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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Vanessa is proving to be nuttier than Audery. She's now talking down at Meg, rehashing their earlier fight after which mean Meg "slammed the door"

Austin: "When Jeff is gone Jackie will need a strong guy."

This fucking guy.

It works for me as long as it aids Vanessa to put Jeff up and out.

Yeah, seems like Jeff is toast.

I'm worried abt Jason next week because Audrey wants him out. He's the one person she told abt her Da vote. She's already told Vanessa why Jason has to go, saying that Jason called Steve a homophobe and Becky a racist. Then she proceeded to say that she's going to publicly call him out on all the things he's said abt all the house guests just like he did to her (of course he never did that, he called her out on lies and not bad mouthing or shit talking).

I couldn't tell if Vanessa bought it or not--just like I can't tell if Vanessa really believes what Audrey says or has just decided that Audrey will be a useful tool for her. I understand that Vanessa doesn't like the mob mentality against one person, like earlier on with Steve and later with Audrey and wanted to be kind to them and help protect them but am not sure that's all that's going on with Audrey. Steve said something abt how Audrey has thrown Vanessa under the bus and Vanessa really snapped at him and said that Audrey had not done any such thing. It was strange.

I'm kind of curious abt what Steve actually said (I guess it happened before the feeds started) that was supposed to have been pretty shocking. I remember Jason saying something along the lines of it being so bad they wouldn't air it on the show. However, he and all the others in his group gave Steve a pass and didn't hold it against him.

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Vanessa is so manic. Can't wait to see her when she's not HOH and has no power.

We now know why she normally goes to bed early. Her ADD medicine wears off and frantic Vanessa is what happens!!!

Well at least it put that target on Jeff's back and that's good enough for me!! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!

I'm interested to see where Jason fits in all this. He's had good talks with Vanessa this week but he's totally in the dark about Audrey not being backdoored. I worry that if the big group gets in power again next week he could be in trouble.

Jason needs to get his brain in gear. There would be no reason to backdoor Audrey because an HoH could just put her up right away without worrying about repercussions. The only way she'd go up after someone was pulled off the block if if the HoH didn't feel s/he had the votes to get anyone else out.

After watching Austin for a while last night, I really want one of the Takeovers to be a Makeover. A competition where he was required to shave all his head and facial hair would also be just fine. I know all of that hair is part of his wrestling persona, but going bold could be fierce, too.

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I don't put much stock in Vanessa's justifying her actions by not liking mob mentality. She may not like it, but that is not at all the reason for what she is doing. In fact she is attempting to create a mob mentality against Meg by fabricating a story about her for John to tell the other HGs, and she is making a huge stir about Jeff (not that he didnt earn it) but that is also a bit of mob mentality. She certainly didn't mind the mob metality against Day.

She's keeping Audrey simply because that suits her purposes, and she's getting rid of Jeff because that suits her game too. Everything else is just a sanctimonious smoke screen.

Her talk with James was particularly telling to me. So holier than thou about lying etc.; pretending that she was keeping Audrey because she was trans; telling all the house that the one thing she can't stand is lying when she has lied repeatedly. I don't care about her lying that much, but her acting as if she's so much purer, is nauseating.

I thought I would like Vanessa, but no -- not after this display. Slowly, I come to dislike almost everyone on this show, I liked Day because she could make me smile despite her bad game play. I like John because he's stealth funny. Jason for all his bitchery seems authentic to me. Basically, I like anybody who is likely to undo the (un)Holy Alliance of Clayshel and Vantin.

I don't include Jeff and Jackie in this because I don't see them as anything but cannon fodder and I didn't like them on TAR either.

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I don't get why Jason is so popular. He has some witty one liners but he spends most of his time sitting around trashing everyone. He's pretty terrible. He's Andy with a funky accent minus the good game.



From what I've seen he's mainly liked because he dislikes Frankie, there's a lot of self-hatred, the fact he prides himself on being the "straightest gay ever" on BB says it all.  He's a walking, talking Tumblr meme with no self-awareness whatsoever.  He really needs to shut up and his gameplay isn't all that great.  

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I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Steve has Asperger syndrome (perhaps undiagnosed?).  He clearly fits almost all the characteristics.  He probably shouldn't have been cast on a show that relies so heavily on social interaction.  On the the other hand, while some people find his awkward conversations cringe inducing, I find some of them very funny and think it might be hilarious to watch him awkward his way to the very end, however unlikely that is.  It also helps that he seems like a genuinely nice guy.


Not sure how much Vanessa hurt her game last night since people were going to target her anyway, but I do think those Jeff and Meg confrontations were unnecessary.  

I agree. I like Vanessa and I understand her wanting to start something with Jeff so it gives her a reason to nominate him. Ok, technically it would be fine if she didn't give a reason because Jeff's gross and most of the girls would probably be thankful to get him out, but her fight with Meg was unnecessary. I'm not loving Meg but Vanessa is horribly over exaggerating what happened with them. I know Vanessa wants to make a big move while not getting much blood on her hands, but she's overthinking a lot of things here. 


I still like her, but I think I'll like her better when she fades back into the background after HOH, if that's even possible. I agreed with Steve when he said that Vanessa should be ruffling as few feathers as possible. No, don't confront James, at least not yet. 


I like Steve; he's awkward and he doesn't fit in with a lot of these people, but he's a genuinely nice guy and him, John and Julia are my favourites for sure. They're all good hearted and sure, they may not be fantastic game players, but I want them to stick around because they're so likeable. Ok, John's a good player. He can win comps. So can Steve. I hope Julia can too.


Audrey makes me laugh. She's a liar and she shouldn't be trusted, but she's just so damn entertaining and she doesn't have anyone, so why not keep her around and use her for a number for a while longer? She's not that big of a target because she hasn't won anything and her social game went out the window! I would keep her around for the sheer drama and how people can pin things on her. 

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I'm still debating with myself if what Vanessa did was genius or lunacy. I'm thinking this could be a long term strategy because with her erratic behavior to the outside of the house it looks like Audrey manipulated her and she's weak minded. The unnecessary fight with Meg reinforced to Meg that Vanessa is clueless to what is actually happening which I think was the point. Audrey still remains a huge target in front of Vanessa. The twins are an immediate threat to the Meg, James, Jason and Jackie side of the house.


To her own alliance she is planting seeds for when the time comes to start turning on each other. She's planted the seed to Shelli and Clay numerous times that Austin is infatuated with the twins and would pick them over her. She's always saying to Shelli and Clay how she has no F2 and is alone. In that cluster I think she's counting on Austin, one of Clay or Shelli and a twin will be taking each other out. Meanwhile she's chilling with Steve and picking up strays.

Edited by kellog010
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A smart play for Julia would be to tell Steve that both sisters get to play after five evictions, not six like Vanessa and Austin told him - he'll find out after the fifth eviction anyway.  Also tell him about how Austin has shit talked him to Vanessa and her and that he's not just pretending to dislike him.  Maybe even tell him about the side Clay/Shelli alliance, although that might be unnecessary.  This would pull Steve away from Vanessa and make Julia/Liz his primary ally, and Steve is so desperate for close allies there's no way he would tell anyone.   With his crappy social game Steve might not be a huge long term help, but you never know.


I always watch until my favorites are evicted.  Last year I stopped watching once Donny was out, this year I will follow until the last of Steve, Julia, John, and maybe Vanessa (I go back and forth on liking her) are evicted.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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If Jason's gay, why would he care about seeing Audrey in a bikini? In fact, why would he care about seeing any woman in a bikini?


The same reason some in the house are obsessed with seeing her shower downstairs - they want to have a tee-hee over her body parts. It's a fetish to them. Jason I think even said he wanted to take off her pants to "check" and see whether she is trans. 

From what I've seen he's mainly liked because he dislikes Frankie, there's a lot of self-hatred, the fact he prides himself on being the "straightest gay ever" on BB says it all.  He's a walking, talking Tumblr meme with no self-awareness whatsoever.  He really needs to shut up and his gameplay isn't all that great.  


Someone who sits around bitching all the time is always going to be popular if they hate the right people. A lot of fans hate the same people he hates, so it's "fun" to hear them called fat whores and bitches, hearing Austin called a rapist, having a ha-ha about creepy Steve, and all the rest. He's the equivalent of listening to a trash-talking commentary. That he isn't actually in the game is irrelevant. 


Jason showed exactly why he's so clumsy in the game (beyond treating it as a podcast and a cool kid club) when he bragged about being straight-acting. That insecurity is likely one of the main reasons he's so close to the bros like James and Jeff, and why he's so eager to look down on outcasts like Steve, rather than effectively branch out in the game. He has to believe he's superior to the rest, and hang out with people who feel the same way, in a way he deems cool and bad-ass. And as a result, he's glommed on to the worst players in the house, likely some of the worst players of all time - Jeff, James, Meg, Day. 

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Vanessa's plan explaining why she's not backdooring Audrey seems twofold: 


A) As a lesbian try to make people believe she's not putting Audrey up because she's transgender. She's part of that community and doesn't want to be the one to send her home.

B) Trying to make it seem to the others that she's snowed by Audrey. She keeps saying things like "I've never caught Audrey in a lie." She knows damn well that's not true.


I don't think she believes either one. They're both game moves to make her appear weak. 

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Oh, God, I can't with Audrey, "What goes around comes around, good always triumphs over evil, I was treated like shit, and was forced into my bed for days". Stop it. Meanwhile James flat out telling her she came to him and said laying in her bed was a ruse, and of course she's now lying about the "conversation". She's just exhausting to me. She's never NOT lying.

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Part of me wants to watch this conversation between Vanessa and Jeff going on right now, but after yesterday I really need a break from Vanessa. I liked her pre-HOH and want to try to get back to liking her after, but I'm sick of the "blood on my hands" paranoia, and have no time for her "as a lesbian, I can't boot the transgender person" nonsense, even if it is 100% bullshit, and listening to her talk 100 miles per hour is too much. I do know that Jeff sucks, and is going to get nowhere with her, so I think I'm good with missing out on it.

Not sure who I'm rooting for to win HOH. I keep trying to find someone who would target Clay/Shelly, but I don't think they exist right now, which makes me sad.

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Not sure who I'm rooting for to win HOH. I keep trying to find someone who would target Clay/Shelly, but I don't think they exist right now, which makes me sad.

Meg, Jason, and James would, though they'd probably do so while also trying to get Audrey out, too.  They seem to be the only three who know they're actively protecting her.  Becky might go for them, too, since she wants Audrey gone ASAP and may figure out that Clay and Shelli are protecting her, as well.


But other than that . . . yeah.  Clay and Shelli really might be set up fairly well unless someone else wakes up to them.

Jason I think even said he wanted to take off her pants to "check" and see whether she is trans.

The idea of "checking" is disgusting and transphobic, but in the house (as opposed to the real world) I can sort of understand it.

They might think she is lying. Being trans is clearly getting her special treatment, some might think it is strategy- especially since announcing it is the first thing she did.

  • Love 2

Oh, God, I can't with Audrey, "What goes around comes around, good always triumphs over evil, I was treated like shit, and was forced into my bed for days". Stop it. Meanwhile James flat out telling her she came to him and said laying in her bed was a ruse, and of course she's now lying about the "conversation". She's just exhausting to me. She's never NOT lying.


Shit like this is why I don't bat an eyelash when someone like Jason wonders if she is really transgender. She lies about EVERYTHING else so why should she be believed about that one important thing?


I'd want prove too and I am far from homophobic. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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I find it hard to believe the way Vanessa is behaving is all acting on her part.  She talks soo fast and has so many thoughts she's trying to blurt out it's hard to understand her.  The way she was retelling the "Jeff lied to my face" story and on the verge of tears was very uncomfortable.  And she had to retell the whole thing to every hg individually.  

Also, she claims not to lie but obviously everyone lies in there.  The way she says it though,makes it seem like she really believes it.

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The idea of "checking" is disgusting and transphobic, but in the house (as opposed to the real world) I can sort of understand it.

They might think she is lying. Being trans is clearly getting her special treatment, some might think it is strategy- especially since announcing it is the first thing she did.


If I felt that was their motivation, I might understand it more, but I think Jason and his clique are mostly just catty and borderline bigoted. 

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Vanessa's plan explaining why she's not backdooring Audrey seems twofold: 


A) As a lesbian try to make people believe she's not putting Audrey up because she's transgender. She's part of that community and doesn't want to be the one to send her home.

B) Trying to make it seem to the others that she's snowed by Audrey. She keeps saying things like "I've never caught Audrey in a lie." She knows damn well that's not true.


I don't think she believes either one. They're both game moves to make her appear weak. 

I don't really get where Vanessa is coming from, but I thought that the thing about not wanting to betray the LGBTQ community was sincere in the sense that she has famewhoring aspirations of being an "LGBTQ celebrity," someone who could at least be on a float in the Gay Pride Parade (depending on  where she lives) or at best (within the parameters of BB famewhore delusions) be a host or correspondent on some gay-themed TV show or something. She seemed genuinely concerned that it was possible that Audrey is being portrayed positively on the show and "America is rooting for her" while people in the house are unfairly/transphobically targeting her. For all Vanessa knows, people could be being openly bigoted toward Audrey while setting Vanessa up to be the one to take her out, which would make her the dumbass lesbian who was used by the trans/homophobes to oust the innocent/noble transwoman. [No Gay Pride Float For You!] It's ridiculous and convoluted given what Vanessa knows of Audrey's behavior in the house, but... Vanessa is kind of crazy.


The idea of "checking" is disgusting and transphobic, but in the house (as opposed to the real world) I can sort of understand it.


They might think she is lying. Being trans is clearly getting her special treatment, some might think it is strategy- especially since announcing it is the first thing she did.

Exactly. I joked to myself that Audrey is probably a cisgendered man (or woman) who came up with the transgender thing as an angle to get on the show/win. That would actually be kind of hilarious.

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For me, if what Vanessa is doing is game play or if it's real, I can't stand it either way. 


I'd like to see Jason/Meg win HOH because I want Vanessa, Austin, Clay, and Shelli to be scared, but I'm afraid it would end in Liz/Julia or Audrey going and I don't want that at all.


Personally, I want to see one of the twins win HoH, because they don't necessarily seem to be on the same page with each other. I'm curious to see what happens when one makes her nominations and then the other has to deal with the fallout. And I want them safe until they both come in the house. I really don't think that they'll be on the same side, which will make for interesting feeds. That's about what I'm rooting for at this point: interesting feeds. I don't really have a favourite anymore because every time I do, they do something that turns me off of them.


Or Audrey. I wonder what Audrey would do if she was HoH.

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