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S05.E16: Conquer - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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Awesome.  And he's out there fighting off that shit right now.  How big is this place that no one heard the gunshot?  Or Rick fighting with the walkers? (aka roamers?)

Edited by Peanut
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Okay, I'm having a serious problem that Rick was jogging around the compound for 90 minutes while the sun went down and never ran past the community meeting they're having around the cozy firepit.

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OK, so we have 1 or 2 segments left and:

Pete unaccounted for

The wolves being wolfy
Nicholas and Glenn still battling

Sasha and FPP with at least one going to die, I'm sure.

Rick defeating all the walkers during Tribal Council

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Abraham gave 3 shits


 About the coming shit storm.  




Abraham, I think you better let others do the talking.



 Why?  AT least he's concise.  Better than the historical analogies some people keep throwing around.  I mean, this isn't supposed to be Falling Skies.

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Fuck FPP. He just needs to go, it's obvious he's a wishy washy asshole who tells people in public what they want to hear, that he's this pious priest who means no harm, but behind closed doors he's just a judgmental asshole. Sasha better kill his ass, or severely wound him, at the very least.

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etter than the historical analogies some people keep throwing around.  I mean, this isn't supposed to be Falling Skies.

LOLLL  So very, very true.  Still, Noah Wyle is a FILF with his beard.

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I was going to upvote until you said Dr Pepper is nasty and now tempted to flag :)

I upped you anyhoo cuz...adrenaline.


Ooh, Deanna's telling the Gabriel story!

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I think the CBD is trying to reason with people who can't, or just don't want to, understand what it's actually like outside those walls. They've truly survived. This ASZ community is just choosing to hide their heads in the sand and pretend nothing is wrong.

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