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S30: Jenn Brown

Donny Ketchum
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I'm forgiving of quitters in any case, but I'm especially not upset at Jenn not wanting to be there.  I identify all the more with her, really: she wants to stop playing at the same moment I want to stop watching.  I did watch this episode, but only after I thoroughly spoiled myself, because I don't care about this season anymore.  It lost me.

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Something about that pic of her and Joe said Ponderosa to me.  Bare walls, high ceilings.  Pure speculation on my part, how could I possibly tell that room corner from a any other room corner?  IDK.  Just a feeling. 

Forgot to add,


I think its total BS that Max gets screen time for a jellyfish sting.  Dan gets scree time for a jellyfish sting.  But all Jenn gets for a scorpion sting is a secret scene. 

Forgot to add,


I think its total BS that Max gets screen time for a jellyfish sting.  Dan gets scree time for a jellyfish sting.  But all Jenn gets for a scorpion sting is a secret scene. 

Edited by marys1000
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Jenn posted a pic today of her sitting on a counter with wine, food, and two guns and bullets beside her. She is a very interesting character.


At first I thought that little thing was a hash pipe, but looking more closely, I guess it is a small gun. I go back and forth on whether I like Jenn, but I hate that picture. I'm not crazy about gun culture to begin with ('Merica!), and putting them out on the table with booze and food seems unnecessarily celebratory. But mostly that picture gives off a big poser vibe from her. I seriously doubt she's as much of a badass as she pretends to be.

Edited by fishcakes
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I don't know if she's referencing Russian Roulette, but the small gun looks like a derringer, which I believe only holds one bullet (I could be wrong; my scant knowledge of guns comes primarily from episodes of Gunsmoke and Bonanza), so if she is, that would be a quick game.

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I don't know if she's referencing Russian Roulette, but the small gun looks like a derringer, which I believe only holds one bullet (I could be wrong; my scant knowledge of guns comes primarily from episodes of Gunsmoke and Bonanza), so if she is, that would be a quick game.


It would be important to not go first.

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I will miss you Jenn.  Hope to see you back on another season with better people.  Don't lose the snark and free spirit that we saw in the beginning.  Unfortunate luck of the draw that you wound up on the wrong side of numbers.  Was hoping you'd get spared, but obviously people are following the alliances.  No wonder they felt the need to introduce an advantage, it was getting too obvious and still is.  Thanks for the memories of your great idol play, the 'f-yeah' winning your tribe the RC, and the funny confessionals back when you were still a No Collar.


So much for an underdog story this year.  I guess in the Disney/90s kid movie universe, the villains win this one.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I don't know if it was intentional or not but I loved Jenn telling the others to "play nice"  on her way out of TC which is a nice call back to Colleen in season one who said pretty much the exact same thing.

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I have to say I am loving Jenn's interviews:




Tom Santilli: Speaking of hating, how uncomfortable was it to sit back and watch Will unload and get so personal with Shirin?

Jenn: I was with Shirin, I was with Sierra, I was with Mike, I was with Hali, last night. We all watched the episode together with a giant group of friends, with my friends, Shirin's friends, Hali's friends up in the Bay area, and so we were all with Shirin for it. It was one of those things where we all knew it was coming, we knew it was going to happen but it was still unbelievable to actually see, because I wasn't there. I walked away, I wasn't going to deal with a bunch of people yelling up on the beach. So when I came back I had heard about it, obviously, but I hadn't seen it. It was shocking, it was horrible, it was one of the worst ways I've seen another person act towards another person. And it was really tough to watch, it was. It's one of those things where now, we can be like wow, hey, we're better people than Will was. It's also a little crazy because back home Shirin has this loving, amazing support system around her. Shadows of several middle fingers were showing up on the screen. People last night were yelling at the screen at Will. It was this crazy juxtaposition where there is this man yelling at her on screen telling her she has nothing and no one, when she literally has a warehouse full of people that do nothing but love her.


Tom Santilli: And even though you brought up quitting, and even though others said things like "you don't care" about the game while you were out there, you are now a member of the jury and will vote for a winner. Do you care about the game of Survivor or for you was it more about just having fun?

Jenn: It wasn't that I didn't want to be out there, I was having an all-right time, I just don't think that I realized that some people can be so horrible for no reason. Like all the hate that Shirin got or is getting, it just doesn't make any sense to me, I don't know why. She didn't hurt anyone and she didn't do anything malicious. But what really bothered me is how other people could be so malicious, for money. I don't have a lot of money, there are people out there that think I live off of my father...whatever, internet. I don't come from money, I don't have money. But I don't give a s**t about money. It's not a big deal. Sure you need money to survive in America, but look at other countries, people live off of much less and then they're happy. Even in the South Pacific, those people are wonderful and they have almost nothing. Then you've got these people who are being horrible, terrible people, for money. I just hated seeing all that, and that's really why I was the way I was, I just thought these people were horrible. These people aren't playing the game for fun, they're not doing this for fun, they're doing it to beat each other down, and that just disgusted me. And that's really when I started saying man, f*** this game. F*** these people. Sorry I said f*** (laughs).



Tom Santilli: A lot of contestants are mad or sad when they leave the game, but in your Ponderosa video you called that day the "best day of my life." How fun was it to get to be at Ponderosa for three days with just Joe and Hali?

Jenn: Ponderosa, the 10 or 11 days I was there, were literally the best 10 or 11 days of my life. I was with people that I loved, I was having the greatest time, I loved every second of it. There was not a moment of it that I was unhappy. It was the best. I loved those people and I still do, but it was like being on vacation with your friends.

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Hmm, that last bit from Jenn kind of suggests Mike and Shirin might soon join her at Ponderosa.  It also kind of suggests Will stays in the game for some time, and probably Dan and Carolyn as well. 

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The fact that no one wanted to work with the NC because they were deemed too likable makes me just how insufferable everyone really is out there.  I think we're seeing just a small portion.  You want someone unlikable at the end, you have more than 1 person to choose from.  So who wins this season: one of the worst of the worst, or someone completely forgettable that will get little airtime at the reunion because they did nothing.


From that same interview you posted LanceM:


Jenn: Well first, I think that the whole "collar" thing has been shoved down America's throat enough.



The whole collar concept is one of the worst ever.  Not only do I think it screwed a lot of contestants, but she's right, they played it up way too much.


Here's another quote where she mentioned Dan's lack of strategy:




But Dan was on the bottom of a six-person alliance and he knew that! I mean, and we told him so many times. We were like, "If you come with us, you will be at the bottom of a four-person alliance. Fourth place is a hell of a lot better than seventh place."

And he, for the life of him, would just not see it that way. He actually said one day, "I would rather finish in seventh place than I would fourth or whatever it was than flip on my alliance, because flippers never win." And he always said, "Flippers never win."

And I'm like, "Dan, every single person that has won the game has flipped on their alliance. You are insane." So, yeah, I don't know! I don't know what he's thinking. And I still don't know what he's thinking. I never talk to Dan.



I like that Jenn doesn't sugar coat anything.  Everyone else seemed to be claiming this is the best season full of gamers, and you never knew where people stood it changed day by day, but reading Jenn's interviews I think that was a load of crap.  And if this was really the "closest cast ever!" I kind of doubt that's the case now.  I feel like that was a bunch believing in their own hype to begin with to go along with Probst's "best cast ever!", but as the season goes on, it seems castoffs were seeing what was going on out there and seem to be distancing themselves from others.    

Edited by LadyChatts
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But Dan was on the bottom of a six-person alliance and he knew that! I mean, and we told him so many times. We were like, "If you come with us, you will be at the bottom of a four-person alliance. Fourth place is a hell of a lot better than seventh place."

    And he, for the life of him, would just not see it that way. He actually said one day, "I would rather finish in seventh place than I would fourth or whatever it was than flip on my alliance, because flippers never win." And he always said, "Flippers never win."

    And I'm like, "Dan, every single person that has won the game has flipped on their alliance. You are insane." So, yeah, I don't know! I don't know what he's thinking. And I still don't know what he's thinking. I never talk to Dan.


That is priceless.  "I would rather finish in seventh place than finish fourth and flip on my alliance because flippers never w...um...hmmm...yeah, because flippers never finish fourth!"


It's right up there with Carolyn's understanding of odds.

Edited by Special K
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Another Jenn interview...




It seemed to fall apart after Hali was voted off.
Before the tribes were switched up, it was bliss on the No Collar tribe. We didn't fight; we didn't strategize. It was a blast. And then it all changed, and it just got ugly.


You also have Rodney on the tribe. What's he like?
He's slightly misogynistic, but he's a good guy. He talks about getting chicks and having a good time. Whatever. He's 24 and from Boston – every dude is like that. If you're acting like that when you're in your 50s, DAN, then you have a problem.


In your final words, you blasted Sierra and said that she 'sucks.' Why?
I've apologized to her; Sierra doesn't suck. But I was upset at her for not coming to Shirin's defense when Will was yelling at her. She regrets it now. I also didn't think she was playing the game. She knew she was on the bottom of her alliance, which was with people she hated. She wouldn't come over with us, even though we would have given her at least final four."


and my favorite...


Now Jeff Probst says this is a fantastic cast.
There are a lot of big male characters, which is important to Jeff for some reason.



Edited by LanceM
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It won't be the last time I say it, since we still have the finale/reunion show to get through, but I love Jenn.  Freaking love her.  And yet, we're stuck with Sierra, Carolyn, Rodney, Dan, and Will.  So much potential this season had.


I loved her honesty.  Still do.  You know, Sierra would have had much better options by flipping.  She could have sided with the NC, then flipped back to get better than 'just final 4'.  She would have done something productive, and played with people she liked.  That was Shii-Ann's intention in Thailand, before Jeff did the 'it's not a merge!'.  And it would have spared us the misogynistic crew that we're stuck with.  I'm really curious what her interviews will be like.  Actually, I'm curious what everyone left has to say.

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You know, Sierra would have had much better options by flipping.  She could have sided with the NC, then flipped back to get better than 'just final 4'.  She would have done something productive, and played with people she liked. 


Right.  I just think Sierra is not a good player.  She had the good fortune to be on the tribes that mostly won, so she only faced tribal once IIRC.  Since then she hasn't done anything real objectionable -- but she hasn't done much period besides go along.  My guess is she gets booted fairly soon. 

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Even Jenn thought Dan is in his 50's. And Jenn said:



There are a lot of big male characters, which is important to Jeff for some reason.


Again I have to wonder if she was on TWoP.

Edited by scowl
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Re: her comments about Rodney - 24 is old enough to know that misogyny is wrong and it disturbs me how some people think that being well into adulthood is still an excuse for intolerance. 


I liked her RHAP interview and I liked when she called out this season for being the least strategic. But I don't care for her revisionist history about how her attempting to quit (or not quit, since she contradicts herself about that within the same interviews) was some sort of moral stand against everyone else being awful when it was clearly because she couldn't handle not getting her way. 

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She's very revisionist. She complained that people were doing awful greedy things only for the money, yet she had already calculated the taxes she'd have to pay if she had won the million bucks. I like her, but come on, Jenn. 

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Unfortunately, the Jenn & Hali being mean to whatshername was at the beginning of their storyline. Most people had forgotten or move onto Wills meanness. I'm sure if she had gotten voted out earlier Rob would have questioned on it (as, he did to Hali) but it happened so long ago. I too think Jenn is rewriting history but people on Survivor do that in their exit interviews. They always say they knew they were getting voted out & blah, blah, blah! I still like when she played her idol and hysterically laughed. I just wished she had continued on playing that way.

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Last one for the road, but I freaking love Jenn.  I wanted Probst to turn to the jury and say 'okay, you can vote for her if you want' after the speech she gave.  I loved it more that peeved off Dan had to follow her glowing praise of Mike, after he'd been shooting him death glares.  She gets the game, but isn't a geeked out super fan or something so stuck in their comfort zone that they don't see what's going on around them.  I hope she gets another shot, and a real shot, with people that are willing to bring her in to their alliance and where she can strategize.  What we saw in the beginning of the season is what I believe Jenn was capable of in terms of game play.  I think she could have totally taken this, if she only had a chance.  Considering she dissed Probst and his love of alpha males, I'm not counting on seeing her again anytime soon.  I was really disappointed she and Hali weren't up for consideration for the S31 voting.  Not sure if they were asked but declined.  


I looked more forward to seeing Jenn, Joe, and Hali each week than I did anyone left.

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I was never a big fan, but whatever else she did was totally redeemed for me when she stood up for Mike against that bitter jury. Her fence analogy was perfect. You can't lock someone out and then complain about their social game.

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I loved Jenn's final tribal speech. It was so true. I loved her calling out Dan, Tyler and Rodney about their Mike hate. It was irrational in the game and apparently, irrational at Ponderosa. Jenn said everything that people on the boards have been saying for the last five or six weeks.


I had no problem with her wanting to vote for Rodney, I think that she saw him as comedic relief and apparently they really needed the comedic relief out there.

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I wish Jenn had lasted farther into the game and her speech was indeed awesome.  It's refreshing when someone cuts through all the bullcrap.  Tyler, paranoia is justified when everyone is in an alliance against you and wants to vote you out at every tribal council.  Mike doesn't have to apologize for winning immunities and not voting for himself.  People are amazing.  I think a couple of them saw the light and Jenn turned a few votes, so she made a mark for herself this season.

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I laughed in delight at Jenn's jury speech. Shine on, you crazy diamond.


A lot of people having pointed out pictures on social media that make it seem like Jenn and Joe are dating, and they had a cute-awkward giggle when Jeff asked if he was single. I imagine that even if the dating rumors had been true, they would table it for Joe to go on Second Chances. 

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I was never a big fan, but whatever else she did was totally redeemed for me when she stood up for Mike against that bitter jury. Her fence analogy was perfect. You can't lock someone out and then complain about their social game.


And you just know that TPTB had Dan go right after her to defuse his Mike-hate and make him look (even more) ridiculous.

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If there's one good thing I can say about Will (and its the only good thing I can say about Will), it's that I'm glad he flipped on Vince and voted him out.  This season was bad enough without having creepy headed feather guy there for the long term.  I really wish Jeff could have talked with Vince about his short time there and what went on.  I'm glad we got spared him and got to keep Jenn around.  I don't know if she'd be up for doing Survivor again.  She seems pretty over it, but I'd love to see her back in the future.

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