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S06.E13: Drastic Voyage: Part 2

Tara Ariano

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So what's a drink made from Tang and rubbing alcohol called? Rootin Tootin Raspberry? Archer sure knows his Funny Face drinks (I kept expecting Injun Orange).


And don't get out of your seat when jumping to hyperspace. You get crippled again.


"Plus, TV's Michael Gray is staring right at us." TV's Michael Gray's face on that pan was perfect.


And wow, what an ending. So what's gonna happen with the ISIS crew? We gonna do Vice all over again?

Finale was soured for me with Ray getting crippled again and Malory's withholding of food for AJ.  There's comedic sociopathy and then there's unwarranted abuse.


Also, Archer's fratboy antics are starting to grate.


So, is it odd that I thought that Gary Cole's character was right to chew out Malory?  She's had it coming for a very long time.

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I think Archer was right. The gang had been set up to fail so many times. I mean, why call upon that motley crew to get miniaturized? Dennis Quaid probably wouldn't have made as big a mess. Plus, you have unforeseen stuff, like TV's Michael Grey pulling a Pam/Cheryl and stowing away.


What's next? I'm sure it'll be good, but the crew has a limited set of skills between them. Also, without Krieger's access to tech, Ray's probably a dead man.

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Damn you, "TV's Michael Gray!"


Poor Ray: I'm really feeling bad for him at this point.  He really is going to end up just being another Barry at this rate.


Odd ending for the season.  They basically failed the mission, and now have been blacklisted by Slater and the CIA.  But, Archer has "plans."  I wonder what they could be.  I don't see the show going too far out, since the Archer Vice arc was extremely polarizing, but I guess they have something in mind.  Money-wise, I guess there is still technically Cheryl's wealth they can fall back on, assuming she doesn't randomly stab them with her sewing pins, like the hilarious loon she is.

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I think Archer was right. The gang had been set up to fail so many times. I mean, why call upon that motley crew to get miniaturized? Dennis Quaid probably wouldn't have made as big a mess. Plus, you have unforeseen stuff, like TV's Michael Grey pulling a Pam/Cheryl and stowing away.


What's next? I'm sure it'll be good, but the crew has a limited set of skills between them. Also, without Krieger's access to tech, Ray's probably a dead man.


Yeah, it was obvious that the CIA did want Mallory and the crew to fail all of their mission. Maybe it was payback on what happened in San Marco, last season, but the writing was on the wall. As with what they are going to do next season; my first guess would be that Archer would go to the KGB and have Katya hire all of them and my second guess would be they get revenge (and this time for reals and not failing at it) on the CIA and get their name un-blacklisted. 

Edited by TVSpectator

My guess? Next season ends with the crew running the CIA.


Also, a thing that's been bugging me: if we look back at the missions of the season, they weren't actually all disasters (not for the CIA, anyway). Archer retrieved the computer and blew up the plane, Conway Stern was neutralized and his stolen info recovered. Crash was apparently killed in the avalanche; and Slater was the idiot robbing Lana's father without checking to see if Lana was visiting.


Even the Wales mission isn't exactly a complete failure because they did what was asked: they left the terrorists at large and protected them from MI5 (although they coul have done without having to kidnap the agent). Even this miniaturization voyage was handled pretty damn admirably (well, aside from Krieger). Really the only operation they really destroyed was the Durhani thing, and that would have been executed quite well if Lana hadn't ruined it (btw, I love that of all people, it's Lana who blew the last two missions before this one, both out of jealousy over Archer.) Not only did the CIA set them up to fail, it referred to what were basically successful missions as failures as well.

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So, is it odd that I thought that Gary Cole's character was right to chew out Malory?  She's had it coming for a very long time.


How so? The CIA gave them near impossible missions and threatened them constantly.


Yeah, it was obvious that the CIA did want Mallory and the crew to fail all of their mission.


The CIA is actually worse overall. They risked the doctor's life with and lost with the isis team that they've been sitting on all season.


The action scenes were actually exciting. I was glad that Pam actually helped and Cyril stepped up and piloted the ship. 


Honestly, there weren't enough missions for me this season. In the past Pam has shown some skills and she was now basically sidelined. I find this a big letdown, since they correctly pointed out that Archer and Lana going on missions together is a huge risk now. It was a chance for her to do more. Of course, there wasn't that much to actually do. 


Honestly, I like them better as criminals. If in fact they'll be blacklisted, I hope they turn to crime. They obviously are terrible drug dealers, but kidnapping, extortion, private security? 


There's tons to mine. Or, they could set the show in europe and have them work with Interpol. 


I thought the finale was great overall. I am looking foward to next season then again I didn't hate Archer Vice. It had its good parts. I liked the finale and the season as a whole because yes the CIA did set not!ISIS up to fail. Slater has been fun throughout and a good antagonist for Archer I wouldn't mind seeing more of him.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Slater might be out on his ass too. I mean they did kill the scientist and Slater was on the ship and basically lost any authority. 


True, but I think Agent Holly (or Agent Hawley; how is it spelled?) wouldn't do that to Slater, only because I feel that the former isis crew was deliberately set up (by having them go on those near impossible/crazy ass planned missions) and that the doctor was possibly used  as well. 

Money-wise, I guess there is still technically Cheryl's wealth they can fall back on, assuming she doesn't randomly stab them with her sewing pins, like the hilarious loon she is.


That was clearly a case of Chekhov's Knitting Needles. If they make an appearance in the first act, you know they'll be used before it's all over.

Edited by beedub
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I liked the episode overall, but I really don't like Mallory's not feeding AJ. It might have been funny one time, but as a running joke, it's not getting anything new. Plus, although I won't go so far as to say that you can never joke about infant abuse, you'd have to do it really well to make it funny. And this wasn't it. And besides, Mallory is selfish and emotionally abusive, not an utter moron. She should know what baby growth looks like. The whole thing just left me wanting someone to shoot her in the head and have it done with.

Even this miniaturization voyage was handled pretty damn admirably (well, aside from Krieger).

Admirably?  They killed the guy they were supposed to save.  It's one thing if they failed in the sense that they didn't remove the blood clot in time.  They accomplished the clot removal but their dicking around led to them not exiting the guy's body in time.  That's a huge fuck-up in my opinion.

Admirably?  They killed the guy they were supposed to save.  It's one thing if they failed in the sense that they didn't remove the blood clot in time.  They accomplished the clot removal but their dicking around led to them not exiting the guy's body in time.  That's a huge fuck-up in my opinion.


It wasn't dicking around that kept them from getting out in time, it was their not being well-informed enough. Archer never would have hit the purge button if he'd been told it would keep the ship from moving, that was a massive design flaw. They went in with almost no training and lost their friggin' pilot, but still managed to almost do everything they were asked. They were just off by a few seconds.

It wasn't dicking around that kept them from getting out in time, it was their not being well-informed enough. Archer never would have hit the purge button if he'd been told it would keep the ship from moving, that was a massive design flaw. They went in with almost no training and lost their friggin' pilot, but still managed to almost do everything they were asked. They were just off by a few seconds.

The same Archer who doesn't read mission briefings.  Those few seconds led to them killing that guy.

The same Archer who doesn't read mission briefings.  Those few seconds led to them killing that guy.


Slater and Dr. Skladowska were on that ship too. It was a team effort, in which Archer was very decidedly not in charge. There are two reasons they lost time while they were inside: no one told Archer about not purging the airlock in the half-hour he was in scuba gear, and the people who build the damn sub didn't include talcum powder for the scuba gear. Pam wasn't wrong about that being a necessity. Archer did everything he was told including saving the sub from attack and destroying the blood clot. There was no typical Archer ruining everything by trying to steal the glory, no Cheryl going nuts and crashing he sub, no Cyril making a dumb mistake and steering them wrong. This was the CIA's poorly-planned shit show, not the group-formerly-known-as-ISIS's.

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Slater and Dr. Skladowska were on that ship too. It was a team effort, in which Archer was very decidedly not in charge. There are two reasons they lost time while they were inside: no one told Archer about not purging the airlock in the half-hour he was in scuba gear, and the people who build the damn sub didn't include talcum powder for the scuba gear. Pam wasn't wrong about that being a necessity. Archer did everything he was told including saving the sub from attack and destroying the blood clot. There was no typical Archer ruining everything by trying to steal the glory, no Cheryl going nuts and crashing he sub, no Cyril making a dumb mistake and steering them wrong. This was the CIA's poorly-planned shit show, not the group-formerly-known-as-ISIS's.


I like your post, but it was also Krieger's asshole-rage that also caused them to be injected into the doctor's foot, but then again, they did seem to handle it pretty well. So, I guess it was also partially their fault, but like you said, the CIA did poorly plan this mission (like ever other mission in this season) and also the Slim Goodbody look-alike did cause some problems on board the ship , but he wasn't at all the crew's fault, but the doctor's lover's fault for letting him on base (or maybe it was the CIA that allowed him to be on base that day?). 

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Rewatching this episode made me just hate that these guys can never just do their job they have to spend all their time bickering and no matter what happens they act as if it's no big deal. This episode made the CIA look incompetent and made the ISIS crew look like a bunch of jackasses with Kreiger lashing out at scientists during an operation and then trashing the computer for no reason except shrinky dinks... Between Archer firing the weapon in the hangar to purging the air lock unnecessarily to ignoring the danger they were in it's gotten a bit tiresome. 


Hopefully next season Archer stops drinking while on missions, it's getting ridiculous. 

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