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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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It now seems widely speculated that he will be Mon-El. I'm at least pretty convinced that's who it will be now. If that turns out to be the case, I'm actually excited about the potential for that storyline. It's probably the thing I'm most excited for. Here's an article from bleeding cool about the possibility. 


I'm still confused about the Nick and Lena casting. I initially thought the Nick casting was just a cover for who Chris Wood was playing but now I'm not so sure. Could Nick and Lena just have been scratched altogether, or would they still be trying to cast them...even though production begins TOMORROW on the show??? 

The news out of comic con didn't sound good regarding Calista. According to the cast they have seen the first three scripts, but when asked questions on whether Cat would be around, everyone was very vague and a lot of "we hope so" as the go-to answer. Then QUICKLY moved to the next question. I also was a bit shocked that there was zero mention of Jenna and/or Lucy Lane during press day (at least not from what I've come across).


The news out of comic con didn't sound good regarding Calista. According to the cast they have seen the first three scripts, but when asked questions on whether Cat would be around, everyone was very vague and a lot of "we hope so" as the go-to answer. Then QUICKLY moved to the next question. I also was a bit shocked that there was zero mention of Jenna and/or Lucy Lane during press day (at least not from what I've come across).

Yeah, I think it's clear that the cast was told to play dumb regarding CF's status. I did run across an interview with a show EP where she confirms that Cat WILL be back this season (skip to about 3:20), but I'm now thinking we're probably going to be more in the 5 episode range for Cat and they just don't want to say that and risk losing people who watch for CF.

2 hours ago, FurryFury said:

I hope they've scratched Lena and Nick. A new Kryptonian character sounds really interesting. Is Mon-El a relative of Kara and Kal-El?

In the comics,

Mon-El is from Krypton's sister planet, Daxam, and has pretty much the same powers as Superman, except their fatal weakness isn't kryptonite, but lead. He took the name "Mon-El" because he had amnesia when he met Superman as a young boy and believed he was his older brother. After getting a fatal dose of lead poisoning, Superboy (as he was known at the time) put him into the Phantom Zone to save his life, where he remained for over 1,000 years, until the Legion of Super-Heroes developed a cure. He then joined the Legion, and became one of its stalwart members.

Personally, I'd love to see Mon-El show up in this show. I always thought it was a waste that he never turned up in Smallville.

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4 hours ago, FurryFury said:

I hope they've scratched Lena and Nick. A new Kryptonian character sounds really interesting. Is Mon-El a relative of Kara and Kal-El?

Someone may be able to better explain than me but this is pretty much the gist... 

No, he is not even kryptonian. But they think he is initially when he crash lands on earth. They actually think he is related superman (maybe his brother??). He has amnesia when he crash lands so has no recollection of who he is or where he came from. He possess very similar powers to kryptonians but they later learn he is actually not kryptonian when he isn't affected by kryptonite. He's from a planet similar to krypton and his weakness is lead.

Considering the role is played by man candy Chris Wood and this the CW, I fully expect a mon-el/kara romance at some point down the road. 

Yep, this was my impression as well. I heard good stuff about the actor, but this was coming from fans of The Vampire Diaries, so who knows if it's true (no offense to those fans, I liked the first two seasons of that show myself). Let's hope the story would be good. Personally, I'd still prefer to see a Supergirl/Brainiac-something romance that I heard was in the comics because I tend to find female hero/villain romances fascinating (if the writing's good enough and the villain is tragic or something).


That's a big blah to me, I have to confess. I'm really not interested in Winn taking time away from Alex/J'onn or Alex/J'onn/Kara time. They better manage this transition carefully.

bummed that it sounds like we won't get any Laura Benanti even as hologram Alura. I would much rather have Astra or Alura in the pod than Chris Wood.

"limited capacity" for Flockhart is what we all figured, but still, sigh. I'm going to guess we'll get her for the first episode or two, the midseason sweeps episodes, and the finale+maybe penultimate ep.

Edited by stealinghome
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Winn moving to the DEO is probably because they are trying to phase out the office setting they all worked in last season since Cat isn't going to be around as much. With all the others in either the journalism department or at the DEO, there really isn't a reason to have Winn doing IT things outside of Cat Grant's office. So it was probably a way to easier streamline him into interacting with other characters and included in more of the big plots. (Which I personally think to be ridiculous and Winn should be written out of the show because I find him the most expendable, but whatever.)

I also find it a little laughable that this show is trying to downplay the importance of Cat Grant. They act like this is a natural thing and with Kara changing jobs you wouldn't see much of her anyway. That the character was only crucial last year as Kara's mentor and now Kara is moving forward because of her guidance. I don't believe their spin because if the show hadn't moved shooting locations, Cat Grant would have been in every episode and still would have been a major contributor to the show. It's obvious they are trying to downplay that as not such a huge loss to the series and I'm not buying it. 

I've also been wondering lately if maybe the Oracle rumor actually has some truth to it and that's why Lena appears to no longer be someone they are going to use. In the comics, I believe both of those characters are paraplegic and considering how rare it is to get even ONE disability representation on a TV show, I have a hard time believing they would introduce TWO, and virtually at the same point of time in the series. So I'm wondering if it was an either/or type of situation and they may be leaning more towards Oracle instead? Just throwing that thought out there is all. Since it appears Cat, Lucy, and Alura are going to be very limited (if appearing at all) I definitely think a few more female characters need to be added to this show and hope it happens quickly!  

Edited by Kendra
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These photos are MUCH better, both in terms of the costume and Hoechlin himself (ah, the wonders of NOT Photoshopping excessively). That said, there's still something weird about the top of the suit that is just not working for Hoechlin's physique. It's robbing him of pec definition and highlighting his ribs in a really weird way. It's making him look scrawnier than I think he actually is. The belt is a little too high, which is not helping either.

it's interesting that these pictures leaked so soon after they released the teaser poster and the response to Hoechlin in the suit was at best very mixed. Cynically, I wonder if the show/CW was tracking that response and made sure these came out today to try to do some damage control.

Edited by stealinghome
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Now that they're in Vancouver there'll be tons of paparazzi pictures. I don't think they planned it. Those paps and autograph hounds share where everyone is filming. They already got Melissa earlier this week, and she was supposedly in a high security area. Unless that was a different place they were talking about. 

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I wonder what's actually being portrayed by this one?  Fighting to save people in a tornado or something?



I gotta say it again, that cape has got to be a bear even to act around. They clearly had to adjust how it connects to the rest of the outfit with the shoulder pieces, but it's still got to drag every step.

We also get this perspective shot displaying that Jimmy (that seems to apply in this case vs. James) is actually quite a bit larger than Clark Kent--who just looks like some IT Nerd next to him.  So clearly the classic comic thing where Clark/Kal-El is actually a fairly large person is bowing to reality here. 


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There are some other set photos of Clark and James where the angle is different and height difference doesn't look quite so bad. (It's still there, though.)

But -- Tyler is younger than Mehcad, and looks it. Really curious to see how  they try and play off those two things.

Edited by Trini

Holy cow....

Superman and Martian Manhunter fighting Metallo!  I'm going to assume that either this is a flashback, or Kara wasn't in these shots.  David Harewood did say that the three of them would get to have a big fight with some baddy in the first two episodes.  There are also Metropolis police cars on the set (as well as National City).

1 hour ago, WildcardC said:

Superman this, superman that...

I hope this is still a SuperGIRL show.

I am still suspicious that this is going to lead to some kind of spinoff series for Tyler at some point. He appeals to the kind of audience the CW goes for, and given just how much hype he's already received I think it's a real possibility. It's another reason why I think they might have gone with a younger superman than what many think Superman should be on this show. 

Angel was a spinoff of Buffy and both of those shows were very successful for the WB when they were on. I think they could do something similar here. They could take Superman, James Olsen, and Lena and launch them on their own show centered in Metropolis. 

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I think it's all going to depend on the reception of Hoechlin's Superman, but I agree that if he's well-received, there's a solid chance they spin him off into his own show. I am already preparing myself for an episode later in the season that is a backdoor pilot for a Superman show.

And honestly, that might be the best thing for Supergirl as a show at this point. Because if they don't spin Superman off into his own show, you just KNOW that they won't be able to resist bringing him back over and over and over on Supergirl, and that would not be good for Supergirl as a show long-term imo.

They are hyping up Superman because they know he comes with a built-in fanbase that may not have tuned in to Supergirl season 1 or did tune in and didn't like what they saw. They want those people to tune in to season 2 to see Superman and hopefully stick around after he's gone. From a ratings perspective its smart marketing.

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I agree that it's smart marketing in the way that you mean, Lord Kira, but from a different angle I think the network/creative team has actually been making some poor marketing decisions, because the way the show has been advertised over the hiatus is really turning off a certain segment of the fandom that watches because it's a feminist show (or at least claims/wants to be) that revolves largely around women. Slash a segment of the fandom that doesn't care about Superman. Fairly or unfairly, I'm seeing more and more dissatisfaction with the way that it seems like 95% of the news over the hiatus+first few days of filming has been about straight white guys, when the show's whole selling point in S1 was that it wasn't about straight white guys.

Personally, I've actually been surprised that the creative team/network seems to have been somewhat blind to the optics of how they're marketing the show (ex sending 4 male actors to 2 female actors to SDCC). It's certainly not helping my fears about what the show will become on the CW any. And before anyone says "don't rush to judgment," I'm not, I'm still going to watch S2 and see how things play out (believe me, I HOPE my concerns are baseless)--but right now all I have to go on is what the show itself has provided me, and my point is that they haven't been smart about what they've provided me.

I suppose what I'm saying is that I totally get why they're hyping up Superman, but it would be nice if they would ALSO hype something else about the show that's not a two-episode guest star. Something that actually has to do with the lead of the show and/or the female characters the show claims it wants to highlight.

The fact of the matter is that the core fans who like the show (and those who watch for the feminism aspect).... those people are still going to watch the premiere no matter what. And they'll stick around once they realize Kara is still the main priority of this show. But even with those people watching, a lot of people who watched it on CBS won't follow the show to the CW IMO. So the show needs to attracts new viewers. It wants the Arrow/Flash/Legends fans to give the show a shot as well.  There were many fans of those shows who didn't like Supergirl when they gave it a shot the first time (Like me. God that pilot was atrocious. That dialogue. Ugh.) as well as the fans didn't bother with Supergirl at all or only tuned in for The Flash crossover. They want all those eye-balls pointed in Supergirl's direction. So, as much as it sucks, the marketing isn't for the the current fans of the show. Its for everyone else. Hell, its suckered me back in. I have actual hype for this show now. Weird.

I do feel for you though. Every site seems focused on reporting about Superman, Flashpoint, or the 4-part crossover. But what I also realized is that it doesn't all seem to be the CW marketing teams fault. When they released news about "Who is in the pod?', 'Kara's new career', etc it was all of the entertainment sites that chose to focus on Superman over all of that. CBR, CBM, and all of the other comic book sites as well as entertainment sites are choosing to keep posting about Superman. Whether those articles are due to the nature of the sites' audiences or pure click-bait fodder is unknown. But personally its more understandable for the fanboy sites to be mooning over Superman. On one of the sites I frequent there are people actually debating the color of Superman's belt. lol. Its the entertainment sites that I'd expect more balanced coverage from and they really haven't stepped up in that department.

As for comic-con, yeah I understand why you'd be upset. If I was more of a fan of the show I'd be upset to. But I think some key reasons for some female cast members being absent is 1) Them still not sure whether Callista would be back at all 2) Katie McGrath not being offically cast yet and 3) them not being sure if they'll get Lucy Lane back at all.  The transition to the CW really screwed them over there.

Tyler was just their for the hype though. No doubt about that at all. I think next years panel will be a lot better. 

I think once season 2 premieres everyone's worries will be put to rest. I still fully expect Kara's journey to be the center of the show, even if the marketing makes it sometimes seem otherwise. Marketing is always deceptive. Hell, I remember on Arrow when they completely stopped advertising Laurel in their promos altogether back in season 1 or 2, but during the episode itself it felt as if she'd never get off the screen. 

Its weird though. As someone who didn't like what I saw of season 1, I am hyped. And as someone who liked season 1, you are concerned. I jope we'll both be happy once the new season starts.

Edited by Lord Kira

I think they sent the female actors they had to SDCC, assuming Calista doesn't do that sort of thing.  Lena Luthor hadn't been cast yet AFAIK, and I have no idea if Floriana Lima was available (she's been Twitter-silent since her casting announcement).  Beyond that and whatever promos they've run, I don't think the CW itself has done much hyping; you can't blame them for what YVRShoots and JustJared happen to photograph, nor do I think their outdoor shooting schedule should be dictated by "we need to be sure they see Kara first".  I think what we're seeing so far is setting up the season's main arcs, and the big "Kara, Clark and J'onn fight Metallo" fight is likely their way of saying "stop worrying about the money, we're fine".

In short, other than the natural excitement that they're going to get to use Superman, I don't see that the CW is going out of its way to promote him, or the guys in the cast, over Kara.  Once the opening two-parter is in the can, I'm sure we'll see more of Kara heroing solo.

And now I want, for the crossover shows across the board, for the cast of the other shows (e.g., Grant on Supergirl) to get a "Visiting Hero" credit... :) (image courtesy 66Batmania)


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On 8/4/2016 at 9:17 AM, MarkHB said:

Holy cow....

Superman and Martian Manhunter fighting Metallo!  I'm going to assume that either this is a flashback, or Kara wasn't in these shots.  David Harewood did say that the three of them would get to have a big fight with some baddy in the first two episodes.  There are also Metropolis police cars on the set (as well as National City).

Um.  Does that S logo have USB ports?  Da hell?


And honestly, that might be the best thing for Supergirl as a show at this point. Because if they don't spin Superman off into his own show, you just KNOW that they won't be able to resist bringing him back over and over and over on Supergirl, and that would not be good for Supergirl as a show long-term imo.

No thanks to a Superman spin off, still think it dumb and not needed. I could get behind Superman being send to Legends of Tommorrow and be lost in time somewhere.

That would definitely get him away from Supergirl for a good while and they can still get to keep Hoechlin/Superman via Legends. Win, win.


I suppose what I'm saying is that I totally get why they're hyping up Superman, but it would be nice if they would ALSO hype something else about the show that's not a two-episode guest star. Something that actually has to do with the lead of the show and/or the female characters the show claims it wants to highlight.

At least we know they are adding 2 new female characters, Maggie and Lena. Katie McGrath has been cast as Lena and has been seen filming.  But it would be nice to hear and see spoilers about the actual lead of the show.  You do remember her CW/writers, dont you?, Kara Danvers aka Supergirl. Ring a bell?

Anyway here are some filming pics of the girls on set, but I still have no idea what Kara is up to for season 2.



To see more: http://yvrshoots.com/2016/08/shoot-supergirl-melissa-benoist-and-sister-alex-chylerleigh-on-set-in-vancouver.html


Smallville Homage? 

Edited by WildcardC
4 hours ago, stealinghome said:

If true, it wouldn't surprise me at all--certainly it will make future crossovers much easier.


I think its an almost necessary step, especially since they're basically going to be shooting out of the same general locations. When they were on different networks and shot in different locations it made sense for them to be separate, but a huge aspect of this DCTVU is the cross-promotion now across practically the entire broadcast week and keeping Supergirl separate from that would be counter productive.

I actually find it a bit amusing that for all the struggling to make the movies work, DC has already created its answer to the MCU. People forget that the reason the MCU started with Iron Man is because all the really popular comic properties of the time; X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spider-Men; had been licensed out in the bankruptcy. So all the second and third stringers of DC being the ones to form the backbone of this shared universe with 80+ hours of new content coming this season feels like a more proper counter point to the MCU than the 'lets rush and get everything into the movies NOW!!!' of the nascent cinematic universe.

It'll be interesting to see how they deal with the "Superman and Batman in the same universe" problem though. Supergirl is super strong, fast, invulnerable, flies, has heat vision, freeze breath and super senses vs. a guy who runs really fast and a guy who shoots arrows. They just barely kept Ollie relevant via his much greater experience than Barry, but how do you create something that's a credible threat for Supergirl that won't blow Ollie completely away without constantly pulling out kryptonite (except you also need fire because J'onn is around too).

That's actually the one advantage to separate universes. You don't have to ask why Ollie doesn't just call up Kara or Clark to deal with the seasonal big bad without making him look like a stubborn fool. Though to be fair, the magic they gave Dahrk last season would have made him a threat to both Barry (freeze him in place) and Kara (Kryptonians are as susceptible to magic as any other person) so its a bit more forgivable (unlike the League of Assassins in season three).

2 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

You know that musical episode viewers have been asking for from the beginning?  We're getting it during the back half of the season, AND it's a two-part Flash crossover: http://tvline.com/2016/08/11/supergirl-the-flash-musical-episode-two-parter/

It's totally fan pandering, and yet... the show probably needs some pandering to stay on top. 

Clearly they need to borrow Garber back to Flash from LoT.  It would be entirely wrong to have a musical show and NOT have him.  I suppose Barrowman has to guest star as the villain, although that's a bit predictable. 

Flockhart is probably happy she (probably) won't be there. Infamously she got pushed into a song on Ally McBeal and it was pretty embarrassing

6 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

I do hope they can get Laura Benanti back in a cameo for the musical episode. Even if it's just hologram Alura singing, it would be such a shame to NOT use her voice!

She announced today that's she was pregnant and was due some time this winter. Given that the musical episode will be late in supergirl's season, she may not be able to make it work. But I sure would love to have her be a part of it if possible! 

Very excited for Mon-El and Miss Martian! 

Im pretty convinced Alex will be the character exploring her sexuality this season. I've speculated that for a while. 

The batwoman rumor was also shot down. That was indeed just a rumor. 

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59 minutes ago, FurryFury said:

They've also fed into Alex-will-be-bi speculation by announcing that a character from one of the shows will be "coming out".

They actually said "exploring their sexuality," to be precise. They also announced The Ray as an animated feature for CW Seed and that will have a gay lead character.

EDIT: some of the live Tweets from the presentation do, in fact, have AK using the phrase "coming out."  The stories I've seen in the major press outlets didn't use that, however.

Okay, like Kendra I am excited about Miss Martian.  Always liked that character, and I can see some interesting plot possibilities with J'onn depending on if they make her a Green or White Martian. 

Also, they are being consistent with their actors.  The DCAU/Young Justice chickened out with Miss Martian not being black, but this one is.


Edited by Kromm
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2 hours ago, FurryFury said:

They've also fed into Alex-will-be-bi speculation by announcing that a character from one of the shows will be "coming out".

Doesn't every DC/CW show have at least one gay character? Alex being gay is just so stereotypical, what with the short hair and the military gig and all.


Okay, like Kendra I am excited about Miss Martian.  Always liked that character, and I can see some interesting plot possibilities with J'onn depending on if they make her a Green or White Martian. 

Also, they are being consistent with their actors.  The DCAU/Young Justice chickened out with Miss Martian not being black, but this one is

Why would the YJ MM be black? She based her look upon a TV show star from the black & white era. It would not be possible to find a black lead from that era. John is able to take any form he wants, so he has always been cast as black as the default in live action/voice, but he was white in the comics, which means that his niece would likely (but not necessarily) be the same race as he. As Martians, they are supposed to be of different races, though. She white, he green.

22 minutes ago, NorthstarATL said:

Why would the YJ MM be black? She based her look upon a TV show star from the black & white era. It would not be possible to find a black lead from that era. John is able to take any form he wants, so he has always been cast as black as the default in live action/voice, but he was white in the comics, which means that his niece would likely (but not necessarily) be the same race as he. As Martians, they are supposed to be of different races, though. She white, he green.

It is more a case of what you CAN do versus what you HAVE to do.

There was never going to be trouble explaining her being any skin color they wanted--that backstory about the old TV show was hardly a necessary character beat, so it was just in support of the choice they DID make.

The issue about white martian vs. green is fairly separate from the human disguise. The key is if she's supposed to be the human niece of the human disguise of Martian Manhunter.  In YJ they just kind of dodged that (was his human form shown in that show at all?), but looking to the comics is hardly the precedent for Young Justice, I think, when they actually followed the previous animated tradition of a black actor voicing the character (not the SAME black actor as Justice League, but a black actor nonetheless). 

This TV Guide article has a bit more info about how they are going to incorporate Supergirl into the current universe:


But as it turns out, all of National City and Kara's (Melissa Benoist) friends and family won't be integrated into the same dimension as Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and the rest of the universe. It will only be Kara that makes the journey between worlds.

"We have a means of how we're going to deal with her entering the crossovers. She'll be coming to our universe -- Universe Prime -- that we all share. Connecting those two is not something we've talked about, to be honest," said executive producer Greg Berlanti.

Berlanti also explained that integrating Supergirl in the aftermath of the show's move to The CW has the same problem as when it was on CBS last season: Superman. The Man of Steel, who will be played by Teen Wolf's Tyler Hoechlin in Supergirl's second season, has never been mentioned in the Arrow-verse thus far, and introducing the Kryptonian history to three other shows is no easy feat.

"With Supergirl comes Superman, and none of our characters in our shows in the universe we've created have talked about Superman. I think we would maybe deal with that and how he integrated too, because it's a significant thing," Berlanti said. "We've got other more pressure things




The four-show crossover will air over four nights, starting with Supergirl -- which will only be "touched on" by the crossover -- before beginning in earnest the next night on The Flash.


[Sorry, I don't know why the quote boxes are being weird, and I can't seem to edit it.]

Edited by Trini
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In other words, she's just visiting. That's fine with me.  She's Supergirl.  Maybe not as fast as The Flash but it shouldn't be impossible to find a way for her to cross when they need to.  Some folks may feel cheated they don't get to see every permeation of actors from the shows mixing, but really... who cares? I don't need to see Jimmy Olsen taking photographs for Iris West's Flash blog, or Ray Palmer sneaking into Catco.

1 hour ago, Kromm said:

Okay, like Kendra I am excited about Miss Martian.  Always liked that character, and I can see some interesting plot possibilities with J'onn depending on if they make her a Green or White Martian. 

Also, they are being consistent with their actors.  The DCAU/Young Justice chickened out with Miss Martian not being black, but this one is.


I'm shocked that this actress is 43!! Wow! I literally thought she was in her twenties when I saw her pictures! She is beautiful. 

Her age has me wondering if they will write her as a love interest for J'onn, rather than his niece? Idk, would that be weird to change it? I believe she's most recently portrayed to be Martian Manhunter's niece, correct?? Anyway...


I'm glad it will be ONLY Kara going over for the crossover. I don't really care to see any of the Supergirl's supporting characters (outside of maybe Martian Manhunter) jumping universes to visit the Flarrowverse. That would be a bit much for me. 

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