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Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers: Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

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I was wondering if maybe Walsh would return.



We never really got to see Walsh's story so I wouldn't mind that.  They even hired a good actor for him and wasted it.

I actually liked Walsh. Giving him some closure with Emma would help him not be such an evil fiance trope. I'd love to see a character from Oz who gets some fleshing out besides Zelena.

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I'm confused about the Underworld. Since many of its inhabitants have corpses in the real world, one would assume the UW is in the soul/spirit realm. So how are our heroes just taking a boat ride in with their physical bodies intact? If Hook gets revived, would there be two bodies, one dead and one alive? It's just weird.

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I'm confused about the Underworld. Since many of its inhabitants have corpses in the real world, one would assume the UW is in the soul/spirit realm. So how are our heroes just taking a boat ride in with their physical bodies intact? If Hook gets revived, would there be two bodies, one dead and one alive? It's just weird.

In my headcanon, Emma takes out her heart and sucks his soul into her heart.  I mean, her love for Killian is already in her heart, right?  This is after they find the right ingredient, spell, or undergone some quest that Hades puts before them to allow this.  Then she travels back to the real world and takes out her heart with Killian's soul and uses mojo to put his soul back in his dead (still sexy) body.  Then poof he wakes up and they share a kiss and get married and make beautiful babies and live happily ever after.  This was ripped off of Supernatural when Dean travels out of purgatory and puts his vampire friend, Benny, in his arm. But I still would like to read the fanfic version of this.  Any takers?   

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Then she travels back to the real world and takes out her heart with Killian's soul and uses mojo to put his soul back in his dead (still sexy) body.

His body still has that mortal Excalibur wound and already started the decomposing process. I hope a mortician didn't do anything to preserve him yet... or worse, Mr. Smee turns up a will that says Hook wanted to be thrown into the ocean.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Because Excalibur has now completely dissolved, it probably cancels out that wound.  But it didn't cancel out right after the sword dissolved because.... hmmm... it needs 8 minutes and 15 seconds to work.  Yeah, that's it.  Or a magical salve made by the elusive Hunchback of Notre Dame can heal wounds from powerful swords. These types of excuses could be made to make it make sense.  Or they won't even bother, like with Merlin's cryptic message about Nimue.

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I'm completely confused, too. I need them to explain how Hook's soul is going to get put back in his mouldering body and not have it look like a refugee from the Walking Dead. I need them to explain how Emma is going to put half her heart into somebody's soul, rather than their body. Or can she wait and bring his soul with her then dig up his body, stick half her heart in it, then his soul gets sucked back in there and revive it? Because -- ew, mouldering.


I have the feeling Hook's just going to resume his corporeal form when they bring him back to Storybrook, just like Nimue and all her horde apparently did, and then Emma will need to split her heart by midnight or some such thing to keep Hook from being sucked back to the Underworld, just like Nimue and her horde needed to mark the Storybrook gang by midnight so they could be sucked back instead of them. Or maybe she has to give him half her heart in the Underworld, in order to get him out? But again, how do you give a soul half a heart? And either way, there will then be two Hooks in Storybrook, one his dead self and one his new, reformed self, and I don't think they're ever going to acknowledge that in the story. 

Edited by oliverwendell
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I would think that they have done what needed to be done in order to preserve Hook's body from decaying (God, this show!). And the kids are probably being taken care of by the nuns (that's what Robin said in the finale when they thought they were going to the UW), so I'm gonna go on a wild guess, and assume that this is where his body has been taken. Maybe he's in the same room August was occupying in the convent.


That's the only place that makes sense, because Shady, and the other fairies have magic.


It would be neat to see Tink show up in Storybrooke to check on him. 

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I would think that they have done what needed to be done in order to preserve Hook's body from decaying


I'm surprised they didn't include a scene like that.  They actually did it with Henry after he took out his own heart in 3A.  It makes it seem like the Writers are just treating the Underworld as any other "place".

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And the kids are probably being taken care of by the nuns (that's what Robin said in the finale when they thought they were going to the UW)

Ashley: "Hey Blue, I need you all to watch my two kids while Thomas and I go out for a date tonight."

Blue: "I'm afraid we have our hands full with Roland, Baby Hood and Neal as it is. We're holding a requiem mass for Captain Hook too. You could ask Little John and the Merry Men - they've become quite the childrearers."

Ashley: "They're busy too doing something called a bonfire. What about the dwarves?"

Blue: "I've got them working late tonight on a fairy dust order. You could ask Belle to babysit."

Ashley: "Belle?! The wife of the Dark One?"

Blue: "You're right. What was I thinking? It seems you'll be taking care of your own child."

Ashley: "This stinks. Being a princess in this land is hard."

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I'm surprised they didn't include a scene like that.  They actually did it with Henry after he took out his own heart in 3A.  It makes it seem like the Writers are just treating the Underworld as any other "place".


I'm surprised, too. But I also get the sense that the episode was already crammed to the gills and there just wasn't room for it. They're planning to handwave it later, or ignore it entirely.

I'm not sure how much time passed between Hook's death and Emma confronting Gold in his shop. More than a day, at least, because Belle had already returned and re-consummated her marriage to Rumple (ick). Where was Hook's body during that time? In the morgue?

I may be overthinking this. 

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Hello, this is the Contrivance Fairy here to answer all your questions.  Because Hook has lived four times the lifetime of a normal human being, the rate of decomposition is four times slower.  Since the "heroes" will return in six episodes = tomorrow, Hook's body would still be pristine.  Hope that helps.  Please write a letter to Blue since she fired me as a fairy so I went to the realm of Hack Writers and started working for them.

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I'm not sure how much time passed between Hook's death and Emma confronting Gold in his shop. More than a day, at least, because Belle had already returned and re-consummated her marriage to Rumple (ick).


Belle came back the same night that everything went down.


I thought barely 24 hours had passed since everyone was on their way to the UW. Emma certainly did not change out of the clothes she was wearing when Hook died.

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It may have been just the next day, but Emma didn't come up with her plan to go save Hook until the day after the coroner had hauled him away, so even if she went to take steps to preserve him after she came up with her plan, that would have been hours after he died. This isn't like David, where it was maybe 30 seconds later.

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I doubt A&E have thought about this. This had an easy solution, Hook being alive when he was taken to the UW. But A&E wanted all the DRAMA! with Emma crying over Hook's dead body and the paramedics hauling him away while Emma can't let go if his hand. Hence, this messy situation they are now. A situation they are going to completely ignore, or try to solve with an even messier solution.

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They could fix it with a few lines.


HOOK: I wasn't dead.  I heard your cries when the paramedics carried me away.  I wanted to reach out but I couldnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't.

EMMA: Oh poor baby!

REGINA: Santa baby, jjust slip a Sable under the tree.  For me;  Been an awful good girl, Santa baby,  So hurry down the chimney toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Edited by Camera One
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It may have been just the next day, but Emma didn't come up with her plan to go save Hook until the day after the coroner had hauled him away, so even if she went to take steps to preserve him after she came up with her plan, that would have been hours after he died. This isn't like David, where it was maybe 30 seconds later.

And we all know this will not matter one iota on this show, because TS, TW.


As always, we are giving this more thought than they are. The worst is that all they need is one line to fix this, and most of the stuff we don't get.

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Regina managed to preserve Daniel for quite some time even before she learned magic and kept him preserved in magicless Storybrooke for 28 years. I'm sure they won't bother explaining what, if anything, has been done with Hook's body.


If the body hasn't been preserved and the writers decide to let us know this, then Hook could just walk out of the Underworld like Nimue and the Dark Ones did and that could be where Emma's heart trade comes in, except that would put half her heart in the Underworld. 

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That's an interesting theory. So, whose heart did she use? ;-)

Well, since everyone in the Underworld is already dead, that makes options pretty limited. Maybe Rumple helped her out during his brief visit? There's got to be a loophole; Rumple and Cora are the experts in finding them. We don't know how the Underworld works yet, so I'd say it's possible.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I wonder if Underbrooke was a curse cast by Cora to escape a threat like Hades.

I was thinking something similar, only with Nimue instead of Cora. It's possible that she created some sort of holding tank to "catch" her Dark One successors while she was waiting for the living Dark One to pull them through from the Underworld. Obviously, it wouldn't have looked like Underbrooke at the time, but maybe as soon as Rumple died it changed settings to his most recent location. Maybe the current residents of Underbrooke are all connected to a Dark One in some way, like Cora being a Dark One's ex and actually having her life taken to save his and Pan being killed with the Dark One dagger and also being the father of a Dark One. Okay, by Dark One I apparently mean just Rumple.

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So who's going to be running the Granny's Diner franchise in the Underworld? Ruby's mom? The Blind Witch?


What will be on the menu? Flaming Hot Tacos? Damn Good Burgers? Devil's Food Cake?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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So who's going to be running the Granny's Diner franchise in the Underworld? Ruby's mom? The Blind Witch?


What will be on the menu? Flaming Hot Tacos? Damn Good Burgers? Devil's Food Cake?

Gravy or butter?

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What the following characters would say if they returned in 5B in the Underworld:


Liam (to Hook): I'm so proud of you, brotha.

Marion (to Robin): Live your life and I can see Regina makes you happy.  Love her.

Neal (to Rumple): I believe in you.  It's mid-arc... time for your flip-flop back to "conflicted".

Leopold (to Regina): I failed you as a husband.  I'm sorry.

Graham (to Regina): I forgive you.

Cora (to Snow): You murdered me and you have a black black heart.  Kneel and grovel and say sorry for the rest of this arc.

James (to Charming): You sanctimonious hypocrite.  Even I wouldn't kidnap a baby.

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What the following characters would say if they returned in 5B in the Underworld:



Graham (to Regina): I forgive you.

You're probably horrifyingly correct about most of it.  I just think this one might be off--it would require awareness that Regina did something needing forgiveness.


Maybe we'll get:

Graham:  I'm so glad that you get to be happy now.  I'm sorry I couldn't love you.

Edited by Mari
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Maybe we'll get:

Graham: I'm so glad that you get to be happy now. I'm sorry I couldn't love you.


I'm sorry I was such an idiot. Even though you had my heart, I was in complete control of my actions, and chose to be with you every second we were together all those years. That is until Emma came along, and some evil magical outside force compelled me to want to be with her instead of you. Killing me wasn't your fault, you had to do it. You were only trying to protect me from breaking your curse...the curse that ended up being broken by Emma anyways. Everything you did to me was completely fine and we will never discuss it again. You deserve all the puppies and rainbows in the universe.

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Marion (to Robin): Live your life and I can see Regina makes you happy.  Love her.

I do kind want to see Marian so she can say the opposite. ("You married the Evil Queen?!") But she already got her "resurrection" in 4A, so seeing her again might seem too redundant. Honestly, I've been unimpressed with OQ angst thus far.

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I seriously can't see what else there is to explore in the OQ relationship in 5B and beyond, because they've skipped over everything that could and should have been obstacles.  They've made almost all the characters at an emotional dead-end at this point.

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I seriously can't see what else there is to explore in the OQ relationship in 5B and beyond, because they've skipped over everything that could and should have been obstacles.


The only things left for OQ to explore is a potential marriage, the Zelena/Pistachio drama, and possibly the whole Regina-can't-have-children thing. Other than that...there's really nothing left. There will be no conflict about how much of Regina's wealth they should donate to the poor, there will be no conflict about how much Regina should be allowed to parent Pistachio from Robin's perspective, there will be no conflict about having to tell Roland about his real mom, there will be no conflict about how they don't really have any shared interests. 

Edited by Curio
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I was listening to the Hercules soundtrack, and if they're going with the warped version of the Greek myth on "Once", they might be able to draw parallels between Snowing and Zeus/Hera, who had to let their baby go; between Hercules and Emma, the orphans, given the role of Hero; between Emma and Meg with those Walls©.  

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I could imagine Hades having a bone to pick with Hook, since he constantly breaks the system by cheating death. I'm sure there was a party in the Underworld when he finally kicked the bucket.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I could imagine Hades having a bone to pick with Hook, since he constantly breaks the system by cheating death. I'm sure there was a party in the Underworld when he finally kicked the bucket.


If this show were any fun, they'd actually show us that party, and it would be like a comedy roast where Hook is the unamused guest of honor.

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I could imagine Hades having a bone to pick with Hook, since he constantly breaks the system by cheating death. I'm sure there was a party in the Underworld when he finally kicked the bucket.


That's be pretty funny, then Robin and David arrive because they actually should be very dead, and they're very not.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Sneak peek for 5B premiere.


FLASHBACK: Enchanted Forest... a long time ago.


YOUNG REGINA runs free in the palace gardens.  SHE glances around furtively and grabs an APPLE, since she knows she's not supposed to pick one.


FRUIT PICKER: Hello young child.  You didn't pick an apple did you?  You know how the Queen feels about her favorite fruit.


YOUNG REGINA: No, I didn't take an apple.


FRUIT PICKER: Don't take the lightning bolt out of the rain cloud of Mt. Olympus.


YOUNG REGINA: What?  Is that supposed to be foreshadowing?


PRESENT-DAY: The "heroes" arrive on the shores of Hell.


HENRY: Why does the Underworld look like Storybrooke?


EMMA: Good question.  I don't know.  Rumple?  Rumple?


REGINA: He's gone to his own segregated sub-arc.  Plus he's gone so none of our questions about the Underworld can be answered.


ROBIN: I'm here to remind new viewers that we are here to look for Hook, who "died" in the half-season finale.


The motley crew walk side by side down Main Street taking up the entire road.


REGINA: If this Storybrooke is like my Storybrooke, the Mayor's office should have records for everyone who lives here.  Robin and I will head to the Mayor's office to see where Hook lives.


EMMA: I'm going to look for Killian on the docks.  Let's meet at Evil Granny's at sundown, alright, everyone?


SNOW/CHARMING/HENRY: What are we supposed to do?


REGINA: Uh... this is your cue to disappear for half the episode.


MERIDA: Hello, I'm baaaaaaaaaaack.  Remember, you're in Hell.   I'm here for that special scene which was filmed but was never used.

Edited by Camera One
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Oh yes.....looks like Mary Margaret may actually remember she was a badass with a spine!!! So damn excited

..I love bandit Snow. I just hope Emma and Henry also get to see it because Henry's never seen her (only in the book) and Emma's likely forgot because its been so long....woo hoo.

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Why is Hercules in the Underworld, and why does he look so young? Did he die young, or is this supposed to be because he is a demi-god? If he is based on the Disney movie, Is this before or after he rescued Megara? So many questions. 


I will be happy if Mary Margaret channels her inner Snow White, and I hope that will last past her centric! 

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If he is based on the Disney movie, Is this before or after he rescued Megara? So many questions. 

They made Hades a bad guy, and gave him the shock-awful blue flame hair. It's going to be the Disney movie.


(Crap.  I hated the Disney movie.)

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I will be happy if Mary Margaret channels her inner Snow White, and I hope that will last past her centric! 


That's the real question, isn't it? I hope the writers realized how much her character has regressed and this is a reboot of sorts.

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Why is Hercules in the Underworld, and why does he look so young? Did he die young, or is this supposed to be because he is a demi-god? If he is based on the Disney movie, Is this before or after he rescued Megara? So many questions. 


I was thinking he was in the UW on a quest, like in mythology. But after the promo, it does look like he's dead -- or perhaps got stuck there. But it looks like Snow saw his tombstone.

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