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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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After the show I really hope someone asks John why he was so attached to Clay. That's still such a head scratcher for me.

In addition to no one targeting the twins ASAP, John literally crying tears over Clay are the biggest WTFs this season for me.  I know he was drunk, but still. 

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He was related to Clay, dontcha know, Vanessa told us that was true!:) 

Or gay lovers.


Honestly though, out of all of Vanessa's crazy conspiracy theories, that one is one of the least crazy ones because it would actually explain John's weirdo attachment to Clay. Otherwise, it's just so random and bizarre.

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I like John and I like Steve on a personal level for sure. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but...I LIKE Steve's 'HI JULIE' for voting. Maybe it's because I do it sometimes when I'm excited and saying hi to someone. My voice will occasionally go up in pitch and then I shake my head afterward, wondering why I even do it because it's probably annoying to people. But Steve doing it puts me at ease that I'm not the only one. It's way better than Austin's 'I want to vote someone else out, but JUDAS IS MAKING ME VOTE TO EVICT...' schtick, Clay's mumbled shout-outs, and I'll even agree John's 'funny-rude' votes are a little irritating. Everyone has a quirk in the DR, like Jason sitting on the edge of the seat as if he was about to bolt at any given moment, and of course the shouting in the DR. I just got used to these little quirks that I'm positive production has kept encouraging.


I think John's influx of the 'rude' votes are production telling him to keep it up. He never did it before that 'WHADDYA WANT' and I feel like, although mildly funny, I was ok with it being a one time thing. I do hope John goes this week, if Austin/Liz can't, because he is playing the worst game out of all of them. But he'll most likely be a strong contender for AFP, if not win it over James, so I'm not quite sure. All I know is that I now want Vanessa and Liz in the finals. Austin would win because apparently he has something these houseguests like (must be that smooth talking voice that throws people off on the fact that he's a slimeball). Steve would lose in the finals against anyone left, and I've come to accept that, so that's why him in the finals would guarantee a Vanessa or Liz win. I don't like Liz, but I'll admit that I would want her to win over any of the guys remaining. She's played a strong game and I just really don't want to admit that Austin's played a much better game and deserves the win more, because I think he would be a pretty bad winner for me (though not as bad as Andy, though I guess it was better him than GinaMarie or Spencer). 


I'm just trying to think of who else would have a chance at AFP. John and James are probably going to be the top two, but who would be the third? People online (ok...mostly just tumblr...) are crazy over Da'Vonne, Jason and Audrey but are any of them memorable enough for AFP? 

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Or gay lovers.


Honestly though, out of all of Vanessa's crazy conspiracy theories, that one is one of the least crazy ones because it would actually explain John's weirdo attachment to Clay. Otherwise, it's just so random and bizarre.

Gay lovers outside the house is not that far fetched.  I never bought Johnny Mack's so-called crush on Becky.  There was like zero chemistry there.  And Clay with Shelli - who was like 10 years older than he, while there were younger women in the house.

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Yep.  Austin claiming he didn't know John was in the lead.  Apparently Vanessa was upset. Now Liz hating on Steve.  Austin/Liz talking they are okay with John staying, he'll take out Vanessa next week.  Austin doesn't think John in finals could win, they'll definitely keep him over Vanessa.  This could be a really interesting week (or day or so), want to hear from Vanessa/John/Steve. If Liz goes up on the block, that could be the most interesting for me, I can't see Vanessa taking out Austin, don't really see her taking out Liz, but here we go.

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Oh my god, John won veto? Which means Vanessa will absolutely, 100% get her hands dirty with breaking the tie. I am pretty sure John will vote out either Austin/Liz (whoever goes up) and Vanessa will have to decide whether breaking up a showmance is worth it, or if she's going to go the less risky route by evicting Steve. Damn...


I can't wait to see her panic.

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Austin/Liz talking they are okay with John staying, he'll take out Vanessa next week.  Austin doesn't think John in finals could win, they'll definitely keep him over Vanessa.  


He says that, but he and Liz also talk a big game about getting out Vanessa and have never ever been able to pull that trigger.


Also, John would be an IDIOT to take out Vanessa over breaking up Liz/Austin going into the F3.

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I have to laugh at Vanessa's plans constantly blowing up. She's really never had a week where everything went according to plan.


Right?! I think that is one of the main reasons I root for her, even though I assume her inevitable demise is soon.  There's been about six times where things go awry and there would be no logical reason to keep her around further in the game, and the way she spins out of trouble and has not just has made it through, but seemingly comes out stronger, just fascinates me to no end.   Once again, I fear doom for her next HOH, but who knows. 

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Vanessa is up in the HOH room alone doing M&M math. Yall if this somehow results in Liz or Austin getting evicted, I will laugh my ass off. I don't even care if it means Vanessa is out next eviction, I've stopped caring about who wins because I like everyone left (even though John's gameplay is terrible). I want maximum drama, mass casualties. 

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At least Vanessa didn't get what she wanted. It's the little things!


I read that Vanessa said she's been 'saying things I've been getting in trouble for and I don't want a penalty nom.' LOL. I wonder if this is about that time she was talking about giving people money to incentive them.


She's currently in HOH playing with skittles, I assume so she can go over all the scenarios. Vanessa, get out Austin or Steve out, you dummy!


I'm gonna make a guess right now that John will take Vanessa out next week and then win the game.

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I need Austin to go up on the block! I really need that to happen! I just want him to really sweat it out for a few days and worry. It would be even more amazing if Vanessa decided it was finally time to take him out this week. Very doubtful that will happen, but she could try to make a deal with Steve and John to keep her safe next week if she takes out Austin now.

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I'm gonna make a guess right now that John will take Vanessa out next week and then win the game.

I know it's John and most times his brain doesn't make any sort of actual sense. But if Steve leaves this week, I don't understand why John would evict Vanessa over the showmance. His options would be going to F3 with a showmance who will always pick each other, or going into F3 with 2 singles. 

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Also, John would be an IDIOT to take out Vanessa over breaking up Liz/Austin going into the F3.


He wants to take Vanessa's place (just like James did). Austin should want this very much, as John would take Austin to the final 2. Liz should not, for just that reason. The question is who will prevail.


I'd give anything for Vanessa and Liz to do some oldskool Janelle and Erika plotting, like right before Janelle booted Will at final 4 of All Stars. Come on, girl power -- it's not too late!

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I didn't watch them!  It was obvious just from the text and pic. I don't even have the feeds this year and I am sick of both of them. 


While I now just salute your honesty, it is far less of a dramatic tale...


as opposed to [movie announcer voice] One viewer... Brave enough....Hopefully drunk enough....Going where others won't... Where they don't dare...To find the truth of a story.....No fear as to what could be seen...Only a need to uncover the facts....Will Wings come out unscathed from viewing such awful things.....fade out with fingers drumming on a table top (horror music in background).

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Vanessa is already working on her strategy for F4. With John winning veto, does she go for one of Liztin or get rid of Steve now...at least it's not boring!


Vanessa is in quite the pickle. If she gets out of this, she needs to win this game.

Edited by kellog010
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Seriously, I still have no clue what Vanessa will do. Liz should be the obvious boot, but Vanessa's stressing and going over a million scenarios with her M&Ms. I think she likes and trusts Austin more than anybody and it's not out of the question that he could talk her into a Steve boot. 

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I think it's time for Vanessa to open up her HOH bottle of wine, pour it in an empty water bottle, and have an off-the-wall conversation with John.

The reason I have my doubts that Vanessa would go through with evicting Austin or Liz is that Steve and John are TERRIBLE campaigners, while Austin is legit good at what he does. 

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Having John in the game is Vanessa's worst possible scenario. She has no way to know what he will do next week. Liztin would be tempted to take him, Steve wants to take him...she's odd woman out. I really wonder what her play is here. If this season ends in John/Steve F2 I will be disappointed.

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Having John in the game is Vanessa's worst possible scenario. She has no way to know what he will do next week. Liztin would be tempted to take him, Steve wants to take him...she's odd woman out. I really wonder what her play is here. If this season ends in John/Steve F2 I will be disappointed.

Revenge of the Nerds!! Lol I wouldn't mind a John/Steve/Vanessa F3. I can't stand Liztin and want them both off my TV. I know Austin is a super fan, but his inflated ego is too much for me. I know Caleb had an inflated ego last year, but he at least entertained me. I dislike Austin as much as Frankie.

Edited by Sammich63
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He wants to take Vanessa's place (just like James did). Austin should want this very much, as John would take Austin to the final 2. Liz should not, for just that reason. The question is who will prevail.


I'd give anything for Vanessa and Liz to do some oldskool Janelle and Erika plotting, like right before Janelle booted Will at final 4 of All Stars. Come on, girl power -- it's not too late!


The thing is, Vanessa has an outside shot of winning against a man in final two, I just don't see how she gets there. She would pummel Liz in the finals.  She and Liz need to really talk about this (no woman has ever beat a man in finals) to convince Liz that neither has a good shot against a man. I assume Vanessa knows this fact (maybe I'm wrong) and can convince Liz that her best shot to win is against Vanessa, I actually think that is true (even though I don't think she has a great shot in any scenario).


That means Vanessa has to put up Austin, which I'm not sure I can see her doing.

Edited by pennben
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In addition to no one targeting the twins ASAP, John literally crying tears over Clay are the biggest WTFs this season for me.  I know he was drunk, but still. 

I'm sure the BB house can be a very lonely place. Has anyone tried to befriend John?


Gay lovers outside the house is not that far fetched.  I never bought Johnny Mack's so-called crush on Becky.  There was like zero chemistry there.  And Clay with Shelli - who was like 10 years older than he, while there were younger women in the house.

Shelli is attractive. There's more to a woman's appeal than youth.


I wonder how Vanessa would vote in a tie-breaker. Or would she implode?

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She's currently in HOH playing with skittles, I assume so she can go over all the scenarios. Vanessa, get out Austin or Steve out, you dummy!



Yeah, she's still playing with skittles.  The interesting thing is that I don't think she's just lining them up as in "if I do this, this happens", it looks to me, and I could be wrong, but she has six or seven weeks lined up and is studying what happened in each to lead to now, or maybe she is comparing final four possibilities and final votes. If I could screencapture, I would.  She ended up putting her head down and going to bed.


ETA:  6:11:59 BBT today would be a great screencap of the skittles lineup to post so we could all try to figure out what she was trying to figure out.  I simply have no idea how to do it or I would.

Edited by pennben
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The thing with Vanessa convincing Liz to not take Austin to F2 is that if Liz doesn't win, she'd want Austin to so Vanessa would be talking to a brick wall.

Why would Liz want Austin to win if she doesn't? She's going to keep the charade going in hopes he gives her a cut.

IMO that's why she's allowed him to finger her all season. She's expecting a payback at some point.

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If I am remembering correctly, and there is always a big chance I'm not, the 1st and 2nd place players get that award money in lieu of their stipend, but that the fan favorite gets that cash on top of their stipend, meaning a person winning fan favorite who is not in the final two makes almost as much as the second place winner.

Donny made more money than Cody when AFP and Team America was combined.

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Gay lovers outside the house is not that far fetched.

And Clay with Shelli - who was like 10 years older than he, while there were younger women in the house.

Because youth is the only thing that attracts man to a woman. And if they "act" like they are, it is only because they are using them as a beard.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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I think the top row is F4 HOH winner. The left column is F4 Veto winner. Vanessa is clearly yellow, because she can't win HOH and none of the colors in the top row are yellow. I think John is either the lighter orange shade or the green, because he's in both hypothetical HOH columns. Whichever one John isn't is going to be the other person Vanessa doesn't put on the block (either Liz or Austin).


It seems like she's basically trying to find out which scenario likely yields the most "yellow", based on HOH and Veto winners. So she's weighing whether she should evict Austin/Liz or Steve. It looks like keeping dark red (so the area farthest to her left) is going to be the situation where she has the best odds at going to final 3.

Edited by Ceeg
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The thing is, Vanessa has an outside shot of winning against a man in final two, I just don't see how she gets there. She would pummel Liz in the finals.  She and Liz need to really talk about this (no woman has ever beat a man in finals) to convince Liz that neither has a good shot against a man. I assume Vanessa knows this fact (maybe I'm wrong) and can convince Liz that her best shot to win is against Vanessa, I actually think that is true (even though I don't think she has a great shot in any scenario).


That means Vanessa has to put up Austin, which I'm not sure I can see her doing.


I'm curious to hear what Liz and Vanessa discussed about game, if anything, on their excursion.  And has anyone heard why Liz chose to take Vanessa and not Austin?

Edited by Newbietunes
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Basically, Vanessa shouldn't have won HOH. She did and now she may be screwed. Somehow, I don't see her in the Final 3 whereas before I definitely thought she would be. Of course, this being Vanessa who has nine lives anything is possible and not cannon. She's like the Phoenix.

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I just truly don't understand why he would be acting like a dick there. Does he think it's funny or something?



I do.  It's just a different type of humor and I enjoy it.  Definitely NOT a dick.  I hope I'm not in the miinority.

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I think the top row is F4 HOH winner. The left column is F4 Veto winner. Vanessa is clearly yellow, because she can't win HOH and none of the colors in the top row are yellow. I think John is either the lighter orange shade or the green, because he's in both hypothetical HOH columns. Whichever one John isn't is going to be the other person Vanessa doesn't put on the block (either Liz or Austin).

You are smart.  I wonder what purple is.  It must be something she is unsure about.  Can you figure out the other colors based on the existence of purple?


Ooo!  JMac is green for sure.  The one on the right is in progress of being built and green is still there. I continue to stare... (I think Steve is blue, but let me prove it, empirically ;-) )


ETA again, if Vanessa wins F4 veto she plans to evict JMac.  Back to the puzzle...

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I think I don't speak in skittles.  I know there is something there, but I can't see it.  It's not how I see things, not how my brain works.  I'd love to hear this explained in the end, win or lose by Vanessa, or solved by all here so I could recreate the path.

Edited by pennben
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I'm curious to hear what Liz and Vanessa discussed about game, if anything, on their excursion.  And has anyone heard why Liz chose to take Vanessa and not Austin?

Maybe because Vanessa would be more subdued than Austin.  I bet Austin would refuse to shower, wear his stupid top hat, draw attention to himself by talking loudly and refering to himself in the third person, etc.  And get a stiffy over Ariana.


I get the impression that if there's a camera present, going anywhere in public with the ass would be mortifying.

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Maybe because Vanessa would be more subdued than Austin.  I bet Austin would refuse to shower, wear his stupid top hat, draw attention to himself by talking loudly and refering to himself in the third person, etc.  And get a stiffy over Ariana.


I get the impression that if there's a camera present, going anywhere in public with the ass would be mortifying.


I'm sure that is the reason.  But what did she say was the reason?

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She and Liz need to really talk about this (no woman has ever beat a man in finals) to convince Liz that neither has a good shot against a man.

Liz doesn't - but listening to the jury (which at this point has only 1 man) they all seem to view Vanessa has the mastermind of the season. I think if Vanessa gets to the final two, she wins.

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You are smart.  I wonder what purple is.  It must be something she is unsure about.  Can you figure out the other colors based on the existence of purple?

I think purple could be "unknown". And if you assume that purple is unknown, then I think Green could be Johnny. Because when Green wins Veto, on the far right, every HOH variable includes an unknown. And John is the least predictable of everyone. I also think, based on John=Green, Steve might be Blue, because in the situation where Blue wins Veto, Blue takes Green (John) and Yellow (Vanessa) to F3 in all situations but one, which is when Orange (a.k.a. Liz/Austin) wins HOH and has to be taken.


So, if my assumptions are correct, it looks like mathematically, Blue (a.k.a. Steve) is going to be who Vanessa is leaning towards evicting right now. Blue staying has less yellows and also has more "unknowns".

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Ugghhh Comp thrower won pov. damnit.

Vanessa's best bet is to get rid of Steve.

He will not be a bitter juror and she eilminates him as a huge threat to the comps that are mental.

Plus she has a good reason to evict him. Remember when she and Shelli were on the block, Steve chose Shelli over Vanessa. He fucked up big time with that one. Plus he didn't trust in the F2 with Vanessa enough to share information with her back and forth.

Just give Liztin what they want. Then Vanessa has to hope she wins veto which usually are the events throughout the season.

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The thing with Vanessa convincing Liz to not take Austin to F2 is that if Liz doesn't win, she'd want Austin to so Vanessa would be talking to a brick wall.


The pitch isn't "Take me instead of Austin."


The pitch is "Let's boot Austin, boot the remaining boys and go to final 2 and you can keep the $500K yourself."


The pitch is "The remaining boys won't take you because they know if you sniff the final 2, they're automatically down 2 votes."


The deal is "If either of us controls the vote next time, we vote to save the other." That's it.


But women never have these conversations with each other because the show puts something in the water that makes women never want to work together. I mean, why work together when it's so much easier just to lose to a man?

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