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Davina & Sean

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At times, he reminds me of my friend's ex. He seemed normal but there were little tells that something was "off." We were watching a movie and he kept on pointing out really obvious stuff like th characters' facial expressions and eye contact; things that any human being with minimal communication skills would notice.

Friend confirmed when they broke up that he had Asperger's (as I had long suspected). He was just a genius (no exaggeration) who managed to learn social cues on his own (early intervention wasn't really big yet when he was a child) and so he was very good at "passing" around people who didn't know him well.


I agree with your first paragraph but I don't think Sean's issue is Asperger's, having gone to school with a lot of people with that at the Bronx H.S. of Science and known some highly functioning ones in my personal life.  And although there's no doubt he's intelligent, Sean also doesn't ping genius to me.  I will agree that like a lot of very intelligent people he is somewhat compromised on social skills, though.  (I am looking in the mirror when I say that.) I watched Sean closely on this last episode.  The way he licks his lips so often, talks with almost a staccato delivery and has limp hands makes him come off as creepy, IMO.   He may suffer from social anxiety or just be nervous to be on TV, who knows?  But my gut tells me that even if those things were true, there's more to it than that.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Sean is not a romantic guy...he doesn't know how to be that type of man.  He has not made one flattering comment to Davina or even one sexy comment.  He does so much joking around with Davina and there is a mean flair to it.  I could give examples, but all viewers of the show probably know what I am talking about here.  He has some real personality issues, has little confidence in himself and is a nervous person as well.   At first I thought he was a narcissist, but that is not his issue.  I do feel empathy for Sean.  Davina is certainly not the woman for Sean and he knows it.  I don't care for Davina either, but with the right man she could be fun.  With the right woman Sean might be fine as well.  This was a very poor match.

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Sean is not a romantic guy...he doesn't know how to be that type of man.  He has not made one flattering comment to Davina or even one sexy comment. 



C'mon, what real woman could resist "Boobs!", "Your boobs look big in this picture!" and "I like your boobs!" That shit is hawt!

Edited by film noire
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C'mon, what real woman could resist "Boobs!", "Your boobs look big in this picture!" and "I like your boobs!" That shit is hawt!

And let's not forget this sexy comment from Sean to Davina..."Your back is like pizza dough".  Makes a girl swoon!

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Massaging your shoulders reminds me of my favorite pizza dough.

I just can't handle when you suck you toes though

New Year's day will always remind me of boobies.

It's just that Manhattan is full of cooties.

At the hospital in Jackson I am a big shot now.

I'm taking my Lego farm home to Jersey, you can keep the cow. Happy Birthday Davina!

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Interesting how Ryan R chooses to stop having sex with a woman who wants it while Sean has to be coaxed against all hope to have sex with a woman who wants it. I'm not sure what kind of green light he's waiting for. Wonder if the shoulder kneading led to anything... I laughed when he said something about if she could stay fun Davina for a while. Good luck with that. This moon pie eating moron and the arrogant analyzer are unlike any couple I can think of. I am living for the reunion...

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Massaging your shoulders reminds me of my favorite pizza dough.

I just can't handle when you suck you toes though

New Year's day will always remind me of boobies.

It's just that Manhattan is full of cooties.

At the hospital in Jackson I am a big shot now.

I'm taking my Lego farm home to Jersey, you can keep the cow. Happy Birthday Davina!


LOL (especially love the Lego farm line).  


My greeting card limerick:


There once was a man named Sean

“I’m Christian Gray, come on!

Let me touch your big boobs!

Oh wait – I like dudes?”

And that was the end of the con.

Edited by film noire
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I think Davina's BFF had already told her "don't bother" after th bro date. Not insinuating anything i just think Chris knew that Sean wasn't invested. Which of course was his mission.

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There is nothing about Davina's body language that says "I want to have sex." She even said she wanted love to come first. What is Sean supposed to do? He's supposed to initiate when every sign she's giving seems to say "back the fuck off"? I dunno. I think she's not interested either. Perhaps she wants sex so that she doesn't feel embarrassed on national tv by his seeming hesitation, but I think Sean is just respecting the vibes she's giving. And I'm not even a fan of Sean's.

I stand by my earlier comment. Sean tried on the wedding night but Davina said no so Sean backed off. Davina can't STAND for someone to refuse her so she keeps hinting at "some sex" at some point in the future. She's just trying to get Sean to chase her but he isn't playing along and it's wearing on her self esteem.

I'm sure her act worked on guys - 10 years ago. Now she needs to face the reality that she's past her prime and, if she doesn't start being more agreeable, she'll miss her chance to have children and a family. Or end up single at 40 looking to adopt...

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Nope. Sean is either gay or a virgin. A normal guy would just flat out say I'm not into sex cause we aren't connecting. He wouldn't beat around the bush and give her a half assed massage with a dose of cringe worthy dirty talk (gluten free pizza dough, eh?). He's a fake. Period.

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I think Sean just isn't into her.  Once she started giving him shit on the honeymoon, that was the nail in the coffin for him.  Too much work.  I don't believe on any level that he was looking for a wife or for a commitment.  I think he was hoping for a hot hookup and a stepping stone to Survivor or The Bachelor.


I will say that I think Davina has been giving off a vibe of sexual desperation the last couple of episodes.  I don't know if it is her last ditch effort to save this steaming pile of crap of a relationship or if she's really that into him.  I'm going to guess the former.

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I think you nailed it, MissScarlett.  You and I are definitely watching the same show.  I think when Sean found out he couldn't get a short term piece of ass and that Devina was in it to win it, he freaked out and turned wimpizoid because he didn't know how to handle it.  He had to spend the next six weeks playing along with it like he was really working at the relationship.  It has been clear to me all along that he is just going through the motions to save face on the show (and with his parents).


I also agree with you about Davina.  I'm torn between thinking she naively thinks she has a chance with Sean or whether she knows it's futile but is trying to save face by not admitting to that on national TV.  Nothing worse than looking like a loser to millions.  I'm leaning toward the latter.  I hope so for her sake.  I'd hate to think she was really that into him.

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I think it's too late for most of the cast on that front.


True, that's how we see it but while filming the show Davina wouldn't have wanted to look like she was basically being dumped.  If she spills the truth after the series finishes airing perhaps we'll know just how she felt.

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"I stand by my earlier comment. Sean tried on the wedding night but Davina said no so Sean backed off. ..."


This. I think she said no because he was unbelievably clumsy and off-putting, and she shut him down. That's why she can truthfully say they didn't consummate the marriage, and that's why Sean checked out.



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I think you nailed it, MissScarlett.  You and I are definitely watching the same show.  I think when Sean found out he couldn't get a short term piece of ass and that Devina was in it to win it, he freaked out and turned wimpizoid because he didn't know how to handle it.  He had to spend the next six weeks playing along with it like he was really working at the relationship.  It has been clear to me all along that he is just going through the motions to save face on the show (and with his parents).


Yes, this is clear to me now too. If not on the actual show then on one of the web-exclusive clips Sean basically said as much - that when the reality hit him of having an actual wife he didn't know how to handle it. Then, In Davina's eyes he became a wimp (I think she used that word exactly) and she was totally turned off by him. I point to the sleight ride they took as her turning point (she was emotional; he was clueless). I think she's clinging to the chemistry and affection they experienced on their wedding day but it's pretty clear they are not right for each other. 

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Also, they wouldn't know which little bit of hours of filming would be shown. They may have thought they came out looking pretty good and are seeing the WTF we are seeing now. Just the editing has probably given all of them some moments of I didn't say that or that didn't happen that way. Might explain some of Davina's attitude lately

Also, they wouldn't know which little bit of hours of filming would be shown. They may have thought they came out looking pretty good and are seeing the WTF we are seeing now. Just the editing has probably given all of them some moments of I didn't say that or that didn't happen that way. Might explain some of Davina's attitude lately

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I've kind of lost the will to watch this show, but I caught up the other night and noticed that Sean is a total narrator. It's like he just talks a bit about what's currently happening and hopes that he's approximating normal human conversation.


Exposition Sean.

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I like Davina more than others seem to. But whether she comes across as likable or not, I think she comes across as a "real" person. 

To me Sean is very phoney, except when his inner creep pops out.

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Sean is still gay or a virgin or both in my eyes. He still comes accross as a dork when doing something as simple as walking through NY streets. 


HAHA oh my God.  That "strut around NYC" montage was utterly painful.  Thank you for reminding me.

Edited by trashjunkie
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I've kind of lost the will to watch this show, but I caught up the other night and noticed that Sean is a total narrator. It's like he just talks a bit about what's currently happening and hopes that he's approximating normal human conversation.


Exposition Sean.

I miss just about every other episode but saw some of the most recent. It's a horrible show and these are all horribly mismatched couples. I nearly laughed out loud when Sean was having a drink with Chris, Davina's friend and he said "I know at heart I'm a very intimate, very sexual person. I mean Christian Grey sexual".  My eyes rolled back into my head.


These couples are all so doomed it isn't even a guess who's going to fail, they ALL are.


I had to edit because it seems that HumblePi quoted HumblePi

Edited by HumblePi
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What is their obsession with sucking their toes. That should have never become a thing. Weirdos.


I love Davina's perma bitchface whenever Sean says anything.


And that they think that they are supposed to suck their own toes instead of each others'. What the--?! I can see why Davina was joking around the first time and did it to herself in front of the camera, but now that they're trying to build physical intimacy, why are they saying Sean needs to do it to himself instead of to Davina? I don't know, maybe that's how things are done south of the Mason-Dixon line. (shrug) But with all of the children's toys and seemingly lack of understanding of sexuality with the constant reminders that they're both late bloomers and the middle school innuendo (Hee-hee! You have boobies! Hee-hee!), I feel like I'm watching a couple of fifth graders here--and next week is the secret assemblies where they split up the boys and girls and your parents need to sign the permission slips!

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But with all of the children's toys and seemingly lack of understanding of sexuality with the constant reminders that they're both late bloomers and the middle school innuendo (Hee-hee! You have boobies! Hee-hee!), I feel like I'm watching a couple of fifth graders here--and next week is the secret assemblies where they split up the boys and girls and your parents need to sign the permission slips!

You took the words right out of my mouth. I came to post the same point and same examples. I literally said to myself that they are acting like fifth graders. In some ways I think Sean is dragging them both down to that level. Davina wants a mature manly adventurous man, I think, and instead she got Sean who you might remember cried on their second day together about the whole yelling at the hotel staff, has anxiety issues and isn't comfortable outside of NJ. When she's tried to connect on a mature, emotional level with Sean he hasn't reciprocated so I think she's just meeting him where he's at. I feel bad for her.

I know she's contributing to their dynamic. She could be more sympathetic perhaps and whoever mentioned her bitch face is right - she really does have it when they talk. But I feel like it's been a bait and switch for her. The person she "requested" from the experts and even how Sean was on their wedding day is like a totally different person.

Edited by mamey2422
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And that they think that they are supposed to suck their own toes instead of each others'. What the--?! I can see why Davina was joking around the first time and did it to herself in front of the camera, but now that they're trying to build physical intimacy, why are they saying Sean needs to do it to himself instead of to Davina?


I think Davina was trying to convince Sean to do it but I didn't get the impression he was really on board with it.  He seemed to agree to it very reluctantly.  And thank GOD they didn't show him actually DOING it!  I suppose that could be coming in the next episode.  Excuse me while I go gouge my eyes out with a fork.

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What is their obsession with sucking their toes. That should have never become a thing. Weirdos.


I love Davina's perma bitchface whenever Sean says anything.

I like how she has a habit when Sean is talking to her where her eyes gaze either down or in the opposite direction as her tongue curls behind her bottom teeth. You didn't notice that, did ya?   lol

Edited by HumblePi
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I have been lurking on here for the longest. I also kept up with the 90 Day Fiance thread. These two drive me positively batty. They both have issues. They both talk, talk, and talk but nothing comes of it. They both over analyse and beat things to death. They are way too technical. During their NYE outing, they were awkward and like 15 year olds on their first date. Pairing them based on their pasts was daft because I do not think they have anything else in common. 


Davina seems like she expects a man to read her mind and know just what to say, how to do it, when to do it, and where to do it. That is unrealistic to me. I noticed that on the honeymoon when Sean was looking at the scenery, and she was crying over being taken aback by the moment. Lady, he had just met you less than 24 hours prior, how was he supposed to know that you wanted to be cuddled or for him to hold your hand? Then, she made the remark along the lines of boys being stupid sometimes. From that point on, I knew it would be a draining relationship. (Side bar: Sean isn't perfect, and I don't for a second believe that he is this perfect gentleman who has it all together. He was the same one who snapped on the hotel staff and accused them of theft when Davina misplaced her ring. And let's not get started on the whole FWB or what-not having a miscarriage and him signing up for this show in the same year. I do believe she has abandonment issues/daddy issues that need to be addressed. My daughter said, "Mum, she sounds like a school child with her, "Do you like me? Do you want to spend time with me?" I really felt like all she needed was the note that said, "Do you like me? Check yes/no.")


Everyone keeps bringing up the relocation thing, but I fault the experts for pairing a woman who had a deal breaker of not leaving Manhattan and a man who would have a two hour commute from Manhattan to his job. Surely they had to know that compromise was not going to occur in their dynamic. I cannot really fault Sean for that because if the show is to be believed, they did not know anything about who they were marrying. He was not informed beforehand that his future wife would only be willing to live in Manhattan. For that, I cannot blame him. Aside from that, I would not be happy going from an expansive flat or my own home to an entire flat half the size of my master suite. I relocated from the UK to Australia, and two years on, I am just now fully acclimated. It takes time to adjust, and if he has anxiety or stress issues, I probably would, too. That flat was freakishly tiny, and it made me feel claustrophobic.


I was not keen on Davina's attitude towards him having to work and commuting as opposed to being there to "effing" court her and sleeping beside her. She has it made. A 10-20 minute commute to her job, and she can walk into that tiny little x sqm shoe box. He on the other hand works in the emergency room, works 12-16 or maybe even more hours if relief fails to show up, and then, has to drive two hours to get back to her. Where does this courting and romance--that she so desires-- fit in with a long day like that?


As someone who works in healthcare, it can be emotionally taxing and tolling. There are certain things that will happen and will break down even the strongest of people because we are human and not sociopaths. In the E.R., you see everything, and sometimes you have to be the one to deliver bad news. From that angle, I don't know if it's bad editing or Davina's lack of concern, but there are two instances where she was almost waiting on him at the door and failed to ask, "Hey. How was your day? How was work? How are you feeling?" She leapt into these heavy conversations that could have waited until he had taken a shower or just had a minute to process the day. I would say it is editing or the camera crew pressuring for the scenes to be filmed, but common sense should say, "This chap works in a hospital with all kinds of illnesses, diseases, etc. We can break until he at least showers."


The other thing I don't understand is the Legos and puzzles. If you are supposed to be building intimacy, how do those things fit in? Why not cuddle while watching a movie and have a glass of wine? How are Legos romantic? I am a bit put off by Davina's lack of desire to initiate. It is 2015. There is nothing wrong with a woman taking charge and letting a man know, "I want you just as much as you want me." I thought she was the one who said no action would happen until she was in love. If a person told me that, I would respect it, take a back seat, and let them come to me when they were ready.


At any rate, I hope she stops with the petty social media stuff because it reflects poorly on her. Regardless as to whether Sean checked out long before the experiment was over or if something happened off-camera, it is in poor taste to continue bagging on him. Truthfully, that makes her no better than the mean girl in high school or the bullies who picked on her during her childhood. She is just the same or worse because people from a vast multitude of countries watch the show and follow the cast members.

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At risk of being a Debbie Downer here, this season has been way less ... there isn't really anyone to cheer for. I still don't even know what Davina's job is or much about her (g-free, has some job, hearts Manahattan), I am behind sick of Sean talking about "my anxiety wants me to" or "my anxiety did this" like Anxiety is a person who tells him what to do. Or maybe he has a really bossy but super tiny dog named Anxiety :D  It still seems odd that someone who is wary of anything new would sign up for this show, he just confuses me.

Look, I get it, I have it.  I was bullied in school too, and I never told ANYONE (I def would not bring it up now, I have only talked about it when I have counseled kids who are being bullied hard on-line) but MAN, how do you expect to function as an adult if one of the top 3 traits that defines you NOW  is "Victim Of Bullying"? And we do not beat bullying by becoming bullies either, I was shocked when he thought he was using that to berate the staff at the hotel when his brand new bride lost her ring and was sure a member of the hotel staff had stolen it - that is a HUGE indicator of how a person will treat you - how they treat people like waiters and staff at hotels. (I'm pretty sure that was someone low on the totem pole getting yelled at by him)

It was and still is a shock to find out that had things gone as hoped earler in 2014, he would be a father now. I don't get moving on from that relationship so fast.


I heard that people have been "mean" to Davina in social media (or Sean just wanted people to think that so he could again appear to be Knight In Shining Armor guy, but I haven't seen it. Sean and Ryan .... the one who lived in his Mom's basement, those 2 guys should just move in together & be room mates :) They seem better suited than either of those guys do with the woman they were matched with :0)  I want to go read all of this thread but I'm afraid of spoilers, they seem to be everywhere. I like surprise.

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Sarahot, I agree 110%. MAFS: Australia just started a couple of weeks ago, and I am rooting for all four couples. Awkward moments and all. They are likeable and people I want to genuinely see find happiness and love. The second season of the version in the States has been a let down on all fronts.


People on the official MAFS Facebook page have been tearing Davina a new one. I have read comments where people called her egotistical, self-centred, self-hating, a diva, princess, etc. Some said she deserved to be alone and needed to resolve her issues before attempting any type of relationship. Some of the comments have been venomous. Sean might be this and that, but those are the viewer's opinions. Some of them have not been holding back. At the same token, they've called Jess' Ryan, abusive, a hot-head, and all of those things. Ryan R. has been called a mummy's boy. People posted pics of Jess in Maxim and her "acting" creds or whatever. Jac was torn into after the wedding episode, but people have warmed to her. Even Ryan R. came to her defence and asked people to fall back from the nasty comments.

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These two better get a divorce. Two overly-cognitive people--they will think themselves into oblivion!!! Not a good match, but both are so driven to succeed that they will have a hard time giving up. Neither wants to think of themselves as failures.

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What the what?  Sean gave Davina a Bible and she gave him rosary beads? I must have missed something really pertinent in the one or two episodes I missed.


*This series lost me long before those knuckleheads found a good gig with this lame series. I'm done with all of them.

Edited by HumblePi
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I fast forward through a lot of this show. Why did Sean give Davina a Bible? That seemed so impersonable.

Sean's monotone droning voice grates on me, He pontificates at length without saying anything and I can see why a smart woman like Davina would be supremely annoyed. I, too, would have a bitch face. I like Davina. She has her faults, but she doesn't deserve to be saddled with Sean.

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After last night's next to last episode, I think I finally have a handle on Sean. He is a fake and in this experiment fraudulently. I think he manipulated the doctors to get on the show and that was all he was interested in. Davina has indicated she would be open to being sexually intimate, and he just sits there. Doesn't even seem to show minimal hands-on affection. Why? It might lead to sex. I don't believe he ever had any intention of staying married and thought he could pull it off because his friend Doug from Season One did not consummate his marriage (due to Jamie's reticence) until after the decision was made to stay married. By not consummating the union, Sean can have his marriage annulled by the Catholic Church and save himself some grief with regard to staying in good standing within his religion. He said prior to being selected for Married at First Sight that he would be willing to relocate while all the time being hopeful of a sought-after promotion at work. Davina said from the beginning that she would not leave Manhattan. All Sean wanted was to get on TV. This was a raw deal for Davina. She was matched with a loser.

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After last night's next to last episode, I think I finally have a handle on Sean. He is a fake and in this experiment fraudulently. I think he manipulated the doctors to get on the show and that was all he was interested in. Davina has indicated she would be open to being sexually intimate, and he just sits there. Doesn't even seem to show minimal hands-on affection. Why? It might lead to sex. I don't believe he ever had any intention of staying married and thought he could pull it off because his friend Doug from Season One did not consummate his marriage (due to Jamie's reticence) until after the decision was made to stay married. By not consummating the union, Sean can have his marriage annulled by the Catholic Church and save himself some grief with regard to staying in good standing within his religion. He said prior to being selected for Married at First Sight that he would be willing to relocate while all the time being hopeful of a sought-after promotion at work. Davina said from the beginning that she would not leave Manhattan. All Sean wanted was to get on TV. This was a raw deal for Davina. She was matched with a loser.


Sean isn't Doug's friend. Sean's brother is. Other than over children, marriages never work with dealbreakers involved.

Edited by Happenings12
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Davina's deal breaker (not moving out of Manhattan) was for the Matchmakers to consider in pairing her with someone. And they did somewhat because Sean did say he was willing to relocate for love. I don't think he changed his mind ... I think he was untruthful. Davina said she would consider moving to New Jersey in a few years. But Sean does not give her any reason to consider compromise now because he has checked out if indeed he was ever checked in. Regardless of whether Sean was friends with Doug or Doug's brother, he knows him and how his participation in this experiment played out, perhaps better than the average viewer. I still believe Sean was disingenuous throughout this whole experiment and playing a role. Thanks for the correction on the Catholic Church and annulments. Maybe Sean just wants an easy out and can have his civil marriage annulled. I suppose it is always possible Sean doesn't fancy Davina, but he sure seemed to on their wedding day. So I'm back to he was playing a role.

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