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I don't pretend to know what happens inside other people's marriages, especially people I've never met, but from the outside it looked like it was Vicki's way or the highway. She worked endless hours, claimed all credit for the house and lifestyle, alienated him from his stepkids (possibly with his agreement, who knows?), evidently fooled around (as did Donn if we believe gossip) and still wanted the whole happily ever after fantasy--on her terms.


I love Vicki to death as a viewer, but yeah, she is pretty insufferable. Don't forget her favorite adage, "Love me, love my choices." Um, what? Basically, Vicki demands a free pass from all loved ones to get her, understand her, approve of her - no matter how inappropriate or bad her choices. And if you dare not support her, then you're betraying her. It's exhausting. Not that I think Donn is a saint. I've mentioned in another thread that I always found him strange and very, very repressed. It did not surprise me to hear that he was frequenting swingers' clubs. That is not a judgment against all swingers - just that Donn, in particular, always seemed to be sitting on all this energy that he didn't really express. He had these tight smiles, nervous laughs and on some level he seemed to hate Vicki even though he would never own it. They both needed to do a lot of work on themselves. The tension in their marriage was palpable. Even when they were "getting along," it was like they were pushing extra hard to make something work that was just sitting on a totally crickety foundation.

  • Love 2

I forgot how crazy angry Briana's husband is. That party with Lydia's crazy mother? He's got some real issues with anger management.


So I really, really think Briana and Ryan were angling for Brianna to be cast as a full time HW and that season was their audition of sorts. And they blew it epically. My guess is after that party several of the HW banded together and refused to ever even be at the same event as Ryan, let alone film with him and Brianna pulled some stupid "I'm not going to film with anyone who won't film with my husband! He's a god-damn American hero!" So off to Oklahoma for her.

Now for the record, I actually think making Brianna a HW is a pretty good idea on paper. The audience could see the group dynamics from someone who has always been there, but never been a part of it. It would be interesting to see who B clicked with, which side she took in fights, so on. Plus, I'm assuming her story would be largely about being a military wife (at least for a while. I think Ryan was pretty close to his next discharge date?) having to choose whether or not to up-root her family and move with every new assignment, knowing Ryan could be reassigned at the drop of a hat, or stay behind in OC where she has a support system and the kids could have some consistency but not see their father for weeks or months at a time. It's something I've seen the military families in my city struggle with and it could have felt like a much more "real" story line than Tamar's pretend fitness center or Heather's latest hotel/home or Shannon's next hypochondriac spazz attack. Unfortunately Ryan turned out to be just an even bigger asshole than everyone suspected. I also have my suspicions that Brianna didn't test well with audiences that season (Lord, she acted like a spoiled little bitch). It's interesting that she's back in at least one preview clip. Wonder if she's looking for another chance from Andy?

  • Love 1

I am watching Season 3 now - which is AWESOME.  And there is no Slade.  LOL.


This was Tamra's intro season but Tammy, Lauri, and Jeana were all still on the show - I think this was really the high point.  This is also the season where Vicki bought the Atimira house but then decided to stay at Shire and then tried to flip it.  Totally awkward watching the scene where Jeana is going to list it and says there's no way you will loose money on this house.  Wot-wahhh.  Vicki said in a TH that Jeana was her best friend.  


The intro of Tamra was interesting too.  You can see right away she is just all sorts of inappropriate for her husband.  Every scene with them going out or with another couple Tamra is loud, crass, and obnoxious.  I think she thought she was fun and lively but you could see how embarrassed Simon was. The scene where they went out to a club dancing was just weird.  She jumped up on Ryan and then later in the same episode was trying to pinch him or grab his ass.  ??  Uhhh weird.


Also her son, Ryan, is coming across like such a spoiled little OC brat!  It's really unbelievable!  Of all the spoiled OC kids he is really the worst, worse than Ashley and that is saying a lot.  I really don't get these OC kids that are like 20 years old living with their parents and have no job and did not go to college.  Ryan is saying in a TH how all he wants to do is sleep late, go to the gym and go out at night.  Who is fronting this life of leisure?  What a little shit.  And he talks in this spoiled chick valley girl voice while pretending to be so badass going to a tattoo parlor.  Jeez these kids!  I mean hey I guess his plan worked because here it is 10 years later and he's still never really had to get a job or career.  What does he even do?


I like the scenes with Jeana and Vicki going to the bootcamp workouts.  I have to say Vicki was so cute back then.  She really messed herself up with plastic surgery.  Or maybe it's just aging.  I actually find it depressing to see how good she looked 10 years ago, to realize that this is the reality of how you change from age 43 to 53.  Since I am 43 now.  (sigh)

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 4

Tamara is UNcouth as are most of these housewives. I, also, find it sad, perplexing, and astounding at not only the lack of education of these privileged "kids",but also, the thorough lack of desire for an education that so many would weep to grasp.

Further, (in relation to many of the houswives' kids) why is NO job acceptable unless it pays a "bajillion" dollars?

Edited by BookElitist

Seriously.  Like Michael, while going to college. says he wants to join Vicki's insurance business, so that he can buy a yacht.  ??  I mean jeez kid, graduate, get your $45k year job and work your way up like everyone else.  What the heck with these people.  


What does Michael do now anyway?  Like what did he end up doing for work/career?  I'm curious.  

  • Love 1

Seriously.  Like Michael, while going to college. says he wants to join Vicki's insurance business, so that he can buy a yacht.  ??  I mean jeez kid, graduate, get your $45k year job and work your way up like everyone else.  What the heck with these people.  


What does Michael do now anyway?  Like what did he end up doing for work/career?  I'm curious.

Looks like he earned a key to the executive washroom:


Mummy must be so proud....

  • Love 1
jeez kid, graduate, get your $45k year job and work your way up like everyone else.



Those kids were so delusional.  He'd be lucky if he got that salary at his first job. A lot of entry-level positions at an office pay quite a bit less than that and even less than other jobs that don't require a degree.  I've known quite a few people keep their college restaurant server jobs as a second job because they took a pay cut when they got their "real job."


One good thing about the later seasons is that most of the kids were either too young to act like entitled lazy brats (Lizzie's, Alexis's, Lydia's kids) or much older (Brianna).

  • Love 1

Shannon's oldest is 13/14.. so we got some glimpses of teendom from her...with the wanting of cell phones, and a.web exclusive scene of her reaction to.a.hotel room in Italy being too small lol

With that said, I was surprised at season 9 and.how there were some individual narratives still. Episode 12 had Shannon/David.having that emotional marriage discussion in Mexico, Vicki getting.back to work after her vacation, Tamra at the gym as well as realizing she hated babies after robot baby, heather and hubby with the kids at a restaurant then with a new puppy and finally Lizzie meeting with a retailer about her swim line.

Even though OC lacks the prestige of.BH/NY as well as ratings like Atlanta....it had maintained its original.format the most (case in point..the opening credits still featuring the families)

  • Love 2

Those kids were so delusional. He'd be lucky if he got that salary at his first job. A lot of entry-level positions at an office pay quite a bit less than that and even less than other jobs that don't require a degree. I've known quite a few people keep their college restaurant server jobs as a second job because they took a pay cut when they got their "real job."

One good thing about the later seasons is that most of the kids were either too young to act like entitled lazy brats (Lizzie's, Alexis's, Lydia's kids) or much older (Brianna).

I think that's why the later seasons are crap. Instead of teenagers and their drama we have ladies in their 40s acting like teenagers.

I think some of the best or worst moments of the early seasons involved the teens.

  • Love 2


Those kids were so delusional.  He'd be lucky if he got that salary at his first job. A lot of entry-level positions at an office pay quite a bit less than that and even less than other jobs that don't require a degree.  I've known quite a few people keep their college restaurant server jobs as a second job because they took a pay cut when they got their "real job."


Since Michael works for HIS MOTHER, he probably makes a pretty penny. I'm certain Vicki gives him the most promising leads.  As for the yacht, Vicki could EASILY lease one and use it for entertaining clients. Voila!  He gets a yacht, she gets a tax write-off.

  • Love 1

I like the scenes with Jeana and Vicki going to the bootcamp workouts.  I have to say Vicki was so cute back then.  She really messed herself up with plastic surgery.  Or maybe it's just aging.  I actually find it depressing to see how good she looked 10 years ago, to realize that this is the reality of how you change from age 43 to 53.  Since I am 43 now.  (sigh)



It's funny I don't remember thinking she was all that pretty back then, but watching those episodes now?  I'm like, damn Vicki was so cute and youthful looking! 


I had a dear colleague who was about 15 years my senior.  She told me 50 was the age she and most of her friends really saw some significant changes in their appearances.  So I'm thinking some of these changes occur with menopause?  But everybody is different!  I certainly know some very attractive women who are 50+!  Plus, with Vicki....  that "work hard, play hard" mentality that works for many of us in our 20s and 30s really starts to catch up with ya at a certain age.  

  • Love 1

Don't worry, most people age more gracefully from 43-53 if they take care of themselves! I'm 48 but most of my friends are 50-55 and look great! One friend is turning 60 this year and she looks more like 50. Vicki's surgery and weight gain is what aged her...and maybe too much stress?


Too much drinking is probably an issue. It can do terrible things to your looks. And stupid surgery that only makes you look strange, not young. 


After weeks of binge watching, this last season was by far the worst. Tamra's little games were so transparent and not interesting. She was a nightmare and I didn't think she could get worse. 


I hope they bring back Jeana for more than a few spots as her relationship with Vicki felt more real than this crap. It ended due to money, which is also very real.


This is crap.

  • Love 1


I think that's why the later seasons are crap. Instead of teenagers and their drama we have ladies in their 40s acting like teenagers.

While trying to look like teenagers or hot 20-somethings. The comment above about bad plastic surgery making you just look weird; uh, yeah. I was looking at Vicki and Tamra and neither of them could move their too tightly stretched and overly botoxed faces. This isn't  a good look for anyone, no matter what you besties may tell you. My old granddaddy was an undertaker; embalmed isn't  a good look for anyone, especially if you're still walking and talking. Trust me on this one.

  • Love 2

I remember the same thing, motorcitymom65.  Vicki's mom seemed genuinely irritated by Vicki and her attempts to get her mom's attention during her visits.  They didn't seem to have the best relationship, but mother-daughter relationships can be complicated and I'm just basing my opinion on the very few times I've seen them together.  Not sure if their relationship had gotten better at all.

Based on my own personal experience, sometimes it's even more upsetting when the parent dies unexpectedly like that, before you have time to mend the fences. Because you thought you'd have time.

I am still getting through the HWOOC marathons from the past couple weeks.  I am currently on season 4 now.  This was the intro of Gretchen, Jeana & Lauri were still in the cast, Tamra's second season, and when we started to see the demise of Vicki & Donn.  Sad seeing Vicki casually dismiss Donn and wish that she could be single.  She has got to have major regrets about what happened. The next episode up for me is the Napa trip (Love tank).

I am watching Season 4 now, which was mainly filmed in 2008 I believe.  When did Vicki meet Brooks?  Was it when she was still married to Don?  I think I remember Brianna saying they knew each other for a while before he was introduced on the show.


This is the season where things start to tank with Vicki and Don and it's interesting to watch, I do wonder if she already knew Brooks at this point.


There is one scene where she is out to dinner with Don and she mentions that she wants him to be constantly telling her that he's having fun with her, how much he likes her, etc, "affirmations", and how Don does not do that.  It kind of made me wonder did she already have Brooks in her ear giving her those kind of compliments and it cast a shadow on her relationship with Don?  She was really not into Don at all, leaving him out of trips, this was also the season when she got really heavy handed about showing how much she was working, talking about working so much, etc.  

  • Love 2

I am watching Season 4 now, which was mainly filmed in 2008 I believe. When did Vicki meet Brooks? Was it when she was still married to Don? I think I remember Brianna saying they knew each other for a while before he was introduced on the show.

This is the season where things start to tank with Vicki and Don and it's interesting to watch, I do wonder if she already knew Brooks at this point.

There is one scene where she is out to dinner with Don and she mentions that she wants him to be constantly telling her that he's having fun with her, how much he likes her, etc, "affirmations", and how Don does not do that. It kind of made me wonder did she already have Brooks in her ear giving her those kind of compliments and it cast a shadow on her relationship with Don? She was really not into Don at all, leaving him out of trips, this was also the season when she got really heavy handed about showing how much she was working, talking about working so much, etc.

Vicki's story was that she knew Brooks, but nothing physical happened between them until after she and Donn seperated. Brianna was understandably skeptical. The thing that was always odd to me was that Brianna was furious with her mom for Vicki's part in the marriage collapsing, but didn't seem to blame Donn at all even though she admitting to knowing that Donn had been having an affair for most of his relationship with Vicki. I'll admit that I've never been a huge fan of Brianna's. Even as a teenager her need to put others down and her general little old lady-ness got on my nerves, but she was a kid and Vicki would be a big old ball of wax as a mom so I had hope for her. However, she has grown into a really unpleasant adult. Mean, vindictive, petty, close minded, needy, entitled, and sexist in that weird way that some women can be where they take pride in not having any girlfriends and always siding with the guys in arguments. Anyway, long way of saying I think Vicki probably did cheat with Brooks, but it seems like infedelity was a long term issue in their marriage. I think Vicki and Donn wrecked each-other.

  • Love 2

I am watching Season 5 now on DVR.  This is the season where things start to fall apart between Tamra and Simon.  Looking back on this season it does seem like Vicki really played a role in coming in between Tamra and Simon.  The trip to Florida that was supposed to be a girls trip was when you really saw Vicki being manipulative with Tamra, putting her in a situation where she had to choose Vicki or her husband.


Do you think that Vicki really was a factor that came between Tamra and Simon?  Or do you think that they were having problems and Simon just fixated on Vicki as the "reason" things were coming apart? For someone so tough and strong Tamra really is easily swayed by Vicki.  What is it about Vicki that she has such a hold on Tamra?  Even now they are still so connected.

  • Love 2

I am watching Season 5 now on DVR.  This is the season where things start to fall apart between Tamra and Simon.  Looking back on this season it does seem like Vicki really played a role in coming in between Tamra and Simon.  The trip to Florida that was supposed to be a girls trip was when you really saw Vicki being manipulative with Tamra, putting her in a situation where she had to choose Vicki or her husband.


Do you think that Vicki really was a factor that came between Tamra and Simon?  Or do you think that they were having problems and Simon just fixated on Vicki as the "reason" things were coming apart? For someone so tough and strong Tamra really is easily swayed by Vicki.  What is it about Vicki that she has such a hold on Tamra?  Even now they are still so connected.

IMO, it is a combo. Simon saw all his hard work in trying to mold Tamra into a more civil adult wife/mother/woman undone by Vicki's interfering influence on/with Tamra. I think he saw that Vicki liked the vulgar, cheap and immature Tamra to help soften her own abrasive personality. BUT there were big problems in their marriage to begin with, before they joined the show, but he did not want to see his own role in that failure so it is easier to blame Vicki.  JMO

  • Love 3

I think when he said he saw changes in his wife because of Vicki I think he meant "The Show" in general.  They did seem pretty happy in her 1st season on, from what we could tell anyway.  


It's really sad to watch these older seasons knowing what we know now.  Tamra really did loose a lot.  I know Simon was an ass but I did see his side of things esp. with the Ryan issue.  Tamra is still having these same battles with her new hub over Ryan it seems from previews.

  • Love 3

I think with Simon/Tamara/Vicki thing I place blame with Tamara. I think Simon and Vicki didn't like each-other but were more or less ok with each-other until Tamara started playing them against each-other. Cause she's like that.

But I never liked Simon. I could never get over the sending Ryan away when he was a teenager. If you marry somebody willing to do that be prepared for them to do it again with your kids. Plus (weirdly) the only time I had sympathy for Tamara was when she was arguing with him about the elephant in the room: that she had to do these trips and hang with these people and stuff because it was her job and they needed the money! They were so broke toward the end and Simon's tequila wasn't paying the rent. If you want to act all 'King of the Castle a woman's place is with her children' then bring home some damn money! Until then learn to make mac-n-cheese and shut up.

  • Love 3

Hope no one minds if I continue to war-post on this thread.  I watched the episode last night where Vicki and Donn renew their vows in Turk & Caicos.  So sad!  Don was genuinely choked up when he was looking through their old wedding album.  They were like here's to 15 years and looking forward to many more... ugh.  What happened with them?  Why did they divorce?  Did Vicki just fall out of love?  


Also I noticed that Sarah Winchester of Bowgate fame was in the episode where Gretchen hosts a Tupperware party at her house. This was the party where Alexis was all like "Back off my husband" to some girl at the party. LOL.  The early episodes of her and Jim are so funny.  Jim really did come off badly.  Their scenes kind of seemed to all follow a similar plot:  Alexis feels torn over some issue, genuinely does not know what to do or think, Jim gives her some advice and implants some thoughts into her empty head.  Alexis does a TH saying how Jim is so smart with advice and wisdom.  


This season is where you saw the decline of the Curtin girls too.  Lynne and Frank: They're good kids, it's just teenage stuff.  It is so weird to watch this knowing what we know now.

  • Love 2

Hope no one minds if I continue to war-post on this thread.  I watched the episode last night where Vicki and Donn renew their vows in Turk & Caicos.  So sad!  Don was genuinely choked up when he was looking through their old wedding album.  They were like here's to 15 years and looking forward to many more... ugh.  What happened with them?  Why did they divorce?  Did Vicki just fall out of love?  


Also I noticed that Sarah Winchester of Bowgate fame was in the episode where Gretchen hosts a Tupperware party at her house. This was the party where Alexis was all like "Back off my husband" to some girl at the party. LOL.  The early episodes of her and Jim are so funny.  Jim really did come off badly.  Their scenes kind of seemed to all follow a similar plot:  Alexis feels torn over some issue, genuinely does not know what to do or think, Jim gives her some advice and implants some thoughts into her empty head.  Alexis does a TH saying how Jim is so smart with advice and wisdom.  


This season is where you saw the decline of the Curtin girls too.  Lynne and Frank: They're good kids, it's just teenage stuff.  It is so weird to watch this knowing what we know now.

According to Vicki, Donn had a mistress for 20 yrs (not sure how long they were even married) and according to Brianna Vicki and Brooks were fooling around for years before the divorce. So wow, big shockerooni the marriage failed.
  • Love 1

I am watching Season 4 now, which was mainly filmed in 2008 I believe.  When did Vicki meet Brooks?  Was it when she was still married to Don?  I think I remember Brianna saying they knew each other for a while before he was introduced on the show.


This is the season where things start to tank with Vicki and Don and it's interesting to watch, I do wonder if she already knew Brooks at this point.


There is one scene where she is out to dinner with Don and she mentions that she wants him to be constantly telling her that he's having fun with her, how much he likes her, etc, "affirmations", and how Don does not do that.  It kind of made me wonder did she already have Brooks in her ear giving her those kind of compliments and it cast a shadow on her relationship with Don?  She was really not into Don at all, leaving him out of trips, this was also the season when she got really heavy handed about showing how much she was working, talking about working so much, etc.  

Here is an article.  I thought at the time Vicki claimed they had been friends for three years when she wrote the letter.  http://www.realitytea.com/2011/06/15/vicki-gunvalson-boyfriend-brooks-ayers-a-deadbeat-who-owes-child-support-plus-did-vicki-cheat-on-donn/  Hasn;t Vicki pretty much acknowledged that both Donn and she cheated during the relationship?

  • Love 1

I think with Simon/Tamara/Vicki thing I place blame with Tamara. I think Simon and Vicki didn't like each-other but were more or less ok with each-other until Tamara started playing them against each-other. Cause she's like that.

But I never liked Simon. I could never get over the sending Ryan away when he was a teenager. If you marry somebody willing to do that be prepared for them to do it again with your kids. Plus (weirdly) the only time I had sympathy for Tamara was when she was arguing with him about the elephant in the room: that she had to do these trips and hang with these people and stuff because it was her job and they needed the money! They were so broke toward the end and Simon's tequila wasn't paying the rent. If you want to act all 'King of the Castle a woman's place is with her children' then bring home some damn money! Until then learn to make mac-n-cheese and shut up.

I always got the impression that over the years Ryan lived with his dad, grandma and he may have been trouble and in trouble.  When they started on the show,  Ryan was 21 and his idea of being out on his own was living with Tamra's mom.  Simon was friends with Jeana and Jeana was introduced to Tamra.  Back then they (RH) didn't make a lot of money.  After the Barneys first season of RH, Simon lost his job at the Mercedes dealership and tried selling tequila.  No big money coming in from RH.  By the third season she was on the money got bigger.  According to Jill Zarin (who by this time the other franchises were making a lot of money NY, BH, NJ) Jeana, Vicki and Tamra held out for more money and behind Jeana's back Tamra and Vicki capitulated leaving Jeana out of a job.  Jeana was the first RH-not VIcki.  So now Tamra is making decent money and has zero desire to share it with Simon or her kids.  There was no reason to let that house go into a short sale, Tamra just did not want to pay the bills when she was making the money.  


So during Tamra's third season she is shown at a showing a house for sale or some house-which just happens to be Eddie's sister's house.   Tamra throws her fit and within the month Eddie and Tamra are vacationing in Las Vegas where they run into Simon.  So Eddie was Tamra's ticket to dump Simon.  I do think Vicki interfered and I do think Simon was correct when he said Vicki and Donn marriage was not normal.   Vicki was big and bad and cheating on Donn and telling Tamra she was being controlled.  So Tamra decided if she was making the money she could cheat on Simon.  Vicki has seemed to have a running commentary on everyone's relationship until Terry and Heather.


I think any and all these women can make excuses for being away from home because of the show and I believe Simon should have taken the hint-Tamra wanted out of the marriage.  There was a whole to see and do out there once she dumped Simon.  For one thing co-parenting, freeing her up to travel with Eddie.  Who goes to Spain and doesn't tell their children or the children's father.  I didn't think he was controlling as much as he was concerned for Tamra's lack of decorum in some of her choices.  I just think if a mom promises on a Thursday to do something with the kids it better be a great reason to cancel the plans on Friday.  Same goes with a dad.

  • Love 4

Here is an article.  I thought at the time Vicki claimed they had been friends for three years when she wrote the letter.  http://www.realitytea.com/2011/06/15/vicki-gunvalson-boyfriend-brooks-ayers-a-deadbeat-who-owes-child-support-plus-did-vicki-cheat-on-donn/  Hasn;t Vicki pretty much acknowledged that both Donn and she cheated during the relationship?

Brianna stated on a reunion that she had seen texts between Brooks and Vicki for years.

  • Love 1

Wow that is awful - I did not even know that Michael had other children.


I am watching the season with Peggy Tanuous now.  I think this is season 7?  This is the season of Gretchen calling Slade Tubba Wubba, Slade being in the press for his child support problems, etc.  I just watched the episode where Slade was trying to get into "art" where he took Gretchen to an art studio.  Are these two still together as a couple?  They never did get married I presume?


It is tragic that his son died, but Vicki's first husband is a douchebag - if I recall correctly, he at one point had this angry blog where he publicly complained not only about Vicki but also his own kids! He totally trash talked Brianna and Michael. It made me feel bad for both of them. I don't care what is going on, a father that would trash talk (TM Yolanda) his own children in the public eye has serious issues.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 1

You recall correctly. Yes Michael J. Wolfsmith and his girlfriend had/have a blog but they made it private for fear of legal retaliation from Vicki



Turns out he didn't pay child support for his second set of kids either. Guess Vicki wasn't lying about that

Edited by trickee101

I watch all the Real Housewives shows, have since the beginning, but none more than RHOC. I remember that ridiculous Conversations With Wolfy blog Mike Wolfsmith and his girlfriend started in an attempt to slander Vicki. I remember reading comments going back to 2008 on the old TWOP forums and on the OC Register site written by a person calling themselves wolfys gal and riskyb saying to stay tuned for Michael's side of the story and claiming the ugly truth about Vicki would come out. I think the worst they had to say about her was that she may or may not have had an abortion with Donn's kid while married to that slug 1st husband of hers Michael J. Wolfsmith. They didn't have the balls to come right out and say it but they hinted at that. I'm assuming its true since Vicki didn't sue them for defamation. The rest of the blog was 2 bitter angry people spewing hate and disgust for Vicki and her kids. Even called Mike jr an asshole. It was actually pretty pathetic and didn't accomplish anything in the long run because Vicki's still on the show and making that money. As for Michael and his blogger girlfriend, life wasnt so kind to them.

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