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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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Casting news:


Cat Grant will appear in Supergirl's final season — but not in the way you might expect.

EW has exclusively learned that newcomer Eliza Helm has been cast as a younger version of Grant — the media mogul Calista Flockhart portrayed in season 1 — in the CW superhero drama's sixth season.

Appearing in season 6's fifth ("Prom Night") and sixth ("Prom Again!") episodes, Helm's young Cat is introduced in flashbacks to the early days of her career when she was known as "CJ Grant." "Eager to step out of Lois Lane's shadow and out from under her boss, Perry White's thumb, Cat chases a story to Kara's hometown of Midvale," reads the official character description. "This lead won't go as planned, but it will put her on the trajectory toward the Media Powerhouse we know and love as Cat Grant."


3 hours ago, Trini said:

Sadly I am not that interested in seeing a young Cat Grant that doesnt involve the Daily Planet/Lois&Clark. We had 2 seasons w/post DP Cat, if we get a flashback I want to see that aspect further explored. 

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TVLine has slightly spoilery article about Chyler Leigh's directorial debut. She's directing episode 6 "Prom Again". It mentioned that she is doing double duty for the episode which likely means that it won't be all flashbacks.  


ETA: I just realized that it looks like Chyler is talking to the actress who plays young Kara in that set photo. It also looks like they might be at The Tower set but I can't tell. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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Vague synopsis of 6.02:


"A Few Good Women" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)

THE BREAKING POINT - As the stakes with Lex (Jon Cryer) are raised higher than ever before, Lena (Katie McGrath) must decide how far she is willing to go to stop her brother. Meanwhile, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and the team are faced with a challenge unlike anything they've ever dealt with before and it brings Alex (Chyler Leigh) to her breaking point.

Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Robert Rovner & Jessica Queller and teleplay by Jay Faerber & Jess Kardos (#602). Original airdate 4/6/2021.


Matt Inside Line:


Any scoop on Supergirl‘s storyline for the first half of the season? –Olivia

That is a good question, and the very final moments of this Tuesday’s long-delayed final season premiere appear to reveal the understandably unspoiled answer. (In my surprise, I may have uttered an expletive.)

P.S. Fans of Cat Grant should be pleased with the cover story used to account for Kara’s absence from CatCo’s bustling newsroom during the premiere.


6.03 synopsis:


"Phantom Menaces" -

BATTLE OF WITS - Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) makes a new ally. Lena (Katie McGrath) and Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) battle for control of Luthor Corp.

Sudz Sutherland directed the episode written by Dana Horgan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#603). Original airdate 4/13/2021.




Entertainment Weekly has a pretty spoilery interview with Melissa Benoist about the final season. 

ETA: In this video from entertainment weekly an ew staff writer, who seems to have some insider info, talks about what will be happening this season. They reveal a couple of things I haven't heard before, one of them is that Kelly will become the new Guardian this season. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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Melissa Benoist talked to ET Online about the final season. 


Entertainment Weekly has an article on Kelly becoming Guardian. Also it sounds like Alex's superhero name might be Sentinel?

Also, there will be a couple of villain's in the second half of the season and Lex will be returning later in the season. I'm not thrilled with Lex returning again. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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On 3/29/2021 at 12:54 PM, Oreo2234 said:

They reveal a couple of things I haven't heard before, one of them is that Kelly will become the new Guardian this season. 

It's not quite as idiotic as Jimmy's turn (say, maybe as editor of a huge newspaper you can use that platform to fight for good rather than beating up bad guys at night) but it's still kind of dumb.  Somehow I don't think the answer to social justice issues is to put on a costume and go around beating up bad guys. 

If Kelly happens to be another expert fighter...

I just dont see why she needs to be Guardian in the same sense that James was. The team is already bloated with Brainy/Dreamer/J'onzz/M'gann/Sentinel. Supergirl doesnt need a mini JL during her dayday activities. But thats the Berlantiverse for you. Longer your on the more people get added to the team for no good reason.

I'm also over Lex! Leave him be! Give him time to recover so he can show up on S&L and not be a complete joke.

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57 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Kelly happens to be another expert fighter...

I don't know what you'd consider "expert", but Kelly was in the military, so it's not a huge leap.


2 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

...  Somehow I don't think the answer to social justice issues is to put on a costume and go around beating up bad guys. 

Maybe, but this is in the comic book genre, so....

Didn't they already tease Kelly as Guardian a few times last season anyway? To me, this isn't a surprise. But yes, an entire team of powered and non-powered vigilantes seems a bit much. Does no one have a day job??

Edited by Trini
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Just now, Trini said:

I don't know what you'd consider "expert", but Kelly was in the military, so it's not a huge leap.

I already forgot she was in the military but in the Arrowverse if your in the military and become a hero you're going to be able to take on the best of em ao Im expecting it. They arent exactly known for giving their fighters varied fighting skills/forms.

6.04 synopsis:


"Lost Souls" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)

SUPERGIRL FINDS A WAY HOME - Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) finds an opportunity to escape from the Phantom Zone but it comes with some dangerous strings attached. Meanwhile, Lena (Katie McGrath) joins the Super Friends on a mission but finds she disagrees with their plan of action against the Phantoms and wonders if she is truly ready to be a part of the team.

Alysse Leite-Rogers directed the episode written by Karen E. Maser & Nicki Holcomb (#604). Original airdate 4/20/2021.


6.05 synopsis:


"Prom Night!" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)

THE FLASHBACK TO MIDVALE INTRODUCES A YOUNG CAT GRANT - Nia (Nicole Maines) and Brainy (Jesse Rath) attempt to save Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) from the Phantom Zone by time traveling back to Kara's home in 2009. While determined to secure the item needed to help Supergirl, Brainy is worried about keeping a low profile so as not to alter the future timeline. However, when their ship crashes upon arrival, a young Kara Danvers (guest star Izabela Vidovic) is the first on the scene. Meanwhile, a young reporter named Cat Grant (guest star Eliza Helm) sets her sights on Midvale as she suspects there is a big story in the small town.

Alexandra LaRoche directed the episode written by Rob Wright & Jess Kardos (#605). Original airdate 4/27/2021.


On 3/31/2021 at 4:31 PM, cambridgeguy said:

It's not quite as idiotic as Jimmy's turn (say, maybe as editor of a huge newspaper you can use that platform to fight for good rather than beating up bad guys at night) but it's still kind of dumb.  Somehow I don't think the answer to social justice issues is to put on a costume and go around beating up bad guys. 

I would say it's more idiotic.

Jimmy is 6'+ and had been established as a black belt in karate or some other martial art. He obviously had survived years of danger as Superman's pal. It is not unreasonable for him to think "Maybe I can make an additional difference by dressing up in a costume and beating up bad guys." There's also an undercurrent of being at least somewhat jealous of Superman and Supergirl. 

Even if we assume that Kelly does have the skills to do the physical fighting, there's the question about why mentally she would want to. 

There's also the reaction of the rest of Team Supergirl. Supergirl herself thought originally thought it was a bad idea for Jimmy to be Guardian. It seems like the team should have reservations about Kelly becoming Guardian. But we'll see. 

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Interesting -- 6.06 synopsis:


"Prom Again!" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)


Part two of the flashback episodes pick up where things left off - Young Kara (guest star Izabela Vidovic) experiences kryptonite for the first time, Nia (Nicole Maines) and Brainy (Jesse Rath) are trapped by invading aliens, and a young Cat Grant (guest star Eliza Helm) may be the reason Supergirl never gets out of the Phantom Zone.

Chyler Leigh directed the episode written by Rob Wright & Jess Kardos (#606). Original airdate 5/4/2021


David Harewood directing the last episode before the show goes on hiatus:

6.07 synopsis:


"Fear Knot" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)

DAVID HAREWOOD DIRECTS - As the Super Friends brave the Phantom Zone to bring Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) home, each member of the team is confronted by visions of their worst fear.

David Harewood directed the episode written by J. Holtham & Elle Lipson (#607). Original airdate 5/11/2021


The showrunners talk with The Wrap. Robert Rovner says there aren't any spin-off series in the works but Jessica Queller would like to see one with the young Kara and Alex actresses and/or Cat Grant. I really like the young Kara and Alex actresses but I don't think they could get a full series out of that. I'd rather see a Nia and Brainy spin-off or something like that. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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On 3/18/2021 at 8:14 PM, Trini said:

I don't think this show has ever given a number, but I think she's a little bit older than Clark? She's supposed to be somewhat of a contemporary of Cat Grant (but younger?).

My estimate would be Lois is mid-40s based on what we have seen here and in Superman & Lois.

She and Clark have 14-year-old twins. It's a given that they didn't have the kids until after they were married, and that it took some time before they were married for them to get to know each other and fall for each other. I think it's a conservative thing to put all that at five years. 

Lois was already at the DP when Clark met her and already established as a successful journalist there. The DP is likely not a first job out of college. Even so, she is presumably at least 21 on their first meeting and possibly more like 24-25. So if our guesstimate of 20 additional years since is accurate, that would put her between 41-45. 

17 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

I just noticed this after re-reading but what's with Chyler using non-binary pronouns (they/them) when talking about Alex? Are they doing a non-binary story with Alex? I feel like that would be well intentioned but ill advised. 

I read it as most likely one of two things:

1. At some point, Chyler broadened from talking about just Alex to talking about Alex and her co-stars and the editing/transcribing of the interview didn't fully reflect it.

2. Chyler is one of the many people who sometimes uses "they" as singular. 

I doubt that there would be a storyline about Alex being non-binary as a character because only so much time..


That could be it though she did use female pronouns to talk about Kara, Melissa and Lexie. I do think its way too late in the show's run to do that type of story for Alex and have it work but I can see the writers doing it. They love to do a socially relevant story even when it feels forced. 

Edited by Oreo2234

Spoiler TV has the episode titles for episodes 8-11.  

Supergirl - Episode 6.8 - Welcome Back, Kara!
Supergirl - Episode 6.9 - Dream Weaver
Supergirl - Episode 6.10 - Still I Rise
Supergirl - Episode 6.11 - Mxy in the Middle

Supergirl.tv has photos for episode 6.7- Fear Knot.

Edited by Oreo2234
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10 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

Entertainment Weekly has an article on Kelly becoming Guardian and has a poster of Kelly in the Guardian suit.

I've just realized that Alex never got a poster as Sentinel. Why didn't she?


While we've seen Kelly use the shield in the past, she officially picks up the Guardian mantle in season 6's 12th episode, titled "Blind Spot," which addresses racial inequality and airs Sept. 21. That installment is a momentous one for a number of reasons. First, Tesfai co-wrote it with co-producer J.Holtham, and thus became the first Arrowverse actor to ever contribute a script to one of the shows. Second, Arrow alum David Ramsey directed the episode and appears in it as John Diggle.

"[Episode] 12, in my opinion, for Kelly, is the most epic episode of the season, so I'm excited to get to pen it," Tesfai previously told EW. "To have David Ramsey directing the episode... that makes me really excited. Ramsey and I had dinner the other night and just talking about his perspective and experiences; they're very different than mine. So, I think to have such a well-balanced [group] between me, J., who I'm writing the episode with, and David Ramsey, I think fans will feel really excited and hopefully seen and heard."


I'm glad they confirmed that Diggle is in the episode; I wasn't sure if he would be directing and acting in the same episode.

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Not sure how long ago this was updated, but I'm pretty sure this is a new synopsis for Season 6; from CW's PR page for Supergirl:


In this sixth and final season, Supergirl will immediately be thrust into the greatest challenge of her life -- forced to confront her own mortality, and the prospect of losing all hope. 

As her friends rally to help her in this difficult fight, a new villain will arrive in National City and test her resolve.   While trying to save National City, Supergirl and her friends will confront issues of social justice -- including prejudice, racism, intolerance -- societal ills that Supergirl's alter-ego, Kara Danvers, will take on as a journalist.  As threats mount on all sides, and new villains partner with old villains, the Superfriends find themselves in a race to amass power in their attempts to keep everyone safe.  

Ultimately, the Superfriends will have to examine their own use of power, and confront their own blindspots.  Supergirl will learn that her real power comes from within, and that her greatest gift is inspiring others to access the same power within themselves.   Our Superfriends will learn that the best way for heroes to help the world is by empowering each individual.  Only then, will they be Stronger Together.  


Have we heard anything about the new villains? So far it's only been the Phantoms and Nxy.

And it's notable that Staz Nair isn't in the list of regulars, even though his name is still in the opening credits.

Edited by Trini
1 hour ago, Trini said:

Aw, I think they have some chemistry. But Kara's love life is really a toss-up right now; they could try and go forward with her and William (he'd be her "Lois"), but they could also really easily dump that for something else, since it wasn't strongly established last season.

Especially since the show made a point of resurrecting Kenny via Crisis, having him know about Kara's dual identity and being cool with it (and I'd be interested in seeing how and when Kara told him about her powers and her origin), and having their breakup in high school be an amicable one that resulted from a mature, mutual decision. There's a strong possibility that Kenny/Kara may be endgame, not William/Kara or even Mon-El/Kara. 

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