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S31: Spoilers

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I hate the way everything is deemed a spoiler. Speculations and predictions are not spoilers. Any boob with a puter can post "spoilers".


Anyway, the "spoilers" that Redmond is getting reamed for = he revealed on reddit that he know a lot about pre-game alliances. Instead of telling us - as usual - he wanted to seal the info up in an envelope and reveal it after the season filmed.

Edited by wonald
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Not surprised, either, if there's any truth to it.  She was someone I had pegged to go pre-merge again.  So far Kimmi's the only one who didn't beat her old placement (assuming this is all true).  Hope this isn't the turning tide for the old schoolers to go.  Still waiting for more confirmation to believe this list, though I could believe the Vytas and Kass boots.  Also would love to know the tribes, as that might be telling as whether this list has any truth to it.  Pre-made alliances I'd like to know just to see how fast they fell apart.  


Really hoping to see Shirin, Terry, Woo, and Keith be the next 4 to show up on that list.  I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck with those 4 in the long haul.

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I just hope it wasn't Varner who arranged for Kimmi to get sent packing.  I love that Shirin is apparently still in.  I'd figured she'd be well positioned.   I'm giddy with the thought that she'll go a long way with real survivor players because it would be the final poke in the eye to Will and Dan.

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I could believe it.  Not sure where they are coming from, but glad to have something.  Aside from Kimmi, I do hope the other 3 are right.  Kimmi seemed like someone going in very naïve, and I felt either she would essentially be someone's goat in their alliance for her vote, or she'd end up getting booted early because she was too unpredictable and wishy washy.  I will be disappointed for her, as I'm sure this is the last time Kimmi will return (unless they do a pre-merge season and bring back players that have already returned).  I have a feeling, though, that Kimmi may not take an early exit as hard as some of the others.  Ultimately, I just want Joe, Jeff, Stephen, Kelly Wigles, Spencer, Tasha, Andrew, Peih Gee, and Jeremy to last  into the merge and any of them make up the final 3 (preferably Joe, Peih-Gee, and any of the others).


I just hope it wasn't Varner who arranged for Kimmi to get sent packing.  I love that Shirin is apparently still in.  I'd figured she'd be well positioned.   I'm giddy with the thought that she'll go a long way with real survivor players because it would be the final poke in the eye to Will and Dan.



I really hope this season isn't one where votes are cast for revenge and nothing else.  However, there are a lot of game players this season who seem too smart to vote someone off for that reason, unless there was a more strategic reason behind it.  If Jeff sent Kimmi packing, there was probably a good reason other than she let it slip before he had previous votes against him (considering Jeff jumped his perch during Outback for peanut butter, he really only has himself to blame for his elimination.  Keith had previous votes and hung on).  I don't like Shirin, though if she tones down the antics and there isn't any drama, I'll be fine with her staying.  I hope she does show she's got game.  The only consolation to her lasting long is just what you said, it'll probably burn Dan and Will a little.  As of a couple weeks ago, Dan was still getting digs in at Probst on his twitter.

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I'm almost tempted to listen.  Dan is like one of those d-list horror movies from the 80s.  The worst thing you could ever watch, yet bad enough that it's actually entertaining.  Seeing Dan continue to dwell and dig his own hole is amusing.  Well, he wanted to be remembered.  Hopefully he enjoys watching Joe and Shirin this season, and future AS seasons when Mike and Carolyn are likely brought back.  Intentionally playing a villain to get an invite back isn't always going to work, especially when you end up dissing the show and host.  I'd be really surprised to ever see Dan return, unless it's a Survivor: Biggest Goats edition.

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Dan is going to give an "exclusive" interview to the podcast whose forum he is hiding, at this Sun. Should be nothing but 4 hrs of his whining.

Good lord, doesn't he realize it's over?  (His moment of fame, I mean.)

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Eh, not surprised if that's true.  I figured he'd be a target early on, and won't be surprised to see Spencer and Joe's names pop up.  They must be getting close to merging, if they merge at 12, so they may want to get the threats out .  I have to say, though, that I hope there is some good, strategic game play going on behind these boots, and not just a bunch of followers and goats.  If there really was a power alliance of Stephen, Spencer, Monica, Ciera, Vytas, and Kelley, that's down to half now.  I do like Stephen, so I am disappointed if he's out this early.  I am hoping that this boot list is true, because so far I haven't lose too many people I cared about.  The first 3 gone were people that I either didn't vote for, or voted for more because I had to pick 10.


I will say I'm hoping that almost all of the pre-China people might still be in it, except for Kimmi.

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Going by True Dork Times calendar (which I know they are guesstimating on), the 5th boot would have gone last night (Friday for Cambodia, it's early Saturday morning there now) and they don't have the 6th boot going until June 15th.  If they're following the 3 day cycle for most of the boots, that would probably work out. 


I don't know how exactly you know this stuff, or if you're yanking out chains, but I hope you are right.  I could live with this boot order.  At any rate, I'll take what I can get now.  I don't know if I should be surprised or terrified that Keith might actually still be in the game.

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If only it were true...Then Abi would still be alive with her tribe smashing the challenges and the other tribe being decimated with PG being the leader of the shitty tribe. Going by those spoilers with the supposed tribe division, it means 4-1 and there would have to be a tribe swap coming to even the numbers. Kass, Vytas, Kimmi and Stephen all on one tribe gone and only Ciera on the other...

That leaves on Orange Jeff, Savage, Jeremy, Woo, Spencer, Kelly, Abi, Shirin, Kelley.

On Aqua left is PG, Tasha, Monica, Terry, Joe, Keith.


I thought the boot order went 3 days starting on the 31st then every second day? So start 31st then boot 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and now its the 13th there? So six. There are 20 people this time, not 16 or 18. Would likely follow H vs V timeline.

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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I haven't seen any spoilers about tribe divisions.  Would love to know!  If it's true Terry is on the losing end again, I would find that hysterical.  I also figure there was a tribe switch in there, most likely.  When was the last time that didn't happen?  Last season it happened after Lindsey was booted, and Max went 5th.  With 20 contestants I could see them shaking it up more quickly, especially if they merge at 12.


TDT calendar is likely just guessing, unless they get insider information.  Double boots might factor in, too.

Edited by LadyChatts
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On sucks and reddit the tribes have been rumored...

Aqua: Keith, Joe, Terry, PG, Monica, Tasha, Kass, Kimmi, Vytas, stephen

Orange: Jeff, Savage, Woo, Jeremy, Spencer, Abi, Shirin, Kelly, Kelley, Ciera


I don't really trust any of this though. If spoilers came after the crew wrapped up filming then they would be more believable but I will keep my mind open though. There was also a poster that said Keith went first - they gave the same tribe division as Cambrodia gave. 


Cambrodia is the same person who posted on Sucks and got their posts deleted as the mods believed there was no credible evidence given to them that they weren't a hoax. Although the one thing this 'Cambrodia' poster has going for them is that they said Vytas was second boot just before Vytas liked that photo on instagram. Vytas either accidently liked an old photo or Aras or someone else was on his account trying to screw with us. Cambrodia could have lucked out with this though.

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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I know there were photos of the press wearing aqua and orange buffs, which led to speculation that those were the official tribe colors-but others pointed out they were probably buffs from another season.  I don't go on reddit, and I haven't seen a lot of good spoilers on sucks yet, besides the Vytas one (which I saw here first anyway).  If-and it's a big if-those are the tribes, I'm actually curious what possessed them vote out Vytas over someone like Keith or Monica.  The other side has a bigger advantage, physically, with Jeremy, Spencer, Woo, the 2 Kelly's, and Savage.  I also wonder if Stephen fell victim to a tribe swap.  I assumed that they might divide tribes up so people from the same season were on opposing sides, if they could help it.  I figured they'd probably split Tasha and Spencer up between the 4 Cagayan people.


Very curious for more to come out!  True or not at least it's something discuss in the off season.  I fully expect to see a lot more spoilers once filming is done.  Spencer may have really lucked out if he wound up on a tribe that goes on a winning streak.  Hopefully it's not a boring Pagonging season like WA.


ETA: @chocolatechip45, I thought they would put Kass and Spencer together simply because they were such adversaries.  But maybe they were afraid Kass could topple Spencer early on if they were together.  Her boot is the only one I could fully believe without anything concrete, so maybe it wouldn't have mattered.  If Spencer doesn't go before the merge, either he takes the whole thing or gets blindsided.  I'm still thinking the ladies are going to underestimate and end up dominating in the end.  Maybe we will get the Black Widow Brigade 2.0 finally.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Wow rumors are really flying around everywhere now. Was just posted on sucks that terry has left due to family reasons. Surely someone wouldn't go that low making up something about someone's family member? Then again it is the internet. Man once the season airs it's going to be interesting just to see how much of these 'spoilers' are complete bullshit.

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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Wow rumors are really flying around everywhere now. Was just posted on sucks that terry has left due to family reasons relating to his father. Surely someone wouldn't go that low making up something about someone's family member? Then again it is the internet. Man once the season airs it's going to be interesting just to see how much of these 'spoilers' are complete bullshit.


That poster is a regular who is a joke. Always trying to piggyback onto Redmond's spoilers. Nobody takes that poster seriously.


However, I think there is a regular poster there who has ties to Terry's family. Trying to remember who it is . . . .

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There might be something to this though as someone else left this there...

This Instagram is Terry's sons girlfriend. Check the last picture comments...https://instagram.com/p/3ze0tJEpVX/?taken-by=alexaguglielmino

Something has happened but to who I don't know.


There are a few posters now saying that his son Danny is in the hospital for serious heart problems. His wife Trish pulled him from the game and he is on his way home now. I really hope this is not true or not as serious but the instagram post...

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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That's too bad.  I would seriously hope no one would make something up so serious, but there's definitely people out there that would.  I don't really get the point of putting fake spoilers out there regardless.  What does anyone get from that? 

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Well sociopaths get a kick out of it. They have no empathy and generally only care for themselves and the attention it gives them. I do however think this is real though, just hopefully its not as bad as it looks and Terry didn't have to leave.

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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There may be some grain of truth to it. Whether Terry actually quit the game is another matter tho.


Just how many quit/medivac rumours are there gonna be before the season premiere?

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I'm sure there will be other medevac rumors.  Given what we know about the conditions, I would probably be somewhat inclined to believe those.  I'm guessing if anyone does get medevaced, it'll probably come much later in the game.  God, I remember back during Outback, when the previews showed someone being removed from the game there was all sorts of speculation running rampant.  The best one had to be someone claiming Alicia was first eaten by a crocodile, then just attacked by one.  I don't recall anyone coming up with the real truth, Mike falling in the fire.  Made me realize why Survivor essentially has you sign your life away and says your family can't sue even if you die during the course of the game.


I just never saw the point in fake spoilers.  There are plenty of people who want the real thing, so why ruin it for them (and also, for the people who actually are legit but no one believes them because of all the fakery going on).  If Terry did end up quitting, I wonder if they will be able to keep that under wraps, especially if his son is very ill.

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The same Sucks poster who first said that Terry had left the game, also tried to post the message from Terry's wife where he says she told him about it. The moderator wouldn't allow it to be posted, but said it looked authentic. This is all kinda terrible and shady, but it does look like there's some validity to Terry not being in the game anymore.

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I bet they already swapped.  I feel like that might have been Stephen's undoing.  I don't know when they are merging, but if they merge at 12, they might have swapped at 16.  So if Terry had allies on his former (alleged) tribe that might screw things up for them if they looked to gain an upper hand in the swap.  However, I'm hopeful that with the swap and merge alliances will fall apart and people will actually jump sides.  Someone's always on the bottom.  And who knows, if the tribe divide is true and one tribe is grossly outnumbered, maybe their pre-game alliance is on the other side anyway.  The only ones I really want to see go the distance from what is supposedly the losing tribe is Joe and Peih Gee.  Even though I have many favorites left in it, if I have to go through another season of "flippers never win" and people not doing anything strategic for themselves except waiting to get picked off, my remote is getting thrown at the TV.


As for Terry, this does sound like it is legit.  He was never my favorite, but I do feel for the guy both for his family issues and being pulled from the game.  I heard he was asked back for BvsW with one of his kids, but they just missed the age limit.  He is a Probst favorite and appears to have a strong fanbase that he might get another shot down the road.  Whether he will be successful as he might have been this time, it's hard to say.

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As for Terry, this does sound like it is legit.  He was never my favorite, but I do feel for the guy both for his family issues and being pulled from the game.  I heard he was asked back for BvsW with one of his kids, but they just missed the age limit.  He is a Probst favorite and appears to have a strong fanbase that he might get another shot down the road.  Whether he will be successful as he might have been this time, it's hard to say.

His daughter was supposed to do BvW with him. He said in his RHAP second chances interview his son is in high school

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Take back everything you have read about the tribe division and bootlist. We are back to square 1. Only legit spoilers possibly are Vytas and Terry.


A mod in Sucks said that Cambrodia is a hoax. They said that when Cambrodia was posting in sucks, they could see that they weren't posting from Cambodia like they tried to act like they were. They are a fake!


This is what the mod posted..."Cambrodia did NOT post from Cambodia. And the timestamps on Impenetrable's screenshot, if true, indicate Terry should have been part of the bootlist by now."


I'm not going to pay attention to bullshit so called spoilers now until the crew wrap filming and Redmond gives us the tribe division if it wasn't school yard pick. I hate fakes, seriously! I was thinking my faves were still alive...now they may already be out. So bummed.

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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I had a feeling that boot list was too good to be true, considering no one but Stephen was anyone I cared about (and Kimmi, though that's more for the old school nostalgia).  I still wouldn't be surprised if Kass is the first to go (or at least very early).  Seeing Vytas and Ciera gone early was sort of surprising, but something I was hoping would be true.  I was excited to think that maybe a lot of the recent newbies were going over the old schoolers.  I'm taking everything with a grain of salt at this point.  I hadn't heard anything about tribe divisions until yesterday, but that was something I could sort of believe since I could see TPTB dividing everyone up by season and possible pre-game alliances.  I know things will leak out eventually, and probably have more confirmation.  If the conditions are as rough as they are saying, post-game photos of the contestants first coming home might be telling who lasted long and who went on the pre-jury trip.


Even the Vytas spoiler, I'm not sure I believe that.  Anyone could have liked that photo on his IG.

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I'm not going to pay attention to bullshit so called spoilers now until the crew wrap filming and Redmond gives us the tribe division if it wasn't school yard pick. I hate fakes, seriously! I was thinking my faves were still alive...now they may already be out. So bummed.

I remember before BvW aired like a week before all the spoilers said Marissa went on  a redemption island run and made the jury. I always take them as a grain of salt.

Edited by choclatechip45
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As I've said before, Cambrodia started posting after CambodianManhattan posted the tribe division saying that they were correct with the division, only the first boot was Kass. We can now see that Cambrodia was copying the first poster - CambodianManhattan... as this poster was the first to post that same tribe division but said that Keith went first and would stop posting boot spoilers as everyone was giving them hell.

The mod kept CambodiaManhattan's post and moved it to it's own thread and deleted Cambrodia's every time they posted. The mod said "If something hasn't been deleted you should approach it from the perspective of "the Sucks Moderator has not yet been given reason to confirm it is bullshit."I appreciate a hoax that has the foresight to attempt to fool me, as the veteran gatekeeper of public spoiling. I'm not fooled here, but the attempt is...intriguing. I assume all new sources are bullshit. Everyone should. This one is no different, but there are certain things that...intrigue me." 


Division still seems wrong though as it is no doubt complete bs anyhow. Like others have said they wouldn't put Jeremy and Kelley together. Would they seriously split up Kass/Spencer and Varner/Kimmi come on! Also one tribe is seriously way stronger than the other. That's probably how Cambrodia was guessing the bootlist because of that fact.

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I doubt it was a school yard pick.  TPTB have really lost it if they did it that way.  Jeff said they would literally be on the plane over dividing the tribes up on a whim.  Of course, that's when they made it seem as though everyone was leaving right after the cast was announced.  So I'm sure a little more time and thought went into it.  I'm still thinking possibly men vs women.  I don't know why it's so unbelievable that they would separate Varner and Kimmi.

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I don't know why it's so unbelievable that they would separate Varner and Kimmi.

I feel like the producers would put them on the same tribe to get the maximum drama out of them. The same reason they put Jerri/Tina and Amanda/Cirie  on the same tribe and would have had Shane/Danielle if Shane wasn't cut for Russell. Kelly Goldsmith was an alternate for two Mogo Mogo players and would have been on with Lex. It's the same reason they separated Parvati from Amanda/Cirie the 3 Boran members, Colby/Tina, the Tagi 3, and Jenna/Rob C, Courtney from Amanda/James and Sandra/Rupert. The only time they really put two allies on the same tribe was Tom/Stephanie and Amanda/James. Which is why I would be surprised if they put Jeremy/Kelley on the same tribe. They could just put Keith/Kelley on the same tribe.

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I doubt it was a school yard pick.  TPTB have really lost it if they did it that way.  

Yep, especially when there is a chance of pre game alliances there is no way it would be fair. That means just under a month we should hear from Redmond with the exact tribe division hopefully. Don't think they'd do men v women again after what happened in One World.


Wonder what the rules will be regarding social media when they get back. Everyone will be watching like hawks with their weight and who they hang out with etc. even more so than other seasons for obvious reasons.

Edited by WhereverIMayRoam89
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Yep, especially when there is a chance of pre game alliances there is no way it would be fair. That means just under a month we should hear from Redmond with the exact tribe division hopefully. Don't think they'd do men v women again after what happened in One World.


Wonder what the rules will be regarding social media when they get back. Everyone will be watching like hawks with their weight and who they hang out with etc. even more so than other seasons for obvious reasons.


They let the S30 cast run pretty free on SM, whereas the S29 cast had a tighter lid kept on it.  I was surprised Shirin was giving interviews before she was even voted off (I had always thought it was a no-no).  Granted, it wasn't anything heavily game related, more like geeking out.  But still.  The S30 crowd had a little looser lips than I remember previous seasons having, so I won't be surprised if they put a clamp on an AS cast that everyone already knows and will be dissecting their every word.  And this isn't like a normal AS season where people speculated and had to wait for confirmation to see who made it back.  If they do the loved one visit, I wonder if that will get leaked out if family members or significant others suddenly go MIA.  


I just want accurate spoilers.  Tribal divides I'm curious about, and I am wondering who had the tightest pre-game alliance and how fast that ended up falling apart.  If that boot list is in fact wrong, it makes me really worried for my favorites now.  Spencer, Joe, Andrew, Kelly Wigles, Tasha, Jeremy, and Stephen especially.  In regards to a men vs women, OW was a train wreck thanks to the cast.  It worked out very well during Amazon, and okay for Vanuatu.  I hated that the younger men on Vanuatu had a numbers disadvantage and got picked off, even though the only 2 older men I hated were Chris and Travis.  Travis was just too damn cocky and it's one of the times I actually let out a cheer for someone getting voted off.  I wish they had kept the tribe divides for Panama for more than one episode; they had the tribes divided into 4, between age and gender.  I have no idea why they had that in place if they weren't going to keep it beyond the first boot.

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I just want accurate spoilers.  Tribal divides I'm curious about, and I am wondering who had the tightest pre-game alliance and how fast that ended up falling apart.  If that boot list is in fact wrong, it makes me really worried for my favorites now.  Spencer, Joe, Andrew, Kelly Wigles, Tasha, Jeremy, and Stephen especially.  In regards to a men vs women, OW was a train wreck thanks to the cast.  It worked out very well during Amazon, and okay for Vanuatu.  I hated that the younger men on Vanuatu had a numbers disadvantage and got picked off, even though the only 2 older men I hated were Chris and Travis.  Travis was just too damn cocky and it's one of the times I actually let out a cheer for someone getting voted off.  I wish they had kept the tribe divides for Panama for more than one episode; they had the tribes divided into 4, between age and gender.  I have no idea why they had that in place if they weren't going to keep it beyond the first boot.

Apparently the young guys in Vanuatu were all giving each other signals in pre-game and when they got to the beach they made it obvious they were in a 4 person alliance the older guys realized they had the numbers. I remember in Sarge's post game stuff he said his original plan was to align with the younger guys but they were so cocky he knew he would be the first one off if he aligned with them.

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Another spoiler from a poster on Sucks: Abi-Maria has apparently been active on her IG account.  There is a photo of her and Kass taken from over a year ago that has recently been taken down.  If spoilers with any legs to stand on are to be believed, Vytas, Abi, and Terry seem to be the most confirmed that are eliminated.  


I could buy someone liking a photo on Vytas's IG account to throw people off, but it seems like really going the extra mile to remove a photo to make it seem like that person is eliminated.  I'm actually disappointed if Abi is in fact out of the game.  I had high hopes for her.


Since the photo in question was of her and Kass, does that mean Kass could actually still be in the game and backstabbed Abi?  I don't know what's more surprising, the rumored boots or the fact that it's almost merge time and Kass may still be in it!  Wasn't Keith rumored to be the first boot and not Kass?  I wonder if there is in fact any truth to the spoilers that were posted before about the boot order.  Wasn't the boot order allegedly Keith/Kass, Vytas, Ciera, Kimmi, Stephen-and then came word Terry may have left for personal reasons.  Abi may have been the final pre-merge boot if the calendar on TDT is anything to go by.

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