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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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Why can't they just leave poor Killy alone for once? All the suffering :( I wonder how much of an influence Rumple has on his heart, emotionally? Maybe Rumple's controlling it like, "go make out with Ms. Swan right now," or something.

It's a good thing Rumple took Killy's heart when he did, because I'm pretty sure it was about to explode into a tiny million pieces due to all the emotions he was feeling in tonight's episodes.

I'm sure Rumpel has every angle covered, because he's like that, but I think it would be absolutely hilarious if Hook realized that he was only prevented from telling Emma what happened with his voice and then proceeded to write her a letter that explained everything.  I'd love to see The Dark One defeated with such a simple maneuver.  Sadly, I expect he's got all forms of communication covered so no such scene will be forthcoming.

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I think he was staring at her so hard because he knows some sh*t is gonna go down soon and he might lose her. :(

I think that whole scene was to him a final farewell. He was staring at her because he believed this would be the final time he ever saw her. He knows he's almost literally a dead man walking, since Rumple holds his heart and is going to use it for the spell.

Yep, that's basically what I meant. He thinks he's going to lose her because he's going to die, or she's going to be hatted, or she won't forgive him and will leave him.

I was just thinking that it's too bad Hook didn't send his confession in a text, because then Emma could find it on his phone! He probably doesn't know how to text yet with his "talking phone". :) William Shatner posted a tweet asking if Facebook was next for Hook, and Colin said he didn't think Hook had enough friends for that. :(

I read his kiss with Emma as a way for him to prove to himself that he still at least could feel love even without his heart. It was similar to when Graham kissed Emma without his heart. But yea, the parallel between Graham and Hook makes me worried. Poor Killian!

Edited by sharky


I do have to comment that this is another time when David and Mary Margaret pretty much ignored missing Killian


That surprised me too. He said he'd be right back, never shows up again, with the evil snow queen being somewhere out there - but no reason to worry.

And later, they do the same thing again when he goes back to get the hat. Everybody else is just standing there enjoying the fireworks, and absolutely nobody wonders where Killian went? No wonder he keeps getting cursed if he keeps wandering off and nobody notices. They should put him on a leash or something.


Speaking of the hat, how did he think he was going to smuggle that out without somebody asking what he's hiding under his jacket? He's counting on everybody ignoring him, isn't he?

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I guess this was the "Universe" punishing Hook for stealing Aurora's heart. He'd have been punished for every single bad thing he's ever done with this. He hit Belle and Archie--his ribs got broken. He took away Belle's memories, Emma forgot him. He refused to help Ariel, Zelena used that to trap him in a curse. He pillaged and plundered--he had to give up his ship. He went crazy on revenge--his plan failed. He blackmailed Rumple--it badly backfired on him. He's literally the only bad guy who's had all his bad deeds fail or backfire. Unless Blackbeard comes back from the dead (even though it was a fair fight), I hope we are done with this streak of punishing Hook. :-p

  • Love 10

I guess this was the "Universe" punishing Hook for stealing Aurora's heart. He'd have been punished for every single bad thing he's ever done with this. He hit Belle and Archie--his ribs got broken. He took away Belle's memories, Emma forgot him. He refused to help Ariel, Zelena used that to trap him in a curse. He pillaged and plundered--he had to give up his ship. He went crazy on revenge--his plan failed. He blackmailed Rumple--it badly backfired on him. He's literally the only bad guy who's had all his bad deeds fail or backfire. Unless Blackbeard comes back from the dead (even though it was a fair fight), I hope we are done with this streak of punishing Hook. :-p

Honestly, I'm afraid he's also going to have to be punished for whatever Rumple makes him do when he's being Rumple's meatsuit. He's switched sides and the show will likely treat him using the nonRegina hero rules

My husband seriously thought that Hook's name was Killian - NO! tonight.

Speaking of names, I noticed that in each message, he identified himself as "Killian," not "Hook." Back during the date when he had his hand back and Emma asked what she should call him, his answer was "How about Killian?" like "um, duh?" It sounds like he'd really rather distance himself from the "Captain Hook" identity and just be Killian.


And later, they do the same thing again when he goes back to get the hat. Everybody else is just standing there enjoying the fireworks, and absolutely nobody wonders where Killian went?

I didn't get the impression they knew he was there. Emma and Elsa would have, but I don't think David and Snow even knew he was there. Rumple had already sent him into the house before they arrived. Emma's used to him making himself scarce when it's big happy family time -- he bowed out of the dinner invitation in "The Jolly Roger" and was lurking outside the diner instead of coming in while she was reuniting with her parents and telling about their adventures. So maybe she just assumed he saw the big gathering and did an about face and would catch up with her later.


Emma's used to him making himself scarce when it's big happy family time -- he bowed out of the dinner invitation in "The Jolly Roger" and was lurking outside the diner instead of coming in while she was reuniting with her parents and telling about their adventures. So maybe she just assumed he saw the big gathering and did an about face and would catch up with her later.


True, that does make sense. Maybe it only seemed weird to me because of the earlier scene with Snow and Charming.

That surprised me too. He said he'd be right back, never shows up again, with the evil snow queen being somewhere out there - but no reason to worry.

And later, they do the same thing again when he goes back to get the hat. Everybody else is just standing there enjoying the fireworks, and absolutely nobody wonders where Killian went? No wonder he keeps getting cursed if he keeps wandering off and nobody notices. They should put him on a leash or something.

Speaking of the hat, how did he think he was going to smuggle that out without somebody asking what he's hiding under his jacket? He's counting on everybody ignoring him, isn't he?

The bolded parts of this post made me laugh out loud. Hook's like their human-shaped stray cat that comes in for the occasional meal and then goes out again to maybe get fed by a neighbor and nobody knows when he'll be by, so they learn not to wonder.

I mean, without the Jolly where does he even live?? I can only think "Tinkerbell's sofa" and imagine their rum-and-absinthe Thursdays. Unless Tinkerbell's a nun now.

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What happened to the earring during the goodbye kiss? It was there before and after but not during!

He need to put on some weight, though. Too thin!

Sssshhhhhh...The earring was there the entire time...actually, I didn't notice until someone pointed it out. I never tend to notice those things.

I agree, he looks just a tad too thin for my liking. He reminds me of those guys where someone tries to get some meat back on their bones, like how Mrs. weasley always tries to stuff a scraggly/lanky Harry. Or my brother. He's like that too.

Maybe Granny will offer him a meal or two?

Poor Killy, having to hat those fairies :( just another thing to add to good ol' guilt and self-loathing list.

Poor Killy, having to hat those fairies :( just another thing to add to good ol' guilt and self-loathing list.

It's interesting to know that Irish humour is based on self-loathing irony and good ol' guilt! (at least the Irish I know are this way)



From the "Fall" episode thread (and I'm sorry I lost Kili's quote on the editing)

I'm beginning to think that Hook hasn't killed anybody. All of his victims escape at the last minute. Ariel must have gotten Eric's location out of Blackbeard, so she really didn't need Hook to give up the ship at all.


Actually, I don't think Hook was such a bad and dark and villain person. If A&E are taking insiration from the Princess Bride, it was just a lot of bla bla to mantain the reputation and keep on stealing from the king. (And giving to the poor? This pirate, contrary to Robin Hood pre-Marian, has always had a code and good form, though.)

Edited by Alex
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Nah, Killian Jones has said and done some dastardly things:

- challenging a cripple to a duel

- homewrecking

- killing Claude, probably

- hitting/shooting Belle but I let this slide because he apologized and Belle accepted his apology

- the outpost in post-apocalyptic fairy tale land had children in it that he watched Cora kill

- stealing Aurora's heart but I let this slide because he gave it back instead of let it drop into a portal

- torturing Archie

- killing Blackbeard, probably

- alluding to compromising women's sexual consent with alcohol but I let this slide because I think the other way around is more likely

In other news...I said that I wouldn't watch this season because Frozen was such a huge cash grab and I doubted that they'd do anything with Hook who was the only reason I was watching the show anymore, and I'm glad that I started watching anyway because I actually like what they've done with Frozen.

But if Hook dies (it would not surprise me especially lately, but) I totally would stop watching. Unless they brought Ruby back as a regular. I mean it this time.

Edited by Faemonic

I was talking about pre OUaT Hook, but you have a point (and I have a huge Hook permaboner!! LOL).


ETA: I watched season 2 back to back in 4 days more than one year ago and not rewatched since. I guess I have to rewatch it, if I want to write properly in here... But I stick to my permabone LOL

Edited by Alex

I'm beginning to think that Hook hasn't killed anybody. All of his victims escape at the last minute.

I think Hook has probably killed at least a hand full of people in his pirating heyday, but I bet Snow and Charming have also killed off a couple of nameless henchmen in the Enchanted Forest, too. Although I do find it interesting that a lot of his most recent "kills" have all miraculously come back to life. Blackbeard, Eric, I even suspect everyone he's hatted aren't actually dead dead. It's probably a deliberate attempt by the writers to officially move him onto the Good Guy list.


He need to put on some weight, though. Too thin!

Just to play devil's advocate here... would that be nice to say if it were reversed? "That person is too chubby, they need to lose a few pounds." I think as long as Colin is going about his weight training in a healthy way (and based off that bucket challenge video, I think he definitely has some nice toned muscles going on!), then I say let's not nitpick any of the actors' physical appearances as long as they're healthy.

I think Hook has probably killed at least a hand full of people in his pirating heyday, but I bet Snow and Charming have also killed off a couple of nameless henchmen in the Enchanted Forest, too. Although I do find it interesting that a lot of his most recent "kills" have all miraculously come back to life. Blackbeard, Eric, I even suspect everyone he's hatted aren't actually dead dead.

I don't count Eric as a "kill" at all. Wasn't he just being held for ransom somewhere? There was the possibility he could have died (but then that would be Blackbeard's doing, not Hook's).

While I'm sure he's killed some people (he is a pirate after all), I do think a lot of his reputation is based on rumors and stories going out of control.

It would be fun to hear about some of his adventures or accomplishments, whether they were true or false.

  • Love 2

I don't count Eric as a "kill" at all. Wasn't he just being held for ransom somewhere? There was the possibility he could have died (but then that would be Blackbeard's doing, not Hook's).


Sorry, I was more implying that because of Hook's decision to kill Blackbeard, he was in a way responsible if Eric ended up dying. Obviously he didn't die, but Hook felt guilty enough about the situation to think he had a huge role in his "death" when he was confessing to "Ariel."

Just to play devil's advocate here... would that be nice to say if it were reversed? "That person is too chubby, they need to lose a few pounds." I think as long as Colin is going about his weight training in a healthy way (and based off that bucket challenge video, I think he definitely has some nice toned muscles going on!), then I say let's not nitpick any of the actors' physical appearances as long as they're healthy.

Reproach accepted, I should have added "for my liking". In a way, I preferred the pirate coat, he seemed bigger.


As for the Jolly Roger being in the hands of Blackbeard, perhaps Hook traded it with someone else that lost it to Blackbeard. I don't think Blackbeard was saved by Ariel, though.

I'm pretty sure Hook still thinks Blackbeard is dead and I still think Ariel saved him.  There would have been no need for that lip curse and Hook's extreme remorse that Zelena used against him.  Blackbeard seems a bit obsessed with the Jolly Roger.


I wonder if Hook is going to find out about this and how his ship is basically in the control of Blackbeard and then Hans who has been trying to oust the rightful Queen of Arendelle so that he can become king.  I think he'd have a heart attack over this (no wait!  he doesn't have his heart).  He must think of his ship frequently enough when he is on the docks.  I'd sort of like for him to find out and basically tell Elsa that if she gets the ship back from Blackbeard then it can just be part of her fleet and tell her the name was the Jewel of the Realm before it became the Jolly Roger.


I'm not sure he'll know about this though. 

Nah, Killian Jones has said and done some dastardly things

- homewrecking


- alluding to compromising women's sexual consent with alcohol but I let this slide because I think the other way around is more likely

Of course Hook has done a lot of nasty things before, even when he was just a pirate. Pillaging and plundering must have included some killing as well. And the ruthless way he made Blackbeard walk the plank reinforces that imagery. However, I must quibble with using the term "homewrecking" to describe him taking Milah with him. Milah and Rumple's marriage was already over, and she pleaded with Killian to take her away. At that time, he wasn't in love with her--he didn't incite her to leave her family behind. Sure, he played a role in separating a mother and child, but I can't fault him for what was essentially Milah's choice. Also, the term "cripple" might be considered derogatory, although I do agree that it was unfair on his part to challenge Rumple to a duel knowing he had a leg injury.

As for the consent thing, I know that context seems to imply it, but that was not what Past!Hook was implying. He was ready to sleep with the bar wench, but she seemed to be plying him with alcohol to delay him with some hidden agenda, and he called her out on it as a tactic he would use. When he got tired of her dallying, he basically told her he was leaving with someone else if she wasn't interested. He has never, as far as I can tell, tried to compromise a woman's ability to consent to sex using alcohol. Just because two people drink together with the potential to hook up later doesn't mean one of them is trying to trick them into sex. Of course, this is my take on it, and YMMV. ;-)

  • Love 4

As for the Jolly Roger being in the hands of Blackbeard, perhaps Hook traded it with someone else that lost it to Blackbeard.


When they gave Hook that throwaway line during the Season 3 finale where he was all, "Oh, the Jolly Roger? Yeah, I traded it for a magic bean. No big deal." I thought the writers wouldn't touch on that again. But now that they've brought Blackbeard and the Jolly back on screen, it gives me a bit more hope that we'll see Hook's adventure to outrun the curse and trade the bean during the lost year. I agree, I don't think Hook traded the bean to Blackbeard, so that leaves open a lot of different options for the writers. Honestly, they could probably stretch that mystery plot out an entire half season if they wanted, but they'll probably cram it all into Hook's once-a-season centric episode.


As much as I want to see a flashback to a young Hook and figure out who his father is, I'd equally like to see his entire lost year adventure. If Belle can have a random adventure with Anna and spend 5 seconds with her mom or if Charming can battle against freaking Bo Peep, the least the writers can do is fill us in on screen about how Hook traded the magic bean, since it could actually be plot related and not just a filler flashback.

  • Love 1

I didn't think we'd see the Jolly Roger or have a clue about the ship's whereabouts until 4B.  So that was my shocker and complete excitement because the Jolly Roger has got to be way up there in my favorite things on this show since it was introduced in The Crocodile and they showed those amazing shots of it sailing.


As much as I want to see a flashback to a young Hook and figure out who his father is, I'd equally like to see his entire lost year adventure. If Belle can have a random adventure with Anna and spend 5 seconds with her mom or if Charming can battle against freaking Bo Peep, the least the writers can do is fill us in on screen about how Hook traded the magic bean, since it could actually be plot related and not just a filler flashback.

David's backstory has been a long time coming.  As a character who has been on the show since the start, he got what?  Two centrics?  I'm not talking about James who also got something out of it.  But it's time to get something more tangible for Hook (I'm still waiting for something to come out of Good Form) as well that will actually advance the story.  I find it funny that the episode the Jolly Roger which for me was total filler (though I will never have enough of Hook) was finally advanced with 409 in the Arendelle scenes.  It only took about 15 episodes for that to happen (counting the Jolly Roger episode).

David's backstory has been a long time coming.  As a character who has been on the show since the start, he got what? Two centrics?

I'd actually been desperately waiting for a good David centric (The Tower wasn't all that great, either), but I just didn't like how they decided to make his flashback all about Anna teaching him to sword fight and Bo Peep bullying him. I did like the details about his dad, though. But in terms of filler episodes, I felt that was pretty filler - which is sad, because Charming deserves some more prominent screen time.


I would be interested to see if he remembers his killing, murdering, thieving, etc., versus say Regina who couldn't even remember having Marian arrested or killed.

Hook has enough of a conscience to probably remember every person he's ever killed (and that list is probably short, so it wouldn't be too difficult to only remember ≈ 2-9 people) and probably all the details that led up to it as well. Unless your name is Claude, I guess.


(ETA: Wow, three "probably's" in one sentence. Sorry for the atrocious grammar, y'all.)

Edited by Curio
he has been more secretive about his past deeds and hid it under the label of pirate.



I don't think that it's even about him being secretive.  No one asked him and everyone assumes and he doesn't correct them or anything like that.  We know he killed Rufio in Neverland.  Did he kill more lost boys, maybe and probably before he started doing God knows what for Pan.  No one's ever asked him about his past and he volunteered the information about Liam to David because he needed the man to trust him on some level so that he may save his life.


I think when it comes to Hook, everything he's done that was a departure from who he was when his brother was alive brings him a different degree of regret (except for pillaging and plundering the kingdom he's from, I doubt he holds any regrets making that king's life miserable).  

It would be fun to hear about some of his adventures or accomplishments, whether they were true or false.

OooOOoohh I have this whole giant monster fanfiction too big to write but it lives on in my head that's all about Killian Jones' adventures and accomplishments.

Edited by Faemonic

The only person I actually remember Hook killing is Claude, one of Regina's guards.


I don't think Ariel saved Blackbeard, just because it was about a full minute after Blackbeard was in the water with the water churning before Ariel jumped in. It would make sense that Hook traded his ship to Blackbeard. He needed a bean, and probably knew the best person to go to was a purveyor of such things. Imagine how horrible it must have been for Hook to give his most beloved possession to one of his most hated adversaries. I bet Blackbeard really was an ass about it too. But if that's the case, then it makes Hook giving up his ship for Emma even more touching.


Also, I think Colin looks fine the way he is. :)

Blackbeard definitely said he was saved by a merMAID, right? Ariel, one of her sisters, that one that got turned into a block of wood...does ursula count as a mermaid?

I'm pretty sure it was probably Ariel who rescued him though.

If only A&E had him say merperson or merman. I've always wondered what happened to Urchin.

I do hope they show some of Killy's adventures during the missing year.

On another note...

Killy was wearing more eyeliner than usual (more than what he's been wearing in 4a) in this past episode. Maybe it was an act of rebellion against Rumple? Along with the jaw-clenching and the eye flashing?

I would think Hook and his crew have left a sizable body count in their wake. However, most of those bodies were probably other pirates and villains. The Jolly Roger seems like a pretty valuable ship. I doubt Blackbeard is the only other pirate captain that has tried to take it by force.

I'm on board with people who think it was Ariel who saved Blackbeard. She dove in after him, and he knew where Eric was and we know she found him.


I hope Hook gets the Jolly Roger back. He still has his hook, but he can't be a Captain without a ship. I'm actually surprised he has a room at Granny's. You'd think he would have found another boat to live on. He does take Henry sailing... does Storybrooke have a boat rental company? Who even owns all those boats out by the docks? Just "borrow" one already.

On another note...

Killy was wearing more eyeliner than usual (more than what he's been wearing in 4a) in this past episode. Maybe it was an act of rebellion against Rumple? Along with the jaw-clenching and the eye flashing?

Maybe it's the Evil Eyeliner of Evil. Heeeeeee! (I forget what show that's from. ETA: I just remembered, Lauren from Alias.)

Edited by The Cake is a Pie

I noticed the eyeliner too! I thought it had actually gotten lighter this season, perhaps to show him turning away from the man he was. But then it was back to being heavy last episode, maybe to show that he's a bit darker without his heart.


I really hope he gets his ship back too. I'm thinking he just "borrows" boats in Storybrooke when he wants. Doesn't seem like they're in use much. Probably just set decorations from the curse. :)

Ditto with the guyliner thoughts! It's been gradual, but I definitely noticed it getting lighter during the last episode. Now it's thick and dark like his souuulll.


It makes me giggle because I wear a lot of eyeliner myself and go lighter or heavier with it depending on my mood. It's the Lydia Deetz in me.

Maybe secretive was a bad word choice for me to use. He is vague about some things in his past, as well as a bit cagey at times. To me that speaks to his insecurity because he is probably sure that most people would not understand or would jump to incorrect assumptions if he provided the opportunity. Case in point when Snow and Charming confront him about getting the message from a bird. He assumed it to be from Snow because that would be something she would do and they assumed him to be lying about it. So when it comes to good or bad things about his past and present, he's more of the strategically guarded type.

At that, I can't help but contrast his insecure attitude with Regina's again. Snow and Charming incorrectly presume that Regina killed Archie, so Regina gets taken in entirely by Cora's motherly wiles. Snow and Charming incorrectly presume that Hook lied about Bae's Badinaging Bird, and Hook just keeps trucking on the side of good-but-unintelligent.

Although I still get irritated that he's gone from the time-saving, golly-that-was-big-of-him "Yes Nealfire is alive and here already" in Neverland to "Say something about Zelena's curse on your lips, fool."/"Say something about Rumpel's blackmail, fool."

Edited by Faemonic
Although I still get irritated that he's gone from the time-saving, golly-that-was-big-of-him "Yes Nealfire is alive and here already" in Neverland to "Say something about Zelena's curse on your lips, fool."/"Say something about Rumpel's blackmail, fool."

Though it's not inconsistent if it's not about telling the truth to him but rather about being concerned about the well-being of people he cares about. He couldn't leave Nealfire to suffer or die in Pan's captivity, so he told the others he was alive. But Zelena threatened Henry if he said anything, so he didn't tell, and Rumple threatened Emma, so he didn't tell until Emma was at risk, and then he spilled all on voice mail. I never got the feeling he told the truth about Neal because telling the truth was the right/smart thing to do but rather because he couldn't leave his friend to his fate at Pan's hands. It's risk to others that seems to motivate him.

The list is really badly numbered and he is actually ranked third, behind Jason Isaacs and Garrett Hedlund, but what they say about him is so wrong. Anyway, a list about Captain Hook that doesn't have Dustin Hoffman as number one is plain wrong.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Yea, they normally start at the bottom of a list and make their way to number one. Either way, they don't seem to understand that Colin can't just turn off the smolder, it's there all the time. :P I think it's cool he made the list, although when you think about, I don't even know if I could name more than 10 Capt. Hooks.


Will anyone else be watching Peter Pan on NBC tonight? I know it's going to make me wish there was a musical episode of OUAT. If they can do it on Buffy, they can do it on OUAT!

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