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Sherri Shepherd: "Is the Earth flat?"

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Was Sherri ingratiating herself to Joan Rivers today because she'd LOVE to be an opening act for Joan?  Her "enjoyment" of everything Joan said was gut-wrenching.  She popped her eyes.  She laughed HEARTILY.  She stood up from her seat (the spirit moved her!) and stomped her too-high heels because she heard something hilarious.  What's with the sucking up?   Joan was typical...enjoyable-ish, but she sure did get more kudos today than she deserved.  In my (rarely) humble opinion.

Edited by Former Nun
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Wow Bill was at Sherri's pool party, would not have guessed that.

Medicine Crow I love the "piggery" going to try to work that into a conversation soon.

I'm with you Former Nun , I have never used the expression as a mom nor did I ever hear anyone else use it. Bitsy used it a lot.

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She stood up from her seat (the spirit moved her!) and stomped her too-high heels because she heard something hilarious.

That perplexed me too, Former Nun. I also noticed that Sherri was looking at someone in the audience or checking herself out on the monitor. She seemed to be playing to someone. She is a good actress but it was easy to tell that her laugther and antics were only acting.

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Hey!   Remember when Sherri used to "speak in tongues" occasionally?  Has she lost that ability?

Note to Sherri:  If you cannot demonstrate self-control, how will you ever teach it to your son?  It's so funny....not.

Guess it's NOT so funny, Sherri...if you're having to say (too often), "It's a JOKE!"   Your little comment about old Demi Moore didn't go over.  I thought you were a "comedian" who could say anything...why the need to say, "It's a joke!"?   Lay out the line and accept the "consequence."  Ms. Moore is four years older than you are.  Maybe the joke could have worked if a 20-something told it.


EDITED to change a word to "consequence."

Edited by Former Nun
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She "claps" like a "friggin" seal.


Loved her take on the child not being allowed to play in a championship game. Consequences, something she may be getting familiar with just recently.


Her pleading with Robin Thicke's wife to take him back was just asinine.

Edited by ginger90
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Sherri-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i!   Pleeeeeze give Sal and Sal, Jr. another chance.  PLEEEEEEEEEZE

Remember Sal filed papers first.  Maybe she needs to beg him for another chance.


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I'm thinking that Sal did NOT show proper respect for his elder, aka Sherri, he is at least 4 whole years younger :)

My advice is never do an interview for Parade Magazine- It seems to be what put him over the edge.

(The turn around  for their interviews to Parade articles is too long- They are out of date before publication)


The interview (published on May 3rd) mentioned that they were expecting via surrogate (at the time- we all assumed it wasn't true)



Did Sal get pissed that their news would be revealed in the interview??? He filed the day prior to publication  (May 2nd)

Edited by springtime
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What did Sherri say about Demi Moore?

Something like it was nice of Ashton to contact his "elder". It had to do with him calling her to say what's her name ?? is pregnant so she didn't read it or hear it elsewhere.

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Seven years of wearing a microphone for five shows a week and Sherri still hasn't realized that if you yell into it, there will be distortion and feedback.  My ears felt it when she was introducing Robin Thicke AT THE FREAKING TOP OF HER LUNGS.

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Wow, I haven't seen the show for a few days, but from what I'm reading here, sherri is really acting strange! Maybe because these were prefilmed, extra episodes and they are filmed after the day's live show was shot? Does she need caffeine or something else to get through those longer work days? Even is she knew her contract would not be renewed acting goofy and inappropriately doesn't seem like the smart thing to do. Just bizarre.

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Sherri seems to think that the consequences for a child who was misbehaving (or not doing his homework, or something) would be to take him off the team next season. That might work for a junior-senior in high school, but not with children. It would have no impact so far in advance. 


Her child-rearing techniques make me SMDH. 

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I think Barbara had a lot to do with it. She must have gotten tired of Sherri's lack of couth - remember how she tried to stop Sherri from saying "frikkin'" in every other sentence? Plus the sloppiness around food demonstrations, and the constant dance moves when there was no music - Barbara's opinion probably had a lot of weight with ABC.

I remember during the last week when they did that segment on Barbara's fashions over the years. Whatever you think of her, she dressed beautifully. Yes, she is definitely from an older generation - I wouldn't expect her to wear casual dresses or Jenny to wear a suit - but there's something to be said about appearing professional and age-appropriate. Which Sherri didn't.

Plus there's the whole title-of-this-thread thing that must have finally, over seven years, registered with the powers-that-be.

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Has anyone else noticed the similarly cut (p)leather dresses that Sherri's been wearing? I wonder if she has a deal to wear someone's fashions. I haven't ever heard her or any of  the other hosts mention the designer of their clothing except on shows where that was the topic, or Whoopi when she did the shoe segments.


I also think i read somewhere that Barbara has some doubts whether the show is going to continue after this season ends.

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I think Barbara had a lot to do with it. She must have gotten tired of Sherri's lack of couth - remember how she tried to stop Sherri from saying "frikkin'" in every other sentence? Plus the sloppiness around food demonstrations, and the constant dance moves when there was no music - Barbara's opinion probably had a lot of weight with ABC.




Much like Elisabeth, I think Sherri served a purpose and she has outlived her usefulness on the View.  Elisabeth was the (deranged and misinformed) voice for the Right Wing and finally ABC recognized viewers didn't want to hear it.  Sherri was the class clown, court jester and I always thought, the person who was supposed to make Elisabeth look smart by comparison.  But with the show "in transition" (hopefully to the trash heap) there isn't a place for Sherri's "humor".  And also I think her loud obnoxious know-it-all attitude might have something to do with her being shown the door.  Sherri has a fan base but I don't think it's the majority of View viewers.  If anything I think she probably turned viewers away.  I'm sure there is a place for Sherri Shepherd to be "Sherri Shepherd" but a daytime talk show where important issues are discussed is not the place.  Yes the show is called the View but some people's views we just don't need to hear.

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Has anyone else noticed the similarly cut (p)leather dresses that Sherri's been wearing?


Yes, I noticed them, complete with jiggly underarm. At least she shaved her armpits this time.


Soooooo looking forward to the last weeks of The Ignorant Sherri Show. Jenny leaving is a bonus I didn't see coming. She is much better than Sherri, but she isn't my cup of tea. First off, I can't get past the whole vaccination debacle. It would have been interesting if they had devoted a show, or at least a segment, to frankly discussing her views and airing out the issue. Even if she had to admit she was wrong, or if she reiterated her stance.


I recently rewatched the clip where Sherri took issue with Babs saying the "n word" even if she was just reporting on it, and the fuss Sherri made over how Babs pronounced the word. Barbara seemed incredulous that Sherri was so overcome with emotions that she couldn't be even somewhat objective about it. Barbara also seemed hurt that Sherri would think that she was at all racist. I wonder if that was a tipping point (if Babs had anything to do with Sherri's firing). I understand that Sherri would have valid feelings about hearing a white person say the n word, but Sherri could have tried to show that she understood what Babs was trying to say. Part of having a "view" is listening to the other people's views and maybe even letting your view evolve. Sherri always seems stuck in her view. With blinders on. "But it's how I feeeeeeel." Yes, you feel bad to hear the n word. But realize that it is not being used against you. Have some brains to understand the difference. Sherri? Brains? nm

Edited by Jeanius
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I remember being shocked a few years ago reading an interview with Sherri where she wished some evangelist would come on the show & "save" Barbra Walters. The sheer audacity, BW is a different religion than Sherri, WHY does she have to change? To make Sherri happy????


So, so much BS........ And I know a lot of good Christians who totally do not constantly talk about sex, flaunt their bodies & feel up every male, that is not proper behavior for any religious group!

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So, so much BS........ And I know a lot of good Christians who totally do not constantly talk about sex, flaunt their bodies & feel up every male, that is not proper behavior for any religious group!




That's not proper behavior for anyone. Religion has nothing to do with it.

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Has anyone else noticed the similarly cut (p)leather dresses that Sherri's been wearing?



Yeah, she has had a LOT of them.  A plain black, a black/grey or two kind of black combo, and a bright color-blocked one.  All equally unattractive -  just not the right style for a woman with large breasts.  I've seen some attractive dresses in that style, but only if they have some leather and printed fabric combo,  and a dress like that has to fit right, not be stretched so tight. 

Something like it was nice of Ashton to contact his "elder". It had to do with him calling her to say what's her name ?? is pregnant so she didn't read it or hear it elsewhere.



 That's just MEAN.   A show about, for by, women  does not need to resort to making fun of women being involved with younger men.   who the hell is SHERRI to make mean comments about someone else's relationship?   The bitchy tone of the show sometimes makes me sad.  I'm all for making fun of women (or men)  when they screw up, but making fun of someone who did nothing worse then AGE is just mean.

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I just noticed the Sherri "elder" comment show was still on my VCR.   Here's my transcript:


SHERRI:  He was respectin' his elders by givin' her a phone call just.... (AUDIENCE GROANS) Sherri keeps on talking:  to let her know, yeah."

JENNY:  Sherri!

SHERRI: (VERY ANIMATED...making a face, throwing her arms around)  It was a JOKE!


Also, I'm sure it was a set-up but it seemed so rude for Sherri to be bad-mouthing their audience-warmer-upper, Tom.  Apparently he was at her pool party too and got drunk!  Not only did she tell us that he got drunk--that she had him sleep it off at her house, but she let the world know that he left the bedroom in a mess.  What a wonderful hostess...and friend.

I recently rewatched the clip where Sherri took issue with Babs saying the "n word" even if she was just reporting on it, and the fuss Sherri made over how Babs pronounced the word. Barbara seemed incredulous that Sherri was so overcome with emotions that she couldn't be even somewhat objective about it. Barbara also seemed hurt that Sherri would think that she was at all racist.



Jeanius...first, good catch on the clean pits!  I remember that "word" discussion well.  I had read comments calling Sherri a racist and disagreed, thinking she was merely ignorant--but Big Time Ignorant.   Her outburst to Barbara convinced me that she is a racist...but still Big Time Ignorant.  I think Whoopi tried to diffuse the situation with a common sense explanation, but Sherri Knows All.  Along with Barbara, I was incredulous...your perfect word.  I think that might have been the nail in Sherri's coffin...and Barbara gleefully hammered it "with love," of course.


Hadn't Sherri said in previous years that she would never date a white guy...but the other day waffled a bit?  Maybe when we hang out with only people of our same race, we don't realize that many of the things we think and say seem so wrong--or maybe just wacky to others.

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That's not proper behavior for anyone. Religion has nothing to do with it.

Of course religion has nothing to do with it but my point, I did not properly convey!, was Sherri feels she is the Christian "lady" & her words & actions show she definitely is not

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Susieq147, I think that's what's called a "Cafeteria Christian."  As in, for example, someone who firmly believes and quotes the passages "proving" homosexuality is a sin, but figures the passages against premarital sex are simply not there or not relevant.



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I think Cafeteria Catholic worked originally because there were (really...there were) a vast number of fast and hard-set rules and rituals every Catholic must follow. Eventually modern Catholics decided to pick and choose which items they would follow--thus, Cafeteria Catholic.  "Cafeteria Christian" would be more difficult because each Christian entity splits from one or forms because of disagreements with their predecessor(s) and makes up new rules.  Oops...interprets God's Word differently.   No two Christian religions seem to have the same rules, requirements, sins, etc.   


Sherri should set down the rules that she likes--the rules she doesn't and gather some of her friends and start their own church.  I can see Sherri being very entertaining and effective as a fire-and-brimstone dancin' minister.  She might make some money!


ETA:  She could speak in tongues and exhibit her favorite "uterus" jumpin'...along with other convulsions and spasms.  Sign me up!

Edited by Former Nun
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I just noticed the Sherri "elder" comment show was still on my VCR.   Here's my transcript:


SHERRI:  He was respectin' his elders by givin' her a phone call just.... (AUDIENCE GROANS) Sherri keeps on talking:  to let her know, yeah."

JENNY:  Sherri!

SHERRI: (VERY ANIMATED...making a face, throwing her arms around)  It was a JOKE!


Also, I'm sure it was a set-up but it seemed so rude for Sherri to be bad-mouthing their audience-warmer-upper, Tom.  Apparently he was at her pool party too and got drunk!  Not only did she tell us that he got drunk--that she had him sleep it off at her house, but she let the world know that he left the bedroom in a mess.  What a wonderful hostess...and friend.


Jeanius...first, good catch on the clean pits!  I remember that "word" discussion well.  I had read comments calling Sherri a racist and disagreed, thinking she was merely ignorant--but Big Time Ignorant.   Her outburst to Barbara convinced me that she is a racist...but still Big Time Ignorant.  I think Whoopi tried to diffuse the situation with a common sense explanation, but Sherri Knows All.  Along with Barbara, I was incredulous...your perfect word.  I think that might have been the nail in Sherri's coffin...and Barbara gleefully hammered it "with love," of course.


Hadn't Sherri said in previous years that she would never date a white guy...but the other day waffled a bit?  Maybe when we hang out with only people of our same race, we don't realize that many of the things we think and say seem so wrong--or maybe just wacky to others.

Whereas Barbara had an affair with Edward Brooke back in the day when that was a bit daring (more so, of course, because he was married). 

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I thought they weren't supposed to "talk" or tweet anything about the child? I wish this could get Sal booted from the case. 


Not that I care so much about Sherri having custody of the baby, but I think she'd be a better mother than Sal's mother. ('Cause we all know who would be raising that baby.)

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Entertainment Tonight interviewed Sal as he was leaving a custody hearing today (Click link to watch the video clip):



Sherri Shepherd's Ex Speaks After Custody Hearing


Sherri Shepherd's ex-husband Lamar Sally is asking for full custody of their baby that is to be born by surrogate on July 28, and ET got him to open up after today's court hearing.


Sally told us he's "definitely" excited to become a father soon.


RELATED: Inside Sherri Shepherd's Bitter Custody Battle


"It'll be my first born and I've been waiting 44 years, so I'm happy," said Sally.


The purpose of today's hearing was to determine what jurisdiction the case falls under and whether Sherri was properly served.


The judge determined that Sherri wasn't properly served, so there will be another attempt to serve her within the next 10 days. The issue of jurisdiction is still being decided. The couple filed for separation in Los Angeles, but Sherri has a home in New Jersey.


The next hearing is set for August 6.


In addition to the custody battle with Sally, Shepherd is also fighting ex Jeffrey Tarplay for custody of their nine-year-old son.


In court papers filed in April, Tarpley accused The View co-host, 47, of making "poor parenting choices" and neglecting their son Jeffrey Tarpley, Jr., who has special needs. Later, Shepherd defended herself in documents claiming that she believes Tarpley is making up excuses "as part of his attempt to gain more custody and more child support."


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Yikes...so Sal is going to be one of Tarpley's key witnesses? This does not bode well for Sherri.


Some time last month, I mentioned that I saw that Jeff Tarpley's lawyer was going to be interviewed on ET about Tarpleys's custody suit against Sherri. I said that I'd watch it and report back here, but I never did, although I just found the notes I scribbled from the one minute interview:



Asked  if his client, Jeff Tarpley, had spoken to Sheri's current ex, Lamar, Tarpley's attorney replied:


"Yes, of course. They have a very good relationship. He (Lamar) will certainly be one of my key witnesses (in the custody battle for Jeffrey)."



ETA:  I found that clip on their site::


Inside Sherri Shepherd's Bitter Custody Battle    (May 19, 2014)


In addition to the custody battle with Tarpley, Shepherd is also fighting estranged husband Lamar Sally for custody of their unborn child.


Sally is asking for full custody of the baby that is to be born by surrogate on July 28. Folke (Tarpley's attorney) points out that Sally has a great relationship with Tarpley and will be one of his "key witnesses."

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Sounds like they will be key witnesses for each other actually - same goals - custody of their sons. And there is a lot of ammunition against Sherri as a mother of a baby through about age 4 from Tarpley and then Sal on the scene to see the last 4 years of raising the 9 year now.

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I thought they weren't supposed to "talk" or tweet anything about the child? I wish this could get Sal booted from the case. 



Wasn't it Sal who went to a Judge to get an order to keep the surrogacy private??? So here HE is blabbing on Twitter and an interview. The are both dumb asses. 


And Sherri wasn't served properly? Oh my!

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Really, she took Jeffrey across the country to live  to be on The View - and away from Jeffrey Sr in Ca. Nothing for her in NYC, including SNL.


She should just move back to Ca now - close to her sons and perhaps some character acting and small parts in movies.

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With everything Sherri has said I think the one thing that gets me is something she reportedly said. I read that in response to Jeffrey Sr's custody request for Jeffrey,  she said he is an absentee father. But is he really an absentee father? I don't see it that way from the way the situation has actually been presented by Sherri herself.

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I don't have anything against surrogate births per se. Maybe you should be a bit more quiet about them? I realize that isn't Sherri's style but someone close might mention that.

It's a delicate situation. I think a low-key approach is more appropriate.

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The way Jimmy Fallon and his wife handled their surrogacy is what I'd look to as an example of the way to handle this sort of thing. Of course with Sherri and Sal separating during theirs couldn't really be hidden due to court records being public unless they each had taken the time to set something up beforehand. 

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The court in California judge put a gag order on discussing this upcoming birth. Sherri has been mum on the subject while Lamar Salley is gaining his fifteen minutes of fame.


This is really one eff'd up mess. Why doesn't  Lamar get a real job and live within his means. I do believe he was a school teacher at one time. God knows that schools can use men as teachers. Jeff Tarpley apparently has a wife and other children now. He must be doing something to support them.


Perhaps losing her job at this point could be the best thing that happened to her in terms of how much support these two yayhoos are going to try to soak her for. She's going to end up paying their court costs, etc etc. etc.


You often hear about fathers that walk away because things are just such an eff'd up mess in these courts. What kind of life could she have? it looks like the new baby will turn twenty one well after her retirement age. And she will be close to sixty when Jeffrey reaches 21.


This is her life. This is the rest of her life. How very very depressing, lonely and sad. She wanted a house with a picket fence, kids, and a doting husband with a good FICO score. Instead she got less  than nothing. I would be so depressed if I were her. Seriously. Yes, she made crappy choices in men that's for sure. But I am sure she never imagined that it would all end up like this.

Edited by maryis1
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