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The one that was on here wasn't about a hunting accident; it was a case about a young girl who was killed when she walked in on a robber. They were able to catch the killer due to a strand of hair and a fingerprint from the victim on a cd case that had been stolen from the girl's room. They also had a strand of hair from the killer. The guy they arrested tried to shift blame to one of his brothers - because the mitochondrial dna from the hair would have matched all his siblings. 


At the end, I didn't catch the whole copyright, but it didn't look like 2015. However, it was an episode that I hadn't seen - and I didn't know any of those still existed.

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Just got around to watching Cause of Death: "A Tight Leash" from the other night, about a man who finds an anonymous typewritten note on the windshield of his car stating that his wife is a slut, etc. etc. & encloses a photo of her.  The notes continue over months - she's being "stalked" and she's freaked out because she's never had an affair. Long story short, it causes much tension in her marriage & after an argument w/husband, she leaves & goes missing -- then later found dead of strangulation.  Hard to believe I don't recall THIS episode, either!  As I've said in an earlier post, these are all Forensic Files shows re-labelled.  This particular ep. is from 2007 and I've gotta tell you - having CRS Disease (Can't Remember Shit) in my 60+ years really is paying off!  ha! 


Anyhow, loved this one because (as stated in the program) the person instrumental in solving the case was the former lead singer for Sha-Na-Na!  Seriously!  It was just so nice to know that he chose a different path for his life and does such great work for a living, altho I'm certain it doesn't pay a fraction of what he'd have earned had he continued with the band.  Plus, he's a REALLY handsome man!  You should check out this episode if for no other reason but to see him, because you'll know who "did it" w/in the first 5 minutes.


P.S.  FYI:  In future episodes of Cause of Death...just type into Google "Forensic Files:"  then type in the name of the episode of Cause of Death.  It'll tell you the year it was originally broadcast.  So, for this one I typed in "Forensic Files: A Tight Leash". 

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I just saw the Web of Lies episode Crowded House that was mentioned upthread and I had many of the same questions and reactions.  I missed some of the beginning/setup so am unsure if the mom was paying the rent?  If so, why did't she just stop when she found out Jessica had a live in boyfriend?  And I agree, I kept thinking she felt guilty but not overly so, but she did keep saying how it's easy to convince yourself, etc.  I think she was in denial after the 'subtle help' phone call and subsequent visit.  

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The mom was paying the rent and I was wondering too why she didn't stop paying when Jessica broke the no boys rule. The housemate who offered commentary during the show should have left the house the minute the boyfriend stabbed Jessica, but being the leech he was its not surprising he hung around. He looked genuinely remorseful about what happened but who knows if that's because he got caught.

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Anyhow, loved this one because (as stated in the program) the person instrumental in solving the case was the former lead singer for Sha-Na-Na!  Seriously!  It was just so nice to know that he chose a different path for his life and does such great work for a living, altho I'm certain it doesn't pay a fraction of what he'd have earned had he continued with the band.  Plus, he's a REALLY handsome man!  You should check out this episode if for no other reason but to see him, because you'll know who "did it" w/in the first 5 minutes.

Whoa!  I remember this show but I don't remember hearing the Sha Na Na connection.  I'd sometimes watch it early Saturday evening.

I skipped the episode because I remembered it, so details please, including who's the Sha Na Na cop.

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Whoa!  I remember this show but I don't remember hearing the Sha Na Na connection.  I'd sometimes watch it early Saturday evening.

I skipped the episode because I remembered it, so details please, including who's the Sha Na Na cop.

auntjess - The Sha Na Na guy isn't a cop -- he's a forensic linguist.  What's that, you say?  He analyzes writing styles, both written or typewritten.  He actually got into the field when he was going to Columbia and was in the band.  He'd look at contracts for the band & realized that what they wrote in the contract really wasn't what they were actually saying, if that makes any sense.  Anyhow, in the case on Forensic Files, the perp wrote anonymous letters (stalking) about his wife, so he compared them to the perp's writings, and that's how he caught him.  Same writing style.  BTW, the (now) linguist's name is Robert Leonard.  Check him out on Wiki.

Edited by Maizie131
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I had an interesting reaction to a show that was on last night. I believe it was called "Infamous" and my first impression was that the cinematography was something out of a snuff film. So I turned it off for a bit but decided to come back with about fifteen minutes left. They were showing the killer's last few murders with the re-enactments that go along with them. The first murder they showed him stabbing the guy about twenty times and making sure to show each stab. The next one was the same and then they showed the replays of each one with the stabbing and the killer and victim seemingly screaming at the same time. This got to be so over-the top that I started to laugh uncontrollably. I mean, I like a good horror movie and a movie that is so bad that it's good but this was ridiculous. Kind of think the victims deserve a little better than this. I really didn't want to laugh but this was like Al Pacino in "Scarface" funny. Something out of a "Saturday Night Live" skit.

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The Crowded House episode on Web of Lies was very disturbing and one I won't forget soon.  I just watched an episode about a young guy who was lonely and started a friendship with a young girl, younger than he thought.  She convinces him that they need to kill her parents to be together.


He attempts to kill her dad, stabs him and learns in the middle of all this that she was lying. He administers first aid and Mom calls 911.  The guy lives.  Young man gets 8 years but nothing happens to his girlfriend.  I think she got some counseling. I just saw her as a sociopath and someone likely to hurt or kill again.

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"I had an interesting reaction to a show that was on last night. I believe it was called "Infamous" and my first impression was that the cinematography was something out of a snuff film."

Thanks, now I can delete from my DVR, and not bother with any more. 

On a lot of these shows, I can tell from the comments they're not something I can take.

Also, I have a problem with the one, can't recall the name at the moment, when a young person moves to the the big city, and you know they're doomed to die.

Don't know why the quote didn't go into the quote box, but I got a different set of editing options, with a lot more things offered.

Edited by AmandaPanda
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The Crowded House episode on Web of Lies was very disturbing and one I won't forget soon.  I just watched an episode about a young guy who was lonely and started a friendship with a young girl, younger than he thought.  She convinces him that they need to kill her parents to be together.


He attempts to kill her dad, stabs him and learns in the middle of all this that she was lying. He administers first aid and Mom calls 911.  The guy lives.  Young man gets 8 years but nothing happens to his girlfriend.  I think she got some counseling. I just saw her as a sociopath and someone likely to hurt or kill again.

I thought since she instigated the whole thing she should have gotten some jail time as in other cases like this. The boyfriend seemed like a good person otherwise and now he's got a jail record for the rest of his life.

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Annoyed right now that the first episode of Redrum tonight is yet another (to me, anyways) story that's been done several times. I know I saw it on Snapped and Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets. Admittedly, I just may, MAY watch too much true crime TV. :)

Anyways, here's a press release for new and returning shows for ID's 2015-2016 season. I think this is just for the fall. I don't see Southern Fried Homicide, Swamp Murders, Tabloid, Elder Skelter, or Nightmare Next Door on here, to name a few.


I'm sure there's alot of people on here that are sad to see that Scorned:Love Kills, Scorned's identical twin Deadly Affairs, Deadly Sins, My Dirty Little Secret, and I (Almost) Got Away With It (a.k.a. It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before You Got Caught) are also not listed.

ETA: Just looked up the wikipedia entry on Carla Hughes, and realize that this story has been on Dateline NBC, Snapped, Forensic Files, Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets, and Scorned: Love Kills. So yes, it has been done to death, but as I've seen ALL of these versions, I may have a problem.*


That I will do nothing about...

The Avis Banks murder story has also been done by Fatal Attraction on TV1. Edited by jacofa
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I guess I should have finished the last Web of Lies.  I watched it for a while and thought, ho hum, girlfriend gets boyfriend to kill parents.  Seen that a few times, delete.  I usually love WOL, so I'll have more patience in the future - lol

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Fear Thy Neighbor:   "Kill Thy Neighbor"


"In Lauderdale Lakes, FL. a single man moves into his dream home besides a single women who is looking to start a romantic relationship with him. when he rejects her, bitter animosity ensures......

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3.  Jennifer Gould, a younger version of Pat but simply chryoned as 'reporter',  said one of the stupidest things I've ever heard on one of these shows and she looked proud of having thought of it too. "She thought he was her knight in shining armor but he was just a loser in aluminum foil."  Seriously.  Really.  

Ha!  I thought the exact same thing about aluminum foil comment.  WTF?!?  I'm liking that show less & less - and I can't stand the close-up of that woman they show at the beginning of each ep. who's pressing her finger to her red lips (saying "shhhh"). YUCK!  Also agree w/you about the talking heads -- VERY grating voices!

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The Fear Thy Neighbor was different, I too, thought the guy overreacted about his neighbor.  He never really told her,"hey i'm a private person,just leave me alone". The other incident I thought was odd, was when the boyfriend was working on his car, in his yard and he made fun of him for doing so. Hey they must be broke.  I did not understand that.


We only heard from her through the reporter, so I felt we did not get the full story.  I am glad it is back as well.

Edited by applecrisp
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I also thought something was really off with the Fear Thy Neighbor guy.  The same stuff y'all already mentioned, but also how, after calling the police, he went back out and yelled at the guy dying on the ground!  "I warned you!" or some nonsense.  Really, dude?  And shot a hole in his yardman's truck.  Guess it wasn't the yardman's time.

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I think I just got hooked on Evil In-Law.  I didn't expect to with a name like that.  I'm working from home and have it on.  In one case a woman married a controlling over-bearing man.  Of course he wasn't like that until they got married.  She'd leave and stay with her parents, and then go back to him.  They had 2 kids.  But when he accidentally cut her with a bayonet she left for good, won primary custody of the kids and was allowed to move out of state to be with her parents.  After some time (I missed this part, don't know how long) the ex come to town for a normal visit with the kids, but arrives a day early.  He ends up shooting her dad 25 times and killing him.  Geez!  

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I watched Fear Thy Neighbor last night, and at first I thought the young woman was talking for her family, which seemed normal.  Then I realized she was the only one who was still alive.  I have to say I did not expect that,AT All.  


It seems that they have raised the stakes on this show this year. Both so far, have featured murder over land disputes. Very unsettling.

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Having just changed cable providers, I now have the ID channel in my package, so thought I'd connect with this thread b/c I, too, am a true crime junkie.  Saw this post from last year:


May 18 2014. 3:00 pm

Here are some more for you, Walnut Queen!


Jocks with Glocks

Dolts with Colts

Floozies with Uzis

Maids with Blades

Stammerers who are Hammerers  (yeah, I'll quit now)


and love the suggested episode title of "Jocks with Glocks" because I can now have hope that the Aaron Hernandez crime(s) will be featured.  I'll be waiting for it...LOL.

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I am enthralled with the Aaron Hernandez case and am hoping one of my true crime shows is going to do a piece on it.  Such a fall from grace.


In other random thoughts, does anyone watch On the Case with Paula Zahn?  I don't know why, but it always feels like the same story over and over.  I swear to God she never deviates from the script. It is the same questions each time.

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In other random thoughts, does anyone watch On the Case with Paula Zahn?  I don't know why, but it always feels like the same story over and over.  I swear to God she never deviates from the script. It is the same questions each time.


"A beautiful young woman is murdered in her own home..."


"A beautiful young woman is found dead in her car..."


"A beautiful young woman is found murdered in the woods..."


Yes..there's a pattern.  Or at least those are the ones that I seem to wake up to.  And yes, I have ID on when I wake up in the morning (in the fall it'll be between this and the NFL network), I just can't stand the network morning shows.

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Poor Paula!  But her voice, to me, is more soothing than Aphrodite Jones' - Paula's my female Keith Morrison.   :-)


Last night's Fear Thy Neighbor was awful.  Many years ago my cranky old neighbor tried to enlist another neighbor to spray plant poison over our fence to kill my honeysuckle/jasmine, and I never once considered shooting her.  I just satisfied my blood lust by imagining the honeysuckle and the jasmine (and me) outliving her!   And we SHALL.   :-)

Edited by walnutqueen
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I am enthralled with the Aaron Hernandez case and am hoping one of my true crime shows is going to do a piece on it.  Such a fall from grace.



You probably saw the CNN special report that was repeated about 99 times, lol.

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I absolutely believe I saw that Fear Thy Neighbor episode and the one promo'd for next week too - on a different ID show.


Maybe it reminded you of another Fear Thy Neighbor episode called Welcome to Murder Street.  That one was also about people living on lakefront property, and one of the neighbors tried to hire a hitman.  There was a dispute over a dock in that one, too.

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Southern Fried Homicide? Damn! Hate that narrator. If I was born in the South I would despise this show. I'm from Jersey and I hate when they portray everybody from Jersey like they're a member of the Sopranos. And Jerry Springer is on Tabloid, right? Crap!

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Watched a program on Discovery ID, called "Evil Kin". Bizarre story, an entire family was involved in killing the father of the family. The daughter-in-law was the one the police decided to get to testify against the rest of the family. After being told that they were going to ask for the death penalty, electric chair for her husband, she said, "Oh, Billy won't like that, he hates electricity". Billy did get the electric chair, and it took 3 bursts to kill him. Just punishment, I guess, since the family had used electricity to kill the father and it took 3 tries to kill him, then they beheaded him and buried the body parts in garbage bags separately. This was the coldest bunch of people I've ever heard about.


But I just can't believe the wife's comment.

Edited by friendperidot
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20/20 on ID -- Do they not have the rights to any episodes less than 10 years old?  


Replying to myself, there's a more recent episode tonight (in actual widescreen), but in typical ID fashion, it's a story that I saw on this same channel on a Dateline episode a couple of months ago, the murder of Christian Aguilar.

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They do like to recycle their stories.  I kind of wish they would so a show called "Surprise, The Spouse Didn't Do It'.  Sometimes in the opening remarks you get the feeling-it was the wife or yep it was the husband.  I am not one of these people who thinks it is great that I could predict the outcome.  I like to be surprised sometimes.


On the last Deadly Sins, the police contact the suspect at Disney World and she was wearing mouse ears.  Just cracked me up. The cheapest easiest way to establish where she is.

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I watched Fear Thy Neighbor last night, and at first I thought the young woman was talking for her family, which seemed normal.  Then I realized she was the only one who was still alive.  I have to say I did not expect that,AT All.  


It seems that they have raised the stakes on this show this year. Both so far, have featured murder over land disputes. Very unsettling.


 I think I'm watching this one right now.  I know they are trying to show both sides of the property debate and be impartial, but I'm believing Warren and Nicki more than Paul's family if only for the fact that Paul's family is literally in the dark.  They don't want to be shown.  And yes, I know Paul killed the neighbors, but the family that agrees to participate in these things often still show themselves.


And now at the end, I must be PMS-ing hard and be suffering from allergies because my eyes are watering. 


ETA: I missed the beginning.  I know this is in MN and on a lake, but do they say where?  Which city or lake?

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Did anyone see the most recent Deadly Sins?  Well, I was kind of shocked.  There is a kid who is adopted to an upscale family.  They take in some foster kids and he is sexually abused by one.


He has some deep emotional problems and likes to go into people's house to rob them and watch them sleep.  He meets up with a guy in a halfway house.  They attack a family, force the mother to take out some cash.


The bank knows her and can tell she is under duress.  They call the cops.  This part is so crazy to me. The cops just wait outside!! Meanwhile the two bad guys see the unmarked police car and they proceed to rape and murder the woman and her two children,  the youngest is 11 years old.


Why didn't the cops move in and try to help?  There was a case just last week about a woman killed with police outside on Dateline.  I thought this was pretty bad.

Check out HBO's The Cheshire Murders for a chilling doc about this horrific crime.

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Can someone refresh my memory? ID aired a few episodes of a show that I can't recall the name of and seemingly yanked it from the schedule awhile back. The premise of the show was that in each case the murder victim had just recently moved to a new city. Kind of a weak premise but I thought it was actually a decent show and featured stories I hadn't seen a million times on Dateline/48 Hours, etc.


I've DVR'ed a few episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor, Mansions and Murders, Most Infamous and The Perfect Murder. Any of those any good? It seems like Fear Thy Neighbor is popular here but I've just been skimming the posts about it so I don't spoil myself.


Sad to see that Bloodlands, Nightmare Next Door and Nowhere to Hide don't seem to be on the schedule anytime soon (if ever). I really enjoyed those, especially when the last batch of Nightmare Next Door episodes cut down on the stupid puns which I thought really improved the show. And Nowhere to Hide was awesome, basically the private detective version of Homicide Hunter which is my favorite ID show.

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Akhna, I know the show you mean, but I avoided it, because it was such a depressing premise to me.  "Move to the big city and be killed."

The best one was See No Evil, which had surveillance footage, but there weren't very many.
Mansions & Murders I take on show by show basis, same with Most Infamous.
I don't know The Perfect Murder.

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Haven't seen it yet but Mansions and Murders sounds like a rehash of Behind Mansion Walls.


My favorites: Disappeared, I (Almost) Got Away With It, Who the Bleep Did I Marry, A Crime to Remember, and Dates From Hell-the episode where the girl got away from crazy Italian dude was epic.

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Check out HBO's The Cheshire Murders for a chilling doc about this horrific crime.


I googled it after I saw this post.  Found it on youtube.  It seems to be the full documentary, but it kinds of jumped forward at a few points.  When I realized it was the case of the mom and daughters who had been sexually assaulted and burned to death, I almost didn't watch it because that case has always been my absolute worst nightmare.  I have a 13 year old daughter, and it is so painful to hear what the youngest  went through (and all of them).  It was really well done though, and it just dumbfounds me that the police were outside for 30 minutes while the horrors inside were going on.  I had never heard that before.

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Can someone refresh my memory? ID aired a few episodes of a show that I can't recall the name of and seemingly yanked it from the schedule awhile back. The premise of the show was that in each case the murder victim had just recently moved to a new city. Kind of a weak premise but I thought it was actually a decent show and featured stories I hadn't seen a million times on Dateline/48 Hours, etc.


I've DVR'ed a few episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor, Mansions and Murders, Most Infamous and The Perfect Murder. Any of those any good? It seems like Fear Thy Neighbor is popular here but I've just been skimming the posts about it so I don't spoil myself.


Sad to see that Bloodlands, Nightmare Next Door and Nowhere to Hide don't seem to be on the schedule anytime soon (if ever). I really enjoyed those, especially when the last batch of Nightmare Next Door episodes cut down on the stupid puns which I thought really improved the show. And Nowhere to Hide was awesome, basically the private detective version of Homicide Hunter which is my favorite ID show.


I enjoy the bolded ones, FTN is good although this year they are doing more familiar cases.  Also, it can give you pause about your own neighbors.  If an elderly but persnickety male moves next door you may want to keep your distance.  


I like Nightmare Next Door seems to be about smaller towns or cold cases.  I thought the Perfect Murder were familiar cases mostly and of course not a perfect murder, I still might enjoy them but they are not really presented in a new or unusual way.  On Disappeared I thought some cases were most likely a perfect murder, so frustrating and sad.  I always like cases that are new.  I also like the varied formats of Web of Lies or even Fatal Vows because it gives so much background on the couple. 

Edited by applecrisp
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Can someone refresh my memory? ID aired a few episodes of a show that I can't recall the name of and seemingly yanked it from the schedule awhile back. The premise of the show was that in each case the murder victim had just recently moved to a new city. Kind of a weak premise but I thought it was actually a decent show and featured stories I hadn't seen a million times on Dateline/48 Hours, etc.



Dead on Arrival.  Such a depressing title.

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Did anyone catch Mansions & Murders: Behind Enemy Lines the other night re: the murder of Helle Crafts "The Woodchipper Case" in Connecticut?  It was another re-do of the story, but I enjoyed the different "take" on it from the view of the live-in nanny.  I don't personally recall reading about it in the news when it happened and didn't learn about it until the movie "Fargo" came out.  I was highly suspect after watching the movie about the opening line that stated "This is a true story."  I "Googled" 'Was Fargo really a true story"...Snopes)  & that's where I found out the Coen Brothers used it to "incorporate" into their movie.  Fact is, nothing in Fargo is true, but what a great movie! 


Anyhow, getting back to the real murder - OMG you can't make that stuff up.  And her husband only got 50 years?  Wonder if he'll get out early for good behavior.  Unreal.  Their poor kids - can you imagine?


Did you guys know (I didn't) that this murder was featured as the "Pilot" for our favorite crime show of all time -- FORENSIC FILES?!?  No wonder it's been such a hit!  You actually can watch it online, which I plan to do soon.  Hard to believe I missed that one.

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Maizie161, I consider it to be evidence that I don't have a life, but I knew the Helle Crafts case was the first ever episode of Forensic Files. I'd forgotten that her husband got a 50 year sentence. I just remember that the physical evidence in the case came down pretty much to a fingernail. So tragic and horrible to think about even all these years later. I've had a crazy busy week and haven't watched much ID channel lately. 

Suz - Ha!  Don't feel like the Lone Ranger - I don't have much of a life, either!  You're absolutely right...about the only evidence they had (the remains found after going thru the chipper) fit into a little 3-inch envelope and included her red polished fingernail.  Glad you've had a busy week!  Hope you get to catch up on all the "new" ID shows that've been on (I'm being facetious, of course!) 

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I googled it after I saw this post.  Found it on youtube.  It seems to be the full documentary, but it kinds of jumped forward at a few points.  When I realized it was the case of the mom and daughters who had been sexually assaulted and burned to death, I almost didn't watch it because that case has always been my absolute worst nightmare.  I have a 13 year old daughter, and it is so painful to hear what the youngest  went through (and all of them).  It was really well done though, and it just dumbfounds me that the police were outside for 30 minutes while the horrors inside were going on.  I had never heard that before.

I too watched it Bluemastiff , I actually have to commend Deadly Sins as they told a lot of the story in 15 mins. or so.  


I really think the police should have had some kind of reprimand.  I would have probably sued them.  Yet this group was praised by the city manager for handling the case so well.


There was so much talk about the death penalty.  I just think regardless of which side you were on in this debate, don't criticize a man who has lost his whole family. 

This was a really good doc and recommend it.

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Check out HBO's The Cheshire Murders for a chilling doc about this horrific crime.

BigBlue - Thanks much for posting this -- just finished watching it online & your term "horrific" is right on the money to be sure.  As another poster noted (or was it you?), unbelievable the police sat outside that house for a half hour "observing" the home. 

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I too watched it Bluemastiff , I actually have to commend Deadly Sins as they told a lot of the story in 15 mins. or so.  


I really think the police should have had some kind of reprimand.  I would have probably sued them.  Yet this group was praised by the city manager for handling the case so well.


There was so much talk about the death penalty.  I just think regardless of which side you were on in this debate, don't criticize a man who has lost his whole family. 

This was a really good doc and recommend it.

applecrisp - This was on Deadly Sins???  How the hell do I miss these shows?!?  I'll have to google it & find out if I can watch it online, unless you by chance know the name of the episode or when it aired?  Don't worry about it -- I'll find it.  Thanks!  Maizie. 


And totally agree w/you -- it is a REALLY good doc

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Did anyone see the Stolen Voices about the young couple in Winnetka, IL?
His family must not have have given permission, because his name was never used, and only the wife's maiden name.
Even a close up of the tombstone, you can only see "Nancy Bishop," though you can tell the last name is there, because of the placement of the dates underneath.
Anyway, I had to check, and here's an article on the case.  http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20113567,00.html

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