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S26.E06: Love Hurts


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I don't think anybody came off well this week. Especially Zach. Jordan can rail on Sarah, and Adam & Brittany can snipe at each other, but Zach is an overgrown Neanderthal.


Anybody else think it was funny that Jordan wanted to see something from Sarah, and she threw up?


Damn, that was a brutal mission. Couldn't BMP have sprung for different-colored bags? Or make the weights heaved relative to the guys' weights, making it possible for Jay and Jordan to compete on an even field? Of course not . . . BMP is too busy finding bars for their "stars" to get hammered.


ETA: Anybody else flip off the TV seeing the cliffhanger?

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Yeah most of the guys were real assholes this episode. Zach especially, but Johnny Reilly too. Like, yes Averey definitely has some pent up emotions or emotional baggage but she's completely right that he's the reason they were sent into the elimination. And for once she wasn't even talking about him sleeping with Nany until he brought it up (yes she brought Bananas/Nany up, but it had to do with the game). I don't know, he left a sour taste in my mouth this episode and I usually like him.


Wes and Theresa are really killing these missions.

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I did like that this week rewarded the better partners by making them run less, except Jay.  He probably deserved it for other weeks.  Maybe Jenna is the one that deserved it for dating Zach.  If I didn't know that she'd probably be getting a lecture from TJ, I would have wanted Jonna to quit. 


I'm going to need Zach to get another leg cramp so that someone can scream at him for a change.  I'm starting to think that everyone was way too nice to him last time.  I'd really like him to figure out how to be less of an ass to his partners.  He figured out how to be less homophobic, so I consider him capable of it, which I think annoys me more.


I went back-and-forth on Johnny during his season, but I had warmed up to him while he's been on The Challenge.  This was definitely not his best episode.  He was totally wrong in his fight with Avery this week, which makes me a bit more likely to believe her version of their break-up.


I'm less annoyed with Jordan than I expected to be, because I like that he justified my dislike for him.

I don't think anybody came off well this week. Especially Zach. Jordan can rail on Sarah, and Adam & Brittany can snipe at each other, but Zach is an overgrown Neanderthal.


Anybody else think it was funny that Jordan wanted to see something from Sarah, and she threw up?


Damn, that was a brutal mission. Couldn't BMP have sprung for different-colored bags? Or make the weights heaved relative to the guys' weights, making it possible for Jay and Jordan to compete on an even field? Of course not . . . BMP is too busy finding bars for their "stars" to get hammered.


ETA: Anybody else flip off the TV seeing the cliffhanger?

Oh man, the cliffhanger passed me off! I was sitting on the edge of my bed so tense.

Zachary was such a dick to Jonna. The poor girl was so afraid to say she forgot the order because of how he would react, and he still railed on her anyway. I would not be surprised if he mentally abused her in their relationship. She just seems so damn broken.

Oh hey, Jordan. There you are! I knew his true personality couldn't stay suppressed for long.

It amazed me that so many of the teams were so dense to realize that they could have solved the puzzle twice as fast if they shared the memorization. This was a perfect challenge for exes because it put their ability to put their issues aside for the sake of communication to the test.

I love Wes, but can't stand his partner. I was happy for their win, but I don't think they should have thrown in Reilly. They should have gone with the "model" girl and her partner (don't remember either of their names) or Jordan and Sarah.

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Zach is douche of the century. Poor Jonna. My heart broke for her!! Obviously a really tough challenge  =( only three teams, all vets, finished). I just hope she knows she does not deserve how he is treating her. She truly does seem broken and needs to get the hell away from him.


I think Jordan was frustrated with Sarah BUT for being such a competitive ego maniac I think he actually held it together slightly. Jay and Jordan had absolutely no chance with this one. Jay mostly for his size and Jordan not having two fully functional hands ( mad props for him and Sarah finishing) 


I was actually team Reilly. Yes they got thrown in due to friendships that Johnny has but its a game, they are a stronger team it was coming whether Reilly was on the Banana Boat or not. I think Avery was kind of using it to vent some frustration from their relationship. She is really hung up on him and I'm surprised her and her BF are still together especially with the Adam situation

She wants Johnny to care and IMO, he really doesn't. lol so his commentary makes me laugh. 

Also why would Wes/ Theresa throw in a weak team? I wouldn't in this situation. They want the final teams to be weak so its easier for them to win, especially at this point in the competition. 


Can't we pair Johnny and Jonna together? LOL


And EFF YOU MTV for the cliffhanger. I hate that shit so much. I worked 12 hours yesterday and stayed up later than I should to watch it and now have to wait a whole week. UGH 

The only guys who didn't look like douche bags tonight were Wes, Leroy and Jay.

I think they are  nice people for the most part. Leroy is just happy to be there, Wes clearly knows its a game/ hobby ( and they did well so no reason for him to be upset). And I'm liking Wes. I don't know why or how that happened but WTF???


Also I think Jay isn't that competitive and is overall good natured- I mean aside from him being kinda sleezy with Jonna situation (lol) he does seem like a nice guy. 


Avery getting pissed at Johnny talking to Adam was just ridiculous. HELLO you supposedly have a BF yet you cry all season about your ex and are obviously flirting with Adam. Get it together!


Sorry for the multiple posts. I do think the final three will be -Jordan Sarah, Leroy Nia, Wes Theresa. IF bananas and nany come into the picture I see them knocking out Leroy/Nia

Edited by yogi2014L
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MTV sucks for making that a TBC. Johnny is already standing higher than Adam. I don't think Adam will get up in time.

Avery is just a big baby and it's funny to see how much Johnny is over her while she is just obsessing. Also good for Johnny for knowing that everyone will backstab everyone on this show even their "friends". Learn that lesson Avery. If you and Theresa were so tight she would have fault for you.

Zach is a dick. Just stop talking.

The bag switch up was bound to happen. None of them were labeled on purpose and why are they just dropping bags everywhere? Sarah puking reminded me of her flame out on that final she was sure Cara would mess up.

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Wes clearly knows its a game/ hobby ( and they did well so no reason for him to be upset). And I'm liking Wes. I don't know why or how that happened but WTF???

I always go back and forth with Wes. I really like him this Challenge. I think the last time I liked him this much was The Duel.


Sarah puking reminded me of her flame out on that final she was sure Cara would mess up.

Same, I'm not really surprised. I think Sarah talks a big game most of the time and whenever she gets really cocky she messes up. I was surprised she didn't declare herself the puzzle master, but she might have learned her lesson since she failed miserably the last time she did that.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Also why would Wes/ Theresa throw in a weak team? I wouldn't in this situation. They want the final teams to be weak so its easier for them to win, especially at this point in the competition. 

I wasn't necessarily saying they should have thrown in a weak team.  For me, once Wes recognized that Reilly's team most likely could come back, that should have made him consider other options.  Sara/Jordan because they are a reasonably strong team and model girl/other dude because they support Zach.  I wouldn't have put in Reilly unless I was sure he wasn't coming back.


I wasn't necessarily saying they should have thrown in a weak team.  For me, once Wes recognized that Reilly's team most likely could come back, that should have made him consider other options.  Sara/Jordan because they are a reasonably strong team and model girl/other dude because they support Zach.  I wouldn't have put in Reilly unless I was sure he wasn't coming back.

I think the reason he didn't throw in Jenna/Jay is because during the first episode he made a side deal with Jay/Thomas not too throw them in. I have no idea if either sides are still honoring that deal, but Johnny/Leroy seem to be the only people Wes/Theresa don't have deals with right now.

Edited by choclatechip45

I would adore if Jonna quit the game, but not during a challenge. If she had the balls to say, "hey TJ, I'm out because Zach doesn't deserve to win any money."

It won't happen though. Zach has crushed her good. There's zero need for him to be such a total ass to her all the time.

I have always had a soft spot for Wes. He tries to puppet master every single challenge and is usually defeated because he forgets that part of manipulation is being likable. Now he's surrounded by the dumb so he'll get further than he should. Theresa is decent in challenges, but a miserable person. I'd punch her in the throat if I were trapped in a room with her.

I have liked Sarah since her turn on RW. She's not afraid to be smart, and strong, and she usually avoids all the super petty bullshit. Jordan is a raging egomaniac, but he is good when he listens. They make a great team because they didn't have a real relationship. Doing some making out doesn't involve all the emotional sludge bogging down other teams. Same for Leroy and Nia. You don't need love to give a beej.

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You don't need love to give a beej.

I want this on a t-shirt.

I wasn't surprised to see so many teams fail, puzzles with running seem to fell even the best of them on these challenges.

Wes and Theresa seem so sure they have this game locked down, I think a fall is coming soon. Perhaps when Bananas and Nany rejoin the main game (I'm assuming they win Ex-iled), the four will be in elimination together and Bananas/Nany will defeat Wes/Theresa.

It's funny how we get an impression of a person and it can be completely different from what others may see. I liked Avery from the beginning (her RW season) in part because she loves her dog so much....anyone who dotes on her pet is a good person in my book, lol....and I see her doing no wrong on The Challenge, either (her only crime is she is still heartbroken over Johnny).

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Avery is just a big baby and it's funny to see how much Johnny is over her while she is just obsessing. Also good for Johnny for knowing that everyone will backstab everyone on this show even their "friends". Learn that lesson Avery. If you and Theresa were so tight she would have fault for you.

I loved when Avery was complaining during their confessional before the elimination round started that the only reason they were there was because "Wes hates Johnny because Johnny had an alliance and is friends with Bananas.", and Johnny was like - hey, it's not just ME going into this dome, it's Johnny AND Avery, so basically quit your bitchin' because Theresa put you in too.


That being said, I thought that Johnny and Avery worked really well during the stacked boxes elimination challenege. I was so angry with the "to be continued", because I was holding my breath, hoping that they beat Brittany and Adam.

I surprisingly want to see Reilly and Avery in the final with maybe Sarah & Jordan, and yes, even Bananas & Nany. I used to want Jonna & Zach in the final, because I do feel like Jonna finally deserves a shot at the money, but Zach's continued doucheyness makes me want them eliminated ASAP.

Brittany sucks so hard. That little smirk she gave when she called Adam a pussbag made me want to punch her right in the ovaries. And she has probably been told her entire life how adorable she is and that's why she keeps doing it. Also, her voice is very manly and I hate listening to her.

She got pissed at Adam for not memorizing with her, and yet none of the other guy's partners acted like that. And seriously, if she thought her part was so goddamned difficult I want to see her lift three hundred pounds over and over.

That TBC was very disappointing. I want her stupid ass gone.

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Boy, I hope Jenna has some second thoughts after watching the way Zach treats Johnna. Yeesh.


The minute I saw the bag swap, I was convinced that Leroy and Nia were going to get disqualified.  I'm actually surprised they didn't, but glad Leroy didn't have to go into the dome.  Seriously, though, after her cocktail last week, Nia has no business saying that she's smarter than anyone, or classier than anyone, or has better judgment than anyone, or, or, or.....

I have always had a soft spot for Wes. He tries to puppet master every single challenge and is usually defeated because he forgets that part of manipulation is being likable. Now he's surrounded by the dumb so he'll get further than he should. 


LOL! Yes! This so much! Wes is  a sniveling little douche, but I can't help but love him.  He is intelligent enough, but every single time he tries to mastermind a plot to get people kicked off, it always blows up in his face. Looks like the same will happen this time around...

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I think Jordan was frustrated with Sarah BUT for being such a competitive ego maniac I think he actually held it together slightly. Jay and Jordan had absolutely no chance with this one. Jay mostly for his size and Jordan not having two fully functional hands ( mad props for him and Sarah finishing)

My only issue with Jordan was that he was so focused on getting up the hill the fastest. Yes that would help in completing the puzzle, but really Sarah's mind should be focusing on the different pieces and where they go.  I do think he has a right to be concerned about her endurance.

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I think they should've set that up so that they took turns memorizing or lifting every other run.  It would be easy enough with a set of pulleys and two ropes.  It even would've given them the option to set the weight based on size, so Jay didn't get screwed and Zach didn't get an easy ride.  If nothing else, Jordan would've realized that yelling at his partner while she's trying to remember something is guaranteeing they'll have extra trips up and down the road.


I think they should've set that up so that they took turns memorizing or lifting every other run.  It would be easy enough with a set of pulleys and two ropes.  It even would've given them the option to set the weight based on size, so Jay didn't get screwed and Zach didn't get an easy ride.  If nothing else, Jordan would've realized that yelling at his partner while she's trying to remember something is guaranteeing they'll have extra trips up and down the road.


That would have been a good idea. It did not seem fair that the guys were responsible for all the weightlifting and the girls responsible for all the memorizing. I do love though how Zach had such an advantage and still managed to blow it by haranguing his partner and ruining her concentration. I hope his family is giving him hell for the way he's appearing on the show now. He better be apologetic at the reunion.


I'm not a huge Reilly and Averey fan, but I'm really hoping this is the week that Adam and Brittany leave. They are both annoying. Adam is not the catch he thinks he is, and Brittany's histrionics only egg him on.


I did not realize Averey had a boyfriend. Why is she moping over Johnny then? This is the first episode I noticed where Johnny seemed a bit bitter about the breakup. Before, he just seemed so over her and embarrassed by his past relationship with her, but this episode, his comments about how she and Adam can run off together and he absolutely does not care seemed a bit over the top for someone who has moved on.


Since Wes already promised not to send Zach or Sarah in, and Wes probably wants Jay and Jenna and Leroy and Nia in the finals due to the fact he feels he can beat them, I suppose it makes sense to send in Johnny and Averey (even knowing they could come back, they haven't been close to winning a challenge yet so I suppose Wes does not see them as a threat). But the way he smirked about it was so annoying- like Wes was basically saying, nah nah nah, this is what you get for being friends with Bananas.

I'm really confused by the bag swap. 


On the way back up the hill Leroy/Nia have Jay/Jenna's bag, they figure it out when Sarah/Jordan's piece isn't in the bag they have. If they had all of Jay/Jenna's pieces how the hell did they complete their puzzle? It should have had totally different pieces in it. Yet they didn't show then switching it back out or anything, they just used the pieces they had and completed their puzzle. 

  • Love 1

I'm really confused by the bag swap. 


On the way back up the hill Leroy/Nia have Jay/Jenna's bag, they figure it out when Sarah/Jordan's piece isn't in the bag they have. If they had all of Jay/Jenna's pieces how the hell did they complete their puzzle? It should have had totally different pieces in it. Yet they didn't show then switching it back out or anything, they just used the pieces they had and completed their puzzle. 

The puzzles weren't totally different though. They were just different enough.  They had plenty of similar pieces, and I would guess that whatever was unique to Leroy/Nia's bag was already placed on the board.

The puzzles weren't totally different though. They were just different enough.  They had plenty of similar pieces, and I would guess that whatever was unique to Leroy/Nia's bag was already placed on the board.


Right but what are the odds that the five or so pieces that Leroy/Nia had left to put on their boards were the same exact pieces that Jay/Jenna had in their bag? There're weren't extra pieces or anything so they would have had to be exactly the same except for the one black piece that Sarah/Jordan needed.

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A "To Be Continued" for Johnny Portland vs. AYTO Adam. Are you kidding me, producers? It's not like this is CT vs Bananas again. Yeah, it's a close battle, but it certainly doesn't warrant a wait until next week to see the winner. These are 2 teams I could care less about. I only want Johnny and Averey to win to get these AYTO kids off the show. I'm really indifferent about Johnny. He's been okay on the Challenges and even lucked his way into a final last season, but he was such a vile Neanderthal on his Real World season that I can never root for him. Averey is annoying and is clearly still hung up on Reilly, but I could care less if she stays or goes.


Wes and Leroy are great partners who are smart enough to realize that yelling at your partner doesn't do any good. It's no coincidence that they finished first and second on this extremely difficult challenge. Veterans like Wes, CT, and Bananas understand that yelling at your partners during The Challenge isn't a winning strategy. They all used to berate their partners like Zach does, but they discovered that doesn't yield positive results. I suppose it's part of the maturation process for the douches on this show to treat their female partners with respect, but it would be so much better if all the guys never went through this juvenile phase of verbally assaulting women to begin with. It's such disgusting behavior and it doesn't even entertain me as a viewer. Some of the women on this show clearly have serious emotional issues, and they will shut down if you yell at them. It's not motivating and just plain stupid from a strategy standpoint to insult them, especially in this game where you can be safe as long as you don't finish last.


One good thing about this challenge is that I think Jonna FINALLY got closure and understands that Zach is a repulsive, misogynistic meathead who isn't worth pining over anymore. Yeah, he looks good and has his muscles, but those are his only redeeming qualities. It does have to be really embarrassing to lose to Jay and Jenna in a heavy lifting/puzzle challenge. Jay is a small guy and could barely lift that 300-pound weight to reveal the puzzle. And Jenna isn't exactly an intellectual giant. If you can't beat them in this, you should have to go into the dome. Of course Jay seemed supportive of Jenna and wasn't barking at her like Zach was with Jonna. Adam didn't seem to help Brittany memorize the colors or shapes either. I don't understand not wanting to help your partner out while walking up and down the hill.


This challenge really was a barometer to see who the best and worst teams are. I feel that Wes and Theresa are the best remaining team. While Theresa annoys the shit out of me, they do work well together, and Wes does play a good social game in addition to being good at most challenges. Leroy is a beast as long as the challenge doesn't involve swimming. Unfortunately the final challenge will likely involve water in some way. Nia is certainly a capable partner, but I don't think she's as good as she thinks she is. Jordan seemed disappointed in a 3rd place finish for him and Sarah, but I think that was great considering the circumstances. I mean, he had to lift all that weight with 1 forearm, Sarah was vomiting, he was yelling at her, and they were missing a puzzle piece that Jay and Jenna stole. While I don't like how Jordan talked to Sarah, I get where his frustration comes from. This is a guy essentially with one hand who has never made excuses for himself and has to work harder than other challengers, so it's difficult for him to accept weakness or giving up from people who don't have a physical handicap. While Jordan is a jerk, I've always given him a pass because of his disability.


I expect to see a lot of the top teams get voted in in the next couple of weeks. The power couples are going to want to try to take weak teams to the final and there are still plenty in the game. I'm just dying in anticipation to see who wins that intense Johnny R.-Adam battle next week. Not.

Edited by jmonkey
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One good thing about this challenge is that I think Jonna FINALLY got closure and understands that Zach is a repulsive, misogynistic meathead who isn't worth pining over anymore.


As bad as he's been to her on the show, his cruel remarks about her in his confessionals have got to be humiliating for her to hear.  Saying he would rather kiss a toilet seat is one that sticks out.  He clearly loathes her and it's painful to watch them together.  If Jonna doesn't get over him after this season, then there really is no hope for her.

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I think zach really thought on his twisted mind, that throwing this shots at jonna on his confessionals will be funny and the viewers would like him, because honestly I don't see where this hate comes from, I'm waiting for the reunion to see what he has to say.


Yeah, he's like trapped in the body of a high school jock from a bad 90s movie. He's always made those kinds of comments before. He gets a few good liners in every season and they're harmless and occasionally funny. I think during Battle of the Seasons he called Cancun 'soft puppy turds' which was pretty inoffensive and elicited a chuckle, but he also didn't have a 1 year relationship with the team from RW Cancun. The way he talks about Jonna is disgusting.

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I still want to know what exactly happened that he woke up one day and decided Jonna was a horrible person.  He seems disgusted in the way that only people who are cheated on or who are done wrong tend to be.


IIRC, Jonna was in serious financial trouble when they met.  My guess based on what they don't say, or what gets edited out, who knows, is that she was using him for money.  During the intros they had at the start of the season, it's implied he walked out she was left hanging, as if maybe she couldn't pay the rent or bills on her own.


IIRC, Jonna was in serious financial trouble when they met.  My guess based on what they don't say, or what gets edited out, who knows, is that she was using him for money.  During the intros they had at the start of the season, it's implied he walked out she was left hanging, as if maybe she couldn't pay the rent or bills on her own.

From what I remember Jonna was living with her boyfriend before Battle of the Seasons  2 began and she dumped him when she met Zach. Her boyfriend kicked her out of the apartment and she was homeless. It's a shitty thing that her boyfriend kicked her out and she didn't have any where else to go.  If that was her only option she probably shouldn't have dumped the boyfriend while filming a tv show and probably should have waited to start a romance with Zach.

Edited by choclatechip45
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From what I remember Jonna was living with her boyfriend before Battle of the Sexes  2 began and she dumped him when she met Zach. Her boyfriend kicked her out of the apartment and she was homeless. It's a shitty thing that her boyfriend kicked her out and she didn't have any where else to go.  If that was her only option she probably shouldn't have dumped the boyfriend while filming a tv show and probably should have waited to start a romance with Zach.

No it wasn't.  It was the only thing to do lol.  Who lets the girl who broke up with them stay in the house? If she was too stupid to realize she'd need an alternate place to live, then I guess I understand Zach's annoyance with her idiocy.

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No it wasn't.  It was the only thing to do lol.  Who lets the girl who broke up with them stay in the house? If she was too stupid to realize she'd need an alternate place to live, then I guess I understand Zach's annoyance with her idiocy.

I agree. I just don't like Jonna so I was trying to be nice. I remember being really annoyed with her cause she kept saying she deserved the money because she was homeless. Um no Jonna, it was your decision to dump your boyfriend and now you are dealing with the consequences.

Edited by choclatechip45

I agree. I just don't like Jonna so I was trying to be nice. I remember being really annoyed with her cause she kept saying she deserved the money because she was homeless. Um no Jonna, it was your decision to dump your boyfriend and now you are dealing with the consequences.

It seems like I remember thinking she was a horrible person on Endurance, but I don't quite remember why..I've never liked her. Ever.


And I wasn't aware that a poor hairstylist even existed.  I think she's just used to depending on a man and can't/won't do things for herself.


It seems like I remember thinking she was a horrible person on Endurance, but I don't quite remember why..I've never liked her. Ever.


And I wasn't aware that a poor hairstylist even existed.  I think she's just used to depending on a man and can't/won't do things for herself.

She also dumped her boyfriend during Cancun. So she has dumped two boyfriends on national tv.

IIRC, Jonna was in serious financial trouble when they met.  My guess based on what they don't say, or what gets edited out, who knows, is that she was using him for money.  During the intros they had at the start of the season, it's implied he walked out she was left hanging, as if maybe she couldn't pay the rent or bills on her own.

it's kind of sad how some of this people basically depend of the challenge to pay the bills, I remember thinking that jonna must have a shitty life on bots when her only income depend from the challenge and appearances , kind like johnny bananas except that he actually has a better shot on winning some cash on the finals. I'm still not on jonna the hairstylist lol i don't think thats true. She doesn't have a job period.


I don't think she used zach for money, he only lived in l.a for 2 months, and giving the fact that as soon as he dumped jonna he move to boston to be with ashlee odds are he got bored and realize that jonna wasn't the girl he really wanted. Besides zach doesn't have a job either he is a trainer like must of the guys from the challenge so I doubt he is living the big life.

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it's kind of sad how some of this people basically depend of the challenge to pay the bills, I remember thinking that jonna must have a shitty life on bots when her only income depend from the challenge and appearances , kind like johnny bananas except that he actually has a better shot on winning some cash on the finals. I'm still not on jonna the hairstylist lol i don't think thats true. She doesn't have a job period.


I don't think she used zach for money, he only lived in l.a for 2 months, and giving the fact that as soon as he dumped jonna he move to boston to be with ashlee odds are he got bored and realize that jonna wasn't the girl he really wanted. Besides zach doesn't have a job either he is a trainer like must of the guys from the challenge so I doubt he is living the big life.


Realistically, though, Zach is a gym owner's wet dream if it's the kind with a college girl or soccer mom clientele. All he has to do is stand there and look pretty while they do their pilates, and they'll keep coming back just to look at him.  He might have the brain of a platypus, but I doubt many gyms would turn him down if he wandered in looking for a job.

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Realistically, though, Zach is a gym owner's wet dream if it's the kind with a college girl or soccer mom clientele. All he has to do is stand there and look pretty while they do their pilates, and they'll keep coming back just to look at him.  He might have the brain of a platypus, but I doubt many gyms would turn him down if he wandered in looking for a job.

If i was going to a trainer, I would want my trainer to look like Zach


Its eye opening seeing how these exes refuse to work with each other and how badly they fell a part. None of the teams with actual baggage in my opinion have or had a shot at winning ( Aside from  CT and Diem-RIP-). Johnny and Avery nope, Jemmye/Knight nope,  Zach and Jonna NO WAY ( though I don't think she or anyone else for that matter could mentally handle the abuse that will come from Zach in the finale, so I really hope they get eliminated prior to that), Don't care enough about the AYTO kids to comment, Jay and Jenna - one has brains, neither has brawn so I think they are out on that but they seem to communicate OK with each other


Nia/Leroy, Jordan/Sarah, Wes/Theresa, Bananas/Nany all were casual hookups and are dominating. Next time they need to level the playing field and have catastrophic relationship fails ONLY

(Melinda/Danny, Dustin/Heather, Cohutta/KellyAnne...I know there are more, drawing a huggee blank!)


Realistically, though, Zach is a gym owner's wet dream if it's the kind with a college girl or soccer mom clientele. All he has to do is stand there and look pretty while they do their pilates, and they'll keep coming back just to look at him.  He might have the brain of a platypus, but I doubt many gyms would turn him down if he wandered in looking for a job.

I heard he was a construction worker, but I could be wrong.

Realistically, though, Zach is a gym owner's wet dream if it's the kind with a college girl or soccer mom clientele. All he has to do is stand there and look pretty while they do their pilates, and they'll keep coming back just to look at him.  He might have the brain of a platypus, but I doubt many gyms would turn him down if he wandered in looking for a job.

oh yeah no doubt about it, my point was more that trainers usually don't get pay a lot of money to live the big life. I remember that after the duel 2 ct became a trainer in boston and a bunch of girls show up just because it was ct, so yeah no doubt about it zach will get a trainer job easily.

Actually most of this guys see that job as an option, so many that when they are not doing challenges they are working as trainers, lol I would say that the 3 commons jobs on the challenges are : bartender, model and a trainer.

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