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S20: Robert Herjavec: When You're A Shark You're A Shark All The Way

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It doesn't take an expert to know that he's been hanging with this chick for 2 years. Besides men who think with their man parts are dumb. On twitter there's a picture of him at the superbowl, with that Dymant guy, and a rep from the "Sharkey" institute with her there but cropped out of the picture.  She's right beside him, her red jacket is visible. You know she's trying to be discreet because she's got pretty much the same picture on her twitter with him conveniently absent. It's all so discreet because the divorce from his wife was filed on March 3.  The guy is worth 200 million, that's gonna be a big ol pay day for the ex if she proves he's committed adultery. He obviously doesn' t want that to happen, thus why not use DWTS to gain a little sympathy with "thoughts of ending it all" out there and it's only a showmance..Geesh.  Shark is a good name.  

So if he doesn't want to appear adulterous, why would he choose to be seen at paparazzi events with another woman and on DWTS flirting with his pro?  


I really don't think a divorce court or their attorneys consider his People magazine interview comments about depression and his DWTS persona in the settlement his wife gets.  Interesting theory that he's somehow having a showmance and admitting depression for money, though.  Maybe he's trying to hide the fact he's a distant cousin of the Houghs and took Latin lessons in 6th grade, too.  



So if he doesn't want to appear adulterous, why would he choose to be seen at paparazzi events with another woman and on DWTS flirting with his pro?


Nice theory, except that he was "hiding" his latest paramour by not wanting to be photographed with her in that pap video and the superbowl. She's the reason wifey will get millions. All the dwts media is to take the wife off the long game, and bring a few saps along to think he's a really nice guy.

Edited by Andiethewestie

There are two sides to every divorce story, even Robert's. I like his attitude on DWTS and ST,  he can't be faking that. Plus his story of becoming a self-made millionaire is a great American one. What he does in his private life has no impact on me or how I feel about watching him on DWTS. That's between the parties involved, and only between them. People can spec all they want about who did what when, but it's just that: spec. Robert is my dark horse favorite in this race based on his personality and fun factor. And until he changes that himself and I see him be a jerk on the show, he'll stay in that position.

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Nice theory, except that he was "hiding" his latest paramour by not wanting to be photographed with her in that pap video and the superbowl. She's the reason wifey will get millions. All the dwts media is to take the wife off the long game, and bring a few saps along to think he's a really nice guy.

Well back in reality, that's not how divorce settlements work.

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I'm reluctant to chime in here but this Robert-hate thread has gotten tedious and off-putting. I liked this site from the git-go because it was largely positive and even tho' everyone has their favoirites, there was no name calling or constant harping on one pro or celebrity. Everyone has a right to their own opinion but, gads, "slimeball"? Guess I'll be tuning out of Previously soon if this negativity continues.... and, ironically, this post is negative. Sigh.

  • Love 7

Stick around, Sunhusky, this is hardly a Robert-hate thread. More like a 99% "we really don't care if he did or didn't, he seems at the very least basically OK" thread that's gone a bit off the rails. On that note:



Except if the wife wants to get rid of the slimeball quickly.


So if the "wronged" party wants a quick end to things, s/he holds out for as much cash as possible? I'm missing the logic. Not to mention from what I've read (I'm ashamed to admit I've Googled a bit out of sheer frustration) Canada has no-fault divorce and does not award punitive damages to woe-is-me spouses. They get what they're entitled to in terms of community property, plus alimony based on a variety of factors (again, none of which are punitive), and, of course, child support where applicable.


For Sunhusky: I like Robert. He's consistently the kindest of the Sharks. He loves dogs. He's always game to try out whatever stupid invention is brought into the Shark Tank. He came up from nothing and made his fortune by working hard. I'm not watching DWTS, but I'm rooting in absentia for him to do well and have a great time doing it. I kinda hope the Robert/Kym showmance is more than just for show because I adore Kym, and why shouldn't she spend some time with a good-looking multi-millionaire? If he's done something wrong, I'll leave the righteous indignation to his family and continue to enjoy Shark Tank.


Or, to quote kitcloudkicker: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by designing1
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Nice theory, except that he was "hiding" his latest paramour by not wanting to be photographed with her in that pap video and the superbowl. She's the reason wifey will get millions. All the dwts media is to take the wife off the long game, and bring a few saps along to think he's a really nice guy.


Except if he were "hiding" her he did a crappy job considering everyone and their brother on the internet could piece together that she was there. Kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?


Besides, who really cares, other than his family. He seems like a decent guy, and that's taking more into account than just the way DWTS portrays him. Whatever drama is going on in his family is their issue, and it's one we'll never be privy to, so why not just enjoy what we're shown? It's entertainment, not Judge Judy.


It just feels like the animosity in this thread is weirdly personal.

Edited by McManda
  • Love 10

On Afterbuzz, Mark mentioned that Robert is a really hard worker that stays late to make sure he learns proper ballroom technique.  So I see him as somebody that has learned to work hard all his life to earn his money and is using that discipline in life.  I don't care about showmances (in fact I wished the show didn't do that) or his personal relationships.  I just want to know if the celebrity is trying hard or enjoying their time on the show.  He's not the best dancer but I can see him improving because of his work ethic and enjoyment of the process.

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Robert's worth about 3% of what Mark Cuban is, just for the record.  He made his money mostly in internet security, so I think if he wanted to hide an affair he could do it better than by taking a mistress to the Super Bowl and the Golden Globes.  


The vitriol surrounding this light, silly show amazes me.  I often hope the Houghs have excellent security.  I'm pretty sure there are some bunny boilers around here, probably stabbing little blonde voodoo dolls as we speak.  

The vitriol surrounding this light, silly show amazes me.  I often hope the Houghs have excellent security.  I'm pretty sure there are some bunny boilers around here, probably stabbing little blonde voodoo dolls as we speak.  

They're egotistical idiots, so I wouldn't feel THAT sorry for them.  It's just that (especially on the Internet) people don't properly recognize any proper sense of scale.  I doubt much, if any of that, is making it's way to the real world.  Or rather, if they have people assaulting them in the real world its the same minority of nuts that always would have, not the far larger contingent of semi-anonymous people from the peanut gallery on the Internet who like to poke fun at the ridiculous and overblown.


Oh good grief, I could give a rattz ass about Robert and the fauxmance with Kym.  I do think it's  way overblown when he tells the world he wanted to end it all, dragging the family into it. If that's not grovelling for sympathy votes because the guy can't dance, then Andy Dick is sober. 

Edited by Andiethewestie

Romance or fauxmance or showmance, he and Kym have a lot of warm, charming chemistry on the show and I enjoy it. I like him here as much as I do on ST, which is to say quite a lot.

I don't know if he'll last very long or not, but he earns my respect by working on every aspect, listening to the judges' criticisms, and generally taking it as seriously as he should, which is to say he works hard (take a note, Charlotte) but doesn't sulk or moan or fight with the judges.

I'll enjoy them both while they're still here.


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I don't care about any drama with his wife.  I don't know the story.  It's not my business and IMO none of it is relevant to DWTS.  I'm not going to presume a bunch of things based on hearsay.  What I will say is I love him on DWTS.  He works hard.  He listens to his pro.  He tries his best to learn proper technique and he's charming to boot.  He's not going to win, but I want him to stay for a long time.  Plus I'm happy for Kym.  On to Disney week...

  • Love 3

I've always loved Robert on Shark Tank as he is kind, fun loving, and adventurous. He has put his love of life and his determination into this competition and as someone who has Croatian great grandparents I really admire his work ethic especially in this competition staying late hours. I won't bother getting into a pissing match with some here but it certainly feels like that woman scorned mentality. We don't personally know him or his situation so for purposes of this show I'm taking him at face value. He seems nice and genuine and unless he does some egregious act that says otherwise I'm a fan.

Edited by GracieK

I thought it was a lovely waltz - airy and buoyant - and I was moved by Robert's story. I know a few people who took offense at his "I thought that being rich meant I could beat the cancer for her" but I understood. Especially with a self-made man, you start to feel that the money and power mean you can take on anything and get the best care, etc, only to find out that sometimes it doesn't work that way. And he had the grace to acknowledge that, and to even feel a little foolish in retrospect.

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To be fair, the show rarely admits/allows on air talk about his Canadianess (or that he and Kevin both started on the Canadian version of the show).


I've never watched the show so I have no idea whether it's referenced. I was speaking in more general terms. The 'only in America' is a favourite phrase of politicians and pundits and celebrities and their fans. In all honesty, to me it shows how insular most Americans are that they don't realize marvelous stories happen in almost every country to all sorts of people, but that's really getting off topic. ;)

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Sorry, but the constant 'only in America could such and such happen' is very annoying.



Well, to be technical, Canada IS part of North America! Actually, I did not know Robert was Canadian. Perhaps that is why he is such a nice guy, Canadians are known for being good people. For real! That's why some Americans wear a maple leaf when traveling abroad.


I only know what I see on teevee, and I really like Robert. He is my favorite just because of the little I know about him based on what teevee editors allow me to see. And frankly, I hope he wins this entire thing, for so many reasons.


And if his showmance with Kym is real, GOOD on them both. I have never liked Kym, but I do in this pairing. Accentuate the positive: Robert The Shark for the win!


(Stick around Sunhusky, you have lots of like-minded company.)

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I was really impressed with the improvement in his technique.  I was watching in particular to see whether his arms had more fluidity to them, and I was not disappointed, although I thought his hands could have been just a little better in one spot.  Kym is known for drilling technique into her students, and it really shows with Robert!

I've never watched the show so I have no idea whether it's referenced. I was speaking in more general terms. The 'only in America' is a favourite phrase of politicians and pundits and celebrities and their fans. In all honesty, to me it shows how insular most Americans are that they don't realize marvelous stories happen in almost every country to all sorts of people, but that's really getting off topic. ;)

Well Robert HIMSELF does a lot of the flag-waving-type talk about "what makes America great" and such, so given that combined with the show never talking about his Canadianess, I think the viewing audience should be forgiven for being confused on the issue.

FWIW, for the shippers (and I guess I'm one because I was happy for them when I read it), ETonline's new article says they're "madly in love"  https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/dwts-couple-robert-herjavec-kym-171000677.html  Still all second hand, except re: their affectionate behavior, but it would certainly be "a cute meet", if true.

I liked Robert from the beginning - heck, I love him on "Shark Tank" - and enjoyed the energy and commitment he brought to every round. What a contrast to that model who was texting and talking on the phone during rehearsal times! But the truth is he had reached the peak of what he could do and it was time for him to go. It comforts me that Chris went that same night - since he is more boring than celery - and that he took as much joy as he could from the experience.


I kind of hope the rumors about him and Kym are true.

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Tom said, "I have been friends with Kym a very long time.  Robert you may not have won the mirror ball but you won someone's heart."   Tom would never have said this if it were rumor or production buzz.   It has been very clear to me they are in love.  Not only did we hear him say that but pics have been taken of them kissing out on the town when they did not realize they were being photographed.   I am very excited for both of them.  He is my favorite Shark. 



What a contrast to that model who was texting and talking on the phone during rehearsal times!



What model, Tudor?   Love your comparison of Chris to celery!  

Edited by wings707
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Wings707, I meant Charlotte McKinney (had to look her up because she was that memorable. She went out second, I believe, and had the same attitude - and only slightly better skills - than Master P in Season 2, who hung around longer than a number of better dancers (which is to say, everyone else). McKinney was one of those people who decried being known only for her looks all the while maximizing their exposure and showing no signs of any other positive qualities.


People like Robert are the reason I watch DWtS - non-dancers who bring real enthusiasm and commitment to the show, and improve steadily, taking joy in that, and entertaining the viewers.  As for him and Kym, I'm rooting for them. I've always felt she was a class act, and it looks as if his divorce really hurt him. She's no gold-digger and he has never seemed the type to look for arm candy.


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Tom said, "I have been friends with Kym a very long time.  Robert you may not have won the mirror ball but you won someone's heart."   Tom would never have said this if it were rumor or production buzz.


All of this.  Erin or Brooke may have tried to juice out anything about a showmance for kicks, but I don't think Tom ever has.  He's like the den mother (or father) to the dancers so he's clearly close to most of them.  For him to say something like that means that it's 99% legit.  Even Rumer and Whitney were like "OHMAHGAWDDDD" in the background.  So...well played show.  A showmance that has legs and I can actually root for. 

  • Love 4

Wings707, I meant Charlotte McKinney (had to look her up because she was that memorable. She went out second, I believe, and had the same attitude - and only slightly better skills - than Master P in Season 2, who hung around longer than a number of better dancers (which is to say, everyone else). McKinney was one of those people who decried being known only for her looks all the while maximizing their exposure and showing no signs of any other positive qualities.


People like Robert are the reason I watch DWtS - non-dancers who bring real enthusiasm and commitment to the show, and improve steadily, taking joy in that, and entertaining the viewers.  As for him and Kym, I'm rooting for them. I've always felt she was a class act, and it looks as if his divorce really hurt him. She's no gold-digger and he has never seemed the type to look for arm candy.



Oh yes I remember her, now, and her boobs, of course!  


Just saw Robert and Kym on ET.  They are in love.  I would love to see this work for both of them.  She is one of my favorite pros and he is my favorite shark.  

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