thinks she's just going to lay down and not fight for herself to stay in the house.

I hope Clay is blindsided bc he thinks he's staying. The past two weeks have really highlighted his douchebaggery.

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