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S05.E16: Amster-Damn

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Kim is clearly mentally ill; whether it stems from alcohol or drugs, I have no idea.  Never in a million years, could I imagine engaging with a mentally ill person on such a level as LisaR has done.   After the limo ride, it was quite clear this was a person to avoid, NOT engage.   I would politely inform the mentally ill person's next of kin and bow out.   If I was bound by contract by the RHOBH to be in her immediate vicinity, I would be polite, courteous and that is all.    I hate using this term, because nobody should behave the way Kim did, but  ... here goes... LisaR did "ask for it."

Amen. Love this post. As Sherlock would say "elementary, my dear Watson". 

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There's no doubt Kim is being extra cruel to her sister. She tells her she loves her and all is right in the world, but basically still blames Kyle. Even though Kyle has been covering up for Kim for years...she somehow sees the way Kyle has handled her in the past as wrong. In Amsterdam, at one point Kyle is exacerbated by Kim and tells LisaR, LisaV and Eileen that she is the weaker sister. Maybe Kyle needs some tools (Al-Anon) to know how to exist with Kim without all the secrets and lies.

Or at the very least make peace with living her life without working with Kim.

I look at it this way what a joy it has been for Kyle's family to have not seen Kim.  Seems last time they crossed paths Kim's dog bit Kyle's daughter.  Let's see the Umanskys have been to Cabo, Vail and Sundance during this period and have posted wonderful photos.  Seems they might just have to resign themselves to the four months of shooting and endure it.  After reading Brandi's blog there is no hope for these sisters--too much anger coming off of Kim.  The last thing I would have expected would have been for Kyle to stick around and assess Kim's injuries. 

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Well you'd be a different HW than me. If someone first told me blah, blah, blah at Eileen's house when asked addiction questions and then to "drop it" (Kyle's words for what to say to LisaR) in a gutteral growl I'd get the hint.

What the heck Kim isn't my friend or my relative why the hell would I feel I had to take this further, on camera, except if it was Lisa's story arc? It appears LisaR skipped a "one on one private meeting" with Kim to discuss the issue...which did occur after the wine glass throwing incident. At this meeting she may have brought up what Brandi said. Now LisaR says she's finished and won't be doing the addiction dance with Kim anymore...fear seems to be more powerful than Bravo producers.

I think if any of us were forced to work with a wacked out coworker we may all have different views. LOL It is not like LisaR had a choice in dealing with her and I do think she came from a good/honest place but IMO, Kim does not deserve anyone's concern or support after this, let her rot in the hellish nightmare she has made of her life.

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Did Kim actually say I'm sorry or apologize to Lisar in the hotel room the next AM? I hv to rewatch but I don't think she did.


She didn't.  


BTW........I love your username!  :)

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I'm sort of hoping maybe her kids did give her a bottom line ultimatum.  


Not that it matters if they did or not, because, as we saw for ourselves, she clearly made the choice to start back up at least some degree.



Hey, totally understandable.  


When the vile bitch has so many instances of whacked out behavior over so many seasons, it almost requires a Power Point presentation to keep them all straight.  


After this Amster-Damn debacle, I can't wait for the reunion.  

Sober or not sober....if I were one of her kids, I would give Kim an ultimatum that if she continues to act like a nasty, out of control bitch on television and continue to embarrass me and herself, she wouldn't be seeing much of me, either....


Kim's behavior was "indefensible" (great line from Kyle, btw)....but, so was Lisa Rinna's.  Grabbing at someone's throat, throwing wine at someone and then shattering the glass on the table was one of the worst things I've ever seen on a Housewives' show.  I can understand how Lisa was driven to that reaction, but it was definitely out of line.  The only saving grace is that Lisa was truly apologetic for her behavior, to any and all who witnessed it.  She owned it, and asked for forgiveness - over and over and over again.  Kim has not yet once apologized to ANYONE for anything....and that, to me, is indefensible.


I will say, though, that Lisa Rinna takes the top prize away from Teresa Guidice and her "table flip"....

Edited by njbchlover
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The clip included above shows LisaR had a change of heart about Kim.


I could not help but to LMAO at Lisa declaring that she is scared of Kim when not to long ago she was exclaiming, "I don't know why everyone around here is scared of Kim Richards?!"

I don't agree with Eileen's position about how Lisa R is dealing with the situation in this clip (I assume it it a preview of the next episode and not an "extra") but I will hold that thought until the First Look or episode thread is re-opened / opened.

Edited by quinn
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I feel that if she [LisaR] wants to go there for a storyline then she's gonna have to take what she takes in return.

As well as Kim.



if something is caught on camera it's still not right to:

--Insert yourself into someone else's personal business.

Then that person should not create a situation or cause drama (limo ride) with someone while they are high as a kite. Maybe that person should not have gone out that evening if the pill they took, that is not prescribed to them, made them feel "sick".



Continue to discuss a subject that just hours before was the cause of an unpleasant exchange

Kim's sobriety was not discussed. An apology was issued. The response to that apology was "Well, you did!!" LisaR quipped she knows what she did in the past and was letting it go. Kim's reaction to an apology is what got out of control.



Kim doesn't just have her episodes for shits and giggles. She has them because partly she's struggling with an addiction and she's constantly battling.

Then Kim needs to be released from this show for her sanity and mental health. For all the talk about no one having any real concern for Kim, what about Kim's concerns for her own health and welfare? If she is sober, as she claims, and this show is creating a hostile situation for her, then she should remove herself from this show and deal with her struggle.

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Love your post.  I am also a sucker for the Lisa V & Kyle friendship.  I love it when they are getting along and having fun but also being supportive of one another. 


Even though what had just happened before was hell, I loved seeing the Lisas, Kyle and Eileen hugging it out and talking afterwards.  It felt genuine and I really wish Bravo will drop Kim and Brandi and focus on the HW with actual friendships and connections.  



Does anyone know how many episodes are left before the reunion?  I don't want to bail now, but man this show....lol 

Kyle said the Reunion airs April 7th.  According to this Bravo episode description they are still in Amsterdam through March 17 th episode.  BTW the episode description is juicy.  So that would mean there would be two more episodes after the March 17th. http://www.bravotv.com/schedule

Edited by zoeysmom
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THIS! A MILLION TIMES! It ain't rocket science. You don't keep messing with a hot mess unless you like the drama that it brings and being that she's trying to stick a spot on the show I feel that if she wants to go there for a storyline then she's gonna have to take what she takes in return. She wants to take risks like that and think it's not gonna bite her in the ass. Hey, it's said over and over that Kim can't control her storyline, she's shown her ass and so everything is game. I also don't like this whole if the women aren't bringing it up on camera then it's off limits for the other women to say. I mean I get it I really do but really? Rules for a reality show? Nah, not gonna happen.


I don't see how there's levels of morals? So if someone slips up and it's caught on camera then hey the other women can have at it with no regard for the bigger picture cause hey it's been left in the open so it's cool to pick the bones but if the others don't bring something to the forefront with their behavior or by officially mentioning it then it should be sidestepped, avoided and  a conscious effort needs to be made by everyone all season to stick with the script? It's a reality show. Plus I don't get how there are rules because "it's not right to...." but regardless if something is caught on camera it's still not right to:


--Insert yourself into someone else's personal business. I for one don't go around poking into my coworkers private life because being around her a couple of times made me uncomfortable and uneasy. I either hope it doesn't happen again and if I fear it will then I will have to figure out what I need to do to about future interations cause I'm not going to count on the "crazy" person to curb their behavior. That makes no damn sense to me.


--Call someone an addict over and over and over while speaking to other people without the person being present or attempting to have a private conversation with the person you seemed so set on trying to understand. Again makes no damn sense to me.


--Bring it up, speak your piece and because you weren't happy with how it was received continue chewing on that bone.


--Again discuss while crying addict, addict, addict and putting more life into the whole subject matter and associate aftershock confrontations with her addictions instead of the petty shit it had more to do with.


--Pretend not to understand how someone may not want to discuss something so sensitive in front of the other women and continue to encourage public confrontations.


--Continue to discuss a subject that just hours before was the cause of an unpleasant exchange and was also pretty well covered and filed away in the "not tryna talk about it" file.


--Ignoring another persons wishes to not bring up such a sensitive subject once the person has expressed they want it put to bed which they have every right to do since the subject has been beat to death anyway.


-Go for someone's throat


-Throw and smash a wine glass at someone


I can't give LisaR a pass because it's her decisions to continue provoking the issue that caused that exchange. People go below the belt when they reach a level of desperation and aggravation and considering the subject matter I'm not surprised that Kim came out swinging. I have a position on Kim so I won't drone on but in this episode take out the whole supposed "below the belt remarks" (I mean come on LisaR has been screaming addict for the last 100 episodes, just because it's not a secret doesn't mean she's got to lead with that all the time. I got a friend who used to be a hooker and I don't go around saying she's a hooker, she's a hooker when I'm talking about her it's the truth but at this point Lisa R should just stop calling her Kim and just start using "The addict"). But take away that and what you have is LisaR again rolling it back around to Kim. Why can't she just let it go? That's just rude.


There's a lot of episodes where Kim isn't provoking shit but because it's Kim it was wrong and "provoking" to invite Brandi even though I pretty much got the genuine vibe with her idea to break the ice and she walked in and right away explained it to Kyle so there was no misunderstanding as to why she brought Brandi. Kim was sitting at that table just ready to proceed with the night and here we go again about addiction. I honestly thought it was in bad taste to bring it up YET AGAIN. Not only for Kim for the other ladies as well. Lisa R doesn't think she's creating an awkward vibe for everyone else when she puts Kim on the spot like that? Like come on already. I would have been fed up too. You make it clear, you express your position and it's like nope, uh-uh I'm going to disregard that and continue.


I don't care if they don't like Kim or what Kim has done in the past or behaved in the past when you want to continue in a direction that just exasperates a situation just for shits and giggles then you're an asshole. Kim doesn't just have her episodes for shits and giggles. She has them because partly she's struggling with an addiction and she's constantly battling.  These other women... Shits and giggles. Cause they want to be heard, because they want their opinions and perspectives to be heard over others. LisaR wants her opinion to be more important than Kims desire to be more discreet about her challenges. Why is that? Because "gasp" she was stuck in a limo for what 20-30 minutes? with crazy Kim. Oh No! Get the smelling salts for LisaR poor thing. It had to take a confrontation like last night that, where Lisa R ended up the one apologizing anyway (which I loved by the way and no it didn't escape me that Kim didn't apologize not once in that whole exchange HA!) for it to finally be put to bed for the season?


These technicalities that get thrown around to excuse the open season that goes on regarding Kim's addiction "oh it happened on camera" "LisaR was witness to the bizarre behavior so now she can say what she wants talk about it all day long etc. etc" just makes my head spin. I mean that's NOT what people do. Most people wouldn't want to create an awkward situation when it's not necessary. Kim does it cause she took a pill or has been drunk in past seasons but these women create awkward, nasty moments all the time with no real justifications what so ever. Oh wait.. they're "concerned" oh please! Spare me!


I know its really hard to defend Brandi but I always see why she gets so damn unruly! It's maddening to see these women cloak the bullshit and cattiness with these declarations of concern all the while slightly veiling their true position of feeling superior.

Hi Sincerely yours....Magnificent post...love it! Thank you for sharing your brilliant thought process. :)

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Brandi's Blurg, oops "Blog" is up. More delusion this week than last. And Brandi, if you are still trying to weasel ways of staying in Yo's life, you may want to remember her mom's name is ANS. Not "Ana" as you called her. Way to underscore how close you really are to Yo.

If Brandi has such deep disdain and disgust over her non-Kim and non-Yo cast mates, then why doesn't she QUIT for Christ's sake! Go live your self proclaimed incredibly happy and full life away from the cameras. I'm really over how she tries to throw shade at the other women because of their ages. So the fuck what if most of them are 50 or over? The clock is ticking for you too, Brandi. Some studies have shown people who are bitter, negative, hold grudges, drink excessively etc. age faster and harder. Good luck keeping up your "youthful" plastic looks.

Just sayin'. Y'all know I'm just a truth cannon, and that's how I roll. I don't have a filter.

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There were some people in the back toward the left of the screen. I couldn't tell if they were scandalized or anything though. I myself would probably be somewhat delighted, I confess.

I would be ducking for cover from flying shards of glass....

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See this is why I don't think that Lisa R was bringing up her sister's death only to join in Yolanda's Sharing Time.  Lisa R is an old pro at getting any job. She knows what it takes to stay on the RHBH. She needs screen time. She wasn't talking about her sister's death primarily to share her past. She was talking about it to poke Kim. IMO all her talk of "concern" is secondary to having a storyline.  Just MO.  This tweet is just not becoming.  Making light of the nonsense that went down.  She acted like a prison-yard thug, poked a mentally ill addict (IMO) and is now poking her again.  Lisa R find the fucking high road.  


Yo pulled it back together.  She told Kim she behaved poorly right away.  Brandi was  silent except for the glass throwing/throat grabbing comments.  The other group in Kyle's room really went after Kim, but also Brandi who just sat there at dinner.  Eileen especially.  Eileen and her crocodile tears.  The soap actress has come to play.  Her breathy, "Did you call me a beast!?!"  Now her tears.  And she's all geared up to confront Kim and ruin what's left of the trip despite seeing what just happened.


Great Post. Eileen is a good actress. I am never quite sure when she is being the real Eileen and when she is being the actress Eileen on the RHOBH. 

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I would really love to believe that was what Brandi was thinking in that teeny, tiny brain of hers, but no. I will go with the idea that Brandi, again, was on her own, just like at LisaV's surprise birthday party. She didn't have Kimmy by her side. YoFo was chatting it up with LisaR and Eileen while LisaV was chatting with Kyle and YoFo's brother. Brandi sits there sulking because she is not the center of attention. She had to find something to bitch about and found her target: Kyle.  She then goes off and has a tantrum and a public outburst. It was very rude of Brandi to display, again, her juvenile antics, especially on the streets of Amsterdam. YoFo and her brother looked like they couldn't get away from her fast enough.

I was kind of inside Brandi's head during that hash-house trip. She was bored to death because she's done her share of weed smoking of course and knows that most of the others have too. Their pretenses at being 'first-time-innocents' was even amusing to me.

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Love your post.  I am also a sucker for the Lisa V & Kyle friendship.  I love it when they are getting along and having fun but also being supportive of one another. 


Even though what had just happened before was hell, I loved seeing the Lisas, Kyle and Eileen hugging it out and talking afterwards.  It felt genuine and I really wish Bravo will drop Kim and Brandi and focus on the HW with actual friendships and connections.  



Does anyone know how many episodes are left before the reunion?  I don't want to bail now, but man this show....lol 

Yes!  Me too!  Other than Teresa/Dina, LVP/Kyle as friends are my top fav.  I couldn't stand the last 2 1/2 seasons seeing them fight over petty crap and having the likes of Brandi ruin their friendship the last 2 seasons.  Plus I got tired of the fan wars, it got too crazy.


But let's take a moment...


Edited by BlackMamba
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Kyle said the Reunion airs April 7th.  According to this Bravo episode description they are still in Amsterdam through March 17 th episode.  BTW the episode description is juicy.  So that would mean there would be two more episodes after the March 17th.


Thank you bunches!  


Juicy, huh ....  guess that means I have to watch.  I want a cookie for it though.  A space cake-cookie.  A space cookie.  I want an entire space dessert tray for having to watch this mess.  lol 

Edited by SwordQueen
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Brandi's blog just posted. I couldn't even finish that nonsense.

IMO, she did NOT write it, someone else did for her. I read her first book and have listened to her speak on this show, her podcast and CA as well as numerous WWHL/interviews, she is NOT that smart, not that articulate to have written that, in any way shape or form.


Wow, did anyone else catch this from Kim!



I suspect that she and Brandi had already decided on what she should say/do and she was going over their plan. They knew that Yolanda was going to start this confrontation/subject at the dinner and prepared Kim's speech/attacks on LisaR, Kyle and Eileen.

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Wow - great clip. I love Eileen. Is she a part-time shrink? Does she play one on Y & R? I'm serious - I can't think of a smarter HoWife.



I like the way she kept addressing the night before and questioning Lisar on her actions but wish she would have also addressed the wine glass throw and Lisar's attempt to touch Kim out of anger.



After watching that clip, I'm loving Eileen more and more.  She's right about LisaR going in circles.  "I'll never speak of IT again" and then addressing IT in the restaurant.  Then swearing that she'll never speak to Kim again after the restaurant and not only lets her in her room the next morning, but winds up apologizing to Kim.  That's going in circles in my book too.


Eileen didn't address the glass throwing but maybe that will come up in the reunion.

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I would be ducking for cover from flying shards of glass....

Well according to Brandi's (ghost written) blog, LisaR threw shards of glass on them intentionally! I guess I missed LisaR scooping up the broken glass pieces and throwing them at Kim/Brandi but I guess my 58 year old eyes are too old to see that! LOL


Oh, and Brandi claims she cut her fingers picking glass out of her hair, face, ears and clothes but I didn't see any band aids on her fingers or that she had trouble holding the handle bars of her bicycle. And least we forget, Brandi has kids and did not want to get glass in her kids clothes when she washed them. Brandi and Kim are really pushing that they have kids, but IMO, they don't care enough to not get high/drunk on camera and act vile to everyone.

Edited by WireWrap
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Well according to Brandi's (ghost written) blog, LisaR threw shards of glass on them intentionally! I guess I missed LisaR scooping up the broken glass pieces and throwing them at Kim/Brandi but I guess my 58 year old eyes are too old to see that! LOL


I just read Brandi's blog and didn't see her say she threw shards of glass on them intentionally. She did say LisaR flipped out to point of smashing a glass causing the glass to go and land everywhere.


See, this is my issue this season. There appears to be a lot of word twisting going on. 


I think Kim has always been close to her sister Kathy and those two have been closer maybe than each is with Kyle. I think Kyle is apparently a better parent than Kathy and Kim which would bring it's own issues into their family. Anyhow! I do believe that Kyle brought Kim on this show with intent to help Kim but also maybe force Kim's addiction into a light. I think in Kyle's mind, all of this was done lovingly. I think in Kim's mind it is heinous act to do to your sister. 


Now that the show has been on several years, Kyle has success and her husband a new business and everyone is profiting financially, Kyle doesn't need Kim anymore so she's dumping her. Kim has believed all these seasons that Kyle loves her and cares about her when what has actually turned out to the case is that Kyle is only interested in Kyle more than anyone or anything else. That may very well be how the world is supposed to turn. But it hurt and continues to hurt Kim and it's making life harder for Kim to have everyone hammering on her issues. 


I just want to see the reunion and then I think i'm done with this show. This alcohol addiction storyline followed by a full season of Let's Throw the Addict Under the Bus is not entertainment to me.

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I just know there are truckloads of people out there that want to be totally and absolutely devoted to Kim over their own self worth, family, friends and co-workers.

Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally  committed to their recovery is more than adequate. Unfortunately, Kyle, who wants to be "in' with her clique of friends, wants to be on the show, craves fan approval doesn't fit the bill. 

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BRAVO needs to start doing better research before they send HW on overseas trips. They should be sending them to places where street combat is considered normal, everyday behavior.

Like Afghanistan?

Everyone stands up ready to go as she approaches. Kim stands there and asks "where's Kim, she coming?" Lisa Rinna says "mm-mm". Kyle looks surprised and says "Kim's not coming?" Lisa V says "She's not coming. Well, I don't think she's gonna go to the pot shop, is she?" There was a pause in which Kyle stands there in wide-eyed dismay then a light bulb goes off inside her head where she makes the connection of Kim's addiction and pot and says "Oh". Kyle in her solo dialog shot says "It's best that Kim isn't coming. Kim and I are not even looking at each other may not be the most mature route to go but anything more than this is going to lead to disaster."

This was a huge revelation about Kyle in my opinion. Kim's sobriety was the furthest thing from her mind. She never gave a single thought to how going to a pot shop might be uncomfortable, unpleasant and maybe even dangerous for her sister who has been fighting for sobriety for 3 years. Kyle thought that it was best that Kim not accompany them to the pot shop only because it would have been uncomfortable for her because they were not even looking at each other. Kim's sobriety was the last thing that concerned Kyle.

Kim's sobriety wasn't on Kyle's mind because it doesn't exist. I know people who loudly and proudly discuss their sobriety in public, don't use in front of others, but then go home and use. It takes more than words - actions speak much more loudly.

CHARMED1, ON 04 MAR 2015 - 09:41 AM, SAID:

Stop spreading lies about her. Bride of Chucky has been sober for three years!

To be fair Bride of Chucky has not had a DRINK in 3 years.....


As an aside, the reason this thread is so long is that everyone is quoting everybody else's long post rather than just the portion they're responding to. Just a thought.

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Brandi's blog just posted. I couldn't even finish that nonsense.

Forget everything I said about Brandi being slightly more tolerable than Kim right now. 


They both suck with equal measure.

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It's been awhile now, but wasn't Brandi also pretty much iced out at the season premiere, the white party at Kyle's?


I seem to recall footage of her sitting off by herself (maybe her stylist was there, too) and everyone else having a great time.


I think she even left early because after cordial greetings, the other guests pretty much just ignored her.


Am I remembering that correctly?  Must be time for another cup of coffee...

IIRC Brandi was asked to join the other women on the dance floor at the White Party but refused.


The funny thing is that this is not the first time we've seen such a scene with Brandi.  She has attended numerous events where she is filled with anxiety or feels iced out but the difference is that in previous seasons she had a wealthy patron whom she would whine to, the patron would then comfort her and make a point of looking out for her - first it was Adrienne, then Lisa then Yolanda.  Brandi, having run out of wealthy patrons, has gone completely downmarket and it's now her hairdresser/house guest that she does her bitching and whining to.

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I think if any of us were forced to work with a wacked out coworker we may all have different views. LOL It is not like LisaR had a choice in dealing with her and I do think she came from a good/honest place but IMO, Kim does not deserve anyone's concern or support after this, let her rot in the hellish nightmare she has made of her life.

Hahaha WW...tell us how you really feel about Kim Richards! :D

I applaude LisaR for meeting with Kim one on one void of cameras. Whatever their agreement to move forward is their beeswax.

Looking forward to how the cast conducts themselves in future episodes and the reunion...hopefully we have a little light hearted humor to go along with the vitriol.

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So E! News had segment of 'Top10 Real Housewives Meltdowns'. The Amsterdamn dinner won the #1 spot. IDK, it was definitely up there but I think the Tre Gee-Do-Chay table flip from Jersey should have been #1.

What do you all think?

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Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally  committed to their recovery is more than adequate. Unfortunately, Kyle, who wants to be "in' with her clique of friends, wants to be on the show, craves fan approval doesn't fit the bill. 


And that one person who is totally, genuinely, totally committed to their recovery should be the addict.  No one else can commit to another's life that much and still maintain healthy boundaries.  Loving and being supportive of someone doesn't mean having to be available to them 24/7 and to always agree with them and back them up no matter what.  It is not up to anyone but Kim to be committed to her own recovery.    

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After watching that clip, I'm loving Eileen more and more. She's right about LisaR going in circles. "I'll never speak of IT again" and then addressing IT in the restaurant. Then swearing that she'll never speak to Kim again after the restaurant and not only lets her in her room the next morning, but winds up apologizing to Kim. That's going in circles in my book too.

Eileen didn't address the glass throwing but maybe that will come up in the reunion.

I hope so. I don't think anyone should act like that because they were verbally provoked. I hope Kim is called out on her actions too. Hell, I hope all of them are, except Eileen. She's the only sane one right now. Course we have five episodes left, right?

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Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally  committed to their recovery is more than adequate. Unfortunately, Kyle, who wants to be "in' with her clique of friends, wants to be on the show, craves fan approval doesn't fit the bill. 

I think Kim needs to move past having a singular person, as she claims Brandi, Kathy, Monty, Liane and her children are better than Kyle at supporting her.  Sometimes people need to give their family permission to disengage without guilt.  I get confused at one point it was stated her support system has to have a total commitment to Kim and Kim alone-I don't see this short of a spouse or significant other that being the norm.   To me, there is nothing wrong with being in the second tier.  I also think it was primarily Brandi bringing this up because as Brandi has stated Kim is a burden on her.  I really don't think Kyle has ever asked to be the one and only, as you have indicated, is all that is needed.  Nor do I think her friends expect her to be or a majority of the viewing public.  Right now I think if there was a poll it would weigh heavily in favor of these sisters not being so closely involved.  IMO.

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Well according to Brandi's (ghost written) blog, LisaR threw shards of glass on them intentionally! I guess I missed LisaR scooping up the broken glass pieces and throwing them at Kim/Brandi but I guess my 58 year old eyes are too old to see that! LOL

Oh, and Brandi claims she cut her fingers picking glass out of her hair, face, ears and clothes but I didn't see any band aids on her fingers or that she had trouble holding the handle bars of her bicycle. And least we forget, Brandi has kids and did not want to get glass in her kids clothes when she washed them. Brandi and Kim are really pushing that they have kids, but IMO, they don't care enough to not get high/drunk on camera and act vile to everyone.

I've watched this a couple times and first Lisar grabs for Kim, then, directly after that, Kim jumps into Lisar's face (not traumatized by the throat grab, asking for more, gloating) with her finger and face, gets the wine thrown, then Lisar breaks the glass; she doesn't throw it at anything but the table, HER side of the table. Kim was opposite.

Eileen was next to Lisar. Did she mention glass hitting her?

Ramona shied first an oar, then a plastic cup filled with wine, at her pretty young castmember's face. She had already attacked this woman once before. IMO, her shit was way worse. There was no confrontation taking place at the time. But OT.

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I think I am going to add to my bucket list getting a great, big, Yolanda Hadid Foster hug.


I liked Kim and Kyle jackets / outerwear throughout the episode.  I also liked the jackets Lisa V and Eileen wore on the bike ride.

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Rinna to Kim:  "It's not ok to talk to your sister or anyone like that.It's not ok to talk to anyone like that, Kim. Your behavior is not ok". 


Really Rinna? I guess it's ok to try to lunge at a co-worker while in public at a fancy restaurant, try to choke them, threaten them saying "Don't you ever go near my husband, don't you touch him", throw a glass of wine at them,  smash the wine glass into thousand pieces, make a spectacle of oneself and co-workers in a foreign country.


Lisa Rinna. Civility personified. HA!  The irony.


One second Rinna is pontificating to Kim about appropriate behavior, teaching Kim about how not to talk to ANYONE, the next she is doing exactly the SAME  and FAR WORSE. Do these people not hear/see themselves? And Rinna is supposed to be one of the saner ones on the show? 


I suppose Rinna(Do as I say, not as I do) thinks her behavior is Ok. 


I have read many posts here saying "I don't condone what Lisar did, but I understand it". Hmmm. Isn't "understanding it" same as approving, forgiving, regarding  it as acceptable, in other words, condoning it? 


No, just no to your last paragraph.

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Was anyone else in that restaurant? Because wow what an ugly scene.


Speaking of the ugly scene in the restaurant.........I sure hope they left a good tip but that would only happen if they remembered to pay the check!  ;)

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I think I am going to add to my bucket list getting a great, big, Yolanda Hadid Foster hug.

Do you think she'd give us the recipe for the hazelnut cake she and her mom served the women?  Then we can all have some Amster-damnthat'sdelicious and something good will have come from all this.

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I was kind of inside Brandi's head during that hash-house trip. She was bored to death because she's done her share of weed smoking of course and knows that most of the others have too. Their pretenses at being 'first-time-innocents' was even amusing to me.

Even if that was the case, what excuse is there for her behavior on the streets of Amsterdam? She was bored? Then the chick needs to lighten up because that was her time to eat some hash-laced cake and have a great time. Boredom never stopped Brandi from being a lush on camera or out in public away from the Bravo cameras. Brandi is crazy for taking any remarks made by anyone there that she was being outed as a bad parent for smoking weed. She has done a lot of other things that make me question her qualities as a good parent. If that is what she heard, then she is hearing things and twisting them to fit her agenda for that night. Just because one parent had discretion about marijuana use, that does not mean Brandi has to follow suit nor was it a personal attack, which is one of Brandi's faults - she hears what other people say to her as an attack, which then causes her to deflect. It makes no sense that she felt the others were being hypocritical because other than Kyle, they all ATE the cake! Really? Brandi is upset because Kyle chose not to eat cake and therefore, she is right to go off and scream and yell in public? Brandi made it loud and clear that Kyle has been in her presence when she smoked weed. Did Kyle blast her for doing that? Probably not, because if she did, Brandi would have likely mentioned it before last night. And seriously, what does Brandi care if Kyle chose not to eat cake? STFU Brandi. You are as transparent as YoFo's white pants.



Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally  committed to their recovery is more than adequate.

You are right. The addict only needs ONE person, and that person is the person looking back at them in the mirror. Kim could have a shitload of sponsors and support, but it won't matter if she is not being truthful and honest. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I just read Brandi's blog and didn't see her say she threw shards of glass on them intentionally. She did say LisaR flipped out to point of smashing a glass causing the glass to go and land everywhere.


See, this is my issue this season. There appears to be a lot of word twisting going on. 


I think Kim has always been close to her sister Kathy and those two have been closer maybe than each is with Kyle. I think Kyle is apparently a better parent than Kathy and Kim which would bring it's own issues into their family. Anyhow! I do believe that Kyle brought Kim on this show with intent to help Kim but also maybe force Kim's addiction into a light. I think in Kyle's mind, all of this was done lovingly. I think in Kim's mind it is heinous act to do to your sister. 


Now that the show has been on several years, Kyle has success and her husband a new business and everyone is profiting financially, Kyle doesn't need Kim anymore so she's dumping her. Kim has believed all these seasons that Kyle loves her and cares about her when what has actually turned out to the case is that Kyle is only interested in Kyle more than anyone or anything else. That may very well be how the world is supposed to turn. But it hurt and continues to hurt Kim and it's making life harder for Kim to have everyone hammering on her issues. 


I just want to see the reunion and then I think i'm done with this show. This alcohol addiction storyline followed by a full season of Let's Throw the Addict Under the Bus is not entertainment to me.

Directly from Brandi's blog.......


", it was Kim’s and my fault that Rinna is a crazy, violent person who throws dangerous broken glass in people’s faces. You women are over half a century old."


"Heaving broken glass at people’s faces:"


"purposefully smashing a large wine glass as hard as you can in the direction of my and Kim’s face wasn’t discussed at all."


"but for not physically shielding your sister from physical, flying glass"


The top quote suggests that the glass was thrown at Kim on purpose, as does the second quote, while the 3rd quote actually says that LisaR broke the glass in the direction of not just Kim's face but also Brandi's, so IMO I am not "twisting anything. That is what she said, or rather her ghost blogger said.LOL


So if Kyle was helping Kim by getting her on the show for her, Kim's own good, how is she done "using" her? How does helping your sister turn into "using her"?

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Even if that was the case, what excuse is there for her behavior on the streets of Amsterdam? She was bored? Then the chick needs to lighten up because that was her time to eat some hash-laced cake and have a great time. Boredom never stopped Brandi from being a lush on camera or out in public away from the Bravo cameras. Brandi is crazy for taking any remarks made by anyone there that she was being outed as a bad parent for smoking weed. She has done a lot of other things that make me question her qualities as a good parent. If that is what she heard, then she is hearing things and twisting them to fit her agenda for that night. Just because one parent had discretion about marijuana use, that does not mean Brandi has to follow suit nor was it a personal attack, which is one of Brandi's faults - she hears what other people say to her as an attack, which then causes her to deflect. It makes no sense that she felt the others were being hypocritical because other than Kyle, they all ATE the cake! Really? Brandi is upset because Kyle chose not to eat cake and therefore, she is right to go off and scream and yell in public? Brandi made it loud and clear that Kyle has been in her presence when she smoked weed. Did Kyle blast her for doing that? Probably not, because if she did, Brandi would have likely mentioned it before last night. And seriously, what does Brandi care if Kyle chose not to eat cake? STFU Brandi. You are as transparent as YoFo's white pants.

You are right. The addict only needs ONE person, and that person is the person looking back at them in the mirror. Kim could have a shitload of sponsors and support, but it won't matter if she is not being truthful and honest.

Brandi also refused the cake, so I didn't get this. She's also not drinking. Not a "producer-interference" poster, but this is a place where the PTB may have intervened and issued a warning, couched as "keep your wits."

Brandi was jonesing as much as Kim.

Edited by SFoster21
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Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally  committed to their recovery is more than adequate. Unfortunately, Kyle, who wants to be "in' with her clique of friends, wants to be on the show, craves fan approval doesn't fit the bill. 

Wait, Kyle can't have her own friends and Kyle can't want to be on the show because Kim is not in that "clique" because she is an on/off again addict and Kyle must drop everything she enjoys/wants because....Kim needs 24/7 devotion? LOL

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Directly from Brandi's blog.......


", it was Kim’s and my fault that Rinna is a crazy, violent person who throws dangerous broken glass in people’s faces. You women are over half a century old."


"Heaving broken glass at people’s faces:"


"purposefully smashing a large wine glass as hard as you can in the direction of my and Kim’s face wasn’t discussed at all."


"but for not physically shielding your sister from physical, flying glass"


The top quote suggests that the glass was thrown at Kim on purpose, as does the second quote, while the 3rd quote actually says that LisaR broke the glass in the direction of not just Kim's face but also Brandi's, so IMO I am not "twisting anything. That is what she said, or rather her ghost blogger said.LOL


So if Kyle was helping Kim by getting her on the show for her, Kim's own good, how is she done "using" her? How does helping your sister turn into "using her"?


Please accept my apology. I was not saying *you* were twisting words. I was referring to the cast on RHOBH in each episode this season and how they communicate between each other and then relay convos to others later. 


I didn't read any of that as saying Lisa intentionally threw glass in their faces. I read it as Lisa breaking the glass *caused* glass to go everywhere, including on them to some extent. Just difference in understanding of what was written I think. In any case, you used the word intentionally and I didn't read intent in that, just facts actually that glass was broken - as to where it landed I can't be sure and only have her word for it.

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So E! News had segment of 'Top10 Real Housewives Meltdowns'. The Amsterdamn dinner won the #1 spot. IDK, it was definitely up there but I think the Tre Gee-Do-Chay table flip from Jersey should have been #1.

What do you all think?

Tre will always be my #1 because she introduced me to the phrase prostitution whore. God bless her in all her incarcerated glory.

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BlackMamba, they all look lovely.  And I'm totally jelly at how they can all look that good whilst biking. 


OMG, Wirewrap, did Brandi once again throw shade on the other HW for their age?!  Isn't Brandi over 40, herself?  What a shit pig. 



beaker73, Prostitution Whore is one of my favorite phrases ever.  Redundant, but that just makes it doubly as awesome. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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Wow, did anyone else catch this from Kim!



I mentioned this in the first look thread.


To me this is further proof that Kim was feeling hostile and dismissive before Lisa R even opened her mouth. Even Brandi acknowledges in her blog that Kim was "armed" and "waiting" for a fight.


From Brandi's blog:

Eileen bent out of shape that Rinna made a peace pact with Kim. Looks like someone broke ranks to cover her ass. So, where would that leave superior Eileen if she couldn’t talk about Kim or me? Talking down to her husband? Picking a tomato? *yawn*



Brandi is really trying to sell the idea that Eileen doesn't have anything to talk about other than Kim or Brandi but it seems to me that Brandi can't go a moment this season without talking about Kim, Lisa R, or Eileen--so how is she any different?


Even worse was this, also from Brandi's blog:


Tossing an inch of wine while “play acting soap opera” was worthy of pearl clutching and disgust usually reserved for when people find a mass grave. It’s called joking, horseplay, goofing, messing around. My intent was mischief. I was playing. It was misunderstood, but it’s not in the same league as violence.



This woman actually thinks that she's going to get let off of the hook for her own wine throwing incident because Lisa R took her own a step further than Brandi's? She can GTFO I'm not going for it and she isn't proving to me that she's somehow a better person than LisaR. 


Me, my, and I are Kyle’s favorite three words, but let’s focus on tonight only. Special shout-out for not only failing to verbally defend your own sister but for not physically shielding your sister from physical, flying glass or even waiting to see if she had been hurt. 100% self-preservation in action, folks.



Can you believe this woman? Oh, and she's definitely describing herself with the "Me, my, and I.." sentence.


Oh, to have traveled to beautiful Amsterdam with only Yo and Kim. 



I...I can't close my mouth. Not that I expected her to take any responsibility for ruining the evening after the visit to the pot shop but to make it seem as though Kim hasn't done anything wrong at all.


She also completely leaves out Yolanda's role in steering the direction of the conversation in the first place. Lisa R wasn't giving a "sermon" of any kind and Brandi is ridiculous if she thinks people will forget the conversation she had with Lisa R where she made it seem like she thought a group intervention was a good idea and that she didn't want Kim to be mad at any one person. It sucks that comments can't be left directly on the blogs anymore.

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Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally committed to their recovery is more than adequate. Unfortunately, Kyle, who wants to be "in' with her clique of friends, wants to be on the show, craves fan approval doesn't fit the bill.

I'm asking this sincerely. I've never known recovering addicts. No one around me ever tried to quit. Isn't this person usually a recovered addict themselves? So how can one commit to this without either training or experience?

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Tre will always be my #1 because she introduced me to the phrase prostitution whore. God bless her in all her incarcerated glory.


That moment will forever be iconic!  Not just reality tv but tv period!  It makes me want to watch that episode for old times on Hulu.


BlackMamba, they all look lovely.  And I'm totally jelly at how they can all look that good whilst biking. 

Yes indeed!



You, Me, Me, You

Sorry I love this game.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Hahaha WW...tell us how you really feel about Kim Richards! :D

I applaude LisaR for meeting with Kim one on one void of cameras. Whatever their agreement to move forward is their beeswax.

Looking forward to how the cast conducts themselves in future episodes and the reunion...hopefully we have a little light hearted humor to go along with the vitriol.

LOL, Kim drives me nuts for sure, I have little patience with addicts that refuse to look in the mirror and get honest. If she wants to get high/self medicate, then just say it, don't keep lying then get all self righteous when you get called out.


Oh, did Kim/LisaR also talk off camera because we saw them talking on camera the morning after the dinner fight?

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I do believe that Kyle brought Kim on this show with intent to help Kim but also maybe force Kim's addiction into a light. I think in Kyle's mind, all of this was done lovingly. I think in Kim's mind it is heinous act to do to your sister.



That sounds like a huge stretch to me. Kyle doesn't need to get Kim on TV to bring her addiction to light, and there's no guarantee anybody watching the show would know about it. The limo fight may have been Kyle's doing, but it still wouldn't have happened without Kim's behavior.


Addicts do not need truckloads of people to be devoted to them. Just one person who is truly,genuinely, totally  committed to their recovery is more than adequate. Unfortunately, Kyle, who wants to be "in' with her clique of friends, wants to be on the show, craves fan approval doesn't fit the bill.



I've seen nothing that says that Kyle isn't committed to Kim's recovery--certainly far more than Kim is. I don't get what she's doing that shows she isn't committed. All she can do is be encouraging about Kim being sober. Being on call 24/7 for Kim's dramatics, believing all her stories about how she's sober and encouraging her to think that everybody is against her (except her!) like Brandi is doing isn't helpful at all. I wouldn't hold Kyle up as any sort of model for this, but aren't groups like Alanon more about teaching people that the only person who takes that much responsibility for the addiction, unless they're the addict themselves, is enabling rather than helping?


Kim hasn't actually pointed to anything that Kyle's doing that's actually not supportive. She just keeps throwing out these vague accusations of her not "being there" enough, insulting her and playing her against Brandi. Hell, she got angry at Kyle for confronting her about being high at Poker Night even though Kyle didn't berate her for it and then sicced Brandi on her.

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