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You Know You Watch Too Much Supernatural When....

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33 minutes ago, mertensia said:

Dogs I wouldn't mind. Truckers, possibly not. Clown dolls that will come to life after midnight and brutally, horrifically kill me? I'm not so enthusiastic about that.

::snort:: Where's you sense of adventure?!?!?!? ;)

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38 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

::snort:: Where's you sense of adventure?!?!?!? ;)

Not there, I can tell you that.

I showed this thread to my co-worker. She was all "stay there? Hell no."

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10 hours ago, Diane said:

we were at the end off a long hallway and there was a table with the creepiest doll.

*Shudder* I can deal with clowns, but creepy dolls? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE. Their little white teeth and plastic eyes are just so AAAAAAGH.

I still want SPN to do an episode about Robert the Doll. Ugh, that thing gives me the willies just thinking about it.

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On 3/4/2017 at 11:16 PM, Diane said:

OH hell no on that hotel.  I booked a hotel one time in Eureka Springs for my son and I, (he was a rounds 7 or 8) we were at the end off a long hallway and there was a table with the creepiest doll. We stayed one night and changed hotels, it was a toss up who that dang doll bothered more. Not sure there was anyone else in that area either, creepy place.

On 3/5/2017 at 10:00 AM, rue721 said:

*Shudder* I can deal with clowns, but creepy dolls? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE. Their little white teeth and plastic eyes are just so AAAAAAGH.

My Hubby would agree with you guys. He is entirely creeped out by creepy dolls. Even "regular" dolls creep him out. Back in college, I had a collection of Madam Alexander dolls my Nana gave me and I had them displayed on my dresser. When we moved in together, and I put them back up, he side eyed them and asked "you're not gonna keep those there, are you?" Hee. So into the closet they went.

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I showed the photos to my father. He said there was not a chance of his EVER staying there and that it looked creepy.  I said probably the local cops came by regularly to check for wanted serial killers.

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3 hours ago, mertensia said:

I showed the photos to my father. He said there was not a chance of his EVER staying there and that it looked creepy.  I said probably the local cops came by regularly to check for wanted serial killers.

Oh, it's definitely a den for serial killers...that's why it's an adventure to stay there! ;)

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37 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Oh, it's definitely a den for serial killers...that's why it's an adventure to stay there! ;)

Unless you, too, are a serial killer. Then it would probably be pretty boring. What's the serial killer version of a sausage fest? ;)

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1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Y'all are cracking me up with the clown/doll comments.  So...::sigh::...since I can't get out for a stay right now, I'm doing the next best thing: watching Killer Klowns From Outer Space.  In honor of Sam, of course.  ;)

OMG, I haven't seen that in...forever. Ah, college was a great time! ;)

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13 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

It's on Hulu!  That's where I found it.  Might have to watch another one of their 'cult classics'.  

Oooh, thanks! I might check it out...I don't know though, sometimes revisiting things like this makes the memory a little less shiny, though. 

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3 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Oooh, thanks! I might check it out...I don't know though, sometimes revisiting things like this makes the memory a little less shiny, though. 

Lol.  Yeah, it was pretty bad.  It had to be pretty bad even for back in the day.  But that's what makes it so good!

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3 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Lol.  Yeah, it was pretty bad.  It had to be pretty bad even for back in the day.  But that's what makes it so good!

Yeah, I don't remember it being "good" exactly, but have many fond memories of many in-jokes with my circle of friends in college. Good times!

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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 7:13 AM, DittyDotDot said:

Oh, it's definitely a den for serial killers...that's why it's an adventure to stay there! ;)

Dot, ya know, sometimes I worry about you!

Killer Klowns was a favorite for my gang at college too! We even had viewing parties!

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When you pop a Patty Griffin's "American Kid" album into your car stereo and spend the next two days driving to work wondering if the entire album was a secret tribute to Supernatural. I mean, the title track alone... .

Actually, this is kinda a thing with me and music in general...throw out a song, I'll find a way to make it about Supernatural

8 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Dot, ya know, sometimes I worry about you!

::snort:: My work here is done! ;)

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13 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

When you pop a Patty Griffin's "American Kid" album into your car stereo and spend the next two days driving to work wondering if the entire album was a secret tribute to Supernatural. I mean, the title track alone... .


Actually, this is kinda a thing with me and music in general...throw out a song, I'll find a way to make it about Supernatural

::snort:: My work here is done! ;)

I'm going to check out that album right now!

Mick by the way, calls you "Triple D" He thinks your "A hoot!"  You're one of his favorite posters.

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3 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

I'm going to check out that album right now!

If you're into Patty Griffin, it's a good one. I think she's an amazing songwriter and since my current listening pleasures seem to be simple, stripped down music, she fits in nicely. These things always circle around for me, though.

Anyway, it's a very personal album with most of the songs written in the wake of her father dying. The album is really all about family, grieving and dealing with loss--that's probably why it was so easy for me to make it about Supernatural. They used one of the tracks on the album--Go Wherever You Wanna Go-- for the scene where Sam and Dean built pyre for Charlie after she died. I thought it was a weird choice for that scene, but kinda feel like it's a good fit for Sam at the start of S8.

Seriously, I really have thought too much about this over the last couple of days. ;)

7 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Mick by the way, calls you "Triple D" He thinks your "A hoot!"  You're one of his favorite posters.

Ahhh, that's sweet, sounds like he's more of a hoot than me, though. ;)

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8 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey DittyDotDot! Just saw a preview for a new movie entitled "Terrifier" about a killer clown.!


You know, I'm not obsessed with clowns, right? ;)

You know what I love about that clown motel? It's not the clowns, but that I'm delighted by all these weird little pieces of roadside Americana. It makes me sad to think a lot of these places are becoming the way of the past. I really need to do a road trip soon! 

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1 minute ago, DittyDotDot said:


 I'm delighted by all these weird little pieces of roadside Americana. 

Not when they include wildlife caged or chained or confined in some horrible way for public viewing.  I'm surprised the US law allows this suffering of animals to continue at these supposed roadside 'zoos'.

Sorry to hijack thread.  

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10 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Not when they include wildlife caged or chained or confined in some horrible way for public viewing.  I'm surprised the US law allows this suffering of animals to continue at these supposed roadside 'zoos'.

Sorry to hijack thread.  

Plus, those aren't particularly weird or interesting! Lesson here, be creative without furthering the suffering of animals people!

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7 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

You know what I love about that clown motel? It's not the clowns, but that I'm delighted by all these weird little pieces of roadside Americana. It makes me sad to think a lot of these places are becoming the way of the past. I really need to do a road trip soon! 

I agree!  Did a road trip last summer with a friend and we had a blast!  Just visiting smaller, lesser known sites, etc.  We did a couple big ones too, but the small town weirdness was great!  We're already planning our next trip.  And there is a wigwam motel calling our names: http://www.sleepinawigwam.com/index.html

7 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Not when they include wildlife caged or chained or confined in some horrible way for public viewing.  I'm surprised the US law allows this suffering of animals to continue at these supposed roadside 'zoos'.

Agreed.  Although I'm pretty sure US law does not 'allow' the actual mistreatment, even if the zoos themselves lawfully exist.  There is abuse at other 'zoos' also - even in the U.K.  

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9 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

We're already planning our next trip.  And there is a wigwam motel calling our names: http://www.sleepinawigwam.com/index.html

It reminds me of a Native American resort not far from my home town. They had a heated outdoor pool, a mini golf course and tepees! Of course they didn't have bathrooms with showers, beds or TV, though. It was more traditional. You slept on the floor and used the public restroom. They also had a fire pit in the center.

Sounds like fun even if I'm not sure they are technically wigwams. ;)

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7 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

You know, I'm not obsessed with clowns, right? ;)

You know what I love about that clown motel? It's not the clowns, but that I'm delighted by all these weird little pieces of roadside Americana. It makes me sad to think a lot of these places are becoming the way of the past. I really need to do a road trip soon! 

Do you know about this site?


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2 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Do you know about this site?


Oh yeah! I have it bookmarked, I haven't been there in a while though. Be careful when clicking on that link folks, it's a black hole that will suck you in!!! ;)

I've been advocating for the show to do some sort of roadtrip-y scavenger hunt episode and use some of these fun little places for a couple years now. I have no idea how to make it work, but I think it would be fun!

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6 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Oh yeah! I have it bookmarked, I haven't been there in a while though. Be careful when clicking on that link folks, it's a black hole that will suck you in!!! ;)

I've been advocating for the show to do some sort of roadtrip-y scavenger hunt episode and use some of these fun little places for a couple years now. I have no idea how to make it work, but I think it would be fun!

You must have been the one who gave me that link! Talk about a black hole!!

Belated thank you for the link! Mick and I have used it countless times for our road trips on the Harley! I can't tell you how much fun we've had!

This is the bike we travel on. Oh, and Mick.



Edited by Mick Lady
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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

You must have been the one who gave me that link! Talk about a black hole!!

Belated thank you for the link! Mick and I have used it countless times for our road trips on the Harley! I can't tell you how much fun we've had!

This is the bike we travel on. Oh, and Mick.



Was Mick the archetype for Aaron Eckhardt to play Erin Brockovich's boyfriend.  Cause dude...000EBR_Aaron_Eckhart_002.jpg

Edited by catrox14
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14 hours ago, catrox14 said:

...you're watching The Walking Dead on a location has the storefront reading "Dean's Appliance Store' .
I am now looking for something about Sam.

LOL!  I came here to post the exact same thing, except my first thought was, "No.  Sam services appliances, not Dean."

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On 3/11/2017 at 5:44 PM, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I actually used it quite a bit when plotting out our road trip last year.  And yes, we actually went to Barbie Beach, thank you very much!

Oh, hee - you were in my neck of the woods then. Way back on Television Without Pity I had put up a link to the Barbie Beach site(s) with the suggestion that Sam and Dean should drive by that one, since it's on the side of one of the lesser highways and because the idea amused me. At one point, they even had zombie Barbies made up for them by the make up people from The Walking Dead - since that show films in towns around that area.

Hubby and I pass by Barbie Beach every once in a while on our way to talks around the state. From what I understand there's some other weird stuff along the backroads of our state, including some weird thing that's a small replica of Stonehenge or something, but that town sounds a little too weird even for me... as in a someplace you go and no one ever hears from you again kind of place.

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2 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

From what I understand there's some other weird stuff along the backroads of our state, including some weird thing that's a small replica of Stonehenge or something, but that town sounds a little too weird even for me... as in a someplace you go and no one ever hears from you again kind of place.

Wait, where is this place...it might be just the right place for me? ;)

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6 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

Wait, where is this place...it might be just the right place for me? ;)

Here you go, triple D: The Georgia Guidestones in Dewy Rose, GA.

Looking at the photos, there are less stones than I thought there would be... however the history is even more creepy than I expected. Heh.

Here's even more information on the history of the monument and how it "works," telling how it works as a clock, calendar, and compass.

And now that I think about it... Sam and Dean should visit there. Something really creepy could be made about it.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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8 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Here you go, triple D: The Georgia Guidestones in Dewy Rose, GA.

Looking at the photos, there are less stones than I thought there would be... however the history is even more creepy than I expected. Heh.

Here's even more information on the history of the monument and how it "works," telling how it works as a clock, calendar, and compass.

And now that I think about it... Sam and Dean should visit there. Something really creepy could be made about it.

Oh, that's awesome! 

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10 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Here you go, triple D: The Georgia Guidestones in Dewy Rose, GA.

Looking at the photos, there are less stones than I thought there would be... however the history is even more creepy than I expected. Heh.

Here's even more information on the history of the monument and how it "works," telling how it works as a clock, calendar, and compass.

And now that I think about it... Sam and Dean should visit there. Something really creepy could be made about it.

Too Cool!  I am definitely putting these on my list!  Thanks for posting the link.  

I agree - Sam and Dean should definitely visit.  It could be another Mystery Spot or portal to somewhere.  (And all the half-naked Barbies from Barbie Beach could converge on it...  <<that'd actually be kind of creepy in its own right.)

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When you recognize someone from the show in nearly every commercial that airs during TNT episodes.  Been wondering if some genius at TNT is doing this on purpose.  Biggest contributors are Gabriel Tigerman (Andy), Josh Daugherty (Envy), and Cyrina Fiallo (Delta).  One of them is in at least one commercial per episode.  Just this morning, I've already seen Tigerman's Midas spot and Fiallo's ZzzQuil.

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My first thought: not missing, he's off in Heaven having a powwow w/ Joshuaa.

Second thought: Well, he always wanted another species

Third thought: poor owner, I hope they find the cat

Fourth thought: the owner has probably guaranteed a large #SPNFamily workforce looking for the cat

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I get tiny salt packets included in my lunches. As I was throwing them away this morning, I started thinking, I should save those - in case of ghosts. 

Actually, the packets are so tiny, I started to wonder how many it would take to make a complete circle. 

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