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Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers: Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

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What I'm confused about is the DQ sounded very much to me like seeing Emma in Storybrooke for the first time was a total surprise. She seems really in control of her plan and I can't imagine she would have let that "Emma?" slip unless she was totally shocked to see her there.

Maybe she hasn't seen her yet during curse 2, and there was a year in between, so it's been a while. She might not have known Emma was back in town. Emma didn't really have time for ice cream during the Zelena crisis. The selective memory loss kind of reminds me of on Grimm when Juliette's memories of Nick were wiped. She still remembered her whole life, just with him neatly edited out. She even remembered the friends she met through him. She just had different memories of how she met them. So DQ may have neatly edited herself out of everyone's memories. Though I guess it's not so neat if Emma doesn't remember that foster home at all rather than just not remembering that one foster parent. I suppose it depends on how long she stayed there.


Did we make it through a whole episode without any ominous foreshadowing of Hook's imminent demise? Unless the fact that Emma is leaning on him emotionally and feels safe to do so counts as a hint of impending doom.


You know, if he's going to "die" or seem to die or come close to dying, I kind of hope it's in saving Elsa from the hat, not Emma. He really needs to do something heroic for someone not Emma or related to Emma in order to earn hero status.

  It occurred to me that Lily's star mark could be related to the sorcerer's hat.  Why bother to have her have a mark, and why make it a star?



Crazy theory: What if the hat banishes people to the Land Without Magic with no memories or fake ones? Then they get a star mark. Would be a great way to neutralize magic people.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't think the Snow Queen is wiping herself from people's memories. I think she has a curse put on her. I think that whenever someone gets too close, they forget her, and that has left her in a horrible life of loneliness.

Oooh, I like that! Talk about an interesting villain motivation. It would certainly drive someone off the deep end.


I've been wondering if Elsa and Anna's mother really was her sister or if that was a previous attempt to form a family for herself like she seems to be trying to do with Emma now.

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Oooh, I like that! Talk about an interesting villain motivation. It would certainly drive someone off the deep end.


I've been wondering if Elsa and Anna's mother really was her sister or if that was a previous attempt to form a family for herself like she seems to be trying to do with Emma now.

What if Elsa and Anna's mother was really her sister, and with my idea above, she forgot the Snow Queen. Seeing her powers, afraid of all these pictures of them that she had forgotten, thinking she was something horrible, she trapped her in the urn


Crazy theory: What if the hat banishes people to the Land Without Magic with no memories or fake ones? Then they get a star mark. Would be a great way to neutralize magic people

I like it.  That would make sense.  I think we'll see Lily if/when the hat thing gets sorted out. I mean you can't have Rumple actually GETTING all the power in the universe and keeping it.  He's already too powerful for the good guys to handle (see his murdering Zelena and being able to fake the camera feed).  With even more juice what couldn't he do and we know he will use it for evil.  So I imagine eventally they'll have to deconstruct the hat and Lily will most likely be seen getting her powers and memory back.  I think it might look a little like when Willow did the spell that made all the potentials Slayers.

Crazy theory: What if the hat banishes people to the Land Without Magic with no memories or fake ones? Then they get a star mark. Would be a great way to neutralize magic people


 I love this theory. How about we add on that not only does it banish you to the Land Without Magic, but it also makes you an infant? That would explain how Lily was adopted as a baby (as I'm assuming she was). Perhaps Lily was hatted just before the curse and that is why she is around the same age as Emma.


Lily never felt right and could never bond with her seemingly caring family (her father spent hours searching for her and didn't seem overly mean when he found her) because there was residual memories there.


Now I'm having visions of "Escape to Witch Mountain" (original version).

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The speculation on people forgetting the Snow Queen and it being a curse I think is good.  It is kind of a rewrite of the original Snow Queen fairy tale in that people who had the shard of the evil mirror go into thier eyes kind of "forgot" thier loved ones.  It would be turnabout if the people SHE loved example being HER sister (Ana and Elsa's mom) forgot her. 


Since romantic couples always have to have something come between them I am postulating that the Snow Queen will make Hook forget Emma.  Also in he original story the SQ takes a boy away from his little female friend.  I think Momma Bear Regina is going to be forgotten by Henry (he'll  probably forget Emma too) and she'll lose what is left of her mind.  While I don't think Emma has a thing to apologize to Regina about ,and that is just crazy, I still think that on the show she and Regina will mend the fences because of Henry AGAIN. 

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That is an interesting idea. We'd have to have some time travel, though, because wasn't Will in Storybrooke until after the wraith attack? That means Lily couldn't be born until later and would not have been a teenager at the same time as Emma.





That is an interesting idea. We'd have to have some time travel, though, because wasn't Will in Storybrooke until after the wraith attack? That means Lily couldn't be born until later and would not have been a teenager at the same time as Emma.

Unless she was born before the curse? Ooo! What if it's Will's sister he thought died in a frozen lake? Maybe she was a victim of the Snow Queen and her portal jumping antics.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I really like all these theories!


Penelope pronounced by a child could come out vaguely sounding like Lily even! If Lily was Will's sister, instead of time travel, there would have to be some sort of stasis on her, because she would be a bit older than Emma, as she fell in the lake as a child, not a baby, before Will went to Wonderland.  Another thing to consider is a 3-5 year old would still presumably have at least a vague English accent like her brother. Lily does not.

Another thing to consider is a 3-5 year old would still presumably have at least a vague English accent like her brother. Lily does not.



This show has never been accurate with accents though. It could also be that the Snow Queen did a number on her memories.



If Lily was Will's sister, instead of time travel, there would have to be some sort of stasis on her, because she would be a bit older than Emma, as she fell in the lake as a child, not a baby, before Will went to Wonderland.

True. Well if the Snow Queen can freeze Marian, she could probably freeze Lily. Maybe the Snow Queen was waiting for Emma to get older so she could start training her magic. So when Emma ran away, she had to manipulate Lily to get her back into social services? Not that Lily would know she was being manipulated. Perhaps Lily was a failed candidate for the Snow Queen's plans.


I'd love to see an adult Lily turn up.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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True! I'm still trying to figure out how a boy raised by a Scottish-sounding father and for some of the time by an English-sounding mother and later by an actually English foster family would come out sounding like Nealfire. Not to mention his Scottish-sounding grandfather, who started speaking with an English accent after being de-aged.


ETA: Okay, if Penelope did somehow travel here by frozen lake, a lakehouse in Minnesota (I do believe they broke into Lily's parents' actual Summer home) would be the perfect spot for her to appear, I would think! Or maybe I'm getting ideas from Fringe again!

Edited by InsertWordHere
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Figuring out the details of the timeline crossover between OUAT and OUAT in Wonderland gives me a headache so I try not to think about it, but is it possible that Will is in Storybrooke because he got swept back up when Curse 2.0 was enacted? From Curse 1.0 we know that it's possible to pick people out of other realms, and since Will was caught up in the first curse he was just swept back up as well with the second curse by default.


Maybe what Will's looking for in Storybrooke is a way back to Wonderland. It's a rehash of the original reason he got Robin and the Merry Men to rob Maleficent (for the mirror to Wonderland), but it's not like reusing plot lines has stopped these writers before, and it would be a plot line that's new to OUAT (since his story was originally told in OUAT in Wonderland).

Edited by FabulousTater


Figuring out the details of the timeline crossover between OUAT and OUAT in Wonderland gives me a headache so I try not to think about it, but is it possible that Will is in Storybrooke because he got swept back up when Curse 2.0 was enacted? From Curse 1.0 we know that it's possible to pick people out of other realms, and since Will was caught up in the first curse he was just swept back up as well with the second curse by default.


Maybe what Will's looking for in Storybrooke is a way back to Wonderland.


These are both probably correct. If the Knave didn't get swept up in Curse 2, it would be a plot hole. He probably grabbed the books from the library to get information, plus the photo of his wife. There's the question of why Ana hasn't sent the White Rabbit to retrieve him, though.

Ooo! What if it's Will's sister he thought died in a frozen lake? Maybe she was a victim of the Snow Queen and her portal jumping antics.


"Ooo!" indeed! I love that theory.


I would guess that Ana hasn't sent the White Rabbit either b/c 1) Will is on some mission with her blessing and he hasn't finished yet, or 2) She doesn't know where he is, or 3) She can't because she's trapped in the hat or elsewhere. I prefer the first.

I woke up with another horrible, horrible thought this morning: Emma moves in with Regina and Henry since she needs a new place and Regina has that big house.


I can't even with myself. I don't know what my sleeping brain does to come up with such awful scenarios, but I don't like it! I didn't even eat something crazy beforehand. REM sleep must mean Really Evil Masochism for me.

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So I guess they were setting up Emma's insecurities about her magic and no one understanding that part of her with Regina last week because they were so obviously setting 407 and what happens in the preview.  Plus having DQ with Elsa going on about how everyone eventually turns on you is the same tactic shown in the preview that she's using with Emma about how her family is actually scared of her.


DQ is pretty good at egging on insecure girls apparently.

Maybe they are building up to Emma choosing the Snow Queen over her parents, Henry, Storybrooke, etc. after finding out Hook's deception.  Emma will stand by as the shards of mirror is about to pierce everyone in town.  But Regina manages to stop it and she will be the hero, and she can lord it over Emma forever, whose "darkness" finally showed itself.  Henry will be scared of Emma, and will stay with Regina.  

Edited by Camera One
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But Regina manages to stop it and she will be the hero, and she can lord it over Emma forever, whose "darkness" finally showed itself.

Anna/Elsa parallels, in-coming. I bet Regina is going to coax Emma and help her control her powers. We had all kinds of foreshadowing...


(What happened to Emma/Elsa BFFs?)

What happened to Emma/Elsa BFFs?


Emma can't be true friends with Elsa since Elsa already has Anna.  Emma can only connect with someone as misunderstood and rejected as Regina.


Elsa got shuffled to Belle this week. Who knows who gets her next week?  Maybe she'll get to babysit Henry.

Edited by Camera One

So, thinking more about my theory concerning Lily being the Knave's sister, I found some more clues. Lily is a thief and a liar, just like Will. She may have felt invisible in her adopted family because she missed her own in the Enchanted Forest. Granted she might have been too young to remember a whole lot, but she might remember the fact she doesn't belong in the real world. It depends on how much she interacted with the Snow Queen, if she indeed took her.

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Pure speculation but I wonder if Emma's tattoo is hiding a scar like Lily's - maybe the scar is a mark from the Snow Queen...


Also can't wait to see Emma interviewing the Snow Queen in the next episode - Emma will start off by thinking she's in control of the situation but by the end of it the Snow Queen will have completely got under her skin and hence the outburst of magic.

I predict the following:


*Henry walks into Gold's shop and sees Gold attempting to cram Emma into the hat*


Henry:  What are you doing to my mother?


Gold:  Umm...there's a light on this tree...errr...woman that won't light on one side. So I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear.I'll fix it up there. Then I'll bring it back here.


Henry:  Oh. Okay.

I don't know:  Henry's dumb enough to believe that trying to pull a con on his grandfather is going to end in any way other than the kid getting turned into a slug. Then again, Belle could walk in on Rumple eating Baby Snowflake while doing unspeakable things to Pongo and still find a way to rationalize it.

Edited by Anakerie

Gold:  Umm...there's a light on this tree...errr...woman that won't light on one side. So I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear.I'll fix it up there. Then I'll bring it back here.



Hey at least the Grinch really changed and became good.  Rumple is killing people and lying to his wife about life and death matters.  No way he's changing.


Granted it may just be clunky story telling but the whole Belle memory loss thing coupled with people's comments about how you don't hire the actress who played Belle's mom (who I don't recognize so honestly can somebody tell me who she is and why you wouldn't waste her on a small part?) for a bit part makes me think she ISN'T DEAD.  Belle's dad was shiftier than usual and he's been pretty shifty so my guess is that when the ogres came into the library dad made a desperate deal,  They could take his wife without any resistance if they left Belle.  He had the memory of his shady deal removed from Belle not to keep Belle from being traumatized but to keep Belle from hating him for selling his wife to he Ogres.  The Ogres then didn't eat Belle's mom but she's been emprisoned and will show up later this year. 


The concept of the  sisterhood of blonde blue eyed magic users has me giggling for some reason.  Also as if Regina didn't have enough fodder for her delusional Woe Is Me attitude I want to see her throw a hissy fit because the Plastics don't want HER in thier group.  


Is Emma the re-encarnation of Helga the middle sister?


I think they may address how the Snow Queen came to regular earth.  Maybe she sacrificed the heart of what she loved most...her sister Helga. 

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I think Anna only mentioned herself and Elsa (and conveniently forgot to include Kristoff), so I think the Snow Queen is fair game.

I'm not 100% sure that Elsa and Anna are safe (except for the Frozen Princess excemption, naturally).    Rumple got the dagger back--does he have to follow orders he was given by the dagger holder once the dagger holder no longer has the dagger?


Rumple got the dagger back--does he have to follow orders he was given by the dagger holder once the dagger holder no longer has the dagger?

I doubt it... that seems a bit overpowered. Since Anna doesn't have the dagger any more, her commands don't have any magic to draw from. If that makes sense. Since commands only work from the dagger holder, and she isn't the dagger holder any more, I don't believe they mean anything. But here's the thing - If Anna didn't have the dagger any more, and Rumple was able to teleport her to Arendelle, why couldn't he teleport himself there and take the box back? Why hasn't he gone there to exact revenge or get some leverage?

Edited by KingOfHearts

So I've been thinking about Regina's quest to find the story book author and the whole let's-give-villains-their-happy-endings thing. If Regina succeeds and villains are given their happy endings, it should come with a cost. It would be interesting if that cost means taking away another person's happy ending to achieve your own. (Kind of like the trope where if you bring someone back from the dead, you have to choose someone else's life to take their place.)


If it happens like that, then each villain would get to choose which individual person they want to screw over. Rumple would probably choose to take away Hook's happy ending, but Regina might actually be at the point where she wouldn't want to personally screw someone over from our Storybrooke gang. There could be an option where the author randomly chooses a person to screw over from the entire town without the villain knowing who it is, but it would probably come back later to bite her. If irony had its way, Regina would use the "choose a random person" option and it would end up being Snow.


If all of that happened, then we'd have a big change-up where Regina and Rumple have their happy endings, but Emma/Hook and Snow/Charming are screwed over by either a memory curse or something else that tears them apart. 

Edited by Curio

Why hasn't he gone there to exact revenge or get some leverage?

I've wondered how limited are the poofing powers the magic users have.  Maybe Rumple needs to have been there before, or have a connection of some sort--it could be one of the reasons people are afraid to say his name, is because it not only draws his attention, but allows him enough of a connection he can go there.

SInce there is no way in hell that the Disney lawyers would allow OUAT to harm the cash cow that is Frozen, I have to guess that when Ana and Elsa vanished (Elsa being kept her age in the urn, Ana being kept young by Snow Queen possibly by being frozen) that in order for Kristoff to be the right age for Ana once this whole thing gets straightened out, that the Rock Trolls petrified him i.e. turned him to stone until such time as Ana could be found.  Otherwise you get that Twilight Zone ep with that poor astronaut growing old thinking he was aging with his love only to find out too late his love was in suspended animation so instead he's too old for her.  I think I almost cried that ep. 

I doubt it... that seems a bit overpowered. Since Anna doesn't have the dagger any more, her commands don't have any magic to draw from. If that makes sense. Since commands only work from the dagger holder, and she isn't the dagger holder any more, I don't believe they mean anything. But here's the thing - If Anna didn't have the dagger any more, and Rumple was able to teleport her to Arendelle, why couldn't he teleport himself there and take the box back? Why hasn't he gone there to exact revenge or get some leverage?

I thought this also, but on further thought it may be consistent with how Zoso couldn't retrieve the dagger when it was just hanging on the wall in the Duke's castle. This would indicate to me that an order given while holding the dagger (i.e. you cannot take back this dagger from where I displaying it) must remain in effect. Otherwise, if nothing mattered once the Duke let go of the dagger, Zoso could have just taken it back. So this may well be consistent. What isn't consistent is that Rumple hasn't seemed in the slightest bit compelled to do anything that Zelena ordered him to do once he got the dagger back. Or maybe she was too short-sighted to give any long-term commands. Or, more likely, the writers make the rules of magic suit the plot.

I thought this also, but on further thought it may be consistent with how Zoso couldn't retrieve the dagger when it was just hanging on the wall in the Duke's castle. This would indicate to me that an order given while holding the dagger (i.e. you cannot take back this dagger from where I displaying it) must remain in effect. Otherwise, if nothing mattered once the Duke let go of the dagger, Zoso could have just taken it back. So this may well be consistent. What isn't consistent is that Rumple hasn't seemed in the slightest bit compelled to do anything that Zelena ordered him to do once he got the dagger back. Or maybe she was too short-sighted to give any long-term commands. Or, more likely, the writers make the rules of magic suit the plot.

Maybe, but the dagger being in the Duke's home makes it still technically in the Duke's possession--Anna gave it back to Rumple.  That might make enough of a difference.  As for Zelena?  Can we go with the "She was crazy and not a particularly good planner--'cause, really, all she'd've had to do was monkey a few people and get Snow or Aurora a nice, fluffy, padded cell.)


Also, they're totally making up the magic rules as they go.

From "The Apprentice" episode thread:

I like how you mentioned it didn't even click for Killy that he was also good in the past. Despite all the bravado he tends to put on for show, Killy seems to have really low self esteem, guilt issues, and probably still thinks he's the worst.

We've seen what the Snow Queen's mirror can do to someone like Belle, who - before her backstory episode - I never really considered as someone who had a ton of self-doubt. On the other hand, it's been made abundantly clear in-canon that Hook has some major self-loathing issues. My speculation is that in order to cast the spell of "Shattered Sight" and get everyone in Storybrooke to turn on each other, the mirror needs to be shattered first. For some reason, the Snow Queen can't smash the mirror herself, so she's holding "auditions" for someone else to smash the mirror for her. Belle failed, so she needs to find someone who has even lower self-esteem. AKA Hook.
It would basically be a recycling of the Zelena plot where she used Hook's low self-esteem to her advantage, but the writers seem keen on re-using all of their old story lines this season. It's been shown in the past how Hook is capable of being angry enough at himself that he's willing to punch himself in the face. I wouldn't necessarily call it foreshadowing (I don't give the writers that much credit), but it would be an interesting parallel for Hook to smash the mirror out of anger because of what his reflection is saying vs. the scene from the Back to the Future episode where he punches his old self. There's also that line he said in the most recent episode, "Mirror? Easy enough. Let's just go smash it." that hints towards this.
Of the main cast, Hook is the only one with enough self-loathing to physically lash out at himself and break the mirror. Belle was close when she lashed out at Rumple with the dagger, and we've been shown the mirror has no effect on Rumple. The Snow Queen wouldn't use it on Emma since she actually likes her, and Regina is the queen of no regrets so it wouldn't work on her either. I don't think Snow could ever get angry enough at herself to physically lash out; same with Charming. Robin should hate himself for what he's putting Regina and Marian through, but he probably doesn't even realize how much of a douche he's being right now to even get angry at his reflection.


So that leaves us with Hook, who'd then get the added bonus of being the guy who's now responsible for the entire town turning on each other just because he couldn't handle the hard truths about himself.


ETA: This plot would also be a call back to Hook's random violent behavior in "The Apprentice," which the writers have forgotten to mention the past two episodes...

Edited by Curio
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That's interesting, but Hook knows the consequences of smashing the mirror and he wouldn't put the town at risk or Emma, so I wonder if the mirror wouldn't end up smashing on its own after feeding off of whatever vibes he would give off.


Technically, Hook has already been in front of the "mirror" when Rumple went after him and called him on his insecurities and all that good stuff about reminding him who he is. 

That's interesting, but Hook knows the consequences of smashing the mirror and he wouldn't put the town at risk or Emma, so I wonder if the mirror wouldn't end up smashing on its own after feeding off of whatever vibes he would give off.

Does anyone in-show know if smashing the mirror = bad? I thought Hook mentioned the idea of smashing it to destroy the spell and Belle just said it's not quite that simple. I don't think anyone has said, "Don't go smash the mirror because bad things will happen." At least, not yet, I don't think. Plus, Belle has shown you can't consciously control your actions in front of the mirror. I do like the idea of the mirror breaking on its own just because of the bad vibes, though.


Technically, Hook has already been in front of the "mirror" when Rumple went after him and called him on his insecurities and all that good stuff about reminding him who he is.

I think that episode was a set up for something like this to happen. If Hook was to stand in front of the mirror now, his reflection could call back to that episode and get him even more riled up.

Does anyone in-show know if smashing the mirror = bad? I thought Hook mentioned the idea of smashing it to destroy the spell and Belle just said it's not quite that simple. I don't think anyone has said, "Don't go smash the mirror because bad things will happen." At least, not yet, I don't think. Plus, Belle has shown you can't consciously control your actions in front of the mirror. I do like the idea of the mirror breaking on its own just because of the bad vibes, though.


It wasn't spelled out, but I thought it was implied from what he said, that people would turn on each other, the town would destroy itself and then Emma said there would be just her and Elsa left standing. 


If he smashes it, he'll get sharded (I know, not a word) as well.  I wonder if the mirror doesn't affect magical people period in terms of them getting hit with those shards. 

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