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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Hoo boy. Jason/James/Jackie now think Vanessa is being manipulated by Shelli and Clay. 

In some ways, she is.  Or was.  And she realized it.  So they weren't totally wrong.


But worse than that, Meg outright told Clay that . . . she's still loyal to him.


Well, that didn't last long, did it, Meg?

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Meg is such an idiot.


After thinking about it, backdooring Austin really would have been a terrible move for Vanessa, and backdooring Jason was a terrible move for Shelli/Clay. I'm kind of confused why they backed this plan.

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But worse than that, Meg outright told Clay that . . . she's still loyal to him.


Well, that didn't last long, did it, Meg?

Yeah, because NOBODY in BB ever says something they don't mean. :D

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James confirms Audrey pulled him into the hammock room right before the last live show and told him not to trust Shelli and Clay. They all say they should have listened.


Clay just digging himself deeper. Stop trying to play both sides, jackoff.

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I don't agree with this lol. But he certainly had the BB16 dumbasses fooled. Vanessa is 100% trying to play Derrick's game, but she's very unhinged and these people are a bit more together than last season's were.


What I mean is he is/was an undercover cop, he has skills. Vanessa only thinks she's got skills.

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After thinking about it, backdooring Austin really would have been a terrible move for Vanessa, and backdooring Jason was a terrible move for Shelli/Clay. I'm kind of confused why they backed this plan


They somehow got it into their head that the other side (which wasn't really an other side until now) was trying to gun for Clay.  Honestly, the "other side" was acting like they were in an alliance of 8 known as Dark Moon.

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Oh how I hope Meg is just snowing Clay but knowing her that's probably not the case. At the very least let her tell Jackie that Clay just told her that Clelli's real target this week was Jackie.

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What I mean is he is/was an undercover cop, he has skills. Vanessa only thinks she's got skills.

Idk, she's doing a pretty good job. She just blindsided someone and went back on a huge house-wide plan, and is still managing to deflect blame onto Shelli/Clay. At this point, Vanessa isn't anyone's #1 or #2 target, and with Austin and the Twins being a 3-some next week, I wonder if she's even a Top 5 target anymore.

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LOL. Clay told Meg that they wanted Vanessa to put Jackie up over Jason. Mommy is gonna be so mad.


Even if Meg is buying it the second she talks to Jason he will set her straight. He's 100% anti-Shelli/Clay.

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Isn't she asleep in the Have-Not room? 


Asleep or hiding. She's a coward.

Meg tells Clay she's with him even if he's against the people she's with. Seriously, I've run out of adjectives to describe how awful Meg is.

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So ... I turned the feeds on for the first time in half a week because supposedly there's all this exciting shit developing. All I see is Meg, the dumbest person in the house, kissing Clay's ass. And nobody is mad at Vanessa. Are these people all on quaaludes, or what?

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So ... I turned the feeds on for the first time in half a week because supposedly there's all this exciting shit developing. All I see is Meg, the dumbest person in the house, kissing Clay's ass. And nobody is mad at Vanessa. Are these people all on quaaludes, or what?


At this point, Jason/James/Jackie are the only ones with a clue. Meg knows what's going on but she'd rather latch onto the popular people because that's the type of person she is.

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So ... I turned the feeds on for the first time in half a week because supposedly there's all this exciting shit developing. All I see is Meg, the dumbest person in the house, kissing Clay's ass. And nobody is mad at Vanessa. Are these people all on quaaludes, or what?

Vanessa said certain people would work on Meg because shes fragile.

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Serious question, has Meg ever seen an episode of Big Brother before?


She's a recruit. So she watched last season while they were in sequester. Or was told to. 

Edited by Cutty
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Now I really hope Jason goes home after reading this


Effin crybabies



Vanessa said she has won 4 million but she did not say how much she has lost.  I play poker regularly with a group of friends and have for years.  I can safely say I have won thousands upon thousands of dollars.  I don't keep track and for all I know I may be even or down some. 

Edited by wings707
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What a disappointment Meg has turned out to be. I started really liking her the first week of the feeds and thought she was pretty sharp. Not so much, unfortunately.

I'm glad that Shelli/Clay are finally getting some blowback. Unfortunately it means nothing if TWO people in the minority can't win HOH, but still. It's fun.

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Meg: I just can't deal with the blindsideness. I get everything, I get game play. Don't, like, tell me there's a plan and then it's something else.


And that's Meg.

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Vanessa said she has won 4 million but she did not say how much she has lost. I play poker regularly with a group of friends and have for years. I can safely say I have won thousands upon thousands of dollars. I don't keep track and for all I know I may be even or down some.

The point is bb is not charity.

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Meg: I just can't deal with the blindsideness. I get everything, I get game play. Don't, like, tell me there's a plan and then it's something else.


And that's Meg.


aka I was upset that didn't get to sit at the popular kids' table in the cafeteria. She really is the fucking worst.

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The point is bb is not charity.


Yes, I know and totally agree that one's personal abundance should have zero impact on any decision.  


Just wanted to toss in my thought on her winnings.  :>)   

Edited by wings707
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Unfortunately it means nothing if TWO people in the minority can't win HOH, but still.


It really does seem like that. And let's not kid ourselves, it won't happen. The only way the power is going to shift in any entertaining way is if BB forces it through a twist, but apparently the twist department clocked out early this season.


Sigh ... maybe they can do like a sextuple eviction and just fast-forward to the part where the people who actually know how to play are forced to turn on each other.

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And, after avoiding the feeds for almost a week, I think it's time to turn them back on. And Julia's in the house now, right?


Yeah, Meg's dumber than a lot of houseguests I've seen. She's dumber than Ashley from season 14. ASHLEY. And that's saying something.

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Did Shelli just stop targeting Becky or what?? Jason being put up is much worse for her game.

But maybe she and Clay can switch it up to vote Becky out and gain favor with that side of the house again. And make Vanessa look awful. Here's hoping.

Edited by delicatecutter
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And, after avoiding the feeds for almost a week, I think it's time to turn them back on. And Julia's in the house now, right?


Yeah, Meg's dumber than a lot of houseguests I've seen. She's dumber than Ashley from season 14. ASHLEY. And that's saying something.

We thought Julia would be swapping in, and so did Liz, apparently.  But she told Austin an hour or so ago that the Diary Room people told her that Julia's not coming back in till likely the twin reveal on Thursday.


Didn't see much of BB14.  How dumb was Ashley?

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Well, that makes sense. But damn, I really needed Julia in here to see what she thought of everything. 


Ok, granted I've only seen what the show presented to me because I didn't start watching the feeds until last year. But, Ashley was pretty dumb, from what I remember. She sounded like she was stoned 95% of the time and she didn't seem like she was all there in the game.

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Vanessa said she has won 4 million but she did not say how much she has lost.  I play poker regularly with a group of friends and have for years.  I can safely say I have won thousands upon thousands of dollars.  I don't keep track and for all I know I may be even or down some. 

Considering her house, I think she's doing pretty well.

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Well, that makes sense. But damn, I really needed Julia in here to see what she thought of everything.

Ok, granted I've only seen what the show presented to me because I didn't start watching the feeds until last year. But, Ashley was pretty dumb, from what I remember. She sounded like she was stoned 95% of the time and she didn't seem like she was all there in the game.

Remember her numbers theory segment and her trying to showmance Frank late to stay in the game

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Jason: (To James and Jackie, about Liz.)  That bitch and her sister can both eat a dick.


I mean, as someone who typically roots for women to stay around over men, I was obviously already hoping that Becky survives against Jason.  But this all but cemented it for me.  GO HOME, JASON!


I'm not a huge Steve fan like everyone else, but knowing that Jason will be going home before him kinda makes me a bit giddy now. :-)

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