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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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Please don't give him any ideas.  


The sisters grew up with Kay around, so I'm guessing that she probably told Kyle and maybe Kathy what happened. 

From what I have read, neither Kyle or Kathy have anything to do with KR because she gave info for the HH book, so it is entirely possible that neither Kyle or Kathy knew about that bite. I suspect that Kim may have told Kathy as it was Conrad, Kathy's son, that bought the dog to begin with but I do not think Kyle knew.

  • Love 2

it doesn't count as a relapse if the police are involved. Sorry that's the rules.

I know, right?? LOL


It doesn't count if the only person in the bathroom was Kim.


It doesn't count if no one saw her drink.


It doesn't count if she vomited it all of her system.


It doesn't count if she acquired the liquor through the hotel.

  • Love 14

Kim Richards was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel early Thursday morning -- after allegedly going on a drunken rampage and kicking a police officer ... TMZ has learned.


Sources tell us ... Richards had been hanging out at the famous Polo Lounge inside the hotel and was asked to leave because she was too hammered and being "unruly."


We're told Richards went to a bathroom and refused to come out. Cops were called to the scene and we're told they had to "drag her out" of the bathroom.

Richards -- who has struggled with substance abuse in the past -- was reportedly belligerent, slurring her speech and reeked of booze.


We're told Kim was taken to a nearby jail -- where she allegedly kicked a police officer.


She's been charged with trespass, resisting arrest, battery on a police officer and drunk in public.


Cops issued a citation to Richards -- and she was later released.



>> http://www.tmz.com/2015/04/16/kim-richards-arrested-in-bev-hills-alcohol-suspected/#ixzz3XUyR1HCO

  • Love 9

People are so quick to want to share the news about Kim's arrest, they aren't even noticing the previous posts. lol 


Okay ya'll, BlackMamba already posted the breaking news. She got it first. :-)



Ok Blackmamba you are the Walter Cronkite of this generation. Good work


I didn't mean to find it, it just fell in my lap.  LMAO.  But thank you.

  • Love 11

So there's no way that Kyle slices Kim with the past when the cameras aren't rolling? This is the absolutes that I don't understand. There are plenty of hours and days we don't see in that one hour episode each week. Also I've seen on the show the way Kyle defends herself by randomly bringing shit up that has everything to do with shaming Kim (stealthly) and redirecting the focus on details of Kim's life that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with subject they are going on about. I mean how did the bite come up? Weren't they shrieking about something completely different and then BAM "Your dog bit my daughter" wait what? Not saying it isn't relevant but Kyle hurls randoms instead of letting Kim get into whatever it is she's planning on putting on the table.  It's like whenever Kim seems set on addressing something and it seems like she's going to get into a little more detail (not complete detail cause neither one want to stray from the keeps secrets mantra, although I think Kyle is more stealth and goes a little deeper without anyone noticing that she's more okay with the idea of letting things "slip") Kyle jumps in with something that focuses on the mess that is Kim Richards.


Kim deflects but Kyle does it too and uses the tragic ammunition of Kim's instability to shift the focus of where Kim is going with it whereas Kim, from what I can see approaches her grievances with Kyle with a particular direction, that is until Kyle starts maneuvering around with the "you hurt me toos" and "I've been there for you" and eventually shifts the topic of conversation to how Kim has been so terrible or "mean". There's a part of me that would like to look back over the seasons at their back and forths to see just how often Kim has a specific direction in mind when having talks with Kyle and Kyle changing the direction leaving Kim and her scattered brain confused and on the new track of just spouting randoms and generic accusations instead of actually hitting home with anything. I think that's the way Kyle gets out of having any conversations (on camera) where Kim could maybe express some details (nothing epic but maybe a balancing out the scales regarding character) that maybe surround some of Kyle's mistreatment of Kim. 

Andy asked Kyle/Kim what happened to make them stop speaking to each other. Kyle looked at Kim, Kim nodded yes and Kyle proceeded to answer him. Kyle did not bring it up out of the blue but in direct response to Andy's question.

I am sure that Kyle would love to answer on point about what Kim has/has not done but can't without exposing Kim's drunk/high behavior. Kim can't have it both ways, Kyle giving a direct, honest answer/explanation on camera and keeping her alcohol/drug abuse quiet. According to Kim, Kyle is not allowed to talk about Kim's addiction issues, which cover most of their adult lives, Kim's kids, Kim's dog son, her life but Kim is free to expose any and all about Kyle, her husband/kids, her life. And she allows her friend, BG, to threaten to physically hurt her sister, say nasty lies about Kyle and her husband, say lies regarding their childhood without nary a word in Kyle's defense on camera or in her blogs when she cares enough to write 1 that is..

  • Love 13

Do we think she told the police officer to mind his goddamn business? I am so glad this happened publicly so she can't pretend it was some sort of misunderstanding. 


Unfortunately agree with everyone that she'll blame Kyle. I hope Kyle tells Kim's BFF Brandi to bail her out. 


I actually can 100% goddamn see her doing precisely that.


Insufferable woman.


I do hope the "good" sister Kathy is ready to wrangle up a PR person to try to cover this shit up for poor little Kimmie.


We all know Kyle's a bad sister and will just turn her back on her.


Oh, hey, maybe Brandi will come to her rescue.  *snort*

  • Love 9

OMG I'm just dying here.   This is just too good!   Hmmm she runs to the bathroom - typical, but what did she try to get rid of before the cops came?????   Seriously why not just storm out - or storm/stumble - why run into the bathroom???   How is this going to play out.   Clock is ticking - tick tick tick - next up "Kim Richards hospitalized" or "Kim Richards checks into rehab".   Of course she's going to blame Kyle, but will probably blame Andy for ruining her reputation by airing the Reunion.

  • Love 19

So who did she call for help Brandi ,Kathy. Or did she have the stones to call Kyle?

Kyle Posted Her Blog @ 11:25 AM Eastern ...Seriously Doubt She Was Aware Kim Had Been Arrested @ 1:30 AM West Coast Time @ The Polo Lounge Bathroom, IMO



ETA: The Polo Lounge Is A Favorite HangOut Of Brandy Glanville & Lisa VanderPump ...Not That I Believe For A Minute Lisa VanderPump Was With Kim @ The Time

Edited by PreposterousISTA
  • Love 9

msnbc just covered it - charged with public intoxication and battery on a police officer, they reported.

So much for shoving it under the rug. You're horrible, Kyle!

Thank You. I Say Keep The Breaking News Articles/ Photos/ Videos Coming Each One Offers Something New "Fresh"

Exempli Gratia = Polo Lounge As Opposed To Just Beverly Hills Hotel ....

  • Love 7

So there's no way that Kyle slices Kim with the past when the cameras aren't rolling?



Nowhere in my post did I comment that. Nowhere. Not even going to acknowledge the rest. Not worth it. 


I am too busy on the breaking news that is KIM WAS ARRESTED FOR BEING DRUNK. Not to mention kicking a police officer and all the other charges. Oh, but, it will be Kyle's fault somehow, right?


This was bound to happen sooner or later. I mentioned it would be a DUI, but this is right up Kim's alley. Being locked in a bathroom. She loves her bathrooms. Kim is slowly killing herself.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 22


Andy asked Kyle/Kim what happened to make them stop speaking to each other. Kyle looked at Kim, Kim nodded yes and Kyle proceeded to answer him. Kyle did not bring it up out of the blue but in direct response to Andy's question.

Exactly, WireWrap.    Rewriting history doesn't just happen on the show. Viewers do it too.


I wonder now how Bravo will deal with this if they had plans to retain Kim as a cast member?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

From People online:


A source tells PEOPLE, "She's always acting kooky, but that's her personality, so it wasn't necessarily obvious if she was drinking or anything again."

Richards was released at 10:36 a.m. Thursday and was issued a citation charging her with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer.



They don't keep people at the station for 8 hours unless they are in the drunk tank.  They have to sober up before they are released.   Wow, even Bravo producers couldn't come up with something like this.

  • Love 23

To everyone out there that has never had to deal with an addict this season and the events today are a small window into that world. The person says they are sober, you don't really beleive it but you want to beleive it so badly you almost convince yourself. But still there's that nagging doubt....maybe it's you , maybe your just not trusting enough.Months go by and then BAM! An event occurs and it's clear the person isn't sober. Next comes the apologies and the promises, the trips to rehab the sessions with the psychologist . Lather, rinse and repeat. Day after day, year after year. It wears a person down.


This x 1000000


It truly is something that if don't live with it and experience it on a day to day basis...you really cannot grasp just how horrible it is. You can only do so much. One has to want to be saved in order to BE saved.

  • Love 16


So basically if Kyle had just let her leave when Security asked then none of this would have happened.  Kyle locking the door to the bathroom and not letting Kim out is the reason the cops were called.  She was not drunk.  She had started a cleanse and didn't realize that the lemons would react with her pills that are the same kinda as a doctor prescribed for her 8 years ago when she was having allergy problems.


So Kyle's fault, no relapse, nothing to see here folks, just move along.

OMG, lol!

  • Love 1

This was her [brandi's] big chance to say something about me, calling me a hypocrite for not partaking in the space cake. I have said it before, and I will say it again: I NEVER said I haven't smoked pot. I HAVE. It's just not my thing. I have a lot more fun having a few margaritas. Kim knows that. I would have appreciated her chiming in there.


While constantly demanding that Kyle be a "good" sister and have her back, Kim has never stood up for Kyle against Brandi's constant berating of Kyle.  I'll NEVER buy the idea that Kyle mistreats Kim in any way.  Yeah, she may get little digs in now and then, but with Kim's behavior over the years towards her, she deserves to get a jab in now and then.  It has to be exhausting dealing with the mess that is Kim. 


Wonder what her excuse is going to be this time for partaking in some substance that she most likely somehow "took by mistake"........obviously it will be Kyle's fault. 

  • Love 12


So basically if Kyle had just let her leave when Security asked then none of this would have happened.  Kyle locking the door to the bathroom and not letting Kim out is the reason the cops were called.  She was not drunk.  She had started a cleanse and didn't realize that the lemons would react with her pills that are the same kinda as a doctor prescribed for her 8 years ago when she was having allergy problems.

LOVE this...but I think you forgot to mention how Kyle grabbed a bottle of Grey Goose from behind the bar & doused Kim with it which is why she reeked of booze. God damnit Kyle!

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I do feel for her family because anyone that watched that reunion had to know she wasn't sober.  Somewhere Lisa Rinna has a big fat frickin grin on her face.  After all that shit Kim talked about her probably having a record of "battering".  Two days after the show airs, Kim gets picked up for A&B on a cop.   I can't help but picture the production crew for this show breaking out the cameras much earlier than expected for the next season.  

Edited by AttackTurtle
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I'm surprised by how much play her arrest is getting.  I didn't realize the RHoBH was that popular. 


Kyle will be blamed for this.  Either by her sister or she will blame herself for not continuing to coddle Kim and shield Kim from the backlash.


Kim is an alcoholic, she's been one for years.  She has acted a mess for years and I've always been sympathetic to Kyle when people rant and rave that she outed Kim because Kim outed her damn self ever since Season 1.  I hope Kyle is strong enough to not fall into old, negative patterns.  That family seems to have a close ranks mentality but it's toxic because it prevents Kim from ever having to own up to her actions and face the consequences.

  • Love 19

"I think Lisa R has a record for battery."

My my my 2 months after filming the reunion Kim gets her karma.

Oh snap!!


Hey Brandi, this (kicking an officer, just like she kicked LisaR) is ASSAULT AND BATTERY.



You are watching a suicide. That's what Lisa R and Eileen have been saying all season......something bad is going to happen.

I am with you on that high horse. Kudos to the rest of your post. Yes, Kim's behavior has caused five people to be bitten by her dog and now, she has put herself in the slammer. Would she be "poor Kim" if she were to have hit a family with her car? Who the fuck cares about what truths Kim supposedly has in her pickled brain when the TRUTH is, Kim is an addict and is dangerous, not only to others but to herself.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 20


I do feel for her family because anyone that watched that reunion had to know she wasn't sober.  Somewhere Lisa Rinna has a big fat frickin grin on her face.


You know I make jokes and think this is one be karma fu.  But I have lived with and lost a sibling to alcohol.  And even with events like these sometimes there is no bottom.  I genuinely wish this wasn't true for her kids, family and friends.  But she will never truly get it together until EVERYONE turns their back on her in her disease.  As long as there is one loved one enabling it will continue.  


And like LisaV put so elegantly.  Kim invited us into her life.  If she is too fragile for this (which I suspect) then she needs to give up her addiction to the limelight as well as PILLs and alcohol.

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