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S05.E14: Surprise!

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That vitamin deal was crazy. And did I see it wrong, or did she have baggies lined up for the others? Was she making her housekeeper take some too?

I did take it that she supplied her housekeeper with a bag of supplements as well. Her contribution to her employees healthcare plan perhaps?

When I'm diligent I do take about 5 or 6 vitamins/supplements: a multiple vitamin, D3, C, B12 & 6, L-Tyrosine, Magnesium, 5htp.

  • Love 3
The only topic she has is "Kim."  Oh, and "Brandi."

In the limo on the way to the Burbank thing?  Kim and Brandi.

Hell, pick a scene, very, very few that include Lipsa don't have something to do with Kim, and nearly all of her talking heads are about Kim. It's endless. If not about Kim, it's about Brandi.


That's kind of how all of these HW shows work; we see an hour's worth of footage (less, actually) divided among six or seven people's story lines. This hour-ish is from tons of footage. Of course we're going o see only what Bravo believes to be relevant.

  • Love 7

In talking about how others should just mind their own business, I wonder if Kim reflects on the fact that she was more than willing to make a plan to "intervene" into Taylor's potential alcohol dependency on camera? Wasn't she the one who suggested to Kyle that they do this? Wasn't she the one doing most of the talking, using her own experiences as a method to explain her concern? 


Just for fun, I went to read Kim's blog from that episode.  This is what she had to say about why she decided to confront Taylor:


"I was surprised by the sound of her voice on the phone, and that she was with a man we really didn't know! When she didn't know Kennedy's whereabouts, we all were very concerned. It wasn't that we were concerned about Kennedy's safety, Kennedy was here with us. I was more concerned with Taylor's state of mind.


Believe me, I know I am no Dr. Drew. Many would say it's the pot calling the kettle black, and I totally understand that. My intent was not to be judgmental or hypocritical, but to reach out as a friend, as others have done for me in the past. Taylor and I have discussed this before. I felt scared, as I don't want her to end up where I did! I've been really, really scared for Taylor. And we've discussed that between Taylor and I. Being an alcoholic in recovery I recognize some of Taylor's behavior as a red flag! As a friend I would like to help! We called Taylor and headed over to see her. I was so nervous and I told my sister on the way there that I didn't know exactly what to say, but I know I have to say something! When I sat down with Taylor, I wanted to cry because my heart went out to her. I understand where she's at and what she's going through. I opened up and told her how it affected me and my children and family. I was so relieved when she reacted the way she did and she was responsive! I was very glad we did it and I was just so relieved! You walk out the door to today I took the biggest sighhhh! I said to my sister on the way home, "Did I do that the right way???" I hope Taylor's OK with me because I care for her and Kennedy so much!"


Funny, because she felt like she had the right to be concerned for Taylor (a person she didn't like), but she doesn't want anyone else to reach out to her in the same manner. Same old Kim. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 17

Which is possible, but then that's the opposite of saying she likely did have some fun, but it was edited out since it didn't fit Bravo's narrative. The blog was her chance to address the pouty face, or being ostracized, if that's what did happen. But she didn't.

I think it also had to do with Ken. Lisa was betrayed by Brandi and really doesn't want anything to do with her, but because thay're castmates, she knows she has to tolerate her, and acts civil and sometimes cordial. Ken feels differently, and Lisa has even talked about how hurt Ken was by Brandi's betrayal, and is unlikely to change how he feels. And he's not a HW, so he has no obligation to socialize with her. That, to me, explains why Lisa was so surprised to see Brandi there - since Ken planned the party. "Ken invited you?!"

Yes, that was what that meant, imo. Ken specifically told her that it was a party for Lisa and Lisa "wouldn't want to leave anyone out," which B translates to "can't have a party without me; secretly loves me, tonight Lisa and I will fly to the moon." Lisa would say, "if I held a grudge, I wouldn't have you at all. But you need to maintain. You will be checked."

Thanks to Yo, B was sober, so Lisa gave her a spotlight, disarming her at the start. B meets this friendliness by overstepping (flowergate), Lisa retrieves her property without comment or quarter. Then she goes on to enjoy her other guests, rendering B superfluous at a party where she hoped to bask in Lisa's renewed affections.

Maybe she did have a good time; doubt if she remembers much of what happened while she was drinking.

Apropos of nothing, I think Kim's BD story is as much crap as everything else she spews.

  • Love 5

The only topic she has is "Kim."  Oh, and "Brandi."


In the limo on the way to the Burbank thing?  Kim and Brandi.

Hell, pick a scene, very, very few that include Lipsa don't have something to do with Kim, and nearly all of her talking heads are about Kim. It's endless. If not about Kim, it's about Brandi.


Also?  Boring.

Just like the shows are edited, so are the TH segments. I am sure Lisa R has talked about other things that happened during the season but the producers chose those comments. I really doubt that all Lisa R or Eileen talk about is Kim or Brandi, on the episodes or in their THs but that is what the producers are focusing on this season and I have to ask why. IMO, just mine, I think the producers are tired of covering Kim's ass. There have been reports since she left rehab of Kim using/abusing both during filming and after it is done for the season but the only time it was clearly shown was on the Paris trip, they chose to edit out what happened in PR (Brandi confirmed Kim was high in PR on twitter) and I think that they are putting it all out in the open this season. Too bad for Brandi, she attached herself to Kim because she knew Yolanda was too ill to be of much support for her and only Kim was left.




Objection! I was just trying to figure out the contradiction.

I agree that the episodes are heavily edited, and it's possible that Brandi had some fun at some point in the evening. But my original post concerned her blog. In her blogs, Brandi usually goes over the episode scene by scene, and uses the blog post to add commentary or her side of things (as they all do), or to throw snark or say "here's what you didn't see..." Stuff like that. She didn't do any of that this time around - in regard to the party scene, or any other scene. The shows are edited, the blogs are not, so I'm questioning her choice(s) in what she wrote, cuz it was so out of character. It's almost like she's throwing in the towel. Or in fear of getting fired. Or sober!?

Ummm, Bravo does "edit" the blogs as well. Both Nene and Teresa Giudice have posted blogs on their own web site a few times so that Bravo does not change them. Bravo will edit out anything not shown on the episode or anything that breaks that 4th wall.

  • Love 5

For the past two days I've been reading this thread and barely posted.  Just now as I was about to start typing, I got a pop-up message saying there were "seven new posts."   It's hard to keep up.


On the show and here on the forum I keep hearing/reading about Kim's "sobriety."   I have no way of knowing this but I get the impression that Kim is not an alcoholic or a drunk.  I think Kim's issues are either drug related or she suffers from some type of medical condition and more than likely, it's both.  She could suffer from manic depression or as someone mentioned be bi-polar.  I don't know but I do suspect that this has been an issue for Kim since childhood.  Perhaps that was why Big Kathy demanded such secrecy. She claims to be "sober" for three years but what she doesn't say is that she's been "clean" for three years.  There is a difference.


The length of her hospital stay keeps changing but whether it was 5 days or 9 days........that falls within the range of a detox.

  • Love 6

Just like the shows are edited, so are the TH segments. I am sure Lisa R has talked about other things that happened during the season but the producers chose those comments. I really doubt that all Lisa R or Eileen talk about is Kim or Brandi, on the episodes or in their THs but that is what the producers are focusing on this season and I have to ask why. IMO, just mine, I think the producers are tired of covering Kim's ass. There have been reports since she left rehab of Kim using/abusing both during filming and after it is done for the season but the only time it was clearly shown was on the Paris trip, they chose to edit out what happened in PR (Brandi confirmed Kim was high in PR on twitter) and I think that they are putting it all out in the open this season. Too bad for Brandi, she attached herself to Kim because she knew Yolanda was too ill to be of much support for her and only Kim was left.




Ummm, Bravo does "edit" the blogs as well. Both Nene and Teresa Giudice have posted blogs on their own web site a few times so that Bravo does not change them. Bravo will edit out anything not shown on the episode or anything that breaks that 4th wall.


Agree and, one step further, it's my understanding that the talking heads are actually responses to direct producer questions about certain situations.


I'm confused as to how Lisa R could answer questions about Kim or Brandi without talking about Kim or Brandi.


I also agree with you about Bravo editing blogs.  I don't recall which specific housewives (maybe Teresa G and Tamra from OC?) posting separate blogs on their respective sites so that if Bravo altered them, they would have the unedited version available for their fans.  


I wish Bravo would reinstate the comments on those blogs.  Gawd, those comments would be epic this season.  

  • Love 9

real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season-The reluctance to be involved in any sort of intervention with Kim was not, as Lisa misunderstood, that I am afraid of her. I just don't feel justified in immersing myself into a situation that, for one, I didn't witness her breach of sobriety. I have gently probed before, and the result was not a pleasant experience, so unless I thought she was in imminent danger, I was reluctant to have any involvement whatsoever. Of course I would be a sympathetic shoulder, but that would be the extent of it.

-excerpt from LisaV's Bravo Blog - S05:E14

The Richards' sister don't need joint therapy for mom issues because they clearly remember the childhood very differently.  It is about time to stop blaming Big Kathy for everyone from Kim to Paris' problems.  These are people who have had money for a very long time and could well afford the best therapy.  Just because Kim, Kathy and Kyle don't publicly bash their mother doesn't mean they suffered at her hands.  I know very few people I like that bash their dead parents.  So much of what we read came from the a third wife to the Ken Richards.


Need is something only the person themselves can decide.  To me, I can see that they would both benefit from individual therapy AND joint therapy.  No way can their issues be solved without some work together, because they experienced it together, even if differently.  "It's about time to stop blaming Big Kathy" … uh, where was I?  I don't recall long conversations or anything saying Big Kathy is wholly to blame or even mostly to blame and never in conjunction with Paris.  You surprise me.  I've never heard Kim nor Kyle say "Mom screwed us up" -- so whatever chatter is out there in the ether or not, they haven't come to that.  THEY still revere her and cry because she's dead.  Meanwhile, they are both seriously fucked up people and SO unhappy.  That's the heartbreak.  No matter what they have, they are depressed and unhappy people.   I think Yo is basically a happy person -- driven, but happy.  I think Lisa V is mostly happy.  I think Lisa R and Eileen have had therapy of worked through whatever impeded them, if anything, and are also mostly happy people.  But Brandi?  Kim? Kyle?  All three are cautionary tales -- "planes and yachts are nice, but my happiness comes from … something I haven't found yet."

  • Love 4

I also agree with you about Bravo editing blogs.  I don't recall which specific housewives (maybe Teresa G and Tamra from OC?) posting separate blogs on their respective sites so that if Bravo altered them, they would have the unedited version available for their fans.  

Yes, of course. But here was a strange case of Brandi electing to not comment on the scene, which is different than breaking the 4th wall or past HW's giving different accounts of what happened.

  • Love 2

That vitamin deal was crazy. And did I see it wrong, or did she have baggies lined up for the others? Was she making her housekeeper take some too? 

Yolanda has tweeted photos of all the supplements she takes with her when she travels, I swear, she needs a rather large suitcase to carry all of them. Maybe that is why they tend to fly private more often than not? I can see her trying to get that through security at the airport!



Yolanda needs to understand that everything is toxic depending on dose. Natural substances are some of the most toxic to man.



Many of these supplements can not be taken in conjunction with standard western medications and/or other supplements. They can cause anything such as lessening the ability of the medication to do its job or the exact opposite and the person gets toxic levels of the medication, to out right causing the person to die. That is why all Dr.'s request a current list of all medications, vitamins and supplements be given at each appointment. It is also imperative that a Pharmacist also has that entire list and anytime something is add or eliminated both the Dr. and the Pharmacist  should be notified ASAP. Yolanda should have 1 Dr. in charge and 1 Pharmacist as consulting with the Dr. with all the pills she is putting into her body daily. I wonder if any 1 medical professional is monitoring her liver and blood levels of this stuff every 2-3 months if not every month! YIKES!! 





Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

Great find, MCM!! (The Kim/Taylor intervention, Kim's subsequent blog). Please frame it in the form of a question and submit it to Andy for the reunion!!

Oh great idea, but I think I am too late. The reunion films tomorrow. The first person to post the official picture of the event (you know they will be tweeting them out) in our little community here should win some type of an award. I cannot wait to see if Yo shows, and how the seating chart is arranged.

  • Love 3

In talking about how others should just mind their own business, I wonder if Kim reflects on the fact that she was more than willing to make a plan to "intervene" into Taylor's potential alcohol dependency on camera? Wasn't she the one who suggested to Kyle that they do this? Wasn't she the one doing most of the talking, using her own experiences as a method to explain her concern? 


Just for fun, I went to read Kim's blog from that episode.  This is what she had to say about why she decided to confront Taylor:


"I was surprised by the sound of her voice on the phone, and that she was with a man we really didn't know! When she didn't know Kennedy's whereabouts, we all were very concerned. It wasn't that we were concerned about Kennedy's safety, Kennedy was here with us. I was more concerned with Taylor's state of mind.


Believe me, I know I am no Dr. Drew. Many would say it's the pot calling the kettle black, and I totally understand that. My intent was not to be judgmental or hypocritical, but to reach out as a friend, as others have done for me in the past. Taylor and I have discussed this before. I felt scared, as I don't want her to end up where I did! I've been really, really scared for Taylor. And we've discussed that between Taylor and I. Being an alcoholic in recovery I recognize some of Taylor's behavior as a red flag! As a friend I would like to help! We called Taylor and headed over to see her. I was so nervous and I told my sister on the way there that I didn't know exactly what to say, but I know I have to say something! When I sat down with Taylor, I wanted to cry because my heart went out to her. I understand where she's at and what she's going through. I opened up and told her how it affected me and my children and family. I was so relieved when she reacted the way she did and she was responsive! I was very glad we did it and I was just so relieved! You walk out the door to today I took the biggest sighhhh! I said to my sister on the way home, "Did I do that the right way???" I hope Taylor's OK with me because I care for her and Kennedy so much!"


Funny, because she felt like she had the right to be concerned for Taylor (a person she didn't like), but she doesn't want anyone else to reach out to her in the same manner. Same old Kim. 

Especially in light of Taylor's blog. She claims that Kyle knew what was going on, that Kennedy was not supposed to be with her and that was why she was surprised to hear she was. Kyle confirmed it in her blog yet Kim, who also knew, decided to use that lie as her reason to confront Taylor! Taylor received death threats as a direct result from Kyle and Kim claiming that Taylor was so drunk she did not remember Kyle had Kennedy. But as you said, it is OK when Kim does it to another even when it is based on a lie she helped start!


real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season-The reluctance to be involved in any sort of intervention with Kim was not, as Lisa misunderstood, that I am afraid of her. I just don't feel justified in immersing myself into a situation that, for one, I didn't witness her breach of sobriety. I have gently probed before, and the result was not a pleasant experience, so unless I thought she was in imminent danger, I was reluctant to have any involvement whatsoever. Of course I would be a sympathetic shoulder, but that would be the extent of it.

-excerpt from LisaV's Bravo Blog - S05:E14

As Lisa said, "Once burned...." She tried to "help" Kim in Paris and got badly burned by her as thanks!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6
Lisa V and Yolanda have always dressed well, better than the rest. I'm also liking Lisa R's choices.



I'm giving Kyle Most Improved for this season.  She has always been very hit or miss and this season has been mostly hits. ( I know, I know gladiator sandals were a Big Miss.)  I think that maybe she lost some weight and has the confidence to ditch the mumus.  Even her face and makeup look softer and younger.  Maybe she has finally started to listen to us.

  • Love 3

I'm giving Kyle Most Improved for this season.  She has always been very hit or miss and this season has been mostly hits. ( I know, I know gladiator sandals were a Big Miss.)  I think that maybe she lost some weight and has the confidence to ditch the mumus.  Even her face and makeup look softer and younger.  Maybe she has finally started to listen to us.

I read somewhere that she had liposuction done to her waist/stomach after the reunion last season. I do not know if it is true though but it would explain the weight loss and looking more toned.

Oh great idea, but I think I am too late. The reunion films tomorrow. The first person to post the official picture of the event (you know they will be tweeting them out) in our little community here should win some type of an award. I cannot wait to see if Yo shows, and how the seating chart is arranged.

The RHOBH reunion is being filmed tomorrow...could this be Brandi's inspiration for a happy blog, lol? 

  • Love 2

I'm giving Kyle Most Improved for this season.  She has always been very hit or miss and this season has been mostly hits. ( I know, I know gladiator sandals were a Big Miss.)  I think that maybe she lost some weight and has the confidence to ditch the mumus.  Even her face and makeup look softer and younger.  Maybe she has finally started to listen to us.


Can we add the outfit Kyle wore to Lisa's birthday party to the "Big Miss" category? 

  • Love 5

Oh great idea, but I think I am too late. The reunion films tomorrow. The first person to post the official picture of the event (you know they will be tweeting them out) in our little community here should win some type of an award. I cannot wait to see if Yo shows, and how the seating chart is arranged.


I hope Yo doesn't show. She needs to stay home. I would rather she look after her health and take care of herself. They could have her call in to give us an update, or allow her to briefly speak if there is something she needs to address, or do a brief feed from her house if they liked but it sounds like she may not even be able to do that from recent reports. 

  • Love 2

Gawd I am sick of 11 pages of Kim (but of course I am going no where haha).

How about those PILLS? The calories alone! She is out of her mind, literally. That many supplements cannot be healthy.

When Mohammed was giving his speech my mind wandered to what he would sound like if he saw Gigi on da bus.

I think if anyone needs an intervention it may be Yolanda. Her poor liver!

  • Love 3


Eileen is a boring version of Brandi.


Sure, they are exactly alike. Except for the fact that Brandi has no discernible talent, has never had a real job, is a childish drunk and is a plastic surgery victim. Also? I can't imagine Eileen falling down drunk and flashing a tampon string, but maybe it's just me. I don't find Eileen boring. I find Brandi threatening to knock peoples teeth out boring.



I don't like that she's an adulterer who broke up two marriages.


Yep and Vince sure had nothing to do with any of it! Sometimes people don't find the person they are meant to be with until they are with someone else. Divorce before cheating would certainly be the better route, but things happen. People are human and don't always do the perfect and right thing. Furthermore, none of us knows all the details of what was going on with her marriage when she met Vince and vice versa. Perhaps neither marriage was working and them meeting was the final blow to both marriages. You have no idea and neither do we. She admitted it wasn't a perfect situation. She further admitted being the step mom was a tough transition. I'd also say judging Eileen and Vince's marriage based on a few minutes of footage which is edited by Bravo seems a little silly.



It isn't Kyle's fault that Kim showed her ass to LisaR so that LisaR would have a legitimate reason to think that Kim might have a problem. If Kim wants to blame someone for why LisaR thinks she has some sort of substance abuse problem I think she needs to look in a mirror.


Agreed. I don't follow this line of reasoning: Lisa R thinking Kim has an issue is Kyle's fault and Kyle is forcing Kim into the spotlight. I don't get that at all. Kim took a pill and then proceeded to act like a nutter in front of Lisa R all on her own. All by herself. Kyle didn't force the pill or pills into her mouth and then force her into that limo and then force her to start blabbing nonsense.



The only topic she has is "Kim."  Oh, and "Brandi."


If the Bravo editing monkeys are at fault for making Brandi to appear unhappy at the Lisa V B-day party, then it stands to reason they are at fault for making it seem like these women talk about nothing other than Kim and Brandi.


I'm positive all of them have plenty of other things to talk about and do, Bravo currently doesn't care about those other topics. At the beginning of the season, all of them discussed other topics.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 13

I hate that they are now filming reunions before the show has even completely aired.  I don't even think they get to see copies of all the shows before they film it.  It's pretty much bullshit.


What is so difficult.  It can't take THAT long to edit a reunion episode.  If people can produce entire episodes of a comedy or drama in a week, then Bravo certainly could managed to edit a Q & A and add in a few clips.



I'm sure Bravo would have included INTERESTING footage from Eileen and Lipsa that wasn't about Kim and Brandi, IF they had any to show.  Why wouldn't they?  I agree though, that Bravo definitely has an agenda this year, and one, long, boring "story" to tell.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 1

As Lisa said, "Once burned...." She tried to "help" Kim in Paris and got badly burned by her as thanks!

So true...after last season LisaV knows her RHOBH "Circle"...her motto this season is:


"I understood in retrospect why Ken invited Brandi. He wouldn't want to exclude anybody, and she is part of our circle. "

-Excerpt from LisaV's Bravo Blog

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 2

I hate that they are now filming reunions before the show has even completely aired.  I don't even think they get to see copies of all the shows before they film it.  It's pretty much bullshit.


What is so difficult.  It can't take THAT long to edit a reunion episode.  If people can produce entire episodes of a comedy or drama in a week, then Bravo certainly could managed to edit a Q & A and add in a few clips.



I'm sure Bravo would have included INTERESTING footage from Eileen and Lipsa that wasn't about Kim and Brandi, IF they had any to show.  Why wouldn't they?  I agree though, that Bravo definitely has an agenda this year, and one, long, boring "story" to tell.

I hope they do get to see the rest of the episodes before the reunion!!? Though they always save something new for the reunion.

In talking about how others should just mind their own business, I wonder if Kim reflects on the fact that she was more than willing to make a plan to "intervene" into Taylor's potential alcohol dependency on camera? Wasn't she the one who suggested to Kyle that they do this? Wasn't she the one doing most of the talking, using her own experiences as a method to explain her concern? 


Just for fun, I went to read Kim's blog from that episode.  This is what she had to say about why she decided to confront Taylor:


"I was surprised by the sound of her voice on the phone, and that she was with a man we really didn't know! When she didn't know Kennedy's whereabouts, we all were very concerned. It wasn't that we were concerned about Kennedy's safety, Kennedy was here with us. I was more concerned with Taylor's state of mind.


Believe me, I know I am no Dr. Drew. Many would say it's the pot calling the kettle black, and I totally understand that. My intent was not to be judgmental or hypocritical, but to reach out as a friend, as others have done for me in the past. Taylor and I have discussed this before. I felt scared, as I don't want her to end up where I did! I've been really, really scared for Taylor. And we've discussed that between Taylor and I. Being an alcoholic in recovery I recognize some of Taylor's behavior as a red flag! As a friend I would like to help! We called Taylor and headed over to see her. I was so nervous and I told my sister on the way there that I didn't know exactly what to say, but I know I have to say something! When I sat down with Taylor, I wanted to cry because my heart went out to her. I understand where she's at and what she's going through. I opened up and told her how it affected me and my children and family. I was so relieved when she reacted the way she did and she was responsive! I was very glad we did it and I was just so relieved! You walk out the door to today I took the biggest sighhhh! I said to my sister on the way home, "Did I do that the right way???" I hope Taylor's OK with me because I care for her and Kennedy so much!"


Funny, because she felt like she had the right to be concerned for Taylor (a person she didn't like), but she doesn't want anyone else to reach out to her in the same manner. Same old Kim. 

Omg, you guys, how do we get Andy to ask Kim about the above? Kim is too much for me with her nonstop hypocrisy. She truly has one rule for herself and one rule for everyone else. No wonder she and Brandi get along so well. 


Agreed that it's lame that they film the reunions so early. Honestly though if it were up to me I'd revamp the entire reunion format starting with getting a co-host to sit with Andy or even a different host altogether. I'd like people to be able to submit questions live too. 

  • Love 7


Why wouldn't they?  I agree though, that Bravo definitely has an agenda this year, and one, long, boring "story" to tell.


I think you answered your own question there. I think Bravo is choosing not to show other conversations precisely because the folks in charge have picked this 'story.' The beginning of the season was about other stuff. We saw Lisa R with her kids and the stuff with her parents. We saw Eileen at work, working out, in the garden with hubby. We saw Lisa V and Kyle with family and pets. And now here we are: Kim's issues 24-7.

  • Love 5

Need is something only the person themselves can decide.  To me, I can see that they would both benefit from individual therapy AND joint therapy.  No way can their issues be solved without some work together, because they experienced it together, even if differently.  "It's about time to stop blaming Big Kathy" … uh, where was I?  I don't recall long conversations or anything saying Big Kathy is wholly to blame or even mostly to blame and never in conjunction with Paris.  You surprise me.  I've never heard Kim nor Kyle say "Mom screwed us up" -- so whatever chatter is out there in the ether or not, they haven't come to that.  THEY still revere her and cry because she's dead.  Meanwhile, they are both seriously fucked up people and SO unhappy.  That's the heartbreak.  No matter what they have, they are depressed and unhappy people.   I think Yo is basically a happy person -- driven, but happy.  I think Lisa V is mostly happy.  I think Lisa R and Eileen have had therapy of worked through whatever impeded them, if anything, and are also mostly happy people.  But Brandi?  Kim? Kyle?  All three are cautionary tales -- "planes and yachts are nice, but my happiness comes from … something I haven't found yet."

There have been numerous discussions about Big Kathy and the House of Hilton on this season's episode threads.  Big Kathy was blamed for promoting Paris unfortunate porno tape even though she was dead when it was filmed and released, again the conversation was on these very boards. I am not the one saying that Kim and Kyle are saying, "mom screwed us up." So please don't paint me with the brush.  I am one of the few if not only that said she knows someone who grew up with the Richards and have previously stated that her recollection of Big Kathy is quite different than the villain she has been painted to be in the unauthorized biography.  For two women who right or wrong were raised to keep family issues private I am in awe that anyone thinks Kim and Kyle are going to rip Big Kathy's memory a big one.


I simply don't share Kim and Kyle are both seriously fucked up people.  I think Kim has her demons and I think Kyle has undesirable personality traits that can be annoying.  I think Kyle and Mauricio are very happy and successful people and share your opinion about the rest of the cast.  Kyle most annoying trait is familiarity and to me familiarity breeds contempt.  She is too front and center this year with the issues with Kim and Brandi.  My impression is people dislike Kyle and because they dislike her they think she is desperately unhappy-I just don't see it.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

I think you answered your own question there. I think Bravo is choosing not to show other conversations precisely because the folks in charge have picked this 'story.' The beginning of the season was about other stuff. We saw Lisa R with her kids and the stuff with her parents. We saw Eileen at work, working out, in the garden with hubby. We saw Lisa V and Kyle with family and pets. And now here we are: Kim's issues 24-7.

Yeah, none of those stories are "Housewife Show" material. 


They were all solo-gigs, and it's the interaction between the "wives" that brings in the viewers.  I'm kind of shocked they even made the cut. 

The thing I don't understand about the bitchard sisters avoidance of genuine apologies (like, they seem to think a sincere apology uttered with NO conditional phrases is akin to the Black Plague) is how they must know such behavior marks them as emotional midgets who have zero respect for their fellow humans.  Apologies given when one is a child don't have the same understanding or impact as when it must be done as an adult. I've only had to do it a couple of times as an adult...both times, it was I who recognized that, (shit, shit, SHIT) I really did owe someone an apology. So, I sucked it up and at the very next time I saw my victim, I first asked for a moment of their time - also giving them time and opportunity to deny it, since I had been the offending a**hole in the first place - then simply said, I did xyz, I was wrong, I am sorry and I apologize....NO excuses, NO justifications, just acceptance of wrongdoing...and DAMN! it may have been REALLY hard to do, but I felt so powerful afterward!  Before this, I had presumed that I would feel humiliated at having to humble myself to another person - but quite the opposite was true.  The other person, in both cases, accepted the apology and we (in each case) remained on cordial terms for the rest of our associations. So, having been there, done that, I simply can not understand either of the bitchards...unless, of course, they are so completely arrogant as to think they NEVER do ANYTHING that requires forgiveness....come to think of it, that's exactly the vibe I get from the both of them - and it's been there since the beginning of RHOBH....sad, really, really sad...


You're mama raised you right. I agree with your entire post but I would add that to me it appears that most if not all the housewives throughout all of the housewife franchises issue conditional apologies and not just the "bitchard sisters". There may be one or two at one time that might have said "I'm wrong and I apologize." and then silence, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

  • Love 2

I don't dislike Kyle.  She is no worse than the rest of them. They are all slightly insufferable for me to ever have a relationship with any of them in the "real" world.  I just don't see things as black and white. One is good, one is  bad. They all have their  moments.


P.S. When does Southern Charm come back?

You're mama raised you right. I agree with your entire post but I would add that to me it appears that most if not all the housewives throughout all of the housewife franchises issue conditional apologies and not just the "bitchard sisters". There may be one or two at one time that might have said "I'm wrong and I apologize." and then silence, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

It's not just housewives, most people give conditional apologies. It is a wonderful trait and shows real growth when someone realizes that sorrys have no buts.

Edited by Higgins
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I read somewhere that she had liposuction done to her waist/stomach after the reunion last season. I do not know if it is true though but it would explain the weight loss and looking more toned.

Actually she had liposuction in 2012, right before S2.  She was very open about it, and actually mentioned it when the season started on camera. She did an interview where she said she had tried diet and exercise, but just couldn't get to the place she wanted to be with her body. This is something that I always liked about her. These gals will do anything to deny their various procedures. They will deny getting fillers in their face, even when it is as obvious as - well as the fillers in their face. The fact that she owned up to something that she didn't have to own up to was interesting to me. She is always accused of being so insecure, but IMO owning such a fact showed that she wasn't afraid to admit she wasn't perfect and needed some help. 

  • Love 11

Omg, you guys, how do we get Andy to ask Kim about the above? Kim is too much for me with her nonstop hypocrisy. She truly has one rule for herself and one rule for everyone else. No wonder she and Brandi get along so well. 


Agreed that it's lame that they film the reunions so early. Honestly though if it were up to me I'd revamp the entire reunion format starting with getting a co-host to sit with Andy or even a different host altogether. I'd like people to be able to submit questions live too.

You might be able to reach Andy by email here to suggest a reunion question:


  • Love 2

I hate that they are now filming reunions before the show has even completely aired.  I don't even think they get to see copies of all the shows before they film it.  It's pretty much bullshit.


What is so difficult.  It can't take THAT long to edit a reunion episode.  If people can produce entire episodes of a comedy or drama in a week, then Bravo certainly could managed to edit a Q & A and add in a few clips.



I'm sure Bravo would have included INTERESTING footage from Eileen and Lipsa that wasn't about Kim and Brandi, IF they had any to show.  Why wouldn't they?  I agree though, that Bravo definitely has an agenda this year, and one, long, boring "story" to tell.

They have been doing this since S1.   Before they did this (on the OC and NY) we had to wait two or three weeks before we saw the reunion.  Andy has said that they get to view all the remaining episodes prior to filming the reunion. If they didn't, how could they comment on what went down during the last 3 or 4 episodes, which is when the real drama takes place? Take last season for instance. They wouldn't have been able to comment on all that went down in PR if they hadn't seen the episodes. The only real problem (as I see it) is that the questions that Andy solicits from the public don't include any of the footage from those last few episodes. 

  • Love 5

I hate that they are now filming reunions before the show has even completely aired.  I don't even think they get to see copies of all the shows before they film it.  It's pretty much bullshit.


What is so difficult.  It can't take THAT long to edit a reunion episode.  If people can produce entire episodes of a comedy or drama in a week, then Bravo certainly could managed to edit a Q & A and add in a few clips.



I'm sure Bravo would have included INTERESTING footage from Eileen and Lipsa that wasn't about Kim and Brandi, IF they had any to show.  Why wouldn't they?  I agree though, that Bravo definitely has an agenda this year, and one, long, boring "story" to tell.

They have always filmed the Reunions before the season has finished airing.  Usually they get the rest of the season before the Reunion or according to Alex the raw footage.   According to the schedule there are three more episodes-two in Amsterdam and the finale.  Last year the finale was only half an hour long the rest was going to the Reunion.


My fingers are crossed that there was some excellent footage that makes it into "Secrets Revealed".

Do you have a Twitter account? Tweet Andy! I think he takes questions from viewers that way.


  • Love 1

Yeah, none of those stories are "Housewife Show" material. 


They were all solo-gigs, and it's the interaction between the "wives" that brings in the viewers.  I'm kind of shocked they even made the cut. 

The question then becomes, what do you (and by "you" I mean the audience) want to see?


At the beginning of the season we saw them doing lots of stuff on their own or with their families. Folks said it was kind of boring. We were all dying (and by "we" I mean me) to see them start to interact. The fact is that this is when the exciting shit goes down.  When they are interacting with each other. This leads to drama, to misunderstandings, to feelings getting hurt and someone getting pissy. Then people start to complain because inevitably someone is being "taken down" or "isolated", or "bullied". This is just an example of how you cannot please all of the people all of the time. Meanwhile, the ratings for this season are excellent, and comments on forums like this one are through the roof. 


Bravo films 85 hours of tape for every hour we see. This is from Andy's own lips. They film them for months, then look at what they have and decide what story they want to tell. This is not necessarily on the girls. My all time favorite scene was one that was in the "lost footage" episode from S3. It was when Kyle took Lisa to get her very first mammogram. Lisa said that Kyle had been bugging her for years to get this done, but Lisa had a fear of going to the doctor. The scene was funny, touching, and informative all at once. The thing is, it didn't fit the narrative of that season, which was that Lisa and Kyle were not such great friends. The interesting thing about that scene was that they mentioned Brandi and "the pole", which was a reference to them being in Vegas, which happened near the end of the season. That meant that near the end of filming, they were getting together and having fun. I always thought that if that scene had been included in the regular season, that it would have shown a much different view of their friendship. As it was, it didn't fit in with the story for the season, which was that Lisa was pretty much done with Kyle. 

  • Love 11

Especially in light of Taylor's blog. She claims that Kyle knew what was going on, that Kennedy was not supposed to be with her and that was why she was surprised to hear she was. Kyle confirmed it in her blog yet Kim, who also knew, decided to use that lie as her reason to confront Taylor! Taylor received death threats as a direct result from Kyle and Kim claiming that Taylor was so drunk she did not remember Kyle had Kennedy. But as you said, it is OK when Kim does it to another even when it is based on a lie she helped start!


As Lisa said, "Once burned...." She tried to "help" Kim in Paris and got badly burned by her as thanks!


What the fresh hell???


I've always avoided Kim's headache-inducing blogs so this is the first time I'm reading this.  


She's concerned because Taylor was with a man she and the other women barely knew?


Taylor is a grown-assed woman who had secured appropriate childcare for her kid.


It was none of these women's bloody business who Taylor was spending her time with.


I didn't care for Taylor at all, and this is just ridiculous to me.


She's right about one thing...the pot and kettle analogy.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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They have been doing this since S1.   Before they did this (on the OC and NY) we had to wait two or three weeks before we saw the reunion.  Andy has said that they get to view all the remaining episodes prior to filming the reunion. If they didn't, how could they comment on what went down during the last 3 or 4 episodes, which is when the real drama takes place? Take last season for instance. They wouldn't have been able to comment on all that went down in PR if they hadn't seen the episodes. The only real problem (as I see it) is that the questions that Andy solicits from the public don't include any of the footage from those last few episodes. 


This is where it would be great to have 2/3rds to 3/4 of the reunion shot tomorrow and have a more casual, follow up, mini reunion that's shot a couple of days after the season ending episode airs to allow for viewer input. They could take live questions and I think they could edit that small amount easily and have it ready to go the next week.

I think we need a "Reunion Questions We'd Like To Ask" thread. Who knows maybe someone from production will see it and possibly use one of our questions?

  • Love 4

There have been numerous discussions about Big Kathy and the House of Hilton on this season's episode threads.  Big Kathy was blamed for promoting Paris unfortunate porno tape even though she was dead when it was filmed and released, again the conversation was on these very boards. I am not the one saying that Kim and Kyle are saying, "mom screwed us up." So please don't paint me with the brush.  I am one of the few if not only that said she knows someone who grew up with the Richards and have previously stated that her recollection of Big Kathy is quite different than the villain she has been painted to be in the unauthorized biography.  For two women who right or wrong were raised to keep family issues private I am in awe that anyone thinks Kim and Kyle are going to rip Big Kathy's memory a big one.


I simply don't share Kim and Kyle are both seriously fucked up people.  I think Kim has her demons and I think Kyle has undesirable personality traits that can be annoying.  I think Kyle and Mauricio are very happy and successful people and share your opinion about the rest of the cast.  Kyle most annoying trait is familiarity and to me familiarity breeds contempt.  She is too front and center this year with the issues with Kim and Brandi.  My impression is people dislike Kyle and because they dislike her they think she is desperately unhappy-I just don't see it.

I look back at all their interactions and judge them to be unhappy people -- and I admit to only being able to do that, since I don't know someone who knows someone who knew the Richard Sisters growing up.  And by the way, knowing someone in person can tell you a lot, if you're close to them. But you still know nothing they don't want to admit to, flat out.  


I don't think, from my armchair psychology, that this is the kind of thing that manifests itself right away.  It's the repetition of patterns that's doing the damage now.  When they're starting out, and just after she died, they're fresh -- new pain, new lives without Mom, children to raise, basically changing scenery. But now they're in the part of the rinse/repeat cycle and all that banging against the things they never worked out is worse.  They're quicker to jump to imagined slights.  They're quicker to discount each others complaints.  They have developed short-hand for getting through life on the same terms.  


I'm suggesting rewriting the terms.  And for all of us, no matter who our parents were, it's our upbringing. At least, on some level.  Now here are the Richard girls with a single-ish/remarrying mama with quite the reputation, whether embellished or not, but yes, a huge childhood in Hollywood, working for Disney for one and traipsing behind picking up the leftovers for the other.  To misquote Gertrude Stein "There is there there."


I'm in that group that thinks everyone could benefit from therapy.  But heck, the concept of al-anon is already out there, I didn't invent that.  Families with addicts suffer, too, and need help, too.  Someone like Kyle, who has stayed close to Kim, worried about her and used her (to get on this show; I don't think they'd have cast Kyle as easily without her offering Kim up), there is damage.  For the love of God, for the sake of her children, for the sake of her marriage, FOR ME, DAMN IT! LOL … she needs therapy.  Three times a week.


And it will be quicker if they don't sugar-coat their mother's role -- however imperfect we all are, it's recognizing and forgiving those imperfections that help us move forward to our own disasters.

Edited by Blister
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I don't know if my taste matters to Bravo.  They get their biggest ratings from the huge (and embarrassing to me) fights and family betrayals.  NJ and ATL still get (by far) the highest ratings, and I stopped watching those long ago, mostly because they embarrass me as a woman.


Then again, I don't want to watch things I can watch my neighbors do either.  I can watch my own pets.   I liked the Lipsa scenes in Medford, even though I didn't like her, or her bratty girls during them.  It bothered me that she doesn't visit her parents, and they were being forced out of their home.  I always like the house porn from Lisa and Yo, even though the segments they film alone are certainly not ratings (or my attention)  grabbers. 


I guess for RHBH, I enjoy the lavish parties the most, and the trips,  where the housewives actually interact, some of the trips.  David's dinner/sing alongs excepted, because MY KING creeps me out.  Unfortunately, more and more, they just edit for whatever story they have decided to tell for the season, I'd rather just watch things play out, watch real discussions about something other than each other.


The editors for this show seem inept.  They keep trying to get the trashy level of their most highly ratings shows shoehorned into RHBH, and it just doesn't work.  This season, to me, is an example of that.  Seriously, the editors suck.  Like you, I've loved the "never before seen" stuff more that what they do show, and storylines they try to cram down our throats.  Lisa and the Mammogram.  This season for example, Kyle and Kim having fun after the party in the limo that's up on Bravo right now.  It's all just so one-sided and fake.  I prefer real moments, well, as real as they can get knowing cameras are there, which is why Bravo plies them with booze and long hours probably, to try to get there.  Nah, probably just to get them to embarrass themselves.


Last season, for example, could have been interesting, almost as interesting as RHNY when the real life heartbreak of a "real" friend's betrayal (Jill to Bethenny) played out.  Yes, the show influenced that, but at it's core, it was real.  It could have been that way with the Brandi/Lisa break up if we'd actually been given the whole story.  Maybe. 

Edited by Umbelina
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I still maintain Lisa V. and Brandi actually have real friend chemistry. When Lisa made her sing, they were laughing and having fun in a way that feels closer than anything I ever see between Lisa and Kyle. I do get the sense that Lisa still cares about Brandi on some level - and that is perhaps why she is so angry at her - because the affection between them was real.

  • Love 6

This is where it would be great to have 2/3rds to 3/4 of the reunion shot tomorrow and have a more casual, follow up, mini reunion that's shot a couple of days after the season ending episode airs to allow for viewer input. They could take live questions and I think they could edit that small amount easily and have it ready to go the next week.I think we need a "Reunion Questions We'd Like To Ask" thread. Who knows maybe someone from production will see it and possibly use one of our questions?

Except I've always had the sneaky suspicion that Andy asks a question from, oh say, Zoeysmom1234, but in reality, it's really his question!

But I love your idea of LIVE questions from the audience! They'll never do it, though. Can you imagine? Me: "Brandi - how many drinks have you had today? Follow-up - was that with or without a Xanax?" (And that's me being kind - I could have asked Kim that question!)

  • Love 8

This is where it would be great to have 2/3rds to 3/4 of the reunion shot tomorrow and have a more casual, follow up, mini reunion that's shot a couple of days after the season ending episode airs to allow for viewer input. They could take live questions and I think they could edit that small amount easily and have it ready to go the next week.

I think we need a "Reunion Questions We'd Like To Ask" thread. Who knows maybe someone from production will see it and possibly use one of our questions?

I would officially like to ask why Kyle showed up to Lisa's party in jeans and a sweater.  What the fuck? I have seen Kyle wear jeans no more than a dozen times, and she does it at Lisa's party? Did she just get her invite 30 minutes before the party? 

  • Love 3

As nasty as I've notice Kyle to be I don't think it's a far stretch to think that there are also times where Kyle just truly can't be bothered and I can also go as far as saying that it wouldn't even be because she had something pressing that she was in the middle of. I just get that vibe from Kyle that suggests that she doesn't really allow Kim to put her out until it falls on her doorstep in massive proportions. I'm more inclined to believe that for the real serious messes, the only reason Kyle stepped in was because her hands were tied and she had no choice because the situation was that serious. But night calls, with Kim just needing an ear, that interrupt her beauty sleep, or wine with Maurico? Nah, I really have this gut feeling that Kyle wasn't having any of those type of interruptions LOOOOONGGGGGG before this show ever started. I guess that's the reason why I do think there is something to Kim's position on Kyle and Kim's addiction doesn't negate that for me.

Granted that is definitely Kyle's right to treat the situation with Kim that way but it's such a far cry from the persona Kyle wants us to believe to be true.

When was it, back in S1 or 2 when a statement was made, I guess by Kyle, that her and Mo had taken care of Kim for years. That Mo was like a husband to her. That they handled her finances, her house stuff. Basically Kim was their child. And Kim never disputed that. I have a feeling Kyle has been more than just a shoulder to cry on for her sister for a long time. Good for her if she's finally drawing a line in the sand and making Kim fend for herself a bit. If any of that were true, that's quite an intrusion on the Umansky family as a whole. And to this day Kim shows not one ounce of gratitude.

  • Love 16

Except I've always had the sneaky suspicion that Andy asks a question from, oh say, Zoeysmom1234, but in reality, it's really his question!

But I love your idea of LIVE questions from the audience! They'll never do it, though. Can you imagine? Me: "Brandi - how many drinks have you had today? Follow-up - was that with or without a Xanax?" (And that's me being kind - I could have asked Kim that question!)


Love your Question!


That would truly be honest reality TV  for the housewives.


I started a thread for our questions. No debating or rehashing allowed. That's what these threads are for.



Edited by Giselle
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