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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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What exactly did Becky tell Clay and Shelli? Is it vague enough for her to talk her out of if they decide to throw her under the bus?


She told them the entire initial plan lol. But she had the sense not to go straight to them today with the "nom Shelli/Clay outright" plan.

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I'm wondering if Vanessa dropped a seed about not respecting rats in the game when talking to Meg earlier. I think she may have did this ahead of Shelli or Clay throwing possibly Johnny or Becky UTB and as well as themselves to get the rat label. Keep a moving target in the house everyone can get behind.

Edited by kellog010
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I'm wondering if Vanessa dropped a seed about not respecting rats in the game when talking to Meg earlier. I think she may have did this ahead of Shelli or Clay throwing possibly Johnny or Becky UTB and as well as themselves to get the rat label. Keep a moving target in the house everyone can get behind.

I'm pretty sure she did it to plant seeds in case Shelli decides to blow Vanessa's game up. 

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Someone better make Vanessa feel bad first then because she is the QUEEN of this.


Has James been harping about being a straight shooter? I haven't noticed. Maybe because Vanessa says it 100000 times so I don't hear him.


If Shelli/Clay try to come at him with that he should remind them about the deal they made with him/Meg/Jason. LOL.


He and Vanessa last night must have said it to each other about a dozen times, maybe more. "I like you, you're a straight shooter like me." "Yeah, we're both straight shooters."

Then Austin came in and possibly coached by Vanessa, started telling James how much he appreciated that James was a straight shooter.


Again, I have absolutely zero problem with lying to people. That's perfectly acceptable, but lordy, quit it with the "I'm a straight shooter" stuff while doing it. And yes, Vanessa, too, she goes on and on about how much she hates liars while lying constantly. 

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Vanessa needs to just chill. Hopefully Austin and the twins can tell her to calm down. Them including Steve have her back. Clay and Shelli literally have no one. If she implodes this week she will be put up.

She has just as much dirt on them as they do on her. She also has 4 people who can back up anything she says. Just breathe Vanessa.

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Shelli and Clay have JMac and Becky. But yeah, Vanessa has more people than Clay and Shelli do.


Vanessa's big trump card should be that Shelli and Clay knew about the twins, including Julia's name, WAY before Austin told Jason about it. But, I'm not sure Vanessa would use that, since it reveals she knew as well.

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Hours ago, Julia said that it was really stupid of Shelli to insist on a deal for Clay, too, during the HoH Competition.  People don't usually do that in endurance comps, and it showed the entire house where her cards were.


I really, really like Julia.  Much smarter than Liz, even if she's not as competition-savvy as she is.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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And we're back. Shelli is almost crying on Clay. 


Shelli: "I should have held onto that wall. I knew it."


And confirmation that James made his nominations before Clay could go up and talk to him at the last minute. Brilliant move, BB!

Edited by Callaphera
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Shelli told Clay she just doesn't want to be in the house without him!


I don't understand how people get so attached after knowing each other for a month. Is Clay going to break Shelli's heart in real life, or vice versa?

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Funny enough, Clay seems more ready to pop off and yell at someone than Shelli does. I didn't expect that. She was begging him not to lose his cool with James.


Shelli refused to hug Vanessa after the ceremony. Heh. This is going to be a fun week.

Edited by Callaphera
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Clay apparently lost his cool for a moment after seeing that he was nominated.  But it was while the feeds were still down.


Clay and Shelli are gonna try and get James to backdoor Austin after the Veto is used, if it is.  Not a bad plan, as the house still wants him gone, too.  But will James do it?  I think not.

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Sweet, bold James. I love to see entitled people get their turn on the block. I hate it when the entitled ones expect everyone else to play the game for their benefit. It worked last season and made for really boring TV.

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Clay went on a rampage, and Shelli had to talk him down before he went too far.  James apparently said some things during his speech that drove a wedge between Clay/Shelli and Vanessa.


Vanessa got mad that Shelli didn't hug her.  Shelli got mad at Austin, Liz, and Julia for knowing, but not telling them.  She asked them if they knew, just as they were asked last week.


Shelli loudly declared the alliance over!  Wow!


Good stuff!  Too bad I have to go mow the lawn now, but very good stuff! :)

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Vanessa's crying and upset because Shelli and Clay basically said it was her fault since she wanted Jason gone last week. Shelli is revising history, saying she hasn't trusted Austin and she knew they should have gotten him out once they put Jason up.


Shelli told Clay he has to be careful because Vanessa gets too emotional, while Vanessa had the houseguests rallying around her outside. Still a long week to go, but hopefully Shelli and Clay just continue to lose allies.

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Shelli is such an entitled brat she's blaming production. They went to noms before Clay could speak to James. You had all fucking day!

Clay said he will use the POV on Shelli if he wins. What a friggin moron. I hate these two.

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Shelli and Clay left their deathbed to find James so they could talk. Instead, they find everyone outside with Vanessa laughing and holding court while throwing Shelli and Clay under the bus. Shelli walks out with a fake smile while they all fall into an awkward silence. Shelli asks, "What are y'all talking about?" More silence and Vanessa refusing to look at her.


When they show that on the broadcast show, I totally expect cricket noises there.

Edited by Callaphera
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I wonder if Austin was friends with Roddy "Rowdy" Piper, the pro wrestler who died suddenly today at the age of 61.

That's so sad. I don't follow wrestling but I saw Roddy on "The Haunting of". The medium Kim Russo called him out for frequently sitting in front of his fireplace while contemplating suicide. He acknowledged it as true, and he was so honest and likable.

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Vanessa is coaching the twins, after speaking with Austin about it, that all of them are going to "deny, deny, deny" that there was ever an alliance called Sixth Sense, because they're expecting Shelli and Clay to throw them all under the bus. 

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Clay just told James their word is gold.

LOL. This guy is so detached from reality it's not even funny.

Vanessa so concerned about Clelli exposing the Sixth Sense when nobody in the house even cares anymore.

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I actually think this is beautiful. James is giving solid reasons for putting them up (you guys are a power couple, I have to make moves for my game, this could be my last HOH so I gotta do what I gotta do, you'll choose each other over everyone) and Clay, in particular, still doesn't understand. Shelli's mostly staying silent but she's made a few comments here and there. Meanwhile, Clay is talking in circles and James seems to not care at all what he's saying to him.

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I cannot believe James actually did it!  I made myself read through this thread from this morning since I was gone all day and was spending the whole time catching up thinking to myself: 'don't get your hopes up, it's too perfect, he'll back out at the last minute and you'll be disapponted'.  Only to get to here and see he actually did it.  Bravo James!


What a fantastic week of feeds we shall have!

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Why are Shelli and Clay still hounding James?  The nominations are over - it's done.

They're boring me right now!

21 minutes later...they're still boring me!

What a waste of time and energy.  They do realize there's nothing that's going to get them off the block except Veto, right?

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Clay keeps telling James that he and Shelli were never in any alliances. Nope. None. No alliances for Shelli and Clay. Shelli keeps telling James that this was bad timing to put them on the block together, because then one might go home and one will go to jury and the jury-bound one won't vote for him now if he ends up in Final 2. 


I hope whoever wins Veto doesn't use it. 


Shelli asked if there's any chance, if Veto saves one of them, can the other stay? James told him that if the house wants it, then the house wants it... but for the house to want it, Shelli and Clay are gonna have to do a lot of work. They're so screwed.

Edited by Callaphera
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Clelli sounding a little like Frankie when he was put up the last time. Like you DARE to get rid of me, fear my wrath!  James is really holding his ground.  He made a good stance (whether intentional or not) to remain standing, so they have to look up at him.  Good body language.

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Clelli sounding a little like Frankie when he was put up the last time. Like you DARE to get rid of me, fear my wrath!


Ugh, Frankie. I never want another All-Stars season because you know he will be Grodner's pet.

Pretty funny because all the houseguests are freaking out that Shelli and Clay are going to blow up their game. Vanessa touched based with Austin/Liz/Julia, JMac touched base with Austin, Jackie touched base with JMac (who I didn't know they were connected at all). 


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Shelli seems to think that she can still hitch her wagon to Vanessa. Vanessa will come up with a plan to save us, Vanessa will know what to do. Maybe you should have thought about that before you refused to hug her after the nomination ceremony. Shelli also said that she doesn't want to be in the house without Clay or in the jury house without Clay. So... evict Clay and Shelli self-evicts to follow her son/brother/boyfriend? I could only wish.


Vanessa is not having any of Shelli. I love this.

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I see Jackie and Johnny Mac's mouths moving but hear nothing coming out. 


"I'm like, you know?" 

"Yeah I know."

"But WTF?"

"I don't know, you know?"

"No, me either."

"Cool me too."

"I thought the same thing."

"Okay, I'm glad we're on the same page."

"Me too."

Edited by Starla
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Shelli/Clay talking alone.  He says he doesn't trust Vanessa, says this is all her fault.  Shelli tells him to calm down, they need Vanessa.  She reminds him that they were just as involved as Vanessa last week in switching the target to James, it is just that Vanessa had to pull the trigger.  She laments that they ever veered from the plan to take out Austin.  She's right, that was the first bad decision that started this whole string of bad decisions leading to this.

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Shelli/Clay talking alone.  He says he doesn't trust Vanessa, says this is all her fault.  Shelli tells him to calm down, they need Vanessa.  She reminds him that they were just as involved as Vanessa last week in switching the target to James, it is just that Vanessa had to pull the trigger.  She laments that they ever veered from the plan to take out Austin.  She's right, that was the first bad decision that started this whole string of bad decisions leading to this.


And this is why I vastly prefer Shelli to Clay; she does think rationally and knows when her game moves don't go according to plan. Clay, however, plays too emotionally and blames others for choices he's helped to make. Boy, bye.

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This is absolutely amazing. Clay and Shelli can't believe James doesn't think they're his best friends, and James is holding his own like a beast. He made a plan, he stuck to it, and he won't second-guess his decision at all. He's basically Bizarro Vanessa, and it's great.

Vanessa spiraling and throwing Clelli under the bus hard.

And meanwhile, Johnny Mac and Jackie having some great little game talk of their own. One HoH is so much more exciting than two. That said, I can understand Vanessa's frustration at BotB ending before they thought it would. I don't think she would have put up Jason had she known, because she literally did the math and figured there was a 6% chance that the other side won both HoHs and so it was worth the risk. The odds of ADC being HoH change dramatically without BotB and I don't think Vanessa was ready to draw this line in the sand yet. I'm not saying it's unfair or anything (I hate BotB and I am loving today's feeds, so I'm thrilled), I'm just saying I can understand why she's upset.

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I love when Vanessa tells people to pull it together. Trying to slap some sense into Shelli. Shelli crying and telling Austin he better make it right because it's all his fault! She even gave him grief when he hesitated promising her his vote if Liz goes up after POV. 

I think she's going to try to keep Clay calm and not expose anything until after POV because she might need the S6. But she's waffling between sobbing and blaming everyone from Austin for saving himself, and Vanessa for forcing them to save Becky.

Edited by mooses
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Clay is campaigning to Meg and Jackie for them to keep Shelli over him. Both him and Austin this season, wanting to fall on their swords for their ladies. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Vanessa is actually doing a good job of getting Shelli to calm down.  She's telling her that she needs to buck up and realize that they are playing a game for money; that while it's nice for her to have Clay in the house, she will still have him after the game and that Shelli needs to focus on moving forward as a single in the house.  She tells her that the odds of both Shelli/Clay staying are very slim, so Shelli needs to understand that and focus on keeping the odds up for her being the one to remain. 


This is nice work by Vanessa to keep Shelli/Clay from blowing up everyone in the alliance.

Edited by pennben
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Vanessa is actually doing a good job of getting Shelli to calm down.  She's telling her that she needs to buck up and realize that they are playing a game for money; that while it's for her to have Clay, she still have him after the game and that Shelli needs to focus on moving forward as a single in the house.  She tells her that the odds of both Shelli/Clay staying are very slim, so Shelli needs to understand that and focus on keeping the odds up for her being the one to remain.  This is nice work by Vanessa to keep Shelli/Clay from blowing up everyone in the SS.


I'm just worried if she keeps talking that it will sound too much like she wants Clay gone since it'd be so much better for her own game and Shelli's game.

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I'm just worried if she keeps talking that it will sound too much like she wants Clay gone since it'd be so much better for her own game and Shelli's game.

Vanessa does want Clay gone.  She's wanted to firmly align with Shelli and only Shelli for weeks now.  She doesn't think that that can happen with Clay still there.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Vanessa does want Clay gone.  She's wanted to firmly aligned with Shelli and only Shelli for weeks now.  She doesn't think that that can happen with Clay still there.


Oh, for  sure. But she's gotta not sound so excited about that possibility to Shelli and Clay.

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Vanessa is actually doing a good job of getting Shelli to calm down.  She's telling her that she needs to buck up and realize that they are playing a game for money; that while it's nice for her to have Clay in the house, she will still have him after the game and that Shelli needs to focus on moving forward as a single in the house.  She tells her that the odds of both Shelli/Clay staying are very slim, so Shelli needs to understand that and focus on keeping the odds up for her being the one to remain. 


This is nice work by Vanessa to keep Shelli/Clay from blowing up everyone in the alliance.

This is why I really like Vanessa and her game!

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Vanessa does want Clay gone.  She's wanted to firmly aligned with Shelli and only Shelli for weeks now.  She doesn't think that that can happen with Clay still there.


Yeah, I agree, she wants Shelli and her bloody hands with her for the long haul.


Love her telling Shelli to get it together, and whatever to Shelli being mad at her for something V didn't actually do. Love it. 


ETA: haha okay I will concede Jackie has something going on upstairs, she is trolling the shit out of crying boo hoo Shelli.


Shelli: It's SO hard, this game...HARD, soo hard


Jackie: Mmm, hmm, yeah it IS. 


Vanessa: rolling her eyes on the couch



Edited by blixie
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Even John has jumped ship.  He told Jackie that they were all upstairs making decisions while he slept and then making him do things and telling him how to vote.


I think John is being smart right now.  He's coming out with his "secret" of targeting Jackie, James, and Meg before the king and queen can throw him under the bus.

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