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Davina & Sean

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Maybe it's me, but I'm getting a "closet" vibe from Sean.  When they first showed him I thought good, they're gonna have a gay couple this year!  but, was surprised when he was paired with a woman.


He doesn't come off sincere at all.  Time will tell I guess. 


I thought the expert should have paired Jac and Ryan D and the other Ryan with Jessica.  Jac would definitely stand up to Ryan D.d


Can't wait to see it turn out. 


But, I miss Season 1 couples.  They were more interesting.

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Glad you have had a change of mind from thinking pharmaceutical sales is a sleazy job! (comparing to Paychex in a prior thread which makes me need a shower)



Education recruiters do not make commission. That's not allowed in the industry. Not all online schools are sleazy and expensive. I work in the industry and have for years. Also pharmaceutical sales is not sleazy. Many drug companies provide free samples via these reps. It may not be a profession you agree with but its an honest living.

I have a different opinion about pharmaceutical salesmen. I managed an oxygen company and I had sales representatives that called on physician's offices to try and get the oxygen referrals of their patients that use supplemental oxygen. Invariably, they would meet pharmaceutical sales reps. calling on the same doctor offices. They're all very polished, well-spoken, dressed impeccably and well groomed as all sales reps. are supposed to be. They work on commission and the commissions in pharmacy sales are huge so many of them were earning upwards of six figures a year. Pharmacy sales reps are told to downplay the negative side effects of the drug they're pushing. Yes, they give samples to the doctors. Some doctors just allow the pharmacy rep. to come in the back without asking and go to the free samples closet that most doctors have. It's like a drug store all on its own. So they fill the shelves with 'freebies' in exchange for that doctor prescribing their newest 'drug du jour', or in better terms the most expensive new drugs on the market that their company manufactures. Doctors love it because they can send their patient home with a few samples of what will probably cost them $200 or more without insurance, but if the patient does have a drug plan with a doughnut hole, they'll hit that hole in a few months since most of the free drugs are tier 4 or 5. In the end, there's a couple of winners with pharmaceutical sales. The doctor is a winner because he's such a great guy handing out free samples to his patients, the pharmaceutical sales rep is a winner because he's making a commission, and the drug company is a winner because they stand to gain millions of dollars through the efforts of the sales rep. Yes, Pharmaceutical sales is an honest business since they're not doing anything illegal and they're helping patients through illnesses via the new medications, but the biggest winner is the company that produces that drug at a cost of around $300 per prescription and that same drug can be bought in Mexico, India or Canada for one-sixteenth the price. It ends up to be a very lucrative alliance between physicians, pharmacy reps and the pharmacy industry

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I really hate Sean's Bob's Big Boy hair.


I wondered if that was what he was going for, but decided it could not have been on purpose.  He has some pretty spiffy bright green athletic footwear too.   


What a style icon.

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Too funny about the hair. How about when he was sitting at the table eating sushi and talking to Davina? He was wearing a hoodie and the table was up to his armpits. He looked about 10 and it didn't help that he walked out with his dopey backpack on to leave for Jersey. Ugh.

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True, that.

Sean seems to shrink physically as Davina reels off her list of grievances and demands.

Pretty soon he will be lying on the floor in a fetal position as she stands over him yammering about his disengagement from the "process."

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She said specifically that an indian man was not acceptable at all for her. She ONLY DATES WHITE.


I remember the conversation and she said she only HAD dated white men, not that she was horrified by her own ethnicity or the men who share it :) I thought they were matched due to something about how they were raised... wow I am just blanking out. He confuses me so much, I will like him a lot one second and then just... ick. It is NOT cool to, for example, be a bully because one was bullied 8 million years ago, like he did with the hotel staff the morning after the wedding, She is not organized, I noticed on FaceBook (yes, I do need a life, thank you) that she was looking for her lost passport. A bunch of excuses, but i do know she won't find it on her FB page :0)

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This is OT but maybe on topic since it's about Davina's "shoebox" apartment.  Seems there was a time when people didn't need to live in McMansions with large back yards, spa tubs, big ass family rooms and cathedral ceilings; and it was okay.  Today it seems like even one person needs a ton of space.  My issue is, who's going to clean all that?

ITA. I also see that thinking is shifting about that. Heck, look at the Tiny House show, I think it is on this same network. My parents and brother LOVE Tiny Houses. My brother lives in one now and it is really cool, especially when one is not home a lot. And I give a resouding standing ovation about the cleaning it aspect! One less chore to divy up too :0)   More stuff = more stuff to clean.


I did like Sean's house, but it was possibly too clean for me :0)  I hope he will find all of the wonderful things that I know Manhattan has to offfer. I don't know this first-hand, my time in NYC has been all airport and hospital time, but I know it is a special place I really hope to visit. I bet it looks amazing at Christmas.

The mod on that page has said it's happened before with another TV show (might have been The Bachelor)? So I wouldn't be surprised. Davina seems angry enough.

Oh my stars, no way!  I could never do a reality show, I have the thinnest skin on the planet.

Did you guys see that Sean asked people on his FB page to be nice to her? The ensuing debate was.... I need the right word here. It was BUSY! :0)  I have never been more of two minds about a person... both of them confuse the heck out of me! So I just read.

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Davina's a pharmaceutical sales rep.As far as the bullying goes A. Are we sure it actually happened? I wouldn't put it past Sean to make it up (or at least play it up) for sympathy. And B. It was a long time ago, get over it.

From the Jaclyn/Ryan thread.

I think Sean was bullied, but I am not sure about the extent of it.

And I am not trying to downplay serious bullying, but I have to wonder why bullying stands out as a special reason to pair these two. Don't most people get bullied to some extent during the childhood/teenage years?

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I still think Sean put some very clumsy moves on Davina on their wedding night, and totally turned her off. He's God's gift to women, remember, and when she didn't respond like all his other one-night stands he did what he normally would have done and Moved On. But he forgot he was married to this one and she's still going to be around, at least for a while. Not to mention on TV.


If that's what happened, it might explain a lot - as in, why they were so hot and heavy at the wedding & reception and then suddenly he's being a twat with stupid remarks while she just looks offended. And it *might* explain why, according to Dr. C, Sean freaked out over the cameras and was terribly put off by the "process" of filming the show. It would be pretty embarrassing for God's Gift to Women to get shut down by his bride on the wedding night, and I doubt he'd want to talk about it.


I haven't heard anything about this - it's pure speculation on my part - but I'd sure like to know!

Edited by okerry
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Davina is very social on Facebook she answers the people posting and has a lot of pictures of friends, her dog, her decorating of her new apartment and the girl Loves Manhattan. There is mention of her prior students and how much she helped them and how much they admire her. She takes the criticism well and promotes every epi. I don't think they are together, I think sometime either on the honeymoon or on the way home Sean realized maybe she was out of his league or they had nothing in common. Things sure did shut down. This is all just MHO of course.

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This is OT but maybe on topic since it's about Davina's "shoebox" apartment.  Seems there was a time when people didn't need to live in McMansions with large back yards, spa tubs, big ass family rooms and cathedral ceilings; and it was okay.  Today it seems like even one person needs a ton of space.  My issue is, who's going to clean all that?

Well, there is a lot of gray in between a shoe box and a mansion. I was a city person most of my life. Small place, no yard, no driving. I was single though. It worked for me.

I'm in a small city now in a home with yard and much more room. We have kids and it works wonderfully for us. We clean it and we do the yard work ourselves, which is a family activity. So it depends on the stage of life you are in, or the lifestyle that agrees with you more.

Edited by Passthepopcorn
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Davina is very social on Facebook she answers the people posting and has a lot of pictures of friends, her dog, her decorating of her new apartment and the girl Loves Manhattan. There is mention of her prior students and how much she helped them and how much they admire her. She takes the criticism well and promotes every epi. I don't think they are together, I think sometime either on the honeymoon or on the way home Sean realized maybe she was out of his league or they had nothing in common. Things sure did shut down. This is all just MHO of course.



I am glad that Davina has what seems like a rich and fulfilling life.  This show sometimes makes it participants seem so pathetic.  I think one introduction even said something like " Six singles who have desperately tried everything to find love..."  However, I guess that is what you get from signing on to a reality show.


I always felt that Sean was disingenuous from the start.  The joy you saw at the wedding was a guy who was happy that he had (what he thought) an attractive woman to sleep with for the night.  So even though Davina has some personality issues, I think Sean never took the experiment seriously and is in it only for the t.v. exposure. That is one of the reasons he is so crazy uncomfortable around her.  He does not think it is worth putting in any effort for a woman who he is only going to divorce in a couple of weeks and Manhattan is a whole lot of effort for him.  Heck, we even found out that Davina was willing to compromise and go to Jersey.  You will notice that Sean always tries to say and do the what he thinks the audience wants to hear on camera.  I think he is very manipulative.


I hope she finds someone on her own...if not, it is better to be single and happy then being married to Sean.

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I am glad that Davina has what seems like a rich and fulfilling life.  This show sometimes makes it participants seem so pathetic.  I think one introduction even said something like " Six singles who have desperately tried everything to find love..."  However, I guess that is what you get from signing on to a reality show.


I always felt that Sean was disingenuous from the start.  The joy you saw at the wedding was a guy who was happy that he had (what he thought) an attractive woman to sleep with for the night.  So even though Davina has some personality issues, I think Sean never took the experiment seriously and is in it only for the t.v. exposure. That is one of the reasons he is so crazy uncomfortable around her.  He does not think it is worth putting in any effort for a woman who he is only going to divorce in a couple of weeks and Manhattan is a whole lot of effort for him.  Heck, we even found out that Davina was willing to compromise and go to Jersey.  You will notice that Sean always tries to say and do the what he thinks the audience wants to hear on camera.  I think he is very manipulative.


I hope she finds someone on her own...if not, it is better to be single and happy then being married to Sean.


ITA.  IMO Calling Dr Cilona was a total chess move. "At least I tried". At this point, I think that the exit plan was already mapped out. He will continue his sterile monologues and rehearsed lines to not be seen as the bad guy.


Also, the anxiety excuse is such bull shit. It makes more sense to be anxious on the wedding day to a complete stranger, than now were you have to commit and actually be married.


Davina is a princess but Sean didn't come into the experiment with good intentions IMO. 

Edited by moonxyz
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I agree with you, SaucyMommy. Every time she said "Look at me" or "What am I saying?"... she is acting like she is superior than him and make him littler??? I hate every time she said those lines. I also agree with other bloggers, if Davina is willing to move half way, or to a nice area with more open space, Sean might not as anxious as he actually is. He seems a little bit weak to me but I can also understand him moving to a totally strange place with a woman who is not yet (really!) committed to him is scary. Davina is holding on a knife handle and Sean has to hold the blade. There is no compromise in the moving situation with these two. Of course I also agree that Sean was not totally truthful with the experts.

By the way, anyone can show me how to reply directly to one's specific conversation? I don't know where to click. Thanks.

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By the way, anyone can show me how to reply directly to one's specific conversation? I don't know where to click. Thanks.


Do you mean quote somebody? 


Each post has a row of small icons on the bottom right. One is quotation marks. Click that, and it will give you a box that says "reply to 1 quoted post". Click that box, and you will have a new box in which to reply to the quote. You can click on multiple posts and you'll get multiple quotes to reply to. You can play with this in the Test Zone forum.

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...There is mention of her prior students and how much she helped them and how much they admire her...

What type of students are these, was she a school teacher?  What was she doing that had her as a teacher? 

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ITA. IMO Calling Dr Cilona was a total chess move. "At least I tried". At this point, I think that the exit plan was already mapped out. He will continue his sterile monologues and rehearsed lines to not be seen as the bad guy.

Also, the anxiety excuse is such bull shit. It makes more sense to be anxious on the wedding day to a complete stranger, than now were you have to commit and actually be married.

Davina is a princess but Sean didn't come into the experiment with good intentions IMO.

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What type of students are these, was she a school teacher?  What was she doing that had her as a teacher? 

According to linkedin - High School English Teacher / New York City Teaching Fellow

New York City Department of Education

June 2003 – June 2005 (2 years 1 month)


Lives changed?  From a high school English teacher in NYC?  Depends on what she was wearing...sorry, couldn't resist.

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IMO, Sean has checked out, and the issue is not Davina or a lack of compromise. It is hard to know if she was really encouraged or not by the phone call he made to dr. C. I think they both have to play along for the experiment to continue!

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According to linkedin - High School English Teacher / New York City Teaching Fellow

New York City Department of Education

June 2003 – June 2005 (2 years 1 month)


Lives changed?  From a high school English teacher in NYC?  Depends on what she was wearing...sorry, couldn't resist.

Thank you

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Davina is willing to move half way, or to a nice area with more open space, Sean might not as anxious as he actually is. He seems a little bit weak to me but I can also understand him moving to a totally strange place with a woman who is not yet (really!) committed to him is scary.



I don't get this.  For decades women have relocated to be with their husbands.  How do we know Sean lives in a nice area?  Not all suburbs are wonderful Dick and Jane type places.  


I hope she finds someone on her own...if not, it is better to be single and happy then being married to Sean.



For some reason this cracked me up.  Sean seems too smarmy for my tastes.

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I would not be surprised if Sean purposely did not answer some of his questions truthfully in order to secure his spot on the show.  He tried to make himself as easy to match up as possible by having very little in the way of deal breakers.  He probably pretended to be agreeable to everything (including relocation) to make himself seem much more easy going then he is.  We have a strong suspicion, from what has been posted, that he saw this show as a stepping stone to get into more widely viewed reality shows like Survivor.  Of course, I have no idea if the anonymous poster is a valid source, but Sean does seem phony.


That said, he probably is used to women fawning over him to some degree and Davina's somewhat princess like attitude throws him for a loop.

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They both seem to have unrealistic ideas in terms of how others perceive their attractiveness and likeability.


     I think they are both very insecure people.  Sean tries to keep his self esteem up by seducing a lot of women.  Davina

does it by being very successful in her career and having money and material things.  Of course neither of those work.

You either like yourself or you don't.


     I don't know what Davina's feelings toward Sean are at this point, but she is clearly more invested in making this work.

I think they both take rejection and failure very hard.  I agree with those who are saying that Sean was willing to act interested

as long as he had an attractive woman to have sex with during the 6 weeks.




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I think they are both very insecure people.  Sean tries to keep his self esteem up by seducing a lot of women.  Davina

does it by being very successful in her career and having money and material things.  Of course neither of those work.

You either like yourself or you don't.


     I don't know what Davina's feelings toward Sean are at this point, but she is clearly more invested in making this work.

I think they both take rejection and failure very hard.  I agree with those who are saying that Sean was willing to act interested

as long as he had an attractive woman to have sex with during the 6 weeks.

Maybe that's why his mom was so against him doing this. She might have suspected he wasn't in it for the right reasons.

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I recorded tonight's episode and fast forwarded through most of these two.  I'm over them.  We all know they aren't going to last in the end so there is no need to watch this draining couple.

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Please producers...no more playful sex talk between Sean and Davina.  It is like watching your parents initiate foreplay...gross and wrong.  I really hope that they do not consummate the relationship.  I am pretty sure Sean has checked out and is only there for the camera time (speculation on my part, not spoiler) and somebody with Davina's issues will be absolutely crushed if he sleeps with her and then dumps her in a couple of weeks.

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Maybe it's me, but I'm getting a "closet" vibe from Sean.  When they first showed him I thought good, they're gonna have a gay couple this year!  but, was surprised when he was paired with a woman.


He doesn't come off sincere at all.  Time will tell I guess. 


I thought the expert should have paired Jac and Ryan D and the other Ryan with Jessica.  Jac would definitely stand up to Ryan D.d


Can't wait to see it turn out. 


But, I miss Season 1 couples.  They were more interesting.

It's not just you- the guy screams gay to me. 

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I don't think they will ever sleep together, they are totally disconnected. I don't really understand what happened. Maybe Sean is used to easy sex and didn't get it, though my husband thinks he is gay. Now Sean feels Davina's disapproval of him, and he is no longer interested. He is just on the show to finish out the six weeks.

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Sean just creeps me out the more I watch.


He just rambles on and never makes a point. I think he likes to hear himself talk.


I find nothing attractive about him.

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He got his FWB pregnant; she had miscarriage and then he got married to a stranger the same year? This guy isn’t right.


What is FWB?

Also why would he tell his "wife" this on Christmas day?

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I feel bad for this poor woman having her miscarriage discussed on national television. That has to be painful.

It's bad enough to have your miscarriage announced on National T.V. but then to be called a "one-night stand"...

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I feel bad for this poor woman having her miscarriage discussed on national television. That has to be painful.


I agree and it's a window into Sean's character that he would freely discuss it on TV, too.

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I want to post something Dr. Cilona wrote about Sean's job after the filming finished - is that a spoiler? I don't really think it is - but if you all think it is, I will put it on the spoiler thread.


If it's about where Sean is living or working, or something like that, it might be a spoiler. It probably isn't, but it's best to err on the side of caution because the mods have to check out all reports and complaints, which means we have to sometimes hide legitimate posts, etc., which in turn disrupts the flow of conversation.

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I'm thinking about the segments in the most recent episode (Conflict) with Sean and Davina when they were supposed to be "putting things behind them" and "having fun" - this was when they got out of the car to go out after meeting with Dr C, when Davina brought the Legos home, and then when they were in the park in their running gear near the end of the episode.


In each case, they did not look like they were actually having fun at all. They don't seem to share the same sense of humor, to me. It seems forced and fake. They both kept repeating phrases about moving on and having fun.... but repeating those phrases isn't the same as actually moving on and having fun.


Things just seem forced and fake between them. They may have had some physical attraction at the wedding, but I don't think they are compatible at all on a personality level and it just becomes more apparent as time goes on.



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Sean has lost all credibility with Davina. I guess she has not completely given up on their marriage based on her getting upset during her meeting with Dr. C, but he cannot bullshit her anymore and she calls him out on the fact that he just cares about himself and likes to hear himself talk about what Sean is thinking, planning, doing. It seems that she was really hopeful she would find love, sad.

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Perhaps Sean just doesn't know how to connect with people on a deeper level. That would explain his seeming insensitivity, his rumored playboy ways, and stilted speech patterns  Maybe my opinion will change when I see him talking to his friend. But maybe that is why peope think he is creepy and doesn't have feelings.


This ties in with my theory about why his personality might be a good match for the profession of trauma nurse - being emotionally detached would serve someone well in that role, assuming they want to do it for many years.

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