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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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I know Meredith and Jackson have no familial relationship whatsoever but I see them as brother/sister-ish and think a hookup would be weird.



Jackson's stepsister is Meredith's sister.


Why can't anyone date a radiologist or any non-surgeon doctor?



Maggie dated a radiologist.


Nah Callie deserve and can do better than Jackson.



Maybe she can. Historically she hasn't. Jackson is hot and a decent guy. Nobody on this show is really better. 


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Bailey seems to be the only one who really had proper relationships with people outside of the surgical staff... Ben was an anaesthesiologist when him and Bailey first got together wasn't he? Then she dated Eli the nurse for a while, and she was originally married to Tuck who had nothing to do with the hospital.


Thanks, I forgot all about Eli. I also forgot Maggie went on a date with a radiologist.

April dated and was engaged to that ambulance driver a few seasons ago. He was recurring.


That's the kind of character I meant, thanks. In 11+ seasons I would have liked to have seen some more like that instead of bringing on cast. 

Edited by windsprints
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Nah Callie deserve and can do better than Jackson.

I strongly agree. Nothing hot about Jackson, but to each his/her own. He's not the best I've seen on this show and his taste is questionable, ugh.

Yeah, April can keep him if he doesn't have enough sense to run. 


Callie needs a mate who finally won't cheat on her. She's been cheated on by pretty much all of them except Hahn. But I can't even really count Hahn because when she left that pairing was just getting started, they weren't even really up off the ground yet.


I think this character at least deserves that at this point in her tenure.

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What I hate about Callie / Penny is that 


1) I don't like Penny

2) The story has nothing to do with Callie


Penny was used as a prop for Meredith / Amelia, and they needed a way to bring her in. Callie got a few great scenes out of it (at the dinner party, with Meredith later) but nothing really great in terms of story for Callie. I think her and Jackson could be great together. He's always treated April well, he's a great doctor... I think he deserves better than April. I used to not like the character at all, but I've found myself liking him more. I think because he's one of the most sane characters on the show, and we've actually seen him grow (Jesse Williams, too, has gotten a lot better as an actor.) But I just think him and Callie could be interesting. I just want big shakeups with our EXISTING characters. No thrid party. A good way to get to know more about both Callie and Jackson would be hooking them up. 

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The problem is that this show is seriously suffering from "Rachel and Ross syndrome", that is, they decide that two people are perfect for each other and can never have a proper relationship with other people. They can break up and date again, but it never lasts long and eventually they get back together. Or they don't, but it's always right there until one of them leaves the show. It happened to Alex/Izzie, Mark/Lexie, Owen/Cristina and I feel Callie/Arizona and Jackson/April are there as well. I don't think any of these characters will have a serious, meaningful relationship outside their "perfect couple" as long as they're on the show. 

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Jackson's stepsister is Meredith's sister.


yes, but there is blood relation and Meredith has known Jackson longer than Maggie has.  Not that it matter, I still don't see them ever getting together.  


What I hate about Callie / Penny is that 


1) I don't like Penny

2) The story has nothing to do with Callie


Penny was used as a prop for Meredith / Amelia, and they needed a way to bring her in. Callie got a few great scenes out of it (at the dinner party, with Meredith later) but nothing really great in terms of story for Callie. 


changing the subject a little bit.  I absolutely agree with you that Callie is merely a prop in the Meredith/Amelia/Penny storyline, but it is so much magnified because there is zero chemistry between Callie and Penny.  It's a shame for Callie/Sara R that the actress who plays Penny is completely dull because I think she could have made it more about Callie if the chemistry was there.  I still wonder if Penny is purposely dull so the audience doesn't root for her.  

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 I still wonder if Penny is purposely dull so the audience doesn't root for her.  


That wouldn't surprise me, though it makes me wonder why we have to be subjected to a character who seems to be hated by upwards of 95 percent of the audience. I haven't seen any of Samantha Sloyan's other work, but I've gotta believe she has some spark or personality, or she wouldn't continue to be a working actress in Hollywood.


I haven't decided whether I think Callie and Arizona are end game, but if that's the intent, they're slotted Penny into the same thankless spot as Rose, who came between Meredith and Derek. I intensely disliked Rose, but at least she had a semblance of a personality, albeit one I found grating, Penny just makes me want to throw things at my TV.

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That wouldn't surprise me, though it makes me wonder why we have to be subjected to a character who seems to be hated by upwards of 95 percent of the audience. I haven't seen any of Samantha Sloyan's other work, but I've gotta believe she has some spark or personality, or she wouldn't continue to be a working actress in Hollywood.


I haven't decided whether I think Callie and Arizona are end game, but if that's the intent, they're slotted Penny into the same thankless spot as Rose, who came between Meredith and Derek. I intensely disliked Rose, but at least she had a semblance of a personality, albeit one I found grating, Penny just makes me want to throw things at my TV.


There's is sort of a difference though. Rose was introduced specifically, as you said, to be a foil for Meredith / Derek. But Penny came in because of Meredith's storyline, not Callie and Arizona's. They've rarely even interacted, so I wouldn't say she's coming between them. I really thought they'd work their way together by the end of last season, but given their lack of material together I'm starting to think they may not end up together. Maybe I just hope they won't, because I'd rather see them both happy with other people. 

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I guess you're right, but they had to contort things so that Penny could end up at the dinner party. So that's probably why she hooked up with Callie. I agree that Callie and Arizona would be better with new partners (as long as one isn't Penny).


It's interesting, but other than Callie, the women they've had Arizona hook up with have been unpleasant IMO. Dr. Boswell came in like a homewrecker, and Leah Murphy was just a nutcase. Though I guess I could say the same about Callie, since her non-Arizona female romantic interests have included Erika, another widely disliked character, and now Penny.

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So, on the speculation end of things:


What the heck do you guys think is going to happen in the Denzel episode? So far we know that: 1) Meredith is in every scene. 2) They did some type of prosthetic work involving a mold of Ellen's face. 3) There's BTS footage of Denzel directing a scene where Ellen is in a wheelchair, and it sounds like her speech may be impaired. 


Is it an accident? A breakdown? An AU episode? I thought the winter finale would direct us into something, but it seems like maybe it'll be a bottle episode. I think if they asked Denzel, it has to be something big. 

Edited by BaseOps
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So, on the speculation end of things:


What the heck do you guys think is going to happen in the Denzel episode? So far we know that: 1) Meredith is in every scene. 2) They did some type of prosthetic work involving a mold of Ellen's face. 3) There's BTS footage of Denzel directing a scene where Ellen is in a wheelchair, and it sounds like her speech may be impaired. 


Is it an accident? A breakdown? An AU episode? I thought the winter finale would direct us into something, but it seems like maybe it'll be a bottle episode. I think if they asked Denzel, it has to be something big. 

I personally have no idea, zero.


I think maybe an AU when Meredith is suffering from Alzheimers maybe. Or she is hurt in fire and it burns her face so she needs a skin transplant on her face. Pompeo is starstruck by Denzel Washington -  who I do not admire. Maybe she overhypes the whole thing  - at least in my eyes.


From EW:


Biggest highlight of 2015

ELLEN POMPEO: Denzel Washington directing Episode 1209, without a question. [He’s] amazing. Let’s just say I’m a huge fan. It’s a total dream come true.


Edited by Nobodysfan
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Congrats to Jessica Capshaw!  According to her instagram, she's pregnant with baby #4.  Extremely doubtful they'd write her pregnancy into the show, so looks like Arizona will be missing for at least a few episodes in the back half.  Although given her light screen time in 12A, will viewers even notice a difference ;)

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Congrats to Jessica Capshaw!  According to her instagram, she's pregnant with baby #4.  Extremely doubtful they'd write her pregnancy into the show, so looks like Arizona will be missing for at least a few episodes in the back half.  Although given her light screen time in 12A, will viewers even notice a difference ;)



Congrats to her!  They could also pre-film some of her scenes.  They did this when Ellen Pompeo was pregnant so that she didn't miss any episodes (of course, she was in a hospital bed after donating a kidney for those scenes....)

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Congrats to Capshaw. I wish Arizona had been given a bit more to do in the early half of the season seeing as she'll likely be MIA for a while in the back half. I really don't know where Shonda is heading with her character this year. 

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Technically, the last 2 times she was pregnant, she actually got a bigger story line. The S7 mess, and then the plane crash/leg amputation mess. She looks 4 or 5 months along, so barring anything happening with her or the baby, she should be there all season.

Congrats to her and her family.

Edited by CED9
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Technically, the last 2 times she was pregnant, she actually got a bigger story line. The S7 mess, and then the plane crash/leg amputation mess. She looks 4 or 5 months along, so barring anything happening with her or the baby, she should be there all season.

Congrats to her and her family.

Bigger is relative.  Bigger than what she usually got, but they never really wrote anything where Arizona was the specific focal point.


Also, neither of those storylines did wonders for her character.


I just think because of this announcement there might not be much going on with Arizona this season so as not to have to change storylines.  I hope I'm wrong because it wouldn't be fair to JCap.

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Not much in terms of actual new info here, but it's from EW's SpoilerRoom


Desperate to know what’s coming up for Meredith on Grey’s Anatomy! — Danai
Because it’s the holidays, I went straight to the top to get this for you. “It’s been really fun getting to explore Meredith and where she’s going and who she’s becoming,” executive producer Shonda Rhimes says. “That evolution continues. We’ve been having a blast. The first episode that comes back is extraordinary and very, very powerful, and directed by Denzel Washington. It certainly puts us on a path for the beginning of the second half of the season.”

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I have to say that the lack of ANY kind of info or spoilers or sides, is really irritating. No offense to him, but why should I care if Denzel Washington is directing an episode?  Maybe if he was acting in it, or it was Quentin Tarantino or another director with a very specific style or point of view I would care.  But just telling me that Denzel is directing, doesn't do much for me as far as the show goes.  I mean, its still the same writers, right?


I read something about episode 9 awhile ago, but I can't seem to find it now to link it.  Anyway, the article said that we will find out what happens as far as Alex's proposal and also what happens with April and Jackson in episode 9, but that Ellen Pompeo is in every scene.  Which leads me to guess that Jo says no and Alex is commiserating with Meredith about it and that maybe there is a tiny time jump (of a day or so) and somehow Jackson and April get brought up.  In other words, we get ripped off as far as any real reactions from the characters in their particular storylines themselves so that Meredith can possibly get injured again, either in real time or in some type of AU or dream state. 


Unless I get more or conflicting information about it, I really think that this is a stupid way to come back after a 2 month break, a very, very brief return of 8 episodes, not to mention the godawful mess that was the majority of season 11.  I just don't think that Denzel and an entire episode of this version of Meredith, is much of a reward for the incredible patience of fans who have stuck around until this point.  JMO.

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I'm really excited for the episode, to be honest. I haven't had a problem with Meredith this season like so many people seem to, and I'm eager to see more things from her perspective and to get more focus on her journey. As for the resolution to Jackson / April and Alex / Jo, I get what you mean about not getting the instant reactions but I guess I just don't really care in these instances. I'm sort of used to it with this show (they've certainly glossed over a lot of other stuff before.) Plus, we still have around 15 episodes to go, so there's plenty of time for those stories to unfold. 


And the one thing getting Denzel to direct means is that it's a big episode. They wouldn't have reached out to him for just any old episode, at least not to start. So I'm excited to see what it is about episode 9 that they thought was special enough to ask Denzel. 


I have to say I'm actually sort of happy there's a lack of spoilers lately. Maybe it's part of what has been keeping S12 fresh for me, although I would love some hint at what's coming in the back-half of the season. I think one great thing about this mid-season finale is that (for better or worse) it set up a lot.

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I can't help but to be intrigued about what is going to happen in 12x09, but i have a feeling its being massively overhyped (not by anyone here, just in general).  I think it's awesome they got Denzel to direct (any episode) but based on Ellen Pompeo's radio interview a few weeks back it seems like he is there because he is close friends with Debbie Allen not for any specific ties to the episode.   


Deanie87- if you can find that article i'd love to see it.  I find it hard to believe they are going to resolve either of the Jolex or Japril cliffhangers while managing to get Ellen/Meredith in every scene.   I for one am not going to be very happy if we find out the answer to Alex's proposal via Alex telling Meredith no matter if it is a yes or a no.  


Back to the speculation part- I think that Ellen is going to be playing two parts (Meredith and an injured patient), hence the need for the mask and the demanding schedule of her being in every scene.  I am basically never right with my speculations so take this with a grain of salt. :)


Oh and congrats to Jessica Capshaw!   Im guessing she is due in April/May so her maternity leave probably won't have too much of an impact on Arizona's screentime (which is minimal as is) though I would guess this means no reconciliation for Calzona this season.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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I can't help but to be intrigued about what is going to happen in 12x09, but i have a feeling its being massively overhyped (not by anyone here, just in general).  I think it's awesome they got Denzel to direct (any episode) but based on Ellen Pompeo's radio interview a few weeks back it seems like he is there because he is close friends with Debbie Allen not for any specific ties to the episode.   


Deanie87- if you can find that article i'd love to see it.  I find it hard to believe they are going to resolve either of the Jolex or Japril cliffhangers while managing to get Ellen/Meredith in every scene.   I for one am not going to be very happy if we find out the answer to Alex's proposal via Alex telling Meredith no matter if it is a yes or a no.  


Back to the speculation part- I think that Ellen is going to be playing two parts (Meredith and an injured patient), hence the need for the mask and the demanding schedule of her being in every scene.  I am basically never right with my speculations so take this with a grain of salt. :)


Oh and congrats to Jessica Capshaw!   Im guessing she is due in April/May so her maternity leave probably won't have too much of an impact on Arizona's screentime (which is minimal as is) though I would guess this means no reconciliation for Calzona this season.  


That's a pretty interesting idea that I've never thought of. I'm not necessarily expecting an INSANE episode, but definitely a somewhat special one. 

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I found it!  I have no clue how reliable this source is given its name, but it seems like it is getting its information from other places.  Looking at it again, I see that it addresses other characters, not Jackson and April.

Back to the speculation part- I think that Ellen is going to be playing two parts (Meredith and an injured patient), hence the need for the mask and the demanding schedule of her being in every scene.  I am basically never right with my speculations so take this with a grain of salt. :)



Do you mean that maybe she sees someone who resembles her and then goes into some kind of AU or dream sequence?  I would be on board with that as long as it isn't her having another near death experience.  What I would really like is some kind of Christmas Carol/Its a Wonderful Life type deal where Meredith realizes that she is pushing away the very people who can help her and it opens her eyes to the feelings of other people (and I don't mean Penny, I just don't give a shit about her.)  Its a month too late for the Christmas scenario, but I would love to see some kind of epiphany and then a change in her. It would be even better if we see that there is a reason for the way that she has been acting since the beginning of season 11.  Maybe she is hostile to Jo because she fears losing Alex like she did Cristina. Maybe she never acknowledged Jackson and April's baby because it brought back sad memories (that's a reach but still.)  She is the central character but seems so far removed from many of the other storylines, and barely has scenes with at least of a quarter of the cast.


I'm really excited for the episode, to be honest. I haven't had a problem with Meredith this season like so many people seem to, and I'm eager to see more things from her perspective and to get more focus on her journey. 



I think that I would be more interested in Meredith's journey if it didn't amount to either rising above through Penny, a character who nobody cares about, or simply being awful to nearly everyone around her because she has experienced tragedy, although her personality shift actually began even before Derek died.  There are many other aspects of her journey that haven't been explored that I would be more interested in seeing.  I'm glad that you are looking forward to it, and maybe I will as we get closer and find out more about it.  It sounds like maybe some other characters will get some forward movement too, so that helps.

Edited by Deanie87
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I found it!  I have no clue how reliable this source is given its name, but it seems like it is getting its information from other places.  Looking at it again, I see that it addresses other characters, not Jackson and April.



Do you mean that maybe she sees someone who resembles her and then goes into some kind of AU or dream sequence?  I would be on board with that as long as it isn't her having another near death experience.  What I would really like is some kind of Christmas Carol/Its a Wonderful Life type deal where Meredith realizes that she is pushing away the very people who can help her and it opens her eyes to the feelings of other people (and I don't mean Penny, I just don't give a shit about her.)  Its a month too late for the Christmas scenario, but I would love to see some kind of epiphany and then a change in her. It would be even better if we see that there is a reason for the way that she has been acting since the beginning of season 11.  Maybe she is hostile to Jo because she fears losing Alex like she did Cristina. Maybe she never acknowledged Jackson and April's baby because it brought back sad memories (that's a reach but still.)  She is the central character but seems so far removed from many of the other storylines, and barely has scenes with at least of a quarter of the cast.


Is that really something people hold against Meredith? I don't think I've heard that before. I get that she certainly has an attitude especially towards certain characters, but I feel like saying that she didn't acknowledge what happened to their baby (and by insinuation that she didn't care) seems like a bit of a stretch. We certainly don't see every interaction that happens between these characters, and we never get scenes with Meredith / Jackson or Meredith / April, so I wouldn't really expect her to talk to them about it. She was never part of that storyline at all.

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Is that really something people hold against Meredith? I don't think I've heard that before. I get that she certainly has an attitude especially towards certain characters, but I feel like saying that she didn't acknowledge what happened to their baby (and by insinuation that she didn't care) seems like a bit of a stretch. We certainly don't see every interaction that happens between these characters, and we never get scenes with Meredith / Jackson or Meredith / April, so I wouldn't really expect her to talk to them about it. She was never part of that storyline at all.


Well that particular incident stands out to me because it really highlighted how much she has changed.  Nearly every other character went into the church to light a candle, and most of them didn't have anything to do with the storyline either.  Meredith, on the other hand, burst into the chapel and interrupted Bailey because she was so insistent on leaving to have sex with Derek (or go hang out in a hotel room alone). She didn't even acknowledge why Bailey was in the chapel.  Maybe she sent a card or flowers, but we have no reason to believe she did because it was never mentioned.  I can only go by what was onscreen or was mentioned in passing.  Other characters had other things going on in that episode but they were specifically shown doing something out of respect and Meredith wasn't, and in fact she was shown disregarding Bailey's attempt at showing respect as well.  The Meredith that has been shown from the beginning of season 11 until now is almost unrecognizable to me as the same character.  I have been watching some of the Lifetime repeats and I can't imagine the Meredith of even season 7-8 acting like that.  Whatever warmth and compassion that she used to have has been missing for awhile, IMO.

Edited by Deanie87
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Well that particular incident stands out to me because it really highlighted how much she has changed.  Nearly every other character went into the church to light a candle, and most of them didn't have anything to do with the storyline either.  Meredith, on the other hand, burst into the chapel and interrupted Bailey because she was so insistent on leaving to have sex with Derek (or go hang out in a hotel room alone). She didn't even acknowledge why Bailey was in the chapel.  Maybe she sent a card or flowers, but we have no reason to believe she did because it was never mentioned.  I can only go by what was onscreen or was mentioned in passing.  Other characters had other things going on in that episode but they were specifically shown doing something out of respect and Meredith wasn't, and in fact she was shown disregarding Bailey's attempt at showing respect as well.  The Meredith that has been shown from the beginning of season 11 until now is almost unrecognizable to me as the same character.  I have been watching some of the Lifetime repeats and I can't imagine the Meredith of even season 7-8 acting like that.  Whatever warmth and compassion that she used to have has been missing for awhile, IMO.


I forgot about them showing all of the characters lighting candles. Did we see every other regular in the chapel? I get what you mean I guess, but I don't think that equals Meredith being some uncaring monster. I think it falls more on the fact that there are so many characters on the show, we can't possibly see them all interact. Jackson acted like nothing happened after Lexie died. I don't think he didn't care, I think the writers were lazy and just didn't bother to connect all of the dots. They dated off an on for so long, and I don't even remember him acknowledging her death (I may be wrong.) Certainly there are other examples where I see Meredith as being particularly cold or rude, but to an extent that's always been like her. I do hope we see more sides of Meredith, especially as a friend and as a mom. 

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Jackson acted like nothing happened after Lexie died

Its been a long time but from what I can recall we never saw most of the characters react to Lexie's death. There was a time jump then flashbacks to tell what happened but did anyone react once in Seattle? There was no service or much mention at all. The only reaction from Meredith that I remember is "my sister is dead" to Christina a few episodes later.  The difference with Meredith not reacting to Jackson & April's baby is that we saw her there as the story was happening, even interrupting Bailey lighting a candle for the baby, and she ignored it. I never found it out of character.  When Mark died she sat in the bar facetiming with Christina while her husband pulled the plug on his best friend then went home and cared for their child. If its not directly about Meredith or Christina then Meredith doesn't have all that much compassion.


I am going to be annoyed if the follow up to the Jolex cliffhanger is told by Alex talking to Meredith. Jolex doesn't get much screentime and it will once again ruined by Meredith. I get she's the damn sun and all but they could have done her in every scene episode after letting the other characters also get their stories setup for the second half of the season. 


I love Denzel as an actor but honestly I can't say I care who is directing an episode. 

Possible Jolex/Izzie drama?

Well we know there's no way Katherine would be returning so I guess Izzie could die offscreen or something.

Edited by maasa
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Well we know there's no way Katherine would be returning so I guess Izzie could die offscreen or something.



I don't think is Grey's Anatomy. But I guess fertilized eggs is a possibility. And, yes, no way in hell it’s Katherine Heigl (I never liked Izzie anyway).


Thanks for the answer.

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Its been a long time but from what I can recall we never saw most of the characters react to Lexie's death. There was a time jump then flashbacks to tell what happened but did anyone react once in Seattle? There was no service or much mention at all. The only reaction from Meredith that I remember is "my sister is dead" to Christina a few episodes later.  The difference with Meredith not reacting to Jackson & April's baby is that we saw her there as the story was happening, even interrupting Bailey lighting a candle for the baby, and she ignored it. I never found it out of character.  When Mark died she sat in the bar facetiming with Christina while her husband pulled the plug on his best friend then went home and cared for their child. If its not directly about Meredith or Christina then Meredith doesn't have all that much compassion.


I am going to be annoyed if the follow up to the Jolex cliffhanger is told by Alex talking to Meredith. Jolex doesn't get much screentime and it will once again ruined by Meredith. I get she's the damn sun and all but they could have done her in every scene episode after letting the other characters also get their stories setup for the second half of the season. 


I guess I still just attribute it to the cast bloat and lazy writing. They were giving Meredith a "funny" story for the episode, so they kept her stuff light. I don't really see why she'd ask Bailey why she was in the chapel... some people just pray. It's weird that she'd walk in and interrupt at all, but again that's the writing (which in season 11 was particularly lazy, cheesy, and just bad.) But I agree that Meredith doesn't always show compassion. I think a huge part of her character is that aside from her inner circle, she pushes people away and tries not to get too attached, which I think makes sense given her history. I'm not a big fan of Jo, but I'm glad that they've addressed how Meredith has been treating her. I've always liked that they don't try to portray Meredith as perfect just because she's the lead. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I can't help but to be intrigued about what is going to happen in 12x09, but i have a feeling its being massively overhyped (not by anyone here, just in general).  I think it's awesome they got Denzel to direct (any episode) but based on Ellen Pompeo's radio interview a few weeks back it seems like he is there because he is close friends with Debbie Allen not for any specific ties to the episode.   


Deanie87- if you can find that article i'd love to see it.  I find it hard to believe they are going to resolve either of the Jolex or Japril cliffhangers while managing to get Ellen/Meredith in every scene.   I for one am not going to be very happy if we find out the answer to Alex's proposal via Alex telling Meredith no matter if it is a yes or a no.  


Back to the speculation part- I think that Ellen is going to be playing two parts (Meredith and an injured patient), hence the need for the mask and the demanding schedule of her being in every scene.  I am basically never right with my speculations so take this with a grain of salt. :)


Oh and congrats to Jessica Capshaw!   Im guessing she is due in April/May so her maternity leave probably won't have too much of an impact on Arizona's screentime (which is minimal as is) though I would guess this means no reconciliation for Calzona this season.  

This did not occur to me at all, very very possible - Meredith playing two parts. I think you hit the nail on the head.


As for Denzel, for me personally, this episode is over-hyped with him directing, Ellen, Shonda and cast are starstruck by him  I believe.


I honestly do not care for Washington directing, or even if he were acting, he does nothing for me. I only liked his performance in Philadelphia. He is for me one of the actors like Tom Hanks who I have also only liked in one role in the same movie as Washington.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I have to say that the lack of ANY kind of info or spoilers or sides, is really irritating. No offense to him, but why should I care if Denzel Washington is directing an episode?  Maybe if he was acting in it, or it was Quentin Tarantino or another director with a very specific style or point of view I would care.  But just telling me that Denzel is directing, doesn't do much for me as far as the show goes.  I mean, its still the same writers, right?


I read something about episode 9 awhile ago, but I can't seem to find it now to link it.  Anyway, the article said that we will find out what happens as far as Alex's proposal and also what happens with April and Jackson in episode 9, but that Ellen Pompeo is in every scene.  Which leads me to guess that Jo says no and Alex is commiserating with Meredith about it and that maybe there is a tiny time jump (of a day or so) and somehow Jackson and April get brought up.  In other words, we get ripped off as far as any real reactions from the characters in their particular storylines themselves so that Meredith can possibly get injured again, either in real time or in some type of AU or dream state. 


Unless I get more or conflicting information about it, I really think that this is a stupid way to come back after a 2 month break, a very, very brief return of 8 episodes, not to mention the godawful mess that was the majority of season 11.  I just don't think that Denzel and an entire episode of this version of Meredith, is much of a reward for the incredible patience of fans who have stuck around until this point.  JMO.

Very true indeed,at least for me. 


It is like they - Rhimes and Pompeo are saying Washington is directing and gushing over him, so the episode will be different in quality from the others???!!!! Why?  

It comes across like that to me in their interviews, how must the other directors on the show feel??? Like the veteran Rob Corn who has been there since S1 Epi 1 - and he has produced some high quality episodes bringing out the best in actors even with a poor script ,so now Washington is directing oh my gush,so we will all get crazy about it,right? I definitely  will not.


Much ado about nothing.  JMO

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I don't really see why'd she'd ask Bailey why she was in the chapel... some people just pray.


Didn't Amelia come up with the idea to light candles and tell everyone? If word got all around for all the others to go light the candles my guess is that Meredith knew why everyone was going to the chapel. I really don't agree that its lazy writing because that kind of thing has been consistent with her character for years. Its moreso in the latest seasons but its a trait that's been there much longer. She's someone who didn't even acknowledge her husband telling her his dad was murdered, she's just not all that empathetic. I've always thought she had more compassion towards people she didn't know very well, such as patients.


I hope Deanie is right and its something like a Meredith doppelganger who is injured. I could see them having everyone think its Meredith as they were treating her then learning it wasn't her by bloodwork or something. Or, by Meredith walking in while the doctors & audience still think its she that is injured. I'd think I'd find that more interesting than yet another Meredith-in-peril story where she's completely fine & unchanged by her experience in the following episode. LOL as long as the doppelganger isn't a popup twin sister.


I'm hoping Alex & Jo will get a scene together even if its "Meredith in every scene". She could walk in as they are talking and still be in the scene so I'm hoping we will get to see followup with them directly. It will suck for me if its Alex telling Meredith.




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Very true indeed,at least for me. 


It is like they - Rhimes and Pompeo are saying Washington is directing and gushing over him, so the episode will be different in quality from the others???!!!! Why?  

It comes across like that to me in their interviews, how must the other directors on the show feel??? Like the veteran Rob Corn who has been there since S1 Epi 1 - and he has produced some high quality episodes bringing out the best in actors even with a poor script ,so now Washington is directing oh my gush,so we will all get crazy about it,right? I definitely  will not.


Much ado about nothing.  JMO


Any show would be making a big deal of hazing Denzel direct. We know that Ellen, in particular, is a big fan. I don't think it shows any disrespect to other directors at all. Every actor works with several directors and getting the chance to work with someone new, who they are fans of, who is a huge Hollywood name, is fine to celebrate. I think it's great to see Ellen & everyone else so excited about working on this show in S12. Other actors have gushed about it too - check their Instagram's and Twitter accounts. Joe Adler even mentioned how crazy and exciting it was in an interview, and he's just a guest star. Of course you're a fan of nobody, but many people look up to Denzel. He's an Acadamy Award Winner with some incredible movies under his belt. They'd be silly not to be excited and talking about it. 

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I don' think it is weird there are no spoilers out yet about the next episode.  None of the TGIT shows have released any spoiler information for their Spring half-season. 


I also find it very understandable they are hyped personally about  Denzel Washington.   If you think about it, this is the only opportunity any of them would probably get to work with him in a professional capacity.  That is some real mega-star power directing  them in their weekly episodic tv show. The episode itself may very well be just another regular GA episode but that doesn't negate that it might feel more special to them because of who they get to work with on it.  I mean imagine if someone like Spielberg decided to direct an episode?  This feels more like professional giddiness than anything else and I confess I'd feel that way too if I were them.

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It is like they - Rhimes and Pompeo are saying Washington is directing and gushing over him, so the episode will be different in quality from the others???!!!! Why? 

It comes across like that to me in their interviews, how must the other directors on the show feel???

Some of those directors that you're speaking on behalf of may be star struck as well.


Because the "gushing" has nothing to do with how great he is/was as a director, because correct me if I'm wrong, hasn't it already been stated that this is first at bat when it comes to directing? So everyone knows he's a novice at directing, although I'm sure he hit it out of the ball park.


Bottom line, the gushing is all about it just being Denzel Washington.


And while he may not register as much of anything to you in the field of entertainment, again to each their own, he is all that then some to many others.


For my taste, I see him as a great actor and quite charming when not in character. He never comes off as full of himself and he's a family man, who's been married to the same woman for decades. Yeah, he's got a lot of check marks, in a lot of columns for me.


So, I get all the hype and gushing over his presence on that set.  

Edited by represent
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I forgot about them showing all of the characters lighting candles. Did we see every other regular in the chapel? I get what you mean I guess, but I don't think that equals Meredith being some uncaring monster.


I don't think it makes her an uncaring monster either, and I agree that characters' reactions have been glossed over, but in this particular episode they made a point of showing many characters responding with compassion and Meredith...decidedly not.  I don't recall if every character went to the chapel, but I do remember Alex and Owen, Jo and Stephanie, Arizona, Bailey and Amelia, maybe more.  That is quite a few that didn't have anything to do with Jackson and April's storyline. This particular situation stood out to me precisely because Meredith's actions seemed so cold and so far removed from everything that was happening with everyone else and so far from who she had been presented as previously.  The writers seemed to go out of their way to contrast Meredith's behavior with nearly everyone else's.  So it didn't seem like just one more thing to be chalked up to too many characters.  It seemed deliberate.


I don't think the blind item is about Alex and Izzie's eggs, although that would be interesting.  But if you break it down, the hints don't really work in that direction.


I totally understand that the cast and crew are excited for Denzel to direct an episode and maybe if I was on set, I would be excited too.  But I'm not on set, and the show has been off of the air for roughly 5 of the past 7 months and my favorite characters were on screen for maybe 20 minutes of the entire prior season total. So, Denzel directing an episode that has been described as all about Meredith doesn't excite me much, regardless of how good an actor he is or how good of a "get" he is for Shondaland.

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I also find it very understandable they are hyped personally about Denzel Washington. If you think about it, this is the only opportunity any of them would probably get to work with him in a professional capacity. That is some real mega-star power directing them in their weekly episodic tv show. The episode itself may very well be just another regular GA episode but that doesn't negate that it might feel more special to them because of who they get to work with on it. I mean imagine if someone like Spielberg decided to direct an episode? This feels more like professional giddiness than anything else and I confess I'd feel that way too if I were them.

This made me giggle, since Spielberg is JCap's stepfather. I wonder if he's ever visited her at work?

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I don't think it makes her an uncaring monster either, and I agree that characters' reactions have been glossed over, but in this particular episode they made a point of showing many characters responding with compassion and Meredith...decidedly not.  I don't recall if every character went to the chapel, but I do remember Alex and Owen, Jo and Stephanie, Arizona, Bailey and Amelia, maybe more.  That is quite a few that didn't have anything to do with Jackson and April's storyline. This particular situation stood out to me precisely because Meredith's actions seemed so cold and so far removed from everything that was happening with everyone else and so far from who she had been presented as previously.  The writers seemed to go out of their way to contrast Meredith's behavior with nearly everyone else's.  So it didn't seem like just one more thing to be chalked up to too many characters.  It seemed deliberate.

It also seemed very deliberate to me as well. They took the time to show every other character acknowledging their situation but her. It wasn't just the absence of her showing any care at all, but her actively being disrespectful by following Bailey into the chapel and interrupting her mid prayer. She could have waited literally a minute and spoken to Bailey when she was done. 


The other thing is although they haven't had scenes together in awhile, Meredith definitely has a relationship with April and Jackson that we've seen being built over five seasons. April sat with her when Derek was being operated on after the shooting, she was with her during her miscarriage, Meredith welcomed them into her group after the shooting, lived with them, they both stood outside the room to show support when Zola was taken away, studied for the boards with them, Meredith reprimanded Jackson for taking April's virginity, talked to April during their first pregnancy scare, was a bridesmaid at April's almost wedding, etc. Characters with barely any connection to them at the time like Ben and Jo showed concern.


I'm not saying all this to put down Meredith, only to say I think it was a deliberate decision to show the change in Meredith they had been building with all the comparisons to her mother.

Edited by Marni
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Any show would be making a big deal of hazing Denzel direct. We know that Ellen, in particular, is a big fan. I don't think it shows any disrespect to other directors at all. Every actor works with several directors and getting the chance to work with someone new, who they are fans of, who is a huge Hollywood name, is fine to celebrate. I think it's great to see Ellen & everyone else so excited about working on this show in S12. Other actors have gushed about it too - check their Instagram's and Twitter accounts. Joe Adler even mentioned how crazy and exciting it was in an interview, and he's just a guest star. Of course you're a fan of nobody, but many people look up to Denzel. He's an Acadamy Award Winner with some incredible movies under his belt. They'd be silly not to be excited and talking about it. 

Yes, I am Nobodysfan on THIS show. I have plenty of actors and directors outside of Greys I look up to but Washington is not one of them. End of story for me.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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Some of those directors that you're speaking on behalf of may be star struck as well.


Because the "gushing" has nothing to do with how great he is/was as a director, because correct me if I'm wrong, hasn't it already been stated that this is first at bat when it comes to directing? So everyone knows he's a novice at directing, although I'm sure he hit it out of the ball park.


Bottom line, the gushing is all about it just being Denzel Washington.


And while he may not register as much of anything to you in the field of entertainment, again to each their own, he is all that then some to many others.


For my taste, I see him as a great actor and quite charming when not in character. He never comes off as full of himself and he's a family man, who's been married to the same woman for decades. Yeah, he's got a lot of check marks, in a lot of columns for me.


So, I get all the hype and gushing over his presence on that set.  

Yes, I have a different taste. I do not find his acting appealing,I do not see him directing would be exciting, yes, Academy winner bla,bla,bla we know how that goes, many have deserved that award, it is not always the best one who wins it is my take on it.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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It also seemed very deliberate to me as well. They took the time to show every other character acknowledging their situation but her. It wasn't just the absence of her showing any care at all, but her actively being disrespectful by following Bailey into the chapel and interrupting her mid prayer. She could have waited literally a minute and spoken to Bailey when she was done. 


The other thing is although they haven't had scenes together in awhile, Meredith definitely has a relationship with April and Jackson that we've seen being built over five seasons. April sat with her when Derek was being operated on after the shooting, she was with her during her miscarriage, Meredith welcomed them into her group after the shooting, lived with them, they both stood outside the room to show support when Zola was taken away, studied for the boards with them, Meredith reprimanded Jackson for taking April's virginity, talked to April during their first pregnancy scare, was a bridesmaid at April's almost wedding, etc. Characters with barely any connection to them at the time like Ben and Jo showed concern.


I'm not saying all this to put down Meredith, only to say I think it was a deliberate decision to show the change in Meredith they had been building with all the comparisons to her mother.


I also wonder if it has to do with the tone of the other Shondaland shows.  I don't watch Scandal, but I do sometimes catch HTGAWM, and Viola Davis's character is morally gray, to say the least, if not an outright villian sometimes.  From what I understand, Olivia Pope can be seen as not such a moral character either.  So with all of the attention that those shows get and with the "Greatest Era of TV" emphasis on the anti-hero (Tony Soprano, Walter White, every person on The Wire), I do wonder if there wasn't a deliberate effort on someone's part (Shonda, Ellen) to make Meredith more of the anti-hero type, like Annalise and Olivia, and in her own way, Cristina. Basically, the characters that get the most attention.  The problem is, we are 11 years into Grey's and that just isn't who Meredith is, at least not to the extent that she has been written in the last couple of years, and I personally don't believe that losing your person and your husband would make someone change to that degree, especially when she still has so many blessings to count.  My hope is that the writers are aware of this shift and that at some point (and soon) Meredith will come to realize it as well and then do something about it.

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I also wonder if it has to do with the tone of the other Shondaland shows.  I don't watch Scandal, but I do sometimes catch HTGAWM, and Viola Davis's character is morally gray, to say the least, if not an outright villian sometimes.  From what I understand, Olivia Pope can be seen as not such a moral character either.  So with all of the attention that those shows get and with the "Greatest Era of TV" emphasis on the anti-hero (Tony Soprano, Walter White, every person on The Wire), I do wonder if there wasn't a deliberate effort on someone's part (Shonda, Ellen) to make Meredith more of the anti-hero type, like Annalise and Olivia, and in her own way, Cristina. Basically, the characters that get the most attention.  The problem is, we are 11 years into Grey's and that just isn't who Meredith is, at least not to the extent that she has been written in the last couple of years, and I personally don't believe that losing your person and your husband would make someone change to that degree, especially when she still has so many blessings to count.  My hope is that the writers are aware of this shift and that at some point (and soon) Meredith will come to realize it as well and then do something about it.


That's an interesting perspective. Certainly Annalise is a much darker, harder to love character (though I always find myself rooting for her.) People have always said the same about Meredith, though. She's always been standoffish, dark, pushing people away - she pushed Derek away for years. But I do agree that it has perhaps intensified over the past little while... I guess I just haven't had trouble seeing the justification. I look at where she started: over the course of a decade she's lost her mother, her husband, her step-sister, several friends, and the list goes on (often in horrific ways.) She let people in despite her best efforts and got hurt over and over and over. This show is over-the-top, for sure, but if we're trying to apply realistic traits to these characters, I can't fathom someone going through the repeated trauma and loss that Meredith has and remaining open and jolly. I definitely see how the way she acts could be a turn off for some viewers, but I don't mind. My hope is that when the series ends, she finds some happiness and peace and isn't as cold and detached as Ellis was. But part of that will always be part of her character. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I was thinking what if they pair Hunt and Meredith and Shepherd with Nathan?


It would piss off two major fanbases Crowen (what is left of them)and MerDer fans to the point of no return I would personally think.

If Owen and Meredith are paired romantically what a betrayal it would be to Cristina???!!! From both of them: Also to the late Derek?


I believe Rhimes does everything on purpose to piss off fans - shippers  in every possible way. Maybe that is why Amelia has not been made pregnant yet by Hunt and being with Meredith Owen would get the kids he supposedly wants -  3 at once.


I think Rhimes has already done it in PP- paired Sam with Addison who was Naomi´s best friend and Sam was once Naomi´s husband. And copying is Rhimes´s mojo.

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Well that particular incident stands out to me because it really highlighted how much she has changed.  Nearly every other character went into the church to light a candle, and most of them didn't have anything to do with the storyline either.  Meredith, on the other hand, burst into the chapel and interrupted Bailey because she was so insistent on leaving to have sex with Derek (or go hang out in a hotel room alone). She didn't even acknowledge why Bailey was in the chapel.  Maybe she sent a card or flowers, but we have no reason to believe she did because it was never mentioned.  I can only go by what was onscreen or was mentioned in passing.  Other characters had other things going on in that episode but they were specifically shown doing something out of respect and Meredith wasn't, and in fact she was shown disregarding Bailey's attempt at showing respect as well.  The Meredith that has been shown from the beginning of season 11 until now is almost unrecognizable to me as the same character.  I have been watching some of the Lifetime repeats and I can't imagine the Meredith of even season 7-8 acting like that.  Whatever warmth and compassion that she used to have has been missing for awhile, IMO.


I agree 100% with this and with agree with the opinion it was completely deliberate.  This stuck out to me SO much during the episode and i still very clearly remember it.  Not only was Meredith good friends with Jackson and April, April was also her with her when she had her miscarriage and for a while was the only one who knew, so it was very bizarre to me that 1) Meredith didn't acknowledge the loss of their child and 2) that she would burst into the chapel and completely disregard Bailey's reason for being in the chapel.   


For a while, I thought the ending of the GA was going to be all Meredith's memories and her "telling" the story (season 11 was especially heavy on memory voiceovers), so it would be understandable if Meredith's memory of that time were of her being frantic about seeing Derek (and than not even going) since Derek would die just a few months later.   I think maybe that's giving the show too much credit though :)


On more of a speculation note- I just watched the episode "The Golden Hour" from season 7 on Lifetime, which was very Meredith heavy where she was in basically every scene.  I think it would be pretty cool if 12x09 was similar to this episode.  The episode was an interesting parallel to Derek's death too, but I might be reaching there.  


Also, this actress seems to be in episode 12x14 (https://www.instagram.com/jamierosehere/) and posted a few pics.  From what I can see Penny is still there (blech) and it looks like Rita Moreno might be guest starring as well?  Credit to http://calzona-ga.tumblr.com/for finding these pics!

Edited by Greysaddict
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Yeah, 14 seems Arizona heavy in general. It's the same episode they were filming before the break, and Jessica was filming a lot then too.

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