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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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It makes total sense for Owen and Amelia to hook up since she has major "not good enough" issues and he's in love with someone else. They are each other's catnip.


This seems about right for both. Well spotted. 


I gotta say, I sort of like checking in on this show and not finding terrible Christina spoilers.

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I would rather see Amelia and Alex. 

I just can't like Jo and am waiting for her to go all Chest Peckwell on Alex (who would let it slide because of his own issues) which will make me hate the one character I have loved through it all.


And FTLOG, no more on and off Mer-Der.  The one thing that watching reruns from the beginning has reminded me is how much I loathe Derek.  I would love for Meredith to become what her mother was not - a good mother who didn't need a weak husband or a weak man-stress in her life to complete her and for her to become Chief of Surgery (series finale of course) while her two kids proudly watch. 

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I'd rather see Amelia with Alex, too, but these writers seem determined to prove Jolex are MFEO. Ugh. At least if Owen and Amelia hook up, neither of them will be getting with an intern/resident. I'm so tired of that angle.

Total cosign on loathing Derek and wanting to see Meredith have a strong career arc.

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Adore Derek and their marriage. They're the only reason I still watch. I'm a little tired of Meredith always being the one to decide their future, and don't forget the damage he's done to his career. Having said that, I'm sure during the "year of Meredith" that Derek will come back and Meredith will be free to decide their next move.

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I wasn't sure whether this should go in Spoilers or Media...


Promo for 11x1:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDwdjkLgq6E


Re:  Derek...  I'm mostly with LakeLover, altough I do think that Derek can be a jerk at times.  I love MerDer, and absolutely adore Patrick Dempsey, who I have met and talked with at races.  Patrick is the reason I still watch Grey's and want MerDer to work and be happy.


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Sneak peek for 11x01...




To me, it looks reminiscent of S4's "Crash Into Me."


ETA:  Per Spoiler TV (link in the "Media" thread--thanks @Chas411), ep 11x02 is Maggie-centric.  Why, Shonda, why??  As of right now, I am firmly anti-Maggie.  I will note, though, that I was also firmly anti-Lexie and that changed over time to me liking her a lot except with Mark because I never liked Mark.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
“I’ll be honest with you and say that there is literally a 50/50 chance that they’ll be together or apart, and I have not figured it out yet,” executive producer Shonda Rhimes tells EW. “That is the other big storyline of the season for us. We really spent a lot of time in the writers’ room mapping it out and talking about it. There are two parallel relationships: Meredith and Derek’s relationship and Callie and Arizona’s relationship. Meredith’s journey and Callie’s journey are two big journeys that we really want to look at this season as we’re telling these stories.” (For what it’s worth, Rhimes is confident that Meredith and Derek’s storyline won’t end in divorce.)


TVLine has learned exclusively that Connie Ray (The Big C, Providence) has been cast as the Kepner clan’s matriarch, Karen.



I swear to god! If I see one more episode description include the lines, "Callie and Arizona work on their relationship", "Callie and Arizona try to ignite the spark in theor relationship", Callie and Arizona make a decision about their relationship", I will bust a friggin' aneurysm!


Shit or get off the Calzona pot, Shonda!!!

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Mara: How are April and Jackson going to handle becoming parents on Grey's Anatomy?

Unfortunately we're going to have to wait a little bit to find out that answer. When we asked Sarah Drew that very same question, she told us that April and Jackson's storyline doesn't really pick up until "about episode 6." But expect lots of family drama when it does, since April's mama is coming to town!



Summary of the casting sides for episode 11.08


Filming Dates 10/10 - 10/23


Matty Shaw (18) and his parents Jim and Sandy — Matty has adhesions which need to be removed every year or so. The doctor wants to try a new procedure in order to avoid this continuing to be an annual event. Unfortunately, the new surgery causes some complications and the doctor explains that it’s going to be a rough night for Maddy. His mom Sandy asks about the morning and the doctor isn’t sure yet. There could be a need for more surgeries.


Maya Kane (38) and pregnant — A doctor briefs Maya on the planned, in vitro operation of her baby, who’s leg is think and the doctor will be going in with scissors. If she cuts the baby, and there’s too much blood she’ll have to stop the surgery. If she does this, the baby will lose her leg. The doctor explains that the benefits far outweigh the risks here as the doctor has performed this surgery multiple times.


Holly (20s) and her mother Claire — Holly has become terribly sick due to an infection initially caused by a dental procedure. The infection has spread into her heart and lungs and now her brain. A doctor explains that they’re going to make sure her heart is stable and then get to her brain. Holly starts to gasp and loses consciousness. Cue a massive argument on approach between two doctors, interrupted by Claire who demands that these two figure it out because her daughter doesn’t have time for them to fight. They need to do something. It appears that whatever they decide to do works, as Holly wakes up later, groggy and in pain, but alive.


Dr. Deborah Curzon (39) Sharp suit and briefcase — She’s the Associate Director of Research at Georgetown University. The Director asked her to chat with Dr. Fowler about you and your prosthetics program joining them at Georgetown. Dr. Fowler has already turned this opportunity down. Deborah explains that they all remember the shouting. Things were thrown. And that’s why she’s there. She was asked to come speak with Dr. Fowler personally. They’ve been trying to fill the position with someone else but have come up empty. She was told not to come back without Dr. Fowler. She’s got a dog who’s going to starve. What kind of dog? Springer Spaniel. Damn, that’s a good dog. Dr. Curzon explains that Georgetown can help Dr. Fowler take the prosthetic leg to the next level. The Director of the Board wants you for the program and he doesn’t take no for an answer. But he’s gonna have to — good luck.


Thank You calzonafan2014

Edited by PatrickSwi

Am I the only one filled with contempt when the series resorts to "centric" episodes? (As if last week's fiasco taught us nothing.) They've been doing this garbage since Season Six. Indicative of a tired writing room -- gimmick after gimmick. 




“Bend & Break” – In this Callie and Arizona centric episode, the couple takes a look into the problems that have contributed to their troubled marriage. At work, Callie immerses herself in the Veterans’ project, and Arizona struggles to impress Dr. Herman. Meanwhile, Richard leans on Bailey for advice, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Grey's is a network show that is at season eleven, a break in formula every so often is fine. Necessary, even. I thought it was a little early to be shining the spotlight on Maggie, but I enjoyed the episode nonetheless. I'm excited for this episode, if only because I think Arizona has been horribly underused for a while.

Preview/Teasers from SpoilerTV


via TVLine:


Question: Can you give us any scoop on Grey’s Anatomy? —Annie
Ausiello: As if losing the board seat to Bailey wasn’t bad enough, in Thursday’s episode, “Only Mama Knows,” Alex finds out just how badly betrayed he was by two colleagues he thought had his back. (And maybe even worse, why!)



via TVGuide:

Is Maggie really going to leave Grey's Anatomy? — Grace
It sure looks that way. In fact, Dr. Pierce even goes as far as handing in her resignation papers! While you might be surprised by Meredith's reaction, there's another unlikely ally who wants Maggie to stick around. Plus: Look for some new information about Ellis that could change her mind.



Grey's is a network show that is at season eleven, a break in formula every so often is fine. Necessary, even. I thought it was a little early to be shining the spotlight on Maggie, but I enjoyed the episode nonetheless. I'm excited for this episode, if only because I think Arizona has been horribly underused for a while.


The problem is that these centric episodes are not a break in formula anymore.  They are formula.  Chris Chulack did the same thing on ER when he took over as show runner in season 10, and it was an epic failure.  Hollywood is a prime example of needing to learn from the mistakes of those who came before them.

Am I the only one filled with contempt when the series resorts to "centric" episodes?


Ok, I take my previous answer back.  Yes, I am now filled with contempt.  Honestly, 3 out of the first 5 episodes will have been centric episodes and 2 of those are full of Maggie.  If they have to do centric episodes, they need to spread them out more.  So many storylines have been non-starters or completely half-assed due to these episodes and I agree, it stops the momentum.  Unless the momentum you care about is Maggie, which I don't.  And I wish they would have used one of the other bi-season Calzona episodes to have them break up or go to therapy.  Its too little too late at this point, and again, just shoves everything else back.


Honestly, if you insist on having 35 characters on the show, then fucking write for them.

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Also which patients do you think Owen,Maggie,Callie and Amelia treat in 1107 from the photos KMK tweeted? All three actors except Caterina are wearing yellow gowns,so it seems they must be treating ER - trauma patients or no? Can it be Bobby - the plumber accident? And Amelia is called for a neuro consult maybe? Isn´t there more to the Bobby side? Have any patient sides been added to 1107 sides?Thanks.


The date the photo was tweeted also fits the first date of shooting 1108,then can it be Holly and mother Claire? 2 doctors are arguing - I hope it is not Owen and Amelia. I pray these two won´t be put together starting like this, please someone say the rumours about them being coupled up are fake. My nightmare to be honest. Though it seems the argument may be between Maggie and Amelia,too.


Any thoughts???

Edited by owenhuntfan

Thanks, windsprints.


Regarding the press release for the next episode:-

“Don’t Let’s Start” – Owen becomes invested in a patient when he realizes she may have served in the military, April’s mother (Connie Ray) pays her daughter a visit and bonds with Jackson, and Derek plans a family dinner. Meanwhile, a patient’s diagnosis causes Bailey to reconsider her own health issues and Dr. Herman drops a bombshell on Arizona, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.


I wonder what the bombshell is?  Does anybody know how many episodes Geena Davis signed up for?  I wonder if she's leaving Seattle and asks Arizona to continue her Fellowship in another part of the country?  She did say that she'd sought out Arizona specifically for the Fellowship in episode 5 if I recall correctly.  Could Arizona / Jessica Capshaw be leaving?

After this week my money is on 'throw her out of the program.'


Oooh, I really hope not - talk about kicking a character when she's down!  Her best friend from childhood dies of cancer, she's in a plane crash and has her leg amputated, and her marriage breaks down.  And now her career is on a downward trajectory as well?  Poor Arizona!  We know from when Arizona first joined that she's supposed to be very ambitious, successful and career-orientated, yet we've seen little of that side of her character since the 'co-joined twins' episode a few series back.  I think (hope!), that she'll re-focus her energies on the Fellowship now and not allow herself to be distracted by relationship drama now that Callie has said it's over.  I'd love to see her get her professional persona back on track.


Regarding Geena Davis, I don't know how many eps she's in, but based on what she said (needing a 6th surgeon, trying to get her up to speed quickly) I thought it sounded like she was dying or going to have to leave the profession.


I hadn't thought of that.  Dr Herman also mentioned in that speech that Arizona was a board-member, and that she'd been hand-picked as a candidate.  It makes me wonder if Dr Herman is trying to buy influence on the Board or otherwise use Arizona's position for her own ends somehow.  

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Is Dr. Herman supposed to be a doctor normally at GS?  It's odd that it's never been mentioned that she existed.


Yeah, I think she's supposed to be.  It's something shows do to try to make characters believable.  Apparently show runners think the viewers are dumb and won't notice it.  Shonda did it with Rose in season 4.  Rose materialized out of nowhere in one of Derek's surgeries and we were later informed that she'd scrubbed in a number of his surgeries.  I don't recall it really fooling anyone then either.


Is Dr. Herman supposed to be a doctor normally at GS?  It's odd that it's never been mentioned that she existed.

It might be that her backstory/the explanation of where she came from just got left on the cutting room floor because they ran out of time.


I think that happens alot on this show, especially the episodes where every cast member is featured. SO mentioned in that S10 tribute piece they did on her that she didn't watch the show because often things they filmed didn't make it into the finished episodes.


Didn't Arizona come from somewhere else?  She replaced a guy who died in his patient's room.

It was mentioned in the documentary episode she did her fellowship at Seattle Grace. Webber said in her first episode to Bailey they could get anyone else because of the ranking. Arizona was an up and coming doctor.

  • Love 2
After this week my money is on 'throw her out of the program.'


Do we know how many episode Geena is on for? If Arizona is out of the program for any reason can she just go back to Peds since Alex is now the Peds attending? We already have Derek and Amelia fighting over neuro cases since Derek returned after giving up his spot. Having Arizona and Alex doing the same would be redundant so I hope Arizona stays put. It would also give another medical specialty for cases and let Alex shine in Peds and Arizona in Neonatal.

Edited by windsprints


Do we know how many episode Geena is on for? If Arizona is out of the program for any reason can she just go back to Peds since Alex is now the Peds attending? We already have Derek and Amelia fighting over neuro cases since Derek returned after giving up his spot. Having Arizona and Alex doing the same would be redundant so I hope Arizona stays put. It would also give another medical specialty for cases and let Alex shine in Peds and Arizona in Neonatal.

Is Arizona still the chief or is Alex? The difference is Alex just took an Attending job while Amelia took the Chief of Neosurgery position and now Derrick is the attending. This happened to Arizona when she came back from Africa so she has dealt with this situation before.

We already have Derek and Amelia fighting over neuro cases since Derek returned after giving up his spot. Having Arizona and Alex doing the same would be redundant so I hope Arizona stays put. It would also give another medical specialty for cases and let Alex shine in Peds and Arizona in Neonatal.

I think that's a good perspective, and one that really makes sense.  With the neonatal and paediatric specialties being related, it would also mean that Alex and Arizona could still work together on cases regularly which would be great as the actors have wonderful chemistry.  It's adding to the breadth of cases that can be used for patient storylines without losing anything with respect to Alex and Arizona's relationship.  I hope you're right!  I'm still really intrigued about Dr Herman's bombshell.



Is Arizona still the chief or is Alex?

I took from the prior episode that Arizona remains Alex's boss (he was following her instructions to do a procedure he wasn't comfortable with, so presumably she's still in charge), so I think she's still Head of Paediatrics (albeit with a lighter surgical workload now thanks to Alex), and doing the Fellowship as well.

Edited by pointybird
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Question: Is Grey’s Anatomy planning a big cliffhanger for the winter finale, similar to last December’s Jackson/April wedding brouhaha? —Jared


Ausiello: I hear the Nov. 20 episode will end with a cliffhanger, but whether or not it’s on par with the climax in the 2013 fall finale is probably subjective. (For example, Mer/Der fans will likely deem this year’s cliffhanger a bigger deal than last year’s.) Bonus Scoop: It was incorrect of me to use the singular form of cliffhanger in that first sentence. There are actual multiple cliffhangers in the Nov. 20 installment. And if you’re wondering how long you’ll be be biting your nails down to nubs, details on Grey’s Anatomy‘s 2015 premiere date can be found here.



I thought I saw some sides for episode 10, but they don't seem to have made it here yet.  I'll try to find them and post them, unless someone beats me to it.


Found the sides, all credit to calzonafan2014.tumblr.com:


Sides for Episode 11x10

Michael & Adrian (40s) — Adrian is having surgery. Her doctor (I believe it’s Meredith), clutches a copy of The Odyssey. It’s their version of wedding rings. Both were very shy, and Michael was afraid to ask Adrian out, so he wrote it in the book she bought from his store. It took her two years to read it, but then she called and they’ve been together ever since. Adrian asks Dr. Hall to swear on the book that she will do her best. Later, Adrian is intubated and in a coma. Michael sits by her side, book on his lap. He can’t leave and he can’t even read. He feels like she’s sailed away and he doesn’t know if she’ll be back. And he wants her to come back - you know?


Jenna (30s) — Dr. Conrad and Dr. Smith (definitely Callie and Owen) sit with her as she pitches the hell out of her company’s super cool medical tech device. “It’s sexy as hell and we at Cybersystems are dying to crawl into bed with you.” Later at a bar, Dr. Conrad squeezes in next to Jenna. Dr. Conrad nervously questions whether or not she was correct that Jenna was doing more than selling medical devices. Jenna definitely was. Dr. Conrad is relieved and tells her that Dr. Smith is great, just a little shy, and Dr. Conrad asks if he can buy her a drink. But Jenna wasn’t interested in him. Dr. Conrad is surprised. She’s flattered, but she’s not shopping right now — it’s complicated. Jenna tells her that if she wants to forget complicated for awhile, she flies out tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be anything more than one night.

Edited by North

I was dreading all the "Bailey evaluates her lifestyle" or whatever it was, and at first glance during Thursday's episode I was relieved.  But now the same dread is back...  I SO, SO hope that it's not leading back to an OCD storyline.  I cannot take any more of that over the top, horribly written story.

So, if Patrick is leaving "very soon," does that mean Ellen is going with him? Unless they kill Derek, I don't see how to have him leave without totally screwing the character - Derek would not leave Meredith and their children. I also wonder if Ellen is also leaving and Meredith goes with Derek - maybe that's the big cliffhanger, and the reason we have "new" Grey and new neurosurgeon?




Once Meredith and Derek go, I'm gone :)

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