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S05.E10: Let's Face It

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Let me peer into my crystal ball...


Sorry, Farrah.  Simon doesn't mind banging you, flying around the country, and getting his face on television.  But he's not interested in marrying you, raising Sophia, or having Michael and Debra as in-laws.  Oh, yea, and he won't be moving from San Diego to Austin.  You're going to be a Lone Bird again pretty soon.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 22

And why the fuck is Farrah yelling at Sophia!

"Those are your dogs!" SHE'S FIVE! I always knew Farrah was a piece of shit, but yelling at her daughter like that isn't helping. What five year old do you know gets yelled at for asking for help?! Farrah is such a raging cunt.

Go Sophia for acting like a brat in the car. Farrah was so embarrassed. She kept laughing and it was so forced. If Simon hadn't been there, Farrah would have ripped Soph a new one.

Edited by kp199
  • Love 16

Farrah should take advantage of the fact that Simon doesn't like her ass and dump him. Anybody that texts while flying up the highway is an asshole.

And hasn't she ever heard the Old Wives Take about buying a man shoes? He'll walk out on you...well this one is walking anyway.

Scary but Gary actually made sense to me. If Leah has a doctor's appointment, take her! Why blow off the appt just because you think she's cured? Gary is right, Amber is really struggling with being a responsible parent. Even being a part time parent seems to be a struggle for Ambie.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 16

Farrah better quit worrying about her boyfriend who clearly is NOT into her, and get a hold on Sophia's brattiness. I understand that Sophia is angry because her mom yells at her when she simply asks for help, and she is acting out. And probably showing off for the cameras, too. Sophia's aggressive behavior will only get worse as she gets older. Farrah, be a MOM and forget about all the men, sex, marriage, etc.

  • Love 9

Was it said WHY Simon came to Austin? Because he is so very very not into her. And he really has no use for Sophia's bratty ass. I thought he was gonna kick her across the room when she was clinging on to his ankles. Farrah pushing Sophia on him was aggravating. Let that shit happen organically, or at least with a person that gives half a damn.

  • Love 13

Ugh, Farrah interacting with Simon is extra insufferable, and he is not exactly a gem of a human himself.  She was also super over-dressed the whole time he was there, like, it's the middle of the day, wear a sundress?


Gary was a shit talking in front of Leah (again) about Amber, and I don't get why Amber and Matt couldn't postpone their night at the weird "romantic" themed hotel until Leah was okay.  


Catelyn and Tyler leaving the baby with April to go on TV and talk more about how great adoption is, in the midst of all of the issues they've had with BrandonandTheresa this season was more questionable decision-making.  Theresa obviously decided for a reason not to bring Carly for the reunion show, and I wonder if she knew that April was going to be there.


I know I watched several seasons of Catelyn filming without a kid there, but Maci's stuff is just really boring without Bentley.  They are really trying to have the dog stand in for him and it is not working.  I'm hoping they (all of them) don't do another season, but I don't know what Maci will do if they go forward - MTV can avoid filming Bentley, but not a newborn.


Everyone is awful, basically.

  • Love 7

Wait, April remarried?! Good for her....I think. Hopefully he's not another Butch.

Also, Gary tried calling and texting Amber and got no response. I guess she really worries about her daughter! My phone is always up, full blast, when I sleep. It's common sense. Emergencies happen, especially if you have a child!

Edited by kp199
  • Love 9

My goodness, Sophia is ugler than a troll doll. Her facial features are unfortunate enough that she doesn't need to be making hideous faces constantly. I hope those janky teeth are her baby teeth and that they fall out and are replaced by ones that look human, not animal.

It seems she's her mother's daughter, ugly behavior and all.

Her thrill over Simon worries me. I hope she doesn't grow up to be overexited at any guy that crosses her path, with subsequent sluttly and non-self-respecting behavior.

Edited by Shelby
  • Love 21

My goodness, Sophia is ugler than a troll doll.

It seems she's her mother's daughter, ugly behavior and all.

Her thrill over Simon worries me. I hope she doesn't grow up to be overexited at any guy that crosses her path, with subsequent sluttly and non-self-respecting behavior.

I'm so sorry that I liked this post, but Sophia really is unattractive. I hate talking bout the kids, but yeah. Its like Farrah's ugly spirit manifested into a Baby Goo.

Teresa really has no use for Tyler huh? Bravo lady. I wouldn't deal with that jerk off either. I am glad she connected with Cate though. I wish she'd offer her some guidance on trade school or a job of some sort. Anything to help her grow some independence from Tyler.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 14

I will not snark on how a child looks, because that's wrong, but good Lord, Sophia is a brat. It's not her fault, but omg, she's a nightmare.

I had to laugh when Amber said, "I was taking a nap and missed Gary's call...." What? Amber in bed? YOU DON'T SAY.

I enjoyed the heart to heart moment with April and Catelyn. The first thing I noticed when they walked in April's house though, was the plethora of liquor bottles displayed as decorations on top of the kitchen cupboards.

And Debra playing tennis in leather pants, thank you for that MTV. Don't change Debra, that was my favorite part of the episode.

Oh, I didnt comment on Maci and whats-his-name.....

Yeah I got nothin.

  • Love 10

Farrah better quit worrying about her boyfriend who clearly is NOT into her, and get a hold on Sophia's brattiness. I understand that Sophia is angry because her mom yells at her when she simply asks for help, and she is acting out. And probably showing off for the cameras, too. Sophia's aggressive behavior will only get worse as she gets older. Farrah, be a MOM and forget about all the men, sex, marriage, etc.

Seeing as how Farrah is one the brattiest people I've ever seen and has no problem with it, I don't expect her to be worried about Sophia's attitude. She's doing what she's seeing. If Farrah continues to be rude, Sophia will too.

  • Love 8

I will not snark on how a child looks, because that's wrong, but good Lord, Sophia is a brat.

You're a better person than I am, but I have no shame in snarking on that beastly brat.

My husband and I don't have kids, and I don't have any exposure to them really. However, I thought it was hilarious how Leah was so sick in the car that she was practically in tears but the second she got to the Fantasuites she was suddenly happy and well and jumping on the bed.

  • Love 9

Well, not completely sober. She was drinking beer at Tyler's mom's house when they were making the chocolate molds.


Oh Jesus, and I thought leaving an infant in the care of a chain smoker was bad enough. It's no wonder a detail was missed though, the freaking "commercial breaks" -- which I think actually function as the show with TMOG dropping in every 5 minutes to make a quick appearance -- felt like one of those tests given to induce a seizure. 


And why the fuck is Farrah yelling at Sophia!

"Those are your dogs!" SHE'S FIVE!


I was already 2 seconds from losing it with Farrah (obviously, this is simply how her DNA presents), and then LOST it over the dogs! Maybe they were designated "Sophia's dogs" back when asshole Farrah was on record about how she and Soph were taking a break from each other to better their own lives or whatever (when Soph was about 3 if I remember...)? I see adults struggle to get dogs into carriers all of the time, so I was actually awestruck that a tiny kids was taking care of business, but how great for Farrah to take time from primping her red, lace airport dress and decimating more brain cells with whatever version of Aqua Net she uses, to actually take the time to curse out her half-dressed, ungroomed and shoeless daughter. Asshole magnifico!


And hasn't she ever heard the Old Wives Take about buying a man shoes?


Clearly the notion that the guest might bring a thanks-for-having-me gift is lost on these two. I truly believe Farrah's tiny noodle thought Louboutins would make the request that he grow up, change his personality and temperament, and deliver a promise of marriage within a year more palatable. However, it's clear that the douche-nozzle only has eyes and fingers (UGH, Jesus, STOP FILMING MTV!!!) for trying out his real doll at every opportunity. Way to screen for a better class of guys, Farrah.


And fuck Amber for carrying her sick kid into a skank hotel with her 20-yrs-from-retirement lover: so many barfs. What kind of person skips the doctor's appointment no matter the symptoms, especially after going out of town and hot-tubbing and sleeping(?) with those two creeps all night? Maybe she figured she could not only skip out on the payment for the visit but also stick Gary with a cancellation fee -- and I despise Gary to the ends of the earth. I pretty much only want to see Amber's brother in place of this failed experiment of a show. 


And as for Maci the Boring Ginger, blahhhhhh. The only non-dog scenes to interest me were wondering what kind of insane sect her boyfriend belongs to where there are multiple greasy dudes with variations of this haircut and the even-more-greasy beards, and what was Ryan on during his brief scene? A) he was waaay talkative for Ryan, and B) his pupils looked about the size of golf balls. Is this Ryan on spice or something?

  • Love 12

Farrah to Simon, saying she won't wait one or two years to get engaged: "that's for ugly people." Oh, the irony. She's really so despicable.

It's not easy to side with Gary, but I've got to on this one - Amber should have taken Leah to the doctor's appt., even if her fever broke. She's lazy, and she needs to focus on responsible parenting, not just doing fun stuff with Boo-boo whenever they're together. It feels like she's so proud of herself for overcoming her drug addiction and stint in jail that she won't take criticism of any sort, and acts like getting full custody of Leah is the next step after prison. Say what you will about Gary, but he's apparently stepped up to parent Leah on his own, while Amber was high on drugs, in rehab, in prison, and now out doing basically nothing except date another loser 20 years her senior.

  • Love 13

Sophia truly is an unfortunate looking child.

However, I am enjoying her bratty behavior. Especially since it's focused towards Farrah. I bet she is acting exactly the way Farrah did when she was Sophia age. And Sophia behavior is only going to get worse as she gets older. I love it.

Karma is a bitch and Farrah gets to experience everything she put her parents through.

Hopefully, Farrah will recognize her own behavior in Sophia. And maybe that will be the catalyst for her growing up and finally appreciating what her parents have done for her.

  • Love 7

Gary said Amber has not paid child support which is $1,000 per month. Did I hear that right?

I said long ago that Sophia would act like he mother one day. I thought that would be when Sophia hit twelve. Nope. The child started way sooner. I never thought I would feel this way, but damn! I so bad wanted to put that child in some major time out, and I am not talking about putting her in a corner. That kid needs some real parenting. She has been allowed to get away with shit.

April still looks like shit.

Maci who???

  • Love 7

Wait, April remarried?! Good for her....I think. Hopefully he's not another Butch.

Also, Gary tried calling and texting Amber and got no response. I guess she really worries about her daughter! My phone is always up, full blast, when I sleep. It's common sense. Emergencies happen, especially if you have a child!

My kids are grown and moved out and I still won't turn my ringer off at night.

I love how Amber said she woke up from a nap to the missed calls from Gary. It was 11 am, nobody takes a nap at 11 am. She was still sleeping from the night before.

I just can't stand Amber. I'd rather watch Farrah on a loop than to watch Amber. I wanted to smack her when she was talking about the "hell" she's gone through. Everything she listed as her "hell" was all of her own making.

Screw you Amber. You don't know what hell really is.

April looks exactly the same ti me. Usually when people get clean they look better after a while.

And if she's still drinking she isn't clean.

Why do I watch this show when all it does is piss me off?

  • Love 10

You're a better person than I am, but I have no shame in snarking on that beastly brat.

My husband and I don't have kids, and I don't have any exposure to them really. However, I thought it was hilarious how Leah was so sick in the car that she was practically in tears but the second she got to the Fantasuites she was suddenly happy and well and jumping on the bed.

I have no shame in it either. Kid is ugly.

That's just how kids are. The medicine kicks in and they are fine for a while, then they drop again.

Ryan looks like a tweaker.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Maci and Taylor buying a house together. A marriage license doesn't mean everything. Means nothing to me. Almost 3 decades together and we aren't married and have no plans to be. And we've bought a few houses together.

I have no experience with adoption but in my opinion Carly shouldn't meet members of her birth family until she's much older (if her parents want her to meet them at all).

I just think at this age it would be so confusing to her. You just know that April and Kim would both tell her that they are her grandmas. In her world, she already has grandparents.

I think she should be at least 12 and have a decent grasp of the whole adoption thing before she meets any of her birth family.

I hate how Tyler keeps saying that Carly has never met Kim and April like its a given that they will. He sounds like Theresa and Brandon are keeping the "grandmas" waiting.

Like I said I have no personal experience with this so maybe I'm way off but that's how I feel about it.

Holy shit, I agree with meisje, this episode was more like an hour of commercials with a few minutes of show thrown in.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 9

Gary said Amber has not paid child support which is $1,000 per month. Did I hear that right?


I heard that as well, not a smart move on her part. Gary/his newest babymama said it had been since October or around then that Amber had paid any support, so if anyone knows when this episode was filmed, we'd have a ballpark figure. At $1k/month, that would rapidly build into a big deal. Would MTV automatically dock her checks if Gary goes to court? So many questions... I scoffed hard at Amber informing her mother and brother that she was ready to file (she and Gary sound like Jenelle and Barb) for joint custody, since I'm guessing the fact that she hasn't paid support for months would probably get the case tossed in about 5 minutes.


Farrah to Simon, saying she won't wait one or two years to get engaged: "that's for ugly people." Oh, the irony. She's really so despicable.


Did she really say that?! I admit my brain waves go flat whenever Farrah starts talking about marriage/engagement/commitment and then, the next thing I know, someone else is on. Please let this be true. Sounds like she's found the next title for a book, "If He Likes Fingerbanging It, Make Him Put A Ring On It: Or How Not to Become One of the 'Ugly People.'"


I'm really pissed this week that Farrah made Maci's concerns seem legitimate and sensible.


I have no experience with adoption but in my opinion Carly shouldn't meet members of her birth family until she's much older (if her parents want her to meet them at all).


And a giant red flag for B&T has to be that, no matter the amount of contact, Tyler and the extended family want more and more. Even little Nick spit forth some nonsense statement about how he just wanted to be meet his niece, which he's clearly been hearing versions of over and over again. I really hope, despite that it won't be okay for Catelynn, that B&T cut them off except for letters 2x/year or something. The entire C&T brood keeps trying to stake a claim on Carly: they want to publicly declare her the relative of a group of people who should have squat to say about a child being raised. It's clear Theresa is trying to treat Catelynn with a lot of empathy, but it's not in Carly's best interest to have a team of addicts, recovering addicts, and jackals becoming part of her life or her public persona. Down the line, yes it should be her choice, but not until she's really been raised as someone outside of that family and can look in it with the degree of objectivity she won't have if she becomes part of their lives.


eta: that title needed work, still does...

Edited by meisje
  • Love 12

My kids are grown and moved out and I still won't turn my ringer off at night.

I love how Amber said she woke up from a nap to the missed calls from Gary. It was 11 am, nobody takes a nap at 11 am. She was still sleeping from the night before.

I just can't stand Amber. I'd rather watch Farrah on a loop than to watch Amber. I wanted to smack her when she was talking about the "hell" she's gone through. Everything she listed as her "hell" was all of her own making.

Screw you Amber. You don't know what hell really is.

April looks exactly the same ti me. Usually when people get clean they look better after a while.

And if she's still drinking she isn't clean.

Why do I watch this show when all it does is piss me off?

I take a nap at 11 sometimes. But, my work hours are 2:30 pm to 10:30 pm so I like to sneak in a little nap before I eat lunch and leave. But, the key is that I actually have work to do. Also, if you don't work, every time is nap time.

  • Love 3
And as for Maci the Boring Ginger, blahhhhhh. The only non-dog scenes to interest me were wondering what kind of insane sect her boyfriend belongs to where there are multiple greasy dudes with variations of this haircut and the even-more-greasy beards, and what was Ryan on during his brief scene?

It makes me want to wipe the tv screen after he's been on. Actually, much of the show does. I thought it was just a messier version of the same hipster/lumbersexual look that's been trendy for a few years with some males. Just needs the huge plug earrings. Maybe he watched too much Portlandia.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 6

The way Sophia acted with Simon was classic behavior for a child that doesn't get enough attention. I'm guessing Farrah is too busy with all her own stuff to actually connect with and parent Sophia.

And it's obvious Soph is not out in normal social situations much. Just Farrah, her parents, and the random neighbor. All she knows to do is to mimic her mother, which is a recipe for disaster. All Farrah does anymore is put on a fake smile, talk without ever closing her lips, and laugh a fake laugh. With occasional breaks for having temper tantrums with lots of swearing. After just rewatching the old seasons recently, it's like she is a caricature of herself. She used to be a bitch, but was at least real. I don't even think she knows how to be herself anymore. And the way she acts with Sophia is like someone who has never been around kids. No connection whatsoever. She talks to her like she's babysitting her for the first time and doesn't even know her. Just pathetic and sad.

  • Love 18

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