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S30: Tyler Fredrickson

Donny Ketchum
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From the video, I would say he is neither. There's a whole tangled string of delusional-crazy toward the end of his video where he starts giving himself credit left and right for things that he has never actually accomplished. I think he's gonna be one of those people who get blindsided and make a big proud speech about how their own personal growth makes them a winner anyway.

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Tyler is my early favorite to win this season.

He appears intelligent, composed, socially adept and observant.

If he makes it to the merge, I have a feeling he will be able to make some solid cross-tribal alliances.

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I agree. He seems to be good at getting people on his side. Joaquin seemed quite happy to talk to him this week, despite Tyler being one of the people who left him out of the loop last week. Tyler also got Carolyn to tell him she had the idol. I can't wait for tribal swaps and/or the merge (I think he's pretty much a lock to make it that far) to see what he does with people from the other tribes.

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I'm very interested to see more of Tyler.  Max seemed to be under the impression that he had an alliance with Tyler/Shirin/Carolyn, but the way Tyler tells it in a CBS vid, he was loyal to Carolyn/Joaquin and found Max/Shirin annoying.  He doesn't do much for me yet, though I'd much rather he stick around over most of the remaining men in this game.

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I just just done watching the extra vids from the past two eps and my goodness, Tyler is obsessed with Shirin. Someone mentioned in an ep thread that if he was so offended by Shirin being naked then why would he stand there and watch her clean dishes while naked and I was reminded of that in the secret scene where he's talking about how he 'had to watch Shirin eat a raw egg.' Who is forcing Tyler to spend so much time watching Shirin?!

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Hey, we've got a guy named Tyler on the show!  I said in the ep thread, but Tyler had more face time in the first 5 minutes than I remember seeing of him all season.  Maybe he needed to have Carolyn around to get on camera.  I wonder is this is the start of some sort of story arc for him, or if he just got a lot of screen time due to being a swing vote.  Between him and Kelly joining the fray, I almost wondered if maybe Tyler wound up getting booted over her.  I did think it was somewhat amusing that he said something along the lines to Mike about getting to know him and value him as a player, which Mike hadn't bothered to do.  I feel like we're all just getting to know him.  He doesn't bug me, but I can't say I'm rooting for him, either.  He's aligned with Carolyn, who I like, but was also aligned with Joaquin, who I didn't.  And he/they picked the blues over the reds, so there's that.

Edited by LadyChatts
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So far he's made one wrong choice after another.  Wonder why he decided to go with BC?  Because they have greater numbers?   He thinks he can manipulate them better further down the road? 

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So far he's made one wrong choice after another.  Wonder why he decided to go with BC?  Because they have greater numbers?   He thinks he can manipulate them better further down the road? 

It was probably due to Carolyn's bond with Kelly.  When Carolyn wanted to follow Kelly back to the Blue Collars, Tyler kind of followed Carolyn by default.  Kelly's what bound them to the Blue Collars, I believe.


With Kelly gone, though, it'll be interesting to see if Tyler and Carolyn stay with the Blue Collars or at least try to put out feelers for the No Collars and Shirin.  I can't see Hali, Joe, Jenn, or even Shirin trusting either one of them again, though.

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You can go back to being invisible now.  Really don't know why he shared the exact clue with Mike.  Or even told Mike Joe had it.  He could have lied and said Joe wanted to make people think there was an idol clue, and there wasn't.  Maybe he just feels a little too protected.  I knew he wasn't going to flip the second he shared the clue with Mike and said he didn't want to ruffle any feathers with his alliance.


I'm thinking he'll be getting the Natalie edit-invisible all season, finally getting screen time, his ally in Carolyn gets blindsided, so he's out to avenge her.  And since he's not longer part of a power couple, no one targets him. 

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All he had to tell Mike was "I saw Joe making a beeline out of camp when he thought nobody was watching. He keeps telling me he hasn't got an idol clue, but he's obviously lying." Suddenly Mike is following Joe, and you're free to look for the idol on your own!

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I think people complaining about the editing this year are more spot on that usual.  I keep getting the impression that there are many alliances, sub alliance and relationship that we absolutely have no idea about.  We have no idea about what's going on!

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I can't figure out this guy at all. He's extremely sneaky, I think. Always doing underhanded things to get the tribe riled up and fighting. And, somehow, he's extremely boring. Boot him off.

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Didn't other people say Tyler would start rumors behind others back? He comes off very quiet with shifty eyes on camera but I think he's cheating drama off screen, I guess it's working because no one ever considers him to be voted out. Perhaps final 2 or 3 with Caroyln?

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Tyler can't apologize, even if he wants to. Jenn was able to discuss her side of the story because she was voted off. The rest are still stuck in the world of non-disclosure.


Oh, sure he can. Dan 'apologized' for his remarks about Shirin and he's still in the game. I guess maybe Tyler isn't allowed to expound on what really went down, but then his best bet was probably to say nothing IMO. Saying, "You don't know the whole story! EDITING!!" without being able to explain what you mean just makes you come off badly IMO. But we'll see what happens once Tyler is voted off, I guess. Hopefully sooner than later!


ETA: Just went to Tyler's twitter to see if he's said anything else and saw this series of tweets:


All this fan interaction & discussion on sensitive topics is EXTREMELY important. But I also am observing a strict policy on tweeting now.

Many good/imp Q's will unfortu be discussed after the finale out of respect to those who gave me this incredible opportunity & requested it.

No matter what, LOVE me some Survivor fans! I stand, pace, yell, cry (last nite) with all of you! (See, not just during Star Wars trailers.)

I do look forward to hearing his side of the story.

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I like the he said he is observing a strict policy on tweeting "now". 


Maybe that explains why everyone is so mum over the situation.  With the amount of tweeting a lot of them have done, it's all relatively silent now.


As for Tyler, he's actually in my top 3 of people I want to win.  And by win, I mean you're not as horrible as the next person.  Tyler appeared to want to flip on the blues, at least that was an impression I got from one of Hali's interviews.  But he didn't because of Carolyn.  I'll go ahead and say he's probably playing a more exciting game than Carolyn and Sierra, but he's not getting the screen time for it like Mike and Rodney.  

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I'll go ahead and say he's probably playing a more exciting game than Carolyn and Sierra, but he's not getting the screen time for it like Mike and Rodney.  


I agree with this and it is precisely why I just don't think Tyler can be the winner. We have evidence from exit interviews, extra vids, and the rare sightings of him in the actual show that he's playing, but he's practically invisible in the edit. He's only had 17 aired confessionals, with only Sierra having less than him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I agree with this and it is precisely why I just don't think Tyler can be the winner. We have evidence from exit interviews, extra vids, and the rare sightings of him in the actual show that he's playing, but he's practically invisible in the edit. He's only had 17 aired confessionals, with only Sierra having less than him.

That's more than Natalie got for an entire season (I think) and she won.

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True. But she's a woman, so obviously she'll get the short end of the stick in editing no matter what.


I think if Tyler's the winner then Production should be even more ashamed about the piss poor job they've done with editing. We literally never hear anything from him about what he's doing or why. I don't even think he got a confessional after he won IC. And unlike Natalie I just can't remember any winning moments or quotes from him. Does anyone remember any? I guess in these last few eps he could emerge as a big player in the editing though. I can't really see it happening, but it's definitely possible.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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If Tyler is the winner he will get lots of airtime in the Final 4 shows. That said, he's been so quiet & boring. He is so boring the editors don't even have worthy video of him to show.

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I just can't see Tyler winning. He is obviously playing a great game as evidenced by the remarks of the jury at Ponderosa but he is virtually getting no airtime to explain anything he is doing there. No way they would edit a winner like this.

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I wouldn't count Tyler out of winning, lack of airtime or not.  There's still time left before the finale, and while he is still pretty MIA he's emerging more of a game player.  Right now his strategy seems to be about tattling, which probably takes the heat off of him and Carolyn by getting others in trouble.  I believe he's playing much more sneaky than we're seeing, and is thinking ahead.  He might be the one to upend everyone else's game by making the right move at the right time.

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Agreed. Dont like that style of play at all and would be disappointed but think he is going to really show up in challenges now


I'd be disappointed, but right now Tyler is in my 'want him to win because he's better than...' camp.  I guess we will see if suddenly his edit explodes like Natalie did last year, and he does pull some big move that screws someone over.  Maybe he'll be responsible for getting Carolyn ousted (on purpose or by accident) and that will be his signature move for them to justify a win.

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Trolling through the Survivor Sucks thread on tweets I find that Tyler tweeted that he's limiting his tweets till after the finale.  So even now on Twitter he's under the radar.  What is with this guy. 

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Tyler is playing a great game of "Let's you and him fight."   By not getting in the middle of any conflicts and being pleasant to as many people as he can, he's well positioned to win the "I don't know you all that well, but i sure hate those other two people" vote.

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So much like the Great Idol Hunt, the Great Advantage Search also came up with a whole lot of nothing.  Should have known that nothing would come of it, since the previews focused so heavily on it.  I don't know what to make of Tyler.  Much like everyone and anything this season, I'm just puzzled by him.  I don't like him, but I don't hate him.  I rank him behind Mike, but high above the others.  I think I'd be more satisfied with his win over anyone but Mike left.  Even though his game play seems to be more in confessionals and behind the scenes, I think he's doing more out there than we're being shown and is playing a decent game.  If he doesn't win immunity, he may be a threat to get booted.  Since he does know about Dan's advantage, he may use that as some sort of leverage.  I'm betting that next week, Dan and Sierra got back to Mike, and Tyler and Carolyn flip with them to vote off Will or Rodney.

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I think Tyler blew it this episode.  He lost his cool, and voted for one of his alliance.  No amount of words will smooth that over with Dan.  This is the first public mistake I recall Tyler making -- and it's a biggie that IMO will come back to bite him. 

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In Tyler's defense, Will also voted against Dan.  And he'll have the point that he hears his name out there, so why risk voting for someone who may be playing the idol and getting yourself eliminated?  They were right on calling Mike's bluff, but what if Mike went through with it?  Tyler would have been sent packing.  Do these people forget that they aren't untouchable, and once they finish Pagonging the opposing alliance they have to go at each other-which means casting votes for each other.  Dan seems to take it personally when his name comes up.  He's on the bottom of his alliance.  What did he think would happen when he didn't have the numbers.


Tyler probably already had a slight target on his back, but this probably won't help.  However, if his alliance is still with Rodney, Will, and Carolyn, that may not hurt his standing at all.  If Dan and Sierra are truly on the bottom.

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I can see why Tyler voted for Dan, but's it's the type of play that proves to me he isn't some kind of genius mastermind. That was a pure "I'm scared" vote that will probably end up hurting him. I sorta thought he had a better read on things than that and would've realized that Mike was bluffing. Hell, Dan figured that out and he's dumb as fuck!

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It was definitely a moment of panic for Tyler and he made the wrong decision.  But I can't fully blame him or say that I would've been able to stay level-headed in the same situation.  He was really the one who was called out when Mike said, "I will be playing my idol for Shirin and she'll be voting for Tyler."  The players this season have been pretty random, so although I would've bet a lot that Mike wouldn't actually play the idol, everything has seemed so off the wall that I couldn't be completely sure until it happened.


Although Will should get as much heat as Tyler, I have the feeling it won't happen because he's Will and for some reason a lot of things get pardoned for him.  In fact, a lot of things have gotten pardoned for everybody this season (probably because every week someone new does something in poor taste / poor strategy) so maybe Tyler will be absolved too.

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I've wondered what the heck Tyler is doing all season as he's been mostly invisible. When he had his conversation on the reward with Dan (and the subsequent confessional) I decided Tyler is actually playing a pretty smart game.  When you're surrounded by bad players the best strategy can be to lay low and let them screw things up on their own. But then he panicked at TC and cast a vote for Dan.


Of course, given that the real final four alliance seems to be Rodney/Carolyn/Will/Tyler that may not hurt him too much.  Except for Dan's extra vote...

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Shirin explained why she said "Just sit there and look pretty," when she voted for Tyler. Apparently that was his (sexist, marginalizing) catch phrase out there. According to Shirin, when they got flint, he tore it out of her hand and said "Just sit there and look pretty, I got this." I feel vindicated in my thoughts that Tyler was exhibiting some sexist behavior out there!


She also said that it ended up being sort of an analogy of his game: to just do nothing and wait for 'the right time.'

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ugh. "Just sit there and look pretty" is so gross.


And peachmangosteen, I've thought Tyler was sexist since he struck up such a good friendship with Joaquin, who was grossly misogynistic, and since I read Max's interviews where he talked about how Tyler approved of Joaquin's sexism towards Shirin.

Edited by wudpixie
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Ugh.  Tyler.  I knew I didn't like him, but I couldn't clearly say why.  "Just sit there and look pretty." 


What a passel of chauvinistic assholes this season has managed to cobble together. It's as if they were trying.

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I'm glad others have been seeing Tyler the way I have. I thought I was the only one! 


What a passel of chauvinistic assholes this season has managed to cobble together. It's as if they were trying.


It really does. But also, I think it's maybe possible that there being such a deeply misogynistic player like Dan, deeply sexist players like Joaquin/Rodney, and the internalized misogyny (IMO) of Carolyn, might have helped create an environment where everyone gets sucked up into it, much like they all got sucked into the gang mentality against Shirin, which itself had a sexist element.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Shirin explained why she said "Just sit there and look pretty," when she voted for Tyler. Apparently that was his (sexist, marginalizing) catch phrase out there. 

I'm doubly done with this cast and this season.

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