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S07.E04: Spoof!

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I've seen the 'leaked' episode floating around and I cannot believe the results!


Trixie being eliminated? WHAT?! Kennedy winning? WHAT!? I'm not sure which of the two I'm more shocked about. I have to say I didn't even think Trixie was going to be in the bottom two much less sashayin' away! I'm not totally surprised that Pearl was bottom two but it really should have been Kandy Ho. Also, I'm not 'feeling' Mrs. Kasha Davis at all and, no, I don't think she was bottom two material this week but ... ::yawnsville::


I'm not sure what it is about this season so far but it just seems ... I want to say 'boring' or 'uninspiring' but it's not quite that. Maybe the show has just peaked, I don't know. 


Edited to add:

I've just watched the lipsync between Trixie and Pearl again and I have to say that Pearl was kind of amazing. Her stance and her FACE was everything. It was really the first time Pearl has come anywhere near 'alive' in the competition and I think she has the makings of real performer. She really has a commanding stage presence and your eyes go to her. 

Edited by marsha
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It leaked in Canada.


Trixie's elimination was spoiled ages ago so I knew it was coming this week, but it's still really sad, especially because there were at least four other people who also deserved to be in the bottom two. Trixie was put there because for whatever reason, the producers thought she was filler and wanted her to go home. Pearl was put there for storyline purposes, which I totally called last week, by the way - and with other contestants explicitly stating "I don't think she can make top three", watch her redemption arc kick into high gear now. Anvils, anvils everywhere.


I am no big fan of Jaidynn, but the girl should've won this week. I thought Kennedy deserved to be in the top, but she was the least deserving of the win. 

Edited by Xazeal
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where did you find the episode?

Canadian Google Play posted it early (much like Amazon did with episode 2). Some folks who bought it uploaded the episode to various sites and posted the links to Reddit. From what I can tell, the mods, who are now much more alert to illegal links, seem to have removed all of them.

Given the bottom two were the two most popular queens among the most vocal redditers, mayhem has ensued

Proceed to the RPDR sub-reddit with caution. Spoilers and hysteria abound.

Edited by SteveAC10


Also, I'm not 'feeling' Mrs. Kasha Davis at all and, no, I don't think she was bottom two material this week but ... ::yawnsville::

Well from the T I've heard you wont have to tolerate her much longer, she gets eliminated next Monday.


I'm not sure what it is about this season so far but it just seems ... I want to say 'boring' or 'uninspiring' but it's not quite that. Maybe the show has just peaked, I don't know.

I understand what you're saying.  So far this season has been just O.K. for me.  I like some of the queens on this season but I'm not madly in love with anyone like I was with pretty much every friggin season since the show started.  By the 3rd or 4th episodes I'm well into my obsession *tee hee hee*  I've read this season is suppose to be more "real, rawer, etc." with the changes made, especially on Untucked but IDK it seems to have the opposite affect on me. 

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For me, this season feels impersonal. Everything is very quick and slick. Visually, it is yummy. But it's empty.

Thanks taicraven; 'empty' is the word I've been searching for! It really feels that the show is just going through the motions. Now, maybe I'm just projecting here but it even seems that Ru isn't even really engaged. I know there was the reputed 'lets turn the cameras off'' with Kennedy's group last week and yellin' at the gals on the runway but ... it seems 'forced'. I don't know. YMMV, natch. Maybe next season should be another 'All Stars' (but a full season and NO PAIRS!).

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WTF?   Ru and the producers do realize that viewers have actual eyes--we're not listening to Drag Race on the Radio


Trixie's Lip Sync was fun and energetic-- the camera couldn't stop focusing on her there because it was obviously superior-- Pearl just looked like she was mostly standing in different places waving her arms around.  LSFYL means absolutely nothing if it means absolutely nothing to Ru, and obviously here it did not. 


I say this even when I had just said to my husband before the lip sync that I predicted Pearl would be better at it and win, merely because she looks more athletic (bring on the splits), and Ru eats that up.  But, no.  Pearl was an absolute bore.  Trixie owned that stage.  She pulled off what should have been a major coup, but Ru obviously had the decision already made.  I guess Pearl just makes a better talking head.


What total BS.  Rigged, rigged, rigged.

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So who is Pearl sleeping with to keep herself on the show? Between her and Miss Fame, who doesn't seem to have any appreciable talent (and I don't see the gorgeousness she's supposed to be bringing), this is a lily-white snoozer of a season. I guess it doesn't matter much, but Trixie had so much more to give than....that.


At least Max is still there. That's the only redeeming thing about this episode. Otherwise, it was time for one of the bottom two to triumph the next week and another bottom two made up of friends in real life. Producer meddling is producer meddling.

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Thanks taicraven; 'empty' is the word I've been searching for! It really feels that the show is just going through the motions. Now, maybe I'm just projecting here but it even seems that Ru isn't even really engaged. I know there was the reputed 'lets turn the cameras off'' with Kennedy's group last week and yellin' at the gals on the runway but ... it seems 'forced'. I don't know. YMMV, natch. Maybe next season should be another 'All Stars' (but a full season and NO PAIRS!).


Marsha, stop reading my mind, this is what I wrote over in the Shakesqueer thread


I didn't like Ru's excuses rant. The delivery seemed forced and the editing was off.

    It reminded me of Ru's choking up with tears voice, which I also hate.


Great minds something... something... :D

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I am however enjoying this season to this point. I like that these queens are all likeable in a way and no one is far ahead of the rest, although there really is no breakout star like Alaska/Jinnx and Bianca were in there seasons. I am also enjoying that they aren't bringing up sob stories at judging or rehashing unnecassry drama every single episode like coco vs Alyssa.


I also love the songs they are picking for lip synchs this season, a huge upgrade over last season.

Edited by blaase
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I think Trixie looks really good if you have access to BoyTrixie in the work room and talking heads like we do, where he is charismatic, funny, energetic, very cute and has presence. If you have to rely on Trixie in his drag persona alone, he just doesn't bring any of that with him in the show, where he appears to just be a Fame, Violet, Pearl or Sasha with a more camp look and generally poorly fitted clothes.


At the same time.. well the show is totally fixed y'all. If you guys didn't see that last season, or season four, then I just don't know. It's great fun TV, but it has little interest in reality or being a drag competition compared to being a entertaining drag media sensation. Trixie didn't have a storyline, Pearl does. So Pearl stays and 50/50 whether Pearl's storylines completes in the next 2-3 episodes and she goes home or she stays to make top three as their hand out to the younger, look heavy queens who are never going to win.

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First things first, I like Pearl, but those results were ridiculous. Trixie out performed Pearl by miles. I noticed that there was no TH from any of the contestants about Pearl's lip synch. Isn't there usually one praising each contestant?


I'm tired of seeing *simply* half naked super thin bodies in thongs. I don't mind if its done well a la Courtney (IMO), but some of these queens rely on body way too much.


I thought that the team who got Sissy that Walk had a huge advantage, and honestly I think they should have won. Kennedy Davenport won? What? Why? How?


Chachki is giving me serious Laganja vibes. Max is much more polished than Jinx IMO. Katya looks different to me in every episode. She totally reminded me of Alaska's executive realness look during this video challenge.


Unfortunately, there can only be one. Since Bianca won last season, Trixie had to go this season. Since Jinx won S5, well draw your own conclusions. I know no spoilers, I'm just speaking from my ass.


Ru seems to favor the younger queens, so I can't see her going old school MKD much longer.


Was the water being thrown at Pearl as a joke or did he seriously fall asleep in the middle of filming?


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Trixie was far and away my favorite this season, but I honestly get why she lost the lip sync. I mean, the REAL reason she lost it was because they thought it was her time to go, but in my opinion she did really lose the actual lip sync. Pearl's movements were sort of (very) awkward, but way more appropriate to the song. It was Debbie Harry. She was feeling that kind of energy and in the second half I thought she really channeled it. Trixie took an energetic, campy approach that I really don't think the song called for. Brings me back to Latrice murdering Kenya in a lip sync by standing in one spot because that's what the song needed.


I still disagree with her elimination - she shouldn't have been in the bottom in the first place. The producers wanted her to go at this point in the competition, and they wanted Pearl to be in the bottom with her for storyline purposes and emotional impact. They used a rock song to guarantee a win for Pearl (which doesn't piss me off as much as it should, because they've done this so many times before) and they rightly figured that it would be easy to put Pearl in the bottom for this type of challenge. But when it's time to justify putting Trixie in the bottom, they go with the generic "you're not standing out"? Are you serious? I'm still not even sure that Kandy Ho is in the competition!


Kennedy's win was ridiculous. I guess she's going to be one of the favored queens this season, which is unfortunate.

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I feel like they gave Kennedy the win, to validate her going further than she should. I am afraid she's headed for top 5. Ugh.

I do think Violet is unnecessarily bitchy, but she's funnier than PhiPhi ever could be.  Her making fun of Max this episode was hilarious.


She's giving me more PhiPhi vibes, in that she just seems to have a run of the mill bad attitude and unwillingness to be pleasant while Laganja was all off her meds obnoxious(but insanely quotable in her nuttiness).

Edited by blaase
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I do think Violet is unnecessarily bitchy, but she's funnier than PhiPhi ever could be.

Oh she's definitely way better than PhiPhi, but PhiPhi is bad enough to make some sections of season 4 nigh unwatchable(especially the last few Untuckeds where she seemed close to being the first contestant disqualified for murdering and eating another contestant).

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Jessica Alba is as snaky as Pearl's outfit. That whole thing with Violet was ick.


I find Lucian Paine to be an awkward personality, and I thought his "Britney" comment to Kandy Ho was uncalled for.


Does anyone else feel there is something a little off about Mrs Kasha Davis? I can't figure out what it is.


Ross Matthews actually said LOL's. And he didn't pronounce it "lolls", he sounded out the letters L, O, and L. He is 35.


TL;DR: I hate everything.

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Well that was some fucked up meddling. Trixie sashaying away, WTF?! To quote Miss Latrice: the shade, the shade of it all.


I don't agree with Kennedy is the winner of the challenge either, for me she was just ok during the song and video recording. I thought Jaidynn's Bianca was on point.


Would you believe I am still having trouble distinguishing the queens when they out of their drag? I have no idea if it's because to me most of the younger ones look alike (especially Pearl, Miss Fame, Violet) but I can't enjoy THs or workroom antics if I'm trying to figure out who just said what.


So was Michelle actually wearing green last night or is my tv (or eyeballs) in need of tuning? I thought she hated green!

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ITA with all of you, there was something rotten in the Alamo last night! 


From what I've heard thru the grapevine is that Pearl is being pushed/edited/setup to be the Adore of this season.  Meaning she is the young queen everyone discredits as not being top 3 material and her storyline throughout the season will show her growth (ex. with those tears on the runway last night) and will make it to the top 3 with everyone liking/loving her similar to Adore last season.   It's a shame Trixie had to be eliminated to move Pearl's story forward.  Trixie was never my favorite but I did like her enough and I think it's shady of the producers to get rid of someone with talent like her to give another queen more screen time. 


I'm more irritated with the win!  Kennedy was ok but IMO Jayiden stole the show with her Bianca!  I think she might not have won though because her runway was a little meh while Kennedy's look was much better. 

Edited by Dirtybubble
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Does anyone else feel there is something a little off about Mrs Kasha Davis? I can't figure out what it is.
I feel the same way. I think she's quite talented, but there's something just...off.


I agree as well.  I really wanted to like her because, from what I've heard, she's from the same drag family as Pandora Boxx & Darienne Lake but IDK.....maybe she's trying to hard to fill their shoes *shrug* to quote Gia Gunn "Maybe it just isn't for you" Her Real Housewives gimmick is good but maybe it's because I HATE the Real Housewives of whatever city I just can't get behind her style of drag...it just seems so tired and played out.  I don't know.

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ITA with all of you, there was something rotten in the Alamo last night! 


From what I've heard thru the grapevine is that Pearl is being pushed/edited/setup to be the Adore of this season.  Meaning she is the young queen everyone discredits as not being top 3 material and her storyline throughout the season will show her growth (ex. with those tears on the runway last night) and will make it to the top 3 with everyone liking/loving her similar to Adore last season.   It's a shame Trixie had to be eliminated to move Pearl's story forward.  Trixie was never my favorite but I did like her enough and I think it's shady of the producers to get rid of someone with talent like her to give another queen more screen time. 


I'm more irritated with the win!  Kennedy was ok but IMO Jayiden stole the show with her Bianca!  I think she might not have won though because her runway was a little meh while Kennedy's look was much better. 



I've heard it too, and it pisses me off. 


Adore's personality was shining through the very first time I saw her MTQ. A lot of us were in love with her unpolished, yet insanely charismatic self from day one. 


You know what was shining through in Pearl's MTQ? Someone who was either very stoned or very bored.


Might make for good reality television, at least among the redditors who think this is some kind of brilliant long con and/or who are in love with boy-Pearl. But the show has a long way to go to convince me that Pearl has even half the star quality of Adore. And I'm really not amused at the fuckery with Trixie this week, so they're going to have to try that much harder now.


I do not understand what happened behind the scenes of RPDR prior to season 7. Don't understand their casting choices this year. Don't understand the narrative or the editing. Can't be arsed to figure out how or where I'm supposed to watch Untucked.


To quote another poster upthread, I hate everything.

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The untucked link:





Might make for good reality television, at least among the redditors who think this is some kind of brilliant long con and/or who are in love with boy-Pearl. But the show has a long way to go to convince me that Pearl has even half the star quality of Adore. And I'm really not amused at the fuckery with Trixie this week, so they're going to have to try that much harder now.


The Reddit crowd is so pissed off about Trixie going home that Pearl's luster seems to have been reduced a bit over there in the last 36 hours. I'm still findng Pearl dull both in and out of drag. If one of the fashion girls makes it to the top three, it will be Violet. She might be a pill - but she has presence.

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I'm so glad to see that others are feeling the way I am about this season. It seems so lackluster. Usually it takes me three or four episodes to pick my favorites and follow them, but I don't have any favorites at all. Maybe Max? But only maybe.


I thought perhaps Bianca was such a strong contender last year from episode one that it had kind of ruined me for this season. These queens had better step it up with some originality and wit, because they are ruining my Drag Race!!

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Sweetie untucked is on YT right now.

I agree with you guys - Trixie should not have gone home. Come ON her fave RuPaul quote was "available on itunes"!!!!!!!! I loved her Barbie look, I loved her personality, she was the shit. I can't believe this.

I am actually very upset. This is simply unjust. I have rarely ever felt that about Drag Race - with the exception of making Raven and Jujubee battle it out on All Stars - this is hurting me.

Yes Pearl is very beautiful but Trixie should NOT HAVE BEEN IN THE BOTTOM 2!!!!!!!!!! Kennedy was okay but not a standout. She is definitely not all that. People hate on Violet but aside from a boring Lady Macbitch (she defn wasn't the worst in the group) she has really outperformed most girls every week. Max's Australian accent was not great but most people find it hard to nail. Her group yet again blew other girls away.

I love Pearl. I think think she is beautiful and I love eye candy. But this is so... Ru please explain yourself.

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I agree as well.  I really wanted to like her because, from what I've heard, she's from the same drag family as Pandora Boxx & Darienne Lake but IDK.....maybe she's trying to hard to fill their shoes *shrug* to quote Gia Gunn "Maybe it just isn't for you" Her Real Housewives gimmick is good but maybe it's because I HATE the Real Housewives of whatever city I just can't get behind her style of drag...it just seems so tired and played out.  I don't know.


Is that what Mrs. Kasha Davis is doing - a Real Housewives parody? I never even got that until now.


I noticed that she was always going on about her husband (which annoyed the crap out of me), but that was about it. And as annoying as the Real Housewives are, they should at least give you a lot of comic material to work with.


I agree with Ross Matthews about her representing a wonderful, older style of drag...but I wish the show could come up with some better examples of that.

Edited by Blakeston
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Hoo boy... that was a rough one.


I can't say I liked the challenge all that much, to be honest. Maybe it was because no one can fucking sing? Hard to say. I thought Katya was definitely the star of her video. The bit when she took the beach ball to the head was hilarious.


As for the results... BULLSHIT. All around BULLSHIT. I do not get why Kennedy won at all. And the bottom two should have been Pearl and Kandy... with Pearl sending Kandy home. Trixie being in the bottom two was just ridiculous.


The lipsynch itself... first off, I'm beyond delighted we got some Blondie. Then, it was the strangest thing. I thought Trixie was killing it the first half and then something happened. I told my sister 'Woah! Pearl just woke up!' There was a shift in her and suddenly everything she was doing made Trixie look silly. I don't know how it happened but I started that lipsynch thinking Pearl was going home and wound up thinking she actually managed to turn it out. It was some kind of sorcery! Really!


My sister and I were pissed though... we both think that it should be Kandy who's gone. Trixie being gone is a bummer but we both still want Pearl there.


And in Untucked when Trixie found the notes? Oh man... when her voice shook when reading the note from Pearl 'Please don't hate me.' God damn.


Excuse me... I think I need to go have myself a cry.

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