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Behind The Scenes: The Drama Behind the Drama

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That whole thing is crap and sounds like lies from Shonda herself. "“Shonda shouldn’t be blamed. This is on Patrick, no one else.” LOL Did Shonda write it herself?


Before Patrick came back to set, the death ending was already written. Go back episodes while Derek was still gone to DC led up to it. Meredith being able to live without him but not wanting to. Then Amelia telling her that she never lost the love of her life.

  • Love 3
Oh my, AnitaM86, that petition must be read in full. I truly understand folks are angry, and that's fair, but that petition needs to have an actor do a dramatic reading somewhere:

I would pay serious money to see it. Maybe PD himself should do that. 


I remember reading and thinking it probably took like 4 minutes to do that. But hey, she tried and it's being quite successful. Nothing will come of it (PD won't return) but you know, it was a good effort..  


I don't expect anything from anyone soon and the more negativity they are met with the less likely other people will come out voluntarily. Shonda made a statement, people just don't like it.

I think many are somewhat disturbed by how SO's exit was treated in comparison to PD's exit. I was reading an article on THR yesterday and linked to SO's exit and they interviewed the entire cast for her exit and what should happen. Even those who were gone already from the show. While it seems that Patrick was treated in a more dismissive way for what it seems for no good reason, so far. 


Ironically, PD said she shouldn't die as too many characters die or disappeared. In hindsight, it's kinda ironic. 


Have you guys read this article?

Seems to me it's the same Page Six article. It said the exact same thing, so, I doubt it's veracity. 


Personally I don't think it's true. I feel like they want to put all the blame on PD. I'm not saying he's a saint, but I'm skeptical about everything that comes from Shondaland.


A wise choice, I think. I'm skeptical about anything with unnamed sources. Could easily just be some ABC or Shondaland damage control. The “Shonda shouldn’t be blamed. This is on Patrick, no one else.” line especially seems a little...much. I don't know what happened and there's probably plenty of blame to go around. 


But when it comes to the storyline and how it played out, there is no one to blame BUT Shonda.

  • Love 6

Here's what I think happens with actors on successful shows, they run hard in pilot season, desperate for a job. They land that magical part, they put in the 10-15 hour days, they love it because working actors are happy actors. Then the show becomes a hit, they make good money and then renegotiate to make great money. Now here they are making heaps of cash...but still working 10, 12, 15, 18 hour days. They're sitting on all this money but no free time. And it gets to them because they're usually relatively young, very success and "stuck" at a job that takes up 8-10 months out of their year. They're being offered work whee they can work for 3 months and make a million dollars (even more if they have good managers and accountants) but they can't take those jobs. Nor can they do all the extracurriculars that all this money affords. So they grow restless.

Now they have two options, push ahead and accept their rarified position or let it eat at them until they can't take it anymore and leave.

I'm not saying this is what happened with PD. But it's entirely possible.

I just keep thinking about how much actors on hit shows, forget about Dempsey right now, I'm talking universally, complain about the hours but then I think about someone like Shonda Rhimes who literally has to think about her job every waking hour of the day. That to me seems a lot more stressful and inconvenient than working long hours 3 days out of the week.

I don't believe that article is the whole truth and I don't necessarily believe everything Patrick said is the whole truth. I think the truth lies in the middle.  But, I'd venture to guess that if an unnamed source said its "all Shonda's fault, Patrick is a perfect angel" suddenly the gossip article would be the absolute, undisputed truth. People will believe what they want to believe and if they put someone on a pedestal they will always only believe them.

I think many are somewhat disturbed by how SO's exit was treated in comparison to PD's exit.

Apples to oranges.The differences throughout their entire run along with the exit was completely different. But mainly, TPTB knew Sandra was departing for almost a year before her final episode, she never said anything negative about the shows, writers or co-workers. There was no disagreement or contract wrangling as she left. 


I'm sure the people who were friendly with Patrick didn't ignore him leaving. Just because there wasn't some big on set party doesn't mean others didn't wish him well, take him to dinner, etc. Everything doesn't need to be shared with fans.



  • Love 4
Apples to oranges.The differences throughout their entire run along with the exit was completely different. But mainly, TPTB knew Sandra was departing for almost a year before her final episode, she never said anything negative about the shows, writers or co-workers. There was no disagreement or contract wrangling as she left.

I'm not arguing that the context of how both left are completely different, they are. But the cast spoke, that's what I'm getting with this (of what I'm seeing). The press was on set for this episode (which I don't get why as it was PD/EP 95% of the time and they never published any report/interview with them from this episode), and nobody said anything? I think this is what has many people up and about. 


TPTB also knew PD was going to be written out. I'm not sure how influences, unless it was a rash decision by Shonda. 


I can't remember if PD ever spoke against cast-members. I don't believe so, but if you can point me to where he said it, I'd appreciate it.


But when it comes to the storyline and how it played out, there is no one to blame BUT Shonda.

She wrote it, so yes. That's on her. Even if PD was a major pain in the ass, he didn't decide his fate. 

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Tina Majorino said that the diva rumors aren't true to her working experience with PD. Nobody said he was a difficult actor till last week. Meanwhile, abc isn't responding to any comments, but suddenly all those gossip websites have anonymous sources that indicate that patrick had a bad behavior at work. the costume designer posted a tweet about him and it gets deleted. jesse williams said that he didn't tweet anything to PD (as KMK did) "just to avoid spoilers", everybody was busy to say goodbye but everybody made time to promote the episode with those stupid hashtags. ellen posted a tweet that sounded written by a bunch of pr guys. that's not a different way to handle the exit of a character, there's a huge storm going on. 

Edited by Elle8
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I can't remember if PD ever spoke against cast-members. I don't believe so, but if you can point me to where he said it, I'd appreciate it.

In my statements about Sandra I was speaking of her only and how everything surrounding her experiences on the show were positive. There were no articles for months (years?) about her wanting to be somewhere else or any type of negativity regarding her or her relationship with the show or anyone on it. I will leave it to the PD fangirls to go dig up every statement he's ever made.

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jesse williams said that he didn't tweet anything to PD (as KMK did) "just to avoid spoilers".

I had to laugh at JW's tweet. I mean, unless you don't have access to internet (or TV for that matter), everyone knew. I mean, international newspapers reported it. I was like...dude, seriously? 


In my statements about Sandra I was speaking of her only and how everything surrounding her experiences on the show were positive.


Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification. I thought he had made a negative statement of his coworkers and I missed it. 


who wants to take bets on how long it takes for this to be deleted?  Also, there is nothing I hate more than "I know something but I can't tell you".  ugh.


That thing gets deleted today. Who else? At this point, everyone knows something and they can't say. Let's ask the anonymous sources. They know it all.


Tina Majorino said that the diva rumors aren't true to her working experience with PD. Nobody said he was a difficult actor till last week.



Exactly. They should've just gone the diplomatic way. Gossip rarely accomplishes anything. 

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Have you guys read this article?

Personally I don't think it's true. I feel like they want to put all the blame on PD. I'm not saying he's a saint, but I'm skeptical about everything that comes from Shondaland.

it looks like we're at the "he said, she said" point of Patrick's departure.  I wouldn't doubt this story was planted by Shondaland to try and fend off some of the backlash. Funny how this difficult/diva gossip pops up now that he is gone.  I doubt will ever learn the full truth though.

Edited by Greysaddict


I wouldn't doubt this story was planted by Shondaland to try and fend off some of the backlash.

That's exactly what I was thinking, Greysaddict.

Someone said this on Tumblr:


This is such BS and here is why… A) Patrick Dempsey is dyslexic, for all these 11 years he has been memorizing his whole script word for word. That’s why he is a professional actor and no way in hell that he just, out of the blue decided to stop memorizing.  B) He asked to get time off for his racing, it was an agreement between him and Shonda, and according to all his recent racing interviews, he has mentioned on many occasions how grateful he was of shonda for letting him have this opportunity. He was by no means suspended.

I agree with the dyslexic thing, it wouldn't make much sense if all of sudden he couldn't memorize his lines. 

  • Love 4

As pointed out elsewhere, in the past year PD lost his mom, split with his longtime racing partner, and watched his wife file for divorce. Wealth and fame notwithstanding, that's a crap year by anyone's standards. Might all that have affected his work life? Of course. Is that an excuse for (alleged) bad behavior? No. We'll probably never know what went down BTS; I think there was probably fault on both sides. What did happen is that his exit from the show was written in a way that seemed rushed, sloppy, and frankly offensive to many fans, myself included. ABC and Shondaland clearly miscalculated the depth of fan and media reaction, and as a former PR/media relations professional, I have to say they are badly mismanaging the PR mess they've created.

Edited by JayCeeJ
  • Love 10

I actually believe that story, to a point. But it raises the question again: What does Shonda Rhimes actually do on Grey's Anatomy? She's not writing scripts (to my knowledge) -- she talks about being "in the editing room," but she never gets editing credit. I know she's the executive producer, but these complaints in the article sound like day-to-day management/showrunner complaints. I was under the impression Shonda had someone else to perform those tasks.


It goes back to my initial theory that this was about control -- I would wager money that Shondaland-Employed Showrunner who was running Grey's even last year may have had similar grumblings about Dempsey's comings and goings -- but likely said nothing. Suddenly, Shonda is more involved -- and suddenly, Dempsey is impossible to work with and Derek must be killed off. I'd also wager money that Dempsey didn't change his behavior one iota from last year (or the last few years) to this year -- the only difference was Shonda's involvement, and the fact that she could do something about it if she didn't like it.


I bet it was like being at work when your boss is at a different location -- you can e-mail and call, but for the most part, you're on your own -- compared to when your boss is in the office every day, watching your every move.

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I'm wondering if the reaction hadn't been so vitriolic, and so widespread against cast and crew, that maybe people would have just stayed mum. But some it was so personal and rude that perhaps people felt they wanted to get their piece in.

I still think that the truth is in the middle. Everyone has their biases.

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I think the truth lies in the middle.


I agree 100%. I also agree that we may never know what exactly went down. Well, until that tell-all book.


At this point I fully expect any tweet made by any other cast member ever to be used against them for not hailing Patrick and for actors on other show's exits to be compared in attempt to prove some controversy.


For me the simplest explanation as to why the cast wasn't there as he drove off is that none of them were even in the episode; they weren't working on set. Other than the small OR scene when they were on the phone (Caterina said she was not on set on Patrick's last day so likely filmed prior) the only 2 regular cast members involved in the episode (which filmed for 2+ weeks) were Ellen and Patrick. If there was bad blood between Shonda/writers/producers and no actors on set other than Ellen who should have thrown the party? Craft services guy? The actor who played the fireman?


In the end PD will probably be happier. He has 2 shows he's gearing up for and has time for his kids and the racing he wants to do. He'll probably be over it before the fans are.

Edited by windsprints
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For me the simplest explanation as to why the cast wasn't there as he drove off is that none of them were even in the episode; they weren't working on set. Other than the small OR scene when they were on the phone (Caterina said she was not on set on Patrick's last day so likely filmed prior) the only 2 regular cast members involved in the episode (which filmed for 2+ weeks) were Ellen and Patrick. If there was bad blood between Shonda/writers/producers and no actors on set other than Ellen who should have thrown the party? Craft services guy? The actor who played the fireman?


I agree with you here.  I can't dig up the pictures right now, but if I remember he posted that pic of Ellen before all the accident scene pictures came out.  So they must have filmed his and Ellen hospital scenes first and then went on location. It seems like his "last days" were spent on location with guest stars, then off the Seattle by himself which is maybe why he didn't get a big send-off.  


However, this doesn't explain why none of the cast (except for Kelly and Kevin) said anything publicly.   

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My first time posting here.

I obviously have no idea what went on bts but to me it seems strange that in year 11 People would start complaining that he is behaving like a diva. I mean grey's and McDreamy are long past their prime now. I would understand if this was Season 2 where Merder was everywhere and PD was one of the breakout stars but now? I could obviously be wrong though.

Tbh the thing that is strange is that most of his cast mates are on Twitter and almost none bothered to say anything. I mean even if he was absolutely awful, they've been working together for a decade so I would think a generic "Good Luck in the future" is in order and would be less conspicuous than their silence. That said, Kevin McKidd got my respect; his tweet seemed genuine and didn't look like half of ABC's PR team had spent two weeks putting it together.

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People are complaining about him now because he is leaving and everyone is focused on it. Is it possible that the cast and crew actually have been taking the high road before this and any problems were just not reported?

The gruesome ending is 100% on Shonda. It was just crappy writing. But I don't believe that Patrick had absolute nothing to do with things getting to that point to begin with.

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EW understands the anger and betrayal viewers feel.



'Grey's Anatomy' postmortem: Do fans have rights?



Thank you for posting this article.  It has been the first article I have read since Thursday that has nailed my feelings to a "T".


I have tried to tell people, I don't care that he died, sadly that is life, and although Grey's has had a bit more death than normal life, I am ok that he died, for whatever reason.


To me, it was just really badly executed.  Bad writing.  Bad art.  For a top rated show, it fell flat.  THAT is what irks me.  To invest as much time as I have in a show, I expected more.  Oh well.

  • Love 8

To me, it was just really badly executed.  Bad writing.  Bad art.  For a top rated show, it fell flat.  THAT is what irks me.  To invest as much time as I have in a show, I expected more.  Oh well.


The only one that had the guts to call this episode "fantastic" (according to that girl that plays a patient), was ellen pompeo. and jessica capshaw maybe. i haven't read a good review yet. even kristen don santos and matt roush are hesitant. and imdb gave the episode 4.9/10, one of the lowest ever for a GA episode.

Edited by Elle8
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To me, it was just really badly executed.  Bad writing.  Bad art.  For a top rated show, it fell flat.  THAT is what irks me.  To invest as much time as I have in a show, I expected more.  Oh well.


Agreed. As usual with Grey's though the back stage story is getting all the press and the episode itself much less.


Hahaha, Kagomei 2025 - Bohki's Anatomy

Edited by windsprints
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People are complaining about him now because he is leaving and everyone is focused on it. Is it possible that the cast and crew actually have been taking the high road before this and any problems were just not reported?

10 years later? I mean, that's a long time to not complain. If we had seen reports in S5 or 6, I would say that these reports have some more veracity. However, it strikes me as very odd that no complaints until last week, as many have noticed before. I mean, PD is very well known, these reports could've easily been leaked or made up or whatever back then as well and have the same (or perhaps more, given that KH was criticized for the same reason). 


'Grey's Anatomy' postmortem: Do fans have rights?


This is a difficult one because we are obviously bound to whatever the showrunner says. But I agree with this article.

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10 years later? I mean, that's a long time to not complain. If we had seen reports in S5 or 6, I would say that these reports have some more veracity. However, it strikes me as very odd that no complaints until last week, as many have noticed before. I mean, PD is very well known, these reports could've easily been leaked or made up or whatever back then as well and have the same (or perhaps more, given that KH was criticized for the same reason).

No, I meant more recently. If there were any problems, I assume that they involved this season only. I just meant that perhaps whatever it was happened, no crew or other cast member said anything or planned to, but just waited for it to blow over. But then it didn't, and the reaction was more extreme than some people imagined it would be, and so people who weren't going to say anything did, albeit some anonymously.

I certainly don't think that whatever went on is a longtime issue.

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Wasn't the Isiah incident started because Patrick was late to set?


even supposing that's true, it suddenly became an issue 8 years later? i don't believe it. the diva behavior is a cover up for something else he did (whatever it is, it must embarrass  ABC too, considering their weird and strict silence policy). which, is not even the real issue here. the real problem is they handled his exit badly, and they are handling the (bad) reactions to the death and the episode even in a worse way.

Edited by Elle8
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But, I'd venture to guess that if an unnamed source said its "all Shonda's fault, Patrick is a perfect angel" suddenly the gossip article would be the absolute, undisputed truth.



All the supposition that Shonda is the real one with the problems who is planting all this gossip about PD are accusations without sources.  For all I know that's a complete fiction as absolutely no proof is provided, unless someone could link to a source that says Shonda is doing that.  Or are we supposed to think this, just as we're supposed to think PD is the one who's 100% at fault?  If you need sources to believe these blind items, I need sources to believe the rumors about Shonda and the network planting stories.  Without them, I believe nothing.


What is evident for most people is that the episode wasn't well written.  That I can believe, and it's a shame that his final episode wasn't the strongest one of the season.  If the show can follow his death with riveting TV, then maybe the backlash can turn around and all the bad press can fuel genuine interest.  If the two hours are more crap and lazy writing, then I'm not sure if they can recover.  Everything else with no proof to support is fun to read for a few minutes but otherwise it seems like hot air and crazy internet gossip whether or not it's about PD or Shonda.

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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even supposing that's true, it suddenly became an issue 8 years later? i don't believe it. the diva behavior is a cover up for something else he did (whatever it is, it must embarrass ABC too, considering their weird and strict silence policy). which, is not even the real issue here. the real problem is they handled his exit badly, and they are handling the (bad) reactions to the death and the episode even in a worse way.

Something is defiantly fishy but I don't think Shonda will do any good by speaking. I think it's odd that He said working 10 hours was such a grind cus it takes time away from. his kids but he travels internationally for racing defiantly weird in my opinion. I thought the comment in November was really inappropriate but I thought Patricks explanation for it was dumb. I don't think he should have been fired for it, but his explanation makes me question his common sense when he could have just said I intend to finish my contract. Edited by choclatechip45

Something is defiantly fishy but I don't think Shonda will do any good by speaking. I think it's odd that He said working 10 hours was such a grind cus it takes time away from. his kids but he travels internationally for racing defiantly weird in my opinion. I thought the comment in November was really inappropriate but I thought Patricks explanation for it was dumb. I don't think he should have been fired for it, but his explanation makes me question his common sense when he could have just said I intend to finish my contract.

I don't know and I don't care what kind of parent he is. The point is that he is accused of "being fired" for bad behavior, and that seems total BS to me because those websites are sourceless, and the guy worked there for almost a dozen years and no one ever said he was unprofessional before last week. He's one of the few that never missed an episode before this season (and apparently it wasn't his choice). I'm saying that I think is a cover up. How he spends his time is not my concern. About the racing interview in november, i agree he was out of line, but as i said before, patrick doesn't seems a machiavellian guy, he doesn't overthink thinks. he was wrong, he made a mistake. i wouldn't crucify or fire him for that. ellen said she was tired too in other interviews years before.

Edited by Elle8
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Agreed, Elle8.

We are not here discussing how much time he spends with his children, that is not the issue. What seems to be the problem is the fact that after so many years those sourceless rumors start to spread out of nowhere. It appears that they want to make sure we think PD is the bad guy, with his diva behavior and whatever. 

Edited by Kagomei
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Wasn't the Isiah incident started because Patrick was late to set?

It depends on what report do you believe. According to People, Gawker and some others, it was that it was TR that was late and PD insisted on waiting for him, and IW didn't want to and you know the rest. 


Others reported that PD was late but he was with producers at that moment and he was held up. So, who knows.


(whatever it is, it must embarrass  ABC too, considering their weird and strict silence policy).

Did he peed on the Oval Office, Obama caught him and blamed it on ABC? 


is not even the real issue here. the real problem is they handled his exit badly, and they are handling the (bad) reactions to the death and the episode even in a worse way.

I think it's both. They're not mutually exclusive, but certainly had some influence. 


but his explanation makes me question his common sense when he could have just said I intend to finish my contract.

How does parenting determine professional behavior? I think this is an odd way to judge someone's common sense, to be honest.

Edited by AnitaM86
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It depends on what report do you believe. According to People, Gawker and some others, it was that it was TR that was late and PD insisted on waiting for him, and IW didn't want to and you know the rest.

Others reported that PD was late but he was with producers at that moment and he was held up. So, who knows.

Did he peed on the Oval Office, Obama caught him and blamed it on ABC?

I think it's both. They're not mutually exclusive, but certainly had some influence.

How does parenting determine professional behavior? I think this is an odd way to judge someone's common sense, to be honest.

I just think it was a weird thing for someone to bring up as a benefit to leaving a job when they are focusing on something that will make them travel more and farther away. I don't really care how good of a parent Patrick is either. I just thought the meaning behind it was odd. It makes me think he is hiding something like that's not really the real benefit of him leaving Greys like maybe it's not having to deal with Shonda or it could be something like he dosent have to deal with his contract. The common sense was about his comment in November I think common sense would have been to said I'll see my contract through rather than what he said and his explanation was dumb. Edited by choclatechip45
I just think it was a weird thing for someone to bring up as a benefit to leaving a job when they are focusing on something that will make them travel more and farther away.


I don't find it weird. He'd be going from an unpredictable schedule that can potentially be 10-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to a schedule where he will be gone a few weeks but then home and able to spend time with his kids for weeks. I see each race as about the same time away from home as if he traveled for a guest arc on a show or a smaller movie role. There's some prep days, the race, then home. But, I admit I don't know much about racing so maybe it does take him away for months at a time.


pennben that was great!

Edited by windsprints
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Hilarious tweet from a political reporter I follow:


Shonda Rhimes is attending tonight's WH State Dinner.  Unclear if Obama will condemn the untimely death of McDreamy.




Jimmy Kimmel also had a good time at the expense of Grey's.  He had the lead actor of the show Forever as a guest and commented about the show being about a doctor who dies but doesn't die permanently like McDreamy.  

Yeah there are crazy people on Twitter but its not everyone. I think the whole its not real and don't tweet me yr crazy is horrible. Yeah its a TV show but these people come into your home 1 a week for 11 years. We deserve some kind of place to vent. And I am sort I know she wanted the shock but come on they killed Dr green off but we had a whole season to get ready for it to say goodbye. I would have liked that andi bet a lot of us would have liked that and maybe people would not be going ape right now

Yes and he was shoved into a wall for it IIRC. And yet the "no asshole policy" allowed IW to return. Go figure.



And he was on the phone with a network executive at the time.

Yeah there are crazy people on Twitter but its not everyone. I think the whole its not real and don't tweet me yr crazy is horrible. Yeah its a TV show but these people come into your home 1 a week for 11 years. We deserve some kind of place to vent. And I am sort I know she wanted the shock but come on they killed Dr green off but we had a whole season to get ready for it to say goodbye. I would have liked that andi bet a lot of us would have liked that and maybe people would not be going ape right now



I don't think people get it. I really don't.


Derek Shepherd deserved better. We all know he was a fictional character, and that Shonda Rhimes always had the last say, but the way this was done on her part was filled with anger, cruelty, and vindictiveness. To have the leading man of your lead actress killed in such a way – and let’s not pretend that any of this was not purposeful – was not only sophomoric and nasty, but dismissive to the years Patrick Dempsey spent as probably the main ambassador of this show. I barely watched this episode once, but a few of the things that stood out to me were the injured mother saying the driver of the car that hit them was “a middle-aged man with a mid-life crisis,” that Derek said, “What, I’m not driving fast enough for you?” In addition, there were a few seconds of screen time given to the “Porsche Cayenne” logo on the back of Derek’s car, and I believe there was also a line about doing "what I'm always doing” insinuating it was in a car. So to my way of seeing it, Shonda Rhimes threw a heaping pile of steaming shit onto Patrick Dempsey and had him mortally injured in a Porsche. Who is this unhinged? Did Patrick kill all the puppies and kittens in the world?


For a moment, let’s imagine he DID kill all the cute puppies and kittens, that he was so horrible that people rejoiced when he left. Let’s imagine that he was the worst actor in the history of the show and that Shonda had had it up to HERE with him. Who are we leaving out in Shonda’s lesson in “I’ll show you who’s the boss!”


The fans.


Eleven seasons of loyal viewing. Ten years of appointment television. Grey’s Anatomy was my reward, the present I’d open every Thursday, my ice cream cone to myself for getting through a tough work week. How was I, how were we, those of us who bought DVDs, who retweeted support, who bought magazines and watched through the ups and downs of the ridiculousness of their relationship, through sex and mockery, though Rose, through a post-it while another couple got the gorgeous wedding? What present did Shonda give us after all that time? Well, the same that she covered Patrick in: A heaping pile of steaming shit, which is how I describe the idiocy that I saw last Thursday.


First he was a diva. Then he was late to the set. THEN he didn't know his lines. They haven't gone the route of puppies and kittens yet, but I'm sure something else from a "source on the set" will be forthcoming. I think they knew there would be a backlash, but didn't know the intensity of it from fans and tv press alike.


Never, ever again will I watch any show that Shonda Rhimes has any part of. There were a million ways she could have given fans and Meredith a happy ending, or give Derek a happy ending, and I thought of so many possibilities and I’m not even a professional writer. When you have “problems” with four actors on your show – Isaiah Washington, Katherine Heigl, T.R. Knight, and Patrick Dempsey – you have to wonder who exactly has the diva problem. As a viewer, I know what I’ve always known, that her world view is warped and that she doesn’t care a whit about her fans.

  • Love 14

I don't find it weird. He'd be going from an unpredictable schedule that can potentially be 10-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to a schedule where he will be gone a few weeks but then home and able to spend time with his kids for weeks. I see each race as about the same time away from home as if he traveled for a guest arc on a show or a smaller movie role. There's some prep days, the race, then home. But, I admit I don't know much about racing so maybe it does take him away for months at a time

pennben that was great!

That makes sense I don't follow racing either so I was under the impression he would be on the road a lot based on what people have said on the forum.

I think a huge problem with Shonda is that due to her own success she has become a household

Name in the last few years. I have friends who can't name a single actor who currently is on Greys, but know who Shonda is. I don't think there has ever been someone in charge of a show in the eleventh season who is just as famous as any of the actors on the show. Even on Her two other shows Viola Davis and Kerry Washington are bigger names than Shonda and any who has ever been a regular on Greys.

Edited by choclatechip45

Now the plug has been pulled on both sides, I'm sceptical of everything, ABC and PD's management are angling for the best write up here, same as had happened before. Subject to agreements *neither side are obligated to hold back. PD could be using the MerDer fans as much as IW tried to use Burketina fans to cause controversy over his exit. Hopefully that's not the case but PD = innocent,flexible is naïve.

I think TRK's Let Go was the most disgraceful given that ABC appeared to do very bare minimum of sticking up for a guy who was harassed for being involuntarily outed.

I think Shonda might have a Diva problem I think that "Shonda is 100% responsible for firing PD in Cold Blood" and "PD says he truly never wanted to leave.....but he claims" I'm racing for the rest of the year" is somewhere in the middle.

I do have a lot o

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