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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

According to Tech Insider, Frikidoctor has officially thrown in the spoiler towel. Any videos from here on in will be the usual fan speculation stuff.

As bunnyblue said last week, it was good while it lasted.

Oh no! Understandable but still disappointing. I follow the spoilers to help figure if I'm watching shows live or if I can use Sunday night preparing my family for the week.  Even if the entire episode was spoiled word-for-word, I'd still watch. I doubt spoilers have much negative impact on a series.  Perhaps spoilers will bubbleforth from another source. 

24 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Oh no! Understandable but still disappointing. I follow the spoilers to help figure if I'm watching shows live or if I can use Sunday night preparing my family for the week.  Even if the entire episode was spoiled word-for-word, I'd still watch. I doubt spoilers have much negative impact on a series.  Perhaps spoilers will bubbleforth from another source. 

HaHa someone will continue with the WF wiki leaks.

2 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Yup. Arianne...travels some more. This chapter was also one of the ones booted from ADWD; it was first written in 2010. 2010.

GRRM probably posted the chapter as a not-so-subtle "Fuck D&D" response to the show changing (and largely eliminating) the Dorne storyline, but it's so boring and pointless that he seems to have unintentionally reinforced the wisdom of D&D cutting out Arianne's whole storyline. 

In Season 6 news, WOTW posted the new photographs from 6x04: no Sansa and no Jon, but we have two different Tyrion scenes, Jorah/Daario spying on Vaes Dothrak, Yara/Theon, Littlefinger looking pensive, Cersei in the middle of telling Olenna she agrees that there should be no walk of shame for Margaery (from the 6x04 trailer), and a picture of Dany sitting with the Dosh Khaleen priestess.

Seems like a safe bet that Bran sits 6x04 out. No sign of Sam or Arya, either. I'm guessing 6x05 is the big Bran episode, with the "Bran learns a great deal" tag.

6x04 is a long episode, and it looks like there's a lot of Essos action going on: Tyrion has at least three scenes (one with the masters assuring them Dany's coming back, one outside with the Unsullied, and one with Varys), Jorah and Daario fight in the streets of Vaes Dothrak, and Dany has her confrontation with the khals and her big temple burning moment.

We know at the very least that Sansa, Brienne and Pod arrive at Castle Black in 6x04. If Brienne, Pod, Melisandre, Sansa and Davos leave CB in 6x05, I'm guessing a fair bit will have to happen in 6x04 and 6x05 so that Jon and Sansa can get caught up on what's been going on and make their plans.

List of storylines for 6x04 (guess):

1. Vaes Dothrak: Jorah and Daario fight their way to Dany, Dany vs. the khals, big temple burning.

2. Meereen: Tyrion vs. the masters plus at least two other scenes (one outdoors, one with Varys)

3. Pyke: Yara bitches out Theon

4. KL: Olenna and Cersei squabble over what's to be done with Margaery

5. CB: Sansa, Brienne and Pod arrive at CB

6. Runestone: Littlefinger tries to sell Sweetrobin on sending the Vale army on a rescue mission (...I'm guessing)

Probably sitting 6x04 out: Dorne, Bran, Sam, Winterfell, and Arya.

Spitballing for 6x05: Sansa tells Brienne to go to the Riverlands (to find Arya...?), Davos and Sansa head for Bear Island, kingsmoot happens, Arya gets her theatre troupe mission, and Bran gets a huge information dump. 

Edited by Eyes High
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Have we been spoiled as to why Bran is having a vision where the White Walkers appear? All his visions so far have been linked to his family during warmer seasons and setting up the Jon reveal. Just curious to know why he is hanging out in a snow filled vision. Is it linked to Jon, maybe Hodor? Can Bran see the future or just the past in his vision?

2 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

Have we been spoiled as to why Bran is having a vision where the White Walkers appear? All his visions so far have been linked to his family during warmer seasons and setting up the Jon reveal. Just curious to know why he is hanging out in a snow filled vision. Is it linked to Jon, maybe Hodor? Can Bran see the future or just the past in his vision?

No information yet. Perhaps it's not a vision...

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41 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

No information yet. Perhaps it's not a vision...

It has to be a vision, because he's walking in it.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

1. Vaes Dothrak: Jorah and Daario fight their way to Dany, Dany vs. the khals, big temple burning.

2. Meereen: Tyrion vs. the masters plus at least two other scenes (one outdoors, one with Varys)

3. Pyke: Yara bitches out Theon

4. KL: Olenna and Cersei squabble over what's to be done with Margaery

5. CB: Sansa, Brienne and Pod arrive at CB

6. Runestone: Littlefinger tries to sell Sweetrobin on sending the Vale army on a rescue mission (...I'm guessing)

Probably sitting 6x04 out: Dorne, Bran, Sam, Winterfell, and Arya.

Spitballing for 6x05: Sansa tells Brienne to go to the Riverlands (to find Arya...?), Davos and Sansa head for Bear Island, kingsmoot happens, Arya gets her theatre troupe mission, and Bran gets a huge information dump. 

1.  If the temple burning really is in this episode it seems like they'll have exhausted most of what we know of Dany's plot this season very quickly.  What else is there beyond riding back to Meereen, which it doesn't seem like they do until the final few episodes?

2.  I'm guessing they decide to send for the Red Priests this episode.

3.  We can see Theon on a ship in the promo, so there are at least two Theon moments, though the ship bit may not be much more than a brief scene-setting moment.

4.  Looks like Marg meets with both the High Sparrow and Loras, so she's getting a bit more plot this episode too.

5.  My guess, we get some reunion scenes (after the endless scenes of the Lannisters chatting with each other, they better give some real time to the Starks meeting again), and the episode ends with Ramsay's letter arriving.

6.  Probably just one scene, though Vansittart filmed in both May and December.  It's not clear if Royce is coming north or not (he wasn't at the Snowbowl filming, but considering the Vale are probably just going to show up as a wave of cavalry they may not have felt the need to show him in that context), so we may get multiple scenes of Baelish in the Vale.

1 hour ago, Haleth said:

The Arianne chapter makes me weep again for what the show did to Dorne. 

The Arianne chapter is proof to me that GRRM has quite literally lost the plot and is no longer capable of the brisk storytelling that characterized the early ASOIAF books; all he can do now is write travelogues and long interludes where nothing happens. The Alayne chapter was the same: setup, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, and more setup. The Arianne chapter to me is a testament to the choices that the show writers have made in taking a machete to the flabby source material sagging under the weight of its own mass of irrelevant detail, even if the execution has often been lacking.


5.  My guess, we get some reunion scenes (after the endless scenes of the Lannisters chatting with each other, they better give some real time to the Starks meeting again), and the episode ends with Ramsay's letter arriving.

The episode ending with Ramsay's letter would make sense. I don't think it can be much later than that, if everyone leaves Castle Black in 6x05.

  • Love 7

The Alayne chapter was the same: setup, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, and more setup. 

The Alayne chapter I thought actually showed some decent progress in Sansa's characterization -- she was learning to use her feminine wiles, being witty and clever to become a manipulator (perhaps taking some of Cersei's lessons to heart).

This Arianne chapter is boring though. 

  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, CofCinci said:


Is there video of him walking? I just see the one still frame where he's standing stiffly. The WW could use whatever mojo they have to take disabled Bran off the ground and stand him upright. His head is cocked in an unnatural position a well. 

We have seen the WWs manipulate dead bodies, but never a live one.  If they could do that, why not do it at Hardhome?

Also, if Bran is to live for a while longer, and maybe even make it to the end, this little encounter had to be in vision world.  I doubt that if the NK has the ability to manipulate a living person's body to that extent, he would let Bran, who appears to be one of the most powerful greenseers/warg to have come along in a long time in Westeros, live.

If this encounter is not in vision land, Bran is toast.

  • Love 2

I've got some more possible spoilers from DMT. They come in response to a detailed list of "spoilers," some of which look pretty fishy to me and seem cobbled together using the known spoilers from DMT and company to look credible (one of the fishier ones is a claim that Bran will only see the last part of the TOJ vision after the wights have driven him from the cave, when we know that Jack Bender filmed at the TOJ location), provided from the Team Stannis Facebook page. Even though I think the Team Stannis spoilers are suspect, I think DMT is the real deal, so here are DMT's comments below a cut (condensed):



1. Rallying of Northern houses happens.

2. Rickon dies by arrow, and Osha's dead by the time the battle rolls arond.

3. Wun Wun is killed, but it's thanks to him that the Bolton-held Winterfell falls, since Team Jon doesn't have the ability to stage a siege (Ramsay says this when he arrives back in Winterfell after the battle).

4. DMT has heard about wolves possibly being involved in the Riverrun siege, but can't confirm.

5. DMT has no info on the Hound.


Last one's a biggie...


6. Loras, Margaery, Tommen (DMT thinks), Mace (DMT thinks) and the High Sparrow (DMT thinks), are all involved in an "explosive" finale. Tommen may die earlier in the season, but in any event "lots of significant characters aren't making it past the finale."

Edited by Eyes High
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7 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Last one's a biggie...

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6. Loras, Margaery, Tommen (DMT thinks), Mace (DMT thinks) and the High Sparrow (DMT thinks), are all involved in an "explosive" finale. Tommen may die earlier in the season, but in any event "lots of significant characters aren't making it past the finale."


If true, interesting that Olenna is being left out of the general purge of House Tyrell.


The Alayne chapter I thought actually showed some decent progress in Sansa's characterization -- she was learning to use her feminine wiles, being witty and clever to become a manipulator (perhaps taking some of Cersei's lessons to heart).

This Arianne chapter is boring though. 

It's chapters like the Arianne one that make me question how in hell's name this man hopes to finish  this story within the span of 2 books.   Arianne Martell isn't even a B-List character in this series and her story doesn't seem anywhere near any kind of climax.   I don't mind Dorne in the books, I honestly don't, but if it's not going to amount to much and since we are on a schedule, I say brava to D&D for doing what they feel they have too.

Despite what I say, I'd really like GRRM to finish the books before the show ends but that was never going to happen.  I remember when he released the quote that TWOW would have "more deaths, more betrayals, more weddings."  And I thought, "Yes" he's making progress.  Sigh.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Eyes High said:

6. Loras, Margaery, Tommen (DMT thinks), Mace (DMT thinks) and the High Sparrow (DMT thinks), are all involved in an "explosive" finale. Tommen may die earlier in the season, but in any event "lots of significant characters aren't making it past the finale."



"Explosive" meaning Cersei blows up KL?

Damn, I was looking forward to reading that new Arianne chapter.  If it's more travelogue, blah.  She's already had a set-up travelogue chapter; two seems unnecessary.  How much documentation do we need for the short trip from Dorne to the Stormlands? 

My guess, we get some reunion scenes (

after the endless scenes of the Lannisters chatting with each other, they better give some real time to the Starks meeting again), and the episode ends with Ramsay's letter arriving.

Jon:  Hey.

Sansa:  Hey.

[awkward silence]

Jon:  Good talk.

  • Love 7
18 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Littlefinger looking pensive,

Maybe it's because I just recently finished reading the Harry Potter books, but I read this as "Littlefinger looking in a pensieve."  I was wondering whose tears he was using...


That being said, I have to agree with all who state that the newly released Arianne chapter, while welcome, does nothing to progress the plot of the books...such a disappointment.

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3 hours ago, SeanC said:
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If true, interesting that Olenna is being left out of the general purge of House Tyrell.



Olenna heads to Dorne, apparently... I guess Olenna could be dead by the time the finale rolls around, though.

3 hours ago, Advance35 said:

It's chapters like the Arianne one that make me question how in hell's name this man hopes to finish  this story within the span of 2 books.   Arianne Martell isn't even a B-List character in this series and her story doesn't seem anywhere near any kind of climax.   I don't mind Dorne in the books, I honestly don't, but if it's not going to amount to much and since we are on a schedule, I say brava to D&D for doing what they feel they have too.

Despite what I say, I'd really like GRRM to finish the books before the show ends but that was never going to happen.  I remember when he released the quote that TWOW would have "more deaths, more betrayals, more weddings."  And I thought, "Yes" he's making progress.  Sigh.

D&D said recently that GRRM gave them only "distant, vague landmarks" beyond the published books. If one of those landmarks was "Aegon and Arianne die," I can see why they chose as they did. In retrospect, I think it would have been wiser to leave Dorne out of the show altogether except for Oberyn and Ellaria as originally contemplated by D&D until Bryan Cogman changed their minds, but crying, spilt milk, etc. etc. 

3 hours ago, Haleth said:
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"Explosive" meaning Cersei blows up KL?

That appears to be the speculation.


Jaime's speech in 3x05 to Brienne mentioned that there were caches of wildfire beneath the Red Keep and the Sept of Baelor, so it's definitely possible in the show.

It could be that Tommen dies earlier than the finale, paving the way for Cersei to unleash holy hell on the Tyrells.

2 hours ago, mac123x said:

Jon:  Hey.

Sansa:  Hey.

[awkward silence]

Jon:  Good talk.


More tidbits from DMT:


1. Jon takes out Karstark.

2. DMT believes that there is a Frey wedding and "it goes awry." [I'm a little skeptical on this one, since the shot of Walder Frey celebrating with the Lannister soldiers didn't seem to have any brides in sight, unless that bit happened after the bedding, which is when the shit went down at the RW. I hope this one is true, though. I'm so here for a reverse Red Wedding. I want to believe!]

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

More tidbits from DMT:

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2. DMT believes that there is a Frey wedding and "it goes awry." [I'm a little skeptical on this one, since the shot of Walder Frey celebrating with the Lannister soldiers didn't seem to have any brides in sight, unless that bit happened after the bedding, which is when the shit went down at the RW. I hope this one is true, though. I'm so here for a reverse Red Wedding. I want to believe!]


If that's true, the pace of things in the Riverlands seems like it must be breakneck, particularly since Arya, who you'd expect would be involved in this, can't be returning until fairly late in the season.

4 minutes ago, SeanC said:
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If that's true, the pace of things in the Riverlands seems like it must be breakneck, particularly since Arya, who you'd expect would be involved in this, can't be returning until fairly late in the season.

Yes, especially when you consider that 6x09 will be mostly if not exclusively devoted to the BOTB.


We know that the Riverrun scenes are in 6x07 and 6x08, and that Jaime goes somewhere else after Riverrun before the end of the season. That Frey wedding, if indeed that's what it is, likely takes place in 6x10, where the Lannister crew and the Freys are not only celebrating a wedding but also, I'm guessing, a successful end to the siege. 

Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams played "two truths and a lie" as part of an interview a few weeks back (paraphrased):

Sophie: "Ramsay dies," "Lady Stoneheart returns," and "Arya crosses three names off her list."

Maisie: "Arya returns to Westeros," "Arya has appeared more times in the trailer than people have realized, because they don't know it's her," and "Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list.



We know that Ramsay dies and that Arya returns to Westeros. That leaves Sophie's lie as either Stoneheart or Arya crossing three names off her list, and Maisie's lie as either Arya showing up in the trailer more times than people have realized or Arya not crossing any more names off her list.

I'm thinking Maisie's lie is about Arya not crossing any more names off her list. It seems unlikely that Arya will cross three names off her list, given how small the list is now (according to 6x02), but that means Stoneheart's going to return, and that can't be right.


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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:


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We know that Ramsay dies and that Arya returns to Westeros. That leaves Sophie's lie as either Stoneheart or Arya crossing three names off her list, and Maisie's lie as either Arya showing up in the trailer more times than people have realized or Arya not crossing any more names off her list.

I'm thinking Maisie's lie is about Arya not crossing any more names off her list. It seems unlikely that Arya will cross three names off her list, given how small the list is now (according to 6x02), but that means Stoneheart's going to return, and that can't be right.


What if


The three names Arya crosses off her list are Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, and Walder Frey? That outlines a fairly coherent storyline for the character that's consistent with existing spoilers: Arya returns to Westeros, kills Beric and Thoros and takes over the Brotherhood Without Banners, then assumes Lady Stoneheart's role, ultimately engineering a reverse Red Wedding in which Walder Frey and his brood are wiped out (perhaps appearing in the trailer face-switched with one of the Freys)?

Edited by Dev F
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14 minutes ago, Dev F said:

What if

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The three names Arya crosses off her list are Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, and Walder Frey? That outlines a fairly coherent storyline for the character that's consistent with existing spoilers: Arya returns to Westeros, kills Beric and Thoros and takes over the Brotherhood Without Banners, then assumes Lady Stoneheart's role, ultimately engineering a reverse Red Wedding in which Walder Frey and his brood are wiped out (perhaps appearing in the trailer face-switched with one of the Freys)?


Dondarrion and Thoros aren't on her list anymore.  They were dropped in Season 5, which was explicitly pointed out in Season 6 again.  Arya's list has only three people on it:  Cersei, Walder Frey, and Gregor Clegane.

If Arya does check three names off her list, I expect it will include people added in the course of the season, but probably not any of the people previously dropped, since that would just call attention to the inconsistency of them being left off it in the first place.

15 minutes ago, SeanC said:
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Dondarrion and Thoros aren't on her list anymore.  They were dropped in Season 5, which was explicitly pointed out in Season 6 again.



Well, I don't know that we can conclude much from the most recent scene, since a) it's a montage that cuts back and forth mid-conversation, so we haven't necessarily heard every name Arya mentioned, and b) one of the main points of the scene is that there are names on Arya's list that she's deliberately withholding -- e.g., the Waif herself. Though I guess that means the Waif could be one of the names who gets crossed off too, come to think of it.

But I would assume that the main reason Beric and Thoros got dropped is because the writers decided it would be confusing for Arya to mention two minor characters who haven't appeared since season 3. And if Arya is going to get revenge on them this year, suddenly putting them back on the list might be giving too much away. Long story short, I don't think we can assume that they're definitively safe.


Edited by Dev F
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There's a new picture from 6x04 of Khal Moro inside the building with the other khals (same scene as the trailer for 6x04, I think) looking shocked at something. The lighting of the scene suggests a large source of light (like from a big fire?). The scene from the trailer with Dany walking slowly towards the khals was pretty dark.

Other new pictures: 1) LF surrounded by Vale (?) soldiers at Runestone,  2) Cersei looking pensive next to the small council table, 3) Daario looking grim, 4) Daario and Jorah climbing some rocks, 5) Closeup of Dany sitting with the high priestess, 6) Edd seated at a table looking concerned, 7) Missandei and Grey Worm looking at something offscreen with an unreadable expression (seems like the same scene as Tyrion outdoors), 8) Robin with some bald dude holding a bunch of arrows, 9) Theon in the scene with Yara looking upset, 10) Tormund seated outside with a sword (sharpening it?) looking up at something offscreen, 11) Margaery looking forlorn in her cell, 12) Tyrion, Varys and Missandei meeting with someone, and 13) Yara looking at someone offscreen (Theon, probably).

Nothing too spoilery, except Moro's look of astonishment at what appears to be a big fire in the building. (RIP Moro?)

Recapped.com, the nudity spoiler website, reports that Emilia Clarke has a hot nude scene "for realsies" in 6x04.

Edited by Eyes High
7 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Nothing too spoilery, except Moro's look of astonishment at what appears to be a big fire in the building. (RIP Moro?)

I kind of think he might survive, since if Dany's going to land a huge horde of Dothraki she'll presumably need at least one recognizable character in her entourage.

It looks like Dany becoming the boss of the Dothraki happens fairly quickly, which really makes me wonder what she's doing for the rest of the season.

No images of Jon or of Sansa and co. still.  They're playing that close to the vest.

Edited by SeanC
4 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Yes, especially when you consider that 6x09 will be mostly if not exclusively devoted to the BOTB.

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We know that the Riverrun scenes are in 6x07 and 6x08, and that Jaime goes somewhere else after Riverrun before the end of the season. That Frey wedding, if indeed that's what it is, likely takes place in 6x10, where the Lannister crew and the Freys are not only celebrating a wedding but also, I'm guessing, a successful end to the siege. 

Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams played "two truths and a lie" as part of an interview a few weeks back (paraphrased):

Sophie: "Ramsay dies," "Lady Stoneheart returns," and "Arya crosses three names off her list."

Maisie: "Arya returns to Westeros," "Arya has appeared more times in the trailer than people have realized, because they don't know it's her," and "Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list.

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We know that Ramsay dies and that Arya returns to Westeros. That leaves Sophie's lie as either Stoneheart or Arya crossing three names off her list, and Maisie's lie as either Arya showing up in the trailer more times than people have realized or Arya not crossing any more names off her list.

I'm thinking Maisie's lie is about Arya not crossing any more names off her list. It seems unlikely that Arya will cross three names off her list, given how small the list is now (according to 6x02), but that means Stoneheart's going to return, and that can't be right.


I love those two truths and a lie.  So, what are the best "lie" guesses for each one?



Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams played "two truths and a lie" as part of an interview a few weeks back (paraphrased):

Sophie: "Ramsay dies," "Lady Stoneheart returns," and "Arya crosses three names off her list."

Maisie: "Arya returns to Westeros," "Arya has appeared more times in the trailer than people have realized, because they don't know it's her," and "Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list.


Since I assume the writers wrote these and told Sophie and Maisie to say them, I'd say the two lies would be Arya crosses off three names and Arya doesn't cross off any.  Since most people would assume that one of those statements have to be true, that would be the best place to hide the lies.

3 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Since I assume the writers wrote these and told Sophie and Maisie to say them, I'd say the two lies would be Arya crosses off three names and Arya doesn't cross off any.  Since most people would assume that one of those statements have to be true, that would be the best place to hide the lies.

That makes sense:  Arya crosses 1 or 2 names off her list then, and probably assumes the name of Lady Stoneheart. 

2 hours ago, SeanC said:

I doubt their media appearance was scripted by the writers.

Yes, I think Liam Cunningham and IHW were given the same challenge in interviews and couldn't come up with anything. At least, I think Cunningham started the game and then realized he'd just spoiled something inadvertently (which was redacted out of the article, I think). Judging from their ready answers, I'm going to guess Sophie and Maisie figured they'd be asked something along those lines during preseason interviews, whereas LC and IHW seemed caught off guard.



Hasn't heard anything about Olenna being involved in the big massacre that supposedly takes place in 6x10. Assumes she survives.

Edited by Eyes High
4 hours ago, SeanC said:

This is just a personal opinion, but I would be amazed if there's no Pink Letter in 604, so I'm inclined to believe those are made up (also, the Brienne/Davos stuff doesn't really sound right to me either).

The Vaes Dothrak stuff also sounds too crazy, with someone trying to rape Dany after it's decided she can join the dosh khaleen and the khals start killing each other in their sacred city. And that all sounds unrelated to the arrival of Daario/Jorah and Drogon.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Two more tidbits regarding the BOTB from DMT:

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2. The Manderlys are nowhere near Winterfell when the BOTB happens.



I was wondering about that, since we know Lord Manderly switches sides and they're mentioned in the early episodes as being one of the major houses, yet it sounds like Team Stark is very outnumbered in the initial battle.  I'm guessing that Ramsay attacks before the loyalist army can fully assemble.

Though that raises questions about how the Arryns were able to get there without anybody noticing and before the arrival of more local forces.

2 hours ago, WearyTraveler said:

I'm thinking that, at first, the Vale army will head north supposedly supporting Ramsay, so, he will not do anything to stop them or be worried that an army is heading North.  Then, they will turn against the Boltons.

I don't think the Vale army is going to be mentioned between episode 4 and episode 9.

As of the promo/description for episode four, these are the actors who have appeared in every episode of the season so far:

  1. Kit Harington
  2. Peter Dinklage
  3. Nicolaj Coster-Waldau
  4. Lena Headey
  5. Jonathan Pryce
  6. Conleth Hill
  7. Ben Crompton

They also seem to have Gregor following Cersei around in most of her scenes now, so Hafþór Björnsson has been in all of the first three, and my continue to appear whenever she does.  He's not visible in the promo.

Hill and Crompton will drop out of the running at some point, obviously.  Pryce probably will too.  That leaves Jon and the Lannister siblings as the question marks.

More details from DMT, some of which are very spoilery:



1. BOTB: Jon knows the Vale will come with reinforcements [so I guess it's not meant to be a total surprise].

2. There is a red wedding-type event (as in multiple character deaths, not as in an actual wedding) in 6x10. Wildfire is used. DMT believes Cersei and Qyburn are the culprits. Four or five named characters die, including members of the Lannisters, Tyrells, and Sparrows. DMT is not 100% about Tommen dying during this event, but Tommen does die this season for sure. DMT is not 100% sure about the High Sparrow dying during this event. DMT believes Loras, Margaery and Mace die during this event and is 100% sure about Loras and Margaery, not 100% sure about everyone else. DMT speculates that Cersei kills Tommen accidentally if Tommen does in fact die during this event.


I wonder who this DMT is. Of course extras would have an opportunity to see a lot of what's going on during the big battle, but this guy also knows stuff about KL and character motivations, like that latest tidbit about Jon. His spoilers have only been about Winterfell and KL, right? I can't remember anything about Meereen or the Wall. Everything that's been posted sounds pretty believable, so it's going to be very interesting to see if there's buildup in the final episodes that supports the spoilers.

47 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

More details from DMT, some of which are very spoilery:

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1. BOTB: Jon knows the Vale will come with reinforcements [so I guess it's not meant to be a total surprise].


That's interesting.  I wonder what causes him to give battle early, then?  Maybe they're meant to be drawing Ramsay's forces out of Winterfell?

On ‎15‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 2:43 AM, SeanC said:

I don't think the Vale army is going to be mentioned between episode 4 and episode 9.

Lord Rob pretty much just committed it to his cousin's cause.  I wonder if we will not hear about them anymore until the BOTB or if somehow LF will get word to Sansa and Jon that they are coming.  I know Jon just agreed to march on Winterfell with only 2,000 Wildlings, but I'm expecting a seasoned fighter like Jon will not attempt that cold and here's where we get Sansa (and perhaps Jon) trying to recruit some other houses, whichever ones are left (the Mormonts for sure).

I expect we'll see Sansa sending Brienne after Arya in 605.

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