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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I hope you're right (I think it's what V has planned all along re: Austwins), but given the track record of the Austwins changing their minds every five seconds and James/Meg forgetting what they know is in their best interest every two seconds I can't believe this will survive today's wake up, much less the next HoH week.

Vanessa wants no part in getting her hands dirty with the Austwins going on the block. If she won hoh she would go after James and Steve and whoever comes back from jury.

She wants another person to get their hands dirty in the Austwins eviction efforts. Shes thinking about her jury management here. Shes not trying to win 6-3. SHe wants to win 8-1 or 9-0.

  • Love 1

All these hgs have shown their cards to Vanessa. She's basically riding solo and being one hell of a puppetmaster. Vanessa needed that veto so she could get the information she wanted since the other hgs were being real sketch. She has 4 comp wins and her resume if she makes F2 compared to everyone is looking great.


This is exactly why I can no longer give V that much strategic credit, tbh. When everybody else at the poker table is so abysmally stupid as to keep showing you their hand deal after deal after deal, how much much of your success can you realistically claim is due to your own skill?

I don't so much care about strategy tbh. I watch BB to be entertained. And really, I don't know how anyone can still watch this show that's watching for gameplay. There hasn't been good/interesting gameplay (by more than maybe one player) in years.



That's my own cross to bear; for me, the strategy is the entertainment - that, and some of the silliness which gets displayed by people when they're cooped up in the same House with the same people week after week after week (in THAT respect, James is a twangin' Asian entertainment god to me right now). And (for me, anyway) just a sliver of honest-to-god strategy can go a helluva long way.

Well, but one of Austwins options WAS to BD Vanessa, she ain't wrong there

The Austwins discuss a BD option on every eligible HG except Jiz about once every hour, on the hour, in sequence. They're like the worst Top 40 radio station on the planet, except with them it's the Top 5.

I have no idea if she actually believes half the shit she says, (the gay picture thing HAHA) but that shit amuses me rather than angering me, I think this was her way of saying I see what you're doing, and please understand it's better to have me on your side than NOT on your side. I think she throws everything at the wall to see what will stick because these people are SO not predictable from a strategy/game play context, some of it lands well, and a lot of it blows up in her face.

Or at least it used to. I agree 100%™ with your assessment that V is throwing everything at the wall just to see what sticks, but (a) it just bugs me that her paranoia - or boredom - or both - is reaching such epic proportions as to come up with, frankly speaking, stupid shit (Subliminal clues in HoH baskets? "Hang with the gay"? Dental Clowns From Outer Space? Really?), and (b) it bugs me more these morons aren't calling her on her BS.

  • Love 4

I hope you're right (I think it's what V has planned all along re: Austwins), but given the track record of the Austwins changing their minds every five seconds and James/Meg forgetting what they know is in their best interest every two seconds I can't believe this will survive today's wake up, much less the next HoH week.

Swear to god. It's like trying to strategize with Dory the goldfish.

  • Love 8

All I can think is that emotion is still a big component of the game, and this season there were no true personality clashes, they more or less all got/get along despite various personality quirks, viscerally disliking someone is fire for the competitive belly, and can keep you focused. At most these people are mildly aggravated by each other, and like "hanging out' more than thinking about the game. Well all of them except Vanessa and Steve who still go along to get along when they can manage it.


That's why the game does need a juror re-introduced hopefully Becky/Jackie one knows how to stay focused and the other knows how to get MAD.

  • Love 2

Hi All, New to the discussion here. I don't care how it happens I just need the nominations to stay the same. I want Austin to resist the Vanessa mind fuck as it relates to James and keep him off the block. I have no horse in the race between Steve and John so either leaving is aces to me. Hopefully Jackie will be the returning player with Becky as a second option. Anything that keeps James safe and blows up the three headed monster known as the Austwins works for me.


As many have previously stated Vanessa is exhausting and I am tired of listening to her paranoid interrogations. Every time I see her on screen I want to jump into my TV  and snatch that green monstrosity off her head and shove a ball gag in her mouth!


I wonder how long Big Brother Summer Camp would last if the twins ever found themselves in actual danger. Somebody wake up and make this happen!

  • Love 7

The Austwins are no geniuses, to be sure, but they're not dumb enough to nominate Vanessa for no good reason. They'll entertain the notion, but when it came right down to it, they were never getting rid of Vanessa. And nor should they. So I don't know how much credit I give Vanessa for her alliance happening to win the last two weeks. The other side was in power twice, and they got rid of two members of her alliance. First the power couple was broken up and then they chose Shelli over her after Shelli had one of the worst stints on the block in BB history (I really believe that Shirtgate is one of the most historically bad moves in BB history. I can't offhand recall another instance of a person on the block going off on a voting bloc like that before with the vote sitll in doubt - I've seen people who know they're going home go off on people, but not people who believed that people were voting to KEEP them and they still went off on them). And then her alliance members won two weeks in a row. So she's right where she logically should be - in danger when her alliance is not in power and safe when they're not. I mean, good for her for maintaining a strong alliance, but that could be said for Austin or Liz or Julia, as well. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 6

I think the only way this season will end in any way I find entertaining or rootable is if Becky comes back and then her and James just alternate HOHs. But actually James/Meg would probably end up targeting Becky because they're stupid. So maybe if it's Jackie that comes back and then her and James suddenly become not terrible at comps and win everything until the end.

The best chance at a power shift would probably be James going this week and Shelli winning the buy back. Shelli/JMac/Steve would instantly be a tight trio and they could easily pull in an angry and alone Meg. The problem with that is I don't like any of those people. Though I'm not sure I like anybody in that house right now. LOL.


I wish people would start applying the same standards to Vanessa that they placed on Derrick last season. Yes, Derrick ran through a group of morons. But lets not pretend like the Gruesome Twins and Sasquatch actually have a clue either. 


  • Love 1

I think Vanessa is as good of a player as Derrick. She has had a much worse set-up than him. I think they're both fine players. I think both of them are in the top 10% of Big Brother players, strategy-wise.


EDITED TO ADD: And I don't begrudge Derrick for every little thing going his way last season. What was he supposed to do? Turn his good favor down? Tell Cody not to be a moron? 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 8

I think Vanessa is as good of a player as Derrick. She has had a much worse set-up than him. I think they're both fine players. I think both of them are in the top 10% of Big Brother players, strategy-wise.


EDITED TO ADD: And I don't begrudge Derrick for every little thing going his way last season. What was he supposed to do? Turn his good favor down? Tell Cody not to be a moron? 


Vanessa is a worse social player than Derrick but a better manipulator. I don't place much stock into Vanessa's strategic games. I don't think it's any good to be honest. She has a terrible read on things and her constant dealmaking and paranoia is what got her in trouble in the first place. 


I dunno. I would say she's like a shittier version of Tony Vlachos from Survivor. 

  • Love 4

Well, that was my worst case scenario. I'm glad I finally decided to stop waiting and go to bed!

So from now until Monday, James had better stay out of any room that just Johhny Mac or Steve is in. Have absolutely zero conversations with either unless an Austwin is present (If just Vanessa was present, I would fully expect her to lie about what the convo was about). And heaven help him if Vanessa has a damn dream about him. I believe Vanessa will go back and forth between using the veto about 1800 times, depending on how suspicious she gets about James.

Then between Monday and Thursday, there will be about 18,000 conversations between the Austwins and Vanessa as to who to vote out. Vanessa will come up with a dozen different (wrong) conspiracy theories, but no new actual information will be acquired. But they will talk and talk and talk, and decide to vote out whoever does not grovel enough. And then change their minds again.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 11
As many have previously stated Vanessa is exhausting and I am tired of listening to her paranoid interrogations. Every time I see her on screen I want to jump into my TV  and snatch that green monstrosity off her head and shove a ball gag in her mouth!



I actually MUTE the TV!   It works for me and is mildly entertaining.

  • Love 3

Vanessa is a worse social player than Derrick but a better manipulator. I don't place much stock into Vanessa's strategic games. I don't think it's any good to be honest. She has a terrible read on things and her constant dealmaking and paranoia is what got her in trouble in the first place. 

I think Vanessa's strategy was pretty solid right up until BotB was eliminated. She relied too heavily on it continuing as long as it did in BB16. Had BotB not been thrown out, but they had the same HOH comp, then Shelli would have been HOH with James, she would have put up Austin and someone else who would have blatantly thrown BotB, ensuring Clelli and Vanessa's safety, and it would have been a Pagonging with Vanessa + Shelli as the masterminds. Then her plan was for the 2 showmances to go after each other, while she and Steve watched from the side. She was thrown for a big loop when the HOHs stopped being won by 2 people, and she was floundering for a few weeks. I think she's right back to where she should be though, currently. However, the entering juror could change that, since it's another change in the game.

Vanessa's biggest game flaw isn't her emotions or paranoia or lack of sociability IMO. It's her inability to adapt and accept that some things are out of her control. 

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 5

I don't care for Vanessa personally, but I will be impressed if she wins. Despite that the Austwins are not good strategically, their strategy has yet to deal with each anyone not in their team. Honestly, then going in circles and having no real strategy w/r/t Meg/James, Steve/John, or Vanessa is irrelevant because all three of those groups want to work with them! They win in all three scenarios.

I think while it serves Vanessa to stay this week, it helps them to get out John/Steve. None of the house feels close to either one of them, so there will be no retaliation.

Lots of words to say I don't see how Vanessa can overpower a group of 3 to win the game, but I'm here to see her try. Just not on feeds or BBAD because she is annoying and Austin is vomit-inducing.

  • Love 4

Honestly, I would rather that one of the Austwins win than Vanessa. Vanessa created the monster, and I'd like to see her perish by the monster she created.


Same here. And imo Vanessa's game currently is about on par with Liz and Austin's except that she actually has a worse social game. However, because everyone (wrongly) believes that she has be running the game since day 1, she will beat everyone left.


The best chance at a power shift would probably be James going this week and Shelli winning the buy back. Shelli/JMac/Steve would instantly be a tight trio and they could easily pull in an angry and alone Meg.


Shelli coming back is good for Vanessa and I want stuff that isn't good for Vanessa to happen, so Shelli returning wouldn't give me the power shift I really want. But I also really don't want Austin to win (I'd fine with Liz winning) and Shelli probably would go after him. But I figure the returning HG, no matter who it is, will mostly likely lose HOH and get immediately evicted anyway so I imagine it'll be essentially pointless.


I dunno. I would say she's like a shittier version of Tony Vlachos from Survivor. 


This is a really good comparison. I also hated Tony, but I liked him more than Vanessa. Although I didn't have to listen to him for hours on end, so who knows how much more I would've hated him in that case.


As for comparing Vanessa and Derrick it's hard because Derrick was never in danger, largely due to twists/luck and not his actual gameplay. I think there's some proof that if he ever had been he might have actually been in big trouble because whenever even a tiny little thing didn't go his way he got very pissed, so he might have fucked himself if he would've ever been nominated. Vanessa has been in danger and she has survived, but imo it has been largely due to other people's mistakes. I don't think she 'saved herself' at all the week Shelli was evicted. And this week imo the Austwins were never going to bd her anyway, so she didn't 'save herself' this week either. So Vanessa and Derrick probably are comparable. IMO they're both ok-good players who benefited from major amounts of luck.


No matter who wins they won't be one of my faves winners or anything, but I just realized that I'd be pretty OK with most of them winning. I would love to see Becky or Jackie return and win. I'd be fine with James or Liz winning. I like Meg/Julia so if one of them miraculously won at least they're people I actually like. I wouldn't even particularly hate seeing Shelli return and win. The only people I don't really want to see win are Vanessa, Austin, John, and Steve. Unfortunately those are the people who probably have the greatest chance of actually winning lol.

  • Love 4

It sounded like Vanessa wants James gone this week. Austin is such a useless fuck that I'm just gonna assume Vanessa will get her way and James will go up and out.

Just wait five minutes, and the needle on the record player will skip to the next song on the Vanessa's Greatest Hits compilation. V keeps cycling through:

  • JMac the Killer Clown From Outer Space needs to go, as he's targeted V specifically.
  • Steve needs to go, as he's betrayed V personally.
  • James needs to go, as he's the only semi-real competition threat left on The Other Side.
  • Lather, rinse, repeat.

...and then there's Meg.

ETA: fixed formatting

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 9

The thing about Vanessa's new idea about the James/Meg/Steve/John/Juror alliance to get rid of the Austwins is that it is the smartest move for them. We've all talked about how dumb those other HGs are that they haven't teamed up and are instead all content with their Final 5's with the threesome. So, it's not like Vanessa has pulled it out of thin air like the dumb "Johnny Mac is a clown" thing. She's visualized the smartest moves for the other side of the house to make. But, once again, she's basing her moves and thoughts on the assumption that she's surrounded by people who actually think strategically. Paranoia can be bad, but it can also be good if it aids in cutting off potential competitive moves against you and your alliance.

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 5

Actually, caffeine is a well known great way to self medicate if you have ADD or ADHD. ADD meds like Adderall or Vyvanse are actually amphetamines. Caffeine, as a stimulant, helps people with ADD focus and calm down.

ADHD here. I refuse to take meds and use caffine to help me chill. I drink a lot of tea because I like the taste and it has less caffine then espresso and most sodas. My friends in college kept a two liter bottle of coke in their fridges for mt really hyper, unfocused days.

  • Love 4

ADHD here. I refuse to take meds and use caffine to help me chill. I drink a lot of tea because I like the taste and it has less caffine then espresso and most sodas. My friends in college kept a two liter bottle of coke in their fridges for mt really hyper, unfocused days.

I have ADD also, and can easily fall asleep after having a Red Bull or double espresso.


Vanessa "deserves" to win on gameplay but she does need to crack through Austwins. I'm not sure how she does this.


Well that's why she needs a James/Meg/Steve HoH to do it FOR her if the next HoH puts up or BD any combo of the three, the only way Vanessa would be stuck is if it was Liz/Austin, and Julia actually won PoV taking down Liz, then she'd be burned if she voted against the remaining nom, but even then Lizulia might be willing to cut Austin free in exchange for F3 with Vanessa, who is about equally vested in both girls v. Austin who is only vested in ONE, and who, given these illogical morons, is still a target in front of them. But ideally Liz would be out the door, up against Austin/Julia and she can argue she had no choice. 

  • Love 2

This Vanessa/John conversation is exhausting. She's spinning, spinning, spinning, and I know he's not buying anything she's saying, and he's just staring and going "Mmmhmm" over and over. Like, I totally get that he doesn't trust Vanessa and would never ever truly work with her, and she just keeps talking and won't shut up. But jesus, his game is so bad. He's on the block. She has veto. Try to work something. 

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 1

Okay so after that Vanessa/John conversation, it seems like maybe Vanessa wants James gone? John finally, eventually after being worn down by Vanessa starting spilling his guts a little bit and has a tentative alliance with her, at least on the surface. I have no clue how sincere it is from either side (I doubt it's sincere from John's side, but he's dumb, so who knows). But I do think Vanessa might want James gone now. That could very well change over the next 24 hours, because it's Vanessa.

ETA: Vanessa just relayed most of her John conversation to Liz and Austin, leaving out the part where she's trying setup an alliance with herself, Steve, and JMac. They now think Meg is a mastermind LOL.


This is interesting, because it seems like Vanessa was sincere with John. Not sure about John's level of sincerity. I guess we'll see when he has a conversation alone with Steve. John did point out to Vanessa that he feels expendable to the Austwins, so maybe he feels like a threesome with Steve and Vanessa is better for him than a fivesome with Steve and the Austwins.

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 4

I would much rather see John leave than James, but targeting James this week is actually a good move for Vanessa/Austwins. James is far more dangerous as a game player (because he is actually playing the game), and this ensures that James has no chance of teaming back up with Jackie as only one can return (and there's a 50/50 chance neither do, leaving Meg alone and able to be used by anyone). 

I don't understand why John isn't hardcore throwing James under the bus. Austin is practically begging for a reason.

Because John has absolutely no idea how to play Big Brother. 

  • Love 4

I don't really see how James is a threat. He's pretty terrible strategically and doesn't stand a chance to win any comp that is even a little bit mental. 


ETA: If Austin backdoors James, he loses an ally that would be against Vanessa and Steve. JMac/Steve is more of a threat together than James/Meg. And if Shelli is the returning juror, forget it. Austin is toast.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 1

I don't really see how James is a threat. He's pretty terrible strategically and doesn't stand a chance to win any comp that is even a little bit mental. 

James is a lot less impressionable than John. And he'll put up a power couple and not think twice about it, because he's not scared to make huge moves. If if it's an endurance comp, you might as well hand James the key, because I don't think anyone can even compete with him.


It seems like the twins both want John out still, rather than James. But Vanessa hasn't had a chance to twist their minds yet, so who knows.

  • Love 2

The thing with Johnny Mac is that he doesn't overplay and people I guess dislike the passive way he's going about his game. Take for example his conversation with Vanessa a few hours ago. He didn't say much but he said enough for Vanessa to feel he should stay over whomever. Like it or not, if Vanessa uses the Veto on him, for whatever reason, he bought himself another week in the house.


It was the same last week, he didn't do much of anything. He and Becky didn't campaign at all but he ended staying. 


One thing about this cast is that overplaying is the quickest way to send you packing.


If Johnny and Vanessa reach a tentative alliance and Becky comes back, she would work with Vanessa to target Austwins. Even if she doesn't work directly with Vanessa, she'll aim at the Austwins.

  • Love 4

Also unpopular opinion, after the way James threw it all in with Austwins, he'll deserve for them to backdoor him. He was practically giddy to get out Becky who was so desperate for a "Team" that she was willing to work with him and Meg knowing they undermine her and she's low on the totem pole. Unlike James, her goal was about numbers whereas Meg and James are about who they like more.


I can't listen to Liz and Julia. I don't have enough brain cells to spare. 

  • Love 7

I actually didn't think it was that big of a deal at the time but obviously James and Meg made a mistake keeping Vanessa over Shelli. Things might not have turned out all that differently for them but Becky was right. Vanessa is more than just an another player. I just never thought she would be able to rise from the dead like this. Give her the credit for that.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 4

I knew the minute I read that Vanessa won veto, James would end up in the cross hairs. Austin has the mental fortitude of a gnat so Vanessa had an unfair advantage seeing as she has more than two brain cells to rub together. She irritates the living fuck out of me but Vanessa is like a dog with a bone when it comes to her survival in this game, so I give her that.


I need for James to be the last person to speak with Austin before the veto meeting (like that's going to happen) so that conversation can play on a continuous loop  through Austin's empty head. 

  • Love 7

I actually didn't think it was that big of a deal at the time but obviously James and Meg made a mistake keeping Vanessa over Shelli. Things might not have turned out all that differently for them but Becky was right. Vanessa is more than just an another player. I just never thought she would be able to rise from the dead like this. Give her the credit for that.

I actually can't believe she's gone from being everyone's #1 target, to not only surviving but having the complete trust of the Austwins and potentially gaining the trust of John (I say potentially, because who knows with him, but if not, she's no worse than she was last week), while subtly putting a target on the Austwins' backs.

I think either Vanessa or Shelli would have been fine for James. Because Shelli could have won one of those HOH comps and put him up.


ETA: Tonight, when the F&G's-minus-Steve (sorry I refuse to call them Austin's Angels bc gross) get together, it should be interesting to see who they finally decide on. I think Vanessa and Austin are leaning toward evicting James, while the twins are leaning toward John.

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 1

I actually didn't think it was that big of a deal at the time but obviously James and Meg made a mistake keeping Vanessa over Shelli. Things might not have turned out all that differently for them but Becky was right. Vanessa is more than just an another player. I just never thought she would be able to rise from the dead like this. Give her the credit for that.

It's all kind a crapshoot in the end because it all depends on who wins HOH. If Shelli had stayed and won HOH, she would absolutely have targeted James, so it makes sense that he was the primary driver behind "Get Shelli." It's true that Vanessa can influence people more than Shelli, but, for James, that fact would be irrelevant if Shelli got into power and, at minimum, Shelli was a solid vote/voice against him. The others probably should have given it more thought and it wasn't necessarily the best choice for their personal games, but it was for James'. It could even be argued that Meg and Jackie had solid reasons to fear being casualties if Shelli targeted James and he won Veto or somehow flipped the vote, so it made decent sense for them as well. If Shelli were there instead of Vanessa and everything else were the same, she would likely be pushing for a James back door even harder than Vanessa is and there is a much greater chance that Vanessa will switch her target for whatever reason. I think James could even strike a deal with Vanessa, but he's not very proactive in the game.

  • Love 3

I don't know if Shelli would have won any of those HoH's. Remember on the list of comps since then was the emoji one, also known as the dumbest comp in the history of Big Brother.

I wish they had continued BB takeover-CBS crossover and done a Survivor comp. I guess in my mind though, that's the same as pressure cooker. I just want them to have to stand there and win. Maybe that's what they'll do at Top 5 or 4 that will allow Vanessa to bet out the others. I bet she'd stand on a pole for days.

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 3

I don't know if Shelli would have won any of those HoH's. Remember on the list of comps since then was the emoji one, also known as the dumbest comp in the history of Big Brother.

Yeah but Liz won it, so I think Shelli would have had an equal chance at it. Shelli also could have won the DE HOH, that Steve accidentally won. She's good at those questions comp.



Maybe that's what they'll do at Top 5 or 4 that will allow Vanessa to bet out the others. I bet she'd stand on a pole for days.

Hmm. Would her ADHD really allow her to be still and mostly silent for that long? I think John or James would win a pressure cooker over anyone else.

ETA: This Vanessa/Steve conversation. Vanessa doesn't understand why others are bothered by people making deals. Steve says, "VANESSA, we're in a house full of recruits." Steve is me.

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 5

Yeah but Liz won it, so I think Shelli would have had an equal chance at it. Shelli also could have won the DE HOH, that Steve accidentally won. She's good at those questions comp.


Hmm. Would her ADHD really allow her to be still and mostly silent for that long? I think John or James would win a pressure cooker over anyone else.

ETA: This Vanessa/Steve conversation. Vanessa doesn't understand why others are bothered by people making deals. Steve says, "VANESSA, we're in a house full of recruits." Steve is me.

Yeah, but that's not the only reason. When you make a deal every other day, people catch on that they aren't all real.

  • Love 6

I don't think people are as aware of it with the Austwins. 

Yeah, and IMO that all goes back to them being recruits. Which was Steve's point initially, that a lot of the terrible gameplay and decisions made and opinions formed is because more than half the cast was recruited.


In other news, Vanessa has been going ninety to nothing all damn day. It's like she took a week off to rest her brain, and now she's back 100%. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, and IMO that all goes back to them being recruits. Which was Steve's point initially, that a lot of the terrible gameplay and decisions made and opinions formed is because more than half the cast was recruited.. 

Though he made a valid point, Steve has some nerve throwing shade at others' games since his own is so weak despite his superfandom. Also, the highhanded attitude that recruits suck at the game, as evidenced by their aversion to deals (with Vanessa, the Deal Queen), is ridiculous coming from Vanessa, whose "Let's Make a Deal Strategy" is failing and Steve, whose strategy is throwing everything and keeping his fingers crossed.

  • Love 4

Though he made a valid point, Steve has some nerve throwing shade at others' games since his own is so weak despite his superfandom. Also, the highhanded attitude that recruits suck at the game, as evidenced by their aversion to deals (with Vanessa, the Deal Queen), is ridiculous coming from Vanessa, whose "Let's Make a Deal Strategy" is failing and Steve, whose strategy is throwing everything and keeping his fingers crossed.


Is it really failing though? It did 2 weeks ago, but as of today, she has solid deals with Austin, the Twins, and has been working Steve and John all day, trying to set herself up for a 3-person alliance with them. And right now, Vanessa is currently trying to plant seeds for Austin to put up James or Meg tomorrow, and she's planting the seeds with John/Steve about the Austwins sticking together until the end.


It's kind of at the point of the game where I could see anyone making it to the end, depending on who wins the next HOHs and vetoes. 

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 3

Im in shock.

Steve and John told Vanessa the truth about Becky and Austwins wanting her backdoored. Vanessa will most definitely use the veto on John and Austin will probably bd James.

If James comes back and wins hoh, he will target the Austwins 10000% for breaking their deal. Austin has spread himself thin for sure. Vanessa is saying what Austin wants to hear to have him think hes some genius but in reality hes going to be one big target next week.

  • Love 6

Austin is too scared of Vanessa. she's gonna talk him out of it.

He has no ovaries.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Seriously, after thousands of years of humans using synonyms for testicles to denote strength, it's time to do a 180° and switch to ovaries for the next five thousand or so.

Yeah, as of right now, Vanessa's apparently not even a backdoor option. Of course, that could change, but I'm impressed. This once again shows that although she's self-destructive while in power, she's pretty amazingly smooth when her back is against the wall. Maybe when she KNOWS she's in trouble, her paranoia settles down and allows her to think clearly.


I think that is an excellent read on her. If she's in danger, she can and has to focus on the current predicament. If she's not in danger, her mind runs through and obsesses on every scenario she can come up with. That's a great quality to have when playing poker or chess, but in both of those games, the other side makes a move within several minutes and then it's her turn to take control. In BB, it is several days to a week that she is waiting for someone else to make a move, so her mind keeps running through possibilities like a gerbil on a wheel.

[Austin's] also concerned that the DR doesn't ask him questions about how it feels to be the king of the house or how comfortable he feels in power.

Hahahahahahaha! What a doofus. That is good news, though, because it means that I won't have to suffer watching through any DR entries like that on tonight's show. Keep up the good work, BB!  

I'm done. I just can,t watch anymore with how this show is turning out, BUT I have been wanting to bring this little tid bit up. Every time I see James wearing that cute little beanie ( unlike Vanessa's filthy green one), I can not help but think what an absolutely adorable baby he must have been!

I think you're right about that. Where did he get the kitty beanie, anyway? Did he bring it in the house with him?

  • Love 2

The difference between keeping Shelli over Vanessa is that Shelli is not the head of the three headed snake. James would have survived  a Vanessa eviction if everything played the same. That is, Steve win double eviction HOH and Liz won the next HOH. 


His mistake is underestimating how moronic the Austwins are and how malleable under Vanessa's influence. 


This week is a little reprieve for Vanessa. Johnny will target her, maybe not next week. Steve would as well. So would whoever returns from the jury. Right now, Steve and Johnny have to work with her so they'll make the right noises and say the right things, as they should. It doesn't mean anything other than they will be safe this week.


Goodbye Meg or James. The jury would be more suitable for Summer camping.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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One thing about this cast is that overplaying is the quickest way to send you packing.


Tell that to Vanessa, who's been overplaying for about a month (or since day 1 really) and is still here. But the thing is, you can't overplay for sure, but you don't want to underplay either. This is especially true if you want to actually win the game. I mean what's John gonna say in F2? A couple of screams and a few 'ha ha's aren't gonna get him a win. It's about a happy medium/a good balance. 


I wish they had continued BB takeover-CBS crossover and done a Survivor comp. I guess in my mind though, that's the same as pressure cooker. I just want them to have to stand there and win.


They don't even do those comps on Survivor anymore. I miss them on both shows. But Production is so stringent about their schedule and they don't want to risk a comp going into the next day.


I think you're right about that. Where did he get the kitty beanie, anyway? Did he bring it in the house with him?


I'm not even sure that hat is James'. Julia and John have both also worn it a few times, so it could be one of their's.

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