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S04.E18: Mishipeshu

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One of the first episodes in ages and ages that I have felt the need and/or want to watch over and over and over.  I think I'm on my sixth or seventh viewing now and I am still enjoying it, like noticing things that I didn't see before with every new viewing.  It may have something to do with I know exactly where that white school is.  I drive by it at least once a week.  I live about eight miles down that country road from there.  And my mom lives in Troutdale.  


The more evil Juliette gets, the better I like her and the more beautiful I find Bitsie to be.  The flashback that His Royal Hotness had, I must've watched that a couple dozen times.  I think this Juliette hexenbiest story is so much more compelling than the bigger meta story about the royals.  Juliette impacts everyone's life, not just Renard, but Rosalie, Monroe, and Nick.  Someone hinted that if she keeps going like she is, she's going to come to the Council's attention.  Maybe that will get through to what basically amounts to a teenage witch who's flexing her powers and having her own way and loving every second of it.  


One random thought, Russell totally did rock Simon as a five-and-a-half-year-old.  The "and-a-half" from Simon I thought was a really sweet and totally perfect "kid" touch.  I hope that that performance is his Emmy reel.  It was really very well done.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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But (and it's a big but), the one awesome thing that Juliette did this week was in the bar when she started to walk away and the guy said, "Hey, I just bought you two drinks!" and her reply was, "What did you expect for two drinks?" WORD. Buying someone a few drinks doesn't mean they owe you anything, dude.


Respectfully... yes it does mean she owes him a conversation.  We're not talking legal, binding contract in a court of law "owes", but rather the more fluid but no less meaningful "social contract".  If you don't want to even talk to the person, you simply say "No thanks".  If the guy had then kept pressuring her beyond a couple of polite refusals, then sure- he's being rude.  But people not handling rejection well is a separate issue, and not what we saw on screen.  He was respectful and polite the whole time, and Juliette gave zero indication she wasn't interested.


In fact, she showed the opposite: she slammed back her drink and said "How about you buy me the next one too?" along with dialogue like "You think you can handle me?".  Outside of Tumblr, we adults would consider that an unambiguous invitation to at least sit down and talk, along with a hint of being open for more exciting things later if things click between you.  Of course she didn't owe him sexual submission just for two drinks, but he didn't ask for that- you only projected that onto the scene yourself (and it would be disingenuous for you to pretend that's not what you were implying).



Here's a different example: you go to a restaurant, eat your meal, and then when the bill comes you leave no tip.  As you're leaving, the waiter clearing the table sees the tab and calls after you- understandably- "Uh, was there something wrong with your meal tonight, ma'am?".  I mean, how dare that waiter think you "owe" him something, it's not like there are decades of established social mores that expect at least a 15% tip for good service!


You aren't legally required to tip of course- we're not adolescents going through the hair-splitting phase of rules and loopholes- and you'll never be hauled in front of a judge for not tipping.  But if you don't, every single service industry worker in the country would consider you a gargantuan asshole for walking off without tipping, because you grossly violated the social contract. 


Similarly, if you go to a bar and accept a free drink, it's expected that you are willing to have a conversation and get to know each other a little better.  Don't want to talk to them?  Then don't take the free drink, real simple.

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Of course she didn't owe him sexual submission just for two drinks, but he didn't ask for that- you only projected that onto the scene yourself (and it would be disingenuous for you to pretend that's not what you were implying).

No, the part that I was projecting is that when I offer something to someone, I don't expect anything in return. When I offer someone a ride, I don't expect gas money. When I offer someone tickets to an event, I don't expect them to give me money. When I offer someone a book, I don't expect one in return. When I pay for the order of the person behind me, I do not ask them to do the same for someone else. I am choosing what I want to give away or pay for without any expectation that the recipient owes me anything.

If that guy wanted to have a conversation with Juliette, he could have tried, you know, just having a conversation with her. But instead he opened with offering to buy her a drink. Accepting it doesn't mean she owes him anything more than a simple thank you. I thought her faux flirting was embarrassing to watch and he certainly didn't deserve to have the shit scared out of him by her hexenbeist face, but I also don't think she owed him anything for two drinks.

For the record, this is why I don't accept offers of drinks. I'd rather pay for my own than deal with "owing" someone for $10 of alcohol. Then again, I also don't go to bars to hook up so I am not the target audience for offers of free drinks.

As for the Wesen council, I have forgotten about what they consider a violation worthy of punishment. Is intentionally woging in public enough to get in trouble? Obviously she did more than just woge since she threw that guy pretty far too.

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A few episodes ago during the episode with the Wesen hit man that Juliette eventually killed, Monroe basically said anything that threatens to expose the Wesen community was grounds for a "punishment from the Council." Also "Being Nick" is punishable by easily-defeatable death attempts from the Council at least once a season.

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...But if you accept the drink and encourage him, he has every right to be confused when you just rudely walk away...

Sure. Confused. I can agree with that. And that's probably why the smooth, sophisticated, mature gentlemen of the old timey movies have the drink delivered to the woman across the room. Then, if she's not interested, it's way less awkward--and there's no confusion.

Anyway, Juliette's treatment of the guy was pretty funny in a great way to me. Maybe the dude will try other venues in the future to meet women--like a painting or pottery class--but I doubt it. I think he really did just want a fling rather than a relationship--but we'll never know for sure.

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The only way for these writers to redeem themselves by having Juliet taking that baby and put it into her uterus. 

I have a sneaky suspicion that this is exactly what they intend. Juliette gets her hexenbeist gone, Adalind's baby shifts uteri via mumbo jumbo magic and a hand-wave, and look Juliette and Nick are going to be parents. Ugh. No one is going to kill a baby, so that baby is here to stay in one way or another.


What I'm not exactly a fan of is Rosalee's vow to 'fix' Juliette. While I love her for being a fierce friend, she apparently hasn't talked with Juliette.

More like Juliette hasn't talked to her - except blaming her for her situation. I am probably wrong - but I think this episode is the first time she's stated out loud that she likes and wants to keep the powers.  Then again, I don't pay close attention, because I see enough teenage whiny drama on the other shows I watch. I don't like it on those shows either - but at least it makes sense and the teenagers are actual teenagers.


Or Mama Renard is just not a very good cook (of hexenbiest spell recipes).

I was thinking this myself. She didn't seem to do a good job with Sean (well, he's living - but things are unraveling now), and Juliette's transformation seems to be taking every other hexenbeist by surprise.


 but I'm going with Mom either being totally inept, which doesn't seem possible, or Mama Renard set some stuff in motion purposely.

Though I like the inept Mom, you have a point. Maybe Mama Renard is getting even. Sean gave Diana away to the Grimm Mother. And Nick's the closest thing to his mother she can mete out punishment to (Juliette being just the poor scapegoat). Squint hard enough and it could be a reason for everything.


As for the drinks in the bar - in my opinion, Juliette most certainly led him on, and he had a reason to be put out, but his initial phrasing was the kind of entitled male BS that immediately puts my back up. So in my view, they were both being jerks.

Edited by clanstarling
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More like Juliette hasn't talked to her - except blaming her for her situation. I am probably wrong - but I think this episode is the first time she's stated out loud that she likes and wants to keep the powers.  Then again, I don't pay close attention, because I see enough teenage whiny drama on the other shows I watch. I don't like it on those shows either - but at least it makes sense and the teenagers are actual teenagers.


Up until now she's been whining and blaming, and stomping off when she told Renard he better help her or he was going to be sorry!  Now she's liking it and being part of a world she wasn't part of before.  She enjoys throwing her weight around.  Which could be somewhat understandable, but I really think the acting is way over the top.  She should at least be able to show how she is conflicted and confused, not just shrill and petulant and raging.  That's not fun to watch.  I've liked the character and actress up until now.  This is a fail for me.

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I'm finding Juliette very unpleasant and unreasonable right now.  She was the one who insisted that Nick become a Grimm again, and insisted that they use the magic, even though they didn't know what the side effects would be.  There must be something mentally unstable with hexenbiests to make her act this way. 

I'm glad

Trubel is coming back, as she is also a Grimm. Why can't they use her blood to de-hexenbiest Juliette? They said Nick's won't work since it had already been used on Adalind, but Trubel is a different person.

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I think it's almost interesting that, at least for me, before this episode Nick's reactions all seemed to be something in the vein of wanting to think of a way to undo it, or help Juliette get back to her normal self (or possibly even maybe just still be/feel like her normal self while in this state, a sort of maybe "this doesn't need to change us" thing). Although I admit his motives and thoughts on the situation beyond "mope" were entirely ambiguous to me.

Whereas this episode, even before she were arrested, his tune seemed to have shifted to something more like fear she was going to destroy people and/or property. I mean, definitely here the way she's been presented as acting like, that is a very good thing to worry about, but we've seen plenty of other Hexenbeists and Zauberbiests who don't just spend every moment of every day picking fights and having murdery urges. There might be something inherent to the species that they're usually meaner people than Juliette was shown to be before, but if they play this all as her anger is extra angry because of the transformation and something magical, I'd be a little pissed off because I don't think that's really consistent with what we've seen. I think it'd be better if her rage were real and based on her own experiences.

Mind you, I still think said rage is unjustified because she was all in on the plan that came with warnings of unknown side effects, so bitch please, you had a choice and you made it. But still, if she's just actually working out anger issues, and the suddenly having super strength is exacerbating it, that's less lazy writing to me than some sort of plot point basically saying her personality also changed magically, which seems to be what they're currently implying.

They've basically gotten it to the point where I don't think there is any possible end to this plot that doesn't involve an eyeroll so hard my brain hurts. Everything I've seen speculated so far sounds terrible; everything I can think of otherwise would not actually make sense. I can't believe but I might actually prefer the "it's all a fever dream" resolution. I hate plots that get done just so they can be undone. And that seems to be all we're getting on this show now...

Edited by theatremouse
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In defense of the "Let's fix this" crowd, up until this week Juliette was saying " I want it gone, I want my life back," and was being very timid about everything ("I was afraid to tell you"). So Rosalee and Nick and Monroe really can't be blamed for thinking she wanted the spell reversed.


Sean knows much more than he's sharing with the rest of the gang, but Juliette really did change her attitude without telling the others, until she told Nick in the jail.


And frankly, she seemed to be mostly only angry because Nick was freaked out at her first woge in front of him and didn't want to kiss her right away. She was sort of nervous, but mostly enjoying the excitement of exploding things and having super-self-defense skills before that.


I wonder if the magic Sean's mother did reversed the purification he went through when he was getting ready to help Juliette out of her coma. That's really when he went from gray and scheming to good guy/just an ally. But if the return from the dead magic reversed the purification, that's a plausible reason why he randomly took a guy's wallet, and why he's boning Juliette (or getting off on whatever other rough stuff they were doing off-screen that half the viewership is hoping was just a dream) instead of resisting the attraction like he did when they were under the attraction spell. Maybe the bleeding is like a reverse of the smoke purification. I don't know.


The problem is that even with the shit writing we've been getting, the ratings haven't been tanking like what happened with Sleepy Hollow. So the network is unlikely to get involved to restore quality.

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The problem is that even with the shit writing we've been getting, the ratings haven't been tanking like what happened with Sleepy Hollow. So the network is unlikely to get involved to restore quality.


Well, the ratings have been going down a bit.  However, it sort of corresponds with NCAA basketball and then (or at the same time) the time change, and the extended hiatus.  As I said up thread, there are very good reasons why this show does NOT belong at 8pm, and ratings have nothing to do with it.  However, my guess is that this dip in ratings isn't being taken too seriously at the moment due to the reasons I just mentioned.  I'm not saying it isn't because people are turning off the show (trust me, they are.  Go to any board or twitter or FB and read how many people said they were turning off the show once it came out Adalind was pregnant again--that was the turd that was too big for anyone to ignore), but I don't think the network is ready to blame that yet....


But, goodness, YES!  The episodes have been uneven at best and downright crap at worst.  People are complaining about it everywhere and the ratings are dropping.  The good news is that the writer's haven't yet gone back to work to start on Season 5 (I think they do so in May or June) and filming for this season is over.   There isn't anything they can do now for season 4, but there is hope for season 5.  Seriously, that is sometimes the only reason why I watch this show...


Speaking of which, I did rewatch it this morning.  While I still am uneasy about the Wesen of the Week (I'm sorry, it just seems to play too much into stereotypes of Native Americans--much of which doesn't even apply to the local tribes), I will say it is better than some of the recent episodes--and it was a bit different from the usual fare, which I appreciate.  There also was far less Juliette than usual, which was also a nice break (it doesn't look like that will continue next week, though).  Here are some other things that struck me the second time around:

  • I'm really glad that Nick is starting to get to his breaking point with Juliette.  I mean, before he was just too much of the perfect boyfriend--never losing his temper, saying he'll always be there for her, making excuses for her.  Now, I think, we're starting to get past that, which I think was necessary for that plot to progress.
  • That damn book.  IT IS IN GERMAN!  Yes, I know Monroe can read German (sort of), but Juliette can't, Rosalee can't (I don't think), but now it seems everyone can read it.  Continuity folks....it is a foreign concept to the writers.
  • While I don't want them to drop the possessed Deputy Sheriff Ferris, I really, really don't want her to become part of the Scooby Gang.  Frankly, all those slots are filled.  We have the lead--Nick, the loyal sidekick--Nick, the one who with a bit of danger--Monroe (well, he used to have a bit of danger about him....), the smart one--Wu, and the token woman/medical person--Rosalee.  Now that Juliette is out and Renard is just barely on the edges--and I'm sure he'll be out soon--we've got a good group.  Don't add in anyone else, not Ferris and NOT Adalind.
  • I think once Juliette gets past her hexen-adolescence, she could be a formidable villain.  Adalind was never able to acheive that because, well, she was too easily manipulated and, frankly, not that smart.  Juliette could be their second chance at a worthwhile villain--if she'd just quit acting like a bitter diva.
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I wonder if the magic Sean's mother did reversed the purification he went through when he was getting ready to help Juliette out of her coma. That's really when he went from gray and scheming to good guy/just an ally. But if the return from the dead magic reversed the purification, that's a plausible reason why he randomly took a guy's wallet, and why he's boning Juliette (or getting off on whatever other rough stuff they were doing off-screen that half the viewership is hoping was just a dream) instead of resisting the attraction like he did when they were under the attraction spell. Maybe the bleeding is like a reverse of the smoke purification. I don't know.


This is the thing I've been wondering about for some time. Renard started out as a scheming bastard who was responsible for siccing Adelind on everyone, the repercussions of which have been causing most of the personal badness happening to Our Heroes. I'm not sure what it was the Prince Charming Purge blew out of him but he is still ruthless and manipulative, just not to Nick and the gang now.


The mugging makes no sense to me because he has never been interested in small petty crimes. The last magical thing that influenced him was the coin, and that made him want to mobilize everyone to clean up Portland. All of his other small crimes like trashing the bar's security system to save zombie Nick and swapping the SIM card out of his cousin's bodyguard's phone after he killed the two of them have been strategic. This latest action is just confusing me -- they've got some 'splaining to do, and soon.

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••Well if there was ANY hope that Juliette & Nick could somehow make things work- now or when/if they de-hexenbiest her- it's gone now. I just don't understand why the writers are doing this!

• I don't know what to think about Juliette. I thought that is was stupid that Juliette didn't tell her friend Rosalee about her Hexen-problem. After the initial shock, I think she started to like the power. Now I think she didn't go to Rosalee because she may not want to give it up. But then she's going around blaming everyone for what happened. I don't think she knows what she wants as far as that goes. I do know that she wants Adalind dead & I do too.

••This thing with Renard is just getting more & more strange. I thought he & his mother were close. She had to know that what she did had side effects. She is a "skilled hexenbiest". Now she won't answer his calls. It's just weird.

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I forgot about that mugging- something else that I just don't know what the hell the writers are thinking. He certainly doesn't need the money- but the way he was eyeing it up while he & that man were in line... Weird- and not at all like Renard. I'm nervous about when Wu finds the owner. I hope all Renard did was punch him that one time & the guy isn't in the hospital.... He'll ID Renard & that's a problem.

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I forgot about that mugging- something else that I just don't know what the hell the writers are thinking. He certainly doesn't need the money- but the way he was eyeing it up while he & that man were in line... Weird- and not at all like Renard...

If they didn't have so many damn simultaneous plots going, this would either have made more sense or could have come off as an intriguing development. My guess is that Renard is sharing thoughts with his mother--didn't she use her blood to bring him back from the dead? If so, maybe at this moment she is destitute somewhere and in need of money.
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If they didn't have so many damn simultaneous plots going, this would either have made more sense or could have come off as an intriguing development. My guess is that Renard is sharing thoughts with his mother--didn't she use her blood to bring him back from the dead? If so, maybe at this moment she is destitute somewhere and in need of money.

That is a really good theory.  We have seen Nick and Adalind actually seeing things through each other's eyes, so there is precedent for this sharing idea.

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Whoa, I went through first grade at Carver School (back in 1970)! I was also there once for an event in the mid-'80s so that's why I can better recall the interior, which looked to be correct in this episode. Either it was completely set dressed for the show or it's now in operation again after being abandoned for a couple of decades. I spent a large portion of my life living about a quarter mile from it but due to the complete loss of the home and most of the family I grew up with, it's been too painful to drive through that area, so I'm guessing it's probably changed considerably since I last did about six or more years ago.

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Whoa, I went through first grade at Carver School (back in 1970)! I was also there once for an event in the mid-'80s so that's why I can better recall the interior, which looked to be correct in this episode. Either it was completely set dressed for the show or it's now in operation again after being abandoned for a couple of decades. I spent a large portion of my life living about a quarter mile from it but due to the complete loss of the home and most of the family I grew up with, it's been too painful to drive through that area, so I'm guessing it's probably changed considerably since I last did about six or more years ago.


From what I understand, the school is no longer in service.  


I read an article, somewhere, that was an interview with the people who own Nick and Juliette's house.  They still use this house for exterior shots, but the interior shots are a set in a studio.  However, early on--I guess it was the pilot--they did film inside the house and the owners said that the show did so much dressing that it was completely unrecognizable as their house.


ETA: Link to the interview in question....not that it has anything to do with this episode, but it does sort of answer the original point about Carver School not looking like you remember:


Edited by OtterMommy
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Thanks, OtterMommy, I recognized the outside of the house that they use for Nick's and it's always bugged me that I couldn't remember where it was! Regarding the school, I said that it did look like I remember so that's why I wasn't sure if it was a set in this instance. At least the little bit I saw of the interior was correct, especially the entrance with that staircase. It's the outside of the school that's different now but that's just due to the modular-type homes in front next to the highway that weren't there when I last was. I'm actually kind of surprised the school is not open again as there was a major explosion of housing developments in that area in the last 15 years.


ETA: It is open again! I'm glad because it's such a beautiful old building: http://www.carverschool.org/

Edited by Scout Finch
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Sure. Confused. I can agree with that. And that's probably why the smooth, sophisticated, mature gentlemen of the old timey movies have the drink delivered to the woman across the room. Then, if she's not interested, it's way less awkward--and there's no confusion.

Anyway, Juliette's treatment of the guy was pretty funny in a great way to me. Maybe the dude will try other venues in the future to meet women--like a painting or pottery class--but I doubt it. I think he really did just want a fling rather than a relationship--but we'll never know for sure.


Uh, I don't think someone toying with someone else in a bar and then turning into a raging bitch and trying to traumatize them for fun by woging is "funny in a great way."  The guy wasn't being a jerk or anything like that, he was merely responding to what she was putting out.  You think he deserved that? Wow. 


I actually said to my husband when we were watching "damn, Hexenbeist Juliette is even more annoying than normal Juliette and I didn't think that was possible.  Maybe her and Adalind can kill each other in an epic Hexenbeist showdown.  That'd be awesome.

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I think I am just plain losing interest in this show. The wesen of the week is no longer novelty enough to keep me interested, and that only leaves
a) the dreary repetitiveness of Nick/Juliette's on-again/off-again cycle,
b) vague semi-magical stuff happening with Renard for which we will never get a proper explanation,
c) the stupefying inertness of the the royals and their failure to ever accomplish anything,
d) Adalind floating around in limbo, also never accomplishing anything.
What drew me into Grimm was the oddball buddy relationship of Nick and Monroe, but they rarely do anything together anymore. Then there was the interesting situation in which Nick was baffled to find himself as negotiator and peacemaker for the wesen population, but that also fell by the wayside long ago.
In short, I found myself bored during this week's installment, not caring about anything that was happening.

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What are the writers trying to accomplish with Juliette? Is she suppose to be going EVIL or getting drunk with power? Trying to kill a unsuspecting Adalind who is shopping is being evil, starting fights in bars is just being a jerk. Being a Hexenbiest isn't excuse to treat everyone terribly, we have had examples like Henrietta and Elizabeth who were pretty normal and even helpful.


It would be better if they had Juliette turn fully evil after she changed and try to kill her friends. At least that would be more entertaining and we could chalk it up to being a villain. Angel became a thousand times more awesome when he became a villain on Buffy, the actor finally got some good material to work with.


Right now Juliette is the exact same Juliette but with superpowers, only with more whining and creating unnecessary drama with Nick. Becoming a Hexebiest has brought out all of her worst qualities as a character, and taken time way from a potentially more interesting season storyline. The writers have done the impossible with Juliette, given her a worse storyline than the awful S2 amnesia arc.

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Am I supposed to feel bad for Juliette and her transformation?  I don't.  I find her annoying, whiny, with a dose of passive aggressive vindictiveness thrown in for good measure.  Instead of you know, TALKING to people who care about her, who want to help her she goes out and shock woges some random guy at the bar and Nick in the jail cell.  Speaking of jail cell, there's no need to contemptuously exclaim that you wondered if Nick was going to "rescue you" - I bet you would have torn into him if he didn't show up; poor guy can't win with you.


I've always liked Juliette - but not anymore.  I don't know if it's the horrible writing or the terrible acting - I just can't with her anymore.  When I prefer Adalind over Juliette you know something's very, very wrong.


This entire series needs a reset - and quick. 

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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What are the writers trying to accomplish with Juliette? Is she suppose to be going EVIL or getting drunk with power? Trying to kill a unsuspecting Adalind who is shopping is being evil, starting fights in bars is just being a jerk. Being a Hexenbiest isn't excuse to treat everyone terribly, we have had examples like Henrietta and Elizabeth who were pretty normal and even helpful.


Well, to be fair, the jury is still out on Henrietta and I'm not sure we can call Elizabeth helpful.  She certainly created a lot of problems in Portland!

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Well, to be fair, the jury is still out on Henrietta and I'm not sure we can call Elizabeth helpful.  She certainly created a lot of problems in Portland!



Perhaps, but neither were they raging, whiny, passive-aggressive, let's shock woge some random dude, it's all your fault lunatic.  They're cold and calculating - and I'm fine with that.


The only one we've seen come close to Juliette's level of irrationality is Adalind, and she wasn't always that way.

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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Yeah, I think it's safe to say the only character more annoying than Juliette is Adalind, but I've always hated her.  The whole Alice in Wonderland in the castle thing almost made me stop watching the show.  I think the whole Royals storyline has got to be one of the longest, most boring dead end story line in any show I've ever watched. They're supposed to be super powerful but I haven't seen them actually DO anything other than kill random people for even more random reasons.   

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I spent the whole episode trying to remember where we'd seen Deputy Ferris before. I thought she was one of the agents who turned out to be Wesen and who kidnapped Trubel and tried to get her to work with the resistance, but that was someone else, right? And Trubel never did tell Nick about that lady or about that whole deal, so that's still hanging out there.


I'm not sure I buy Juliette getting arrested for assault. First of all, the guy she threw across the room would be unlikely to report it. And even if he did and even though there were witnesses, once the cops got hold of Juliette they would be suspicious that she's capable of such a thing. It's more possible she might be arrested for disturbing the peace or property damage since the lights blew out and glasses shattered, etc., but again, they'd have a hard time pinning that on her.


I'm distressed they're adding yet another thing going on with Renard, like we need that at this point. If I had to guess I'd just say it's a further manifestation that he's losing control of himself and just reacted to his base instinct of wanting power (saw all the money, decided he wanted to take it) - but Renard is still too much of an enigma to add yet another element of mystery to his character. He spent the first couple of seasons making vague statements about needing Nick and how important Nick was to his plan and yet we still have no earthly idea just what that plan is.


This show is just becoming a confusing mess. All the tertiary plots involving Renard, Adalind, the baby and the Royals are just meandering all over the place. We're nearing the end of the fourth season and this show has a history of ending each season on a cliff-hanger. These stories need to go somewhere tangible.

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It was great to see Hank front and center in an episode.  He did really well being possessed by the water creature and reacting as a little boy who saw his father beaten and murdered. 


It was nice to see Deputy Farris again.  I wouldn't mind another episode with her and Hank.


What the hell is going on with Renard's storyline?  He's bleeding and weak and was easily taken down by Kenneth.  Now, he's mugging people. 


As I recall, baby Diana had some pretty strong powers while in utero. And that was a baby that was 1/2 Hexenbeist 1/4 Zauberbeist 1/4 Royal.


If Renard is the father of Diana, is the child considered royalty?  It's assumed that she is, but Renard has been ostracized by the Royals.  He's an illegitimate son of the king, so he wouldn't be in line for the throne.  If Victor was the father, it would make more sense to me.  Or if the Royals wanted Diana solely because she is powerful.


Everybody, including Renard, is trying to help Juliette, but she's still acting like an asshole.


I'm sick of these writers who are trying to make Juliette happen.  She worked best when she was a supporting character who Nick saw for five minutes/episode.  Her scenes were bland but quick.  Now, these writers want to create big storylines for her.


They're making her into a seductive hexenbiest.  Tulloch just can't pull off sexy.  Her angry, sexy face at the restaurant was eyerolling. 

In the same freakin' episode, these writers are trying to make Juliette into a Big Bad.  Henrietta said that Juliette was going to be a very powerful hexenbiest and would be more powerful than her. 


I just don't think Tulloch is good at acting because her Big Bad persona was laughable.  Her threat to Renard, her warning to Nick about getting too close to her, etc.  She needs to take pointers from Teresa and Mama Grimm, who are truly Big Bads.


She hated her ugly hexenface and blamed everybody for what happened to her.  Now, she admitted that she loves the power.  Okkkayyyy, so stop blaming people if you admit that you like being a hexenbiest.  She should be thanking Adalind for her new powers.


Stop it with Juliette.  At this point in the Grimm Universe, she's at the center.  Kill her off and reboot the show. 


I loved the interactions between Nick, Hank, Rosalee, and Monroe.  Without Juliette, these characters flow very well together.  Nick is relaxed and happy when he's not with Juliette.  Why is he still pining for her when she's playing passive-aggressive games with him? [she did the same thing with the dude in the restaurant.]  Find your backbone, Nick.  


Teresa really needs to come back.  She was fun to watch, and she loved being a Grimm.  I wouldn't mind if she became the new Grimm of Portland.


As of the preview, I'm just disappointed that Nick takes everything out of Adalind as gospel. Kenneth may or may not. Yet it looks like Nick is all in on this new baby being his.


Whoa, Nick is going to assume that he's the father for Adalind's baby?  Ugh, the men of Portland in the Grimm Universe are stupid.  But I blame the writers.

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I spent the whole episode trying to remember where we'd seen Deputy Ferris before. I thought she was one of the agents who turned out to be Wesen and who kidnapped Trubel and tried to get her to work with the resistance, but that was someone else, right? And Trubel never did tell Nick about that lady or about that whole deal, so that's still hanging out there.


No, she was the deputy sheriff in the episode with Komodo Dragon wesen--the same episode where Nick got his Grimm back...

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And becoming numb does not answer the question of why she's not herself and saying things she supposedly doesn't mean. You know what this means? I'm guessing that everything that's happened during Juliette's B*tch arc will mean nothing. Everything she says and does will mean nothing, because she was not herself. So, I'm glad they're spending so much time on it.


Response in Juliette Silverton thread.

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The way the edited the sheriff lady I kept expecting a reveal she were either Wesen or a Grimm and couldn't decide which, but then with the reveal at the end, I wondered if the vibe I was getting was really just leading to that moment.

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Whoa, I went through first grade at Carver School (back in 1970)! I was also there once for an event in the mid-'80s so that's why I can better recall the interior, which looked to be correct in this episode. Either it was completely set dressed for the show or it's now in operation again after being abandoned for a couple of decades. I spent a large portion of my life living about a quarter mile from it but due to the complete loss of the home and most of the family I grew up with, it's been too painful to drive through that area, so I'm guessing it's probably changed considerably since I last did about six or more years ago.

Thanks for the history lesson.  I always wondered whether the school was still actually open even with the number of times I've driven by it.  There are always signs about enrollment and/or different fairs and stuff, but I never knew for sure.  I was just thrilled to see it on my screen in an episode of Grimm.  There are so many fascinating and spooky sites out in this area that it's nice to see the show people starting to find them.    

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I just...I don't get what they're doing with Juliette right now. I just have no idea what her thought process is. Like, am I missing something? Why is being a Hexienbeast so bad even? If she never gets her woge on, it shouldn't even affect her life that much. She just sucks up so much time in the narrative now, time that could be better spent pretty much anywhere else.


The writers seem to have only one real plot for Juliette. Something weird and supernatural happens to her, and Nick freaks out about it. And its too bad. I actually used to like Juliette when she was Nick`s sweet, understand girlfriend. Now? I don't even know why she`s so mad at everyone. She just makes no sense anymore, and she feels like a waste of time. Its like with Adalind. I don't get what she wants, and she eats up screen time constantly. At least I get why Juliette is here, from a story perspective. Adalind? Not so much. 

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I think they mean for the deal with Juliette to be that she can't really control it, because it's so powerful. I don't think they've done a very good job of fleshing that out, though.


Outside of the Juliette stuff, I really liked this episode. For some reason, it reminded me of the X-Files, which is never a bad thing.

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One of the first episodes in ages and ages that I have felt the need and/or want to watch over and over and over.  I think I'm on my sixth or seventh viewing now and I am still enjoying it, like noticing things that I didn't see before with every new viewing.  It may have something to do with I know exactly where that white school is.  I drive by it at least once a week.  I live about eight miles down that country road from there.  And my mom lives in Troutdale.



My mileage varried greatly. I couldn't stand this episode. Didn't care about the wesen of the week or their story, detest Bad Juliette and am tired of Adalind and bleeding Renard. I almost deleted it about 25 minutes in. I didn't like Juliette from the beginning of the season, and then, when she found out about Nick and finally accepted it, I liked her being in on it and part of the gang. That lasted five minutes, and now she is annoying again. Ugh.

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