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S14.E15: 4 Chefs Compete

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Holy shit!  Ramsay went with an all-female F3?!  He actually booted Milly before one of the ladies!  That blew my mind!  I think this was, however brief, the first same-sex F3 ever in fourteen seasons, unless I'm wrong!


I didn't expect Milly to go before Michelle, but I guess the risotto test fail was his undoing.

That, and Milly also screwed up with the initial ticket.  I guess Ramsay wasn't too thrilled about that one, either.


I was tickled with Michelle's attempted use of "wingardium leviosa" to clean up the leaves.  Harry Potter geek here.

That was adorable.  I tittered when she said that.  Milly's reactions to it were cute, too!


So it was a damn good episode.  I thought it was a nice change of pace for Ramsay to give them a vegetarian-based challenge, though I'm unsure as to whether or not he really hasn't given such a challenge or even a dinner service revolving around that before.  Was surprised Meghan won, but happy nonetheless since her dish really did look delicious.  And I don't even eat vegetables all that often!


As for the service, I know many people were rooting for Milly to make it, but I started to call him as toast when he made the ticket-calling mistake.  I was definitely sure he was gone when he screwed up with the risotto.  And didn't Michelle make two mistakes?  The broccoli/cauliflower mistake with the garnish was one, but wasn't there a second?  Meghan mixed up halibut and sea bass, two apparently easy fish to mix up.  T, however, seemed to make no mistakes at all, so I knew she'd probably be safe.


When it came time for the elimination, Ramsay irked me twice when he said it was close "between all four of [them]."  For an Englishman, who's supposed to believe in proper speech, he sure had no trouble forgetting it should be "among all four of [them]."  I guess it wasn't too big a deal, but I'm a grammar nerd, so . . . just saying. . . .


That said, Milly and Michelle were the right ones to eliminate, both based on overall performance and on their performances at the pass tonight.  Milly's been hit-or-miss with his food in challenges and has been far too simple and sticking too closely with his comfort food.  Michelle has taken many risks, some paying off, some not, like Sade last season.  But when it came right down to it, she was just too young.  And she had pretty much nothing on Meghan and T.


This has to be the first F2 in a long time not to be between an obvious winner and an even more obvious goat.  In fact, I think HK1 was the only other time when two frontrunners went against each other.  I'll be happy no matter who wins between Meghan and T!  They're both worthy winners!  In fact, I reread every episode thread yesterday, and in the earlier episodes, many people were predicting them to be the F2 from very early on, and it's come to pass!  Very interested in seeing what happens next week!  Bring on the finale!

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I knew T was going to be one of the finalists when she caught the lamb wellingtons.  Meghan really wanted to be up there with Michelle for an easy time.  I don't get why they sent T parasaling after she expressed a dislike of heights last episode.  Bring it up with Meghan disliking heights and the ocean and I'm really wondering how catered these rewards are.


This season hasn't been very interesting but damned if I won't watch anything with Gordon Ramsay in it.  I hope next season brings something new or they bring back Hotel Hell.

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Yeah, Meghan's "I want to go up against the best" reasoning was...pretty much the opposite of that.


I actually had a feeling it might be Meghan and T (YAY!) when T's reasoning for wanting to go against Meghan sounded perfectly scripted: "I've been up against you two times and you've beaten me both times, so this time, I'm going to beat you." [paraprhased] I went "That is the story they want to tell" (right down to the Meghan and T reward this episode). Everyone else's reasonings sounded haphazard or just flat-out lies. I knew Michelle wouldn't make it when she said "Obviously I'm the best one here." That's classic pride that goeth before the classic fall.


Wow, this was the worst quality control test performance I've ever seen! Were the tests harder or were the contestants not paying attention? Usually after the first contestant, everyone else gets them right. Have we ever had 1 for 4?


Very happy about this Final 2. SO happy I don't have to root against someone odious in the finals. Thank you, Hell's Kitchen!

Edited by Eolivet
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Holy shit!  Ramsay went with an all-female F3?!  He actually booted Milly before one of the ladies!  That blew my mind!  I think this was, however brief, the first same-sex F3 ever in fourteen seasons, unless I'm wrong!


You're not wrong. It was bound to happen sooner or later though, the women have been ruling the roost since Season 7. In that time only Seasons 9 and 12 have been won by men, and even those seasons might well have had a female winner if not for Ramsay's hard-on for Elise in S9, and Joy self-destructing in S12.

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Decent episode, and I think the right two made it to the final.  I thought T had been slipping a bit in recent episodes, her individual challenge dishes weren't doing all that well.  However, she redeemed herself at the pass, she was the only one to not get caught on the quality control test and she ran the pass with authority.


Michelle has some potential, but I think she's too young to pretend to be a head chef at a Ramsay restaurant.  Milly has had a couple of (relatively) bad services in a row, he seems to be fading a bit.  While Meghan doesn't have the most pleasant personality she's been solid throughout, she rarely got called on the carpet by Ramsay and belongs in the finals.  I think she'll win over T, but I won't be surprised if T wins it either.


This was the most competent final four I can remember in a long while, the cannon fodder/"entertainment value" contestants were all long gone.  That's a nice change of pace.

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For an Englishman, who's supposed to believe in proper speech, he sure had no trouble forgetting it should be "among all four of [them]."  I guess it wasn't too big a deal, but I'm a grammar nerd, so . . . just saying. . . .


I noticed that also.  It's one of my many grammar peeves right up there with "15 items or less." 


I was sorry to see Milly go but I knew he was a goner after service.  I can't fault Gordon's decision but I do wish he'd outlasted Michelle who is a little snot.  She may become a good chef when she grows up but she has a long way to go. 


I wonder if the contestants sign contracts that absolutely require them to participate in rewards even if they don't want to.  Parasailing seems like a bad idea for people who have never done it and are less than enthusiastic about trying it.  I'd bet a lot that T can't swim.


As far as competence goes, I think the finalists are equally deserving so everything rides on their final performances.  I'd like to see T win just because I can't stand Meghan but I couldn't come up with a strong argument for either over the other.

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As long as annoying Michelle went home I was totally fine with any combination of the remaining three. I do think Meghan is the best creatively but T is more consistent with reproducing a given dish, which is probably what he would want for his restaurant.  Either way it's not Michelle so it's full of win.

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I wonder if the contestants sign contracts that absolutely require them to participate in rewards even if they don't want to.


Not sure about "want to" but I remember a very heavy woman a few seasons ago who could not participate in the zip-line reward. There's a 250 lb limit on those.

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You're not wrong. It was bound to happen sooner or later though, the women have been ruling the roost since Season 7. In that time only Seasons 9 and 12 have been won by men, and even those seasons might well have had a female winner if not for Ramsay's hard-on for Elise in S9, and Joy self-destructing in S12.

Could someone elaborate on this hard-on Ramsay had for Elise?  I'd think that'd guarantee Elise did win.  Haven't seen HK9, so I don't know what happened there.

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From what I remember, Elise was a pouty, whiney complainer who also wouldn't mind screwing with her other teammates if it made her look better. She had her nose high in the air. I think Ramsay kept her around for the drama, only.

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I didn't expect Milly to go before Michelle, but I guess the risotto test fail was his undoing.


Waitaminnit.  Wasn't that the dish where he said he needed three minutes and Meghan said give it in two?


He should've stuck with the three, like T hanging in to get the Wellington right.


SO HAPPY that Michelle isn't in the final.  What an entitled twit she is.

Edited by Puffaroo
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I am okay with T and Meghan getting the top spots, especially after watching Michelle give herself a tongue bath on camera the last couple of episodes.  Millie I feel a little bad about, he really gave it his all.  I don't see him as head chef material but he would be a strong asset in a kitchen.  


I am not Team Michelle in any form, but I still take umbrage to the way T attacked the quality of her voice and disparaged her attempts to lead in earlier episodes.  I don't blame Michelle for being defiant and angry about being heard after that, although, granted, that shit was ANNOYING.  T was being downright rude and I didn't think it was a classy way to address the situation, not great for someone destined to be a future boss.  And it backfired, anyway, because Michelle got encouragement from Ramsey to keep it up.


What I really didn't like was watching Michelle transform herself into some one that could say out loud, "Clearly I'm the best..." and BELIEVE it, expecting the others to vote against their own best interests - even before the judging took place.  There's a fine line between competence, confidence, and entitlement.  The first two come from experience and the last from delusion.  I fear Michelle channelled that entitlement right up to the moment Ramsey took her jacket - and IMHO, that is why he did it.

Edited by Reo
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The show banged on a bit about how antisocial Meghan is, but really T is just as bad, if not worse.


Ergo, this kind of has to boil down to the food, because they're both sulky, rude and arrogant.

I am not Team Michelle in any form, but I still take umbrage to the way T attacked the quality of her voice and disparaged her attempts to lead in earlier episodes.  

It wasn't the first bit of assholery we got from T in the season, so it wasn't surprising.  In fact, they ALL chose to make fun of Michelle's size, her voice, etc.  She was immature, true, but we really saw a bit inside these people seeing how they dealt with that.

Oddly enough Meghan, who was rude to everyone else. was almost nice to Michelle in comparison (although that didn't keep her from cutting down on Michelle's skills a few times, at least she didn't imitate her or overtly mock her).

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I picked the final two about 3 episodes in to the season.

A few times T looked a little shaky, but I'm glad she hung in.

I also agree that I could see Ramsay backing Michelle. Not so much Milly as 30's seems to be an age thing for Ramsay, based on prior comments. E.g., he mentioned at some point that a chef should train in his/her 20's and look to take a lead role or open a restaurant in 30's. Not sure if it was this show or another. That said, I hope Milly finds someone who can use his strengths, because he has many, while educating him towards a lead role.

Michelle needs a bit more seasoning to be a lead. Given her age (which she mentioned every week), I could see Ramsay making an investment in her.

Next week could be interesting. We'll see if my guess is again correct.

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I think it was obvious from the start of the season that Meghan will win. She's been an executive chef she said since age 20, so this is no different than what she does every day. It should be a snap for her. I don't find Meghan or T very likable, but both are worthy competitors and Meghan will be a very deserving winner.

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I think it was obvious from the start of the season that Meghan will win. She's been an executive chef she said since age 20, so this is no different than what she does every day. It should be a snap for her. I don't find Meghan or T very likable, but both are worthy competitors and Meghan will be a very deserving winner.


I agree about neither being all that likable but nonetheless deserving (and I think T would be deserving as well - she ran the pass well when she got the chance).  But Meghan clearly knows what she is doing, she's done it before and she should win.

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I think it was obvious from the start of the season that Meghan will win. She's been an executive chef she said since age 20, so this is no different than what she does every day. It should be a snap for her. I don't find Meghan or T very likable, but both are worthy competitors and Meghan will be a very deserving winner.


I agree about neither being all that likable but nonetheless deserving (and I think T would be deserving as well - she ran the pass well when she got the chance).  But Meghan clearly knows what she is doing, she's done it before and she should win.

Sure, neither Meghan nor T has been fully likable, but IMO, I don't care about that.  They're both to-the-point, no-nonsense women who absolutely command respect and authority, and that's what Ramsay wants in a head chef.  T's also allergic to B.S. (something Meghan's not -- it was more than clear that, as someone pointed out, she wanted Michelle in the F2 with her for an easy ride to the win), which also helps her deal with the more difficult personalities like Monique and Josh.


I could take either of these two spectacular women winning, and I'm glad it's only between them now.

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Waitaminnit.  Wasn't that the dish where he said he needed three minutes and Meghan said give it in two?


He should've stuck with the three, like T hanging in to get the Wellington right.

No, that was the dish when he didn't spot that Andi had put in crab rather than lobster.

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Soo glad when we get to the final four, because I love the family reunions. makes everyone a lot more likeable. Surprised they didn't have them do the reward to spend the rest of the day with the family? I'll always remember Elise losing that challenge and bursting into tears on the spot in S09. I always think they let the contestants stay with them anyway, without the cameras. Otherwise what a waste to fly all of them out there for 10 minutes of show.


Meghan was very likeable in her reward, and it was nice to see her bring T and have a nice time. Then of course she became cocky when it was her turn to run the pass. I like that she's competent, but God, tone it down a bit. I cackled when she missed the quality control test.


I'm rooting for T but this is the first season I've watched where there is not a clear winner. Except S09, where I still think Will was robbed in favor of screaming, annoying ass Paul.


Woohooo I'm all caught up! Bring on the finale. I always forget they go from 4 to 2 contestants. Thought I had another episode to go.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Didn't Paul come back recently? Not sure if this season or last. Either way, he still bugs.

I'm team Meghan at this point. For the most point, her attitude isn't an issue for me. I did think she was trying to cheap out by suggesting Michelle should be with her in the final two. Michelle was gloating at that statement. She clearly didn't realize Meghan saw her as the weaker choice.

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Didn't Paul come back recently? Not sure if this season or last. Either way, he still bugs.

I'm team Meghan at this point. For the most point, her attitude isn't an issue for me. I did think she was trying to cheap out by suggesting Michelle should be with her in the final two. Michelle was gloating at that statement. She clearly didn't realize Meghan saw her as the weaker choice.


Oh yeah, I think he did! God I hated him. He had a short fuse and would blow up at anything. "Passion," my ass. Hey are they not going to do that that thing they do in previous seasons where they go up against previous contestants? Or did I miss it? I love it when they do that.

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I hope Meghan wins. She's grumpy, but I think she could run a kitchen well.  I don't care for T because of the way she baited Michelle. It was so unnecessary and mean. I dislike it when people belittle others just to puff up their own ego. I also don't think picking on your colleagues is a good leadership trait.

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I hope Meghan wins. She's grumpy, but I think she could run a kitchen well.  I don't care for T because of the way she baited Michelle. It was so unnecessary and mean. I dislike it when people belittle others just to puff up their own ego. I also don't think picking on your colleagues is a good leadership trait.

And Meghan hasn't done that more than once?

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And Meghan hasn't done that more than once?

The show pushes them ALL into doing it in confessionals.


One thing that's important is that in the finale (this isn't really all that spoilery so I don't think it's an issue posting it here), you get a chance I think to see that Meghan really likes Michelle quite a bit.

The times you DO see her on Michelle's ass are ALL directly related to stuff in the kitchen.  Otherwise, they're all hugs and stuff.

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