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S31: Spoilers

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They probably get 5 (likely the 5 who feel the most safe).  However, either way it could lead to drama (if not enough people pick that option for better accommodations), or some snide remarks for those who went with immunity over shelter.  If they all picked immunity, I doubt we'd be seeing it.  If they all pick shelter (which I doubt), we'd have to see it, just to explain why they suddenly have a better place to live.

I have mixed feelings about this. They could have gotten around this with a stupid "Build a great shelter competition with all the great supplies we are giving you" reward challenge like they did in the original All Stars. The Producers had already played a season in the location and knew that the weather was brutal. They knew that they would be playing a season during the rainy season and they knew what that meant. They should have found some way to provide the tools and resources needed to make the type of shelter for the coming weather.


All reports are that the weather had already been brutal and we had not seen any of it or heard mention of it until the rain started coming. Building a shelter that provided enough shade, which would mean a shelter with enough of a roof to deal with the rain, should have been a priority.


But this kind of gets back to what Kelly and Jeff were saying. The new school players are not use to having to Survive so they have crappy shelters that can't deal with any type of weather where the old school players would have been working on reinforcing their shelters because they knew they wouldn't be rescued. Kelly mentioned that Gervase won a slice of pizza that he shared with everyone left in the game vs a spa trip, with full on food, showers, and a massage.


I kind of would prefer they get pummeled by the weather since they didn't do shit to prepare for what they knew was coming. That said, there is no way Production allows that to happen because it would lead to boring TV. That said, they should have provided everyone with the materials needed to build the type of shelter needed at the beginning and found a way to encourage the building of a decent shelter. And keep Rupert far away from the challenge.

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These folks all annoy me, but I have lots of sympathy for them being stuck in monsoon season.  I haven't really read anything that they knew that would be the case, but I guess you could be right (can you provide links?).  I'm not sure how many of us could figure out how to build shelters given the tools they had that could withstand this. I'm not even sure old-schoolers could do it.   But clearly, production must have known this was coming and just said..."eh".  This is not on the players.

Edited by pennben
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Posting this has been a real pain in the ass. Just sharing


I don't have links but there have been many a Survivor who have discussed the pregame stuff, which includes training on the environment and weather and the like. That is how they know what they can eat and not eat because they are suppose to learn about the plants and the like.


And you can't get past the fact that all of these people were campaigning to be on the show. They had been approached and asked if they were interested. They had their names out during the voting. They knew they were leaving from the finale to go to Cambodia. We already had reports from Season 32s filming about the conditions. We knew, during the voting, that they were going to that same location. All they had to do was google%

Edited by ProfCrash


They had been approached and asked if they were interested. They had their names out during the voting. They knew they were leaving from the finale to go to Cambodia. We already had reports from Season 32s filming about the conditions. We knew, during the voting, that they were going to that same location. All they had to do was google the area and they would have known about the rainy season. If they ignored that, then shame on them.


See, that's where I think I've missed something.  I didn't know that they knew they were going to Cambodia. I'm still not convinced that "googling it" solves everything in a way that says I should look down on them in disdain for not understanding fully what the monsoon season meant when given a second chance, or that they should be shamed for being overwhelmed.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 2

I knew they were going to Cambodia during the voting so I am going to assume that they knew they were going to Cambodia. Season 32 conditions had already leaked, as in medi vacs and crews being overwhelmed by the conditions. People were discussing the fact that a Frenchman had died during filming Survivor there although it was from an unknown heart condition.




Reality Blurbs post on it as the rumors leaked, Cambodia is mentioned in it. ". Season 31 is currently in production in Cambodia, and reports from that country indicate both seasons’ production will take place between March and July. Thus, season 32 will begin production shortly after Jeff Probst officiates at the live finale, which is likely to be May 20."


It was listed on Reddit and other places. So while someone who is voting at the CBS website or not reading the various spoiler sites might not have been aware of the location, I can guarantee that the cast knew where they were going as early as 23 March 2014. The Finale where the cast was selected occurred in May.  They had a few months to check out weather reports for Cambodia. When the travel cites discuss the amount of flooding and bridges being knocked out and you can easily find annual rain fall amounts, they should have known that they were going to need far better shelters then what they built.


Hell, even without the monsoon rains, there have been enough seasons of Survivor where it is clear how cold it gets at night and how miserable even a little bit of rain can be, I don't get why they wouldn't build better shelters. Again, they all talk about how much down time there is, why not weave more palm fronds to add to the roof and sides of the shelter and decrease the rain and wind issues that occur pretty regularly?


I bet that they count on the tarp being enough and just get lazy with the shelter. This time they pay for that. And I am cool with it. Production did give them a ton of construction equipment and materials, they had bamboo, hatchets, axes, rope, fish nets and the like.


Build a solid base with the bamboo. Use some of the fish net over top and down the sides so you have something to insert branches and palm fronds for support. They had plenty of rope for tying things on. The shelters that they have are pitiful and wouldn't handle the most basic of rainfalls, never mind the amount that they were going to get even on a "dry" year. 

  • Love 1

Oh  I guess I just think it is fantastically funny that some players are deemed "candy-asses" for not planning for a monsoon, and others are lauded for deciding to give up a chance to play the game because another player (Abi) is icky. 



S31 Episode 12 -"Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart"


I'm trying to think of a player that would make an emotional yet cutting (no, not that way) comment like that..maybe Kimmi? Tasha? Jeremy?  I don't see it as Joe, Keith, Spencer, Ciera.....maybe Wentworth? Abi?

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I understand being miserable in both scenarios. I don't think anyone said they would not play because of the weather and they had time to build a shelter that would have made them less miserable and they choose not to. Maybe Stephen should have picked up more building materials when he used that as his excuse to go search for the idol.


I would never want to play with Abi. She is emotionally draining. I think I would find that far harder to cope with then the weather but I'll never find out because I am a wuss and won't ever apply to be on the show.

Oh  I guess I just think it is fantastically funny that some players are deemed "candy-asses" for not planning for a monsoon, and others are lauded for deciding to give up a chance to play the game because another player (Abi) is icky. 


HA! I agree. Abi is very high-maintenance and stressful to work with, but playing with her is not life-threatening, like hypothermia possibly is. Unless she told PG she would kill her while she's sleeping for stealing her bracelet.



I guess TPTB have just upped these rewards and luxurious for so many seasons,

Yeah, the rewards are what have turned me off these recent seasons. Whatever happened to one big blanket as a comfort reward? Now they have patio chairs, full hammocks, spas and massages, etc.

Edited by slowpoked

ProfCrash, I completely agree with your posts on this issue.  I get that TPTB don't want to have to medevac anyone or likely have anyone quit during a season like this due to the elements.  But Cambodia was announced as the season back early this year.  I think even during the voting for it was mentioned about it being the rainy season.  I'm at the point where I just believe people are out there for camera time or believe that no matter how bad it gets TPTB will bail them out.  I mean, go back to the Amazon season when their shelter burned down.  Even in the rainy season I would have said that was their own fault, let them suffer for letting Butch hoard a bunch of firewood between their shelter and fire.  Here, why aren't they trying to improve their shelter?  Back in the day they utilized what they had around camp.  Now they just sit around and whine until Superman Probst swings in with some offer.


At any rate, I hope one of the people who opts to sit out immunity gets booted.  Since I believe some people will feel comfortable doing so.


I wonder if that ep 12 quote maybe has to do with the previous ep TC and this 'daring move'.  Either that or maybe we get the loved ones visit earlier than expected (or letters/videos from home?)

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1
But this kind of gets back to what Kelly and Jeff were saying. The new school players are not use to having to Survive so they have crappy shelters that can't deal with any type of weather where the old school players would have been working on reinforcing their shelters because they knew they wouldn't be rescued.

Except that Kelly W. was on this season and helped build the Ta Keo structure. Kelly was also on Bayon for three Tribal Councils and had the opportunity to improve the shelter, if needed. We also saw what certainly looked like original Bayon trying to do a good job on their shelter.


I tend to think that it's not as simple as Googling for a few days to learn how to build a structure that actually withstands monsoon force wind and rain. I also think that if shelter neglect was happening, it has as much do to players swapping beaches every 6 days as lack of concern. I think it's hard for people to motivate themselves to spend a lot of time improving something they don't know if they'll use (hence why Stephen was almost tipped off to Kelley's idol by her sorting the rice).

Edited by Zuleikha
  • Love 5

I just checked bc that was not how I remembered it at all and S32 conditions ("brutal" and medivacs) were leaked AFTER the S30 finle so they didnt know how extreme it was going to be. You may know in theory that it's going to be tough but it's much different in reality.



I knew they were going to Cambodia during the voting so I am going to assume that they knew they were going to Cambodia. Season 32 conditions had already leaked, as in medi vacs and crews being overwhelmed by the conditions. People were discussing the fact that a Frenchman had died during filming Survivor there although it was from an unknown heart condition.






Edited by wonald
  • Love 2



Behind the scenes of one of the challenges for this week.  It says episode 10, but this doesn't look like the set up for the IC that episode (and the dream team is competing at night, which I'm assuming the contestants will be doing).  So we may have 3/4 challenges figured out.  This one goes back to the first 3 seasons and is called "Folklore" where Jeff tells a story about the local culture and the contestants have to go to various stations and pick the correct answer based on the question. 



Behind the scenes of one of the challenges for this week.  It says episode 10, but this doesn't look like the set up for the IC that episode (and the dream team is competing at night, which I'm assuming the contestants will be doing).  So we may have 3/4 challenges figured out.  This one goes back to the first 3 seasons and is called "Folklore" where Jeff tells a story about the local culture and the contestants have to go to various stations and pick the correct answer based on the question. 


I think it's an ep. 11 challenge. I think the days this week will go...


Episode 10

Day 25 - Reward Challenge/Reward

Day 26 - I feel like they'll focus on the rain and suffering for this day, like they've been showing on the previews. 

Day 27 - IC/TC


Episode 11

Day 28 (during nighttime) - "Folklore" Reward Challenge (I'm not sure when they'd have the actual reward. The next day maybe???)

Day 29 or 30 - IC/TC

Edited by bdestroyer88

Whether or not the contestants *should have known* about what it's like to live outdoors in Cambodia during the rainy season, the fact is that it is not fun to watch people suffer when it is real, possibly medically dangerous suffering, not just discomfort for city folk.  I think TPTB know that.  Some suffering intensifies the game.  Real suffering (and possible medevacs for exposure?) is not good for anyone.

Edited by Special K
  • Love 6

Whether or not the contestants *should have known* about what it's like to live outdoors in Cambodia during the rainy season, the fact is that it is not fun to watch people suffer when it is real, possibly medically dangerous suffering, not just discomfort for city folk.  I think TPTB know that.  Some suffering intensifies the game.  Real suffering (and possible medevacs for exposure?) is not good for anyone.

100% which is why Jeff is going to offer what he is going to offer and they are going to make damn sure that they take it. I just wish there was some way to stop the interventions. Contestants have learned that they can rely on Production for food, shelter, fire and whatever else that they want so that the show is more interesting. Tribes have built sturdy shelters that have kept the rain out in the past, One World is the best example in my mind, so it can be done. But the sense that Production will provide the food, shelter and fire diminishes the need for the contestants to do it for themselves.


At least in All Stars each of the tribes were given the tools and resources and told to build their own amazing shelter as a reward challenge. It led to some good shelters and the Rupert disaster. They should have gone down that path for this season instead of what is likely to happen tonight.


It irks me even more with this group because they knew where and when they would be going and should have known what they needed to do. But you have the folks from the last bunch of seasons who were able to barter with Jeff out there and so they forgot the important element of actually Surviving the elements. It looks like they will be very miserable for a few days but then they will be fine. Good for the ratings but I don't think it is great for the show in the long run.


Please understand that I am well aware that the food that they are getting is really minimal. I have no problem with the beans and rice and fishing gear. The rewards are flat out silly now. The living conditions are awful, even a well built shelter is not going to be comfortable. They are going to be wet and cold and sleep like crap. It sucks. But that is what they signed up for. This group knew that better then the novices did and they still pretty much ignored the camp life and put themselves in a crappy situation. So I guess I have limited sympathy. They knew better, they ignored it, and for the sake of ratings and overall health Production will fix their problem for it.


I hope to god that one of the top alliance members goes home after volunteering to sit out. I doubt that will be the case. I suspect that there will be a larger group decision that anyone who sits out is safe and that it will be honored. But I kind of want to see Joe, Jeremy, or Stephen sent home because of this.

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ProfCrash, I once again 100% agree with your post.  I remember how annoyed and almost scolding Probst was during Outback when he had to take the contestants out more food because they stupidly built their shelter too close too shore and had their camp destroyed in a flood.  Now it's 'hey, let us help you out.'  I do hope that no one will honor a deal keeping the 5 who sit out safe or that people who say they will sit out say they will only do it for that reason.  However, I wonder if Probst even gives them time to negotiate that.  If they are talking about it and 5 people say 'I'll sit out if I'm safe' and the group agrees, then why bother going to rocks?  Rocks makes it more dramatic and I'm sure they are counting on a good moment from this.


I think the first boot will be predictable.  I suppose there's a chance Stephen sneaks through to cry another week, but I really hope he is going.  Jeff hasn't mentioned anything about his advantage so I'm wondering if it's a bust.  I do worry Joe's time is up, but he'd be my pick along with Ciera or Stephen.  Long shot Keith and if it was a surprise and someone in the alleged final 6 went, then Wentworth.

The only people who I think are TRULY safe this week are:


1) Abi - lol she's going to be around for at least two more weeks. Though I could see her going next week during the 1 hour double boot. 


2) Tasha - judging by weight loss pics, she's not even close to as skinny as she was when she came back. She still has a lot of weight and muscle to lose. 


3) Jeremy - 2 idols


4) Kimmi - see Tasha



I could see any of the other 6 going this week if the boot order were to be wrong yet again (especially in Joe's case). 

Edited by bdestroyer88

Methinks someone took The Hunger Games a wee bit too seriously!

Love the books. The movies are good but still miss out on the sub context of the books.


I would love for the show to return to the more basic rewards and less feeding of extra crap to the contestants. I liked the survival aspect of the game. I thought that played an important role in helping people bond and get to know folks. It led to strategy and alliances.  I understand the logic of giving them more food and comfort items, comfy folks with a bit more energy are more entertaining.


But I loved Alone this year because it was just a bunch of dudes competing to see who could survive the longest. I loved the concept of The Island because it was a bunch of dudes trying to survive for a month with nothing except that it was produced by Bear Grylls so it totally wasn't real and the guys were feed goods and food. So yeah, I would love for Survivor to go back to a more basic game that includes the Borneo, Australia, Africa survival.


Bring on the Tributes baby!

  • Love 2

I think Wentworth's weight loss probably indicates she is also safe.  My reasoning is if it were to be a complete shock (to those who have seen the boot list and know she is supposed to be in the final 4, since the originator of the boot list said the final 6 is correct) is because she seems like the biggest threat, more so than Ciera or Abi, especially to win.  Those two girls don't stand a chance taking home the million.  However, I think it'll be between Joe/Ciera/Stephen.  Hoping it's the latter two.  I want my manbun!


ProfCrash, your post got me thinking about the old days and how they would utilize their resources and even rewards to better camp life.  They have those plush chairs, and I feel like back in the day if they had a leaky shelter, they would have torn them apart and utilized it to better leak guard their shelter.  Yet here, all they have to do is wait it out until Probst comes swooping in.  I like the strategy aspect, but I also like seeing everyone pitch in and try to better camp life.  I think for some contestants and super fans, they want to immediately be the one to pad their Survivor resume and strike first so that they can hopefully get the good arc throughout the season if they survive.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1
I would love for the show to return to the more basic rewards and less feeding of extra crap to the contestants. I liked the survival aspect of the game. I thought that played an important role in helping people bond and get to know folks. It led to strategy and alliances.  I understand the logic of giving them more food and comfort items, comfy folks with a bit more energy are more entertaining.


I thought I remembered reading at some point after the Have/Have Not season that if people were starving or uncomfortable, they were too miserable to strategize. That there was very little shake-up because it was just easier to go along with the majority and spend all one's energy on actually surviving. That feeding the contestants and making sure they were comfortable ensured that they would scheme and plot and have the energy to look for idols instead of just taking the path of least resistance.


I don't have any illusions that they're actually "surviving" out there -- especially since you never see a blemish on any of them, and the men's facial hair is pretty well groomed -- and if they have to bend those rules to create a more interesting, dynamic game, I'm all for it. If I wanted to see people surviving in extreme conditions, I'd watch a documentary. I want to see a reality competition show, so...I'm fine with it.

  • Love 1

Since Stephen gloated about the bootlist being wrong with his boot, I wonder what he's thinking now that it's been right for 2 boots in a row?  Now, the big question mark, is he going in the Savage spot, or will Joe finally lose immunity and he get the boot?  I can't believe Jeremy would risk another idol on him.


I can actually see now how Stephen might miss out on the final 3, is if people split the vote between Jeremy and Stephen to break them up and Jeremy plays his idol, sending Stephen home.  He may then go on an immunity run to make it to the end.


Okay, Wentworth found an idol clue-guess that might explain how she makes it to the final 4.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 2

That was an interesting contrast: Jeremy with the idol play in the first episode, plus post-tribal damage control, and he still avoids everyone's radar. Spencer complaining that his carefully laid out plans might go awry, and Stephen basically voting himself out so it's not so much a brilliant play by the other side as it is a stupid play by the bootee.


One thing Jeremy has over Spencer in bunches is loyalty. If that's important to this group, I can see Jeremy winning in a walk. You don't align yourself with Kass' Castoffs + Joe and make yourself a final tribal case with this group.


The sad thing is I think Jeremy is loyal to Spencer, and would certainly have saved him with an idol and Spencer's manic paranoia got the best of him. Jeremy walking confidently into final tribal with two alliance members to whom he stayed loyal is certainly a very compelling argument.

So the bootlist is obviously quite reliable, but it looks like it was inaccurate about the (fv) marker since the preview is showing family visit at top 8 and not top 6. Do you think that opens the possibility that the Abi/Kimmi/Kelley order could be wrong? We haven't gotten any inaccuracies other than Stephen/Savage being swapped.


I'm excited that Jeremy finally has to be a little nervous. And while I'm sad that he's presumably going to get his numbers back, it should at least keep things unpredictable. I can see Joe getting turned on due to his immunity threat nature, but I'm back to boggled as to how Keith would go before Abi or Kelley. I'm going to be very disappointed if Jeremy gets his numbers back due to Spencer returning to Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi. 

I would like to know what Jeremy has done to avoid getting any votes thus far.  I can understand targeting those he's aligned with, but how is it that no one has thought to try and vote for him?  I feel like Stephen would have been more easy pickings down the road, especially without Jeremy around.  Or is it just Jeremy has that many close allies that those who will go behind his back will only do so if it means not voting for him?


I'm seeing now how this boot list shapes up.  I honestly thought that it was going to be out of order tonight and Joe was going.  I just thought it was going to be clever editing that made it look like he had a chance of staying, but never expected it to happen.  With two idols out there, I can see now how Wentworth makes it to the final 4, and I'm thinking Keith/Kimmi/Abi may be idol casualities.


I realized that I totally missed the previews!  Hmm, that does make me wonder now if the list is in question, though they have really done a great job foreshadowing a final 3 of Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha at this point.  Maybe the rest is questionable now, except those 3?  Kind of makes me happy that Joe may not be doomed next week after all.  For now, it has been too perfect so I'm sticking with it.  Though Kimmi's name suddenly came out of nowhere tonight with votes so maybe that is foreshadowing her exit next week.  The originator of the list said the final 6 was definite.  We'll see.


I posted this in the speculation thread, but will post my thoughts here as well about next week:




Tasha's got the orange statue that we see falling-


However, medical is seen standing at the light green podium, which is Joe's color:


And here is the hand:


Keith is absent from those photos, which I'm thinking is the IC (since Kimmi is on the sidelines-and would they do an endurance challenge for the loved ones visit if it is the reward?)  I almost think that could be Joe, and that he might just pass out.  Tasha's standing too far away from him I think for her statue to hit him, unless it starts a chain reaction.  It would have to be Keith/Joe/Spencer, unless the loved ones were also participating and it was one of them.


I'm so happy Joe makes the family visit!  I really would have been crushed if he had been voted out tonight, and missed the goal of his once again (especially being so close).  So this would also explain how Keith/Spencer's loved ones tied into it, too.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 2

I would like to know what Jeremy has done to avoid getting any votes thus far. I can understand targeting those he's aligned with, but how is it that no one has thought to try and vote for him? I feel like Stephen would have been more easy pickings down the road, especially without Jeremy around. Or is it just Jeremy has that many close allies that those who will go behind his back will only do so if it means not voting for him?

I'm seeing now how this boot list shapes up. I honestly thought that it was going to be out of order tonight and Joe was going. I just thought it was going to be clever editing that made it look like he had a chance of staying, but never expected it to happen. With two idols out there, I can see now how Wentworth makes it to the final 4, and I'm thinking Keith/Kimmi/Abi may be idol casualities.

I realized that I totally missed the previews! Hmm, that does make me wonder now if the list is in question, though they have really done a great job foreshadowing a final 3 of Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha at this point. Maybe the rest is questionable now, except those 3? Kind of makes me happy that Joe may not be doomed next week after all. For now, it has been too perfect so I'm sticking with it. Though Kimmi's name suddenly came out of nowhere tonight with votes so maybe that is foreshadowing her exit next week. The originator of the list said the final 6 was definite. We'll see.

I posted this in the speculation thread, but will post my thoughts here as well about next week:


Tasha's got the orange statue that we see falling-



However, medical is seen standing at the light green podium, which is Joe's color:


And here is the hand:


Keith is absent from those photos, which I'm thinking is the IC (since Kimmi is on the sidelines-and would they do an endurance challenge for the loved ones visit if it is the reward?) I almost think that could be Joe, and that he might just pass out. Tasha's standing too far away from him I think for her statue to hit him, unless it starts a chain reaction.

I'm so happy Joe makes the family visit! I really would have been crushed if he had been voted out tonight, and missed the goal of his once again (especially being so close). So this would also explain how Keith/Spencer's loved ones tied into it, too.

Is that the RC or the IC, and who dropped (I'm assuming they passed out?) It would have to be Keith/Joe/Spencer, unless the loved ones were also participating and it was one of them.

Looking at the previews after the episode, I concur. I thought it was almost definitely a male hand, but the hand looked too fair skinned and young looking to be Keith to me. However, the way Probst was talking it almost did seem like it was a family member and not someone else.

The sad thing is I think Jeremy is loyal to Spencer, and would certainly have saved him with an idol and Spencer's manic paranoia got the best of him. Jeremy walking confidently into final tribal with two alliance members to whom he stayed loyal is certainly a very compelling argument.


And Spencer is loyal to Jeremy hence Spencer making Tasha the secondary target over Jeremy.


So the bootlist is obviously quite reliable, but it looks like it was inaccurate about the (fv) marker since the preview is showing family visit at top 8 and not top 6



Doesn't have to be the visit just yet it could be letters or a video package from home.


So the rest of the bootlist should be on point. Joe is the boot next week followed by Keith.

Jeff's wording makes it sound like the actual family visit ("today we brought your love to you") but I suppose it could be just letters/videos.  Everyone seemed a little excited for just that, though.  Spencer's girlfriend went missing around the time of what was believed to be the loves one visit, does anyone remember if that would fit with the final 6 or final 8?  This would fit better with her and Keith's wife acting friendly out of nowhere to each other, but there could be a bunch of explanations for that.  Joe's goal this season, and what he talked about in the premiere, was missing the loved ones visit last season.  Many people, even those who read the boot list, believed Joe made his goal this season and that his second chance would come full circle for him.  But again, everyone had something about why they were doing this again and what demons from their past season still haunted them.  So we'll see.  I'm hoping it is the actual family visit, though.


Also, Redmond said that there is no double boot (finale is at 6) and that there are no medevacs.  So whoever is injured or ill next week isn't being pulled.  If it is Joe, and he is cost immunity for either being injured by a falling statue or passing out, that is really going to suck.

Edited by LadyChatts

Jeff's wording makes it sound like the actual family visit ("today we brought your love to you") but I suppose it could be just letters/videos.  Everyone seemed a little excited for just that, though.  Spencer's girlfriend went missing around the time of what was believed to be the loves one visit, does anyone remember if that would fit with the final 6 or final 8?  This would fit better with her and Keith's wife acting friendly out of nowhere to each other, but there could be a bunch of explanations for that.  Joe's goal this season, and what he talked about in the premiere, was missing the loved ones visit last season.  Many people, even those who read the boot list, believed Joe made his goal this season and that his second chance would come full circle for him.  But again, everyone had something about why they were doing this again and what demons from their past season still haunted them.  So we'll see.  I'm hoping it is the actual family visit, though.


Also, Redmond said that there is no double boot (finale is at 6) and that there are no medevacs.  So whoever is injured or ill next week isn't being pulled.  If it is Joe, and he is cost immunity for either being injured by a falling statue or passing out, that is really going to suck.

Switching Stephen and Savage is one thing they both start with S, but the family visit at 8 instead of 6? Weird thing to get wrong.

In the first episode, when the one team was off on the reward and the others in the shelter were discussing voting off Joe, Stephen said to/about Jeremy something to the effect of 'with Joe gone, you being the biggest guy left will just win all the challenges'.  Now that could have been just Stephen trying to plant a bit more target on Jeremy to the others sitting there, but I'm wondering if they left it in the episode as a bit of foreshadowing.

If the finale is in two weeks, it is possible from the show's time line the family visit could happen next.  I do understand Jeff's wording could also mean love letters or something, but just seems like an odd choice.  It sounded like they are going to actually be seeing them.  Maybe it is a Skype chat?  It does seem odd that they would screw that up.  They never mentioned idol plays so it's not like we know if they would have been wrong on those.  It just sounded like more than letters or videos.  I don't know who the originator of this list is or where they got their info from, but maybe they were misinformed as to when the loved ones visit was, or maybe they had it at the final 6 to throw people off.

Edited by LadyChatts

Jeff's wording makes it sound like the actual family visit ("today we brought your love to you") but I suppose it could be just letters/videos.....


Also, Redmond said that there is no double boot (finale is at 6) and that there are no medevacs.  So whoever is injured or ill next week isn't being pulled.  If it is Joe, and he is cost immunity for either being injured by a falling statue or passing out, that is really going to suck.


Jeff answers both of these questions in Dalton Ross's Q&A with him for this episode:



So yes, next week the loved ones come and it’s pretty doggone emotional. I think I welled up just a wee bit. And I won’t say if we have an evacuation but we do have a medical situation and it comes as a result of effort. Pushing a body so hard that it just stops.

Dang that was quick. I thought we'd be waiting at least until Friday because ofthe holiday. So that's one mystery solved. Glad Joe made his goal this time.

So now I wonder if that challenge is reward or immunity. Hopefully press pics or promos indicate. I'm guessing immunity since it is endurance but they may really throw a harder challenge in there for reward if a loved ones visit is on the line.

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I think this is the first time I've felt a little sad about being spoiled (not that I'm ever going to quit).  I would love to see Joe, Keith, Spencer + plus Abi Wentworth


Abi, Keith, with a final of Joe, Spencer, Wentworth or even Keith Wentworth and Joe with no real favorite for the win.  But I don't like Kimmi much or Tasha (she's ok and a good player just not my cup of tea) and while I like Jeremy and I feel like he's been playing a great game I don't like it when people sandbag and I think that's been a big part of his under the radar play.  Technically it is a strategy but I think it undermines the game.  Jeremy's march to the end has just been too smooth. I can hear Ciera now.

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 1

I think this is the first time I've felt a little sad about being spoiled (not that I'm ever going to quit). I would love to see Joe, Keith, Spencer + plus Abi Wentworth


Abi, Keith, with a final of Joe, Spencer, Wentworth or even Keith Wentworth and Joe with no real favorite for the win. But I don't like Kimmi much or Tasha (she's ok and a good player just not my cup of tea) and while I like Jeremy and I feel like he's been playing a great game I don't like it when people sandbag and I think that's been a big part of his under the radar play. Technically it is a strategy but I think it undermines the game. Jeremy's march to the end has just been too smooth. I can hear Ciera now.

Agreed. I started this season being internally okay with a Jeremy win...now I would take almost anyone (save Tasha) ahead of him. Heck, I don't even like Abi and she would be more interesting in the finale than him. Though at least Spencer is starting to build a better resume.

  • Love 2
Still, Spencer seems to have started to put together a series of moves that could be a good argument in FTC, particularly for those who reward strategy


I think it's going to affect Spencer's potential votes if he goes immediately back into Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi alliance versus whether he continues to target them and simply fails. If the Stephen boot was simply about taking Stephen's place in that alliance, I think Spencer will look like he's playing for runner up. If he works with Kelley/Keith/Abi/Joe to target Jeremy and they fail due to idols or betrayal, I think Spencer will get gameplay respect and have a good FTC argument. I could see a close FTC vote in the latter case, with Tasha probably shut out (because regardless of how likable she is or isn't... what argument can she possibly make that people should vote for her over Jeremy? I do think she's playing her own game, but Jeremy's simply playing better and has at least one splashy idol play).


This is a good season. Even feeling spoiled for next ep, I'm still curious to see how Kelley/Keith/Abi/Joe/Spencer fail to stick together and boot out Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi. 

Edited by Zuleikha
  • Love 3

Unless something major happens, I can see Jeremy winning 100% of the votes.  I don't see any of jury member being close with Spencer, and each has recognized that Jeremey was running the show from the very beginning.


If boot list comes to pass, the jury will be comprised of:


Edited by Jextella

Now that we know the family visit is at the final 8 and not the final 6 I think its fair game that the 4th-8th order could be switched. Though I agree Joe is probably next wouldn't shock me to see Keith last longer than Kimmi and Abi. I still think its possible Kelley could be in the final 3 she keeps getting content every episode. Jeremy and Tasha are on the bottom right now so if they make it like the spoiler says it will be interesting.

Edited by anthonyd46

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