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S30: Tyler Fredrickson

Donny Ketchum

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From what we've seen so far, I would be fine with a Tyler victory as Sole Survivor.  And we still have several episodes to go, which might produce lots of great play and fireworks.


Of those still in the game, again based on play up till now, any of the following would satisfy me as overall winners this season: Carolyn, Tyler, Mike, Rodney.  Sierra would be a joke, and Will or Dan would be sick farce. 


I think it would be interesting/funny if Tyler ends up booted because of Mike's HII considering Mike only has the HII because Tyler was dumb enough to give him the whole clue and dumb enough to not look for/find it himself.

I'm right there with you on that! Next week I really want to see Mike thank Tyler for giving him the clue in font of the whole group. That would add some fuel to Dan and Rodney's fire!

Edit for double post.

Edited by cooker30
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According to Joe, Tyler claims he choked when confronted by Mike and just told him the whole clue without really meaning to.  Frankly, if you're that rattled, it's probably easier to get away with lying and not even realizing your doing it.  I don't mind Tyler so I would sort of be sorry to see him go (I think), but that would be poetic justice.  And I really want Joe to point at Tyler and saw this is why they should have aligned, the bigger threats should have stuck together.


I will be surprised if Tyler goes.  He's going to get confronted by Dan and if it finally clicks to him that he's a target, he might go into overdrive at winning immunity.  

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Tyler would be such a boring winner. Everyone on the island is convinced he's going to win if he makes it to the end. If that's the case either he didn't give the editors much to work with or they hate him. Cuz, he's shown me nothing that I'm impressed with and he's hasn't had a confessional in a loooooong time. He might be one of he most boring under the radar winner if he in fact wins. I know there is a long way to go on the island but I hope he does something........anything!!

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I'm intrigued, because if you asked me who on the island is least likely to panic about something, I would have said Tyler, and now he's panicked (to some degree) twice, with Mike's idol bluff at TC and with the idol clue, if Joe is correct.  

I was so sure that when he spoke over his vote "I hope this works," that he was guessing correctly that Mike was not going to play his idol.  But he got so scared at the mention that Shirin would vote for him that he changed to Dan!  I would have thought that of all of them, Tyler would have see through the bluff.

I guess sitting back observing and making shifty eyes about things all the time does not necessarily mean you are drawing the best conclusions about what you are observing!

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Jobiska, in both those two incidents he did not have time to think things over.  He had to act right there, on the spot.  Maybe he doesn't improvise so well under pressure?  Pressure that, especially during tribal, must have been pretty intense, what with his game being outed (by Shirin) and his name the only one going up on the chopping block. 

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I'm intrigued, because if you asked me who on the island is least likely to panic about something, I would have said Tyler, and now he's panicked (to some degree) twice, with Mike's idol bluff at TC and with the idol clue, if Joe is correct.  


Same here. Although thinking about it I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was at him panicking about the vote since he already showed he panics and makes bad moves with the idol clue thing.


Everyone on the island is convinced he's going to win if he makes it to the end. If that's the case either he didn't give the editors much to work with or they hate him.


Yea, this is further proof of how bad the edit is. Although I think Tyler is benefiting from being a not entirely awful human being and a male and those are really the only reasons he's getting 'he's going to win' comments from the other players. Unless he's doing a ton of stuff that the editors just randomly decided not to show us. I guess it's possible he's just really boring and that's why they're not showing him much, but the extra vids of him make me like him more than I do based on the show so I don't think that's the case. Based on the edit/Probst's statements about the winner I just don't see how he can win.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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There is a picture of him in Dallas Cowboy uniform during full apex of a kick on Sucks.   Apparently he was a kicker for the DCs? 

As I have said before I think he sandbagged the challenges till recently.  

You'd think a pro football player would be better under pressure. 


Well, to be fair, he was only on the Cowboys preseason roster, not regular season.  From Wikipedia:




He never actually made a regular season roster in the NFL.  Perhaps because he couldn't handle pressure... :)

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There is a picture of him in Dallas Cowboy uniform during full apex of a kick on Sucks.   Apparently he was a kicker for the DCs? 

As I have said before I think he sandbagged the challenges till recently.  

You'd think a pro football player would be better under pressure. 


His position on the football field required virtually no creative thinking or problem solving.  It was pure execution: doing what he'd practiced thousands of times before.  Quite different from being put on the spot, and having to make a crucial, split-second decision.   

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After reading his wikipedia page, particularly his list of post-football jobs/endeavors, it makes it seem even more that the whole "collar" business was reverse engineered after they had their contestants.  I mean, how is a guy who was a professional football player, made a documentary, went back to school, had a popular blog, and worked at a talent agency considered "white collar"?  Seems kind of no-collar to me...

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 I mean, how is a guy who was a professional football player, made a documentary, went back to school, had a popular blog, and worked at a talent agency considered "white collar"?


I think part of that was due to his job at the talent agency.  Also, I suspect they placed some people based on their personalities.  Quiet, thoughtful Tyler wouldn't fit so well on carefree NCs.  But the plotting, scheming WCs?  He was a charter member. 

  • Love 1

After reading his wikipedia page, particularly his list of post-football jobs/endeavors, it makes it seem even more that the whole "collar" business was reverse engineered after they had their contestants.  I mean, how is a guy who was a professional football player, made a documentary, went back to school, had a popular blog, and worked at a talent agency considered "white collar"?  Seems kind of no-collar to me...


With a few exceptions, I don't really see how any of these people fit their "collar".  Frankly I think there were more people that would have been white or no collar, with a couple that could be considered blue collar.  Anyway you work it, you could probably find a way to make them fit the mold.  I know Jeff said the reason last season didn't work was they had their theme and cast to fit it.  So this season, they did the opposite.  No surprise Jeff bragged about having a hand in it, and coming up with the no collar tribe.  Maybe they should have stuck with the formula of getting the theme and then casting around it.

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After reading his wikipedia page, particularly his list of post-football jobs/endeavors, it makes it seem even more that the whole "collar" business was reverse engineered after they had their contestants.  I mean, how is a guy who was a professional football player, made a documentary, went back to school, had a popular blog, and worked at a talent agency considered "white collar"?  Seems kind of no-collar to me...

Jeff readily admits they chose it after.  He says they decided they screwed up in some prior seasons by picking a theme and then casting to the theme.  So this time they picked the contestants they wanted first and then decided on this theme. 


Probst never ceases to amaze me with his stupid comments.


Cochran's description of Tyler in this interview is so on point and cracks me up:


As a viewer, it’s sometimes hard to tell whether Tyler is a strategic mastermind or just a guy who’s really good at enigmatically sitting off to the side, looking smart and squinting thoughtfully.
Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

I think it would be interesting/funny if Tyler ends up booted because of Mike's HII considering Mike only has the HII because Tyler was dumb enough to give him the whole clue and dumb enough to not look for/find it himself.

Ha, that would be funny. Plus, it would mean that same idol clue burned 2 people who made the wrong choice after being caught with it.


Joe should never have shared it with Tyler and Tyler should never have shared it with Mike. If Tyler joins Joe on the jury based on being considered too big a threat, that would be kind of poetic.

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He's not interesting enough for me to listen to the entire podcast and maybe he comes off better there, but those highlights make him sound pretty assy.


It’s been very difficult to watch. Not only from the sense that I’m watching some of my friends get into really huge arguments and things that are probably over the line a bit, but also because we had so much fun. There was so much strategy. There was so much laughter. There were jokes. There were impressions. There was incredible game play. And I think a lot of that has been overshadowed, unfortunately, by issues that are obviously extremely important and very much in the zeitgeist right now.


His friends didn't get into "arguments" or go "probably over the line a bit." His friends treated another person like shit, repeatedly. And that comment about issues of abuse or bullying being in the zeitgeist makes it sound like he thinks they're only issues because it's trendy to talk about them, not because he thinks they're actual problems.


I don’t know how or what Jeff is going to say or how he is going to approach it, but I know that everybody is thinking about that. I plan on getting on the phone with Dan and Will in the next few weeks and talking them though it, and being an ear for them. Shirin and I have had great conversations, and Shirin has an incredible support network up in the Bay. So I would love to see things be handled intelligently and patiently, but as you guys are well aware, we’ve got incredibly explosive personalities—people who feel like their voices weren’t necessarily heard or respected by the edit, and it’s up to them to deal with the issues and work though them as they see fit.


By all means, make sure Dan and Will are supported through all this. My god, how they must have suffered.

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LOL he came of terrible to me in that interview. I mean, I've hated him since day one, but even I didn't expect those answers. What an asshole. I think I hate him more than anyone else solely because he isn't getting the kind of response Dan, Will, and Rodney are getting. He's getting 'he played a good game' and 'he's a good guy' type responses and like no. He played a shitty game and he's a dick!


Has he explained yet how it was totes ok for Will to treat Shirin that way because there was so much more to the story? Like what was the 'more,' Tyler? Please, enlighten us.

Edited by peachmangosteen

He came off as pretty reasonable to me. I don't think he understands domestic violence and how people carry that pain. So I don't think he understands Shirin's response. I think that he was excited to be on the show and be on tv. I think he believes that if they had shown less of the Dan/Will/Rodney stuff we would have seen more of his game play.

I don't doubt that there was a lot more fun and silliness and that is what he remembers. He is on a season that is going to be remembered for misogyn, bullying, and awful behavior. That has to suck. I get it.

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There are only 3 names I want to hear when this season is over: Joe, Jenn, and Hali.  Any mention of anyone else and having "Worlds Apart" in the same sentence may make go screaming for the hill.  Shirin was in way over her head.  I worry that in an AS season, being the super fan that she is, she may feel those are more her "people" but will again get in too deep.  I don't like Will or Dan by any stretch, but at this point, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and listen to their side.  Tyler saw everything, and I have a feeling Shirin wasn't as innocent as just sitting there.  In no way am I saying Will was right for what he said, or keeping it going at TC, or making a joke about "having his popcorn" ready or the non apology he gave.  I just don't care about these people anymore.  I'm usually bummed when the finale approaches, but I am so looking forward to the end of this hell hole.  

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He came off as pretty reasonable to me. I don't think he understands domestic violence and how people carry that pain. So I don't think he understands Shirin's response. I think that he was excited to be on the show and be on tv. I think he believes that if they had shown less of the Dan/Will/Rodney stuff we would have seen more of his game play.

I don't doubt that there was a lot more fun and silliness and that is what he remembers. He is on a season that is going to be remembered for misogyn, bullying, and awful behavior. That has to suck. I get it.


Sure, he may not understand domestic violence but he's active on social media, he's a Survivor fan and he has to be aware of what's been discussed in places like this and other discussion boards.  The reaction has been overwhelmingly negative to the behavior of Dan and Will, that he seems to dismiss it as "editing" shows (to me) he's okay with how they acted.  In particular, Will's attack and refusal to back off of it at TC was flat-out wrong.

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I think it is more complicated then that.


Tyler said in his interviews that Shirin did not appeared to be distressed during the Will fight. Shirin was engaged and defending herself. What we saw on TV was ugly but we were not sitting there on day 20whatever of the game listening to two people who did not like each other get into a fight. Tyler said that he encouraged Will to apologize and that he talked to Shirin after it happened and apologized for what she went through. We did not see that but I believe that he did it. Ideally he would have stepped up and said something in the moment, and for all of us at home it sure as hell looked like he should have, but from his vantage point it did not reach the level that it did for Shirin. That is because he doesn't have Shirin's baggage and does not understand how Will's were cutting to Shirin's core.


He sees what is being said now and is reflecting on it based on his experience there. He is friends with Will and Shirin. Shirin has said she is in a good place with Tyler and Tyler has said the same thing. Should he be expected to say that Will is an awful human being based on the online reaction or does he try and do exactly what he has done, which is say that it sucks and he is concerned for all involved? He saw the one massive blow up and probably saw the other tension between Will and Shirin. He spent a lot more time chilling with Will. Will had a good relationship with the other women out there. I imagine that for those who were not Shirin, they saw the fight and were surprised were it went but did not fully understand the ramifications at that moment. The only person who really got it was Mike who himself is a survivor of child abuse.


And from his perspective, it sucks that all the arguments, sexism, and awful people are drowning out what sure as heck felt like something different to the people playing the game. Shirin flat out said that she had forgotten the solo conversation with Dan were he was telling her how awfully she was playing. So the Dan stuff that we have seen is bad but was not memorable enough for Shirin to remember. Yet Dan's awful comments and behavior are one of the shows feature. So Tyler is upset that the game he remembers playing, and the people he remembers playing with, are not even coming close to showing up on TV.


Shirin is a smart women who seems to pretty confident and able to take care of herself. If Shirin is fine with Tyler and I have to believe her interviews, why should I be upset with Tyler? Tyler's responses to the questions have been measured and safe but I don't really expect more from him. He addressed Will in game but we didn't see it. Let's face it, we saw the outcasts support Shirin and Dan be a jack ass. It would have been nice for CBS to show us Tyler's conversation or other conversations with Shirin afterward but that would have altered the axis of evil vs the outcast storyline.

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Tyler himself said on SM after the backlash occurred that we would have to wait for the finale to hear the whole story.  So I assumed production stepped in, because Carolyn and Sierra were also on the receiving end of the wrath.  Even though Dan isn't the most reliable source, and is one of the WA bullies, he even said there was more that went on and it wasn't just Will unloading on Shirin for no reasons.  I'm willing to hear this out, though I still think everyone but Shirin will come out looking bad unless they just apologize and move on.  I'm thinking TPTB will probably have a script they want everyone to follow, and not let too much of what we didn't see to come out.


I have read all of Tyler's interviews and listen to most of the podcasted ones. His answer to the Shirin/Will fight is pretty much identical. I don't know if CBS has intervened but it is actually pretty annoying to me. If they did, say so because the politically crafted statement that is near identical for every interview just feels wrong to me. It feels like he is dodging the question and wants to avoid saying what he really thinks. If he has something to add that is not pro-Shirin, that is fine. Just speak your freaking mind. It might actually help Will if your response is, "You know, Shirin said some pretty over the top stuff that wasn't shown and that is why Will didn't want to apologize." Or are you trying not to dig the hole deeper for Will by affirming Shirin's point of view.


He is not on  the list for Season 31 voting but I probably would not vote for him if this happens again because I don't like this approach.


And yeah, Dan is not anyone I count as a reliable source for anything regarding bullying. He has been awful this season.


The one thing that Tyler has said is that he went to Will and told him he should apologize and that he apologized to Shirin. This gives me the impression that Will is in the wrong.

Edited by ProfCrash
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I agree.  Word on the street is that everyone has been told NOT to get into any discussion about the fight; we are going to address this at a the reunion.  


I believe one contributing factor, to no one standing up for Shirin (don't think it was their job anyway) was there may have been some secret glee.  Ah ha, finally someone is going to shut her up!   We saw enough to know her yammering drove the others nuts.  

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I have mixed feelings on standing up for someone. In a real life conversation, I would hope that people would step in if they were hanging with a  group of people and that happened. I understand in the game that people did not step in. Listening to Rob and other former players discuss the incident helped put it in game play light which was hard for me to swallow initially.


That said, I would far prefer that Tyler say, we were told not to discuss it then the current line. His "They are both friends of mine" line is just so disingenuous. That is more the "I don't want to say anything mean and hurt someones feelings." followed up with "I told Will to apologize and I talked to Shirin but they didn't show that." just feels like he is trying to stay in line with the public point of view without saying something stronger. Just blleeeccchhh

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I noticed in all of the pre-season pics of Tyler, he's wearing glasses.  He obviously chose not to bring them onto the island.  And it looks like he wasn't wearing contacts.  Maybe that's why he was always squinting, because he literally had a hard time seeing.

He wore them occasionally on the island: first tribal council with White Collar and the auction.

Edited by jsm1125

I am reading Tyler's interview at Reality TV Magazine.




"Apparently everybody else thought I was single-handedly a bigger threat than Dan with an unknown advantage (two votes at Tribal Council). So they chose to get rid of me before they addressed that. So, there it was. They got me before I could get them. Good on them."


He doesn't get why people didn't see Dan as a threat with his advantage. I have yet to see an interview where Tyler understands that Dan is a goat and that people were planning on taking Dan to the finals because he is a goat. I kind of get it, Dan was Tyler's target because Mike and Carolyn had immunity and Tyler needed to vote for someone. Tyler seemed to think that Rodney was goat enough that he was planning on taking Rodney and Will to the final tribal.


Jenn flat out laughed that Dan had the extra vote because she figured he would screw up using it. No one seems to take Dan seriously but Tyler. I find it a bit weird. I don't know if Tyler still doesn't see how goaty Dan was and how Dan was not a threat because he is pretty easy to control.

Edited by ProfCrash
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ETA: Tyler also said that they saw the six as the heros and that they were voting out the villans.


They lived a very different game then we are seeing. Or in playing the game, they are really able to sell themselves on certain beliefs. I can see Tyler not seeing Dan as all that bad, a fair amount of Dan's really bad stuff happened in talking heads and individual conversations that others would not have heard. I cannot see how anyone would see Will as a hero after the Shirin blow up. Especially since Tyler says he told Will to apologize and that he talked to Shirin and said that Will should apologize to her.


Based on Dan's one or two posts after the fight, Will's popcorn comment, and now Tyler's thought that the six were the heroes taking out the villains, they really think they played a very different game then we are seeing.

  • Love 5

Based on Dan's one or two posts after the fight, Will's popcorn comment, and now Tyler's thought that the six were the heroes taking out the villains, they really think they played a very different game then we are seeing.


The question I have is are they right or are we right? Like is there a lot of footage out there of these people being great and funny and playing well and the show just decided to fabricate a different story or are the players now trying to fabricate a story about how awesome they were because they see everyone hates them/this season?

Edited by peachmangosteen

Maybe Tyler is just trying to stick up for Dan.  Dan doesn't see himself as a goat on the show, and I doubt he sees himself as a goat now.  Since he and Will can't tell their side of the story yet, Tyler may just be trying to throw them a life line and help out a little bit.  In reality, he may just be making things worse.


My feelings on the edit is that fun stuff probably did go on, but maybe not as much as they are remembering.  Some of the Mike/Dan/Rodney stuff happened before the merge/swap.  So no one else would have been witness to that, other than what Sierra told them.  And, as we've all said, a lot of the disgust with Dan came from TH and one on ones.  No one really thought much about Dan until specific episodes aired.  So is he trying to say that his core six were heroes, and the 3 NC + Shirin + Mike were viewed as villains?  That's a really warped view to take.  Was it envy out there?  Is it envy now that 4 of those 5 are the ones that many viewers wish were still in the game, and that this is being called the worst group ever?  It's not like the whole Shirin saga has been every episode, or they couldn't fit in other things.  Really, we saw Shirin being annoying, creepy Dan giving her a math lesson, and the Will blow up.  What else have they showed?  A whole lot of nothing.  Except Rodney tantrums.


I agree with you ProfCrash: I'm beginning to believe that they saw themselves one way, but it wasn't the way it came across at all, and that's why we aren't seeing it.  It has nothing to do with bad editing, there was just nothing there to show.  They may have thought they were fun, interesting, and playing a good game, but this could very well be it.  Sticking together and no one flipping isn't horrible game play, just boring TV.  TBH, if this were Jenn/Joe/Hali/Shirin (yes, Shirin) and Mike controlling the vote, it probably wouldn't bother me as much as it does with the group that is left.  It goes back to the Tyler Perry idol of Cagayan: Jeff said if anyone other than Tony found it, people probably wouldn't have had much of an issue.  So maybe that's the case here.

Edited by LadyChatts
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ETA: Tyler also said that they saw the six as the heros and that they were voting out the villans.


They lived a very different game then we are seeing. Or in playing the game, they are really able to sell themselves on certain beliefs. I can see Tyler not seeing Dan as all that bad, a fair amount of Dan's really bad stuff happened in talking heads and individual conversations that others would not have heard. I cannot see how anyone would see Will as a hero after the Shirin blow up. Especially since Tyler says he told Will to apologize and that he talked to Shirin and said that Will should apologize to her.


I think your second sentence is key: Within the isolated context of the game, these players seem to have constructed a version of reality for themselves that many viewers cannot even begin to replicate or to understand.


This season reminds me quite a bit of the Big Brother season that was full of actively toxic bigots: Contestants Helen and eventual winner Andy made mutliple remarks about how sure they were that theirs would be the most popular cast in the show's history, while Amanda was certain that viewers would find her treatment of Elissa funny. No one walked away from that season without seeming at least somewhat delusional about their own behaivor or that of their allies.


Granted, Survivor has the editing defense to fall back on, whereas there was real-time video of the Bigot Brother cast, but I think we're seeing something similar with the way the remaining players (plus Tyler) have reacted to the public reception of their actions and their gameplay. It seems like a genuine surprise to them that anyone could have reacted to the rampant misogyny and verbal aggression with anything other than unilateral support.

Edited by omophagia
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We are all the stars of our own reality.  I've got no problem with that.


And maybe Tyler is right or not, but I love how, in all interviews, he tells us what a big mistake Carolyn made taking him out; although in the next breath he tells us how he was planning to take Carolyn out in the same vote if he had a chance.


So, him taking Carolyn out.....brilliant!  Her taking him out.....foolhardy!

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I think Tyler's argument that it was too early for Carolyn to take him out but yeah, he was going after her if she had not won immunity.


I think the reality is that the six had to go after each other. Two of the six could win challenges, Carolyn and Tyler. Three of the six have a shot at winning, Tyler, Carolyn, Sierra (With the right people, she wins because she is not toxic and the blue collars on the jury might vote for her).  Three of the six are seen as goats, Rodney, Will and Dan. So Carolyn and Tyler really had this as a first opportunity to take out a real threat so why not take it?

Overall I liked Tyler and thought he was one of the best players of the season.  I think he can probably beat you a whole lot of ways: socially, strategically and in challenges. 


His jury question -- at least the one we heard -- seemed pretty ridiculous.  Mike is lucky that his terrible answer didn't hurt him more with the jury.  Still, Tyler ended up voting for Mike. 

He was clearly among the most bitter.  What I'm unclear on is why he was so angry at Mike.  Mike was just trying to stay in the game.  The person he really should have directed his bitterness at was Carolyn, his one true ally.  But yet he only told her that his heart was broken.  In the end, it was all about being pissed off that Mike beat him.

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Tyler is another one that I don't really get.  It probably doesn't help that he was completely invisible up until 2 episodes before he got voted off, but it seemed he purposely stayed UTR due to the larger than life and very loud people he was surrounded with.  It seemed he didn't seem to think he was in any danger until Mike pulled the stunt wtih Shirin and he saw his name come up.  Which again, why is it the season that appeared full of the most super fans were the biggest idiots to play the game?  Anyone who tried warning people that they would get taken out were booted, because that was just never going to happen.  It seemed like they just expected everything to go according to plan, and Mike was just supposed to sacrifice himself at the final 7 and lose immunity so they could vote him off.  I really didn't get the bitterness with him.  If it really stemmed from the auction, that was so damn childish that they all got in a tizzy over that and him calling Rodney out (and he turned out being right about Rodney).  I just loved it that Mike kept winning, and winning.  I'm neutral on Tyler, but probably leaning towards not liking him and hope he's never asked back.  I was pretty surprised he didn't vote for Carolyn. 

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This season we learned that giving someone the complete and correct clue to the HII without anything in return can come back to bite you in the ass. Did anyone other than Tyler need to learn this lesson? I'd like to think that he was bitter with himself for making this inexplicable mistake since its consequences directly eliminated him from the game. Better to stay paranoid.

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