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April is the kind of peripheral character who'll get an outside the hospital love interest, not Maggie. I'm not in favor of this Jackson/Maggie thing at all, and I think it's going to out-Gizzie Gizzie in the terrible idea stakes, but the writing's been on the wall all season.

Edited by flickers
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1 hour ago, flickers said:

April is the kind of peripheral character who'll get an outside the hospital love interest, not Maggie. I'm not in favor of this Jackson/Maggie thing at all, and I think it's going to out-Gizzie Gizzie in the terrible idea stakes, but the writing's been on the wall all season.

There was a scene 2 episodes ago with 4 of the women (Meredith, Maggie, Amelia, and April) that really gave me a glimmer of hope for this show with them being at the center.  I don't see April as a peripheral character at all--but I also think she's stronger on her own, or at least without Jackson.  They've tried to pair her with someone outside the hospital before and it didn't work, but who knows.  

I have a suspicion that April and Jackson are about as endgame as you can be in this show which doesn't seem to have any endgame.  If that is the case, I'm really against a Jackson/Maggie pairing as it just seems like a ploy.  I'd rather that Maggie have her own arc and, if they have to throw a wrench in the Japril situation (again, no strong feeling here on this pairing, just an observation), that's where someone from outside of the hospital would fit in.

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I don't have a lot of affection for "the Sisters" and I think that many of their interactions seemed completely forced, so I would not love for them to become the center of the show more than they already are.  But if putting April with them (which I did enjoy) gets Alex out of sitting there mutely (or lets not forget the electrifying scene of him stapling papers), while listening to them chatter about their sex lives, then I am all for it.

  • Love 5

I thought that scene with the 4 women was ironic- as soon Maggie said she didn't want to date a doctor or fall in love. That's just tempting fate. Given their lack of screentime in the back half of S13, I suspect the writers are over the Japril storyline- they did seem like endgame but maybe things have changed behind the scenes. Maggie just got out of one triangle where she lost the guy to another woman, so I don't see that happening again.

She thought she had feelings for Riggs, but all along she was slowly falling for the good guy who stood by her through her tragedy. That's how I think they will play it.

1 hour ago, flickers said:

April is the kind of peripheral character who'll get an outside the hospital love interest, not Maggie. I'm not in favor of this Jackson/Maggie thing at all, and I think it's going to out-Gizzie Gizzie in the terrible idea stakes, but the writing's been on the wall all season.

I don't see April as a peripheral character.  She's been there since the hospital merger, has been involved in most major storylines, and is the mother of an Avery heir.  Maggie might be Meredith's sister, but she still seems like more of the outsider to me.

And I mentioned a firefighter because then it wouldn't be a complete random new person - it would be the lead in for the new spin off.


I mean peripheral in terms of screentime and who gets the juiciest storylines. Maggie isn't a fan favorite (unless I'm looking in the wrong places), I find her annoying beyond words but she's been front and center for three seasons now, including an (unheard-of) centric in her third or fourth episode. If she seems like an outsider, it's not for lack of trying by the writers.

Edited by flickers
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Honestly people keep saying that the writers feel like veryone has to be paired off, but that really hasn't been the case at all. Arizona was single all of season 11 and 12. Maggie was single all of this season; she had a crush on Riggs and some mild flirtation with Jackson which wasn't even really touched on until the finale. Steph was single for the majority of her time on the show. Alex and Jo were basically single all season, so were April and Jackson (having sex randomly once isn't really a relationship). Meredith spent most the season single, too. But obviously the writers are going to continuously push romantic storylines. They have been at the core of the show since its inception, it's a primetime soap. 

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Also, it's hard to write for characters who are nebulously defined. Pair them in a relationship and you have automatic story beats: first kiss, first romp, first fight, first break-up, first ex-wife appearance, etc. Being relationship-driven is a way to pretend that character is taking precedence in the narrative, even when it's, as usual, all contrived, predictable story. 

5 hours ago, flickers said:

April is the kind of peripheral character who'll get an outside the hospital love interest, not Maggie. I'm not in favor of this Jackson/Maggie thing at all, and I think it's going to out-Gizzie Gizzie in the terrible idea stakes, but the writing's been on the wall all season.

I worry a bit about April. If they're going with this Jackson and Maggie pairing, I hope they don't kill April off so that it will be easier to put them together and let them play happy family with baby Harriet. 

  • Love 1

Maggie might be Meredith's sister, but she still seems like more of the outsider to me.

Not through lack of trying by the writers on multiple multiple occasions!! If ever there was an example of writers trying to make fetch happen with a character - Maggie is your example.

That scene where she's all "oh you think Jackson likes me... Why... What makes you think that" to April after making it painfully obvious she was into him is absurd. Especially given her and April seemed to just be getting friendly in the previous episode. Way to violate the girl code Mags (karma to April though I suppose given how Japril declared their love) . I admired April staying calm in that scene as i think I would have told her to fuck off. It was obvious April wasn't comfortable enough to want to get into a deep and meaningful about his feelings. 

Seriously she'll be asking April for dating tips next season. And it'll be played as a cutesie gosh isn't she hilariously awkward sort of scene rather then the inappropriate stupid move that it is.

Edited by Chas411
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2 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Honestly people keep saying that the writers feel like veryone has to be paired off, but that really hasn't been the case at all. Arizona was single all of season 11 and 12. Maggie was single all of this season; she had a crush on Riggs and some mild flirtation with Jackson which wasn't even really touched on until the finale. Steph was single for the majority of her time on the show. Alex and Jo were basically single all season, so were April and Jackson (having sex randomly once isn't really a relationship). Meredith spent most the season single, too. But obviously the writers are going to continuously push romantic storylines. They have been at the core of the show since its inception, it's a primetime soap. 

I'll give you Stephanie.  However, in the other cases, even if they characters weren't in a relationship, relationship were definitely part of the character.  Well, maybe not Arizona--she was dating around, but that only seemed to be a ploy to explain the time she spent with Richard--which was cute and all, but rather unbelievable.

As for the others, Maggie has moaned constantly about wanting to be in love, April and Jackson may have been "single" but they were definitely in some sort of relationship, and while Alex and Jo were essentially single, what little we saw of them this season revolved around their past relationship.

Thinking back to earlier seasons, we didn't even know that Bailey was married until a couple of seasons in.  Izzie, George, and Alex all had their minor relationship issues, but that was a small part of their character.  Even Mer/Derek and Cristina/Burke (more the latter) really played second fiddle to the more individual character goals of the female character.

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Arizona maintained an long-arc, non romantic Sl throughout S11, viz. Herman sl which was good and powerful sl for her. Her dating arc didn't even started until late S12 when she saw Callie moving on with Penny and even at that time she was mostly without a love interest per se. I always she feel she's more of a independent character (unlike Callie, who's SLs are a always 'her sexuality and romantic interest' oriented. She was kissing and dating immediately post her divorce) and that's why hate it when people say that Arizona needs 'Eliza' to be happy like? Are we watching the same show?

i would love to see April and Arizona be the independent character they are sans their love interest. As its more logical and organic. 

And count me in those who don't want any respectable women to be paired with Jackson as that character is total shit if anything else.

If we want a romantic interest for Maggie, let's just dial back to Maluca. That'll save us the trouble of going into another unneccsary love triangle with Jo-Deluca-Alex...

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I think the issue with Maluca is that they didn't think that he was a ~big enough character for Maggie. I think they're hoping for her to be part of a BIG ship and DeLuca being relatively new and not established didn't cut it. I think it was always going Jackson or Alex as the shows longest running characters. They put the feelers out for Maggie:Alex in season 11 while trying to integrate her and nobody was into it. I think they did the same with Jackson this season only this time they ignored the feedback and just rolled with it anyway. 

I think there were other reasons for keeping them apart like the terrible triangle - with both Meredith/Riggs and Jo/Alex but given they were a well received couple initially I don't really get why the writers pretend they never existed at all.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, flickers said:

Maggie/Deluca started off well but they never really gave us a compelling reason to root for them, there seemed to be no deep feelings on either side.

I agree with this...that whole thing never came off as more than a fling at best.  

Having said that, though, I don't think that going back to that relationship and trying to make something of it should be off the cards.  They haven't done anything with DeLuca except beat the crap out of him.  GG is a strong actor who really deserves more in this show than to stand around and do grunt work.  I'm not saying that I'm shipping the two (the only person I ship DeLuca with is me...don't tell my husband), but I think a Maggie/DeLuca pairing would be a more successful venture than a Maggie/Jackson/April triangle.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

i would love to see April and Arizona be the independent character they are sans their love interest. As its more logical and organic. 


I agree, especially Arizona. Aside from her relationship with Callie (and hate them or love them, they fit together), Arizona is great independently. Give her another resident to mentor, she did so well with Alex.  And nurture her friendships with both Alex and April, Grey's used to do so well with the friendships. 

The forced relationship with Minnick did more harm than good to Arizona. She let Minnick talk crap about her friends and coworkers, and was rude or dishonest to the people who have had her back (Richard, April) because of her.  The Arizona who came on all those years ago would've never let that fly. Trying to prop Minnick up ended up bringing Arizona down, IMO. 

I still think that April and Jackson will eventually end up together, and that the show is just playing long ball with them like they are with Alex and Jo. 

Forced romantic pairings benefit no one in the end. It makes the characters look bad and the storytelling uninteresting. 

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Hi all, I've been lurking around here ever since the imdb forums shut down.  

My opinions, and I have plenty: I like that April and Jackson are exclusively alone, together...raising the baby...getting together every now and then.  I like their vibe.  I like seeing these two 'apart/together' without an 'end game' in sight.

I do not like Owen and Amelia together.  I have no affection for Maggie so I don't like seeing her with anyone.  So it would be cool to see her put the moves on Bailey's hub and watch the reaction.  I do not like Meredith and Riggs together.  

I DO like the idea of Meredith and Alex together or, even, Meredith and Owen.  Considering the Christina link, there is a lot to draw from with this story.

I like the idea of Arizona enjoying a friendship with Amelia and Amelia coming to a whole new realization about herself.  And Arizona.

That's all I have for now.  It's going to be a LONG wait for the next season to begin.




Edited by pjammies

Stuff I'd like to see in s14: 

- A specialty for Jo. Perhaps Meredith or Maggie mentoring her?

- Real movement for Alex / Jo as a couple. 

- Owen helping his sister deal with PTSD... maybe have them in therapy together. 

- A long-term patient arc where the patient isn't romantically linked to any doctors. 

- A storyline revolving around one of Meredith's kids could be interesting. Like, Zola acting out or asking questions about her father / her birth parents, etc. I know the kids will never be a huge focus, but it'd be nice to see some more of Meredith as a mom. 

- As long as DeLuca is sticking around, he needs some development too. 

- I'd like to see Arizona dealing a bit more with not having Sofia full time. 

- More patients from the past returning... also, Izzie. BRING BACK IZZIE. 

  • Love 1
On 6/14/2017 at 10:03 AM, BaseOps said:

Stuff I'd like to see in s14: 

- A specialty for Jo. Perhaps Meredith or Maggie mentoring her?

- Real movement for Alex / Jo as a couple. 

- Owen helping his sister deal with PTSD... maybe have them in therapy together. 

- A long-term patient arc where the patient isn't romantically linked to any doctors. 

- A storyline revolving around one of Meredith's kids could be interesting. Like, Zola acting out or asking questions about her father / her birth parents, etc. I know the kids will never be a huge focus, but it'd be nice to see some more of Meredith as a mom. 

- As long as DeLuca is sticking around, he needs some development too. 

- I'd like to see Arizona dealing a bit more with not having Sofia full time. 

- More patients from the past returning... also, Izzie. BRING BACK IZZIE. 

Can we make Jo Meredith's sister instead of Maggie?  Better yet, bring back Lexie.  OK, while we are at it, bring back Mark, Christina, Izzie, George, Callie and Derek.  I really miss our long-gone originals.  :(

Yes, DeLuca does need some character-building.  Right now, he's like a fern you water everyday.  You don't want it to die but...it's just a fern.

I really don't like Alex and Jo together.  After what he went through....I know it was his fault....still, it ruined it for me.  SR would have to hard sell me that one.  Again, I'd like to see Meredith with Alex.  I've changed my mind about Owen.  They just don't click enough.  I prefer the Meredith/Alex pairing.  It makes sense to me.  They both have dark, twisty stuff but they are both grown up now.  Sometimes being in love with your best friend is the BEST relationship.  And you never see it coming until that one moment and....whoa.

Terry O'Quinn from Lost would be a great addition but he always has work.  Maybe they can do a week of 'Lost' patients.  bahahaha

They need to age Zola a bit for her to become interesting, IMHO.

That's all for now.  Work becons.

Kim Raver is returning for a guest arc in S14.

An old Grey’s Anatomy favorite is coming back for a visit. Kim Raver, who was a series regular on the ABC medical drama in Seasons 6-8, is set to return to the show for a guest arc on the upcoming 14th season. She will reprise her role as Dr. Teddy Altman, the former head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.

The last time we saw Teddy, she was dramatically fired from Seattle Grace by old friend and one-time crush Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) in the Season 8 finale, written by Grey’s Anatomy creator/executive producer Shonda Rhimes, so she would take her dream Chief job at MEDCOM.

  • Love 3
On 5/24/2017 at 10:38 AM, OtterMommy said:

Having said that, though, I don't think that going back to that relationship and trying to make something of it should be off the cards.  They haven't done anything with DeLuca except beat the crap out of him.  GG is a strong actor who really deserves more in this show than to stand around and do grunt work.  I'm not saying that I'm shipping the two (the only person I ship DeLuca with is me...don't tell my husband), but I think a Maggie/DeLuca pairing would be a more successful venture than a Maggie/Jackson/April triangle.

I am all for this. A lot happened since that fling and Maggie's STI/UTI gag. Both characters have grown and changed. Rather than keep them in respective triangles (Jo & Jackson), please let them move on to each other. 

  • Love 2
On 6/20/2017 at 11:20 AM, BaseOps said:

Kim Raver is returning for a guest arc in S14.

An old Grey’s Anatomy favorite is coming back for a visit. Kim Raver, who was a series regular on the ABC medical drama in Seasons 6-8, is set to return to the show for a guest arc on the upcoming 14th season. She will reprise her role as Dr. Teddy Altman, the former head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.

The last time we saw Teddy, she was dramatically fired from Seattle Grace by old friend and one-time crush Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) in the Season 8 finale, written by Grey’s Anatomy creator/executive producer Shonda Rhimes, so she would take her dream Chief job at MEDCOM.

This is excellent news!!!  Wow, Owen's sister is alive and now Teddy returns and he is in a crappy marriage w/Amelia.  Sorry, but their marriage sucks.  Amelia and Arizona!  Go for it!  This will be an interesting story arc for our Owen, too, as well as Teddy.  So glad Teddy is returning!  

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, pjammies said:

This is excellent news!!!  Wow, Owen's sister is alive and now Teddy returns and he is in a crappy marriage w/Amelia.  Sorry, but their marriage sucks.  Amelia and Arizona!  Go for it!  This will be an interesting story arc for our Owen, too, as well as Teddy.  So glad Teddy is returning!  

Well, she's only returning temporarily (for a "guest arc,") so I'm pretty sure anything long-term with Owen is off the cards.

Yea, it looks like Minick is gone for good. If she was going to be sticking around, I'm sure we would have an official announcement of her joining the series as a regular by now. It'll be interesting to see where they go with Arizona. I'm really glad they didn't force them together long-term given there was clearly not enough chemistry there. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Yea, it looks like Minick is gone for good. If she was going to be sticking around, I'm sure we would have an official announcement of her joining the series as a regular by now. It'll be interesting to see where they go with Arizona. I'm really glad they didn't force them together long-term given there was clearly not enough chemistry there. 

I'm not against Arizona having a love interest, but they have to put more thought into it than lesbian+lesbian = true love.  There was a lot wrong with the Arizona/Minnick relationship, but the biggest problem was that the show put absolutely zero effort in writing an actual relationship.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Morksmate said:

I'm not against Arizona having a love interest, but they have to put more thought into it than lesbian+lesbian = true love.  There was a lot wrong with the Arizona/Minnick relationship, but the biggest problem was that the show put absolutely zero effort in writing an actual relationship.

I'm not sure they know how to introduce new relationships anymore. With Minnick/Arizona, all they had was that they're both lesbians. Meredith and Riggs' flirt game was anemic, it made no sense that he'd keep pursuing her despite her repeated discouragements and it was frankly all a little creepy. Jackson/Maggie is a disaster before it even hits the screen. For a show that depends so much on its romantic pairings, it's a problem. Right now they're living off the fumes of the relationships and friendships from an earlier era that people still care about. 

Edited by flickers
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4 hours ago, Katsullivan said:

I would like to see a few settled couples. It's possible to have couple drama without it being a make/break situation. Besides Richard and Katherine, is there any other couple unit that is stable? 

I'm not so sure I would consider Richard and Catherine stable...but Ben and Bailey, yes...  At least as much as anyone on this show could be.

5 hours ago, flickers said:

I'm not sure they know how to introduce new relationships anymore. With Minnick/Arizona, all they had was that they're both lesbians. Meredith and Riggs' flirt game was anemic, it made no sense that he'd keep pursuing her despite her repeated discouragements and it was frankly all a little creepy. Jackson/Maggie is a disaster before it even hits the screen. For a show that depends so much on its romantic pairings, it's a problem. Right now they're living off the fumes of the relationships and friendships from an earlier era that people still care about. 

I was trying to think back to the last relationship that seemed to have any thought put into it and the closest I could come was Jackson and April (when they started).  I do think there were a lot of missteps with that one and I was sure they were going to pair Jackson and Cristina for a while, but it still seemed somewhat organic when Jackson and April finally got together.  Of course, everything that happened with them after that is a different story.    

Maybe Alex and Jo?  I ask that because I honestly cannot remember how they got together or what led up to that.  Well, okay, maybe we shouldn't count them, then...

The sad part of this is that this is something the show used to be very good at...Meredith and Derek, Cristina and Burke and even Cristina and Owen.  Even if I didn't like the couple, I still felt that effort was put into writing the relationship.  Now, it's like they can't even be bothered to try.  Maybe the new showrunner will get back to basics on this front.

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On ‎13‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 2:54 PM, flickers said:

I'm not sure they know how to introduce new relationships anymore. With Minnick/Arizona, all they had was that they're both lesbians. Meredith and Riggs' flirt game was anemic, it made no sense that he'd keep pursuing her despite her repeated discouragements and it was frankly all a little creepy. Jackson/Maggie is a disaster before it even hits the screen. For a show that depends so much on its romantic pairings, it's a problem. Right now they're living off the fumes of the relationships and friendships from an earlier era that people still care about. 

The repeated chasing of a reluctant someone who keeps saying they aren't interested (usually a man chasing a woman on this show) has been going on since S1, the pilot even, but that made more sense because they'd already had apparently good sex and Derek was running away from a bad break up among other things. In real life most people would have given up if it went on for weeks or months but not on TV. At least the earlier couples were more interesting in general and less generic "time for character A to chase character B for a while before they get together and then break up because of C at the end of the season" lather rinse and repeat.

6 hours ago, kariyaki said:

We haven't gotten much in the way of spoilers since they stopped putting out the sides. We pretty much only got episode titles last year.

I remember on TWOP we got seemingly a dozen pages out of every side, trying to figure things out. I think it also has to do that whilst this show has proven itself unwilling to die, at this point there is much less media buzz about it in general so less unofficial spoilers, most TV sites just give out/repeat the approved spoilers and press releases and there's a lot less fan speculation and almost no shipping wars etc which cuts down on what we know/can guess. Back the day you could guarantee 200 posts at least of Meredith v Addison alone, not to mention every other powerhouse.

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I remember on TWOP we got seemingly a dozen pages out of every side, trying to figure things out. I think it also has to do that whilst this show has proven itself unwilling to die, at this point there is much less media buzz about it in general so less unofficial spoilers, most TV sites just give out/repeat the approved spoilers and press releases and there's a lot less fan speculation and almost no shipping wars etc which cuts down on what we know/can guess. Back the day you could guarantee 200 posts at least of Meredith v Addison alone, not to mention every other powerhouse.


The Grey's fandom is still one of the most active online; I write for a TV website where Grey's is frequently among the most discussed, and almost always with the top 10 shows getting the most hits. If you look on Twitter, there's very rabid fan discussions / arguments / shipping, etc. I think the place of discussion has just moved from message boards to social media with a younger generation. 

  • Love 1
On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 5:23 PM, BaseOps said:

The Grey's fandom is still one of the most active online; I write for a TV website where Grey's is frequently among the most discussed, and almost always with the top 10 shows getting the most hits. If you look on Twitter, there's very rabid fan discussions / arguments / shipping, etc. I think the place of discussion has just moved from message boards to social media with a younger generation. 

Fair enough. I'm a millennial, not yet 30 (though no longer a young teen starting to watch the show etc) and use Social Media, admittedly not much for Greys and I despise twitter, so I'm sure you are right. It just seems to me that even on SM that I'm on where there might well be still a hardcore fanbase (and really I'd expect GA hardcore fans to be less "only twitter/tumblr" generation than others since it is a 14 season show that got 25 mil plus at it's height, 46ish mil for the Superbowl), that pre buzz has slowed right down even from where it was last season, YMMV. Maybe it's just a sign that I can't muster much enthusiasm for this show which I started watching again this season, having given up for 4-5 seasons. The most exciting news they've announced so far is Teddy of all people. KR is a good actress and I can't say I'm a fan of Amelia/Owen but sigh.

Seriously though, this show has already done more episodes than ER, they're damned well going to give it more seasons too as long as it doesn't crater, which doesn't seem likely.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Fair enough. I'm a millennial, not yet 30 (though no longer a young teen starting to watch the show etc) and use Social Media, admittedly not much for Greys and I despise twitter, so I'm sure you are right. It just seems to me that even on SM that I'm on where there might well be still a hardcore fanbase (and really I'd expect GA hardcore fans to be less "only twitter/tumblr" generation than others since it is a 14 season show that got 25 mil plus at it's height, 46ish mil for the Superbowl), that pre buzz has slowed right down even from where it was last season, YMMV. Maybe it's just a sign that I can't muster much enthusiasm for this show which I started watching again this season, having given up for 4-5 seasons. The most exciting news they've announced so far is Teddy of all people. KR is a good actress and I can't say I'm a fan of Amelia/Owen but sigh.

Seriously though, this show has already done more episodes than ER, they're damned well going to give it more seasons too as long as it doesn't crater, which doesn't seem likely.

Buzz will definitely pick up as we get closer to the season; promos don't drop until early September, and since they just got back on set this week, there hasn't really been much chatter yet. Plus, more so than when Grey's started, there's so much TV now, and as a result the big TV websites (EW, TVLine, etc.) have lots of others shows to dominate their articles, whereas 10 years ago there weren't nearly as many summer series so they'd start talking about fall shows much earlier. 

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