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S03.E14: The Return


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I seriously thought that the twist ending of the 'The Return' would be Tommy being revealed as alive and a secret prisoner of ARGUS all this time.

Anyhoo, it was nice to see stepping in for big bro Tommy and flirty Tommy and Queen manor again and Quentin's partner and Diggle and his brother Andy.

Also nice to see Slade. Too bad it wasn't a better return. He really should be with the Suicide Squad.

I seriously did guffaw at Laurel's 'You knew back then that I was headed for that mask'

Really?! No. There's no way anyone knew you were headed here. The only person in the DC comic verse who can say that is Damien Wayne.

I just can't with Thea: Girl, if Malcolm could discard Tommy like he did, then, yeah, he can screw you over too. Why did you think you'd be different?

Having said that the look on Malcolm's face after Thea told him off? Pure maniacal rage. When Malcolm turned to Ollie, I'm surprised he didn't drop over dead at as soon as Malcolm laid eyes directly on him.


I like Colin Donnell but was there a point to Tommy in the flashbacks? It just felt like, let's get a former fan favorite in here! It didn't really advance anyone's story or develop character, did it?


He was there to prop Laurel.  Nothing more. To show us how wonderful Laurel always really was.  To have Papa Lance be mean to Laurel in front of other people to make us feel bad for her. And then when he chews her out for breaking the trust and then she holds the bottle we were supposed to worry that she would drink again (POOR LAUREL) but instead they kick Sara fans in the teeth by having her pour it out on Sara's grave. No show that wasn't pouring out a 40 for Sara, you toads. 


I may or may not be annoyed with the Laurel propping in this episode.

  • Love 7
I thought he looked like a serial killer. I was like. "No he`s not cute."


I was waiting for Felicity to add, "But you need a haircut." Flashback Ollie is seriously starting to look like MacGyver.


What have I seen Diggle's brother on? I kept thinking he must have been on here before, because I swear I have seen him playing the same kind of security detail guy before.


ETA: Heroes. The brother was Nathan's campaign manager on Heroes.

Edited by bettername2come

Diggles brother was one of the random Bones grad students or whatever's. That's what I know him from.

So, we've seen tommy enough times that I feel like he's definitely coming back from the dead. And I'm really ok with that. I enjoyed flashback laurel. KC always works better with tommy and with her dad.

I still don't understand how Robert thought to tell Oliver to correct his mistakes and save the city for him, when he thought they were just going out on a safe trip on the seas. Because if he knew the boat was going to go down, there's no way he would have taken Oliver..

he knew he was defying Malcolm at that point. So I think he knew there was a chance something might happen to him? But no, he didn't count on the boat going down and killing his son or he wouldn't have brought him...
  • Love 3

I like Colin Donnell but was there a point to Tommy in the flashbacks? It just felt like, let's get a former fan favorite in here! It didn't really advance anyone's story or develop character, did it?


It's quite possible I wasn't paying attention and just missed it, but Oliver wasn't around during that last Tommy/Laurel scene, was he? Since he wasn't watching them, there didn't seem to be much point to that scene, other than to remind me that once upon a time, I liked Laurel and Tommy together. Katie Cassidy has a chemistry with Colin Donnell that she and Stephen Amell couldn't create if you spotted them a Bunsen burner and a lab.

  • Love 9

You know what I want right now? a future fic with Oliver and Felicity in bed totally relaxed and happy post sex just cuddling, they start talking and Felicity asks him to tell her something she doesn't know and Oliver tells her about that scene. yea.. that would be so adorable. I need it bad! just Pure Fluff. I need the happy feels people. someone make it happen.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 15

Holy Recon City, Arrow!  Some of it was entertaining and I preferred it to the past few episodes, but some of it was very silly.  Of course, Diggle just happen to work security for Tommy during a big party that Oliver crashed.  Of course, Verdant was used by China White for the bidding war, and that's how he discovered that.  And, of course, Felicity thought Oliver was hot back when she thought he was just a dead former billionaire.  And, Oliver saw it.  So, know I wonder if the first time he approach it, was an accident, or if he knew she might be more willing to help, because of the crush.  If so, then, I don't know, it feels a bit.... odd to me.


Slade is back!  And totally neutered.  Did all that time in prison just make him weak or something?  I mean, he only escaped because of Malcolm, and then he kind of got his ass handed to him.  I mean, he's no longer the guy who could take on Sara and Oliver at the same time, but now he can be disarmed by Thea?  He's no longer the ultimate badass: he's just a second-tier bad guy.  Lame.  At least Manu Bennett was awesome, as always.  And, I did love that he lead to Thea finally asking about what went down with Sara.  Slade hates lies!  He must expose all of them!


Paul Blackthorne was great tonight.  He made Quentin really come off like a broken down man, and he wasn't worried about making him even unlikable at times.  Some of the stuff he said to Laurel back then was harsh, and undeserving.  In turn, I thought those scenes made Katie Cassidy step up her game.  On the other hand, that final scene?  Yeah, I'm glad that he's not going to let Laurel off the hook for keeping that secret.  Of course, it had to end with Laurel pretty much pouring that bottle on Sara's grave, because, well, I have no idea.


I did like the Oliver/Thea stuff, and Willa Holland shined.  Glad Thea finally sees what a monster Malcolm is; it's just too bad Ollie still seems to think they need him.  Whatever, Oliver.


Nice to see Tommy again, even if it wasn't really needed.  No Moira, so I guess Susanna Thompson is done with this show.  Don't blame her.


Was the other prisoner Ollie talking about Boomerang?  I'm bummed he wasn't here.  I really wanted some Manu Bennett/Nick E. Tarabey scenes.  Those two were great together on Spartacus.


Oh, man.  Next week's previews looked epic until that final shot.  Ray looks ridiculous!  RIDICULOUS!  Like something Tony Stark threw out during his early Iron Man drafts. Grodd looks more believable and he's a fucking gorilla!  WTF, show?!

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 4

Was there any mention of Captain Boomerang? Wasn't he roommates with Slade? 

Oliver referenced there being one more inmate, who wouldn't be helping them escape. Apparently he used the term "cellmate" rather loosely in the crossover.


So, know I wonder if the first time he approach it, was an accident, or if he knew she might be more willing to help, because of the crush.  If so, then, I don't know, it feels a bit.... odd to me


.I doubt it. He doesn't learn her name in the flashback, does he? Or that she's an IT person? In their first meeting, he says he was told she was the one who could help him.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 2

You know what I want right now? a future fic with Oliver and Felicity in bed totally relaxed and happy post sex, they start talking and Oliver bring up seeing her in the past. yea.. that would be so adorable. I need it bad!

Hell I want that on the show! Oliver could tell her that he seen her looking at the pic talking to herself thought she was cute and told himself if he got the chance he would get to know her

Was there any mention of Captain Boomerang? Wasn't he roommates with Slade? 

Yes, when they were stuck in prison, Oliver mentioned there was someone else there who probably wouldn't want to help them. I guess he was in the other room or something. I hope Captain Boomerang has long arms because that's apparently all that's needed to break out of an ARGUS prison. I bet he's really missing his boomerangs now. 

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Laurel might be ruining this season for a lot of viewers here, but for me, it's Malcolm Merlyn.   I loathe him and his all knowing bullshit.  I loathe that smirk he's always wearing.  I loathe that he makes Ra's al Ghul incompetent.  I loathe that he makes Oliver so damn stupid.  For every bad decision he's made this season, he can pretty much draw a straight line to Malcolm Merlyn.  The character was appropriately menacing in season one, but his nine lives are ridiculous and insulting on a show that kills characters and keeps them dead.  Like Moira - CRUEL to give us a flashback episode featuring all things Queen and no Moira cameo...but back to Malcolm.  The character has run its course.  He was a good lesson for Oliver, the flipside of his own vigilante crusade.  John Barrowman is a fine actor but his actual character no longer advances the story and mostly creates gaping plot holes to shoehorn him into the bigger story.  Laurel-focused episodes are frustrating for other reasons, but they don't change the tone of the show.  Everything feels off when Malcolm is on screen, mostly because everyone's braincells melt in order to support his actions.  Time for the Magician/Dark Archer/Thea's dad to die for good.


The costume department continues its trend of terrible flashback wigs.  Just how many secrets was Thea hiding in that enormous hair? 

Edited by Lila82
  • Love 11

Oh man. I just realized that Oliver's picture in the past he looks like....Dexter.....


I mean did they really mean to show him looking like a complete creepy, serial killer and have Felicity like that about him??

I swear like I said a few weeks ago that the purpose of Felicity being in the startling City Flashback was so they would almost meet so MG could pat himself on the back and say "they almost met right there! They were destined to meet! I'm Brilliant!" I also think a little subtle point was to be made that she would like even Doucheboy Oliver? She would love him completely in the future UGH this sounds baseless

  • Love 3

Oh man. I just realized that Oliver's picture in the past he looks like....Dexter.....


I mean did they really mean to show him looking like a complete creepy, serial killer and have Felicity like that about him??

The Oliver in the picture looks more like a serial killer than he does when Felicity meets him and he's an actual serial killer. 

  • Love 12

Because of how hard I've hated every episode since the hiatus, this one was almost a relief, because there wasn't much to hate. Any episode without the Lesser Canary goes in the win column, at this point.


I liked all of the Oliver/Thea pieces, except that I felt his reasoning about why they can't tell Laurel was weak, and I hope that Thea--of all people--will disregard it and realize that it's best to just tell people stuff that directly impacts them. 


I liked Slade better here than I did at any point in Season 2--maybe it was just nostalgia for a far superior season--but I was a little bummed he hadn't mellowed a bit on the whole Shado thing in his time in Purgatory. He did seem a little more circumspect in general, almost sorry about Thea, and it was nice to see that nuance from Manu Bennett who had basically no opportunity to demonstrate subtlety in Season 2.


And in general, I felt like this was the first episode in awhile where the central thesis of the season was laid out in a way that I found clear and believable. I don't know why, when they've been hammering at this stuff for awhile, but maybe I feel like they're finally at the turning point, where something is actually going to happen that will affect Oliver's ~soul~ or whatever.


I'm ambivalent about almost everything else. While it was cute to see all the characters a few years before we met them (and to see Andy Diggle for the first time!), the Dig and Felicity stuff felt a little silly. My headcanon is that Oliver didn't know who Felicity was when he took his laptop to her in 103, but I'll allow that he could have made the connection soon after. I'm sticking with that until proven otherwise, because it leaves that first meeting untarnished.


Oh, hey Tommy! I still find you utterly useless, and not compelling in any way! But if you're coming back to life, I'll accept it as long as your purpose is to pull LL back over into her own storyline and away from the characters I actually care about.

Edited by Carrie Ann
  • Love 6

I thought it was okay - Thea found out about Sara and Malcolm's manipulation a lot sooner than I expected.  Her scene with Malcolm at the end was powerful.  It's always nice to see (and hear) Slade - i wish he had escaped so there would be more uncertainty about when he'll show up next and what he'll do.  And Maseo's line about the hood not working as a disguise was gooooooold ... although clearly wrong, given how easily Oliver skulks around in the past and present. 


But I find my attention drifts during the Laurel scenes - I thought it might be Lance who calls her Black Canary but I'm not sure I need to go back to watch that scene. 


Right!? I mean, the moment was cute and all, but that photo made me question Felicity's judgement lmao


Bless the gods that Oliver doesn't look like that in present day. 


They should've gone with a "eh, I don't get it" type of reaction for that reason and then her rambling about feeling guilty about it because he's dead and probably a nice guy even though the tabloids say he wasn't, not that she reads that stuff, etc.  Works in the moment - Felicity rambles are cute and funny - and in the future, given how she reacts when they really meet and start working together. 


 Is this virus only going to be a thing in the past, or is Ra's going to unleash it/threaten to unleash it on Starling at the end of the season? 

It needs to come into play.  But maaaaaaybe it isn't Ra's who uses it - it wouldn't fit the League's code of honour, I think.  Maybe Malcolm convinces Oliver it needs to be used against the League in order to save everyone and protect the city.  It would go against everything Oliver believes in, and why others believe in him.  This would fit into Slade's "what is left of Oliver Queen when he loses everyone" lines.  There has been little of that so far this season, despite this being the central theme for this season.  Yes, he's making dumb decisions, but they're based in Oliver's love for those around them, so he isn't at the "I'm just the Arrow" stage yet. Of course, Oliver's soul will be rescued, the virus won't be used, some hand shakes and laughing about misunderstandings with Ra's and .... fin!   

Edited by La Dee Da

Wait, what?

Sorry, I was trying to make a joke. The Oliver Felicity meets in 1.3 has killed people but he looks like a nice, non-murderous person as opposed to the "cute" looks-like-a-serial-killer-Oliver in the picture from tonight's episode. 




They should've gone with a "eh, I don't get it" type of reaction for that reason and then her rambling about feeling guilty about it because he's dead and probably a nice guy even though the tabloids say he wasn't, not that she reads that stuff, etc.  Works in the moment - Felicity rambles are cute and funny - and in the future, given how she reacts when they really meet and start working together.

This would have been so much better. It also would have worked with Oliver's mindset at that point, that his family and friends are ashamed of who he was. Pre-island Ollie had tons of girls telling him he was cute, post-island Oliver probably yearned for validation that went beyond him having a pretty face.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 2

Well, this is is the first ep in awhile that didn't make me fly into a rage spiral. Amell and Holland were particularly good in their scenes, and I wished we'd had more of them vs Slade instead of the flashbacks. Slade's return felt wasted in this episode.

Also, show, if you are going to make me sit through that many Lance Family Drama Hour scenes at least balance it out with more Felicity and Diggle. Lol at Laurel's, "You always knew I was headed towards the mask." These writers seem to think constantly TELLING the audience how awesome and destined-to-be-a-superhero Laurel is will somehow outweigh the fact that they have been and continue to SHOW us the exact opposite.

So now that Thea knows (finally!) and hates Malcolm again, this show is really stretching it to have both Oliver and Thea think they still need his help. The only reason Ra's is a threat at all is because of Malcolm.

How great a story would it be if Thea actually put on the wig and became Black Canary? THAT would make a good origin story and she has the perfect motivation for feeling the need to continue Sara's legacy. But it will never happen, because comics.

Ray's suit looked so dumb in the previews. Not looking forward to sitting through that storyline at all.

  • Love 5

Now that my expectations have been lowered and I no longer expect anything particularly meaningful from the show, I have to say that I loved this episode!  I've never laughed so much before; it was just that ridiculous!  Everything was just so on-the-nose, it was painful at times but mostly painfully funny. 

When Maseo mentioned that even with facepaint a green hoodie was not enough to hide your identity, I realized  that subtlety was not something to be looking for from these writers.  I'm ambivalent about the retcons: on the one hand, if you've watched the show from the beginning, they were amusing; on the other hand, how can you trust these writers if they can literally re-write history without a qualm?


I loved Thea and Oliver working together on the island and I really enjoyed seeing Slade again, although I also expected him to have come to some realizations about his own mental state after being cured of the Mirakuru.  I also loved Quentin's telling off Laurel at Sara's grave site although the scene included the "heading towards the mask" line which made me roll my eyes hard and wonder at the level of Laurel's self-delusion.


All in all, I truly enjoyed the episode, probably the first one since TSOOFS.  If you check your brain at the door, you can truly appreciate the magnificent eye candy and WTFery this show provides.

  • Love 2

I would have prefered Felicity and Diggle on the island instead of the flashbacks.

Not how I pictured Diggle's brother at all. I didn't picture him so small. Can't really picture him with Carla ethier.

Olicity scene was cute but I think Slade mentioning her to Oliver packed more of a punch. It really sounded like foreshadowing. Hope it goes beyond her dating Ray.

Working with Malcolm still makes no sense. It really sounds like they are just doing his bidding. Ugh

Why would Laurel call herself Black Canary?

  • Love 3

I wonder if Thea goes right to Laurel, and Laurel respects her for telling the truth and therefore has a different kind of reaction than we're expecting. Maybe Thea mentions she wants Malcolm to pay for it and then Laurel calls Nyssa and tells her what's up, thus leading to Malcolm's capture? Because it doesn't make sense that Thea would turn him in - she just admitted that they need him to beat Ra's (although why she thinks that I still don't understand). Unless it was a play to throw him off the scent. 

  • Love 1

I liked the episode.  :)


I was glad to see Thea/Oliver training on Lian Yu.  I love that Oliver told Thea the truth about Sara.  Yay! Oliver/Thea working together to take down Slade. 


Slade!!! Good to see that even without Mirakuru you can still bring the crazy over Shado.   Although your plan was not to kill Oliver/Thea this time around, just keep them locked in prison forever.  So that's progress of a sort…well except for those poor bastards whose burned bodies you were going pass off as them back in Starling.  In theory your "burned bodies" plan would probably have worked better if Oliver hadn't just died like three episodes ago. Not that there was any way you could know that because I'm guessing Argus Supermax doesn't come with cable.


So you've lost your father, mother and now your sister.  How's the girl with glasses? How many people does Oliver Queen have to lose before he stops being Oliver Queen.  This reminds of that tootsie pop commercial about how many licks to get to the tootsie roll center only with losing people instead.  One dead parent…still Oliver.  Two dead parents…still Oliver. And so on.


Once again, Malcolm you are the worst.  Thea, I had no choice but to turn you into a killer because Ra's was after us.  Us…don't think so Merlyn! Ra's was after you.  Thea would have been clear if you hadn't tricked her into killing Sara.  And, really Malcolm you know you suck when even Slade side-eyes what you did to your daughter.  


Maseo, you win the best line award tonight.  How could you to that party, what if you were seen?  I pulled the hoodie down over my face.  That wouldn't even work if you covered your eyes in greasepaint! Bwahahahahaha!


Sure, it was ridiculous that no one saw Oliver in Starling, but I enjoyed most of the flashbacks.  I don't think they took away from anything that happened when Oliver returned home for good.


Diggle and not yet dead Andy rolling their eyes at rich boy hijinks. And a Lyla mention. Win!


Felicity going into QC's office to drop off a file then staring at the picture and babbling about talking to yourself.  You're cute?  for a tool you mean...because that is what Oliver looked like in that picture.  And yet that is still better than his bad wig/baseball cap combo.


Hi Tommy.  It was kinda sad seeing you act like Thea's surrogate brother because of the whole "you are really her half brother, but didn't know because you're dead" thing.


Quentin's a mean drunk. But no matter how mean he may have been to Laurel in the past, it still does not absolve Laurel of not telling him that Sara died.  Loved him laying into Laurel at the cemetery.  I didn't have a problem with Quentin saying Black Canary because he clearly didn't mean it as a compliment.


Finally, I just found out I'm going to be a mask-wearing superhero some day soon. I never knew that was my destiny until I heard Laurel's conversation with Quentin at Sara's grave.  Because I graduated from law school and I've even done public interest law, so clearly I was always meant to be on the superhero path. I'm pretty excited about it and I have already started thinking about my costume.  Granted, except for logging some hours on the treadmill and one karate class at the YMCA, I have no actual fighting skills but I think those are optional.

  • Love 20

I would have prefered Felicity and Diggle on the island instead of the flashbacks.

Not how I pictured Diggle's brother at all. I didn't picture him so small. Can't really picture him with Carla ethier.

Olicity scene was cute but I think Slade mentioning her to Oliver packed more of a punch. It really sounded like foreshadowing. Hope it goes beyond her dating Ray.

Working with Malcolm still makes no sense. It really sounds like they are just doing his bidding. Ugh

Why would Laurel call herself Black Canary?

I definitely wanted Felicity and Diggle on the island with Oliver. Slades line made me hope that it won't come to pass. I really don't want Season 1 arrow or Felicity choosing Ray over Oliver. Makes no sense

Cause she's projecting feelings for Oliver on Ray. But who knows what MG is doing sometimes I think he hates the majority of fans

  • Love 1

I might think about maybe forgiving "Amanda Waller" some of her bs if she can take Federal Witness Cookie Lyons and plonk Cookie down in Starling to straighten out this hot mess. Optional? Whether Cookie cleans everything up  a) on her cell from the back of a taxi, or b) sitting down in Felicity's office and talking with her and calling everyone in for a bunch of truth-bombs.  I could see Cookie giving tips to Felicity on Difficult Men 201.#


Buuuuuut, since we will not get to have fun like that...


Things I Liked:

* Quentin. Bad-ish flashback wig and bottle in the present. I'll take him any way.

*John and Andy! Andy liked Lyla.  Nice.

*Thea finding out about Sara and her part. Yes, it's not on Thea, Sara's death. It was never on Thea.

*Slade. While I wasn't thrilled with his return, I could watch  Mr. Bennett read. Doesn't matter, just as long as he reads.


*Maseo. Hon, it worked out that Ollie was "on time"; quit being polite.

*The island was as lovely and green as it ever was.

*  Thea: "What psycho would put a trap like that out here?"  Oliver: "Me." ::winces, removing part of his trap from his shoulder::


Things I Liked Less:

* Well before she tripped the trap, Ollie yelled for Thea to "Wait! Stop!" He had to run after her to even get her attention, which wasn't helpful except as a delivery system for their funny line.

*No Present-day Dig or Felicity.

*That ARGUS prison apparently only houses grown men in that facility and none of them are skinny or have long arms. Or are Americans.

 Speaking of Slade...Malcolm had better not be on "Waller's" payroll or given tacit approval for the release of Slade Wilson. I really hope that "Waller" is on the guest list for the Malcolm gets His Karma Tour. She had to threaten to bomb a city on TV  to get Oliver and his team and allies to capture Wilson and his soldiers! Plus, the cost of those guards and hiring new ones. Malcolm must be an annoyance to "Waller."


Can I hope that Obviously Lying Man is how Oliver ends up in Russia? It kind of feels that that is how things are going to go.


Truly feeling mixed about this. Not good, not bad. I guess they are keeping it whelming.


#- The dangers of watching Arrow and Empire back-to-back.

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 2

Lol, that was Diggle's brother? That actor is so tiny. I can't picture him with Carly at all.

I feel like Oliver losing Felicity has to go beyond her dating Ray because if she's still working with Oliver and still in his life, he's not really truly lost her. Now if there's a very serious threat to her life, I think that would make Oliver feel differently. They basically reaffirmed that Felicity is Oliver's link to his humanity so it must come into play later somehow.

It's nice to know every character is in on the Laurel propping. At least they're consistent.

Also I was expecting some longing Lauriver scenes but there was nothing. So weird. Bonus though. I'd almost go as far to say there was another nail in the coffin of that ship but I'm still wary of these writers. Still, it was the perfect opportunity for some Lauriver hint and they didn't take it so...

Slade was awesome but pretty wasted if you ask me. I don't really know what else to say about this episode. I'm so meh about it all. Makes it easier to check out for the rest of the season.

Edited by Guest

Lol, that was Diggle's brother? That actor is so tiny. I can't picture him with Carly at all.

I feel like Oliver losing Felicity has to go beyond her dating Ray because if she's still working with Oliver and still in his life, he's not really truly lost her. Now if there's a very serious threat to her life, I think that would make Oliver feel differently. They basically reaffirmed that Felicity is Oliver's link to his humanity so it must come into play later somehow.

It's nice to know every character is in on the Laurel propping. At least they're consistent.

Also I was expecting some longing Lauriver scenes but there was nothing. So weird. Bonus though. I'd almost go as far to say there was another nail in the coffin of that ship but I'm still wary of these writers. Still, it was the perfect opportunity for some Lauriver hint and they didn't take it so...

Slade was awesome but pretty wasted if you ask me. I don't really know what else to say about this episode. I'm so meh about it all. Makes it easier to check out for the rest of the season.


Yeah, in Season 1 Oliver would have been shown as focusing almost completely on Laurel.  That wasn't the case tonight but I agree with you that I don't trust these writers.

Lol, that was Diggle's brother? That actor is so tiny. I can't picture him with Carly at all.

I feel like Oliver losing Felicity has to go beyond her dating Ray because if she's still working with Oliver and still in his life, he's not really truly lost her. Now if there's a very serious threat to her life, I think that would make Oliver feel differently. They basically reaffirmed that Felicity is Oliver's link to his humanity so it must come into play later somehow.

It's nice to know every character is in on the Laurel propping. At least they're consistent.

Also I was expecting some longing Lauriver scenes but there was nothing. So weird. Bonus though. I'd almost go as far to say there was another nail in the coffin of that ship but I'm still wary of these writers. Still, it was the perfect opportunity for some Lauriver hint and they didn't take it so...

Slade was awesome but pretty wasted if you ask me. I don't really know what else to say about this episode. I'm so meh about it all. Makes it easier to check out for the rest of the season.

I would think MG wouldn't be stupid enough to have Felicity solely work with Ray only cause he has to know majority of fans don't like her being the only one lame Ray shares scenes with but who knows. I know Oliver has a "ton" of scenes with Nonawesome Ray and we are getting a triangle so.. I just want some eyefucking/longing looks from Oliver and Felicity at the Dyla wedding and Felicity realising Ray doesn't compare and dumps his ass lol

Yeah, in Season 1 Oliver would have been shown as focusing almost completely on Laurel. That wasn't the case tonight but I agree with you that I don't trust these writers.

Although they did pretty much confirm that Oliver's actions in s1 were about 'fixing what was broke' out of guilt or something and I absolutely feel that's the way he was with Laurel. I think he wanted her because he felt guilty and wanted to make up for things he'd done before the island but really, they could never go back.

Edited by Guest

I really loved the epic GFYs from Quentin to Laurel and Thea to Malcolm. It made me realize how much Laurel and Malcolm have in common:

1. Self-centered and egomanical.

2. Inappropriate responses to grief. Malcolm trains as an assassin. Laurel decides to lie about her sister's death and become a vigilante.

3. The ability to rewrite history to suit their own delusional needs. Malcolm decides to drug Thea and have her kill Sara, which will some how protect her from Ra's despite the fact that it absolutely put Thea in Ra's crosshairs. And Laurel was some how always destined for the mask because of her years of experience working as an attorney.

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