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The Returned (US) - General Discussion

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In the US version, after Jack told Claire she was living in a fog for the last 4 years since Camille's death, she goes to Peter for consolation and they have sex.  She doesn't have sex with her separated from husband, Jack.  I could be wrong but I thought Claire and the Peter character did have sex in the French version also (not necessarily in the same episode, though).


@SierraMist -- you are correct.  In the US version Claire did have sex with Peter.  My bad.  I don't recall Claire and Pierre hooking up in the French version, just because there was so much other stuff going on.


And I forgot that Lena did call Claire after she left the hospital, but didn't tell her where she was. While Claire had a booty call with Peter, her separated from husband Jack was searching for Lena.  But then Jack just kind of stopped looking for Lena after his encounter with Lucy in the hospital.  And Jack seems to be not weirded out at all that Lucy now seems to be an actual medium instead of a fake medium.


What I really don't get in the US version is the introduction of Mrs. Goddard and her plans to seduce the dam engineer and blow up the dam.  She's a housewife that was killed in a flood from a dam break over 30 years ago -- what would she know about sabotage and explosives that she would think she could pull that off ?


And I forgot to mention -- seven episodes into the US version and still no mention of animals also returning from the dead.

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I enjoy this show enuff.  I will watch it simply because there is nothing else on.  I still can't remember everyone's names.  Honestly the only ones I'm starting to remember is Camille and her twin...Lana I think and that's it.  I still wish each episode was dedicated to one character (similar to Lost) as the title indicates.  If the title is Rowan then let it just be Rowan.  I feel the same amount of screen time was spent on everybody no matter who is suppose to be the center. 


The Michele Forbes character is starting to grate on me.  I can't put my finger on why.  She just is.

This is the chick that died in the flood, correct?   Enh she's coming off as a little more evil than everyone else I guess.  She never seemed upset that her husband killed himself.  She did say he worked on the dam but didn't he work on it after the flood, right?  Does she blame him for what happened?  UGH so many questions. 

Edited by Dirtybubble
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Great comparison OttoDbusdriver.

Other things that happened in the French episode 7 that haven't happened yet in the U.S. version but may still be in the remaining 3 episodes are: 


  • Serge & Tony walking in the forest discovering the Horde bonfire with the dead animal's carcasses around it.  Their walk leads them back repeatedly back to the bonfire and soon they discover they're going in circles nowhere.  Tony even sees Maman in the woods but she disappears.  Serge & Tony walk down to the Dam's water to swim across.  Serge disappears during the swim and Tony is left to find his way back home.
  • Lots of townspeople now staying at the Helping Hand now that the power is gone and food is scarce.  Pierre takes Claire downstairs to the hidden warehouse that has lots of food supplies and guns which he says will be used to protect Camille & the other Returned.  He tells her that they're here to warn us that the end is near.
  • Julie tells Laure in this episode why she thinks she's a returned which is a glaring omission in the U.S. version.  She says that she was dead for a few seconds after the attack and worries that she is a returned.
  • Camille is eating breakfast at the Helping Hand and joins the Lady--MIchelle Forbes' role in the French version--who died of starvation when the dam broke but is a lie since she has told 3 different versions of why she died since she returned.  She tells Camille to go to the storehouse where she discovers the Korotsky's who have hung themselves.  Other parents question whether Camille's talk with the Koretsky's caused them to kill themselves.  Pierre plans a Celebration where he tells everyone that "Death is no longer the end.  Our existence isn't limited to our time on earth.  Those who have returned are proof of that.  The Helping Hand was chosen as their safe haven and soon a new world will begin".  (This had better be in the remaining U.S. version!)
  • Laure leaves Julie and creepy Victor.  He goes outside and meets Chloe who tells him that her Dad, Simon has come back and he is dead.  Victor tells her that he is dead and then points to reveal Adele in a bloody dress--a dream--which causes Chloe to faint.  Adele comes outside to find Chloe fainted but Victor says nothing.  When she awakens she tells Adele that she saw her suicide attempt
  • Lots of decomposing body issues in this episode with Claire, Victor and Simon who even eats some of his = GROSS!
  • Claire is reunited at Helping Hand with Lena and her family
  • Simon goes to talk to the Priest about his suicide when the police arrive to take him away; the Priest turned him in.  Best scene in the episode for me was when Simon spit on the Priest as he was being taken away by the police.
  • Back at the Lake Bar Lucy meets more of the Returned who have congregated there.
  • Laure and Julie decide to leave town with Victor.  Their journey goes in circles and are unable to leave town.  Episode ended with them stopped on the dam bridge.

Hating all that is happening with Michelle Forbes' role in the U.S. version.  It doesn't portend well to the ending.

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Agree with you @dbklmt -- the US version is leaving a lot of things out of the French version because they are basically dodging the impacts of the power station failure and the problems with the dam. With no power and if the dam never breaks, the town folks never congregate at the Helping Hand for the final confrontation with the Horde.


And then one big thing you left out from the French version that hasn't happened yet in the US version -- Simon comes back to life in the morgue. Simon meets Lucy in the hospital, they go back to her place and bang -- and that's when Lucy sees his suicide and knows that he is Returned from the dead.  The US version of the Simon story line is about 2 episodes behind the French version -- Simon was shot dead by Thomas in Episode 5 of the French version, and it just happened at the end of Episode 7 of the US version.


I don't think the US version will go there with Chloe's vision of her mother's suicide attempt -- just because it would just be her mother lying on a bed from the overdose, big whoop, whereas the French scene of Adele and her bloody wrist and clothes was so disturbing to Chloe.  I also doubt the US producers will show the Koretzky's suicide so that they can join their daughter in the afterlife based on Camille's stories about the fact that there child was waiting for them.  Who knows -- the US version has 3 more hours to fill ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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And then one big thing you left out from the French version that hasn't happened yet in the US version -- Simon comes back to life in the morgue. Simon meets Lucy in the hospital, they go back to her place and bang -- and that's when Lucy sees his suicide and knows that he is Returned from the dead.  The US version of the Simon story line is about 2 episodes behind the French version -- Simon was shot dead by Thomas in Episode 5 of the French version, and it just happened at the end of Episode 7 of the US version.



Forgot to include that scene which was at the beginning of the episode complete with Simon's full frontal nudity which will never be shown in the U.S. version.  The scene with them at the Lake Bar after the banging discussing the suicide was the reason that Simon went to see the traitorous Priest.  Also liked the appearance of the Butterfly which began the French series flying away from the jail when we discover that Simon has escaped.

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I'm not enjoying it as much as the French version, but I still like it enough. I don't like Michelle Forbes character though and I always think she comes off as too intense in every thing she does. I really want to know why Simon killed himself or even if he killed himself-there has to be some secret there. No one kills themselves on their wedding day unless something else is going on. And he appears to love Rowan and want to be with her, so it makes no sense.


I continue to be amazed at how much Simon looks like the French version Simon. I can see that Rowan wouldn't trust Simon (because he is dead after all), but I don't see how she can trust her cop boyfriend either. No matter what the reason, I would never trust someone who secretly spied on me.


I also was surprised that the parent group immediately knew who Camille was. I'm still expecting more shock and disbelief from people because if I saw someone come back from the dead I would run screaming. Jeremy Sisto's character is very interesting to me too-he seems too accepting of everything and I wonder if he is also returned. Little Victor doesn't seem all that creepy, but I still wouldn't want him hanging around me.

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The French version is much moodier and scarier than this one, but I still like the American one as well. I don't know if I want this one to be too different or not. If they go in a totally different direction it might be interesting, but it is hard to do that with the exact same characters. 


Somehow some of the characters aren't working as well as American's though. Michelle Forbes character with her old clothes looks like she could fit in France, but not so much here. Also the community center aspect doesn't quite fit, and the girls hanging out at bars at their age. Victor of course is not as creepy but it might be interesting to have a child not look creepy but be creepy. 

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I wonder if the same child actor will be able to play Victor in season 2 of the French  version.  He was so perfect for the role.


Was there an episode called Clare in the French version?

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Julie took being zombie cockblocked after 7 years far better than I would have.

Doesn't she have a gf? And why did doctor lady (still don't know names yet) take her back after 7 years? There was no built up whatsoever...Serial killer dude making Lena think his brother is the killer was pretty slick.

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Very interesting theory about Simon, Madding Crowd, very interesting.  That darn Victor could have been in the road again on Simon's wedding day.  What if only the "doomed" could see him?  Then it would look like suicide.  Or someone could have seen the incident from one angle and not seen Victor or assumed they imagined it when no mangled body of a little boy was found at the scene.  Hmmm.  

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If no has responded to an an episode, hours after it airs, I'm pretty sure the show is doomed.


I can't stand Rowan.  I wrote her character off when she took her sleazy, spying boyfriend back.  


I totally despised Michelle Forbes character when she was on Star Trek.  I don't hate her on The Returned.  She's just the one coming off as the nutty "evil is everywhere", "This town is evil" character.  Plus she's just a very minor character with little screen time.  I think her only purpose is to be a vehicle to convey to the viewer that the town is evil. Looking nutty while doing that.  

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Doesn't she have a gf? And why did doctor lady (still don't know names yet) take her back after 7 years?

Julie *is* doctor lady. I think Nikki is the cop lady. Not sure if the woman we saw her with was a girlfriend or just a bed partner. I got the impression that after Nikki came to check on Julie and Julie told her about Victor, etc., she was okay taking Nikki back.

Edited by rubinia
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The US version continues to to veer off on a tangent with regards to some significant plot points in the French version.


US version: In a one year ago flashback, Rowan went through the process of cleaning her house, writing goodbye letters, stocking the fridge and dropping off Chloe with Tommy under the guise of going to visit her sister prior to attempting suicide by ODing on pills. Tommy phones Rowan's sister, discovers that Rowan was lying and rushes to her house to find her unconscious on her bed and calls 911.

French version: In a one year ago flashback, Thomas and Chloe came home like any normal day and Thomas finds Adele with her wrist slit in the bathroom. Thomas tells Chloe to go to her room, bandages Adele's wrist and takes her to the hospital. And that's what justified Thomas installing all the hidden cameras -- he didn't want to risk the possibility of Chloe coming home and discover her mother like that ever again.

US version: Rowan doesn't explain anything about Simon or how he died to Chloe.

French version: Adele explains to Chloe that Simon killed himself on her wedding day and she doesn't know why.  And that Simon knew she was pregnant when he did it.


US version: Simon sneaks into Rowan's house and pleads with her to explain why she and Chloe didn't meet him at the train station. Rowan explains that Chloe isn't there and why she wouldn't go away with him since he killed himself on their wedding day, as Tommy enters the living room with his gun pointed at Simon and keeps warning him to stay away from Rowan.  As Simon gets too close, Tommy shoots him in the heart and kills him (which was surprising since he was so physically close to Rowan at the time).  Rowan appears to be relieved that Simon is dead again.

French version: Simon sneaks into Adele's house and pleads with her to explain why she and Chloe didn't meet him at the bus station.  Chloe is in a room upstairs and calls Thomas on a cell phone to tell him to come over since Simon is there. Chloe goes downstairs and tells Simon that he is dead and he chose suicide instead of remaining with them as a husband and father.  Simon leaves Adele's house as Thomas drives up to find Simon on the lawn outside Adele's house. As Adele puts Chloe to bed, Thomas shoots Simon in the chest and kills him (even though he wasn't doing anything threatening at the time).

Note: I thought this was a substantial fail in the US version to leave out the part when Chloe told Simon to go away because he didn't want to be with them since he killed himself.  Having a 10 year old call you out on your shitty choices really hammers home the point.


All of these differences (and there are way too many) with the Rowan/Simon/Tommy story has seriously derailed the US version for me.  And I don't see why they needed these differences.  They only succeeded in making this part of the story less interesting. 

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I really want to know why Simon killed himself or even if he killed himself-there has to be some secret there. No one kills themselves on their wedding day unless something else is going on. And he appears to love Rowan and want to be with her, so it makes no sense.



I definitely don't believe he killed himself and not knowing the background wonder if the cop was already obsessed with Rowan and somehow caused the accident and swooped on in and took advantage of the situation.  


And seriously, with so many people now knowing about the "returneds" someone would have talked to the media by now. 

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Someone just posted in the Rowan episode about why Simon killed himself on his wedding day. And I can't remember, was that ever explained in the French version?  Did he kill himself?  . 

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Someone just posted in the Rowan episode about why Simon killed himself on his wedding day. And I can't remember, was that ever explained in the French version?  Did he kill himself?  .


In the French version, I'm pretty sure Simon hung himself on his wedding day.


When Adele sits down to talk with Chloe in Episode 6, Chloe asks Adele "How old was I when dad killed himself ?" and Adele tells her that she wasn't even born yet, and that Simon knew Adele was pregnant when he killed himself.  


And later in the episode when Simon has sex with Lucy, Lucy has a vision of Simon killing himself and she asks him why he wanted to die.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Honestly, the way they're playing the story, you get the feeling that Tommy had someone run Simon over and then pinned it on suicide.

That's what I was wondering.   Also, someone posted (sorry, can't remember who) that they wondered if Victor stepped into the road and caused Simon to have an accident (like he did with the bus).  Maybe they are going to change the US version so that Simon did not kill himself.

In the French version, I'm pretty sure Simon hung himself on his wedding day.


When Adele sits down to talk with Chloe in Episode 6, Chloe asks Adele "How old was I when dad killed himself ?" and Adele tells her that she wasn't even born yet, and that Simon knew Adele was pregnant when he killed himself.  


And later in the episode when Simon has sex with Lucy, Lucy has a vision of Simon killing himself and she asks him why he wanted to die.

Do you know what reason Simon gave?

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Do you know what reason Simon gave?


Even Simon doesn't remember killing himself, so I don't think they ever came out said why he did it.


I thought Simon had hung himself, based on the hangings by the couple in the shed at the Helping Hand that was intercut with the scene when Simon was having sex with Lucy, but then Chloe draws that picture of Simon shooting himself in the head.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Well, they explained why Victor was standing in the road to make the bus crash, he was getting back at the last person he "adopted."  I fear for Julie, now.  I think she realizes there is something strange about Victor. 


All that filler stuff with Peter and Claire seems like just that, filler.


So this time, will Simon remember how he died?

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I thought this was a substantial fail in the US version to leave out the part when Chloe told Simon to go away because he didn't want to be with them since he killed himself.  Having a 10 year old call you out on your shitty choices really hammers home the point.


Instead, we get Chloe blubbering on about her REAL daddy. Oh, my god, fuck these writers. It drives me up the absolute wall whenever you have child characters who dismiss the people who raised them in favor of their "real" parents.

Edited by methodwriter85
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All that filler stuff with Peter and Claire seems like just that, filler.

Speaking of, are they going to try to stretch this out into another season? One season is an interesting story. Anything more is a soap opera.


I liked Lost. Even the ending, once I gave it a couple of days to think about it. The neverending mystery about what was going on was tolerable because I found enough of the characters engaging. But that is less true for this show so far, and I think if they decide to take 5 seasons to tell this story I probably won't stick around for it.

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I fear for Julie, now.  I think she realizes there is something strange about Victor.

Especially after that scene in the interrogation observation room where Julie noticed Victor bobbing his head in sync with Tony banging his head against the table.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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The 'Claire' episode was almost entirely made of new material -- and a lot of it was filler, and weirdly written filler at that.  No sign of Mrs. Goddard and her plot to blow up the dam, still no sign of animals coming back to life, no sign of the Returned suffering from decayed skin, no sign of the Horde and still no mention of water level issues behind the dam.  Camille finally said something about being hungry all the time and not sleeping.


US version: Claire has an affair with Peter 5 years ago and a full year before Camille died in the bus crash.

French version: Didn't happen, Claire didn't even know Pierre until meeting him as the group counselor and then they struck up a relationship after Jerome left the house.


US version: Rowan claims to police that she didn't know the intruder in her house, but it was someone impersonating Simon her former fiancée, and that Simon held a knife to her throat before Tommy killed Simon.
French version: Simon asked Adele and Chloe to come away with him, but Chloe told him to leave as did Adele.  Simon left Adele's house, was confronted by Thomas with his gun raised on the lawn and Thomas shot him dead.


US version: Nikki finds the old murder case where Victor and his mother were murdered in a home invasion in 1986.
French version: Victor's entire family including both his parents and brother were murdered in the home invasion.


US version: Nikki tells Julie that Victor's real name is Henry, and that he is returned from the dead.  Julie thinks Victor was sent to her for a reason, but Nikki tells her that she wasn't the first person that Victor approached, and that the first time was 4 years ago.
French version: none of this happened.


US version: Victor returned 4 years previously and he approached one of Camille's teachers.  The teacher eventually couldn't deal with Zach (what that teacher called Victor) and abandoned him on a road out in the woods.  Then 3 days later when the bus trip was going down the road and Camille was freaking out, the teacher spied Victor on the road and they locked eyes as the bus driver avoided hitting Victor/Zach and the bus plunged off the road.
French version:  None of that happened,
Note: The US writers are portraying Victor as truly evil in that he planned the bus crash to get revenge on the teacher for abandoning him.  WTF ?


US version: Lena returns home and tells everyone (including Jack and Peter) about her experiences at the Tony's house.  Jack drives to Tony's house with Peter right behind him. Tony hears cars approaching and sends Adam into the woods.  Jack gets out of his car and beats the crap out of Tony, and is only stopped from killing him by Peter.  The cops show up and arrest Tony.
French version:  None of that happened.


US version: Tony confesses to stabbing and biting all of Adam's victims.
French version:  Didn't happen.


US version: Camille picks a basket of apples and asks Claire if they can take them to the Koreztkys to say thanks.  They drive to the Koretzky's house, find their cars in the driveway and no answer to the doorbell, but the front door is unlocked.  Claire and Camille go inside to discover the Koretzkys have hung themselves.
French version:  At the Helping Hand, the Koretzkys pester Camille for more information about their son who also died in the bus crash and the afterlife, so Camille spins some fake tales about how their son was waiting for them.  Camille has lunch with Mrs. Da Costa who asks what about the lies she told the Koretzkys to help them, but Mrs. Da Costa says if she really think Camille helped them to go check the storehouse out back of the Helping Hand.  Camille checks the storehouse and finds the Koretzkys have hung themselves.


US version: Tommy returns home to Rowan's house to find the blood-soaked carpet outside the entrance, and enters the house to find a cleaning bucket where the carpet was.  After Rowan doesn't answer him, he rushes upstairs thinking she tried to kill herself again. But Rowan is just sleeping and she wakes up and she talks to Tommy about having a baby of their own while listening to an iPod playing the song they heard on their first date.
French version:  Didn't happen.

Note: To the writers, wouldn't it make more sense for Rowan and Tommy to listen to the music on an iPod dock instead of plugging in ear bud headphones for them to share.  That portion of the scene just came off as dumb.


US version: Camille and Claire return home and tell Lena, Peter and Jack about what they found, and concoct a story about Peter found the bodies of the Koretzkys.  Peter and Claire get into a spat about Peter's idea for Camille to lie to the Koretzkys and Claire asks Peter to leave.  Jack follows Peter to his car and calls him an opportunist who pounced on a grieving widow after Camille's death.  Peter tells Jack that he doesn't know his wife at all, and that they were sleeping together for a year before Camille's death.
French version: Didn't happen.


US version: Nikki phones Julie to come down to the police station to look at all the evidence retrieved from Tony's house.  Julie leaves Victor with the receptionist at the police station while she looks at the trophies retrieved from Tony's house but none of it is hers.  And Julie has a panic attack and Nikki comforts her.  Victor sneaks away from the receptionist and goes to the observation room attached to the interrogation room that Tony is in.  Victor makes Tony see his dead mother and she tells Tony to make it right.  Victor then controls Tony to start smashing his head against the table.  Julie and Nikki find Victor in the observation room and Julie notices Victor's head going down each time Tony slams his head into the table.  The sound of the bashing draws three officers into the interrogation room and as they struggle with Tony to keep from hurting himself he grabs one of the officers guns and shoots himself in the head and kills himself.
French version:  In Laure's police car, Victor made Tony see a vision of Serge with a gun, and Serge was going to kill Tony to get revenge for tony killing Serge.  Only it's really Tony holding the gun and he shoots himself in the stomach.
Note: Yet another attempt by the writers to make Victor come off as really evil like Damien from 'The Omen'.


US version: Adam returns to Tony's house and finds all his trophies gone and goes to the police station to confess in order to save Tony.  As Adam dawdles at reception, Julie encounters him and doesn't even recognize him as her attacker from seven years ago.  When Adam hears the gun shot, he seems to know that Tony is dead and bolts from the police station and runs down the oddly empty main street of town.
French version: Didn't happen.

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Can someone tell me what happened at the end?  DVR cut off after Rowan's daughter started crying about Simon.


After Chloe threw a tantrum about wanting her real daddy, the scene cut to a shot of the morgue.  As the camera slowly zooms in, we see someone banging from inside one of the morgue drawers.  After a couple more bangs, that morgue drawer rolls open with a naked male body on it, and the naked body sits up to reveal it is Simon back from the dead.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I don't know if this show will be returning for another season, but I don't think I will be.  One of us has to go.  I will hang in until the bitter end. How many episodes are left?  


I couldn't get through an entire episode of The Tomorrow People, but I hoped Mark Pellegrino  would find a better show.  This ain't it. 


I would wish Rowan dead, but due to the nature of this show, it would be kind of pointless.  

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My idea for improving the world:


Every time a man gets blood in his eye and goes off half-cocked, settling scores with his fists, a second more reasonable man will be standing right there to wallop him on the head with a piece of wood.

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Otto, I'm so glad that you do these  recaps.  One thing I was waiting for in the US version is Victor telling Julie she is his fairy (like the fairy in the book his mother was reading to him the night they were killed).  I think Victor alluded to it but I don't think they made the connection that it was from the book.  In the French version they showed the picture of the fairy on the cover of the book and she looked just like Julie.    


I think the US version has gone out of its way to make Victor overtly evil.  He seemed evil in the French version too, but it was more subtle.  He did kill the neighbor, but that was because she directly threatened him and Julie.  I still wonder if French Victor will be played by the same child actor in season 2.  I don't remember what happened to Victor at the end of season one.

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I don't remember what happened to Victor at the end of season one.


At the end of the final episode of the French Season 1, the Horde traded Chloe for the Mrs. Da Costa, Victor, and Camille at the Helping Hand, but Julie accompanied Victor and Claire accompany Camille into the Horde.  Interesting that the Horde did not demand Serge (now returned from the dead for a 2nd time, since I'm pretty sure Serge drowned in the lake) who was in the basement with Toni's body.


But when Lucy demands Adele as well since she is carrying Simon's baby, Thomas shutters the windows and posts all the police officers (including himself) outside armed with the heavy weaponry from the basement.  While we hear the shooting start up, we never see what happens outside the Helping Hand and the power goes out and then you can see people banging against the shutters as the shooting stops.  But when they open up the doors of the Helping Hand at dawn, the Horde is gone, all the police officers are gone, there are no bodies on the ground and the entire town in the valley below is flooded.

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The American version has deviated too far from the French version for me and next week Helen, the title of the episode sets in motion her plan to blow up the dam.  Not expecting any of what you've mentioned in the final episode, OttoDbusdrive (thanks for your recaps!) to happen.  Hated episode 8 this week and dreading what Cuse will do in the final two episodes.  I'll watch but if there is a season 2 I won't be back.  I'll just wait for the French to finally show their season 2 which will be 100% more interesting.  Hopefully it's sooner than later.  

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I don't know if this show will be returning for another season, but I don't think I will be.  One of us has to go.  I will hang in until the bitter end. How many episodes are left?



You express my feelings exactly.  There are 2 episodes left.

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Unless the pace speeds up markedly, I don't think 2 episodes is enough to resolve everything. So clearly they intend to drag this out. As Cody said, I'll finish out the season but I doubt I'll be back. Too many stupid people and not enough smart questions. Unlike Lost, they just don't have the character depth to make that worthwhile. Or maybe Lost just had the good fortune to be the innovator, so the audience was a lot more forgiving for the original than they are for Lost clones these days.

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I agree that Lost was innovative, but it had the advantage of having compelling characters and a season or two of intriguing stories.  I can't begin to compare the two.  

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All that filler stuff with Peter and Claire seems like just that, filler.


So this time, will Simon remember how he died?


Was Claire's big secret that she had sex with Peter five years ago—before Camille died, and while Claire and Jack were still married? (BTW, Jeremy Sisto's male model poses cracked me the hell up.)


Victor remembers what happened to him 29 years ago (when he was Henry) and four years ago (with the spinster schoolmarm), but I don't think they've established whether he's Returned more than once. Also, Victor has powers and abilities far beyond those of the average Returnee.


Edited to add that the Entertainment Weekly recapper has an interesting theory:

Lena doesn’t remember how she got to Tony and Adam’s cabin. She blames it on the pain meds she was on, but my initial reaction was that she died on the way to Tony and Adam’s cabin, and she returned once she got there.
Edited by editorgrrl
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I don't care if the American version goes it's own way; I hate word for word copies, but I want it to have the subtle creepiness that the French version had. The French Victor was creepy because he looked creepy and it suggested he did evil things but not shown. Here we are starting to see his evil deeds, although the child looks pretty innocent to me.

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I don't care if the American version goes it's own way; I hate word for word copies, but I want it to have the subtle creepiness that the French version had.


That's what really bugs me about the US version, it's not really creepy at all.  And the stranger thing is that they did almost a shot-for-shot version for the first 4 or 5 episodes, and then the writers decided to say fuck it, we're doing it our own way.  So why even buy the rights to the French version ?  They could have just written an original series -- something unheard of today because the the complete lack of creativity in Hollywood.

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Peter: "I'm like her. I died."

DUN DUN...<record scratch>

Random 1: "Oh, hey! Me too!"

Random 2: "Yeah so did I. It was weird."

Random 1: "Right?"

Random 3: "Over here. Fell out of a tree last year. I don't think any of you even noticed."

Peter: "Anyone else?"

Hands start raising all over the audience.

Yeah, this show is getting stupid.

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So tonight's episode, that was a new thing they added or more like switched... with Victor's stare down of Nikki and her falling down the stairs right? 'Cause I don't remember that happening in the French version. I remember them taking him in the car and I believe Nikki was driving but they couldn't get out of town because they were driving in like....a loop? 


And I can't remember if the Jeremy Sisto character revealed that he was dead in the original. Anyone?

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After watching this episode, the reveal that Peter is a returned is pretty much all I can remember.  And it was a pretty crappy reveal.  


Blowing up the dam?  Really?  That whole story line in the French version was done so much better.  Well, most of the stories since they deviated from the original were much better.  


Maybe it's because I just finished a rewatch of the original but the French did it so much better.

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No, Nikki didn't fall down the stairs.  Her and Julie got in the police car with Victor, drove around in circles and ended up at the Helping Hand after Victor managed to get Toni to shoot himself.  She's scared of Victor but in the French version, there was nothing about Victor killing the other women who took him in (or the people around them).


And I can't remember if the Jeremy Sisto character revealed that he was dead in the original. Anyone?

Peter's equal in the French version never came out as dead.  Not to say it couldn't happen in the new season but there was nothing to indicate he was dead.  Just a guy who was involved in Victor's death way back when.


I just finished a rewatch of the French version this afternoon and the whole series held my attention.  This US version seems like it's going off track just to be different and not do the original material justice.

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