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500 Questions - General Discussion

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I enjoyed seeing a new quiz show with a new concept. I don't like some things about it though--the dark stage, never seeing an audience, how easy it is to get bored with the person winning.


I'm only on night 2 (on Demand), and while Dan is perfectly likeable and intelligent, he's really not charismatic enough in this setting to hold my interest for another hour or two so I'm rooting against him, just to get something to change. I thought Doc Roquefort seemed to know a lot and was looking forward to seeing him play. But, since he never got the chance, at least he on ly has himself to blame for that IDIOTIC answer to "10 most popular cheeses on the menu". I mean, even "blue" made the list! What was he thinking?


Steve, the librarian seems to know a lot--at least filling in multiple answers on the ones Dan's missing. He just got in, so that's something to look forward to.


I did like the questions where they have a subject that seems so easy--until you realize you have to come up with "5 of 10" answers--and only 3 come to mind.  All in all, it's trivia and not easy so .. worth watching.

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Yes, there will be women on the show including two who did very well on Jeopardy!


Pam Mueller was in the College Championship, TOC, UTOC and BOTD: http://www.j-archive...?player_id=7260


Megan Barnes won three games on J! and has other game show appearances: http://www.j-archive...?player_id=7260


I'm glad it won't be a total sausage fest.  I learned two tidbits of trivia last night:  the name of Alexander the Great's horse and that wombats have cube-shaped turds.  So watching this program isn't a total waste of time.. 

Edited by pandora spocks
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wombats have cube-shaped turds.



You would have known that if you had watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire this week. The poop is square so it won't fall off of rocks/limbs and, thereby, territory remains "marked."


But I like sausages in the morning.



Not touching that one!

Edited by saber5055
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Not touching that one!

You might want to rephrase that.


Does anyone eat just one sausage? (And we shall now all become adults and go back to our 500 Questions discussion).

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I'm glad it won't be a total sausage fest.  I learned two tidbits of trivia last night:  the name of Alexander the Great's horse and that wombats have cube-shaped turds.  So watching this program isn't a total waste of time..

Yeah, my grandchildren were just asking me about the shape of a wombat's turds. Thank God I watched and learned. /end snark
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Despite declaring I’d be one and done with this show thanks to how much about the first episode annoyed me – and not watching last night’s because of that annoyance with all the gimmicks – I tuned in again tonight during commercial breaks in something else.  How fucking stupid do they assume the audience to be?  “If you get three questions in a row wrong, you’re eliminated” is a concept all but the most addled viewer can grasp.  Yet, even with only watching in limited, short snippets, I heard the “one more and you will be gone” thing repeated several times. 


I don’t care how interesting the clues are; everything surrounding them is just short of unbearable.  I should have learned my lesson when I tried to sit through Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? but wound up grumbling, “Shut up” every few minutes.  I’ll stick to Jeopardy!  This show treats its audience like imbeciles.

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I think the whole concept is very long and drown ought with not enough drama and not a big enough payoff.

Its an OK show, had some interesting questions, but you spend an hour going through 50 questions and you get like $35K? One player would basically have to play about 8-10 hours of show time and make it through 500 questions to win I assume 500K?

Needs to be quicker and needs to give the second contestants more oppurtunities to jump in than they do.

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Oh the other thing I didn't like was on the "challenge" questions, where they each name things one after another, they have ties. I saw it twice.

Ties suck in a challenge. If they name them all then whoever names the last one should win. To have a tie and basically the question doesn't count is stupid.

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One thing that annoys me (in addition to all the chatter I ff through) is that they don't flash the answer on screen and the host never says it if the contestant did.  So if they blurt out three things before the ding is registered and you want to know which it was, you're screwed.  Or if you couldn't understand him.  I guess I could put CC on.  Eh, I don't care that much.  It just seems like they assume no one cares about the answers.  


I was glad to see the smug gambler dude miss the chances he did get to answer questions.  


It'd be nice to see a challenger step in, though.  Maybe Megan Queen of Jeopardy will be the one.  I'm already tired of the librarian and all his commentary during the countdowns.  

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What I really didn't care for in Ep. 3 was that on question 75, a milestone question worth $5,000 there was a "random" battle.  I think that a milestone question should only be a single answer question, not a battle or a triple threat.


I've watched all three nights broadcast so far, only because I enjoy the trivia.  The show itself, and especially the host, I find annoying. To me, it also seems that the challengers have been coached to "ham it up" which I definitely don't like.  These are obviously intelligent people.  Why have them act like buffoons?  As if that's going to psych out the opposition.  


And I agree with the opinion that the show is condescending to its audience.  I'd think that most people watching are, like me, trivia geeks.  I think we can understand the concept of "three strikes and you're out."  Excuse me, "GONE."   /rolling my eyes

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Oh the other thing I didn't like was on the "challenge" questions, where they each name things one after another, they have ties. I saw it twice.

Ties suck in a challenge. If they name them all then whoever names the last one should win. To have a tie and basically the question doesn't count is stupid.

It seems to me like the effect of a tie is the same as when the challenger misses it-- no strike is applied.  Though I guess there is also the lack of the pot going up $1000.  


True geniuses left with the final answer to supply should just purposely biff it because the pot has no effect on them so why not increase it for the opponent, if the opportunity for a strike is gone?  But then they'd have to fess up to it because they have egos and this is tv and maybe the show thought of that and warned them against doing it (at least the fessing up part).  

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Why didn't Richard Quest ask Megan if she knew the answer after Steve got question 101 wrong ?  He did that for every question Steve got wrong with James.


I know some of the players, and from what they said about the taping, it sounds like the host asked the challenger if they knew the answer nearly every time a question was missed, but not all of them are being shown. Most likely they are cutting most of the ones where the challenger didn't know either, and showing the ones that the challenger did know.


Also, to the questions upthread about study guides, you have been severely misinformed if anyone ever told you that Jeopardy! (or any game show) gives contestants a list of the material that might appear on the show. The material that might appear is anything that might make good trivia. Great trivia players are able to recognize what kinds of facts are likely to make good trivia. Studying the Jeopardy! Archive, or simply watching the show for years, can help familiarize players with the kinds of things that the Jeopardy! writers tend to ask. Roger Craig famously used this to great success.


For 500 Questions, the audition process included each contestant answering 100 questions just to proceed through the initial rounds of the interview process, so players were able to learn what kinds of things this show was asking, helping them know what might be useful to study.

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Have they even mentioned if there is an additional prize for answering 500 questions?  Or is it just the money the contestant collects from each round of 50?  If they're giving $5,000.00 milestone bonuses for 25, 75, etc. there should be something huge if someone makes it all the way!

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Have they even mentioned if there is an additional prize for answering 500 questions?



I haven't heard anything about what happens if one makes it through 500 questions. Although as noted here, it's pretty much impossible due to time allotted vs. time wasted. So I guess it doesn't matter.

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I haven't heard anything about what happens if one makes it through 500 questions. Although as noted here, it's pretty much impossible due to time allotted vs. time wasted. So I guess it doesn't matter.


Calling this show '500 Questions' makes about as much sense as '10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty' (which was basically several long walks through the woods to win $100K since no one would ever find proof of Bigfoot).


And the reason they haven't mentioned any sort of grand prize is so that they can don't have to commit to anything in case someone does get there, but seriously no one will ever reach that level.


The biggest problem with this show is that you can theoretically make it all the way to the end (500 Questions) by only answering 1/3 of the questions correctly (get two wrong in a row, get the following question correct, get two wrong in a row, get the following question correct, etc.) and having no money (since, aside from the battles, you only get money if you get a question right on the first guess).


The worst part is that Richard Quest talks to all these so-called geniuses like they are twelve years old and have memory problems -- though I guess that is more to keep the home viewing audience informed of the screwy rules than anything else.

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The biggest problem with this show is that you can theoretically make it all the way to the end (500 Questions) by only answering 1/3 of the questions correctly (get two wrong in a row, get the following question correct, get two wrong in a row, get the following question correct, etc.) and having no money (since, aside from the battles, you only get money if you get a question right on the first guess).


The worst part is that Richard Quest talks to all these so-called geniuses like they are twelve years old and have memory problems -- though I guess that is more to keep the home viewing audience informed of the screwy rules than anything else.

He really does. I had to laugh a couple of times when he gets too close and they recoil as he yells at them "..and then ....?" waiting for them to answer with the right one word only "....GONE!!!"  You're right, the way he talks to them does not make you think these people are super intelligent.


As for your other point, it probably wouldn't happen because someone who would make it to the end probably -would- know more than to get there by missing every first answer. Still, it's funny to think that it could happen.


Re: game show rules. They've changed and are not as strict as they were after the scandal in the 50s. I'd like to know if the questions for several boards are chosen well in advance, at random, and will be asked regardless of who is currently playing. Because from the screening process (and then during the game itself) the producers could get a very good idea of each contestants areas of strength and weakness and, if they chose to, could influence wins/losses accordingly to a significant degree.  That would seem unethical, however, I'm not sure that the current rules prohibit it at all. And I know, for a game show (not same as a quiz show) you can change your rules mid-stream if you want (I learned that from Survivor, another Mark Burnett show). Those are the kind of rules I'm more interested in.

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though I guess that is more to keep the home viewing audience informed of the screwy rules than anything else.



Yes, because it's so hard to remember, "get three wrong and you're ... what?"


I hate the host making comments about the category the contestant either does or does not choose. I mean, it's not like HE'S the one playing. And his "tickle the category" is irksome, but then everything out of this Brit's mouth is irksome to me.


Of course, it's all just a big time stall, but that doesn't mean I can't snark on it.

Edited by saber5055
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I'm guessing the '500 Questions' title refers to how many they ask over the entire 7 night event.  It sounds about right-- 70ish per show.  I'm not sure why Quest tells the people what percent they are through 500.  Clearly no one is going to hit 500 unless they really step up the pace, like to double.  


Quest reminds me of the odd dark haired gal cohost of The Great British Baking Show.  

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Okay, when you have ten seconds to answer, can you not waste time narrating your way through your guesses? Like, "Okay, spider, butterfly, um, I know it's not ant, uh, bumblebee, no, that's not it..." Maybe use the ten seconds to just blurt out the guesses as they pop into your head and stop with the extraneous words that just take up time.


If it wasn't for Richard's delightful way of saying "cate-gry" and "Pre-pare for bat-tle!" I wouldn't even bother with this anymore.

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They're ripping off the dour-Brit-in-a-darkened-studio perfected by Anne Robinson on Weakest Link.


Dour is probably the last word I'd use describe Richard Quest.


I agree that this show is way too slow.  It would help if they could get through an entire round/50 correct answers in an hour.

Edited by junemeatcleaver
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They're ripping off the dour-Brit-in-a-darkened-studio perfected by Anne Robinson on Weakest Link.


Dour is probably the last word I'd describe Richard Quest.


I agree that this show is way too slow.  It would help if they could get through an entire round/50 correct answers in an hour.

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When the current contestant loses a battle, doesn't the challenger get to select the next category ?


At Question 122 (top 10 languages spoken in the home in the US), Steve got it wrong on his first try and then he selected the next category (which was also a battle), not Megan.  And then they did it again on Question 127.  Only after Steve blew question 128 (Top 10 tourist attractions in Rome) did Megan get to choose a category.  Or does the challenger only get to choose the category when the contestant has two strikes ?  It's damn confusing. 


There were at least two places in tonight's episode where Quest overdubbed his lines -- the audio levels were off.


How come sometimes the Top Ten Challenge had to be answered by the contestant, but later in the episode Steve was suddenly given the option to play or pass to the challenger ?  WTF ?  They aren't even sticking to their own rules.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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When the current contestant loses a battle, doesn't the challenger get to select the next category ?


At Question 122 (top 10 languages spoken in the home in the US), Steve got it wrong on his first try and then he selected the next category (which was also a battle), not Megan.  And then they did it again on Question 127.  Only after Steve blew question 128 (Top 10 tourist attractions in Rome) did Megan get to choose a category.  Or does the challenger only get to choose the category when the contestant has two strikes ?  It's damn confusing. 


There were at least two places in tonight's episode where Quest overdubbed his lines -- the audio levels were off.


How come sometimes the Top Ten Challenge had to be answered by the contestant, but later in the episode Steve was suddenly given the option to play or pass to the challenger ?  WTF ?  They aren't even sticking to their own rules.

The challenger only picks the next category when the contestant has two wrongs.

In the top ten challenge, the contestant has the option to play it or let the opponent play it.

I found myself actually screaming at the TV tonight. The host kept asking if they understood what he was saying. Wtf is that? Every episode I tell myself I won't watch another, but I'm such a trivia whore I can't stop myself. I will, however, do the same thing many of you are and just fast forward through the inane chatter.

I was hoping for a rapid succession of questions like The Chase or even Jeopardy. This is just painful to watch.

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Okay, when you have ten seconds to answer, can you not waste time narrating your way through your guesses? Like, "Okay, spider, butterfly, um, I know it's not ant, uh, bumblebee, no, that's not it..." Maybe use the ten seconds to just blurt out the guesses as they pop into your head and stop with the extraneous words that just take up time.


Yeah, that got really old and annoying. Also, when he keeps saying "or" as in Apples or Oranges or Grapes or Lemons, instead of just spitting out answers. The "or" is wasting precious milliseconds.


I was rooting for Steve, but I'd also love for the woman to have a chance. She seems easygoing and made me snicker by calling out the host's use of the phase "tickling"

Edited by Snow Apple
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Well, this show lost out to American Ninja Warrior for me last night, except during commercials. Fun fact: The show spelled Steve Bahnaman's name wrong. Scroll down to May 22. As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a bunch of maroons."




Tonight it's on opposite the return of Fifth Grader. And American's Got Talent. It will be a remote-heavy evening.

Edited by saber5055
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Why does the official twitter of 500 questions follow the Kardashians and a bunch of pop singers?


I forgot to record it last night and watched it on on demand and it won't let you fast forward.  Will not make that mistake again.

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You have to just shake your head at some of the hyperbole that Quest spouts at times.  For example, after Steve finally lost in tonight's episode, Quest stated:


"You've gone through 168 questions. An amazing achievement.The furthest anybody has gotten on 500 Questions".


The furthest ? I guess.  But considering that there have only been two contestants in 5 hours of TV so far, it's not that impressive comparatively speaking.  Technically it's true, but it just comes off as a lazy statement by Quest and it bugged me.


Regarding the first question in the Lawyer category that Adam had, answering 'Castro' shouldn't have been sufficient -- which one ?  It's the "Carson" answer from Jeopardy all over again.


ETA: To correct some typos and grammatical errors.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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You have to just shake your head at some of the hyperbole that Quest spouts at times.  For example, after Steve finally lost in tonight's episode, Quest stated:


"You've gone through 168 questions. An amazing achievement.The furthest anybody has gotten on 500 Questions".


The furthest ? i guess.  But considering that there have only been two contestants in 5 hours to TV so far, it's not that impressive comparatively speaking.  Technically it's true, but it just comes off as an lazy statement by Quest and it bugged me..

The poor man is pathetic! And the show is pretty close to that. Alas. But I'm in it till the end. Because there's not much else on tv--ever; I enjoy seeing people with fantastic brains and memories show them off instead of only those with fantastic bodies; I've found the contestants on the program amusing and talented; I love trying to "play along"; and...I want to see who does what the rest of the way!

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Call it 100 Questions, lower the payouts if you have to, give me a host that doesn't have me waking up screaming in the night, and you have a possible syndicated show I might watch. We'll talk.

Edited by GaryE
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I'm completely confused by the scheduling of this show. I thought new episodes were on Mondays, but it seems like last night was new. Much as I like trivia (or, as I prefer to call it, "knowledge") shows, the pacing and host here are a total turnoff for me. Yet, once started, I have to finish it. Darn that OCD!

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You have to just shake your head at some of the hyperbole that Quest spouts at times.  For example, after Steve finally lost in tonight's episode, Quest stated:


"You've gone through 168 questions. An amazing achievement.The furthest anybody has gotten on 500 Questions".


The furthest ? I guess.  But considering that there have only been two contestants in 5 hours of TV so far, it's not that impressive comparatively speaking.  Technically it's true, but it just comes off as a lazy statement by Quest and it bugged me.


That's par for the course with reality and competition shows, not surprised to see it here. Every season of Masterchef they're crowning "the best cook in the world." Every season of America's Got Talent is "this is the best group of talent we've ever had." Every season on the Voice there is a "you're so unique, there's no one like you" and "that might be the best single performance we've ever seen on this show."


While this show has some really good elements, it comes off as trying too hard all around. With the dramatic music, the dark atmosphere, the moody setting, and worst of all, the overwrought attempt at making "three misses and you are... gone!" a catch phrase.

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I'm completely confused by the scheduling of this show. I thought new episodes were on Mondays, but it seems like last night was new. Much as I like trivia (or, as I prefer to call it, "knowledge") shows, the pacing and host here are a total turnoff for me. Yet, once started, I have to finish it. Darn that OCD!

I think it's a '7 night event', as in a new show every weeknight for 7 nights then it's over.  So it's close to over.  So you're almost off the hook.  

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