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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

Minnick will be a regular by the start of next season, if not sooner, and we'll all have to deal. Elizona is real and we're stuck with it. 

I refuse to like this.  I live in hope that Minnick will walk out to her car, get it to actually start or get the horn to stop (whatever it was that caused Arizona to come rescue her) and drive off into the sunset where she and Erica Hahn can live happily ever after.

  • Love 8

Ugh - in other words - Japril have their seventh hundredth fight over the same issues until they eventually end up having sex which puts a temporary fix on their unresolved issues until next season when either more maternity leaves or cost effectiveness forces us to do another bubble episode.

Remind me to skip this one. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Minnick will be a regular by the start of next season, if not sooner, and we'll all have to deal. Elizona is real and we're stuck with it. 

And I will hate every single second of her existence, and the screen time that already tired pairing will chew up. 

As for episode 13.16 synopsis: why wouldn't a Peds surgeon go to Montana if the patient is a child? (assuming "young patient" means anyone under 18.) 

Edited by funnygirl
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44 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

I wonder if the issue that Jackson's mind is on is his father possibly returning? Would be interesting. The second part of the synopsis makes it seem like april will finally be able to be there for Jackson in a way she couldn't before, cause she was too wrapped in her grief. 

Grief or no grief I find April so wrapped up in herself especially when it comes to Jackson, their relationship and his feelings that I struggle to imagine her being there for Jackson without making it all.about.herself and how SHE feels and how his problems affect HER. 

I cant believe I ever hardcore rooted for these two. He should have stayed with Stephanie and saved himself and all of us the headache.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

Grief or no grief I find April so wrapped up in herself especially when it comes to Jackson, their relationship and his feelings that I struggle to imagine her being there for Jackson without making it all.about.herself and how SHE feels and how his problems affect HER. 

I cant believe I ever hardcore rooted for these two. He should have stayed with Stephanie and saved himself and all of us the headache.

Right cause why would knowing your baby is breaking his bones in utero, giving birth to the baby you know will die, and then dealing with PPD and the grief of losing a child ever distract april from "what about Jackson?!?!?"

i don't even know if I hardcore ship them anymore (thanks greys for ruining a great ship but tell me again how much mer "gets" Riggs) but to just wipe away actual story points just able to call april "wrapped in herself" just takes away from the whole point.

besides, what else is she going to do in this episode when in the synopsis it says "april is forced to step up and get him back on track"?

regardless, I get the sense that this is more a Jackson episode than japril and I'm looking forward to that. Jackson doesn't get many chances to actually let the audience get to know him, and it's not because Jackson is a "lone wolf" and "keeps things close to his chest"...it's cause the writers don't care about a character they've had for almost eight years and never bothered to give him a solid perspective. Besides being angry at april that is.

  • Love 5

I'm not trying to offend any April/Japril fans, I'm also not trying to "wipe away story points" just cause I feel like having a go at April. I genuinely just don't think she's ever really been there for him in the way he's been for her. I did a rewatch of the last few seasons this year but maybe I missed something glaring.

Also, I don't expect her to stop grieving just to consider Jacksons feelings. That's not what I implied at all. I just think in every storyline they've had whether it's their relationship, sex, pregnancy, grief - April is always so caught up in herself that she forgets his feelings completely. That's my take anyway..

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Chas411 said:

I'm not trying to offend any April/Japril fans, I'm also not trying to "wipe away story points" just cause I feel like having a go at April. I genuinely just don't think she's ever really been there for him in the way he's been for her.

Also, I don't expect her to stop grieving just to consider Jacksons feelings... I just think in every storyline they've had whether it's their relationship, sex, pregnancy, grief - April is always so caught up in herself that she forgets his feelings completely.


April is so self-centered that she left for war without telling Jackson anything, then didn't call him for a long time, and even then didn't bother keeping in touch. But when she suddenly showed back up in Seattle, she expected to immediately step right back into her life at Grey's, and continue her marriage with Jackson as if nothing had ever happened. [And when he didn't go along with exactly what she wanted, she did her best to make him into the bad guy!!]

No. Just no. That's not simply "taking some time out to grieve the loss of her baby". 

Oh, and after that she didn't bother to mention to Jackson that they were having another baby together...

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I'm not trying to offend any April/Japril fans, I'm also not trying to "wipe away story points" just cause I feel like having a go at April. I genuinely just don't think she's ever really been there for him in the way he's been for her. I did a rewatch of the last few seasons this year but maybe I missed something glaring.

Also, I don't expect her to stop grieving just to consider Jacksons feelings. That's not what I implied at all. I just think in every storyline they've had whether it's their relationship, sex, pregnancy, grief - April is always so caught up in herself that she forgets his feelings completely. That's my take anyway..

I do agree that April's MO is to be cluelessly selfish--and this started way back when she and Jackson first got together when they took their boards (and probably before that..I just can't remember).  I also can find absolutely no way to excuse or explain April's choice for not telling Jackson she was pregnant the second time.  

However, when it comes to their period after their first child died, I just can't blame either of them for their behavior.  Grief, in general, is a messy horrible thing and I can only imagine it is so much worse when it is a parent who has lost a child.  People who are grieving focus inward--that is just the way grief tends to work.  (I'll admit that I FF through much of the Jackson and/or April scenes during this phase of the show, just because *I* didn't want to have to deal with the sadness of the situation...so I don't really know exactly how Jackson handled it all.  From what I saw, it looked like he was as "business as usual" as possible.)  And just because two people in a relationship are grieving, it doesn't mean that their grief will "fit together" like a puzzle piece.  The divorce rate among parents who have lost a child is very high--one study I read put it at 75%--and I truly believe that is because the grief is just too much.

Because of that, I'm willing to forgive (if that is even the right word), April's behavior during that time.  And, no, it doesn't excuse her other selfish behavior (which has bugged me only because it doesn't seem to make any sense.  As my husband would say, she's acting like an only child--an assumption that I, who was sort of an only child, take offense with...but the idea is that she wasn't raised with siblings and therefore grew up not having to think about others in a close relationship.  Again, I don't agree with that idea of single childhood, although I could see how that would work in character building.  But April has siblings!  Now, it looks like they are trying to paint her as a hardscrabble sort of woman who had to claw her way up which....doesn't really fit with her character's history on the show.  For the sake of her character, I hope they figure out what they are doing with her soon.

As for a possible Jackson/April reunion...I guess it could either way.  I'd put my money on them reconciling because that just seems to be the way the story line is going.  Also, it seems like "the public" (very thick blanket statement, I know....and I do not think it is as far reaching as show runners believe it is) feel that when two characters have a child together, THEY should be together.  Again, I don't agree with this--although, I find the Jackson and April situation far, far easier to swallow than some similar situations on other shows, so I'm willing to go with it.  

Whichever way they go, I just hope they go that way soon.  The will they/won't they hook doesn't last long....

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Jackson wasn't a great boyfriend. That guy can't communicated for his life and than act like the women (all of them throughout the show) should have been able to read his mind. 

Yes Jackson did go about business as usual, went back to work days after Samuel died and made the suggestion while April was catatonic from grief to try for another child.  

And no, a woman who just gave birth and lost that child is not going to the same emotion as a man who lost a child. There different chemicals/hormone working there.

  • Love 2

Jackson was going about business as usual was his way of handling his grief and trying to support April and be strong for her. He couldn't break down when she was. He didn't have a chance to grieve with her because she kept running off.


We had a miscarriage at 12 weeks and yes, it was awful on me. But it was also very difficult for my husband and no one asked about him or what he was going through. Everyone forgets about the dad in the equation. Just because they don't have the physical loss doesn't diminish their grief either. 

  • Love 4
Just now, Court said:

Jackson was going about business as usual was his way of handling his grief and trying to support April and be strong for her. He couldn't break down when she was. He didn't have a chance to grieve with her because she kept running off.


We had a miscarriage at 12 weeks and yes, it was awful on me. But it was also very difficult for my husband and no one asked about him or what he was going through. Everyone forgets about the dad in the equation. Just because they don't have the physical loss doesn't diminish their grief either. 

I didn't mean that Jackson's grief was any less than April's (or that his "business as usual" wasn't grief), but it *was* different.  My point is that his grief and her grief were in conflict.  And neither one of them was wrong--it was just an all around crap situation.

I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage.  We also went through one and while my husband did his best to be strong for me, I know that he suffered just as much.

  • Love 2

Losing a child-- even it it's "just" a miscarriage --is always painful. It happens to a lot of us. There is a 'baby bump' to make plans for, to buy things for, to give names to, to dream of the future with. Of course both parents grieve when all that is lost. It's a really tough time. But when the parents have each other to hold on to, each other's shoulders to cry on, each other to talk it over with when they're ready (knowing that the other person truly understands)--then they don't have to feel so alone. 

Maybe April didn't want or need her husband around at the time- but Jackson needed her. And the very *last* thing Jackson needed was to have his wife suddenly disappear, not telling him anything at all. The man didn't even know if she was dead or alive! I'm sure he thought she might have gone off a cliff or something in her grief... He must have been terrified that he he'd lost both of them at once. 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
  • Love 3

I get the grief storyline but I think they've stretched April's self-absorption and cluelessness out way too long, and now she's simply an unsympathetic character. And I say this as someone who still cares about Japril and is still interested in their storyline. I can only imagine how much a centric at this point is going to turn off a huge chunk of the audience. But it's a nice excuse for the writers to not have to bother with them the rest of the season.

Edited by flickers
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Through it all I still find her a sympathetic character but I know I'm in the miniroty. I've always wished for self awareness for April but that is only given in spurts which are few and far in between. 

At this point, in my opinion, she's been punished enough. Jackson divorced her and made it known he wanted little to do with her, at least till he found out she was pregnant. And now they live copesetically as co-parents. Who knows what will happen in this centric. 

  • Love 3

Jackson wasn't a great boyfriend. That guy can't communicated for his life and than act like the women (all of them throughout the show) should have been able to read his mind. 

I agree he was an awful boyfriend to Stephanie. I can see why he'd have difficulties communicating with April though - she never listens, gets defensive and it escalates into a shouting match before he gets a chance to explain his point. It's exhausting to watch. They're exhausting as a couple. I prefer them on their own as they're so much more likeable with other people. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, moonorchid said:

Through it all I still find her a sympathetic character but I know I'm in the miniroty. I've always wished for self awareness for April but that is only given in spurts which are few and far in between. 

At this point, in my opinion, she's been punished enough. Jackson divorced her and made it known he wanted little to do with her, at least till he found out she was pregnant. And now they live copesetically as co-parents. Who knows what will happen in this centric. 

I actually don't think you are in the minority.  (Maybe in this forum...)  But across the fandom?  There is a ton of April love on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other forums.  I think this is one of the reasons the show has been successful for so long.  Shonda created characters that are incredibly relatable and incredibly flawed.  We relate to certain ones and others we don't understand and probably never will  just based on life experience.  One of the things I have loved about April from the beginning is she is a bit insecure and less aggressive in her actions than some of the other women on the show.  Shonda wanted to create a show featuring strong female characters, but not all women are Christina Yang confident or Nazi Bailey.  April, in many ways, represents a lot of women who don't often see themselves in characters on TV.  Of course she is flawed and makes bad decisions.  The same could be said for every character on the show.  The show loves to write redemption stories, and she is no different.  As you can probably tell, I am on the side that sees April's perspective on all that has happened, but I see Jackson's, too.  They both could have handled things differently, but then we wouldn't have some of the great stories they have given us.  April, and Jackson to an extent, may be polarizing, but it works.  Just the fact that they are getting a second couple centric episode tells us the show knows how popular they are.  

Side note: I also think that all of what has happened to them may have been a very long story arc that Shonda had planned seasons ago. Many people have noted that one of their biggest issues is lack of communication from both sides.  Because of that, I find it interesting that the patient Jackson was working on in the episode where he interrupted her wedding lost his ability to speak and the patient that Jackson and April are operating on in Montana needs a throat transplant.  I won't be surprised if somehow they restore this person's ability to speak/communicate.  We all know that the patient stories are usually more about the main characters, and Jesse and Sarah have said that they finally talk about everything in their upcoming centric episode, so it seems as if they may be finally learning to communicate.  Either way, I'm here for it.  

  • Love 9
On 2/3/2017 at 0:51 PM, OtterMommy said:
On 2/3/2017 at 11:56 AM, Stacey1014 said:

I like this idea. Wasn't April the Chief Resident a few years back?  The only downside is that I could see them accusing her of nepotism because of her being the mother of an Avery. 

Nepotism, schnepotism.  This is Seattle Grace Mercy West Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital....they deal in nepotism.

Except when it deals with winning the Avery award. Miss you, Christine!!! This show bends the rules so badly, it's torture. I feel like a housewife watching shark-jumping day time soaps, when I am trying to watch Prime Time dramas. Admittedly, only a degree better, but I miss that degree.

  • Love 2

13x17 - “Till I Hear It From You” – Diane Pierce returns to Grey Sloan, but Maggie is still in the dark as to why she's really there. Owen and Amelia hash out their problems as they work a trauma case together, and Bailey tries to mend her relationship with Richard. Guest starring is LaTanya Richardson Jackson as Diane Pierce, June Squibb as Elsie Clatch and Hal Holbrook as Lewis Clatch. THURSDAY, MARCH 23.

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 1
On 3/6/2017 at 0:32 PM, BaseOps said:

13x17 - “Till I Hear It From You” – Diane Pierce returns to Grey Sloan, but Maggie is still in the dark as to why she's really there. Owen and Amelia hash out their problems as they work a trauma case together, and Bailey tries to mend her relationship with Richard. Guest starring is LaTanya Richardson Jackson as Diane Pierce, June Squibb as Elsie Clatch and Hal Holbrook as Lewis Clatch. THURSDAY, MARCH 23.

The fact that Diane has the type of breast cancer that she has. It would be much more noticeable and I hope they explain that she has been with some kind of treatment while she has been gone. If she hasn't, she look like she had been hit with a car. I'm wondering if they will explain why she told Maggie that after leaving her father, she felt she finally breathe for the first time in ten years. That response means that her ex-husband was controlling or in Diane's mind, made her feel like she was being controlled. Being Grey's of course she had to be cheating on him for almost 4 years with their car guy. Which seems that relationship was over the way Diane was talking last time. 

  • Love 1

13x18 - “Be Still, My Soul” - When Maggie’s mom’s health deteriorates, the doctors are at odds over how to treat her. Meanwhile, Richard comes to grips with Bailey’s betrayal over the Residency Program, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, MARCH 30 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT). Guest Starring is Marika Dominczyk as Eliza Minnick, LaTanya Richardson Jackson as Diane Pierce and Richard Lawson as Bill Pierce.

  • Love 1

Pretty major-ish spoiler here for episode 13x18, so I'll put it in a tag just in case: 

“I was a little nervous about the technical aspects of directing,” Pompeo said about the episode, set to air March 30, in which Maggie’s (Kelly McCreary) mother dies. “The death of a mother is something so quintessentially Grey’s Anatomy. How I lost my own mother at a very young age … it’s a subject matter I was going right into,” she said. “I couldn’t wait to make everyone cry.

Edited by kariyaki
No tags on spoilers please. There are no categories. If someone is in this thread, they risk spoilage.
  • Love 1

13x19 - “What’s Inside” – When Maggie takes on a big case, many of the doctors are worried she’s not the right one for the job while Stephanie makes a mistake, treating one of Grey Sloan’s own, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 

Question: Any intel on the Grey’s Anatomy finale? I haven’t heard a peep! —Megan
Ausiello: That’s about to change in 3, 2… “It’s pretty dramatic and pretty intense,” Kevin McKidd teased to TVLine at PaleyFest over the weekend. “It’s pretty dark and very good. Debbie [Allen]’s going to direct it, and it’s going to be amazing.” Owen’s portayer adds that unlike previous closers, Season 13’s climax won’t be centered around a catastrophic event. Nonetheless, it’s “a big episode,” McKidd promises. “It’s leading toward something pretty intense.”

Question: Is Grey’s Anatomy‘s Maggie ever going to get a clue about Nathan and Meredith? — Leigh
Ausiello: Oh, she’s going to get more than a clue. At PaleyFest, Kelly McCreary told TVLine that “the truth will come out… before the end of the season,” adding with a laugh, “People will have to be honest, because they no longer have a choice.” But the revelation that Mer is involved with Maggie’s crush won’t, as we’ve been led to imagine, sever the half sisters’ bond. “It doesn’t hurt Maggie in the way that the audience will expect it to,” McCreary said. “In a relationship that you’re committed to because you love each other unconditionally, the way that family does, challenges can sometimes make you stronger.”

  • Love 1
On 2/22/2017 at 2:53 AM, Nobodysfan said:

Just out of curiousity when will they make Hunt a dad?

3 or 4 years in Greys time have passed since Cristina left and he is still childless. Actually 4 I guess, because there was this one year skip after Derek´s death.

Any predictions?

I keep wondering if his sister might have survived the wreck and had a child who somehow ends up on Owen's doorstep.

On 3/13/2017 at 2:56 PM, BaseOps said:

13x18 - “Be Still, My Soul” - When Maggie’s mom’s health deteriorates, the doctors are at odds over how to treat her. Meanwhile, Richard comes to grips with Bailey’s betrayal over the Residency Program, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, MARCH 30 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT). Guest Starring is Marika Dominczyk as Eliza Minnick, LaTanya Richardson Jackson as Diane Pierce and Richard Lawson as Bill Pierce.

This seems interesting, mostly because I'm assuming that Maggie's father will be on the show. I'm curious as to his interactions with the rest of the cast (Meredith, Richard). Her mother had a friendly vibe with everyone, so I'm wondering if her father will be treated the same. The only difference was that her mother didn't have to deal with a biological mother. An adoptive and biological father interacting might have a different dynamic. 

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Chas411 said:


I could be game for this although not sure I trust the writers to be still giving this storyline focus by the end of the season. Especially since I'm not sure if Camilla is still filming or if her maternity has started.

You know, when I think of "Jo's scary-ass husband," Matthew Morrison is the LAST actor I think of.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Every new actor/character they've added in the past two years (either as a regular or recurring guest star) has been Caucasian.  Interesting for a show that time and again has been lauded for it's diversity. 

Ah yes, Maggie's white mom has been great. Also... are you just repressing the memory of Wilmer Valderrama?

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Every new actor/character they've added in the past two years (either as a regular or recurring guest star) has been Caucasian.  Interesting for a show that time and again has been lauded for it's diversity. 

I don't think this is quite true, but I will say that GSMMWSG hospital is far less diverse than probably any real hospital in the country. 

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Ah yes, Maggie's white mom has been great. Also... are you just repressing the memory of Wilmer Valderrama?

I'm talking about the DOCTORS, who get more story and screen time focus, who are around for more than a few episodes and have the potential to be made a regular if they haven't been already.  (see: Nathan Riggs, Andrew DeLuca, Intern Isaac who started off strong, Penny Blake, Eliza Minnick, now Matthew Morrison's character). 

Edited by funnygirl
6 minutes ago, Pink ranger said:

But the character is a wife beating asshole. I think it's better for minority male actors to not play a role like that. 

I understand that and I agree.  But what of the other 5 characters? 

I was just making an observation, I noticed the trend and thought it interesting is all. Not trying to start a debate, as we have visual proof. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

I'm talking about the DOCTORS, who get more story and screen time focus, who are around for more than a few episodes and have the potential to be made a regular if they haven't been already.  (see: Nathan Riggs, Andrew DeLuca, Intern Isaac who started off strong, Penny Blake, Eliza Minnick, now Matthew Morrison's character). 

Ah, well your original post didn't say "doctors" anywhere in it. Regardless, Wilmer had a big arc and lots of screentime for 5 episodes, and Maggie's mom has already had more to do than Intern Isaac ever did. Anyway, it just seems like an odd thing to point out considering they still have one of the most diverse casts on TV (and they're literally all doctors) including a diverse guest cast. Like, is your point that they won't specifically cast doctors of color? They just cast one in a pretty big role in the prison episode. Casting a few white characters doesn't really mean anything.

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