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S07.E08: The Cavi-Art Of War

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Cuz of the million bucks they allocated to Bethenny, it's thrown off this whole fucking show.  It's like Bravo & Satan Andy wanted to get their money's worth for that million bucks, so they prioritized showing her off & pretty much forgot about the rest of the cast.  But I'd like to see more with Moaner.  Bethenny's shit is depressing as all fuck.  The whining, the crying, the therapy sessions.  Ugh.  I just wanna fast forward past all of it.


Moaner dropped a fucking AWESOME little tidbit.  She's bringing Mario food.  WHAT.  THE.  FUCKETY.  FUCK?????  They should ALL have been grilling her mercilessly, mercilessly, mercilessly about that.  Now, that's what I wanna see.  Not Bethenny whining & crying for the billionth time or yet another tiresome cutesy bit from Carole.


Here's the prob Mario & Moaner face with their divorce.  And it's a big, huge, enormous problem for them.  WTF will they do with their real estate?  How will they divide that up?  They may not.  Both the Manhattan apartment & the Southampton place could take years to sell.  They're better off holding off selling either one as long as they can.  


Maybe they both don't want to sell either of those places.  It would drastically affect both of their lifestyles if they did.  And if they don't, will they share those places & still get divorced anyway, or hold off on the divorce?  Sounds like it could get very complicated & sticky.  But I'm interested in seeing how they're gonna deal with it.


I wanna know more about what's going on with Moaner's life.  I thought I'd be saying that about Bethenny.  But she's clearly not willing to offer up anything interesting going on in her life.  What we're seeing is the same boring shit we've seen countless times before.  Hate it.  


Nothing about the specifics of her having shitloads of money.  When Carole said teasingly to her in CB2 that she spotted her Birkin bag, she said, "Shut your hole", and shut down any acknowledgement of her constantly carrying (on camera) endless new bags worth thousands.  


Nothing is shown of her working & as stated before, there's totally nothing from her yet about having a man in her life.  And this leaves out an enormous chunk of her life.  One thing about Bethenny.  She seems to almost never go for any amount of time without a man in her life.  If she leaves out any discussion of her love life, we're really not getting very much about her.  


Sorry Satan Andy, but you really made a shit deal with her for that million bucks.  Look, she broke up with that asshole-looking dude & a month later, she already has yet another rich asshole lined up.  I don't know how she finds these guys, but she finds 'em.  Her comments on how she does find these rich assholes would be interesting.  But she obviously doesn't wanna say & with the crap deal Satan Andy made with her, she's running the show.  Anyhoo, here's her latest asshole-



Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

Moaner dropped a fucking AWESOME little tidbit.  She's bringing Mario food.  WHAT.  THE.  FUCKETY.  FUCK?????  They should ALL have been grilling her mercilessly, mercilessly, mercilessly about that.  Now, that's what I wanna see.  


There is something truly wrong with the fact that this info was not made into an entire episode.  I want to know EVERY DETAIL.  When did Ramona do this? What did she bring him? Whose idea was it? Where did she bring it to? And WHY the hell is she bringing him anything?


The only thing I would be bringing Mario is a kick to his balls.  


In all my years of watching the Ho'wives, this was THE most "wait wait wait, back that up, what the hell did she just say?" moment.    I can't believe it was allowed to just slip away without receiving the scrutiny, investigation, questioning, and criticism it deserved.  Not to mention the slicing and dicing of the rumored details and gossip about it behind Ramona's back later.  


I certainly hope they dig into it on a future episode.  Or at least at the reunion.  You don't get to just drop a mini bombshell like that and walk away from it! 

  • Love 10

I assume if this was genuinely dangerous, that Jason Hoppy her father would be going to court to insist that Bryn never be allowed to be in contact with Bethenny's stepdad... and he's not. If he's not concerned enough to protest, I see no reason to be.



He sure might be, now that he's seen the episode!


I wanna know more about what's going on with Moaner's life.



Me too! She's in the middle of one of the biggest transformations of her entire life, and B is stealing airtime from it.

  • Love 4

The simple fact is B has the money, J doesn't. So if she wants this over NOW, she is the one who has to compromise and pay him off. We haven't heard from him, but if he were whining the same could be said - give up on the claims in order to move on with your life. Is it what a judge would have decided - one or two years down the line when the case is finally decided - who knows. She would be paying to have it done rather than continuing to live with uncertainty.

Frankly, Bethenny seems to love to whine about her life instead of deal with her life (See for example the fake therapy about her childhood), so I doubt she will short circuit the legal process by settling. That is, until either just before a trial (because just before trial is usually when people wake up to the fact that you don't really want to roll the dice at trial and/or your lawyers have a 'come to Jesus' meeting with you) or if Jason's financial backers back out or he decides he wants it over now.


This.  I was a divorce lawyer for 15 years and I lost count of the number of times I'd say to clients (always the wives, always) "you know, we could be sitting here in two years no further forward, except that your legal bills will be through the roof and will eat into any money you get out of this. Or you can decide to draw a line under this, move forward and start your new life, in a lovely new home, and you'll never have to speak to him again."  And I can count on one hand the number who actually took that advice.


But the word 'compromise' doesn't appear to be in Bethenny's vocabulary. She probably made her money by being uncompromising about her brand, and I'm sure she's a shrewd, savvy businesswoman. But I'm guessing she's a nightmare for her divorce lawyers to deal with.

  • Love 4

Cuz of the million bucks they allocated to Bethenny, it's thrown off this whole fucking show.  It's like Bravo & Satan Andy wanted to get their money's worth for that million bucks, so they prioritized showing her off & pretty much forgot about the rest of the cast.  But I'd like to see more with Moaner.  Bethenny's shit is depressing as all fuck.  The whining, the crying, the therapy sessions.  Ugh.  I just wanna fast forward past all of it.


Moaner dropped a fucking AWESOME little tidbit.  She's bringing Mario food.  WHAT.  THE.  FUCKETY.  FUCK?????  They should ALL have been grilling her mercilessly, mercilessly, mercilessly about that.  Now, that's what I wanna see.  Not Bethenny whining & crying for the billionth time or yet another tiresome cutesy bit from Carole.


Here's the prob Mario & Moaner face with their divorce.  And it's a big, huge, enormous problem for them.  WTF will they do with their real estate?  How will they divide that up?  They may not.  Both the Manhattan apartment & the Southampton place could take years to sell.  They're better off holding off selling either one as long as they can.  


Maybe they both don't want to sell either of those places.  It would drastically affect both of their lifestyles if they did.  And if they don't, will they share those places & still get divorced anyway, or hold off on the divorce?  Sounds like it could get very complicated & sticky.  But I'm interested in seeing how they're gonna deal with it.


I wanna know more about what's going on with Moaner's life.  I thought I'd be saying that about Bethenny.  But she's clearly not willing to offer up anything interesting going on in her life.  What we're seeing is the same boring shit we've seen countless times before.  Hate it.  


Nothing about the specifics of her having shitloads of money.  When Carole said teasingly to her in CB2 that she spotted her Birkin bag, she said, "Shut your hole", and shut down any acknowledgement of her constantly carrying (on camera) endless new bags worth thousands.  


Nothing is shown of her working & as stated before, there's totally nothing from her yet about having a man in her life.  And this leaves out an enormous chunk of her life.  One thing about Bethenny.  She seems to almost never go for any amount of time without a man in her life.  If she leaves out any discussion of her love life, we're really not getting very much about her.  


Sorry Satan Andy, but you really made a shit deal with her for that million bucks.  Look, she broke up with that asshole-looking dude & a month later, she already has yet another rich asshole lined up.  I don't know how she finds these guys, but she finds 'em.  Her comments on how she does find these rich assholes would be interesting.  But she obviously doesn't wanna say & with the crap deal Satan Andy made with her, she's running the show.  Anyhoo, here's her latest asshole-



I wonder how long this guy will stick around after he has seen bethenny in "action" ....hope he has a strong ego and is one who can put bethenny in her place.

  • Love 2

There is something truly wrong with the fact that this info was not made into an entire episode.  I want to know EVERY DETAIL.  When did Ramona do this? What did she bring him? Whose idea was it? Where did she bring it to? And WHY the hell is she bringing him anything?


The only thing I would be bringing Mario is a kick to his balls.  


In all my years of watching the Ho'wives, this was THE most "wait wait wait, back that up, what the hell did she just say?" moment.    I can't believe it was allowed to just slip away without receiving the scrutiny, investigation, questioning, and criticism it deserved.  Not to mention the slicing and dicing of the rumored details and gossip about it behind Ramona's back later.  


I certainly hope they dig into it on a future episode.  Or at least at the reunion.  You don't get to just drop a mini bombshell like that and walk away from it! 

I agree.  I want to hear more about this. JMO, but I believe that Ramona and Mario are back together, although she might still be dating others as well. Ramona is a nut-job of the highest order. Finding a guy to put up with that ball of crazy who ticks off all the boxes Ramona is going to need (handsome, charming, monied) will be impossible. She will go back with Mario and eventually brag about the fact that he tried newer, younger women but at the end of the day could not live without her.


This brings me to something that is also interesting to me about all of this. On 3 occasions we have heard Beth mention Ramona's "Mario situation". She did it the first time they got together this season at Lu's house when she said that she knew Ramona was "going through a lot right now". Ramona seemed to bristle at this, and clearly Beth was talking about Mario. Ramona seemed to want to control this narrative and didn't like the fact that Beth was bringing it up at that time. The 2nd time Beth did it was at Ramona's birthday lunch. I'm sure it was all editing, but it looked as if Beth brings up the topic of Mario out of nowhere, on an occasion where Ramona clearly wouldn't want to discuss this. Ramona didn't make a huge deal out of it, but she did tell her she didn't want to talk about it at that moment. In her TH she jokingly said "don't rain on my parade". Then the last time was with Ramona making the slip about bringing Mario food. It was obvious that Ramona wanted to take those words back. She looked uncomfortable and her eyes started to do that weird thing. She kept trying to move the conversation away from her slip, but Beth was having none of it. She had to realize that Ramona didn't want to talk about it. At all. Yet she persisted and asked about it 3 different times.


The thing is that it looks like Beth has tried to engage Ramona about this topic and Ramona doesn't want to be engaged about it at those particular times. It's not that Ramona isn't talking about it; she is at times, but she wants to control how the discussion is happening. She wants to talk about it in terms of how hard it all is for her and how emotional it all is. She wants to talk about it when she wants to talk about it. She doesn't want that control taken away from her, and we all know that she was reluctant to talk about this at all but that AC and company made her do it. If Ramona was making a big deal about Beth broaching the topic, which she is not, we the audience would be talking about it like crazy and Beth would be judged for it  (maybe she is in her TH's). The fact that Beth has done this and Ramona doesn't like it would be analyzed like crazy, just like the stuff about Heather broaching the custody deal has been. It's not so much that what someone was doing is wrong, it's the reaction to the words that causes the analysis. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5

Just want you all to know, I got my parmesan puffs from Trader Joes, and I am saving them for the next show. 

Lol!  Excellent!!  I actually did a google search on them after the show aired.  I don't have a Trader Joes very near me but I was thinking of taking a small road trip in the near future just to check out these pigs in a blanket.


On a different note, my absolute favorite scene in this episode was Bethenny and Carole at the furniture store.  First with the cloth tissues Carole brought her that Bethenny freaked out over and she was laughing so hard, then when she asked if they had alcohol and the guy said besides alcohol is there anything I can get you and immediately she replied "drugs!".  I LMAO!!!

  • Love 2

If the reports ARE correct that Bethenny had to pay $100,000 (?) towards Jason's legal fees, on what basis could that be assessed?  Is this typical in divorces of the rich, where one spouse has considerably more assets than the other?  Doesn't seem fair (& I dislike Beth) & obviously gives the poorer spouse little motivation to settle.

Again with the caveat that I am not familiar with NY law, it is pretty typical in this situation. Forget about Jason, consider the long term marriage where the wife never worked, husband controlled all the money, checkbook in his name, house in his name, etc. When they split, how does she get cash to hire an attorney? That is why they do it. I never handled high end divorces, but my gut says if the poorer spouse was going off the deep end with stupid shit the court wouldn't keep awarding fees. It is not an absolute right to have the wealthy spouse pay the other's legal fees.

Basically, think about it from the other perspective - without cash the poorer spouse can get railroaded because they don't have an attorney or a good attorney.

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 5

I agree. I want to hear more about this. JMO, but I believe that Ramona and Mario are back together, although she might still be dating others as well. Ramona is a nut-job of the highest order. Finding a guy to put up with that ball of crazy who ticks off all the boxes Ramona is going to need (handsome, charming, monied) will be impossible. She will go back with Mario and eventually brag about the fact that he tried newer, younger women but at the end of the day could not live without her.

This brings me to something that is also interesting to me about all of this. On 3 occasions we have heard Beth mention Ramona's "Mario situation". She did it the first time they got together this season at Lu's house when she said that she knew Ramona was "going through a lot right now". Ramona seemed to bristle at this, and clearly Beth was talking about Mario. Ramona seemed to want to control this narrative and didn't like the fact that Beth was bringing it up at that time. The 2nd time Beth did it was at Ramona's birthday lunch. I'm sure it was all editing, but it looked as if Beth brings up the topic of Mario out of nowhere, on an occasion where Ramona clearly wouldn't want to discuss this. Ramona didn't make a huge deal out of it, but she did tell her she didn't want to talk about it at that moment. In her TH she jokingly said "don't rain on my parade". Then the last time was with Ramona making the slip about bringing Mario food. It was obvious that Ramona wanted to take those words back. She looked uncomfortable and her eyes started to do that weird thing. She kept trying to move the conversation away from her slip, but Beth was having none of it. She had to realize that Ramona didn't want to talk about it. At all. Yet she persisted and asked about it 3 different times.

The thing is that it looks like Beth has tried to engage Ramona about this topic and Ramona doesn't want to be engaged about it at those particular times. It's not that Ramona isn't talking about it; she is at times, but she wants to control how the discussion is happening. She wants to talk about it in terms of how hard it all is for her and how emotional it all is. She wants to talk about it when she wants to talk about it. She doesn't want that control taken away from her, and we all know that she was reluctant to talk about this at all but that AC and company made her do it. If Ramona was making a big deal about Beth broaching the topic, which she is not, we the audience would be talking about it like crazy and Beth would be judged for it (maybe she is in her TH's). The fact that Beth has done this and Ramona doesn't like it would be analyzed like crazy, just like the stuff about Heather broaching the custody deal has been. It's not so much that what someone was doing is wrong, it's the reaction to the words that causes the analysis.

Thank you, thank you.

Can you imagine if there was something else to talk about lol.

Beth bringing up Mario over and over is definitely her trying to get dirt for producers. She knows Ramona wants control over that and still brings it up at inappropriate moments. Good thing Ramona doesn't get as many TH's as Beth, to tell us how Beth keeps grilling her ;)

If this wasn't Beth's show we would get to see more of the other women.

So far it's all Beth or how the others relate to Beth.

I can't believe Ramona would take Mario back but I've seen it in RL so who knows.

The food thing made me laugh because the look on Ramona's face after she slipped up, was priceless. She tried to talk about the salmon, and how great it was lol. Kristen and Beth were like who cares about the salmon.

Does any one know where Mario is living?

Ramona was at the Hampton home in an early episode and we saw her at her apartment, I can't see Mario just giving up both homes.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

Right now, Bethenny is getting blamed for both lying about letting her stepdad see her child and also actually allowing her step dad to see her child.

I don't see any of it as blaming her for anything. Rather just another discussion of what a shitty person B really is. I do give the side eye to people who take kids to prisons, just as I give the side eye to people who think it's a good idea to introduce your abusive step parent to your toddler. And i give an even bigger side eye to people who go on tv and conveniently lie about or trash their family in the hopes of gaining public attention. B has done one or the other, we just don't know for sure which it is (although I'm leaning more towards it's all a lie because she does like to do that quite often).

  • Love 7

So, Beth, who hides having a serious boyfriend, and who dwells on her past and uses it as a crutch, actually pitched a show called Bethenny Starting Over? Hah, okay.



Her jowls, holy shit.


That looks bad. If people weren't embarrassed for Sonja before, they have to be now, for sure.

The jumpsuit is a mess itself, but the lack of tailoring is inexcusable. Even Sonja's everyday "vintage" outfits are at least well made, and almost always fit her body nicely.


Wow, he looks much better on TV.  In person, he looks short, dumpy & goofy.

He didn't look that way when you knew him in college?


I certainly hope they dig into it on a future episode.

Yeah, but fuck forbid Heather be the one to inquire about it, lest it will be all about her gall in asking about something so "personal".

Edited by jaync
  • Love 6

Sonja is a fine looking woman but really needs to stop wearing these open fronts. I'll say it again...It's better to wear something with a bra and appear perky rather than a plunging neckline and remove all doubt.


Am I the only one who doesn't like these on any woman?  You have to be really flat chested or they'll look obscene.  And if you're flat chested, it seems to ony accentuate this.

  • Love 6

This.  I was a divorce lawyer for 15 years and I lost count of the number of times I'd say to clients (always the wives, always) "you know, we could be sitting here in two years no further forward, except that your legal bills will be through the roof and will eat into any money you get out of this. Or you can decide to draw a line under this, move forward and start your new life, in a lovely new home, and you'll never have to speak to him again."  And I can count on one hand the number who actually took that advice.


But the word 'compromise' doesn't appear to be in Bethenny's vocabulary. She probably made her money by being uncompromising about her brand, and I'm sure she's a shrewd, savvy businesswoman. But I'm guessing she's a nightmare for her divorce lawyers to deal with.

"...and will eat into any money you get out of this. Or you can decide to draw a line under this..."

Interesting you should phrase it this way, so commonly the one unwilling to settle is looking for a bigger payout? That's kinda what I figured. Jason is holding out for more and more money, and why not? Bethenny and an "investor" are the ones paying his legal fees. Jason has nothing to lose, except of course his self respect.

  • Love 6
But the word 'compromise' doesn't appear to be in Bethenny's vocabulary. She probably made her money by being uncompromising about her brand, and I'm sure she's a shrewd, savvy businesswoman. But I'm guessing she's a nightmare for her divorce lawyers to deal with.


No doubt.  But we don't know some of the specifics here.  I think Bethenny has no choice but to fight because Jason has a very sharp & expensive lawyer (apparently someone is funding his lawyer) & he is asking for astronomical amounts.  And apparently she has to pay, pay, pay Jason big time, so I do get her bitterness we see every ep.  I'm just sick of watching it.




He didn't look that way when you knew him in college?


Yes I did go to Boston University School of Communications at the same time as Andy Cohen.  Altho he graduated before me (he's older).  Funny thing is I have no memory of what he looked like back then.  I only remember his personality, which was annoying & overbearing.  Guess that hasn't changed, eh?

  • Love 6

No doubt.  But we don't know some of the specifics here.  I think Bethenny has no choice but to fight because Jason has a very sharp & expensive lawyer (apparently someone is funding his lawyer) & he is asking for astronomical amounts.  And apparently she has to pay, pay, pay Jason big time, so I do get her bitterness we see every ep.  I'm just sick of watching it.




I am sure that Bethenny has top notch lawyers as well, so it is more likely than not, it is an even playing field with their respective legal teams. Because of the gag order in the divorce case we know very little facts about what the hold up issues are. Jason did sign a prenup before they got married so there has to be something going on that calls that into question or that something happened after they were married to negate the prenup. Does anyone know who asked for the gag order, Bethenny or Jason?

I wonder how long this guy will stick around after he has seen bethenny in "action" ....hope he has a strong ego and is one who can put bethenny in her place.


I hope he has a strong enough ego to not feel the need to put her in her place.  Where ever "her place" is. 



I certainly hope they dig into it on a future episode


Yeah, but fuck forbid Heather be the one to inquire about it, lest it will be all about her gall in asking about something so "personal".


The problem for me is not that Heather was getting too personal with her questioning. It's the fact that there is a gag order barring Bethenny from discussing Jason, and Heather should not have steered the conversation toward anything to do with Bethenny needing to fight him in court.   Ramona is not under a gag order which prohibits her discussing Mario or anything else (yet!).  So hers is a totally different situation and ripe for the pickin' as far as I am concerned.  She is free to opt to tell people she doesn't want to discuss it, as she has been doing.  And that should be respected.  I just hope she changes her mind!  Like so many others here, I want the details!


Even though she doesn't have a gag order to worry about, I actually would have loved to see how Ramona would have responded if Bethenny had implied to her that she had mishandled something in her divorce and needed to "fix" it.  LOL I don't think Ramona would put up with that for a New York Minute.  That is really overstepping and I think Ramona would have "shudder down" pretty darn fast.  

  • Love 3

Is there a gag order?  Has Bethenny ever said she can't talk about her divorce proceedings because of a gag order?


The only thing that I've read about a gag order was reported by radaronline and that was a request from Jason for a gag order - every other site reporting the supposed gag order cited radaronline.  And  the radaronline story was from 'sources'.....



  • Love 1

Given the cessation of public remarks and interviews on the subject of Jason/divorce/custody from Bethenny after Jason was reported to be going to court for the gag order, I think most people are assuming it was actually granted.  


A funny side note: certain gag orders can actually include language barring the party from even disclosing there is a gag order, lol.  I have no idea if that actually happened in this case, though. I can see Bethenny not mentioning there is one just because it is kind of embarrassing. 

  • Love 1
Re: WWHL, Bethenny spoke about doing the show in the past tense, implying it was a one-off. Unfortunately, it gave me the impression that this season is setting the stage for her own spin-off next year, and that's the agreement that they made. I hope not!


It would make sense if Bethenny is on for just one season & Satan Andy is merely setting her up for her own show, which will predictably fail -- given the boring same-old, same-old bullshit she's giving us every ep.


It wasn't part of NY Fasion Week. It was more self-produced, and I doubt it was reviewed.


Well, the thing is, how would the public know this?  When I saw this in the NY Post, at the same time Fashion Week was going on, I just assumed her show was part of Fashion Week.  And yeah, I couldn't stop thinkin' WTF.




So if it wasn't officially part of Fashion Week, then this was a pretty good fake-out from Sonja & her ridiculous team of fakers -- and Satan Andy too, no doubt.


Btw, anyone ever hear of Vanessa Noel, where Sonja had the magazine party?  Man, I've passed this joint like a billion times & never even noticed it.  Her townhouse is a block away from Sonja's & way nicer, at least from the outside.



  • Love 3

Has Bethenny ever said she can't talk about her divorce proceedings because of a gag order


Could she admit that on camera if she is under a gag order to not discuss the divorce proceedings on the show? Hee! :)


But seriously - I'm unsure but it seems pretty logical that it could be happening. I mean, I somehow suspect Bethenny would have a lot to say about her ex, aaccompanied by clips from her show that back her narrative. Put another way, if she's completely able to discuss her divorce and its a juicy topic and she loves to use the media to talk trash about her ex.... why isn't she?

  • Love 1



Her jowls, holy shit.



She was very pregnant during this talking head.  I remember because this was when Jill came to Scary Island and Bethenny was imitating the way Jill walked in and said hi.....like a horn.  Anyway, most women's faces, along with numerous other body parts, swell during pregnancy.  Bethenny herself was making fun of how swollen her face got.  I think she even compared herself to a chipmunk.

  • Love 2

I hope he has a strong enough ego to not feel the need to put her in her place.  Where ever "her place" is. 




The problem for me is not that Heather was getting too personal with her questioning. It's the fact that there is a gag order barring Bethenny from discussing Jason, and Heather should not have steered the conversation toward anything to do with Bethenny needing to fight him in court.   Ramona is not under a gag order which prohibits her discussing Mario or anything else (yet!).  So hers is a totally different situation and ripe for the pickin' as far as I am concerned.  She is free to opt to tell people she doesn't want to discuss it, as she has been doing.  And that should be respected.  I just hope she changes her mind!  Like so many others here, I want the details!


Even though she doesn't have a gag order to worry about, I actually would have loved to see how Ramona would have responded if Bethenny had implied to her that she had mishandled something in her divorce and needed to "fix" it.  LOL I don't think Ramona would put up with that for a New York Minute.  That is really overstepping and I think Ramona would have "shudder down" pretty darn fast.  

There was no gag order for the custody case, none, and Heather was discussing things Bethenny had already talked about. Carole confirmed that in a tweet. 

  • Love 6

It would make sense if Bethenny is on for just one season & Satan Andy is merely setting her up for her own show, which will predictably fail -- given the boring same-old, same-old bullshit she's giving us every ep.


I can't believe that knowing how the public has responded to her this season, she and Andy would "throw good money after bad" and push the same storylines in a spin off.  They made a huge mistake with the whole "therapy" thing.  To start with it's fake and useless.  Not to mention how many people are offended by her continued focus on her childhood.  If they were to try to go there on another show (or even for another season on this show), they should both have their reality fame whore club member passes revoked. 


It occurs to me that seeing Sonja undergo therapy might be highly entertaining, though.  I want to see a professional try to break through Miss Havisham's delusions of grandeur.  Maybe a whole team of professionals.  Working in shifts. 


If they made that into a spin off, I admit it ... I would watch. 

  • Love 5

Just checked out Carole's Twitter & man, she must have a ton of time on her hands.  She has about a zillion tweets on there just in the last few days.  She really does think she's a teenager.  Well, some of it is kinda cute.  Guess Twitter is her way to comment on the show since she can't do a Bravo blog, other than the boring interview she did on the Bravo site.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

Just checked out Carole's Twitter & man, she must have a ton of time on her hands.  She has about a zillion tweets on there just in the last few days.  She really does think she's a teenager.  Well, some of it is kinda cute.  Guess Twitter is her way to comment on the show since she can't do a Bravo blog, other than the boring interview she did on the Bravo site.

Wait...what?  She's not allowed to do a Bravo blog?  Why?

There was no gag order for the custody case, none, and Heather was discussing things Bethenny had already talked about. Carole confirmed that in a tweet. 


I believe the divorce and custody case were joined in the NY Supreme Court.  That's how it is supposed to work.  NY law does not permit a separate case just for custody in the Family Court if you have a divorce action going on in the Supreme Court.  It would lead to wasted, duplicative efforts on the parts of both court and counsel so it is prohibited.  So the cases are unlikely to be as separate as you suggest.  


Bethenny would be wise to construe any gag order prohibiting her from talking about the court case as covering both aspects of the case, even though the matter of custody had already been settled.  So I can understand her wanting to avoid participating in a discussion about her a need to "fix" something, even something related to custody, since it goes dangerously near discussion of potential court proceedings and may lead to claims she violated the gag order. 


Carole confirmed that in a tweet.



IIRC all Carole said was that Bethenny talked about her custody matters "all the time."  But I think some of the finer distinctions of the law are wasted on Carole.  This is a woman who didn't know she had a legal obligation to meet a writing deadline in a contract she signed.  I seriously doubt she has any knowledge of the legal impact of a gag order on what Bethenny can say or what might be construed as a violation. 


Carole actually deleted that tweet, I believe.  So I think someone pointed out to her that she was talking out her ass, and she wisely took down her ignorant comment.   She should really stick to talking about what she knows about.  Co-owning dogs and hawking her boyfriend's Chef Baby Green's salad pictures on instagram, stuff like that. 

  • Love 3

Given the cessation of public remarks and interviews on the subject of Jason/divorce/custody from Bethenny after Jason was reported to be going to court for the gag order, I think most people are assuming it was actually granted.  


A funny side note: certain gag orders can actually include language barring the party from even disclosing there is a gag order, lol.  I have no idea if that actually happened in this case, though. I can see Bethenny not mentioning there is one just because it is kind of embarrassing. 

Well, the article I posted was from May, 2013. 


Here's an article from ABC from March, 2015.  If there was a gag order, why would Jason's attorney say that they're exploring legal options after Beth's appearance on WWHL almost two years after the radaronline story?  And there is no mention of a 'gag' order - just exploring legal options.  At least, with this story, the information was given by Jason's attorney, not a 'source'. 




Well, the article I posted was from May, 2013. 


Here's an article from ABC from March, 2015.  If there was a gag order, why would Jason's attorney say that they're exploring legal options after Beth's appearance on WWHL almost two years after the radaronline story?  And there is no mention of a 'gag' order - just exploring legal options.  At least, with this story, the information was given by Jason's attorney, not a 'source'. 




I am guessing that Jason/his attorney felt Bethenny had violated the gag order with what she said on WWH Live. 


I can understand people not mentioning a gag order that bars them from discussing legal proceedings because the gag order itself is sort of a legal proceeding. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein

I am guessing that Jason/his attorney felt Bethenny had violated the gag order with what she said on WWH Live. 


I can understand people not mentioning a gag order that bars them from discussing legal proceedings because the gag order itself is sort of a legal proceeding. 

I would doubt that.  Bethenny wrote about her marriage and divorce in her new book that just came out this April.  She's talked about her divorce and the hell it's been on RHNY.  If there was a gag order in place and she is violating it, it could be considered contempt of court.  There's never been any proof of any gag order and no one has reported that one was ever issued.  Even radaronline never stated that Jason got a gag order.  Only that sources said he was looking for one. 

  • Love 3

I have not read her book so I have no idea what she wrote and can't respond to your assertion. 


But in response to the rest of what you mentioned, I would just re-iterate what ZoloftBob posted above:


I mean, I somehow suspect Bethenny would have a lot to say about her ex, aaccompanied by clips from her show that back her narrative. Put another way, if she's completely able to discuss her divorce and its a juicy topic and she loves to use the media to talk trash about her ex.... why isn't she?
Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 1

But really, if there's no gag order then what is the problem with Bethenny finding Heather's questions too personal? I mean, yes I know she's an evil famewhore who pees publically but is she allowed to say something, anything, is too much? But I am inclined to think, simply because she otherwise has a awesome platform to trash her ex publically, that there's probably a gag order,

I believe the divorce and custody case were joined in the NY Supreme Court.  That's how it is supposed to work.  NY law does not permit a separate case just for custody in the Family Court if you have a divorce action going on in the Supreme Court.  It would lead to wasted, duplicative efforts on the parts of both court and counsel so it is prohibited.  So the cases are unlikely to be as separate as you suggest.  


Bethenny would be wise to construe any gag order prohibiting her from talking about the court case as covering both aspects of the case, even though the matter of custody had already been settled.  So I can understand her wanting to avoid participating in a discussion about her a need to "fix" something, even something related to custody, since it goes dangerously near discussion of potential court proceedings and may lead to claims she violated the gag order. 




IIRC all Carole said was that Bethenny talked about her custody matters "all the time."  But I think some of the finer distinctions of the law are wasted on Carole.  This is a woman who didn't know she had a legal obligation to meet a writing deadline in a contract she signed.  I seriously doubt she has any knowledge of the legal impact of a gag order on what Bethenny can say or what might be construed as a violation. 


Carole actually deleted that tweet, I believe.  So I think someone pointed out to her that she was talking out her ass, and she wisely took down her ignorant comment.   She should really stick to talking about what she knows about.  Co-owning dogs and hawking her boyfriend's Chef Baby Green's salad pictures on instagram, stuff like that. 

Heather did not tell Bethenny to "fix it" and taking it out of context will not make it so either. What was said was at the end of a sentence where she says she now understood what Bethenny was saying otherwise she would have said you need to get this fixed(something along those lines), so she did not in fact tell Bethenny to fix anything. The custody case was decided and over with before filming began and before the divorce case went to court. They are 2 separate court cases and there was never a gag order in the custody case.


As for Carole removing the tweet, IMO she did so  the request of either Bethenny, Andy or the producers otherwise it brakes the 4th wall barrier. All of the other HWs have said in their blogs that Bethenny has talked about the custody problems/conditions with all of them. We hear about it from Bethenny herself every single episode.

  • Love 6

But really, if there's no gag order then what is the problem with Bethenny finding Heather's questions too personal? I mean, yes I know she's an evil famewhore who pees publically but is she allowed to say something, anything, is too much? But I am inclined to think, simply because she otherwise has a awesome platform to trash her ex publically, that there's probably a gag order,

Because she doesn't like Heather.....

  • Love 8

But really, if there's no gag order then what is the problem with Bethenny finding Heather's questions too personal? I mean, yes I know she's an evil famewhore who pees publically but is she allowed to say something, anything, is too much? But I am inclined to think, simply because she otherwise has a awesome platform to trash her ex publically, that there's probably a gag order,

There could be something in the custody case or the divorce case that if made public could ruin or greatly damage whatever is left of Bethenny's public persona and if she cross's that line it could/would come out. Bethenny has never had a problem shutting anyone down when she did not want to discuss something and when she/Heather were talking there didn't seem to be any problem. Bethenny did not look mad, upset or angry at Heather at all, that only happened in her TH so I suspect she/producers/Andy wanted it to look that way, hence the TH by Bethenny only, no TH from Heather on that conversation so we do not have the full story at all. We are really only seeing/hearing Bethenny's narrative when it comes to Heather and, IMO, it is clear that the producers, Bethenny an Andy have decided to try and make Heather the bad guy this season while trying to paint Bethenny as some poor, homeless, hurt, wounded, abused, neglected, betrayed soul. IMO, it is an epic failure.

  • Love 5

There could be something in the custody case or the divorce case that if made public could ruin or greatly damage whatever is left of Bethenny's public persona and if she cross's that line it could/would come out. Bethenny has never had a problem shutting anyone down when she did not want to discuss something and when she/Heather were talking there didn't seem to be any problem.


In other words, if there's no gag order, then Bethenny found the question too personal. What's the problem? What you're saying is perfectly reasonable, that she might not want to go there because of the divorce. Why is she wrong to make that call?

  • Love 1

Heather did not tell Bethenny to "fix it" and taking it out of context will not make it so either. What was said was at the end of a sentence where she says she now understood what Bethenny was saying otherwise she would have said you need to get this fixed(something along those lines), so she did not in fact tell Bethenny to fix anything. 


Oh, now I understand the point you have been trying to make. I still don't agree with your opinion about it, though. 


Let's assume you are correct and Heather was merely referring to something she might have said.  She is still saying she would have said it.  The fact that she would even think of saying such a thing still sucks imo.  It's not her place.  Informing Bethenny that she would have felt entitled to tell her what to do - even though it is now completely irrelevant because it not even based on what Bethenny actually said, because Heather misunderstood - that only reinforces my opinion of Heather as presumptuous and bossy that much more.  


As for Carole removing the tweet, IMO she did so  the request of either Bethenny, Andy or the producers otherwise it brakes the 4th wall barrier. All of the other HWs have said in their blogs that Bethenny has talked about the custody problems/conditions with all of them. 


If Carole's tweet saying Bethenny talks about her custody issues all the time was removed for breaking the 4th wall, then so do all the (Bravo-sanctioned) blogs that say the same thing.  But they have not been taken down.  It suggests to me the 4th wall has nothing to do with why Carole re-thought her tweet. 

She said she can't do a Bravo blog until she meets what she is obligated (by contract) to finish writing for her publisher.

But they're OK with her tweeting 140 characters at a time instead of finishing her book?  What's the difference b/w writing a few pages of a blog and writing the equivalent of a few pages on Twitter, just in smaller bits?  I would think if they have the power to shut her down till she fulfills her contract, they'd use it across all platforms that involve writing.  Which leads me to believe it may not be true that she's prohibited from writing her blog.  She just doesn't want to for whatever reason.


My eyes glaze over from all this stuff about Bethenny's divorce and the gag order and the prenup.  But I do wonder if one reason they're having such a battle in coming to terms financially involves all the things Bethenny said (very stupidly, IMO, for someone who's allegedly such a shrewd and cagey businesswoman) in front of the cameras about the business and the success with Skinny Girl.  On more than one occasion, I remember her telling him the success was just as much his as hers, that the business was theirs, that they'd work on business matters together.  I also remember shaking my head and saying, "Well, that's going to come back and bite you on the ass when the inevitable divorce happens in five years or so."  I was obviously wrong about the five years, but I have a feeling Jason might be in the process of biting her on the ass with her own televised words.  As anybody with any brains would.

  • Love 2

There could be something in the custody case or the divorce case that if made public could ruin or greatly damage whatever is left of Bethenny's public persona and if she cross's that line it could/would come out. 


I think if Jason had any real dirt on Bethenny it would have been leaked by him already.  



My eyes glaze over from all this stuff about Bethenny's divorce and the gag order and the prenup. 


I would guess a lot of people probably feel like that and we should probably keep some of these discussions in the Bethenny thread.  There was just some bleed through due to the whole issue of Heather getting into her custody arrangements in the last episode. 

  • Love 1

I would guess a lot of people probably feel like that and we should probably keep some of these discussions in the Bethenny thread.  There was just some bleed through due to the whole issue of Heather getting into her custody arrangements in the last episode. 

No, no, I didn't mean it that way.  You all have every right to discuss whatever aspect of the show you want to.  I just meant that I don't follow all their legal wranglings, and the technicality of it makes me crazy in the head.  More power to you.  I'm only thinking about what ramifications the things we saw on TV might be having on the divorce, prenup notwithstanding.  Didn't mean to try cramping anybody else's style, really!  ;o)


Editor, edit thyself.

Edited by Mondrianyone
  • Love 2

How can the editors think the majority would like to see B come back and take over RHONY??? This whole episode is all about B and her struggles..oh wait that's been every episode this season.  

  I was enjoying the Carole board election party..until B couldn't let Carole have her moment and had to leave right when Carole was finding out the results.


It's a joke that Beth found it too personal to talk about her situation with Heather.  Yet, she found it perfectly appropriate to discuss it with her realtor.  Total nuttter!!

  • Love 7

In other words, if there's no gag order, then Bethenny found the question too personal. What's the problem? What you're saying is perfectly reasonable, that she might not want to go there because of the divorce. Why is she wrong to make that call?

IMO, Bethenny has shown over and over that she has no problem discussing her "personal" whatever on the show with all of the HW's including Heather. We have seen/heard her do so every single episode so far this season. We have also only heard Bethenny's TH comment so we are only getting 1 side of the story which is ridiculous IMO. Had Bethenny not wanted to discuss this with Heather, then she should not have brought it up o begin with.


Oh, now I understand the point you have been trying to make. I still don't agree with your opinion about it, though. 


Let's assume you are correct and Heather was merely referring to something she might have said.  She is still saying she would have said it.  The fact that she would even think of saying such a thing still sucks imo.  It's not her place.  Informing Bethenny that she would have felt entitled to tell her what to do - even though it is now completely irrelevant because it not even based on what Bethenny actually said, because Heather misunderstood - that only reinforces my opinion of Heather as presumptuous and bossy that much more.  



If Carole's tweet saying Bethenny talks about her custody issues all the time was removed for breaking the 4th wall, then so do all the (Bravo-sanctioned) blogs that say the same thing.  But they have not been taken down.  It suggests to me the 4th wall has nothing to do with why Carole re-thought her tweet. 

Heather was responding to what Bethenny told her and we were not privy to that whole conversation at all, then we hear Heather's partial response to Bethenny followed by Bethenny's TH. There was no TH from Heather to give the whole story. IMO, Heather was showing support/sympathy for Bethenny and Bethenny/producers/Andy wanted it to look like something it was not, hence the edit job and the sole TH.

You really do not find it hypocritical that all of the HW's have said that Bethenny talks about her "situation" with Bryn in their blogs, that we in fact hear about it every single episode but at that moment, even though she/Bethenny brought the subject up to Heather, she doesn't want to talk about it on camera? Really? And Yes, I do believe that Carol was told or asked to delete the tweet to keep to the narrative TPTB have set for the season because she is friends with both women and that carries weight as to believability of what Heather said in her blog and goes against what Bethenny claimed in hers.  JMO

  • Love 5

Did I project the sense of tedium I am feeling about the subject onto you, Mondrianyone?  LOL, I'm sorry!!!  Please forgive me! 

You are more than forgiven Celia.  And if the system would let me give you the thumbs-up I've tried five times to give you, you'd see that.  Who else would we project on if we didn't have each other?

  • Love 1

Bethenny has shown over and over that she has no problem discussing her "personal" whatever on the show with all of the HW's including Heather.


I'm not disagreeing with you that she discusses her personal life. But, if she's not under a gag order, and there's an aspect of her custody agreement she doesn't want to discuss on camera, why is it a problem if she doesn't? Is she not allowed to make the call? For all the complaining that is done about Bethenny over sharing, it seems really odd that people are upset she's not using the show to rip her ex apart.

  • Love 4

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