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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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1 hour ago, Liddy52 said:

So Jill, put your money where your mouth is. Put on some overalls and do some damn work! Honest hard work! Not play acting in a little garden, not preening for Plexus, not grifting,  not posing for photos witn a hoe in your hand while your children do the work, but actual blood, sweat and tears type work. And then get back to us with your self righteous platitudes.  And take care of your own household before coming after others. 

Dave too.   Hitting print every couple of months is not working.  He could get a real job and have more stuff planted on the land they have.    Most farmers I grew up around, had farms but also regular paying jobs.   They WORKED.   They did not drive around in RV asking for someone else to support their (7 - 18 kids, no really grew up in a really Catholic small town).  

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2 hours ago, Liddy52 said:

So Jill, put your money where your mouth is. Put on some overalls and do some damn work! Honest hard work! Not play acting in a little garden, not preening for Plexus, not grifting,  not posing for photos witn a hoe in your hand while your children do the work, but actual blood, sweat and tears type work. And then get back to us with your self righteous platitudes.  And take care of your own household before coming after others. 

She is so enamored of the Amish, well they work their a---s off whether it is farming, woodworking or even in the garden. 

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2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I wonder if one reason Jill is asking for prayers re Philip is because she's upset about him not being around to turn over his paycheck to her. 

Good point. But I also think she's p*ssed the second son she let out of her sight for a bit has decided he prefers a car over her loving home.  It's sad to know that she won't make that mistake again and no male Rodlet is going to leave for any outside influence. 


Edited by lianau
sight isn't side
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5 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I wonder if one reason Jill is asking for prayers re Philip is because she's upset about him not being around to turn over his paycheck to her. 

I think that is part of it, but, mainly, Jill has raised all of her kids to be unquestioning meek little sheep who never doubt her 'wisdom.'  I imagine she is pissed as he** that Philip has strayed from the fold and worried that this will become a trend now that the younger ones have seen someone disagree with Mahmo's (and Daddy's) Biblical pronouncements and rules for godly living.  If the rest of the kids start questioning the life she has forced on them, no telling what might happen.

Jill's entire goal as a mother has been to be able to control her children in virtually every aspect of their lives, even into adulthood; and Philip has smashed her plan to bits, and, not only that, joined some sort of equally controlling, but different, fundamentalist sect as part of the rebellion. She'd have taken it better if he'd gone to Buddhism or become an Orthodox Jew.  The fact that he's rebelling, not against fundamentalist Christianity itself, but the Rodrigues version of it; has got to be eating her alive.

Note:  I personally think it is most likely that Philip is suffering a mental health crisis and his behavior doesn't have as much to do with Jill as she thinks.  Then again,  Jill thinks everything is all about her.

Edited by Notabug
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Does anyone know for sure what new "ministry" group in Oklahoma he has joined?  I, too, think he has some severe mental issues and needs help.  He is 21, so Jill and Dave (I would say "parents" but I don't think they meet that definition) can't drag him back home.  I sure hope someone counsels him to get some real help.  It must be frightening to realize that you are an adult that has been (deliberately) kept from education and any real life skills.  And you are all alone.  I hope the people in this new group are good to him.

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On 8/10/2024 at 5:02 PM, Notabug said:

I think that is part of it, but, mainly, Jill has raised all of her kids to be unquestioning meek little sheep who never doubt her 'wisdom.'  I imagine she is pissed as he** that Philip has strayed from the fold and worried that this will become a trend now that the younger ones have seen someone disagree with Mahmo's (and Daddy's) Biblical pronouncements and rules for godly living.  If the rest of the kids start questioning the life she has forced on them, no telling what might happen.

Jill's entire goal as a mother has been to be able to control her children in virtually every aspect of their lives, even into adulthood; and Philip has smashed her plan to bits, and, not only that, joined some sort of equally controlling, but different, fundamentalist sect as part of the rebellion. She'd have taken it better if he'd gone to Buddhism or become an Orthodox Jew.  The fact that he's rebelling, not against fundamentalist Christianity itself, but the Rodrigues version of it; has got to be eating her alive.

I would guess Phillip leaving the second college set him off in whatever way. Interestingly that was just about the same time 19yr old Samuel suddenly finished his studies in like Feb. or March, got the EXCEPTIONAL job and started courting Nurie's tea party friend, Jill is not letting another boy escape.

Edited by crazy8s
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I've read that Phillip was living with friends from the factory job before he left town. How long he had been living there is unclear (as is the veracity of the information). The last time we saw Phillip with the family was Sam's graduation weekend when he made that bizarre speech at a church grift stop. That was what, early June? 

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7 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I've read that Phillip was living with friends from the factory job before he left town. How long he had been living there is unclear (as is the veracity of the information). The last time we saw Phillip with the family was Sam's graduation weekend when he made that bizarre speech at a church grift stop. That was what, early June? 

Yes, June 9-10th

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If Phil is experiencing a psychotic break its very likely he has no idea he is. Those with grandiose religious thoughts usually believe their thoughts and are adamant they're correct to anyone who dares to challenge them.

From the info so far, I'm guessing J&D kicked him out of the house and he first slept in his car in the driveway. When he didn't "change his behavior" they told him to leave completely. Then he was likely fired and kicked out of his friends' home.

If he is having a mental health crisis there is no way a typical person wouldn't see Phil was in trouble. And IMO, there is no way J&D wouldn't figure it out too, but likely not as quickly.

Hopefully Phil is wandering around having a crisis of faith and will safely figure things out. Either way I hope he ends up with caring folks who will look out for him.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

If Phil is experiencing a psychotic break its very likely he has no idea he is. Those with grandiose religious thoughts usually believe their thoughts and are adamant they're correct to anyone who dares to challenge them.

From the info so far, I'm guessing J&D kicked him out of the house and he first slept in his car in the driveway. When he didn't "change his behavior" they told him to leave completely. Then he was likely fired and kicked out of his friends' home.

If he is having a mental health crisis there is no way a typical person wouldn't see Phil was in trouble. And IMO, there is no way J&D wouldn't figure it out too, but likely not as quickly.

Hopefully Phil is wandering around having a crisis of faith and will safely figure things out. Either way I hope he ends up with caring folks who will look out for him.

I wouldn't put it past Jill and Dave to decide he was possessed by demons (same ones that live in the green bean can) and try to do some sort of fundie exorcism on him.  Jill is constantly complaining about the devil's attacks on her because of her virtuous nature and rock solid faith; I could see her deciding the devil made him do it.

From my limited experience, it does sound like Philip is in the grandiose phase of mental illness.  If he is in that state; he undoubtedly believes that his thoughts have never been clearer, his intellect never sharper; that he is at the top of his game and finally hitting on all cylinders.

My bipolar brother once told me that being manic was the greatest feeling in the world, better than the highest high and just fantastic 'right up until you wake up in jail'.  He spoke from experience.

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For a look at a similar(ish) path Phillip may or may not be going down there is an interesting docuseries streaming on a few different channels. Its called Six Schizophrenic Brothers. Its about a family with 12 kids - 10 sons and 2 daughters. It starts out in the 1950s/60s.

A couple things to note is identifying mental illnesses and treatment/supports of them has come a long(ish) way.

And again, Phil could possibly just be sowing his Fundy wild oats.

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17 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

I, too, think he has some severe mental issues and needs help.  He is 21, so Jill and Dave (I would say "parents" but I don't think they meet that definition) can't drag him back home.

wouldn't put it past Jill to try.   If she wanted him home, she expects him home, doesn't matter if he's 12 or 21.   In her world, you do what Jill wants, period.   

We've mentioned Jill's manic episodes before.   I really hope its not genetic.

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17 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

From the info so far, I'm guessing J&D kicked him out of the house and he first slept in his car in the driveway. When he didn't "change his behavior" they told him to leave completely.

I have no knowledge of whether this is true- but I could see it happening.  This could be the reason they haven’t made a trip to Oklahoma to at least Jay eyes on him.  

Yes, I know he is 21 and can’t be made  to come home-  if it were me I would at least want to lay eyes on him and see if he was ok.     And I don’t go on and on on Facebook about how I’m miss Suzy homemaker and love my children 

Edited by mythoughtis
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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I have no knowledge of whether this is true- but I could see it happening.  This could be the reason they haven’t made a trip to Oklahoma to at least Jay eyes on him.  

Yes, I know he is 21 and can’t be made  to come home-  if it were me I would at least want to lay eyes on him and see if he was ok.     And I don’t go on and on on Facebook about how I’m miss Suzy homemaker and love my children 

I expect that at least part of the reason they haven't gone to OK is because Jill doesn't have a way to monetize it.  She can post all about her fabulous Plexus trips online, she can grift at churches all over the countryside and brag about it on her blog, she can go down to Florida to brag about Nurie and the grandkids while undoubtedly having Nurie and Nathan pay for most everything including lots of meals out and various fun activities that Jill can also use to brag online.

In the case of Phillip, there are several reasons her usual approach won't work.  1.  He probably doesn't have a job or, if he does, it is menial and he is turning his earnings over to the cult which means there is no money coming from him to pay their way and treat Jill to all the fun things she expects on one of her trips.  If Phil won't spring for the good Olive Garden, she ain't goin'.  2. Jill's whole schtick is that she is the godliest, holiest woman on earth and her children worship her and want to follow in her footsteps.  Well, Phillip isn't going to pretend that she is always right and she and Dave are perfect parents who've never made a mistake. If he's really overhauled his set of beliefs, he probably wants to badger her to come to her senses and change her ways.  Can't have that out in public.

I'm actually surprised that she's revealed as much as she has about this glitch in her delusional practically perfect life.

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Well, to be fair, she probably didn't expect snarkers on FJ and Reddit to dig up the evidence in the middle of a long church service. 

Phillip's recently updated LinkedIn with the poetry just cemented what Jill said. Again, found by snarkers. 

I hope Phillip has found a couch to crash on since Jill's known whereabouts. Hopefully Ng it's a crisis of faith and nothing mental health related.

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51 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Yeah, they were saying it was satanic because F is the 6th letter of the alphabet, and oh my!!!! 666!!!!111

That part is straight up conjecture. Jill says he is following "false doctrine," but I don't think it's satanic. 

False doctrine to Jill could mean using any Bible that’s not the KJV1611.

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Words by Jill with a video. 


Cyber Bullying and bearing false witness against our neighbor is at an all time HIGH in our world today.  😥  Let's make sure we speak TRUTH of others!  Let's be energy givers, not takers.  Let's love others as ourselves.  Let's lift up others, not tear them down.  😉

Matthew 22:39b......"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

Exodus 20:16  "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

Ephesians 4:32 "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."


She doesn’t make money from clicks, that’s all I’m going to say, this video is quite the masterpiece.




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13 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

And David "working?" Maybe once every few months. That was all I could stomach.

She makes a point of saying he prints everything ‘at cost’.  Well, at cost means you forgo your profit.  Profit is  where your  paycheck comes  from as an owner.  So he is volunteering.  Not working.   Working means getting paid for your time and materials.  Business owners who don’t earn profits eventually go out of business.  Because they can’t pay themselves and their personal bills. 

Where does his NET INCOME come from?  

Edited by mythoughtis
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Literally spat my drink out over that video. Sure you feed your kids… just enough to keep them alive. Quit playing mom of the year. You then show David working so hard in the print shop…. You’re leaving out the fact that the majority of the time your kids are doing the work while you and David are on whatever trip you’re on next. You can make all the videos you want trying to convince everyone, you’re wasting your time. Noone is buying what you’re selling. 

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49 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

She broke the post down into sections and included different pictures. Here’s one, which is from at least 2 years ago. 


I remember that pic, it is from when Phillip graduated from home school and took mama to lunch to show his appreciation of her being such a wonderful teacher.

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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

I remember that pic, it is from when Phillip graduated from home school and took mama to lunch to show his appreciation of her being such a wonderful teacher.

It's from May 2022. 

eta His "graduation" took place in June at Joy Baptist with a pair of twins. Later, Nurie had her taco gender reveal for Newman.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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6 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Personally, I hope Phillip is OK and finds help if he needs it. His Mama is too busy trying to put lipstick on a pig to be of much use.

That might be a good thing. His Mama is the cause of his issues and all she cares about is controlling him. Not his well being. She's never cared about that. Hopefully he's with someone who can give or get him real help.

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32 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

Hopefully her next prove the haters wrong video will be Sofia at a real MD's office for a thorough exam.

If only God would tell Jill something good like this to do. Maybe He does, but Jill is tuned out. 

All that seems to rattle around in her head is Plexus, hair, makeup, shopping, and revenge. 


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14 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

She makes a point of saying he prints everything ‘at cost’.  Well, at cost means you forgo your profit.  Profit is  where your  paycheck comes  from as an owner.  So he is volunteering.  Not working.   Working means getting paid for your time and materials.  Business owners who don’t earn profits eventually go out of business.  Because they can’t pay themselves and their personal bills. 

Where does his NET INCOME come from?  

And he doesn’t even do that much. They make the kids do most of the actual labor involved 🥲😡.

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21 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

  No matter her motivation, it's not about Philip, it's about her and how she did NOT fail as a mother.

Yet she can't blame the bible colleges either since she made such a big deal of God leading them to the perfect place for Phillip the first year and how he was thriving in his element at school. Then the pretend post of Phillip starting his second year without saying it was a different school altogether.

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2 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

If only God would tell Jill something good like this to do. Maybe He does, but Jill is tuned out. 

All that seems to rattle around in her head is Plexus, hair, makeup, shopping, and revenge. 


Don't forget vacationing.  Most of us probably get one week total a year, if that.

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1 hour ago, ranchgirl said:

She is definitely going to control ALL narratives.  Showing those pictures of Phillip with her as if all is well.  

Hi Jill.  Please show us your weekly grocery haul and how much it cost.  Showing your kids walking into the house with 2 boxes of pizza doesn't tell or show me anything.  You children are too skinny and do not look healthy.  

So your husband does some printing.  Yeah, maybe he works here and there at setting up the printer and watching to make sure there is no jam or ink runs low, but as you pointed out, he does it all for materials only. How does he bring money into the home to buy all that food for his children?  How does he afford to live in the home you live in?  How does he afford all the vacations you take (mostly you).  How does he afford the gas in the motor home or cars when you travel?

Being on social media opens you and your life up for questions.  If you don't want people asking questions and bringing up things that don't make sense to us, then get you and your family off social media.  

I have said it many times, when I see those kids eating 9 times our of 10 it is pizza. I know she is no cook but how about showing a big pot of chili/soup you are making with some sides. Talk about your grocery bill. And all those pizzas cost a lot more then if you would read some recipes, learn to cook some basic but nutritious meals! Such empty foods those kids eat. And I bet someone bought the pizza for them. 

21 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

According to Jill, they are “dumb questions “.

For certain, Jill visits the snark sites. 

Edited by libgirl2
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Jill certainly controls the narrative. The YouTube from last Wednesday's service with the prayer request has been taken down. It had something like 2500 views, while other videos averaged around 50. Jill certainly noticed the discrepancy and asked the church to remove it.

Too late Jill. We may not have the video, but the transcript is all over the Internet. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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