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Show Analysis: Dr Huang Will See You Now

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Season 2, Chameleon, when they pursued the death penalty for a prostitute with PTSD who was killing rapists.

I would felt sorry for her if she hadn't also stolen a baby and killed his mother. She was a pure sociopath.

Definetely the boy in 'Confessions'. It sparked quite a debate at home back in the day. He truly wanted to control his urges, and it is pretty clear that he knows they are wrong and would get rid of them, if he had any choice. But he didn't and ended up dead becauase the system has not place for paedophiles who do not act on their urges.

  • Love 6

Did anyone else feel bad for the boy in "A Misunderstanding"? That case really case murky. I don't know if it was really rape or just sex gone bad, but either way, that kid seemed genuinely not aware of what he did was wrong. He probably would have taken the deal to avoid dragging him and the girl through a trial if his stupid parents hadn't insisted on it.

  • Love 2

Yeah, but the trial was so humiliating for both of them. The fact that the outcome was the same as if he had just accepted a plea made the whole thing seem so pointless.

I also can't help feeling bad for Jenna, the girl Stabler was forced to shoot at the end of "Smoked". I don't really blame her for shooting the guys that killed her mother, and from her reaction, she obviously didn't mean to shoot Sister Peg. She was ready to surrender until that asshole provoked her.

  • Love 1

Don't know if she would technically be considered a "victim," but even though I don't approve of violence against women, I LAUGHED when the idiot redhead that helps break serial killers out of prison got a dose of her own medicine when Yates and Rudnick beat the shit out of her and locked her in her car trunk.  Compared to what their other victims endured, she got off pretty easy, but I consider women that willingly slut around with men that rape and murder women to be the lowest level of pond scum, so she deserved it.

  • Love 7

With the confirmation of Warren Leight's departure from SVU at the end of this season per a link from MorbidPet in, I think, the media thread, I figured I'd create a thread to discuss what you all hope will happen once the new EP arrives.


I do wonder if the new EP will still try to bring back Stabler once this puppy barks its last bark. I know many were burnt out on the guy, and hey, I had my moments. But Stabler's exit was indeed a shitty one, and it'd be nice to see that rectified somehow (to me).


Beyond that, I hope the new EP starts treating this more like an ensemble - even with budget issues - and not as a vehicle to torture Olivia Benson in new (or old) ways.


How 'bout you? What do you hope for? Is there anything you hope leaves with Warren Leight?

  • Love 5

First and foremost: Solving cases instead the having to rescue one of their own (Liv). And a limit on just judging perps/victims based on whatever personal stuff the detectives have going on at the moment. There was a period of time where it seemed like Amaro and Rollins interactions each episode with each other were just to have opposing views on cases. Enough with Detectives committing crimes. Getting rid of Amaro has helped that a lot already. I like Kelli Giddish but Rollins really should not have her job still, really.

Of course, and i hate that it even has become an issue, more cases that actually are "SVU" cases. I don't know if it was just that WL was so used to freedom "Major Case" offered or if it's network/Wolf encouraged since its the only LAO show left, but waaay to often the cases don't belong on SVU, but they're "headline" stories so its done. Prime example, the cop shooting the unarmed man and the episode just dropped finding the actual rapist to tell this topical story. A lot of the cases this year didn't belong at all. I remember the days of thinking it was a lame stretch to have Benson/Stabler/Munch/Lake/Finn chasing down stolen Embryos but that has nothing on the stretch of SVUs reign over cases that aren't 'Special Victims ". (Plus that did come along with the greatest " missing persons " sketch ever thanks to Munch.)

And more courtroom scenes. It's ridiculous how few there are these days.

  • Love 2
I don't know if it was just that WL was so used to freedom "Major Case" offered


Well, I think that's one thing CI/SVU had in common under Warren Leight (besides both shows being under the L&O franchise umbrella): A lot of CI's latter cases didn't seem to be all that "major" and could have been punted over to the 2-7.


The glory of TV and suspension of disbelief or whatever.


But I do agree that SVU does need to go back to stricter "sexually-based offenses", etc. since that is what the show is ostensibly about.

I got so high hopes for this new showrunner I fear I'm setting myself up for a great disappointment if Julie or any other already WL-indoctorined person takes over. 


I agree they have to bring back the ensemble show and I think by focusing back on the crimes (and yes the crimes the special victims unit should handle) they can do that. SVU had such a good way back in the days of connecting just a touch of personal drama to the case of the week. SVU.02 also did a good job of that to start with but somewhere along the WL run they lost that.

I don't mind one episode once in a while being centered around a specific character, like I make no secret of that Gambler's Fallacy is my all time fave, but for me Liv's glory days are over and I'm just not interested in her drama/trauma any longer. Being the child of a rapist made her interesting enough, and to become a mom was one thing I really wished for her, but they did not have to pile on all that other crap. It really has come to a point I don't care if she lives or dies. And that saddens me to even say out loud cause the Olivia Benson was my hero for many, many years. 

The current crew just seem to have a need to elevate Liv to ridiculous highs but do it in the most horrific ways. Enough of the torture porn. 


So trying to leave WL behind and think in a more positive light I hope for great upcoming cases, preferably more of originally cases as well. I do like the SVU twists but they don't have to twist themselves out of joint every frickin episode. I hope for the entire cast to be in every episode! I can take Barba not being in every single one but he needs to have a bigger part than today, and I love seeing him in court so more of that would suit me fine. I would love to see the squad do more undercover operations. And become more like a squad that likes each other. Even families/friends fight so they can still butt heads. 

I would love for Murphy to walk back in to the squad room but I feel bad hoping Gotham do bad so that can become reality. 


Okay I just realized this was getting more like a S18 wishlist (sorry!) but basically I hope the new showrunner values his/hers entire cast more and let them shine in case-focused episodes. And if the new showrunner is as active on Twitter as WL has been I hope he/she can take creative criticism and don't just cater to the so-called diehards but also listens to all us regular fans that wants this show to succeed and will tell him/her when an episode wasn't up to bar. Criticism doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can make you grow at times and this show needs to grow back to its former brilliant state to keep viewers like myself around. 

  • Love 1

Bringing something over from the latest episode thread, in terms of potential casting changes/wishful thinking:


If rumors are true that Andy Karl is leaving the show (I hear he's just been cast as a lead in an upcoming Broadway production), then kudos to him for leaving this mess of a show and returning to the work that he is capable of. I kind of hope he takes Raul with him. SVU seriously under utilizes two of their most capable actors in favor of Liv torture porn and plots that are beyond ridiculous.


I actually wouldn't mind that. Dodds needs to go (and I'm sure he will, or else they'd have made Andy Karl a regular by now), Fin needs to become the Sergeant and then we can get a new detective (hopefully a more interesting one, like Carisi). And, much as I like Barba, I feel that he doesn't have that much to offer anymore, besides a few well-placed eye-rolls and, like, being a hilarious dick. A new ADA would shake things up. Make it happen, show! Wasn't Raul Esparza a Warren Leight choice? Maybe they can leave together.


I couldn't disagree more. I feel like he has a ton to offer, but just isn't being given the chance to show it. There's his political ambition, for one. There's a lot of things they've barely touched on and could go back to. If anyone should leave, it's Carisi, who in my opinion is unbearably dull, lifeless and cliche.


I have to say it: I often see Esparza fans saying he deserves better than SVU, but they also don't seem to really want him gone, lol. I get it, I just find it funny. And I bet Esparza himself doesn't mind the paycheck, or the light workload, or working with MH.


I actually love both Barba and Carisi (though I do like Carisi more, because he's the best), and I certainly agree that there is story potential when it comes to Barba, but I think Barba has become peripheral, if not tertiary, in the last couple of seasons. If he left/was replaced, the show would just go on. For instance, we've had several episodes with Robert Sean Leonard and the show never missed a beat. Plus, RSL is an amazing actor as well (in my book, even better than Esparza, whom I do enjoy, don't get me wrong). I'd love to see RSL's ADA on the show permanently, and that's just an example.


Conversely, Carisi has been in every single episode since, like, early Season 16, and he's been getting a lot of screentime. This season, especially. If he left, there'd be a huge void. He gets everything done, basically (because the writers overwork Peter Scanavino, heh). Who would do what he does? Rollins by herself? Plus, if Carisi left, the show would just turn back into that lifeless, drab, overdramatic mess that was Season 15. The show needed "a" Carisi (someone fun and funny who isn't a tragic trainwreck), and I'm happy we got this Carisi, because Peter Scanavino is doing wonders with the role (not to diss Andy Karl, whom I also like, but the difference between the way Carisi immediately sparked with all the characters and the way Dodds is, like, just there, is pretty stark).


I also think that Carisi and Rollins are developing a great dynamic, especially this season, like this week's episode demonstrated, so it would be a shame to waste that. An ADA is more detached by default. More isolated. A switch wouldn't change the vibe of the show, the DNA of the show. The detectives are the ones we see all the time. When I think about losing ADAs in the past, I go "eh" (even Novak whom I loved). When I think about losing Munch or Chester Lake (never forget!) or Amaro, it hits way harder.


I do like Barba, and I think he has been a very welcome addition to the show. But I'd survive losing him. I would not survive losing Carisi (that said, I am easy, and once upon a time I used to say the same about Amaro, before the writers ruined him and before Carisi showed up and usurped his throne as my favorite SVU hottie, so who knows? I am addicted to SVU, after all).


By the way, what's Esparza's contract status? I know his contract wasn't up last season, unlike KG's. I'm only asking because WL was his champion, though he has become a part of the show and I don't see why a new showrunner would replace him.


Speaking of, I find this season way more balanced in terms of it not being All About Benson, and I hope the new showrunner keeps it up. If they manage to strike gold again and find another detective like Carisi, who'll fit in immediately (I'd love to see another woman, preferably a woman of color, because the show is getting a little too white if you ask me), and if we don't get a Dodds redux (boring white guy), Season 18 could be even better. Carisi/Rollins could be the new main duo, breaking in the newbie, with Olivia acting a little more like a supervisor but still part of the action, and with Fin being Fin. I'm game.

  • Love 3

What do I hope for? It looks like the same things as everyone else. An ensemble solving sexually based offenses and at least sometimes following them to trial instead of The Benson Hour. I understand that we're not necessarily reflective of the audience as a whole, but surely MH can be the lead without us having to believe that she's doing everything in the field as well as commanding the squad. More of the dark humor that this show used to do so well. A sort of back to basics approach to take us to the end that's not too far away.


  • Love 3

Since Under The Dome is thankfully put to rest I guess he would be free now if he doesn't have any new project already. But it's almost like UTD takes him out of the running, gawd what a terrible show. The pro should be that he's out of the closet now so I would trust him to do decent LGBTQ episodes, maybe let us know what Ken's been up to & if Alejandro is still in the picture. 

I don't think that Neal Baer could possibly take over, they wouldn't rehire someone who already had 12 years and quit, would they? Idk..

Thanks for the Info tho, and yeah my guess would be that someone who's already there would take over, like Julie.. although it would be kinda sad, since it would probably just go on the way it is now and maybe they'd miss out on opportunities to change something, etc... we'll see :D

Transgender Bridge gave me the same feelings I used to get watching The First 48. So many of those eps have a crime committed not by a career criminal or sociopath, but a teenager who didn't think an action through enough to realise that a death was a possible or likely conclusion. So while the victims are just as dead and the families just as wrecked, it's difficult to feel like justice has been served. And I definitely fall on the side of the fence that I think when teenagers' brains have trouble getting as far as "action x may lead to this person dying", it's unlikely throwing the book at someone else is going to be a useful preventative. That requires even more brain links: "this person may fall, then die, then I may get caught, then I may never see daylight again". Not to mention can their limited life experience even conceptualise those epic jail terms.

So yeah, Darius. A waste. :(

I honestly almost cried after this episode was over. I was legitimately depressed and in a funk for a lil bit. It's just such a horrible story. But I totally agree with you.

I'm 27 and even I don't fully think my actions through sometimes. I mean I don't get into physical altercations with people, but all of life is one big learning experience, regardless of your age. I don't think prison was necessary for this kid, as you said, how is it really preventative at all? For Darius, definitely not. For others in that situation, MAYBE, but I kinda doubt it. I don't think the type of kids who would do that kinda stuff in the first place would be affected by "the example."

Darius clearly was affected by what happened, even before Avery's death. Outside of prison, he would be remorseful for the rest of his life. Inside prison? He's much more likely to become the kinda person who will end up a "hardened criminal." Having Darius forced to do community service, maybe involved with transgender or homes for LGBT youth probably would have been a much better use of his time. Then he could have made something positive of the situation. There was NOTHING positive about how this ended up.

  • Love 5

In my dream universe, Season 18 would see more Finn (let him change his mind and take the Sergeant's exam, especially if Dodds Jr is leaving), more of Robert Sean Leonard's ADA, and please just at least a guest appearance or two from Munch? Whatever happened to the promise we'd still see him from time to time as a Special Investigator in the DA's office? That never happened, and SVU just isn't the same for me without him.


Also I just think Carisi & Munch in the same scene could be hilarious.

  • Love 7

Thanks for the Info tho, and yeah my guess would be that someone who's already there would take over, like Julie.. although it would be kinda sad, since it would probably just go on the way it is now and maybe they'd miss out on opportunities to change something, etc... we'll see :D


Actually going on the way it is now wouldn't be too bad since things have really improved from a few years ago. Unfortunately the things most of us would like to see changed may be out of the hands of any showrunner. The network, Dick Wolf, and Mariska Hargitay are the driving forces and the truth is from a short term economic perspective they are probably right. Maybe they will find someone who is a gifted enough salesperson to convince them that they can still promote Liv while also putting out a quality product that focuses on the cases. But I doubt it so I just hope they find someone that can keep up the quality of the scripts and avoid disaster.


In my dream universe, Season 18 would see more Finn (let him change his mind and take the Sergeant's exam, especially if Dodds Jr is leaving), more of Robert Sean Leonard's ADA, and please just at least a guest appearance or two from Munch? Whatever happened to the promise we'd still see him from time to time as a Special Investigator in the DA's office? That never happened, and SVU just isn't the same for me without him.


Also I just think Carisi & Munch in the same scene could be hilarious.


Not sure what the issue is with Munch. It could be Belzer's issues. Or budget. I do agree that Carisi and Munch together would be gold! They should make it happen.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 1

Actually going on the way it is now wouldn't be too bad since things have really improved from a few years ago. Unfortunately the things most of us would like to see changed may be out of the hands of any showrunner. The network, Dick Wolf, and Mariska Hargitay are the driving forces and the truth is from a short term economic perspective they are probably right. Maybe they will find someone who is a gifted enough salesperson to convince them that they can still promote Liv while also putting out a quality product that focuses on the cases. But I doubt it so I just hope they find someone that can keep up the quality of the scripts and avoid disaster.


Yeah, I don't think it would be too bad either, but still it might be a nice opportunity for change :D 

Actually going on the way it is now wouldn't be too bad since things have really improved from a few years ago. Unfortunately the things most of us would like to see changed may be out of the hands of any showrunner. The network, Dick Wolf, and Mariska Hargitay are the driving forces and the truth is from a short term economic perspective they are probably right. Maybe they will find someone who is a gifted enough salesperson to convince them that they can still promote Liv while also putting out a quality product that focuses on the cases. But I doubt it so I just hope they find someone that can keep up the quality of the scripts and avoid disaster.



Yeah, I don't think it would be too bad either, but still it might be a nice opportunity for change :D 


I totally agree. I just think we have to balance our hope with cold hard realism. And I think that it's quite possible that any bold new creative directions would keep all the things that annoy me (L&O: Mariska Hargitay featuring SVU) while dumping all the good stuff that's emerged the last couple of years.

  • Love 1

Thought of another one: the boyfriend that got killed by the gang members in "Betrayal's Climax". He set up his own girlfriend to be raped by the gang members and then had the UTTER GALL to make her feel guilty because she unwillingly had an orgasm during the gang rape. What a prince.

Whether or not he was forced to do it, the girl shouldn't have felt that devastated over his murder after everything he put her through.



Really?  The fact that he really was forced to do it (the show made it very clear he didn't want to and was threatened into doing it) was what made me cut him at least a little bit of slack.  Just a little, though.  Making her feel guilty for having the orgasm was messed up, though. Quite a few women orgasm during rape and/or molestation niyla styers as the body does what and comes when it wants especially when girth and stamina are involved. 


Anyway, I'm gonna add Richard Morgan from "Confidential."  He rapes and murders Nancy Pierce twenty-two years prior to when the episode takes place and lets Dan Hardy, her fiance, go to prison for it and basically lose all of those years of his life.  Then, he does it again with Renee when he learns that she's an informant sent to gather intel on him and tries to make her ex-husband go down for it.  That, along with all of the people he screwed over financially over the years, made it nothing but a karma-ridden ending for him when one of those people comes into the police station and murders him over his part in his wife's death.


And to make it even more delicious, his attorney, played by the divine Lena Olin, was the one who set it up because even she had spent all of those years being secretly disgusted by him.


On a side note, Elliot's treatment of her made me stop liking him in that very episode.

I cut Manny some slack because you have to remember that there is a lack of understanding among the general public of why women orgasm during rape, much less a young male teenager. Watching her convulse and contract orgasm after orgasm had to be very painful to watch for him as here his his girlfriend who he himself has never made orgasm, "coming like a freight train" during the ordeal. We are wise enough to know that it was purely a physical response and her body and mind were not one (hence though she had multiple orgasms, she still did not want the attack to happen and it still is rape, just a classic case of 'my body let me down'). Now I in no way am trying to downplay his actions or give Manny a pass for being a coward who allowed his girlfriend to be raped BUT i do take into context that he's just a dumb teenager who doesn't understand that orgasm during rape DOES NOT MEAN she was 'enjoying' the ordeal. And it was made abundantly clear that he felt guilty MOSTLY because he knew they were going to do that and he didn't protect her so felt he let her down and he ultimately he willingly paid the price with his life.

  • Love 1

I can't believe I never mentioned this before, but the girl in "Home Invasions" that basically put a hit out on her parents because her father was raping her and the mother knew and refused to do anything about it.  Yes, that was technically wrong, but I still can't blame her.  I especially understood why she hated her own mother more than her father -- her mother was more concerned with her public image than her own daughter.  It's even worse when you consider that her mother was having an affair and was using her daughter as an excuse to stay in the marriage when she had a justifiable reason for getting a divorce.

  • Love 4



I (shamefully) admit I used to watch, and enjoyed, Dark Blue *insert monkey emoji hiding behind hands* (or should that be paws?) 

I watched Hostages as well but I do get why neither show got a season 2. Either way this is way better than seeing Kevin Fox be appointed the crown after WL. 

  • Love 1



I (shamefully) admit I used to watch, and enjoyed, Dark Blue *insert monkey emoji hiding behind hands* (or should that be paws?) 

I watched Hostages as well but I do get why neither show got a season 2. Either way this is way better than seeing Kevin Fox be appointed the crown after WL. 


I haven't really watched his seasons of the Mothership (I did love Borgia but look what happened, plus I never liked Fontana or Cassady so I dropped the show for a while, and only started again when my love Lupo came along), so I can't judge based on that. The only promising thing I can see on his resume is his stint on The Guardian, which I remember as a very solid show.


And I watched Hostages too, but only to ogle Dermot McDermott. I do not credit this guy for that.

Looks like it was another promotion from within. I recognize Eid mainly because he wrote one of my favorite CI S10 episodes, "The Last Street In Manhattan", and have seen his name for writing elsewhere, too. So the man is no stranger to the franchise, which may be good. Then again, neither was Leight...


I guess time will tell how Rick Eid does.

I cut Manny some slack because you have to remember that there is a lack of understanding among the general public of why women orgasm during rape, much less a young male teenager. Watching her convulse and contract orgasm after orgasm had to be very painful to watch for him as here his his girlfriend who he himself has never made orgasm, "coming like a freight train" during the ordeal. We are wise enough to know that it was purely a physical response and her body and mind were not one (hence though she had multiple orgasms, she still did not want the attack to happen and it still is rape, just a classic case of 'my body let me down'). Now I in no way am trying to downplay his actions or give Manny a pass for being a coward who allowed his girlfriend to be raped BUT i do take into context that he's just a dumb teenager who doesn't understand that orgasm during rape DOES NOT MEAN she was 'enjoying' the ordeal. And it was made abundantly clear that he felt guilty MOSTLY because he knew they were going to do that and he didn't protect her so felt he let her down and he ultimately he willingly paid the price with his life.

None of that excuses how he initially jumped on the "she wouldn't have orgasmed if she didn't want it" just to appease his own guilt for letting it happen.

When the cops interrupt two guys about to rape an unconscious woman, and one of them protests he was just helping her up.  Liv:  With your penis?


When Casey goes to a judge's home to get an exhumation order signed, and finds him in the midst of game night with a bunch of other judges.  "I've had this nightmare before, only I was naked."  She's pretty clever when the judge questions her about the justification for disturbing the "sanctity" of the dead, saying she has a compelling argument but it is long and would disturb the sanctity of their poker game.  And, of course:  "Better sign it, the corpse might be a flight risk."


Elliot over a store's PA system:  Will the Master Baiter please report to register one?

Liv, after some teenaged clerk shuffles up: Not a masturbator, the Master Baiter.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 6

You know, if we hypothetically were to lose Dodds (because the actor seems to be in London already for theatre and he'll stay there a while, I'm assuming), who would replace him in Season 18?

Would it be a man or a woman, you think? Carisi and Amaro coexisted for a whole season, and as soon as Amaro left Dodds was brought in, so I consider Dodds the new Amaro. Does that mean another man will take their place? Again? A third new guy? A new new new guy? Another dude? We haven't had a new woman join the cast since Rollins in Season 13, and in the meantime we've had Amaro, plus Barba, Carisi and Dodds.

But if it's a woman, and given the fact Ice T has little screentime (and Fin might be getting that Sergeant's gig), that would leave the show with Carisi and 3 women. Which would actually be fun, I think, because Carisi has a sweet, non-macho and non-romantic vibe with women (save for some "Rollisi" stuff the writers are trying to push). But would that happen?

And what age would that character be? Again, Dodds was Amaro's age (40-ish). Somewhere between Fin and Carisi who are, say, 50-ish and 30-ish. I'm assuming the same would apply for any new male actor, because I don't think they'd go even younger than Carisi. Would that appy for a female character too? Would she be older than Rollins but younger than Liv? Or a 20-something rookie? Which, in turn, would be too similar to Carisi?

All that, assuming we get a new cast member, of course. But I think we will. It can't just be Carisi and Rollins working the cases as detectives, especially not if Fin is the new Sarge, right?

Last, hesitant question: do we think Mariska Hargitay doesn't want more women on the show or nah?

"Collateral Damage" was frustrating for me, Hank's sentence, it was what 5 years for multiple hard drives of child porn?, combined with what I thought to be a baffling amount of sympathy (though that's probably not the right word) from people like Benson and Barba. Even the wife Pippa, yes he was her husband, and she was in such a sad state over all but there was something about how even in the end she was like "he's my husband..." You have children, you work protecting children, he betrayed you and children everywhere, let him rot. He tried to avoid taking responsibility at every turn, he just couldn't get away with not doing so. He was someone they've worked with but no one ever liked him and it's not like he was even someone they've known for years and years. Pippa deserved all the sympathy.  He deserved nothing but more jail time.

  • Love 2

 I encountered some frustrating moments during Retro.  A teenage boy is allowed by a JUDGE to refuse to get tested for HIV, AFTER his sister and mother die from the illness.  The boy is left in the custody of Child Protective Services, but a private attorney files and obtains a Restraining Order so he can refuse the HIV blood test.  His mom had just died of brain damage due to the HIV.  How could a judge know that the teen didn't have brain damage that was impairing his judgement, but no....the judge thought it was an informed decision. Why?  Just like the one his mom had made that caused the death of two people.  PLEASE. Of course, Stabler introduces the teen to another young man, who has cancer, but went against his parents' wishes and got treatment, which was not the same situation at all, but, it still worked and the boy got tested.  He was HIV positive.  Stabler promises him that he has his entire life ahead of him.  

  • Love 1

There are a few episodes that are really problematic in retrospect. I watched Fallacy recently and it's literally cringe-worthy now. Everyone calls the trans woman a he-she and a tranny, even when they still think she's the innocent victim who acted in self-defense. Stabler outs her to her boyfriend to get a confession. The defense attorney proposes in trial that she killed the guy because he was going to out her to everyone and she feared for her life, and they're all "Psh- crazy talk!" And when she's found guilty, Alex Cabot sends her away to the men's prison where she's raped to near-death on literally her first night.

I know transgender rights are still relatively new, but "he-she" was always offensive, and SVU detectives of all people should know how at risk transgender people are.

  • Love 6
On October 13, 2015 at 10:03 AM, marriedaniac said:

More Fin, this time with Munch.

From an episode in season 2 (I think??) where they're questioning a guy who asks who Munch is, and Fin says "That's my Jew."

Munch casually says "Shalom" as they exit and then grills Fin: "my Jew? My Jew? What if I called you 'my boy'?"

Fin: "I'll be your boy, John!" 

When this episode re-aired this week on ION, they cut the part of the scene in which Fin said, "That's my Jew," and Munch says, "Shalom," which seemed odd since they aired it intact a few weeks ago on the same network. In the cut version, they left in the following scene in which Munch says, "My Jew?..." and Fin says, "I'd be your boy!..." which didn't make any sense with the previous lines cut. I personally did not find it offensive in context, but I did find it hilarious. Even if they just cut it for time, I think it was a mistake because it is one of the best bits of the series, and, like I just pointed out, it causes the remaining lines to not make sense and also makes the audience wonder if something offensive was cut.

  • Love 4

Unsurprisingly, Finn makes up what, 80% of this list? lol

In S17E04, "Institutional Fail", Finn is asking a neighbourhood dealer if he knows where Bruno's mother is, the guy claims he doesn't know anyone and then gets his phone out, all "My name is Tito Morales and I'm recording this". Finn gets his face right up in the phone's camera: "Hey Tito! Keep snitching, and we'll drop those charges against you!".

Also from this seson, in the Baker's Dozen episode, when they are trying to figure out how to get dni from the family's baby to prove incest, Carisi remebers the baby drooled all over his jacket when they were in the precinct a bunch of days earlier. Liv asks: "didn't you take it to the dry cleaner?". Carisi: "Nah, I only wore it twice." Amanda shakes her head and looks down, I cracked.

Oh, and from season 16, Pornstar's Requiem: squad's talking about the porn film the victim did to get money for school, and Finn explains it was in New Hampshire cause "it's one the few places you can still make porn without a condom". Barba quips "Live free or die".

I died.

Edited by minamurray78
  • Love 7

Yeah, that one is uncomfortable to watch.  Liv was the only one of the bunch who displayed any understanding and sympathy towards Cheryl and what transgender people in general feel and face, she always used the proper name and pronoun, and she called Elliot out on his attitude -- but she also casually used the word "tranny."

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

 I encountered some frustrating moments during Retro.  A teenage boy is allowed by a JUDGE to refuse to get tested for HIV, AFTER his sister and mother die from the illness.  The boy is left in the custody of Child Protective Services, but a private attorney files and obtains a Restraining Order so he can refuse the HIV blood test.  His mom had just died of brain damage due to the HIV.  How could a judge know that the teen didn't have brain damage that was impairing his judgement, but no....the judge thought it was an informed decision. Why?  Just like the one his mom had made that caused the death of two people.  PLEASE. Of course, Stabler introduces the teen to another young man, who has cancer, but went against his parents' wishes and got treatment, which was not the same situation at all, but, it still worked and the boy got tested.  He was HIV positive.  Stabler promises him that he has his entire life ahead of him.  

Yeah, that kid was a moron. I get that he was brainwashed by the quack doc and the idiot mother who infected him, but it was still frustrating. 

4 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Yeah, that kid was a moron. I get that he was brainwashed by the quack doc and the idiot mother who infected him, but it was still frustrating. 

Yeah, and the judge agreed with him!  I wonder who was paying the attorney and what she thought she was going to accomplish.  I guess she didn't feel bad enough when his mom died.  She then wanted to see the teen die too.  Really bizarre. And that fierce attorney was played by none other than Viola Davis!

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5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

And that fierce attorney was played by none other than Viola Davis!

She's great and was equally compelling as a cop on CI that killed an entire family! That was chilling. So she played both "Law" and "Order" in the franchise.  :-) I wonder if she made the trifecta and ever appeared on the Mothership?

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49 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, and the judge agreed with him!  I wonder who was paying the attorney and what she thought she was going to accomplish.  I guess she didn't feel bad enough when his mom died.  She then wanted to see the teen die too.  Really bizarre. And that fierce attorney was played by none other than Viola Davis!

My guess is that since she represented Dr. Quack, she was an AIDS denier too. Dear God, Viola, you of all people should know better!

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