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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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Greetings former Meet Marketeers.  Back a few months ago I was discussing planning a high altitude vacation with my family, including my father who has COPD.  We had a discussion about oxygen concentrators ( which are available for rent). Any how we took my dad  up to Donner Pass as a test run and he did fine. So I just thought I'd follow up and let you know vacation went fine too. We flew into Salt Lake City, then drove up to the Grand Tetons - which are lovely. then up to Yellowstone, where we saw lots of animals and it snowed on us. Then we wen to Western Montana to  dude ranch, where everyone except  my dad rode horses and caught fish. Big fun.   ANyhow we all survived the grand Western tour, and my dad was fine. Hope everyone is having a nice summer. I miss checking in with you guys!

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I'm glad everything worked out as planned.  Sounds like you had a good time.  I've never seen mountains, really, especially snowy ones.  Except on TV/movies, of course.  Always wanted to.  There was a scene in the credits to Everwood, where EVC and Greg Smith sit on a bench and look out at this huge range of snowy mountains.  I always wanted to go sit on that bench one winter, and just look.  Of course, it'd be a long way to go to sit on a bench.   And within the first two minutes I'd decide I'd had enough of freezing my tail off....  But obviously, you had more sense than to deliberately go looking for snow.  Still, I'd bet it was spectacular.  Have you got any good photos? 


Everything quiet here.  After several dry months the rains appear to have arrived.  Our airstrip which resembled a dust-bowl in khaki turned verdant green overnight.  It hosed down again today, and everything is soaked. Little Buddy keeps running inside absolutely dripping wet, and jumping into my lap!  Speaking of Budweiser, he is still cute as a button, and still as wicked as one of Hell's minions.  Only now, he's a little bigger so can wrought more destruction in less time.  He leapt out of the moving car a couple weeks ago (long story, not as bad as it sounds) but ended up scratching his little black nosie!  This promptly got infected because of course, he can't stop sticking it places it doesn't belong.  Anyway, infected nosie got bright red patches before he got placed on anti-biotics.  After a week he's all better again, but his nose has white patches on it now.  Or very pale pink, actually.  I tease him about it, but he ignores me.  I wonder if it'll ever go back black?


I know that we're betwixt seasons, but I'd sure like it if folks would sound off, now and again.  Esp. since in the wake of the TWoP -> PTV migration I sometimes wonder who made the transition and who fell by the wayside...

Nosie is back to normal.  Just in time for the little monster to engage in further wickedness.


He caught a juvenile hare.    (Who would have believed it?)  When he brought it back to the clubhouse (a bit roughed up and bedraggled, but not apparently much worse for wear) I held his collar so the hare could run into the dense bushes and make his escape.  Upon his release, Budweiser gave chase, and half an hour later, had caught the poor hare again!  This time it was an hour on the chain so the bunny could get right away.  Bud spent the rest of the afternoon hunting, but never did find his quarry again.  Thank goodness.

Hey Netfoot, I hope none of those Hurricanes are getting close to you! And it sounds like Buddy is doing much better. If you were only going to see one range of mountains, the Grand Tetons would be a great representation. But yes, they are a little chilly.


School started last week, so life is settling back to normal. ( I still think it's wrong for school to start before Labor Day!) HC jrs  teacher is quite young! This is her second year teaching, the first at our school. Boy, is she enthusiastic! I'm sure she'll be fine, but I could tell most of the other parents were a little surprised at Back to School night last night.  She is young enough that many of us could be her parent.


I'm looking forward to  our last camping trip of the  summer in a couple weeks. We camp near the beach, collect sand dollars sometimes there are dolphins, it's great. The door zipper finally died on our old tent so we ordered a new one. it's one of the Colmans with a " hinge type door" ( it can swing open and closed) Hopefully that should save on wear and tear. we can zip it closed at night.  Our last camping trip was cancelled by the state parks department due to the drought. It's a remote sit , that I assume has it's own well, which was apparently running dry. They closed all the bathrooms, set up some porta potties and shut down the camp ground.  That's no fun.


And I'm looking forward to TAR starting up again. I do miss chatting with you guys! Hope everyone is doing  well!

Who knows?  Some day I may go sit on that bench and look at the Grand Tetons.  Especially if EVC will come and sit beside me!  In the mean time, I'll have to settle for the Pitons, which are quite spectacular in their own way, but never have any snow.


Little Buddy just had a birthday a couple weeks ago.  At one year his mischief knows no bounds.  His latest trick is escaping from home, to go play in traffic.  He escaped five times one afternoon, by leaping over the lowest section of fence, so now a new section of fence is being constructed.  He's also become adept at catching mice.  Which is a good thing because this house is periodically inundated with the things.  He presented me with a mouse five mornings in a row, but so far nothing this morning.  (I can hear him hunting around now!)  Trouble is, he's now mouse-crazy, and thinks there are mice everywhere.  If you open a book, he sticks his nose in between the pages to check for rodents.  Here he comes - he's just jumped up and demanded a tummy-tickle. 


Which beach do you go camping near then?  I'm trying to think where you live and what might be nearby. 


I don't know how people can work in teaching these days.  Thank goodness they do, but don't ask me why.  The attitude of the pupils and also the parents is enough to drive you nuts.  Here's hoping your new teacher remains enthusiastic. 


I, too, await the next season of TAR.  Been making do with TAR Canada which is watchable, but there's no Phil.  And apparently the latest TAR Oz is terrible, which is a shame because the first two seasons were great!  Hopefully I can hold out until the new season starts.  About one month to go... 

Hey there, We camp at Sunset State Beach which is  close to the center of Monterey Bay. ( on the edge, not, you know, the center in the water) http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=544  It's beautiful. We camp behind the dunes, near the strawberry fields, but spend most of the day at the beach, which is one of the biggest beaches around here. I'm in the south San Francisco Bay Area. 

The Pitons are very pretty, but the Grand Tetons are a tad bigger. ( though,  pointy like that)

When I lived in the Santa Cruz Mountain s one of my cats would bring in small animal parts almost every day. Usually gophers. it was like living with a small furry hit man.

Hey the new teams went up today! Wrestlers, surfers, firefights cyclists. looks like a very physical group!


Another TWOP refugee here (same username), although I've been hanging around this site since the end of the last TAR season, and been posting some about Masterchef (US). And of course TAR Canada.

It's true that Jon Montgomery isn't as polished a host as Phil, but then he's not a professional broadcaster, he's an auctioneer and an Olympic gold medalist (2010, Skeleton). It's my personal opinion of course but I think in some ways TAR Canada has in some ways had tougher challenges than the original version has had in a few years. Not to mention some real emotional moments like the episode in Normandy. But again, just my opinion.

Don't you go dissing my TAR Canada Netfoot!


No dis!  As it happens I'm watching TAR Canada right this minute!  (Paused to check mail, etc.)  It's a good show, with stiff challenges, and not many people "harshing my mellow."  (Heh!)  The guy (Jon?) seems personable enough, but as I said, there is no Phil.  They should drop him a few bills to make a guest appearance -- selling coffee at the Starbucks challenge or something.  I've not got to Normandy yet.  La-la-la-la... <fingers in ears>


Western Nevada College?  West Nottinghamshire College?  Sorry, I'm drawing a blank and Google is not helping.  I just know I'm going to feel like a fool, but I'm putting it down to lack of nourishment.  Nothing to eat all day except a handful of pills first thing this morning, and a Coke Zero for lunch.  My usual Saturday luncheon companion bailed on me so I've been fiddling around doing woodwork all day.  I'm going to give a large pot of spaghetti hell, later this evening, make no mistake!  Afterwards I'm sure the meaning of WNC will come to me.


Anyway, Buddy and I are going to un-pause TAR Canada now...

I just NEW North Carolina would be involved!  I just couldn't think of anywhere beginning with W.  And despite Google's two West/Western hints I didn't put it together.  See?  Need foooood!


Popped back in to say that Rex/Bob need to go home.  If they can't be eliminated then a meteorite needs to land on their useless asses!!!


ETA:  I could have taught Nicole to shoot that rifle with five practice rounds or less.  Don't they get at least rudimentary training when faced with challenges like this?  "This is the dangerous end, don't put it in your mouth.  The bullets go here.  That thingy is the trigger."

Edited by Netfoot

Every morning at my son's Elementary School, the day starts with an assembly. The kids are all lined up according to their room numbers  and we turn and face the flag pole and say the pledge of allegiance.  I run in to people sometimes who think that isn't done any more, but here in the San Francisco Bay area we still do it, every day.  The flag was at half mast today.

I know there were several meet marketeers from New York City and a couple from the Washington DC area.  I just wanted to let you know you are still thought of on this day, even out here on the left coast. My husband is from Queens so, we would even with out the half staff flag.  I always go to Tomato Nation and reads Sars post from 9/14/01. And I try to buy a New York Times, today and tomorrow.   Take good care, you guys.

Our camping trip to the beach is this weekend, the last of the season.  It's warm and still quite dry, should be lovely on the coast. Have a good weekend everyone, two weeks till  TARSday.

Edited by Honeycocoa
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Hello fellow TWoPers!   I am a little late joining here, but it's awfully nice to see so many familiar peeps here.   I don't get to watch the show as much anymore as I would like, but often times, reading your comments is almost as good as watching.


Quick update for "The Meet Market" refugees:   First, I miss you all and hearing about what is happening in your lives.  Netfoot, it is beyond great to hear stories of Buddy ( he has gotten SO big!)  I know that you are fundamentally against it, but you really should consider joining FaceBook.  Lots of us keep up with each other there, and it would give you a great forum to share the daily exploits of Buddy.  


Me?  Well, since I last checked in me and my honey have moved a few times.  Currently, we are living in the Seychelle Islands.  We got here in mid-August and are running a little hotel and cafe.  The weather is damn near perfect and the beaches are truly breathtaking.  But there's not a lot else going on here.  Not really sure how much we like living here yet, but it will be an interesting part of our story later on.  In the last 3 years, we have lived in 4 US states, 3 countries and 2 continents....who knows where we will end up next...or when.   I've come along way from the little suburban housewife of the early Meet Market days!

Smooches to you all!   Enjoy the season, I'll be looking forward to keeping up with it through you.

So good to hear from you, mamaT!  You've moved a bit, from last we spoke.  The Seychelles sounds pretty exotic!  Has TAR ever ventured there?  I'm trying to remember.  And yes, I agree with Yells -- we must organize a TARCon Seychelles edition!  (The drinks will be on you!)  Again, it's so good to hear from you.


Little Buddy is here with me now, quite literally burrowing under my legs and going to sleep.  He is a very pleasant little boy.  Wicked as an imp, but very sweet.  I still miss my old boy Dotty and think of him often, but that doesn't prevent me from loving my little Bud. I have just returned from my annual physical (all well, pretty much), and my doctor tells me she has just acquired a new puppy she named "Buddy".  I told her my boy is Buddy, short for Budweiser.  Would you believe her pup is also Budweiser?  Who would have believed my boy would start a trend?


Uhh, I'm reasonably confident I won't be joining FaceBlot any time soon.  That whole Social Media business of Twitting and Twatting and Pinning and Poking simply doesn't appeal.  Where I come from, Friend is not a verb!  Even Google now wants me to "share" everything, and (worryingly) "tag" everyone's face.  Now, why on earth would people voluntarily tag photos, thereby helping the faceless, jack-booted secret police, by constructing a free, online, facial recognition database for them?  Two years from now they will be analyzing your coffee-buying habits by scanning Starbucks security cameras, and before you know it you'll be facing a tax audit because of the number of lattes you drink!  (Don't get me started on Bigfoot, aliens, of the Apollo moon landings!)


Anyway, it's lovely to see your post, and I'm looking forward to more of them.   Regards to R!

TAR went to Seychelles on a season that the cowboys were on.  Either it was their first season or their first All-Stars season.  There was some kind of challenge with boats and a map and I think they forgot something in the boat.  I can't remember very well, But Mama T, maybe TAR will come knocking on your door on a second trip to Seychelles!  You can be the handy person who happens to be walking down the street and a racer will ask you for directions.  Best wishes!

So, Saturday night, Budweiser discovered that he could jump over the front wall.  A skill he chose to practice repeatedly, all weekend, despite my best efforts to marshal him back and forth between the house and the yard on leashes, chains, etc.


Monday morning (yesterday) I bought a load of concrete blocks to build up the wall, to try to contain him.  I did my best, but the work wasn't complete by end of day. 


2:00 AM he insisted on going out, and it isn't wise to refuse such a demand, so out we went.  And over the wall like a flash of lightning he went.  Well, it's a busy corner, but at that hour, things were quiet, and since he's impossible to catch, I decided to wait for him to come back.  About two minutes later there was  this horrible noise, like a crying, wailing, howling, shriek from the direction he'd gone.  Turns out jumping over that wall really isn't that hard if you're motivated, and I ran up the dark road in my bare feet, wearing a pair of shorts that should never be allowed out the house, in the direction of the howling. 


Four strays had him cornered, and were chewing him to bits.  I waded in intending to kill them all but they took one look at those shorts and departed rapidly.  I'll have to kill them all later.  I took Buddy home and cleaned him up with alcohol which hurt, and I think he thought I was punishing him.  He's got bites all over.  Six on his hind quarters, Six on his side, one on the back of his foreleg, three in his neck and three on his head.  And that's only  the left side, because he's lying on his right side now, and I don't want to move him, but from memory, he's got another three on his right.  The majority were on the left. 


The vet says that it could have been so much worse, and I believe it.  He's had the worst areas shaved to help ward off infection.  He's had antibiotics injected at the various wound sites, and he has oral antibiotics as well as painkillers to take for the next few days.  He's a pretty miserable little boy right now, and his doctor says tomorrow will be the worst.  He's basically laying right in front of the fan and keeping really quiet, but accepting little pieces of ice when they're offered.  I'm sprinkling the wounds with BNT every so often.  He's very forlorn and sorry for himself, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.


But he'll mend. 

Oh Netfoot,  this puppy is causing you so much heartache.  I hope Buddy feels better soon, I hope he settles down.  I do really wonder is having him  fixed would settle him down a bit.  ( and glad you were wearing your "scary" shorts...) Our dog has recently enjoyed canned pumpkin and oatmeal. it's amazing what they eat...


All is well here, HC jr walked about 18 miles for his school walk a thon on Saturday. Mr HC had Columbus day off yesterday so we kept the kid home and all went up to the Academy of Science Museum . ( I had intended to visit the art museum across the way, but they are closed on Mondays, ah well, more science for me) Fall is slowly coming...


By the way, interesting article about TAR in Huff Po today... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/13/the-amazing-race_n_5946176.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000032

Hi everyone! Another former TWoPer here. I mostly lurked on the forums at TWoP, but I'm trying to be more bold here and starting to post more.


So, I have a confession. I tried out for the Amazing Race two weeks ago at an open casting call in the Dallas area. I actually got to try out this time, which was great! I tried once a couple of years back in San Francisco, but I didn't even get to try out there because after waiting in line for 4-5 hours, they shut it down and said they were done with the casting call and weren't taking any more people. I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried out for the Race? I have no expectations that I'll actually get picked for the show, but I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

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Eggs are processed differently in the US and England.  In the US, eggs are washed in high temperature water and chemical sanitizer, which destroys a protective layer and makes the eggs more susceptible to bacteria, including salmonella.  The USDA requires eggs to be refrigerated to reduce the growth/spread of bacteria.  In the UK, eggs are not allowed to be washed so the protective layer stays in tact and--probably more importantly--UK hens are vaccinated against salmonella and it has been virtually eradicated there.  Because of the reduced risk of bacteria, the eggs (and because the temperature changes from refrigerating them can actually promote bacteria growth) UK eggs aren't allowed to be refrigerated.  /Mr Wizard


So why doesn't the US do what the UK does?    It can't cost THAT much to vaccinate against salmonella and there would be a cost savings from not having to wash and chemicalize them (I just made that word up).   Surely some bright scientist has done a study to see which is the best way to protect people from getting sick.

We have ducks that used to lay eggs (they're getting old now and their laying years are behind them). Yes, when an egg is laid it has a waxy coating on it that protects it from bacteria. If you have backyard hens/ducks you should never wash the eggs until right before you use them. As for storage, the general rule of thumb is that they will remain fresh for 3 weeks at room temperature or 6 weeks in the refrigerator. Of course, with store bought eggs you have no way of knowing when they were actually laid.

Went gliding at the slope this afternoon (good wind, good lift; had a ball!).  But on the way, we encountered a troop of monkeys, gamboling around in the road.  Budweiser went bananas!   Bud hasn't seen monkeys before, and went completely ballistic in the car, ricocheting off the seats, the roof, the inside of the windshield...  I  had to grab him and put him in a hug-lock just so he wouldn't hurt himself!  The monkeys dispersed into the surrounding bush when I rolled the car forward towards them, and Buddy calmed down after they were gone. 


After that, he was his usual self, running up and down the cliff within an inch of the edge.  Ian's model has whistles embedded in the wings, and he deliberately flew back and forth along the cliff face, inches beyond Bud's reach.  Hence Bud running back and forth like a lunatic.  (You can always count on your friends to entice your little boy to fall over a cliff, right?)  My own glider is silent, so Buddy isn't interested.


Later, at the clubhouse, Bud entertained himself -- and the other members, but not me, so much -- by running across the runway and splashing into the pond, then running back across the runway, dripping wet, and jumping into my lap.  Then back to the pond, and back to my lap.  Then back to the pond...


The upshot of all this is that he came home very tired, pausing only to eat his dinner, then half of mine, before taking himself off to bed.  He has a rash on his neck, poor little mite, so he is not wearing his collar at home.  So he's a 100% pure ball of sleepy snuggle, right now.  I think that on balance, he had a good day.


But the business with the monkeys was unreal!

Back to the slope again today, for some more gliding fun!  (Today is a Bank holiday, because: Happy Independence!)  As we approached the spot where we saw monkeys yesterday, I was keeping a careful watch, but alas!  There in the road, one dead monkey.  Some damned motorist who probably couldn't be bothered to slow down when he saw them.  A very sorry sight, and now the troop won't return to that spot any time soon. 


Later, at the club, there were about 50 great, white, migratory birds in the pond.  My friend Ian was there again.  "Buddy!  Buddy, look!  Egrets!  Egrets!" and tosses a pebble, causing all 50 birds to rise into the air.  There followed a lengthy period of canine dementia, futile jumping, and lots of splashing.  I don't know why I let Buddy consort with Ian.


Later, with plenty of stuff coming off the BBQ, a slightly pond-stinky Budweiser ended up with more chicken, sausages, burgers, etc, to eat than any of us humans!  He's currently laying on his back on the end of the bed, with four feet in the air and a full, full tummy waiting for rubs.  Unfortunately, he's still a bit pond-stinky...

Nearly a month, and nobody has had anything to say?  Shame!  You better start posting, because If I have to come back on Valentine's day and make the third post in a row, the forum-elves will probably dredge up some obscure rule and throw me out!


Anyway, just thought I'd pop in to wish a Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it, and for those of you who don't, I wish you a Hearty Party instead.  Budweiser and I have no special plans for the day -- we'll probably just spend the day at home together.   He's nursing a cut on his behind, right now.  On Sunday he ran out onto the runway unexpectedly, and made the acquaintance of a spinning propeller.  (When he was a youngster, Dotty did exactly the same thing.)  Bud was more surprised than hurt, and the vet says it's a trivial wound -- so much so he didn't recommend any treatment other than keeping it clean.  Buddy himself forgot about the matter within the first 10 minutes.


Anyway, hope you all have a good time with the people you love and enjoy lots of delicious eats and only slightly more booze than is good for you.  When you get a chance, post a photo of the best present(s) you receive.  I got two of my presents in time, but Amazon still hasn't delivered the last one.

Merry Christmas Netfoot and all my other Meet Marketeers and also those new at the Welcome mat.  ( Welcomeers? Matsers?) We are well, al though Mr HC is down with a bad sore throat. That's ok He doesn't love the big party we go to anyhow... Everyone got a few surprises, it's been a fun morning. Now I have a little break before the party.  I made the cheese puffs ( like cream puffs, not the Cheetos my son got all excited about!)  And the veggies and hummus, so  now I just have to make crab dip. Our house isn't big enough to hold everyone , so we just show up with hor d'ouvres.  Seriously, I'm almost 50 and I've never cooked a turkey.

Chanukah was fun but rushed. We got a little less time for holidays this year because my son's soccer team went in to the post season.  He is not a great soccer player, but he ended up on a very talented team, so after they won their season they went on to a couple tournaments. Soccer is supposed to end in November! we didn't even know AYSO had tournaments!  So that was exciting, but I really could have done something else with those weekends.  Hoping for a more normal soccer season next year.   Hope everyone has a very happy holiday!

So sorry about the untimely flu!  Hopefully, the little one will be better soon.


Truly, this Christmas has not been the greatest.  I haven't heard a word of greeting from any family -- most everyone went away, without bothering to tell me in advance.  Buddy and I were planning a quiet four-day weekend at home and I laid on supplies to suit.  Christmas morning my stove broke, so nothing that couldn't be cooked in the microwave made it onto the table for the last couple of days.  And now, I can't stay  home tomorrow and avoid the crush because I've got to go buy parts for the stove.  Or a new stove.


But never mind! 

Sorry your Christmas wasn't that great, Netfoot.


The boy is feeling better, which is less worrisome for us but harder to handle in a different way. Now he wants to play a lot, and he thinks he's better and doesn't need medicine. Apparently, Tamiflu tastes awful, even with cherry flavoring added. When we got home, I took it to our pharmacist, who added the flavoring for us. It's nice to have a local pharmacist who knows us.

So, I'm sitting in bed, reading a book on Intarsia, listening to some music, with Buddy dozing at my feet.  Unconsciously, I begin to sing along -- Beetlebum by Blur.  (OK, I used to be able to sing -- they even considered Choir School!  But that was a long time ago.  Anyway...)  Bud leaps up with one ear straight up and the other down, adopts a most puzzled expression, hides his face with one paw, and peers intently.  I only wish there had been a camera within reach.  His face was most comical!


Then came Song 2 and rather than stick around to hear my rendition, he leapt off the bed and ran out of the house!  I hope he gets back before I start on Essex Dogs...

Sounds like you need to sing to him more often, Netfoot!  and I hope your New Years is better than your Christmas was.

Happy New Year All!

Hope your son is feeling better AuntLada!  Sick is no fun when you're 3!  Mr. HC seems to be almost over his cold...

We are headed over to a friends for dinner and will most likely be home  in time for New Years. usually I lure Mr HC out to the Hot tub for Midnight, but I don't know if he'll do it this year ( cold and all )  It's been a very quiet week, I miss TAR this time of year, I want o see all those exotic locations.

Hope everyone gets to go somewhere fun this year!

My niece's MIL has been in hospital in a near-vegetative state for 8-10 weeks now.  Yesterday, her FIL dropped dead of a heart attack.  I understand that my sister (Yes, Cruella) has just been diagnosed with something nasty and incurable which flared up while she was on a cruise ship.


Mean while, back at the ranch in the land of triviality, I had taken soup with dumplings out of the fridge for lunch, but a friend popped by and we went out instead.  I had chicken and green bananas, and planned to have the soup for dinner.  Unfortunately, by dinner time the soup had gone off and I dropped the last Coke on the floor, so dinner was stale bread and water.


Well, 2015 doesn't start for another hour and a quarter, so maybe things will improve in the new year after all. At least Budweiser seems to be OK with my singing along with Sade...

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