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S11.E15: I Feel The Earth Move

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I wonder who chooses scenes for the ABC promos... and what key they have for that ....


I think it would have been more poignant to show Meredith and Maggie, but that´s just me... 


There is an earthquake (rolling eyes,but OK) , one in the middle of a surgery, the other one trapped in the elevator.... I would like to see some scenes like these,not people staring at the phone to make me interested in watching the episode....


I know, I´m very critical.... but I was really expecting to see something different in the promo.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

A crisis like none before...the plane crash, the shooting, the bomb, when Derek ran out of conditioner...everything is a crisis in this show. At least try harder.


I couldn't help but to giggle at the promo a bit. They're so dramatic and end up being so predictable. The only time I've been truly shocked was the shooting episodes but other than that...nope.


I wonder who chooses scenes for the ABC promos... and what key they have for that ....


Not sure but they make a really terrible job. Probably some guy who has no clue about the show and just puts things together. 


An earthquake! Really? Will there be a plague of locusts in an upcoming episode?

No. Zombie apocalypse. I've had my money on this for a while and I better get this. 


Although we still have left: volcano explosion, ebola, and who knows what else. 

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If Meredith somehow gets hurt in this earthquake and Derek comes running back to Seattle because of that, I will be so pissed.  I want Derek back on this show ASAP, but not because of some contrived reason to "save" Meredith.


I wouldn't view it as "saving" her, no more than her (probably...hopefully?) taking care of him after the shooting and the plane crash was her saving him.


Frankly, what I'd love is for him to say, "Yeah, I was in town and took the kids out of daycare for three days to spend time with them. What? You didn't notice?"

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Why is Owen answering the phone, is he the receptionist now?  I'm also confused why the kid wouldn't just call 911. I know I wouldn't know the phone number for the ER of a hospital.

Nothing makes sense, the promo,the synopsis, the sides.Nothing.


If Owen helps the kid on the phone, why is Maggie trapped in the elevator (and it is the first line of the synopsis which is often one of the main storylines for the episode)??? I don´t understand it.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Grey's seasons always seem to have filler/tread water around 15-17, something happens in 18, 19-21 tread water again, then 22 sets up whatever shenanigans happen in the finale (and 23 if the finale isn't a traditional 2 parter).

Just a pattern I've noticed through the years. That's why network TV suffers in comparison to cable. Cable is usually 13 episodes of nonstop good stuff. Network is usually 22-24 episodes with at least 5 or 6 episodes of pure randomness that doesn't let anyone's plot go anywhere.

  • Useful 1
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Frankly, what I'd love is for him to say, "Yeah, I was in town and took the kids out of daycare for three days to spend time with them. What? You didn't notice?"

LOL. Of course not, she was drinking at Alex's!


Personally, I would want his return to be more about the kids. Meredith has shown little interest in Derek, so I'd like for Derek to return or call to see if his kids are ok. Maybe start showing the treatment Meredith is showing him, see how nice it feels.


Why is Owen answering the phone, is he the receptionist now? 

Owen is now a full service surgeon. Need a babysitter? Owen can do it. Need to be yelled at? Owen is at service. Recepcionist took a bathroom break? No worries, call the Chief of Surgery and he will answer the phone and tell you what department to call. Because logic.


I was wondering the same thing about why didn't he call 911 but whatever. This show is just so dumb sometimes and thinks we are too.

  • Love 3
Personally, I would want his return to be more about the kids. Meredith has shown little interest in Derek, so I'd like for Derek to return or call to see if his kids are ok. Maybe start showing the treatment Meredith is showing him, see how nice it feels.



I'm with you but I would be surprised if anything like that happened. I'm expecting some puke-inducing grand gesture declaring Meredith the sun, universe, whatever. Maybe instead of a candle house Derek can make a solar system mobile.

  • Love 4
Maybe instead of a candle house Derek can make a solar system mobile.

This made me laugh more than it should've. Bet he stole it from some science fair in DC and instead of the names of the sun and every planet, he substitutes the name with Meredith and then everyone else and then he puts himself in Pluto, because really, that's where he really is. Pluto is back to being a planet, no? 


Anyway, you're probably right. His grand gesture will be that. 

  • Love 2
Bet he stole it from some science fair in DC and instead of the names of the sun and every planet, he substitutes the name with Meredith and then everyone else and then he puts himself in Pluto, because really, that's where he really is


Ha! He has to make it himself for the big, grand gesture. Otherwise sometime in S12 the fact that he stole it and didn't make it himself will be the next thing.


Sneak Peek - Looks like Owen may need phone lessons.


  • Love 1

I don't live in the US, so I don't know the answer but, can 911 ever be unavailable? 


It's a phone Owen. You press transfer, then the extension. Or better yet, ask someone that knows. And you call yourself a surgeon.


He has to make it himself for the big, grand gesture. Otherwise sometime in S12 the fact that he stole it and didn't make it himself will be the next thing.

And I thought I had it. I was willing to even go the NASA route. Damn. 


If the


just happened, maybe the kid couldn't get through to 911? I don't know, I feel like this concept of Owen dramatically talking a kid through procedure is already ridiculous enough. He's the Chief of Surgery, he should pass that call onto someone else and maintain order in the hospital what with his staff being trapped in elevators and such (according to the episode description). 


Looks like we've reached the mid season slump.

Edited by funnygirl

If the


just happened, maybe the kid couldn't get through to 911? I don't know, I feel like this concept of Owen dramatically talking a kid through procedure is already ridiculous enough. He's the Chief of Surgery, he should pass that call onto someone else and maintain order in the hospital what with his staff being trapped in elevators and such (according to the episode description). 


Looks like we've reached the mid season slump.

In episode 1115,the writers have finally realised, ah,let´s just throw something at Owen instead of following superhero Amelia - a kid on the phone will do.... and maybe what if he doesn´t know how to operate the phone,what a drama it will be.


Plus, why does Owen need a squadron of people around him to give the kid medical advice - why insert Amelia, why Webber??

Isn´t he capable of dealing with this on his own?For God´s sake, isn´t he a trauma war doc??!!! 


I don´t understand the point of trapping Maggie in the elevator.... I hope they give Kelly something credible to act, she has been benched for some time now, I hope it´s not something stupid.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Any speculation on

why Derek just up and returns to Seattle in 11X16???

At first, I was so sure that it was Meredith getting injured in the upcoming episode and that it was that which brought Derek back to Seattle but after reading the synopsis for epi 16 it appears Meredith is just fine as she discusses her biggest fear about Derek apparently. Owen is the one helping the kid save his mother (on the phone I might add which is stupid) in epi 15. Maggie is the one stuck in the elevator (and probably the one to lose consciousness and be a little injured). So it does not seem Meredith gets hurt.

I have to admit I was hoping it was somehow Derek getting hurt the whole time , so Meredith would feel bad. IMO Derek has not done anything wrong here but Meredith has done plenty in this whole storyline with her attitude toward him! She should feel bad about it!

I even was totally convinced that Amelia was going to kill Herman so that would bring Derek back for her. Now I just don't know why he will return...

Edited by stacey
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I don´t understand the point of trapping Maggie in the elevator


Guessing she's trapped in the elevator for the drama of a doctor being injured during the earthquake. Its the same as all the other 794 times a doctor in that hospital has been injured.  Drownings, car crashes, shootings & plane crashes so the earthquake is just one more. My hope is that Maggie being trapped triggers (finally) a storyline with Richard and Maggie. I'm tired of her talking about sleeping alone and waxing with her sister.  Richard needs a good storyline and him building a fatherly-type relationship with Maggie is a storyline I would be interested in seeing.


I hope they give Kelly something credible to act, she has been benched for some time now

I don't think she has been benched. IMO she's had more screen time than Alex,Jo, Bailey,Owen & Richard combined.  


Any speculation on why Derek just up and returns to Seattle in 11X16

He could come back to see the kids after the earthquake.  How long has he been gone (Grey's timeline)? If he and Meredith have been separated for 3 or so months and barely speak is he just going to move back in like all is well? If they stay apart I hope he takes the kids. Edited by stacey
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He could come back to see the kids after the earthquake.  How long has he been gone (Grey's timeline)? If he and Meredith have been separated for 3 or so months and barely speak is he just going to move back in like all is well? If they stay apart I hope he takes the kids.

This is my guess as well. He comes primarily to check on the kids and might be swayed to attempt to talk to Meredith (if she's at home, at least) and somehow be convinced to stay for a while.


He should've taken the kids in the first place. Stupid brainman.


I have to admit I was hoping it was somehow Derek getting hurt the whole time , so Meredith would feel bad.

Actually...count me in here. But I was hoping more on the mental illness side to explore that on the show but then I realized what show we're dealing with. In the Latin American promotion of the show, Derek's storyline was presented as "Derek's depression" (to be fair, it's been his and Japril's SL the one with big promotion). I thought that'd be an interesting angle to develop but like I said, at the end it's GA. 


Isn´t he capable of dealing with this on his own?For God´s sake, isn´t he a trauma war doc??!!!

Give the man a break, I mean, he can't even transfer a call. Tsk tsk. 


Looks like we've reached the mid season slump.

Pretty sure that started a few episodes ago. But yes, here we are. Again. Edited by stacey
Spoiler tag

Wondering if the call with the child happens before the earthquake, as it seems everything is all right at the hospital.


Also if Webber is helping the kid as well, so it means Maggie is not yet stuck in the elevator as I think if he knew,he would go and try to help her.


In 1116

Maggie´s face looks injured,but it is questionable whether it is after the punch from the Alzheimer patient or it is the injury she suffered in 1115. I´d think if there is an earthquake and you are in an elevator, you have a pretty high chance of getting injured, e.g. if you hit your head against the elevator walls.


As I personally have a phobia of elevators, this will surely be a nerve-wrecking episode for me. What if she has no phone by her to call for help??? After a few insanely boring episodes for me (because of a certain superhero),I´m getting really interested in 1115 to see what Maggie is going through and also because of the surgery Meredith is doing amidst the earthquake just to see mere mortals push through their lives, no need to see superheroes.... 

Edited by stacey
Spoiler Tag for future episode

Owen on the phone with a 911 kid???  Call a crash cart, I'm suffering flashbacks.


Does anyone remember the L&O:SVU where Olivia spent THE ENTIRE SHOW on the phone, doing her patented whisper-speak to a scared 911 kid, Maria?  ("We can't triangulate her position!"  "We've lost the connection!")  And the kid was so obviously an adult actor speaking bad Spanish-accented babytalk that you assumed this must be part of the plot?  Except it wasn't, because there was no plot. 

The cops find Maria and hang up her phone.  Olivia hangs up, too.  Roll credits.  Submit footage to Emmy nominating committee.


Bring on the earthquake; I'm already a fan.



  • Love 3

Why can't this show depict more mundane events? I remember an interesting story line on "St. Elsewhere" where a guy fainted and was in the hospital. He went from doctor to doctor, taking tests. After each visit, they showed his bill's latest tally. Silly things happened like one doctor telling him to floss before brushing, the other telling him the opposite. In the end, they found nothing, and he had a tremendous bill. Why does GA have to stoop to extraordinary circumstances for drama? In a case like the one described, they could depict all the doctors competing with each other to isolate the man's problem. There's drama and humor and interaction in that.


There's always a human aspect in every case; thus, there's your drama.


Geez, GA writers, try a little imagination.

  • Love 3
Why can't this show depict more mundane events?

Because then they wouldn't be able to make grandiose speeches about how they beat death and that is boring. According to them, anyway.


It seems to be that they have very limited abilities in creating drama. Either it's this big catastrophic event or personal devastating drama. The mundane day-to-day events of life are boring to them and treat them as such, even if it doesn't have to be. They seem to be unable to create good drama with it. 


This potential earthquake, that hasn't even been shown in the promo, is sort of mundane (to me) given how the show has overused catastrophic events before. You know everyone will magically be alright. It's sort of how it always goes. I wish they didn't have to recur to this to make good drama but I believe they can't do better. 


no need to see superheroes....

I wouldn't be so sure. One of these people considers herself to be the sun and while Maggie hasn't had a moment like this, it could happen. But I'm a cynic now, so maybe it won't. We'll see.

  • Love 4

Isn't St. Elsewhere the one where they had a doctor who was a rapist? I haven't seen much of it but must have read a lot of references over the years because I know more about it than I should, lol.


I liked I Saw What I Saw too.


You know everyone will magically be alright.


I loved the disaster/event episodes on ER and don't mind/enjoy them on Grey's for the most part. The lack of followup is what bugs me.  The magical healing and people unchanged by what they have gone through are what makes them feel like a gimmick and not part of the story to me.


I never, ever expect realism on Grey's but Owen answering the phone made me crack up. It would be bad enough if it was an intern but he's the COS.


  • Love 3
Didn't ER do an episode about a night shift in the ER and nothing much was going on in terms of patients?


I believe they did several (sorry but since Netflix doesn't believe in ER, I can't rewatch it and be sure how many) but I do recall one that was the contrast of the day shift/night shift with Pratt & Carter in S9. The one big shock was the end

when Carter decides to leave to Africa.

That was it. The rest was a tense, but no big deal, episode. I think GA did that in S7 when Cristina was a drunk bartender and Meredith & Alex were supervising the night shift. But put in comparison both and childish drama GA can't sustain itself on the drama ER created. 


I've come to realize it's hard to compare both as the level of adulthood, writing, and daring SLs in both shows are completely on a different level. Even if they're medical dramas. 


The lack of followup is what bugs me.

Because they're magically all right. ;) 


Yeah, that bugs me too. Especially after the shooting, that one just enrages me as had the most potential. Other than Cristina...nobody did show an extent of issue with what happened. Meredith miscarrying? No biggie. Derek being shot and almost dying the way his father did...let's drive fast, get incarcerated but ok! Alex didn't use elevators three episodes but nothing else. April also seemed pretty ok even if she tripped over the body of her dead best friend. This truly has to be the most dead-like group of doctors in history. 


I think the one where Gant died start with the night shift being really quiet too.

It was. I am also recalling S11 night shift on Christmas night was pretty quiet. Depressing as hell but quiet. 

  • Love 3


Isn't St. Elsewhere the one where they had a doctor who was a rapist? I haven't seen much of it but must have read a lot of references over the years because I know more about it than I should, lol.

Yes, and if I recall correctly, I wasn't the only one who had no clue who the rapist was. In my mind, that show was the first of the shows with the large ensemble cast. The series finale was my all-time favorite, though others wouldn't agree with me. What about you, candall? This show had extraordinary things happen, like an incensed woman (I think Judith Light played her) holding a gun on doctors because the vasectomy they performed on her husband didn't work (turned out he chickened out on the procedure). GA seems to rely on the extraordinary, though, for all of its drama. Or maybe I'm just tired of such tactics.


The series finale was my all-time favorite,

I thought it was brilliant.  And I don't think it had anything to do with invalidating the whole series, which seemed to be the crux of the outcry. 


Grey's needs to step up its game if they wants to slide into home with a series finale people still reference >google< 27 years later.  They can't just have the building collapse and kill everyone inside, The End.

Edited by candall
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Maybe Owen will inadvertently hang up on the kid and that will let her get through to 911 instead. Probably not, since then the promo monkeys wouldn't have had all that exciting footage of a man talking on the phone to entice us to watch.

Grey's seasons always seem to have filler/tread water around 15-17, something happens in 18, 19-21 tread water again, then 22 sets up whatever shenanigans happen in the finale (and 23 if the finale isn't a traditional 2 parter).

Just a pattern I've noticed through the years. That's why network TV suffers in comparison to cable. Cable is usually 13 episodes of nonstop good stuff. Network is usually 22-24 episodes with at least 5 or 6 episodes of pure randomness that doesn't let anyone's plot go anywhere.

If networks still use ratings from November, February, and May to set advertiser prices, that still explains it - Nov, Feb, and May sweeps episodes are intentionally bigger or more eventful, and they keep the filler/treading water episodes out of those important ratings periods as best they can.

I don't live in the US, so I don't know the answer but, can 911 ever be unavailable?

Yup. I mean, ideally no, but yes. The 911 system is also disturbingly unable to find your location (sometimes even when the caller provides their location, if cell towers routed you to a farther-away 911 center instead of the correct one, the dispatcher can't find the location the caller is providing because it's out of their zone), despite the fact that Facebook, Twitter, Runkeeper, my automotive rescue service's app, etc can all find your exact GPS coordinates. Why making a 911 app with location data for wireless callers - when the 911 system is notoriously unable to reliably trace the call location - is such a hurdle I have no idea. (Aside from liability...)

Edited by WalrusGirl

If networks still use ratings from November, February, and May to set advertiser prices, that still explains it - Nov, Feb, and May sweeps episodes are intentionally bigger or more eventful, and they keep the filler/treading water episodes out of those important ratings periods as best they can.

They do somewhat, but to a larger extent, their affiliates do. That's the months actual hard data is measured at the affiliate level that they use all year to set their local ad rates.

  • Love 3

I wouldn't be so sure. One of these people considers herself to be the sun and while Maggie hasn't had a moment like this, it could happen. But I'm a cynic now, so maybe it won't. We'll see.


If anyone ever had a right to call themselves a freaking superhero surgeon - then these two ladies have the right.

Maggie and Meredith are Ellis´s daughters - what a magnificient surgeon she was and they both follow proudly in her footsteps with their careers, yet neither of them brags about it, this is what I appreciate so much about Mer and Maggie, they acknowledge and admire who she was but in no way do they praise themselves and stand on a pedestal of NEEDING to be admired like Amelia. Because both Meredith and Maggie know what modesty is.

I hate Amelia so much,as much one can hate a fictional character.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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If anyone ever had a right to call themselves a freaking superhero surgeon - then these two ladies have the right.

Maggie and Meredith are Ellis´s daughters - what a magnificient surgeon she was and they both follow proudly in her footsteps with their careers, yet neither of them brags about it, this is what I appreciate so much about Mer and Maggie, they acknowledge and admire who she was but in no way do they praise themselves and stand on a pedestal of NEEDING to be admired like Amelia. Because both Meredith and Maggie know what modesty is.

I hate Amelia so much,as much one can hate a fictional character.


 I so agree, they never do that. Sadly, Mer does keep the "Sun" reference too much and Maggie is: "I solve the puzzles" so the ego is there and they want to do things their way or its the highway. As we have heard from Maggie's former boyfriends. They keep that thing that Elis did, they are more important than their other halves.

  • Love 2
Its odd that the earthquake is listed in the episode description yet isn't in the promo, there's no sneak peek or any press at all (that I have seen) about it.

I've been wondering the same thing. I don't understand. If this is what is supposed to attract viewers...what gives? 


Owen not managing to transfer calls can't be it. 


they are more important than their other halves.

I hadn't seen this. Good catch. Yeah, they might not be calling themselves superheroes but...they are sun. Which burns. And can't sustain life.


I hate that line. 

  • Love 3

Another SP. 




So the angle the writers are going for is that Derek was the reason she was distracted? Channeling Chandler here: Could they be trying to make her more like Ellis?


Whatever. I hope Derek and Joe Biden are eating ice cream with aviators on. 

Meredith says "that you're right, that I'm better off without him" so Alex must have said that in an earlier scene. I guess that means we know what Alex's screen time will consist of - listening to/talking to Meredith about Derek. Again.


Derek was the reason she was distracted

She paid far more attention to her soul mate Cristina than Derek so if she was distracted by anyone it was Cristina. LOL Maybe Derek will walk in, she'll see him and her patient dies. End of streak.

  • Love 2

Rhimes hates everyone who is married and lives a happy life with a spouse and kids and she transpires this dislike all the time on this show in the way she has destroyed every freaking marriage  on this show - MerDer are already being torn apart, the other married couples will be destroyed as well. As we can see in the SP,Meredith states she is more successful without Derek which I call b....t  I feel offended for Derek.


I don´t know how male actors feel on this show but they must feel super belittled and ridiculed through their characters(the latest example being Owen struggling to operate a phone),they have nothing to do, no storylines, nothing,their female colleagues are the sun....


If it goes like this, I think all of them will slowly leave. I´d say if Patrick has the guts to leave and start this, I´ll only say show the other men how to leave this place.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

So, Derek left on November 14th and hasn't visited and she and the children haven't visited him? Of course the two selfish adults couldn't put aside their differences to have their kids spend the holidays with both of their parents. Hopefully Owen tossed from the trailer them a candy cane when they were returning home from 24 hour daycare for a few hours.


If it goes like this, I think all of them will slowly leave.

Its season 11. If they were so bothered by it all they wouldn't stay for years and years.

Edited by maasa
I don´t know how male actors feel on this show but they must feel super belittled and ridiculed through their characters(the latest example being Owen struggling to operate a phone),they have nothing to do, no storylines, nothing,their female colleagues are the sun....

In terms of their characters, I'd be offended to be portrayed as just the bed warmer/sex buddy babysitter that is supposed to be the role of the husband on this show. This is a terrible show to portray what the feminist movement want in terms of equality, but I assume that the writers don't know better. Like I said on another post, it seems the most balanced couple is Jo & Alex but given the trend on this show, they'll soon join the club.


That being said, money talks. And it's big money, especially for Patrick. 2 sentences and $350,000 for him. That's a sweet deal. I wished he had the guts to leave and that the gods of Netflix or HBO or Showtime or FX or whatever would offer him a sweet deal with a character that is actually given respect, but I doubt he will now. He had a chance in S10 but given all he's going through right now, I don't believe he'll move out of GA soon. At least until S12 is over. 


As we can see in the SP,Meredith states she is more successful without Derek which I call b....t  I feel offended for Derek.


To be fair with Meredith, which is really painful right now, she just pondered the question but it seems she has discussed it with Alex previously and Alex has stated she is. I would really hate if Derek is reeling and being not being successful. But let's face it: since he's Pluto, he'll return saying he was fired or whatever and revolve around the sun because he's not the sun.


No, I'm not bitter at all.


I guess that means we know what Alex's screen time will consist of - listening to/talking to Meredith about Derek. Again.


Did you expected differently? ;) It's such a shame he's being used like that but I can't say I expected better. Sigh.


she and the children haven't visited him? Of course the two selfish adults couldn't put aside their differences to have their kids spend the holidays with both of their parents.

Perhaps they didn't even celebrated it. I mean, they weren't celebrating Thanksgiving either until Emma (?) proposed the idea to Owen in front of Meredith. Those kids must've not even noticed it was Christmas. I feel bad for Derek since he said he loved Christmas but he also could've flown back. 

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